WLP Sample TLE
WLP Sample TLE
WLP Sample TLE
Quarter 1 Grade 12
Week 1 Learnin Creative Non Fiction
g Area
MELCs Analyze the theme and technique used in particular text. HUMSS_11/12Ia-3
Create samples of Different literary elements based on one`s experience. HUMSS_11/12Ia-4
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-based Activities Home-based Activities
1 The students should Day 1 Ask the learners to read one of the stories
be able to: Analysis on theme Begin with classroom routine:
Analyze theme used in a particular a. Prayer Let them accomplish the given activities on an A4
and technique Text b. Reminder of the classroom safety and health bond paper.
used in protocols
particular text c. Checking of attendance a. Read the story ` THE HOUSE OF STILTS` on
d. Quick “kamustahan” page 9-11 and answer page 16 (Literary
A. Recall (Elicit) b. Answer what I can Do, Activity 1.1.3 on
Review on fiction and nonfiction page 18
B. Motivation (Engage)
Determine the prior knowledge of the learners about
fiction and nonfiction thru pictures of movies and stories.
Explain the learning objectives for the week
F. Evaluation
Let the learner answer and analyze the themes used in
the text they read.
A. Recall (Elicit)
Review the previous class discussion/activity about the
themes and techniques used in a particular text.
B. Motivation (Engage)
Determine the prior knowledge of the learners thru
concept of pictures and formulate a question relative to
the answer given. Explain the learning objectives for the
F. Evaluation
Let the learner write a short paragraph (narrative) about
their personal experience with emphasis on any of the
A. Use of metaphor in expressing emotions
B. Use of simile in giving comparisons
C. Use of hyperbole to describe people/characters
and setting
D. Use of personification in giving inanimate objects
human qualities.
F. Evaluation
Let the learner analyze the essay/article Many
Mansions and analyze by applying the different literary