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PRE-COLONIAL PERIOD - Mythology (from the Greek mythos for story-of-the-people, and logos for
word or speech, so the spoken story of a people) is the study and
The Social Classes of the Early Filipinos were typically made up of the social interpretation of often sacred tales or fables of a culture known as myths
structure: or the collection of such stories which deal with various aspects of the
1. Datu (ruling class) human condition:

2. Maharlika (noble class) What is the significance of the Laguna Copperplate Inscription?

3. Timawa (freemen) -The Laguna Copperplate Inscription is considered strong evidence that there is a
law and political structure established by the Early Filipinos.
4. Alipin classified into aliping namamahay (serfs) and aliping saguiguilid
-Early Filipinos possessed a well-organized political structure even before the
arrival of the Spaniards in the 16th century. 1. A Spanish expedition, sailing across the Pacific Ocean from east to west, and led
by the Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan (died Apr 27,1521) lands on Homonhon
-Barangays, a Malay word “balangay” which means sailboat, are small self- Island east of Samar with three small ships, named the Concepcion, Trinidad and
sustaining communities consisted of 30 to 100 families. Victoria.
- Each barangay is independently ruled by a datu, raja, hari or lakan. 2. Magellan reaches Limasawa Island, south of Leyte. It is ruled by Rajah
- In order to protect themselves against bigger and stronger barangays, some Kulambo, who becomes Magellan's friend.
barangays entered into alliances or confederations. Usually, confederations 3. To seal the friendship between Magellan and Rajah Kulambo, they solemnize a
existed because of: blood compact. This is the first recorded blood compact in Philippine history.
 Military Protection 4. The first mass on Philippine soil is celebrated on Limasawa or Masao in some
 Trade reference book.
 Marriages of the lakans and lakamabinis.
5. After sailing to Cebu Island, Magellan enters a new blood compact with the
-Treaties were sealed by the traditional “sandugo” [one blood] or blood compact. local chieftain, Rajah Humabon.
- Fernando de Magallanes- led the earliest documented European Expidition to 6. Magellan dies in a battle with Lapu-Lapu, chieftain of Mactan, an island near
the Philippines. Cebu.
The pre – colonial Philippines have shown their own government through their The leader of the most successful Spanish expedition after Magellan, Ruy Lopez
Datu who lead their respective barangays. How is judicial process carried? de Villalobos (died Apr 4, 1546) arrives in the archipelago. He names the islands
-suspects were tried by judge as a function of the Datu. [The primary duty of the the Philippines in honor of the son of King Charles I, Philip II (1556-1598) of Spain.
datu was to rule and govern his subjects and to promote their well-being. In times Villalobos reaches Sarangani Island off the eastern coast of Mindanao
of peace, he was the chief executive, legislator, and judge] Legaspi sends an expedition under the leadership of Martin de Goiti to Manila.
These are stories related to sacred tales or fables which deemed to have Manila is ruled by Rajah Suliman, whose friendship is won by de Goiti. 1571,
believed by the ancient people in relation to the aspects of their life conditions. May19. Rajah Suliman wages war against the Spaniards due to a move by de Goiti
which he mistakes for an assault. De Goiti's army defeats Suliman's troops and
occupies the town.
Legaspi establishes his government in Manila and proclaims it the capital of the GOVERNOR-GENERAL was the title of the government executive during the
Philippines, calling it the "distinguished and ever loyal city". colonial period of the Philippines
Social Classes ROYAL AUDENCIA - Apart from its judicial functions, the Royal Audiencia served
as an advisory body to the Governor General and had the power to check and a
Peninsulares - Full-blooded Spanish living in the Philippines and born in Spain. report on his abuses.
Insulares - Full-blooded Spanish living in the Philippines and born in the ALCALDE-MAYOR - The alcalde mayors represented the Spanish king and the
Philippines as well. governor general in their respective provinces. They managed the day-to-day
Ilustrados(The Enlightened Ones) - Wealthy group of individuals born in the operations of the provincial government, implemented laws and supervised the
Philippines and were able to study abroad. collection of taxes.

Chinese/Spanish Mestizos - People with mixed racial origins and economically GOBERNADORCILLO - Each province was divided into several towns or pueblos
sufficient. headed by Gobernadordcillos, whose main concerns were efficient governance
and tax collection.
Indio - Native/Full-blooded Filipinos.
VISITADOR - The Visitador General reported his findings directly to the King.
The Manila–Acapulco Trade, better known as the "Galleon Trade" was born. The
Galleon Trade was a government monopoly. Only two galleons were used: One Well-known Governor-Generals of the Philippines
sailed from Acapulco to Manila with some 500,000 pesos worth of goods, MIGUEL LOPEZ DE LEGAZPI is the first Governor-General of the Spanish East
spending 120 days at sea; the other sailed from Manila to Acapulco with some Indies, which was governed and mainly located in the Philippines. It also
250,000 pesos worth of goods spending 90 days at sea. encompassed other Pacific islands namely Guam and the Mariana Islands. After
Cedula Tax - A form of taxation implemented in this served as a paper which was obtaining peace with various indigenous nations and kingdoms, he made Cebu
used as proof that one was a colony of Spain and a legitimate member of a City the capital of the Spanish East Indies in 1565 and later transferred to Manila
pueblo. Before, Filipinos and Chinese only had to pay tribute, but it was revised in 1571. The capital city of the province of Albay bears his name.
that all residents of the Philippines were obliged to pay the cedula. Narciso Clavería y Zaldúa issued a decree to adopt a standardized Filipino names
Kasama System - Under this arrangement, the landowners supplied the seed and and surnames. Through the so-called "Claveria Decree", he issued a list of family
cash necessary to tide cultivators over during the planting season, whereas the names in alphabetical order, which were based on a catalog of Spanish surnames.
cultivators’ provided tools and work animals and were responsible for one-half
the expense of crop production. Usually, owner and sharecropper each took one-
half of the harvest, although only after the former deducted a portion for Jose Basco y Vargas instituted reforms intended to free the economy from its
expenses. dependence on Chinese and Mexican trade. Basco implemented a“general
The Encomienda was introduced in the Philippines when Legaspi, in compliance economic plan” aimed at making the Philippines self-sufficient.
with the decree issued by King Philip II in 1558, distributed lands in Cebu to loyal Carlos Maria de la Torre served as Governor-General of the Philippines from 1869
Spanish subjects. These men had helped conquer the Philippines. The
to 1871, and is considered to be the most beloved of the Spanish Governors-
encomienda was not actually a land grant but was a favor from the kind under
General ever assigned in the Philippines.
which the Spaniard receiving his favor was given the right to collect tributes–or
taxes–from the inhabitants of the area assigned to him
Governor-General Ramon Blanco declared a "state of war" in the provinces of La Liga Filipina was founded by Jose Rizal. The organization’s aimed is to
Manila, Bulacan, Cavite, Pampanga, Tarlac, Laguna, Batangas, and Nueva Ecija and constitute a forward step in the reformist ideas and sought to involve the people
place them under martial law. directly in the reform movement Andres Bonifacio and his compatriots founded
the “Katastaasang Kagalang-galangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan” (KKK)
Camilo de Polavieja - the governor general signed the court's decision and
on July 7, 1892 in a house on Azcarraga street (now Claro M. Recto), in Tondo
ordered Rizal's execution.
On February 17, 1872, the three martyred Priests, Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose
Battle of Manila Bay - Part of the Spanish-American War. U.S. Asiatic Squadron
Apolonio Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora, better known for the acronym
inder Commodore George Dewey destroyed the Spanish Pacific fleet in the
GOMBURZA, were executed by garrote by the Spaniards in Bagumbayan in
Manila Bay
connection with the 1872 Cavite Mutiny.
June 12, 1898 - Declaration of Independence from Spain
The opening on November 17, 1869 of the Suez Canal in Egypt, one of the most
important artificial sea-level waterways in the world, paved the way for the Mock Battle of Manila - Land battle engagement between the American and
Philippines' direct commercial relations with Spain instead of via Mexico. Spanish Forces

