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Lesson Effects of Intermolecular

1 Forces on the Properties of

The properties of matter can be seen from either the microscopic or macroscopic
level. The microscopic level includes the atoms, molecules, and ions which we
cannot see. The macroscopic level shows how the bulk properties are exhibited by
matter. These properties include surface tension, viscosity, boiling, melting, and
freezing points, and solubility. Intermolecular forces play a very important role to
determine how substances behave at the macroscopic level.

In this lesson, you will learn how the different forces of attraction bring about the
bulk properties exhibited by substances. This lesson will help you understand why
a certain substance behaves differently from other substances.

What’s In

This simple activity will help you recall what you understood about the types of
intermolecular forces present in each substance.

Notes to the Teacher

1. This module will help the students remember the concepts of
intermolecular forces (IMF) and the forces of attraction present
among species.
2. Allow the students to answer each part thoroughly, either
individually or in pairs.
3. Let the students check the answers to each part. Have a short
discussion of the concepts involved after checking.
4. The students will then move to the next part of the module. They
will have the feedback and discussion after every part.
5. Inputs can be given in addition to the discussion in this module.
6. Kindly entertain questions for further discussions.

1. Use a clean sheet of paper to answer this part.

2. Copy the table and fill it up with the correct information.

3. Show the direction of the dipole moment for each molecule.

Intermolecular Forces Present in Substances

Substance LEDS Shape Polarity
Forces Present

1) CH3OH

2) O3

3) CH3NH2

4) I2

5) HF

What’s New

Activity 1:
Factors affecting the strength of intermolecular forces among molecules
Refer to the pairs of substances to answer the questions that follow.
a. NaCl (sodium chloride) and CH4 (methane)
b. CCl4 (carbon tetrachloride) and CHCl3 (trichloromethane or chloroform)
c. NH3 (ammonia) and CH3F (methyl fluoride)
d. PCL5 (phosphorus pentachloride) and PBr5 (phosphorus pentabromide)
e. C5H12 (pentane) and C5H12 (isopentane)
f. F2 (Fluorine) and Br2 (Bromine)

1. Identify the intermolecular forces present in the substances in each pair.

2. Which of the forces predominates in each substance?
3. Tell which between the substances has greater intermolecular forces.
4. Predict which substance in each pair will have higher boiling and
melting points.

Activity 2:
1. Refer to the chart below on physical properties of matter. Answer the
questions and relate the intermolecular forces present among the
species to explain the different properties exhibited by the substances.

Melting and Boiling Points

Molar Mass,
Substance Melting Point, K Boiling Point, K

Fluorine (F2) 38 53 85

Bromine (Br2) 160 266 332

Astatine (At2) 420 575 610

a. Which substance has the highest melting and boiling points?

b. What intermolecular forces of interactions are present in each of
the substances?
c. How do the intermolecular forces present relate to the size of the
d. How do the strength of the intermolecular forces present in each
species compare to each other?
e. How does the strength of the intermolecular forces relate to the
boiling and melting points of the substances?

What is It

This section gives brief and thorough explanation on how intermolecular

forces affect the bulk properties of matter, namely surface tension, viscosity,
boiling, melting, and freezing points, and solubility.

Activity 1:
The properties of substances as viewed on the macroscopic level can be
explained by the types of intermolecular forces present between and among
substances. These bulk properties can be predicted through an analysis of
the interplay of intermolecular forces in each substance.

The chart below tells us of the relative strengths of intermolecular forces.

This can be referred to when trying to relate the IMF to the properties of

Relative Strengths of Intermolecular Forces

Ion-dipole Strongest



Dipole-induced dipole

London dispersion forces Weakest

Properties of substances affected by intermolecular forces

• Surface Tension

This is the amount of energy required to stretch the surface area of liquids
(e.g., 1 cm2). Liquids with high intermolecular forces tend to have high
surface tensions. When water is dropped on a waxy surface, it tends to form
a round bead to minimize the surface area that it occupies.

An example of surface tension is capillary action. It is the ability of liquid

molecules to move against gravity. The forces bringing about capillary action
are cohesion (intermolecular attraction between like molecules) and
adhesion (an attraction between unlike molecules.

Water molecules exhibit cohesion while the attraction between water and the
sides of the glass tube is adhesion. If adhesion is stronger than cohesion,
the liquid is pulled upward.

If cohesion is greater than adhesion, there is a depression or lowering,

resulting to a lower height of the liquid in the capillary tube.

The stronger the intermolecular forces possessed by molecules, the higher is

the surface tension of the substance.

• Viscosity

This is a measure of a liquid’s resistance to flow. The greater the viscosity of

a liquid, the more slowly it flows. The viscosity of substances decreases with
high temperatures; thus, syrup flows faster when hot.
The strength of intermolecular forces affects the ease with which substances
flow. Liquids that have high intermolecular forces are highly viscous. The
presence of strong H-bonds in some liquids makes these substances highly
viscous. The LEDS of glycerol below shows three (3) OH- groups that can
participate in H-bonding whereas water has only one OH- group to form H-
bonding. Glycerol is more viscous than water.



• Boiling Point and Melting Point

Boiling point depends on the equilibrium vapour pressure exerted by the

liquid or solid above the liquid or the solid. This means that the rate of
vaporization is equal to the rate of condensation of the substance in a closed
container. Vapour pressure also varies with temperature. The graph below
shows the effect of temperature on the vapour pressure of water.

