09 Samss 091
09 Samss 091
09 Samss 091
1 Scope..........................................................................2
2 Conflicts and Deviations............................................2
3 References..................................................................2
4 Definitions..................................................................4
5 Health, Safety, and Environment................................5
6 Material.......................................................................5
7 Handling of Pipe.........................................................7
8 Cleaning and Surface Preparation..............................8
9 Coating Application..................................................10
10 Quality Requirements...............................................11
11 Inspection Requirements..........................................12
12 Recheck on Coating Material Qualities....................19
13 Repairs......................................................................19
14 Pipe Storage and Preparation for Shipment..............20
Revision Summary...........................................................20
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©Saudi Aramco 2017. All rights reserved.
Document Responsibility: Paints and Coatings Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-091
Issue Date: 6 February 2017
Next Planned Update: 6 February 2020 Qualification Requirements for Shop-Applied Internal FBE Coatings
1 Scope
1.1 This specification defines the minimum mandatory requirements of shop-applied
primed fusion bonded epoxy FBE powder coating systems for the internal
surfaces of steel pipes and associated fittings and couplings.
1.2 Unless stated otherwise in the Purchase Order, pieces coated in accordance with
this specification shall be suitable for continuous service at 3,000 psig pressure
and for exposure to hydro-testing at 5,575 psig.
1.3 For projects reviews, all protective coating requirements, specifications
and coatings map as per SAEP-303, shall be consolidated in Index H.
1.4 This standard shall be attached to, and made part of, purchase orders when required.
1.5 Information Required with the Quotation
1.5.1 Cost if burn-off is required to remove oily contaminants from the
surface prior to blast cleaning (see paragraph 7.1).
1.5.2 Procedure of the field girth weld internal coating application, quality
control, and coating defects repair.
3 References
Referenced standards and specifications shall be the latest edition, revision or
addendum in effect on the date of the purchase order, unless stated otherwise.
3.1 Saudi Aramco Documents
Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures
SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory
Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement
NACE International
NACE SP0188 Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective
Coatings on Conductive Substrates
NACE TM0185 Evaluation of Internal Plastic Coatings for
Corrosion Control of Tubular Goods by
Autoclave Testing
4 Definitions
Approved Product: A coating material that has been approved by the RUS as meeting
the requirements of the applicable APCS or SAMSS. Only approved products are
allowed for use in Saudi Aramco jobs. These requirements apply to all coatings
referred to in all the SAES-H-series standards.
Batch: Specified quantity of material produced under the same uniform conditions
during a continuous production run by one Manufacturer.
Corrosive Service: Generally, everything except treated seawater and refined products.
Custom Coated Pieces: All pipes not coated by automated in-plant equipment.
Generally, fittings, short spools and fabricated spools.
Cutback: The length of pipe left uncoated at each end for joining purposes.
Fabricated Spools: Spools longer than 10 feet that can’t be coated by the automated
process due to connection to flanges or other spools.
Fitting: For purposes of this specification, “fitting” is used to refer to any custom
coated piece including valves and pumps.
Pipe: For purposes of this specification “pipe” is used to refer to steel tubular,
including line pipe and OCTG casing and tubing.
Test Ring: A sample taken from production-coated pipe or a pup piece pipe, having
the same specification of coated pipes, coated in the same production line.
6 Material
6.1.3 The Vendor shall use only Saudi Aramco approved products under
APCS-102A, APCS-102B or APCS-102C for the intended service.
6.1.6 Each batch of FBE coating must be tested and certified by the
Manufacturer in accordance with the requirement of Table 1. Vendor
shall conduct the same tests to verify compliance with the
6.1.7 The Vendor shall retain samples of each powder batch for a period of
2 years or until the expiration date. The sample shall be of sufficient size
to run duplicates for the following tests if required:
a) Instrumental Analyses: FT-IR and DSC
b) Gel time
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Document Responsibility: Paints and Coatings Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-091
Issue Date: 6 February 2017
Next Planned Update: 6 February 2020 Qualification Requirements for Shop-Applied Internal FBE Coatings
c) Moisture content
d) Bend tests
e) Autoclave tests
6.1.8 Coating material shall be stored and handled in accordance with the
Coating Manufacturer's recommendations. Expired material shall not be
6.3.1 Abrasives for blast cleaning shall be Garnet in accordance with the
requirement of paragraphs 6.3 and 8.2 of SAES-H-001. Abrasives for
blast cleaning shall have less than 50 PPM sulfates and less than 50 PPM
chlorides. They shall be of a particle size that will produce a clean,
angular surface profile as specified in paragraph 8.4 of this specification.