The Propaganda Movement called for the assimilation of the Philippines as a Treaty of Paris - a peace treaty signed by the US and Spain on Dec. 10, 1898. As
province of Spain so that the same laws will be applied in the Philippines and that part of the treaty, the Philippines was ceded to US amounting to 20 million
the inhabitants of the Philippines will experience the same civil liberties and rights dollars.
as that of a Spanish citizen.
First Philippine Republic - the short-lived republic in the Philippine History. The
Ilustrados like Marcelo H. del Pilar, Graciano Lopez Jaena, and Jose Rizal First Republic in Asia
bombarded both the Spanish and Filipino public with nationalist literature. Rizal's
Emilio Aguinaldo - First Philippine President
novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo became the bibles of Philippine
nationalism. Apolinario Mabini - was the first prime minister of the Philippines. Known for his
powerful intellect, political savvy, and eloquence, Mabini was called the brains
Known Ilustrados in the Propaganda Movement
and conscience of the revolution.
■ Marcelo H. del Pilar (1850–1896)
Antonio Luna - served as Director and Assistant Secretary of War and led
■ Félix Resurrección Hidalgo (1855–1913) different battles during Filipino-American War. He also opposed members of the
Aguinaldo cabinet who favored autonomy under American rule
■ Graciano López Jaena (1856–1896)
He gained the trust of the Filipinos and considered to be as the most beloved
■ Antonio Luna (1866–1899)
among all that became our Spanish Governor General. - Governor General Carlos
■ Juan Luna (1857–1899) Ma. Dela Torre On June 23, 1869, Carlos Maria de la Torre y Nava Cerrada started
his term as the new Spanish Governor-General of the Philippines. During his term
■ José Rizal (1861–1896) he posed and acted as a true democrat.
He is the Governor General who signed the death sentence of Dr. Jose Rizal - The foremost objective of the Propaganda Movement was the assimilation of the
Governor General Camilo de Polavieja Philippines as a regular province of Spain because they believe that - Equally
between Spaniards and Filipinos would surely be obtained
Cebu was hailed because of the Santo Nino or the Child Jesus. What is the Spanish
name of Cebu? - Ciudad Santissimo Nombre de Jesus Those provinces that were pacified and were already recongizing Spanish Rule
were called – Alcadias
The construction of this water way is one of the major reasons of the growth of
nationalism in the Philippines. Trades were made quick and books showered Rizal organized the La Liga Filipina so as to effectively pursue new approaches to
down the academic line of the early Filipino propagandists. What is this water achieve reform. His main objective is - Unification of the whole archipelago
way that connects the Mediterranean and the Red Sea? - Suez Canal -The
Satirical writers during the Spanish Colonial Age made their name through
opening on November 17, 1869 of the Suez Canal in Egypt, one of the most
pamphlets and letters. One famous writer exhibits his literary brilliance on a
important artificial sea-level waterways in the world, paved the way for the
literary piece named “Aba Ginoong Barya at Amain Namin”. - Marcelo H. del Pilar
Philippines' direct commercial relations with Spain instead of via Mexico. As travel
wrote “Dasalan at Tuksuhan” in his protest against the Friars during his Anti-Friar
time from the Philippines to Spain and vice versa was shortened to 30 days from
more than two months, this positively affected the development of agricultural
exports, which brought economic prosperity to native indios or the so-called Through the Galleon Trade, the Philippines engaged in trade with – Mexico
"ilustrados" (Filipinos withmoney and education).
The penname Agapito Bagumbayan was used by this Katipunan leader. - Andres
The military provinces that were unpacified during the Spanish period were called Bonifacio
- The Corregimientos were usually led by a Corregidor, helped by a lieutenant
The longest revolt in Philippine History is Dagohoy Rebellion, also known as
Which of the following state the truth on significant events on our Philippine Dagohoy revolt lasted 85 years from 1744-1829
History? - The Filipino Propagandists fought valiantly through writings and
novels. The Philippines was ruled by Spain through the until 1814 - Viceroy of Mexico

Which of the following is very “Katipunero” in objectives? - Political, civic and Who was the Governor General during the time of GOMBURZA - Rafael de
moral Izquierdo y Gutíerrez replaced Gov. Gen. dela Torre and declared the execution
of the GOMBURZA by means of garrote.
The Spanish expedition responsible for naming the archipelago Filipinas -
Villalobos expedition She is a Filipino heroine. After her husband died, she continued the war against
Spain, was caught and hanged - Diego and Gabriela Silang took advantage of
When was the Philippines Independence proclaimed by E. Aguinaldo at Kawit, British occupation of Manila to rise against the Spaniards.
Cavite between four & five in the afternoon.? - June 12, 1898
Who wrote the "Kartilla", considered the 'bible' of the Katipunan movement? –
Who was the brain of the Philippine revolution, a sublime paralytic acted as Emilio Jacinto was the adviser on fiscal matters and secretary to Andrés
adviser of Aguinaldo? - Apolinario Mabini became the advisor of Pres. Emilio Bonifacio, the leader of the Katipunan movement. The primer he wrote consisted
Aguinaldo during the establishment of the First Philippine Republic. of 13 teachings which the members of the (Katipunan) were expected to follow.
When the Filipino reformists asked for the assimilation of the Philippines by Because of which reason, was Rizal not in favor of the revolution planned by the
Spain, what did they ask for? For the Philippines to - Become a province of Spain Katipunan? - Unpreparedness of the Katipuneros for an armed struggle
Who was the great military general who covered the retreat of Aguinaldo to The Leyte Landing - Gen. Douglas McArthur and the USAFFE (United States
isabela? - Gregorio Del Pilar is a favorite general of Aguinaldo who delayed the Armed Forces in the Far East landed at Palo, Leye and started to liberate the
American Forces in the infamous battle of Tirad Pass. Philippines.

