00 Course Guide NCMA418
00 Course Guide NCMA418
00 Course Guide NCMA418
The core of the nursing profession, above all, is service. Whatever race, religion, and economic
status a person has, he/she is guaranteed that there are nurses caring for him/her until death.
Whatever kind of disease and however complicated and severe it may be, a nurse is always bound
to care for anyone in need of caring. Nurses often encounter patients with complicated health
problems and one of these is that which plagues the nation today.
A critical care nurse delivers specialized care to critically ill patients, i.e.
with life-threatening injuries requiring care in ICUs (e.g. MICU, PICU,
NICU), emergency rooms, cardiac care units, cardiac catheter labs,
telemetry units, and/or recovery rooms. Critical care nurses not only
provides advanced nursing care with patients, but also with their families
who are also experiencing extreme stress, thus, requiring nurse to be
empathetic, sensitive, and compassionate while coping with major medical and life-or-death
situations (CCNAP, 2016). Critical care nurses should be prepared to handle a wide range of
emotions resulting from interactions with patients and their families since often times critical nurses
will have to make tough, objective decisions while remaining calm and caring (AACCN, 2020).
On the other hand, Emergency nursing is a specialty within the field of
professional nursing focusing on the care of patients who require prompt
medical attention to avoid long-term disability or death. ER Nurses treat
patients who are suffering from trauma, injury or severe medical
conditions and require urgent treatment. Since these specialists work in
crisis situations, they must be able to quickly identify the best way to stabilize
patients and minimize pain. Disaster nursing as another field is the adaptation of professional
nursing knowledge, skills and attitude in recognizing and meeting the nursing, health and emotional
needs of disaster victims
With the changes and the trends in the nursing practice, evolution of specialized fields in nursing
emerged and incorporation of the said specialized nursing field was also incorporated in the nursing
curriculum developed by CHED (CMO No.14 s.2009; CMO No. 15 s.2017) in order to be at par with
the changing times.
This course deals with the principles and techniques of nursing care management of sick
clients in varied settings with life-threatening conditions/ acutely ill/ multi-organ problems/ high acuity
and emergency situations, acute and chronic
Course Outcomes: After successful completion of NCMB418, students are able to:
1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the care
of group of clients with life-threatening conditions, acutely ill/ multi-organ problems, high
acuity, and emergency situation.
2. Provide safe, appropriate, and holistic care of group of clients with life- threatening conditions,
acutely ill / multi-organ problems, high acuity and emergency situation utilizing the nursing
3. Apply guideline and principles of evidence-based practice in the care of group of clients with
life-threatening conditions, acutely ill/ multi-organ problems, high acuity and emergency
4. Practice nursing research in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical, and moral principles
nursing in the care of the clients with life-threatening conditions, acutely ill/ multi-organ
problems, high acuity and emergency situation.
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting using culturally appropriate
language in the care of group of clients with life-threatening conditions, acutely ill/ multi-organ
problems, high acuity, and emergency situation.
6. Document to include client care accurately and comprehensively in nursing care of group of
clients with life-threatening conditions, acutely ill/ multi-organ problems, high acuity, and
emergency situation.
7. Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra-, and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural
teams in the care of group of clients with life-threatening conditions, acutely ill/ multi-organ
problems, high acuity, and emergency situation.
8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the care of group of clients with life-
threatening conditions, acutely ill/ multi-organ problems, high acuity, and emergency
9. Conduct research with an experienced researcher the care of group of clients with life-
threatening conditions, acutely ill/ multi-organ problems, high acuity, and emergency
10. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global
developments in general, and nursing and health developments in nursing research
11. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride in being a Filipino.
12. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in the care of group of clients with life-
threatening conditions, acutely ill/ multi-organ problems, high acuity, and emergency
13. Adopt the nursing core values in the delivery of care to the group of clients with life-threatening
conditions, acutely ill/ multi-organ problems, high acuity, and emergency situation.
14. Apply entrepreneurial skills in the delivery of nursing care in the group of clients with life-
threatening conditions, acutely ill/ multi-organ problems, high acuity, and emergency
15. Apply institutional core values of an A.C.H.I.E.V.E.R
1 CM1-CU1: Introduction to Critical Care Nursing
CM1: Basic 2 CM1-CU2: Quality and Safety Guidelines in Critical Care Nursing
Concepts in 3 CM1-CU3: Professional Development in Critical Care Nursing
Critical Care 4 CM1-CU4: Nursing Care of Clients with Altered Ventilatory Function - 1
Nursing 5 CM1-CU5: Nursing Care of Clients with Altered Ventilatory Function - 2
CM2: Care of 7 CM2-CU6: Nursing Care of Clients with Altered Tissue Perfusion - 1
Clients with 8 CM2-CU7: Nursing Care of Clients with Altered Tissue Perfusion - 2
Cardiovascular, 9 CM2-CU8: Nursing Care of Clients with Altered Gastrointestinal and Liver Function
GI, and Renal 10 CM2-CU9: Nursing Care of Clients with Altered Metabolic Function
Problems 11 CM2-CU10: Nursing Care of Clients with Altered Elimination
needing Critical/
Emergency Care
13 CM3-CU11: Nursing Care of Clients with Altered Perception - 1
14 CM3-CU12: Nursing Care of Clients with Altered Perception - 2
CM3: Critical
15 CM3-CU13: Nursing Care of Clients with Multisystem Problems
and Emergency
16 CM3-CU14: Nursing care of Clients in Emergency Situation: ABCs
Care Nursing
CM3-CU15: Pediatric Nursing care of Clients in Emergency Situation: Environmental
Situations 17
Emergency Nurses Association. (2019). Sheehy’s Manual of Emergency Care, 7th ed. St. Louis:
Elsevier Mosby
Burns, S. and Delgado, S. (2019). Essentials of Critical Care Nursing, 4th ed. USA: McGraw-Hill
Hinkle, J. and Cheever, K. (2017). Brunner & Suddharth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing,
14th ed. USA: Wolters Kluwer
Norris, T. (2018). Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, 10th ed. USA:
Wolters Kluwer
Schumacher, L., & Chernecky, C. C. (2010). Saunders nursing survival guide: critical care &
emergency nursing. St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier Saunders