The abrasives shall be stored in a dry condition and kept dry during use.
Sand is prohibited as an abrasive for pre-cleaning, cleaning, and all other
abrasive blasting processes.
6.3.2 The Vendor shall furnish a chemical analysis for all batches of abrasives
to verify compliance with the requirements in paragraph 6.3.1.
7 Handling of Pipe
7.1 Suitable equipment for handling, unloading, and temporary storage of bare pipe
shall be used to avoid any damage to bare pipe or pipe ends, or obliteration of
necessary pipe markings.
7.2 Pipe or fittings received in a damaged condition or showing serious defects that
may impair the coating, such as extensive laminations, burrs, gouges, pits, metal
slivers or cold laps, or uneven weld cap or weld irregularity shall be reported to
the Buyer's Representative for disposition. The Vendor shall determine final
disposition due to the coating inability.
7.3 Vendor shall have an approved procedure (see paragraph 1.4) for handling,
loading, unloading, storage and preparation for shipment for pipe and
fittings prior to coating.
8.1 Prior to abrasive cleaning, all oil, grease and other deleterious materials shall be
removed by solvent cleaning in accordance with SSPC SP 1 or by detergent
washing or steam cleaning. No residue that will affect adhesion shall be left on
the surface.
Oven burn-off at a temperature of 370 - 400ºC may also be employed, if, in the
opinion of the Vendor, this is the only satisfactory method of insuring that the
steel is free of oily contaminants. The reported oily contamination shall be
investigated and confirmed by the Buyer's Representative and written approval
shall be obtained from the Buyer prior to burn-off. All pipe and fittings which
have been received with internal mill varnish or other deleterious coatings or
have been in previous oil service shall always be burned off.
8.2 The pipe or fitting surface temperature shall be at least 3ºC above the dew
point and humidity shall be less than 80% during abrasive blasting until the
primer application and until startup of pre-heating. If Preheating is used, it shall
be carried out in a uniform manner to avoid distortion.
8.3 The surface to be coated shall be abrasive cleaned to a “white” metal surface
finish equal to Sa3 as described in ISO 8501-1/SIS SS 05 59 00 (1988) or
8.5 Dust level shall not exceed Class 1 as per ISO 8502-3. Test the first 5 pipes
and/or fittings on any given day. After that, test one out of every 10 pipes or
10 fittings.
8.6 Defects
8.6.1 Weld spatter, rough weld surfaces, and sharp protrusions shall be
ground smooth.
8.6.2 When serious defects such as mentioned in paragraph 7.2 are found
following the abrasive cleaning operation, the affected pipe or fitting
shall be set aside for disposition by the Buyer's Representative.
8.6.3 If these anomalies affect enough of the pipe or fitting to the extent that
the coating process is severely disrupted, the coating process shall be
stopped and the Buyer informed. The Vendor shall advise the Buyer of
Saudi Aramco: Company General
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Document Responsibility: Paints and Coatings Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-091
Issue Date: 6 February 2017
Next Planned Update: 6 February 2020 Qualification Requirements for Shop-Applied Internal FBE Coatings
8.7 Dew Point readings shall be recorded at the start and every 2 hours during the
blasting operation in the immediate vicinity of the operation. Blasting and
coating operations shall be suspended if the substrate temperature is less than
3ºC above the dew point or the relative humidity is above 80%.
8.8.1 The blasted surface of pipes and fittings shall be tested for the
presence of residual chlorides after blasting using a test method that
has been prior-approved in writing by the RUS. Residual chlorides
shall be no greater than 20 mg/m².
8.8.2 Test a random location on the first pipe and/or fitting coated on any
given day. After that, test one pipe joint out of every 30 pipes or
20 fittings.