The greatest legacy of the Americans to the Filipinos is education while to that December 8, 1941 - The Bombing of Pearl Harbor. The Japanese started to attack
Spaniards is - Christianity is the most enduring legacy of Spain to the Philippines the Philippines and other areas in the Asia-Pacific Region.


The outbreak of the Filipino-American War was started on February 4, 1899 The Fall of Bataan led to the Death March initiated by the Japanese Imperial
Gen. Antonio Luna was assasinated by the Aguinaldo’s men in Cabanatuan,Nueva
Ecija. After the surrender of the USAFFE, Filipino leaders like Luis Taruc created
HUKBALAHAP (Hukbong Bayan Laban sa Hapon) — a group of Filipino guerrilla
Gen. Gerogorio Del Pilar was killed by the Americans in the Battle of Tirad Pass. who fought the JIA and provided military intelligence to the Allied Forces
Gen. Antonio Lucban and his men attacked the Americans in Balangiga, Samar He is our first civil governor of the American Period. - On July 1, 1901, civil
Jones Law of 1916 that the pledge of eventual independence—once Filipinos government was inaugurated with William H. Taft as the Civil Governor. Later, on
were ready for self-governance—was made. The Jones Law led to the creation of February 3, 1903, the U.S. Congress would change the title of Civil Governor to
an all-Filipino legislature composed of the Philippine Senate and House of Governor-General.
Representatives. This is the transitory period of 10 years before the Philippines can acquire its
Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act - This act ensured the Independence of the Philippines. - independence from the Americans - The Commonwealth era is the 10-year
The Independence Mission led by Osmena and Roxas or known as the OsRox transitional period in Philippine history from 1935 to 1945 in preparation for
Mission independence from the United States as provided for under the Philippine
Independence Act or more popularly known as the Tydings-McDuffie Law.
Tydings-McDuffie Act or the Philippine Independence Act, which set a ten-year
transition period to be known as the Commonwealth of the Philippines, followed He is our first civil governor during the American occupation in the Philippines. -
by the recognition of the independence of the Philippines by the United States. On July 1, 1901, civil government was inaugurated with William H. Taft as the
Civil Governor. Later, on February 3, 1903, the U.S. Congress would change the
Commonwealth Government - ten-year transitional period followed by the full title of Civil Governor to Governor-General
independence of the Philppines.
He initiated women’s suffrage in the Philippines during the Commonwealth - this
Manuel L. Quezon - the First Philippine Commonwealth President is the first time the Filipino women enjoined suffrage rights (Quezon)
Sergion Osmena - Vice President The Act/Law that led to the granting of ten-year transition period - This
IV. WORLD WAR II AND THE JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF THE PHILIPPINES Independence mission was headed by Press. Manuel L. Quezon (Tydings-
McDuffie Law)
The Inauguration of the Japanese sponsored Second Philippine Republic with
Jose P. Laurel as president.
This is the location of the largest US naval base - Hawaii is the largest US naval
base in the Asia-Pacific region who bombed by the Japanese on December 8, 1942
(Philippine Time)

What served as the last defense of our country against the Japanese occupation -
Bataan is the last are of defense of the USAFFE who surrendered on April 9, 1942

Who was the elected Filipino President of the Japanese Puppet Government - The The Philippines is a
Inauguration of the Japanese sponsored Second Philippine Republic with Jose P. republic with a
Laurel as president. presidential form of
What did the Philippine government declare to Manila in order to prevent further government wherein
destruction of the city during the war - The Commonwealth government declared power is equally
Manila as an “OPEN CITY” to prevent the further destruction during the war. divided among its three
branches: executive,
What do you call this historical event where American and Filipino war captive legislative, and judicial. One basic corollary in a presidential system of
were forced to walk from Bataan to Pampanga - After the fall of Bataan, the government is the principle of separation of powers wherein legislation belongs
Japanese army forced the American and Filipino POWs to march in intense heat to Congress, execution to the Executive, and settlement of legal controversies to
and were subjected to harsh treatment by Japanese guards. Thousands perished the Judiciary.
in what became known as the Bataan Death March.

What triggered the surrender of the Japanese and ended the war in the Pacific -
The US Forces dropped atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki that led to the
unconditional surrender of Japan.

When was the Philippines declared as a sovereign state - The Philippines gained
independence from the United States on July 4, 1946

Who among these American officials left the Filipinos the infamous words "I shall
return!" - General Douglas
MacArthur commanded the
USAFFE (United States
Armed Forces in the Far East)
during World War 2
The Legislative branch is authorized to make laws, alter, and repeal them through
VI. THE PHILIPPINE the power vested in the Philippine Congress. This institution is divided into the
GOVERNMENT, Senate and the House of Representatives.
CONSTITUTION AND HUMAN RIGHTS The Executive branch is composed of the President and the Vice President who
are elected by direct popular vote and serve a term of six years. The Constitution
grants the President authority to appoint his Cabinet. These departments form a Aside from the Philippines, which countries claim part of the Spratly islands in the
large portion of the country’s bureaucracy. South China Sea - Thailand and Laos did not have any pending claim either by
historic right or legal. (China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia)
The Judicial branch holds the power to settle controversies involving rights that
are legally demandable and enforceable. This branch determines whether or not His radical reform in the field of agriculture and land-owning lead to the abolition
there has been a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of of tenancy. - President Macapagal
jurisdiction on the part and instrumentality of the government. It is made up of a
His goal on making the Philippines an economically and globally competitive
Supreme Court and lower courts.
country paved the ground on the establishing the so-called PHILIPPINES 2000. - -
List of Presidents of the Philippines: Philippines 2000 was the socio-economic program of former Philippine President
Fidel V. Ramos. The plan envisioned the Philippines achieving newly industrialized
1. Emilio Aguinaldo (January 23, 1899 – March 23, 1901)
country status by the year 2000.
2. Manuel L. Quezon (1935-1944)
He is the Champion of the Masses. He is well noted in his works that lead to the
3. Jose P. Laurel (October 14, 1943 – August 17, 1945) surrender of the HUK during the Quirino Administration. - President Magsaysay
was so loved by the masses because he didn't think highly of himself. He earned
4. Sergio Osmeña Sr. (August 1, 1944 – May 28, 1946) people's trust because of his humility and sincerity to address the needs of the
5. Manuel A. Roxas (May 28, 1946 – April 15, 1948) ordinary citizens.