Source: https://www.chem.purdue.edu/gchelp/liquids/vpress.html

At 100OC, the vapour pressure is equal to the atmospheric pressure of 1.00

atm. Boiling occurs at this point, where the vapour pressure of water is
equal to the pressure of the atmosphere.
There are substances that boil at a lower temperature and some at a higher
temperature. These temperatures depend on the vapour pressure exerted by
the liquids or solids. Vapour pressure, on the other hand, depends on the
intermolecular forces present in the substances. When the intermolecular
forces are strong, the vapour pressure is low.
As a consequence, boiling will occur at a higher temperature because more
energy is needed to break the intermolecular bonds for the substance to
change into vapour. Water, for example, exhibits strong H-bonds such that
vaporization needs more energy to change the liquid to vapour.
London dispersion forces predominate in methane, CH4. These are the
weakest forces of attraction among molecules. It needs a little energy to
break the bonds such that methane changes to vapour easily. As a
consequence, more vapour are released in which vapour pressure will
eventually equal to atmospheric pressure. Boiling then will occur. This
explains why water has a higher boiling point than methane.

This condition is also true for melting point. The ease with which bond
breaks affects the melting points of substances. The greater intermolecular
forces there are among molecules the higher is their melting point.
The strength of dispersion forces also depends on the size of the substance
or the number of electrons in the substances. The ease with which the
electron distribution is distorted explains the amount of dispersion forces
that a substance exhibits. The distortion of the electron distribution is
known as polarizability.
The greater the polarizability of the electron distribution the greater are the
dispersion forces. When the dispersion forces are high, the boiling and
melting points are also high.
Br2 and F2 are both diatomic gases. They are also both nonpolar, but Br2 is a
bigger molecule than F2. The polarizability of Br2 is greater than F2 so it has
greater dispersion forces. This explains why Br2 has a higher boiling point
than F2. Greater amount of energy is needed to overcome the big dispersion
forces in Br2 than in F2.

• Solubility

Solubility is the ability of a substance (solid, liquid, or gas) to dissolve in a

given substance (solid, liquid, or gas). The amount of any substance
dissolved in a solvent (the substance that dissolves another substance)
depends on the types of interaction among molecules, pressure, and

The rule “Like dissolves like” applies to solubility. This means that the kind
of substances being dissolved should exhibit the same properties or should
be compatible for them to form solutions. The polarity of molecules is an
important factor for substances to dissolve in certain molecules. Highly
polar molecules will dissolve substances that have dipoles. The negatively-
charged particles will be attracted to the positively-charged particles of the
involved substances. This attraction will subsist in the solutions.

Water is considered as a universal solvent because of its ability to dissolve

almost everything. Water is highly polar and has the ability to form H-bonds
with polar substances.

Nonpolar substances, on the other hand will also dissolve nonpolar
substances. Intermolecular forces, such as dispersion forces, will prevail to
maintain the dissolution of substances.

To predict the behaviour of substances, several considerations should be


First, the polarity of substances should be determined together with the

predominant intermolecular forces present in the substances. For example,
consider NaCl (sodium chloride) and CH4 (methane). NaCl is a dipole while
methane is nonpolar. Dipole-dipole interaction is predominant in NaCl while
dispersion forces are present among methane molecules.
Since dipole-dipole forces are stronger than dispersion forces, NaCl will have
higher boiling and melting points. It is also highly soluble in water due to
ion-dipole interaction that will prevail. Mwthane is not soluble in water
because there are no poles that will participate in the dissolution process
with water.
Between CCl4 (carbon tetrachloride) and CHCl3 (trichloromethane),
trichloromethane has a higher boiling and melting points than carbon
tetrachloride. It is also slightly soluble in water. Trichloromethane is a polar
molecule while carbon tetrachloride is a nonpolar molecule. The dipole-
dipole interaction in CHCl3 is stronger than the dispersion forces in CCl4.
Again the boiling and melting points are higher in CHCl3 than in CCl4.
Hence, since CHCl3 is polar, then it is soluble in water.
Ammonia (NH3) and methyl fluoride (CH3F) are both polar but the ability of
NH3 to form H-bonds qualifies it for higher boiling and melting points than
CH3F. At the same time, H-bonding also enables NH3 to be more soluble in
water than CH3F.
Phosphorus pentachloride (PCL5) and phosphorus pentabromide (PBr5) have
the same molecular shape and polarity. What matters here is the size of the
molecule when comparing the properties of these substances. Bromine
contains more electrons than chlorine. This makes PBr5 bigger and heavier.
In this case, dispersion forces are greater in PBr5 so it has higher boiling and
melting points than PCL5. Since these two substances are both nonpolar,
then they are not soluble in water.

Pentane (C5H12) and isopentane (C5H12) both contain the same number of C
and H atoms in the formula. However, their molecular structures are
different. Below are the LEDS of the two substances.
Pentane has an extended structure while isopentane has a compact
structure. Extended structures have more opportunities for interactions
than compact structures. Extended molecules have stronger intermolecular
forces than the compact structures. As such the boiling point of pentane is
higher than that of isopentane. It is also true for their melting points. Both
molecules are nonpolar so they are not soluble in water.



The nature of intermolecular forces present in molecules is a good gauge

to predict properties of substances.


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