8.8.3 In the event of a failure, re-test the piece. If it fails the re-test, test all
pieces that were blast cleaned both before and after the contaminated
piece until five in a row pass the test. All pieces coated after the last
good test must be re-blasted, re-tested, and re-coated.
8.9 Maximum time between blasting and coating shall be 4 hours and any metal
surface showing evidence of flash rusting shall be re-blasted prior to coating.
A minimum light intensity at the inspection site of 100 foot-candles (1,000 Lux)
is required for visual inspection of the surface.
9 Coating Application
9.1 The FBE and its primer coating material shall be applied according to the
Vendor's approved application procedure, which incorporates the Manufacturer's
recommendations. The Vendor shall submit his application procedure to the
RUS for Saudi Aramco approval prior to application. Already approved
procedures do not require RUS review and approval on new purchase orders,
unless otherwise it is required by the Buyer's representative or any other
standards documents.
9.2 The phenolic primer shall be applied in accordance with the coating
manufacturer data sheet. The primer should be applied uniformly at dry film
thickness of 13-25 microns (0.5-1.0 mils) to just wetting the blasted surface and
keeps the surface profile peaks exposed to allow optimum adhesion for the FBE
coating. This low thickness can’t be measured by the conventional DFT gauges.
Therefore, Vendor should describe in the coating application procedure his
method in achieving the required primer thickness.
9.3 The coating dry film thickness DFT for pipe joints shall be in the range of 375
to 625 microns (15-25 mils) for APCS-102A and APCS-102B and 500-750
microns (20-30 mils) for APCS-102C unless otherwise agreed upon in writing
by the Buyer.
9.3.1 For girth weld areas (pipe and custom coated pieces), the allowable DFT
shall be in the range of 375 to 625 microns (15-25 mils) for APCS-102A
and APCS-102B and 500-750 microns (20-30 mils) for APCS-102C.
The total dry film thickness in the overlap area between the girth weld
coating and the adjacent coating shall not exceed 1,250 microns for
APCS-102A and APCS-102B and 1,500 (60 mils) for APCS-102C.
9.3.2 For pipes with diameters less than 24” and/or too small to access the
girth weld area, the Vendor should describe in the coating
application procedure his method in controlling the DFT.
9.4 The coating thickness for custom coated pieces shall meet the
requirement specified in paragraph 9.3, additional 50 microns (2 mils) in
the maximum
Saudi Aramco: Company General
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Document Responsibility: Paints and Coatings Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-091
Issue Date: 6 February 2017
Next Planned Update: 6 February 2020 Qualification Requirements for Shop-Applied Internal FBE Coatings
thickness is acceptable. However, the thickness at the end of the custom coated
pieces, last 15 cm, should be within the specified thickness in paragraph 9.3 to
maintain the same thickness in the overlap area specified in paragraph 9.3.1 of
this document.
9.5 Line pipe and ancillary piping products for subsequent welding shall have a
cut-back at each end in the range of 50 to 75 mm measured from the end of
pipe unless otherwise specified. In the case of fittings 6” diameter or less, the
cutback range of 25 to 50 mm. If longer cut-back is needed, RUS shall be
9.6 The internal root reinforcement shall be 1.5 mm or less, as per SAES-W-012,
paragraph 16.10.
9.7 The cured coating shall be of uniform color and gloss, and shall be free of
blisters, fish eyes, orange peel, sags and runs.
9.8 Pipe or fittings which have been primed and waiting for FBE coating
application must be covered to be protected against any dirt or other deleterious
materials and not to be hold more than 4 hours for FBE coating application. For
pipes and fittings, the final curing process of the FBE coated items must begin
within two hours of the FBE application.
9.9 Custom coated fittings are subject to a size limit of maximum 36” diameter and
10 feet in length. For fabricated spools that can’t be coated through the
automated process, custom coating is acceptable with the following conditions:
9.9.1 Pipe temperature shall not drop below the specified curing temperature
during the coating application.
9.9.2 Coating thickness shall meet the requirement of paragraph 9.4 of this
10 Quality Requirements
The Vendor's quality assurance system during the coating application shall include the
following as minimum requirements:
10.2 Monitoring of size, shape, dryness and cleanliness of the blasting material
and process (see paragraph 6.3).