6. Elpidio R. Quirino (April 17, 1948 – December 30, 1953) Which follows President Garcia’s “Filipino First Policy” Filipinos - Were to be given
first preference in all matters related to the economic development of the
7. Ramon Magsaysay Sr. (December 30, 1953 – March 17, 1957) country
8. Carlos P. Garcia (March 18, 1957 – December 30, 1961) Among the powers of the government, in the tripartite system, who holds the
9. Diosdado P. Macapagal (December 30, 1961 – December 30, 1965) power to declare the existence of war - The Congress, by the vote of 2/3 from
both Houses. (ARTICLE VI, SECTION 23. (1) The Congress, by a vote of two-thirds
10. Ferdinand E. Marcos (December 30, 1965 – February 25, 1986) of both Houses in joint session assembled, voting separately, shall have the sole
power to declare the existence of a state of war.
11. Corazon C. Aquino (February 25, 1986 – June 30, 1992)
Historically, why does the Philippines have a claim over Sabah? - The sultan of
12. Fidel V. Ramos (June 30, 1992 – June 30, 1998)
Sulu, who received the territory as a gift, has given the Philippine government
13. Joseph E. Estrada (June 30, 1998 – January 20, 2001) power to reclaim his territory.
14. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (January 20, 2001 – June 30, 2010) Who among the Presidents changed the date of our celebration of Independence
Day from July 4 to June 12? - In 1962, President Diosdado Macapagal issued
15. Benigno Aquino III (June 30, 2010 – June 30, 2016)
Proclamation No. 28, s. 1962, effectively moving the date of Philippine
16. Rodrigo Roa Duterte (June 30, 2016 – June 30, 2022) independence from July 4 to June 12—the date independence from Spain was
proclaimed in Emilio Aguinaldo's home in Kawit, Cavite.
17. Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. (June 30, 2022 – present)
Section 6, Article XIV states that the national language of the Philippines is

Which is the fundamental and highest law of the Philippines? Constitution is the
Fundamental and Supreme Law of the land

Which law set a full free trade in 1946 abolishing the quota limitations on
Philippine exports to the United States. - The Bell Trade Act of 1946, also known 1. Social Structure - The Filipinos in the 19th century had suffered from feudalistic
as the and master slave relationship by the Spaniards.
Trade Act 2. Political System and the Sources of Abuses in the Administrative System
of 1946 3. Economic Development and the Rise of Filipino Nationalism
“The State - The opening of the Suez Canal - The opening of the Suez Canal brought the
shall Philippines closer to Spain and the liberal ideas came from Europe
and - Opening of the Philippines to International Trade and the Rise of the Middle
promote Class
the right - Influx of European Liberalism - Ideas of the enlightened philosophers like John
of all citizens to quality education at all levels.” Which government program is in Locke and Jean Jacques Rosseau, masonry and the French Revolution reached the
support of this? – Section 2, Article XIV of the 1987 constitution Philippines. Liberty, religious freedom, democracy, human rights such as suffrage,
A branch of government cannot become too powerful or abusive because of this freedom of speech, press and form associations and assemblies.
constitutional safeguard. - - All three branches of government have “check and - Spanish Revolution of 1868 and the Liberal Regime of Carlos Maria Dela
balance” over each other to maintain balance of power and not exceed the Torre(1869-1871)
constitutional limits.
- Rafael de Izquierdo (1871-1873), the Cavite Mutiny of 1872 and the Execution
In whose presidency was famous MIRACLE RICE produced? - The International of GomBurZa (February 17, 1872)
Rice Research Institute (IRRI) was conceptualized and implemented during the
The Rizal-Mercado Family is considered one of the biggest families during their
time. Domingo Lam-co, the family's paternal ascendant was a full-blooded
Social Studies: Part 2 - The Life and Works of Rizal and other Heroes Chinese who came to the Philippines from Amoy, China in the closing years of the
17th century and married a Chinese half-breed by the name of Ines de la
Rosa.Researchers revealed that the Mercado-Rizal family had also traces of
Japanese, Spanish, Malay and Even Negrito blood aside from Chinese.Jose Rizal
came from a 13-member family consisting of his parents, Francisco Mercado II SOLEDAD (1870-1929)The youngest child married Pantaleon Quintero.
and Teodora Alonso Realonda, and nine sisters and one brother.
FRANCISCO MERCADO (1818-1898)Father of Jose Rizal who was the youngest of
Jose Rizal had many beautiful memories of childhood in his native town Calamba
13 offsprings of Juan and Cirila Mercado. Born in Biñan, Laguna on April 18, 1818;
where he grew up with his family. The happiest period of Rizal’s life was spent in
studied in San Jose College, Manila; and died in Manila.
this lakeshore town, a worthy prelude to his Hamlet-like tragic manhood. Rizal
TEODORA ALONSO (1827-1913)Mother of Jose Rizal who was the second child of loved Calamba with all his heart and soul. In 1876, when he was 15 years old and
Lorenzo Alonso and Brijida de Quintos. She studied at the Colegio de Santa Rosa. was a student in Ateneo de Manila, he remembered his beloved town.
She was a business-minded woman, courteous, religious, hard-working and well- Accordingly, he wrote a poem Un Recuerdo A Mi Pueblo (In Memory of My
read. She was born in Santa Cruz, Manila on November 14, 1827 and died in 1913 Town).
in Manila.
Early Education in Biñan
SATURNINA (1850-1913)Eldest child of the Rizal-Alonzo marriage. Married
Instruction during this time was quite rigid and strict. Knowledge was forced to its
Manuel Timoteo Hidalgo of Tanauan, Batangas.
students through memory method aided with a whip under his teacher Maestro
PACIANO(1851-1930)Only brother of Jose Rizal and the second child. Studied at Justiniano Aquino Cruz
San Jose College in Manila; became a farmer and later a general of the Philippine
On the night of January 20, 1872, about 200 Filipino soldiers and workmen of the
NARCISA (1852-1939) The third child. married Antonio Lopez at Morong, Rizal; a
Cavite arsenal under the leadership of Lamandrid, Filipino sergeant, rose in
teacher and musician.
violent mutiny because of the abolition of their usual privileges, including
OLYMPIA (1855-1887)The fourth child. Married Silvestre Ubaldo; died in 1887 exemption from tribute to polo (forced labor) by the reactionary Governor Rafael
from childbirth. de Izquierdo. Unfortunately, this Cavite Mutiny was suppressed two days later by
troop reinforcements from Manila. The Spanish authorities, in order to liquidate
LUCIA (1857-1919)The fifth child. Married Matriano Herbosa.
Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora, leaders of secular
MARIA (1859-1945)The sixth child. Married Daniel Faustino Cruz of Biñan, movement to Filipinize the Philippine parishes, and their supporters (Jose Ma.
Laguna. Basa, Attorneys Joaquin Pardo de Tavera and Antonio Ma. Regidor, etc.)
magnified the failed mutiny into a “revolt” for Philippine Independence
JOSE (1861-1896)The second son and the seventh child. He was executed by the
Spaniards on December 30,1896.

CONCEPCION (1862-1865)The eight child. Died at the age of three. INJUSTICE TO HERO’S MOTHER

JOSEFA (1865-1945)The ninth child. An epileptic, died a spinster. Doña Teodora was suddenly arrested on a malicious charge that she and her
brother, Jose Alberto, tried to poison the latter’s perfidious wife. Jose Alberto
TRINIDAD 1868-1951)The tenth child. Died a spinster and the last of the family to found his wife living with another man. Infuriated by her infidelity, he planned to
die. divorce her. Doña Teodora, to avert family scandal, persuaded him to forgive his
wife. The family trouble was amicably settled until the wife filed a case in court What is the title of the first essay of Jose Rizal - Days after he arrived in Barcelona
accusing her husband and Doña Teodora of attempting to poison her. in June 1882, he wrote the essay El Amor Patrio (Love of the Country), which
contained the reasons behind that deep fondness
The Republic Act that requires to teach Rizal and other Filipinos patriots to
tertiary students. - RA 1425 An act to include in the Curricula of All Public and In which essay did Rizal advocate the government posts should be filled through
Private Schools, Colleges and Universities courses on the life Works and Writings competitive examinations - The Philippines Within A Century
of JOSE RIZAL, particularly his novels NOLI ME TANGERE and ELFILIBUSTERISMO,
Who was the fearless lawyer and writer in exposing Spanish abuses and
Authorizing the Printing and Distribution Thereof, and for Other Purposes.
corruption and is considered the greatest journalist of the propaganda movement
When do we celebrate Rizal Day? -every Dec. 30 Republic Act No. 229 An Act to - Marcelo H del Pilar
Prohibit Cockfighting, Horse Racing and Jai-Alai on the Thirtieth Day of December
Rizal's anatomy of a revolution that failed was the - El Filibusterismo
of each year and to create a committee to take charge of the proper celebration
of Rizal Day In every municipality and chartered city, And for other purposes. In Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere, whose character is the personification of a woman
who doesn’t show regards to the culture of the country instead she consistently
Which of these is the main provision of Republic Act No. 1425 - Mandatory study
apply foreign cultures on her despite the misfits and misguides - Doña Victorina is
of Jose Rizal’s life and works in all tertiary schools throughout the country
known to be a socialite and had “Europeanized” herself after her wedding with
Which is true about Sen. Claro M. Recto’s Rizal Bill before it was passed into law - Don Tiburcio
It was opposed by the Catholic Church for alleged harmful and malicious contents
Who popularized the saying, “There are no tyrants where there are no slaves”? -
found in Rizal’s twin novels.
There are no tyrants where there are no slaves.” This famous quote from Jose
Not many students are aware that Jose Rizal, the Philippine’s National Hero is also Rizal in “El Filibusterismo” takes off from Hegel’s Dialectics where the German
a sculpture. Which among the following is a sculpture of Rizal - The Power of philosopher theorized that masters can only exist if people submit to being slaves
Science over Death was sculpture by Rizal when he was still a student. and that the only way to gain freedom is to overcome the fear of death

Rizal’s greatest resentment during his student days that motivated him to work Why did Doña Teodora had second thoughts of sending Rizal to school for higher
harder was - The prevailing racial discrimination. education - Due to the previous incident involving the execution of friars: Gomez,
Burgos and Zamora
If you knew Rizal from his childhood, what could best describe him - Young Jose
also experienced on his childhood years Who was Rizal’s romance when he left to study abroad - Leonor Rivera

Which of these can best explain Rizal’s decision to leave the Philippines again - How did Rizal and Ferdinand Blumentritt kept their friendship? - Rizal anf
Gov. Gen. Emilio Terrero was pressured by the church, thus, advised Rizal to leave Blumentritt kept their friendship through constant correspondence

Why did Don Francisco want Jose to use the surname Rizal instead Mercado? - He Which of these is NOT TRUE about the painting La Spoliarium - It is often
did not want Jose to be associated with Paciano being a friend to Fr. Jose Burgos interpreted as Felix Hidalgo’s depiction of the misery of his people at the hands of
the Spaniards
What is the most fitting message of The Story of the Moth - As the saying goes,
“mother knows best” Dapitan, the place where Rizal was exiled for 4 years is located in: Zamboanga del
Who was the Governor General who permitted Rizal to leave Dapitan to Which of these is TRUE when Rizal returned to Calamba? - He opened his own eye
volunteered his services as a doctor in Cuba? Ramón Blanco clinic free of charge to the poor residents of his town

This is the Poem written by Dr. Jose Rizal which associated to his death and Which of the following best describes Jose Rizal’s lifestyle in Europe - He lived
considered to be his poetic last will and testament - "Mi último adiós" (Spanish frugally, saving his money for books and traveling expenses
for "My Last Farewell") is a poemwritten by Philippine national hero José Rizal on
Where did Jose Rizal use what’s left of his money after printing the Noli? - He
the eve of his execution on December 30, 1896. This poem was one of the last
toured Europe with Maximo Viola
notes he wrote before his execution.

In which poem did Rizal write about offering one’s life for one’s country? – Mi
What was the intended effect of the Borneo Colonization Project? - to move It is the mental picture of an individual and is quite resistant to change through
landless Filipino families to North Borneo (Sabah) time, regarding one’s abilities, personality and role.
The Spanish governor –general who ordered the deportation of Jose Rizal to A. Self-image C. Self-knowledge
Dapitan, Zamboanga Del Norte, Mindanao. -- Governor-General Eulogio Despujol
made a decree that ordered the deportation of Dr. Jose Rizal to Dapitan located B. Self-identity D. Self-concept
now in Zamboanga del Norte. Rationalization: A. Self-image- is the personal view, or mental picture, that we
When Rizal was put into exile from 1892 to 1896, he was placed into a town in have of ourselves.
Zamboanga del Norte called – Dapitan It means an understanding of one’s own learnings, characters, motivations and
The Philippine was ruled by Spain through _____ until 1814 - The Philippines was capabilities.
ruled by the Viceroy of Mexico until 1814 and after the Mexico gained its A. Self-image C. Self-knowledge
independence, the Philippines directly ruled by Spain until 1898.
B. Self-identity D. Self-concept
How was Rizal able to finance his studies in Madrid? - His brother Paciano sent
him money from time to time Rationalization: C. Self-knowledge- Self- knowledge is a term used in psychology
to describe the information that an individual draw upon when finding an
Which of the following reasons best explain why Jose decided to study abroad? - answer to the question "What am I like?". While seeking to develop the answer
He was to fulfill his pact with Paciano to this question, self-knowledge requires ongoing self-awareness and self-
To whom did Jose Rizal dedicated Noli Me Tangere? - To GomBurZa consciousness.