10.3 Checking visually, in good light, the inner surface for metal defects, dust
and surface debris (see paragraph 8.6). If blasting and primer applications
are taking place on the same vicinity, primer application shall be stopped
while blasting is in progress.
10.9 Holiday detection of 100% of the surface area of all pipes and
fittings (see paragraph 11.6).
10.11 Checking of coating color, appearance and uniformity (see paragraph 9.7).
11 Inspection Requirements
11.1 The Vendor shall notify the Buyer not less than 5 days in advance of the start
of each production run. The Vendor shall provide the Buyer's Representative
with a detailed time schedule to allow him to witness or monitor all processing
and testing phases.
11.2.1 The Vendor shall be responsible for all quality control checking
including visual inspection, thickness measurements, and holiday
testing, and shall keep records on the results of all such inspections in
a form suitable to the Buyer's Representative.
process, and shall have the right to witness the quality control tests
and/or perform tests by himself on a random sampling basis.
11.2.3 The Buyer's Representative shall have the right to halt the application
requesting alterations or corrections to the process in order to correct
all faults found in the work, which conforms to this specification.
Commentary Note:
The internal surfaces being coated shall be inspected visually at each stage of
the operation, using suitable illumination and inspection tools with sufficient
frequency to ensure full compliance with the requirements of this specification.
Every pipe and fitting shall be checked in accordance with SSPC PA 2 at each
end using a non-destructive type of thickness gauge which has been calibrated as
required in paragraph 11.10.1. All results shall be as specified in paragraph 9.3
and shall be recorded. For custom coated pieces, fittings and short spools, test two
samples per production lot.
11.6.1 100% of the internally coated surface area of the pipe shall be tested
with a hot spark, pulse-type DC holiday detector employing an audible
signaling device. The electrode used for locating holidays shall be
designed to ensure direct contact with the coating (with no visible
11.6.2 Travel rate of the detector electrode shall not exceed 30 cm/sec.
The electrode shall not be allowed to remain stationary while the
power is on.
11.6.3 The holiday test voltage of the hot spark detector shall be 125 volts DC
per 25 micrometers of maximum coating thickness. However, to
eliminate the need for continual adjustment during shop production, a
maximum voltage of 2,200 volts ± 50 volts shall be used for coating
thickness in the range from 375 to 625 micrometers.
11.6.4 All holidays in pipe coated above 24” diameter shall be repaired.
The maximum number allowed for repair is 10 holidays. They shall be
holiday free when re-tested after repair in accordance with paragraph
13.3. If the number is excessive than 10 holidays, the pipe joint shall be
11.6.5 The number of holidays in a pipe joint with diameters up to 20” shall
be permitted a maximum of 3 holidays per 12.2 m length. Repair if
these holidays are accessible; otherwise, leave them unrepaired and
inform the Buyer's representative and log it in the quality control
11.6.6 Internal girth weld coatings on the double-joints pipe shall be tested in
accordance with the following: Pipe diameters equal and greater than 24”: All holidays
shall be repaired. The coating on the girth weld area shall
be holiday free when tested in accordance with Section 13.
The maximum number allowed for repair is 3 holidays. Pipe diameters less than 24”, but large enough to allow
visual inspection of the girth weld area coating by remote
controlled crawling equipment; holiday(s) shall be
marked and repaired. Otherwise, the coating shall be
Saudi Aramco: Company General
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Document Responsibility: Paints and Coatings Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-091
Issue Date: 6 February 2017
Next Planned Update: 6 February 2020 Qualification Requirements for Shop-Applied Internal FBE Coatings Pipe diameters too small to allow visual inspection of the
girth weld area coating: The holiday test shall be made.
11.6.7 Custom coated fittings and short spools shall be free of holidays.
11.6.8 For custom coated fabricated spools, more than 3 meters and up to
6 meters, the maximum number allowed is one holiday. For more
than 6 meters, follow the requirement addressed in sections 11.6.3,
11.6.4, and 11.6.5.
11.7.1 Once per shift (or, for pipe, every one hundred pipe lengths,
whichever is the more frequent) and at the start of using a new batch
of powder the flexibility of the coating shall be determined by a bend
The powder utilized for the test shall be taken from the plant
application fluidizing bed.
11.7.4 The test bars shall be holiday detected in accordance with paragraph
11.7.7 of this specification, and all holidays marked and recorded.
11.7.7 The coated specimens shall show no cracks to base metal when
examined at 10X magnification except where gripped or
If visual examination cannot determine whether a crack extends to base
metal, holiday testing using the hot spark detector method with a
conductive rubber electrode shall be used.
11.7.8 If either of the bend tests fail, the tests shall be repeated. If both bend retests are satisfactory, the bend test shall be
Saudi Aramco: Company General
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Document Responsibility: Paints and Coatings Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-091
Issue Date: 6 February 2017
Next Planned Update: 6 February 2020 Qualification Requirements for Shop-Applied Internal FBE Coatings
Twice per shift the coating on production pipes shall be tested by Differential
Scanning Calorimeter analysis in accordance with CSA Z245 Clause 12.7 for
cured coating. Custom coated fittings and spools shall be subjected to the same
test at a frequency of three sample per production lot. Girth welds shall be
checked twice per day. Failure of the test shall require each piece coated on that
day to be subjected to the test until a total of three tests in a row (three done both
before and after the piece which failed) are satisfactory. The glass transition
difference (Tg4-Tg3) must be in the range specified by the FBE Manufacturer,
within -2, +3°C. Any coated pipes, girth welds, or fittings fail the test within the
acceptable range shall be rejected.
Vendor should obtain a test ring from the pipe end, at least 500 mm, to be
subjected to the tests listed in Table 3. The minimum test frequency, for each
production line, shall be one test ring per pipe diameter and specified wall
thickness every working shift, a minimum of once every 12 h.
Saudi Aramco: Company General
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Document Responsibility: Paints and Coatings Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-091
Issue Date: 6 February 2017
Next Planned Update: 6 February 2020 Qualification Requirements for Shop-Applied Internal FBE Coatings
11.10.2 The holiday detector shall be calibrated at least twice per 8-hour shift
against a suitable calibrated voltmeter.
11.11 Visual inspection is required for internally coated pipes subjected to external
FBE coating to ensure the internal coating is not affected. Inspection result must
be reported in the inspection sheet.
11.12 Internal coating shall not be subjected to double heating, in case the
external coating is rejected and recoating is required.
Test Test Method Criteria Frequency
Internal Root
Para 9.6 1.5 mm or less All
First joint or once
every hour or every
twenty pipe lengths.
If three tests
successful, every 2
Adhesion Test Para. 11.5 Pass
hours or 50 pipe
lengths for pipe
One sample per
production lot for
custom coated pieces
a) Pipe (≥ 24 inch)
Max. 20 holidays
Holiday Detection Para. 11.6 b) Pipe joint (≤ 20 inch) All
Max. 4 holidays per
12.2 m
Once per shift and at
Bend Test Para. 11.7 No crack the start of using a
new batch of powder
For pipe twice per
Cure Test Para. 11.8 (Tg4-Tg3) = -2, +3°C For fittings three
sample per
production lot
Production Test Once per shift
Para. 11.9 Table 3
Ring (12 hours)
The Buyer's Representative at any time may require that the Vendor prepare a set of
test specimens as defined in Appendix A, and arrange for the performance of any or all
of the tests covered by Appendix A at a laboratory agreeable to the Buyer. Provided the
coating on the specimens passes the tests, the Buyer shall pay for the tests; otherwise
the Vendor shall pay the costs.
13 Repairs
13.2 Abrasive blasting and patch repair work shall not be conducted when the metal
surface temperature is less than 3ºC above the dew point.
13.3 Repaired areas shall be retested for holidays per paragraph 11.6 and shall
be holiday free.
Saudi Aramco: Company General
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Document Responsibility: Paints and Coatings Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-091
Issue Date: 6 February 2017
Next Planned Update: 6 February 2020 Qualification Requirements for Shop-Applied Internal FBE Coatings
14.1 Each coated length of pipe or fitting shall be externally or internally stenciled
to identify the type of coating applied, coating Purchase Order number, original
pipe or fitting Purchase Order number (if known), pipe size, pipe grade, fitting
size, fitting class and date coated.