How did Sisa in Noli end up getting seemingly crazy? - She suffered from deep Philosophy of self that explains the nature of self by the existence of the “Five
sorrow of losing both her sons, Crispin and Basilio Skandhas”.

Which of the following does not best describe Indios Bravos? - It was organized by A. Hinduism C.Daoism
Rizal and others when they were in Paris B. Buddhism D. Confucianism
Rationalization: B. Buddhism- the five psycho-physical aggregates, which A. The infant is often physically deformed and below average in intelligence.
according to Buddhist philosophy are the basis for self-grasping. They are:
B. Fetal alcohol syndrome commonly results in miscarriages.
forms, feeling or sensation, perception , formations and consciousness.
C. Fetal alcohol syndrome causes ectopic pregnancy.
He stated that the self is a thinking person and that the mind makes the self to
become aware in perceiving the external world. D. Babies suffering from Fetal alcohol syndrome are often born before term and
with low birthweights.
A. Descartes- “I think; therefore I am” C. Hume
Rationalization: A. The infant is often physically deformed and below average in
B. Locke D. Socrates
He said that the concept of self can be explained in his “Bundle Theory of
The development of primary sex characteristics among females are evidenced
Personal Identity” where the self consists of perceptions and experiences linked
by the relations of causations and resemblance.
A. Rapid change in heights and weights
A. Descartes C. Hume
B. Growth and development of the breasts
B. Locke D. Socrates
C. Growth and development of the ovaries
Rationalization: C. Hume- Theory advanced by David Hume to the effect that the
mind is merely a bundle of perceptions without deeper unity or cohesion, D. Changes in the distribution of fats.
related only by resemblance, succession, and causation.
Secondary sexual characteristics manifests themselves primarily through changes
What is a common characteristic of babies born to women who smoke during in _________________.
their pregnancy?
A. Skeletal system C.Blood stream
A. A missing arm or leg
B. Circulatory system D. External appearance
B. Facial deformities and below average intelligence
A heightened sense of self-consciousness, which can lead a young person to
C.Restlessness and irritability believe that he or she is the focus of everyone’s attention.
D. Lower birthweights A. Imaginary audience C. Personal fable
Rationalization: D. Lower birthweights - One in every five babies born to B. Interpersonal vanity D. Adolescent egocentrism
mothers who smoke during pregnancy has low birth weight. Mothers who are
exposed to secondhand smoke while pregnant are more likely to have lower Some adolescents become so absorbed in their own unique thoughts and
birth weight babies. Babies born too small or too early are not as healthy. experiences they believe no one else has ever had feelings and experiences quite
like theirs. This refers to ________________
Which of the following statements about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is most
accurate? A. Imaginary audience C. Personal fable

B. Interpersonal vanity D. Adolescent egocentrism

The traditional and spontaneous music of a people, race, nation, or region A. The Twilight Saga C.Noli Me Tangere

A.Folk music C.Jazz music B. The Chronicles of Narnia D.Ang Paboritong Libro ni Hudas

B.Classical music D.Program music Rationalization C. Propaganda influences people to change their mindset and
eventually act on certain issues.
Rationalization: A. Folk music traditionally popular to a certain culture or
people. It is often passed orally and sometimes has unknown authorship. The portrayal of sensory experiences through language
Classical may refer to serious or conventional music or those written by
A.Imagery C.Figurative language
European composers circa 1750 to 1830. Jazz music has syncopated rhythms and
many improvised passages. Program music, on the other hand, intends to B. Rhyme and meter D.Plot
invoke events or extra-musical narratives.
Rationalization: A. Imagery allows the reader / listener to imagine sensory
Which of the following denotes Futurism? experiences through the words they hear. Rhyme and meter on the other hand
are among the elements of fixed verse poetry; figurative language pertain to
A.A landscape painting showing the Mount Everest
figures of speech, and plot refers to the sequence of events that give the story
B. A statue of a girl from Dapitan playing with her pet dog its backbone.

C.A photograph of the Petronas Twin Towers and the skyline of Kuala Lumpur A Japanese girl who has Shinto for her religion wants to learn about the life of
Jesus Christ. Which of the following Drama would be most helpful in teaching
D.A marble statue of the philosopher Plato
Rationalization: C. Futurism often denotes city and urban scenes, the fast pace
A. Zarzuela C.Joruri Play
of modern living.
B. Cenakulo D.Mystery plays
Which of the following is most likely to help the readers determine whether the
character is a protagonist or an antagonist? Rationalization: B. Such dramas are popular in the Philippines during the Lenten
Season. Mystery plays are also biblical but often focus on the Creation and
A. The description given directly by the author
Judgment. Zarzuelas are traditional musical comedies. Joruri plays, on the other
B. The language used by the character hand, are Japanese puppet dramas featuring Lady Joruri as the main character.

C.The morality of the character with respect to the main character Which of the following street dramas do tourists watch in Kalibo, Aklan every
third Sunday of January?
D. The personality of the character
A. Moriones C.Moro-moro
Rationalization: C. A character’s actions and role with respect to the main
character/s determine if they are protagonists or antagonists. B. Ati-Atihan D.Zarzuela

Aiko wants to read a literary work that is intended for propaganda. Which one Rationalization: B. It is a celebration in honor of the Sto. Nino. Option A is held
would you recommend to her? in Marinduque and features people masquerading as Roman soldiers; Option C
is a Spanish colonial drama that often portrays Moros as the villains.
Which of the following features the life of Longinus, the Roman soldier who drove Rationalization: D. Jose Rizal even served as one of is models. Options A and B
the spear through Christ’s chest and eventually became a believer? are murals painted by Carlos Botong” Francisco. La Parisienne was painted by
Felix Hidalgo.
A.Ati-atihan C.Moriones
Socrates died because of drinking the juice of a particular poisonous plant named
B. Zarzuela D.Kabuki
Rationalization: C. The beheading of Longinus serves as the highlight of the
A. Oleander C.Hemlock
festival. Option D is a Japanese drama that involves heavy make-up, glamorous
props, and an all-male roster of actors. B. Rosary pea D. Castor bean

A flirtatious dance from Bulacan that shows a barrio swain and his lady love play a Rationalization: C. Hemlock- the majority of the dikasts (male-citizen jurors
dance with a native hat, with him trying to show off by picking the hat from the chosen by lot) voted to convict him of the two charges; then, consistent with
ground without using his hands common legal practice voted to determine his punishment and agreed to a
sentence of death to be executed by Socrates's drinking a poisonous beverage
A.Pandanggo sa Sambalilo C.Bulaklakan
of hemlock.
B. Alcamfor D. Carinosa
A realm according to Plato, composed of changing sensible things which are lesser
Rationalization: A. It is a courtship dance that originated from Tarlac. Alcamfor entities and therefore imperfect and flawed.
is also a courtship that features scented handkerchiefs; Bulaklakan is a dance
A.Realm of forms C.Realm of dreams
that features floral garlands and is in honor of the Virgin Mary; and Carinosa is
also an affectionate dance that is Spanish in origin and part of the Maria Clara B. Realm of shadows D.Realm of hell
suite of dances, often mistakenly thought to be national dance (which is
As stated by Plato a realm composed of eternal things which are permanent and
actually Tinikling).
perfect. The source of all reality and true knowledge.
Who among the following is famous for using transparent cubism in his works?
A.Realm of forms C.Realm of dreams
A.Fabian Dela Rosa C.Damian Domingo
B. Realm of shadows D.Realm of hell
B.Hernando Ocampo D.Vicente Manansala
Proposed by Rene Descartes the power to discover what is not known by
Rationalization: D. Vicente Manansala is the master of this technique, especially progressing in an orderly way from what is already known.
in watercolor. Damian Domingo is a pioneer in Filipino secular painting; Fabian
A. Induction C.Deduction
Dela Rosa is a master of genre paintings and mentor of Amorsolo; while
Hernando Ocampo is known for his biomorphic paintings. B. Assumption D.Generalization
Which of the following was made by Juan Luna? These are the knowledge results from ideas produced by experiences.
A.Invasion of Limahong C.La Parisienne A. Priori C.Innate
B.First Mass at Limasawa D.Death of Cleopatra B. Posteriori D.Experiential
Rationalization: B. Posteriori- A posteriori is a term applied to knowledge A process where people early in their social interactions learned to slant their
considered to be true based on experience, observation, or existing data. presentation of themselves in order to create preferred appearances and satisfy
particular people.
He considered truth as a universal concept and reason is superior to and
independent of sensory experience. A. Adaptation C.Impression Management

A.John Locke C.David Hume B. Culture Shock D.Socialization

B. Rene Descartes D.St. Augustine Rationalization: C. Impression Management- Impression Management (IM),
also called self-presentation, is the conscious or subconscious process in which
Rationalization: B. Rene Descartes- according to him, the human mind “directly
people attempt to influence others’ perception about a person, object or event
discerns” the truth. For Descartes, deduction gives the mind only “mediated”
by regulating and controlling information in social interactions.
(obtained by reasoning) knowledge.
Monozygotic twins are also known as___________.
Theory proposed by John Locke stated that individuals are born without built-in
mental content, and, therefore all knowledge comes from experience or A.Identical C.Conjoined
B. Fraternal D.Siamese
A. Theory of Human Mind C.Tabula Rasa
A condition that affects only females, results when one of the X chromosomes
B. Cognition D. Classical Conditioning (sex chromosomes) is missing or partially missing in the 23rd pair.

Used to describe the power of the environment in shaping human behavior. A.Turner’s Syndrome C.Klinefelter’s Syndrome

A. Metacognition C.Psychosocial B. Edward’s Syndrome D.Down’s Syndrome

B. Social Behaviorism D.Psychoanalysis Twins formed from two separate ova known as dizygotic or ________________.

Rationalization: B. Social Behaviorism- Sociologist George Herbert Mead A.Identical C. Conjoined

believed that people develop self-images through interactions with other
B. Fraternal D.Siamese
people. He argued that the self, which is the part of a person's personality
consisting of self- awareness and self-image, is a product of social experience. Genetic condition in which a boy is born with an extra X chromosome in the 23rd
A Theory stating that the view of the self is significantly influenced by the
impression and perception of others. A.Turner’s Syndrome C.Klinefelter’s Syndrome
A.Significant other Theory C.Imaginary Audience B.Edward’s Syndrome D.Down’s Syndrome
B.Looking Glass Self Theory D.Hawthorne Chromosomal condition that occurs when an error in cell division results in an
extra chromosome 21st pair.

A.Turner’s Syndrome C.Klinefelter’s Syndrome

B.Edward’s Syndrome D.Down’s Syndrome Rationalization: A. Amnion- a thin membrane forming a closed sac about the
embryos or fetuses of reptiles, birds, and mammals and containing the amniotic
Occurs when a baby's placenta partially or totally covers the mother's cervix —
the outlet for the uterus.
Who stated the phrase "Any action to have moral worth we can only look at the
A.Placental abruption C.Miscarriage
motives or intention behind the act"
B. Placenta previa D.Still birth
A.Immanuel Kant C.John Stuart Mill
Rationalization: B. Placenta Previa- Placenta previa is a condition in which the
B. Thomas Aquinas D.Jeremy Bentham
placenta lies very low in the uterus and covers all or part of the cervix. The
cervix is the opening to the uterus that sits at the top of the vagina. It is the knowledge or source of knowledge acquired by means of the senses and
experiences, particularly by observation and experimentation.
An organ that develops in uterus during pregnancy, this structure provides oxygen
and nutrients to your growing baby and removes waste products from your A. Innate knowledge C. Experiential knowledge
baby's blood.
B. Empirical knowledge D. Rote knowledge
A. Amnion C.Umbilical Cord
It is the ability to understand a culture on its own terms and not to make
B. Placenta D.Cervix judgments using the standards of one's own culture.