14.2 All pipes shall be stored on polyethylene-sheathed sand berms until time for
delivery. Fittings shall be stored on pallets or padded elevated racks.
14.3 All booms, hooks, forks, supports and skids used in handling or storing coated
pipe shall be designed and maintained in such a manner as to prevent any
damage to the pipe or to the coating, and shall be approved by Buyer's
14.4 The Buyer's Representative will have authority to stop any storage procedure or
means of transport from the yard if, in his opinion, there is a possibility of
damage to the coating because of improper procedures.
14.5 End caps or any suitable end covers shall be used to prevent sand, water, and
other contaminants in getting in contact with the internal coating if applied.
End seal tapes shall be used to keep the end caps or end covers in place and
to protect the cut-back from corrosion and surrounding contaminants.
Revision Summary
30 March 2005 Revised the “Next Planned Update”. Reaffirmed the contents of the document, and reissued with
minor revisions.
15 October 2011 Editorial revision to remove the committee members list.
6 February 2017 Major revision to clarify some of the requirements, summarize required tests in tables, specify coating
thickness for each system, revise acceptance criteria, highlight safety requirements, add new tests to be
in line with international standards such as dust level, porosity, abrasion, EIS and production test ring.
In addition, this revision resolved some of the challenges faced in previous projects to eliminate
conflicts and support project schedule.
1.2.2 The third party test report shall include all the tests mentioned in this
specification, unless otherwise specified by CSD approved test protocol.
1.2.3 The final report shall include illustrative photos of all panels before
and after testing.
1.2.4 The third party laboratory shall report the results of the tests to Saudi
Aramco, first. Upon approval, the report can be then released to the
Manufacturer. The third party laboratory can only report the results.
However, interpretation of the results and making the final conclusion is
solely the role and responsibility of CSD.
1.2.5 All initial product qualification tests shall be carried out at no cost to
Saudi Aramco.
1.2.6 All coating systems supplied for use in potable water service as in
(APCS-102A) or any other systems shall have been tested to meet Food
and Drugs Administration (FDA), National Sanitation Foundation
(NSF) or Saudi Aramco-considered equivalent requirements for
suitability for use in contact with drinking/potable water. The
certification shall be valid for 4 years from the date of issuance, and
thereafter, it shall be renewed every 4 years to maintain the approval
1.2.7 Along with any coated sample supplied for testing, the coating
manufacturer/vendor shall submit the following documents: coating
manufacturer’s location, date of manufacturing, batch/lot numbers
1.4 If the operating conditions for a certain project are not addressed in Table 5,
re-qualification test is required at the R&DC.
2. References
3. Qualification Tests
Instrumental analyses of the coating powder and its primer shall be conducted
by the infrared (IR) approved method, and FBE differential scanning
calorimetric (DSC) analysis.
The test should be conducted in accordance with ASTM D4060. The abrasive
wheels shall be CS-17 with a load of 1,000 grams on each wheel and for
1,000 cycles. The mass lose should be below 100 milligrams.
The test should be conducted in accordance with CAS Z245.20, Clause 12.10.
The acceptance criteria for both cross-section porosity and interface porosity is
Rating 2.
3.8.2 Three test panels shall be Carbon Steel plates, which are of a size at
least 100 mm x 150 mm (4” X 6”).
3.8.3 The test chamber shall be heated to the test temperature specified in
Table 5 below.
3.8.5 The pressurizing gas shall be Nitrogen (N2) unless otherwise specified.
The unit shall be cooled to 90ºC and the pressure released over a time
period of a minimum of one minute and a maximum of three
3.8.7 The specimens shall be conditioned for one hour at 25ºC prior to being
3.8.8 The test results shall not show blistering, cracking, swelling,
or softening. Slight discoloration is acceptable.
3.8.9 The pull off adhesion shall be more than 90% of the initial adhesion.
Note: In order for full and unrestricted approval of a coating system it must pass
all above tests and also pass the bending tests. However, it is possible to
get limited approval by passing the individual tests in a specific service.
All systems shall pass (d) as well as be bendable in order to qualify except as
otherwise noted in this SAMSS.