Rationalization: B. Placenta- This structure provides oxygen and nutrients to A. Acculturation C.Enculturation
your growing baby and removes waste products from your baby's blood. The
B. Amalgamation D.Cultural relativism
placenta attaches to the wall of your uterus, and your baby's umbilical cord
arises from it. It is about matters such as the good thing that we should pursue and the bad
thing that we should avoid; the right ways in which we could or should act and
Tube-like structure that carries food and oxygen from a mother to her baby while
the wrong ways of acting.
pregnant, it also carries waste products away from the baby so the mother's body
can get rid of them. A. Metaphysics C.Norm
A. Amnion C.Umbilical Cord B. Morals D.Ethics
B. Placenta D.Cervix May be used to refer to specific beliefs or attitudes that people have or to
describe acts that people perform.
A membrane that closely covers the embryo when first formed.
A. Metaphysics C.Norm
A. Amnion C.Umbilical Cord
B. Morals D.Ethics
B. Placenta D.Cervix
Rationalization: B. Morals- Morality is the differentiation of intentions,
decisions and actions between those that are distinguished as proper and those
that are improper, and it’s a construct of justice.
The moral philosophy that actions derive their moral quality from their usefulness Rationalization: A. Globalization- Globalization is the spread of products,
as means to some end, especially as means productive of happiness or technology, information, and jobs across national borders and cultures. In
unhappiness. economic terms, it describes an interdependence of nations around the globe
fostered through free trade.
A.Hedonism C.Materialism
Which of the following is an example of the globalization of production?
B. Utilitarianism D.Pleasures
A. Coca-Cola sells their soft drinks worldwide.
Rationalization; B. Utilitarianism- the doctrine that an action is right insofar as
it promotes happiness, and that the greatest happiness of the greatest B. Hospitals outsource some radiology work to India.

When one is torn between choosing one of two goods or choosing between the C. Caterpillar and Komatsu both sell earthmoving equipment in the Middle East.
lesser of two evils.
D. Boeing sells jet planes to firms in Japan.
A.Moral judgement C.Moral dilemma
Which of the following statements is most consistent with market expansion
B. Moral decision D.Moral principle through globalization?

Rationalization: C. Moral dilemma- In philosophy, ethical dilemmas, also called A. By serving domestic and international markets a firm may be able to utilize its
ethical paradoxes or moral dilemmas, are situations in which an agent stands production facilities less intensively.
under two conflicting moral requirements, none of which overrides the other.
B. Different locations around the world are more or less suitable for performing
One of the theses of utilitarianism stating that the rightness of actions is different business activities.
determined solely by their consequences.
C. Valuable skills are developed first at overseas and then transferred to foreign
A.Maximalism C.Hedonism operations.

B. Consequentialism D.Outcome oriented D. When managers at a firm have built a valuable competency or skill, going
global is often the best way to maximize the return on their investment.
One of the theses of utilitarianism that signify a right action produces the greatest
good consequences and the least bad. Which of the following is a decision that must be made when a firm goes global?

A.Maximalism C.Hedonism A. local standardization or global customization

B. Consequentialism D.Outcome oriented B. how best to manage subsidiaries?

The process whereby national economies and business systems are becoming C. whether to operate under host country or home country laws
deeply interlinked with each other is called:
D. in a publicly traded firm, which sets of accounting practices to use
A. Globalization C. Internationalization
On what book Thomas Hobbes posits that as a result of their egoistic behavior
B. Glocalization D. Global linking people cannot find peace in the absence of some central absolute power with
absolute authority to prevent the war of all against all.
A. On the Citizen C. Leviathan economies: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States, the United
Kingdom, and Canada. Government leaders of these countries meet periodically
B. Behemoth D. The Corporation
to address international economic and monetary issues, with each member
Rationalization: C. Leviathan- In Leviathan (1651), Hobbes argued that the taking over the presidency on a rotating basis.
absolute power of the sovereign was ultimately justified by the consent of the
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is located at which of the following places?
governed, who agreed, in a hypothetical social contract, to obey the sovereign
in all matters in exchange for a guarantee of peace and security. A.Tokyo C. Hanoi

What global organization was founded in the Treaty of Versailles and sought to B. Seoul D. Manila
guarantee global peace through "collective security"?
Rationalization: D. Manila- The Asian Development Bank is a regional
A. SEATO C. United Nations development bank established on 19 December 1966, which is headquartered in
the Ortigas Center located in the city of Mandaluyong, Metro Manila,
B. League of Nations D. Freedom House
Philippines. The company also maintains 31 field offices around the world to
Rationalization: B. League of Nations- The Treaty of Versailles was negotiated promote social and economic development in Asia.
at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, and included a covenant establishing the
The United Nations addresses:
League of Nations, which convened its first council meeting on January 16, 1920.
A. Global health and climate change
What organization is made up of mostly former British colonies?
B. Nuclear disarmament and terrorism
A. Commonwealth of Nations C. Organization for African Unity
C.Education and sustainable development
B. League of Nations D. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
D. All of the above
Rationalization: A. Commonwealth of Nations- It was originally created as the
British Commonwealth of Nations through the Balfour Declaration at the 1926 In 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created the United Nations Entity
Imperial Conference, and formalized by the United Kingdom through the Statute for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. Its role is to:
of Westminster in 1931.
A. Provide material support that leads to employment and sustainable living
Which of the following describe correctly the Group of Seven Countries (G-7)? opportunities for women

A. They are developing countries B. Enable women to have greater control over their lives

B. They are holding Atomic Bomb technology C. Provide education and training for women

C. They are countries who can launch their own satellites D. All of the above

D. They are industrialized countries Who are the 5 permanent members of the Security Council?

Rationalization: D. They are industrialized countries- The Group of Seven (G-7) is A. United States, Germany, Russia, China and the United Kingdom
an intergovernmental organization made up of the world's largest developed
B. United States, Russia, China, France and the United Kingdom B. To develop relations

C. United States, France, Japan, China and the United Kingdom C. To improve the lives of the middle class

D. United States, Russia, China, Canada and the United Kingdom D. To be a center for harmonizing

Rationalization: B. -The permanent members of the United Nations Security The UN has 4 main purposes
Council (also known as the Permanent Five, Big Five, or P5) are the five
• To keep peace throughout the world;
sovereign states to whom the UN Charter of 1945 grants a permanent seat on
the UN Security Council: China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the • To develop friendly relations among nations;
United States.
• To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer
Muammar Gaddafi was once the ruler of___________. hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights
and freedoms;
A.Syria C. Libya
• To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals
B. Egypt D. Lebanon

Rationalization: C. Libya- commonly known as Colonel Gaddafi, was a Libyan

revolutionary, politician and political theorist. He governed Libya as the de facto
ruler from 1969 to 1977.

Which of these is the United Nations’ executive arm handling the day-to-day
business? It has an important role in setting the agenda for the General Assembly,
Economic and Social Council, and Security Council, and the implementation of the
decision of these bodies?

A. Security Council

B. Secretariat

C. Economic and Social Council

D. General Assembly

Rationalization: B. Secretariat- The United Nations Secretariat carries out the

day-to-day work of the UN as mandated by the General Assembly and the
Organization's other main organs.

Which of the following is NOT one of the 4 main purposes of the United Nations?

A. To keep peace

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