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Project Proposal - Community Policing Mobile Application

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Wilfred OYOO 16/U/17600/PS BBC +256 771 335949

Diana NABUKWASI 16/U/18535/PS BBC +256 759 604786

Joel GONAHASA 16/U/13824/PS BBC +256 759 860289

Allen BABIRYE 16/U/13419/EVE BBC +256 786 354322

Mudasiri ALEMA 13/U/2184/PS BBC +256 783 213232

Gloria NANDUTU 16/U/16700/EVE BBC +256 783 580291




A project proposal submitted to Makerere University Business School for the study leading to a
project report in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of
Business Computing of Makerere University


Table of Content .............................................................................................................................. i

List of tables ................................................................................................................................... iii
Acronyms ....................................................................................................................................... iv
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background to the study ........................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Problem Statement .................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 General objective ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Specific objectives .................................................................................................................... 3
1.6 Scope of the study ..................................................................................................................... 3
1.6.1 Subject scope ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.6.2 Geographical scope ................................................................................................................ 3
1.6.3 Time scope ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.7 Significance of the study........................................................................................................... 3
2. LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Review of existing system ........................................................................................................ 7
3. METHODOLOGIES ................................................................................................................ 10
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Research design ...................................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Sources of data ........................................................................................................................ 10
3.4 Study sample ........................................................................................................................... 10
3.5 System Development Life Cycle ............................................................................................ 10
3.6 Requirement Elicitation .......................................................................................................... 11

3.6.1 Questionnaire ....................................................................................................................... 11
3.6.2 Observation .......................................................................................................................... 11
3.6.3 Interview .............................................................................................................................. 11
3.7 Ethical consideration ............................................................................................................... 12
3.8 System Requirement specification (SRS) ............................................................................... 12
3.8.1 User requirement .................................................................................................................. 12
3.8.2 Systems requirement ............................................................................................................ 12
3.8.3 Functional requirement ........................................................................................................ 12
3.8.4 Nonfunctional requirement .................................................................................................. 12
3.9 System Design Approach ........................................................................................................ 12
3.10 System Testing ...................................................................................................................... 13
3.11 System Implementation ........................................................................................................ 13
REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................ 14
APPENDICES .............................................................................................................................. 15

Table 1: Proposed time framework…………………………………………………………..…. 16
Table 2: Proposed budget……………………………………………………………………..… 16

CPI Corruption Perception Index
CPOs Community Police Officers
CTS Crime Trend Survey
DALYs Disability Adjusted Life Years
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
DPC District Police Commander
GIS Geographic information system
GPS Geographical Positioning System
IDE Integrated Development Environment
OCD Organised crime division
OCs Officer in – charge
OOD Object Oriented Design
SRS System Requirement Specification
UI User Interface
UN United Nations
UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
UPF Uganda Police Force
USB Universal Serial Bus
UX User eXperience
UPC Uganda Peoples’ Congress
XML Extensible Mark-up Language

1.1 Introduction

Crime causes social, economic, health, and psychological effects on victims and the community
they live. It is a serious social problem that directly reduces the quality of life in the community
and the country at large. Many conceive a community as a geographic area and others take a
community as an area of common life but according to UN office on drugs and crime, a
community refers to small neighborhoods, areas within a city, or small villages or towns.

1.2 Background of the study

The Uganda Police Force is a state owned body which was initially established under the Uganda
Armed Constabulary in 1899. The institution has undergone an extensive metamorphosis since
its early beginnings. The current UPF was established under Article 212 of the 1995 constitution
of the Republic of Uganda. It is charged with advancement and enhancement of peace, stability,
order and adherence to the rule law.

Over the years, the operational strategies of the UPF became almost entirely reactive, taking
complaints, conducting investigations and recording statements, with little personal interaction.
As Uganda passed through political turmoil during the 1970s and 1980s the allegations of
incompetence, brutality and corruption badly tarnished the UPF’s image, and led to great fear
and mistrust by the public. The report of the Commission of Enquiry into the Violation of
Human Rights in Uganda from 1962 to January 1986, pointed out that the UPF was one of the
state agencies implicated in atrocities during the Idi Amin military junta era and the second
Uganda People Congress (UPC)-Obote government 1980-1985. For some time afterwards, the
resulting fear and mistrust discouraged the public from supporting the police and working
together in a partnership against crime. These attitudes have steadily been changing in recent
years with improved police discipline and performance. The UPF itself, however has made little
systematic attempt to market its image and solicit public support.

Traditionally, the maintenance of law and order in any community has usually been the exclusive
role of conventional police and other law enforcement agents in the absence of active
participation of the wider members of the community. Therefore, the UPF has tended to see
members of the public’s role exclusively in terms of the help they can provide in the combat and
prevention of crime and has for some time been pursuing strategies aimed at promoting a
partnership against it. The focus has been on sensitizing the public on their role and what they
can do to contain crime. There has been much less emphasis on listening to public priorities and

Community policing was introduced in Uganda in 1989 by the District Police Commander
(DPC) of Old Kampala Police Division. The initiative assumed significance as a pilot project in
response to conflict between different community groups and increased instances of theft of
electrical items. The community criticised the performance of the police, whom they accused of
incompetence, indifference and corruption. The conflict assumed political overtones and the
DPC initiated a public relations campaign. Four British Police Officers who were conducting
training courses in the Country at that time, together with the DPC, Pauline Bangirana,
introduced the idea of sensitising the public, offering crime prevention advice and property
marking. The Community Police Officers (CPOs) were provided with bicycles to enable them to
“mobilize the community”. In addition to their work as mobilizers, the CPOs operated as beat
officers and, in discharging their beat duties, they were to interact with the public and discuss
with them issues related to crime, security and welfare. This initiative faltered when the
divisional head was transferred.

Therefore to successfully reduce crime, there must be an active community partnership and
involvement using a convenient and portable android mobile application so that crime reporting
and updates are done anonymously and the nearest police station from the crime scene are
alerted and immediate actions undertaken.

1.3 Problem statement

Uganda has for the last couple of months been on the spotlight for the upsurge in criminal
activities not until recently that the President Yoweri Museveni revealed a nine point master plan
that includes the collection of DNA of all Ugandans among other remedies besides his 2011 –
2016 manifesto which advocates for community support in keeping the nation safe. According to
the annual crime report (2017) by the UPF, there was a 3.3% increase in the crime rate across the
country with over 252,065 cases registered in 2017 compared to that of the previous year of
243,988 cases.

However, based on the report some of the crime categories include breakings, thefts, terrorism,
robbery, sex related crimes, vandalism among others. These criminal activities are impacting the
country with a lot of negative implications which reduces the quality of life socially, politically
and economically.

In order to address the rising crime rates in Uganda, it is important to have a convenient and
portable mobile application in place to reduce crime.

1.4 General objective of study

The main objective of the study is to develop a mobile application which will help bridge the gap
between the community and the police in a collective partnership in reducing crime rates in

1.5 Specific objectives of the study

To clearly analyse the current crime reporting system adopted by the Uganda Police Force in
keeping track on law, order and crime prevention within the country.

 To establish the requirements necessary for designing a community policing mobile

application for Uganda Police Force.

 To design a community policing mobile application for Uganda Police Force.

 To develop a community policing mobile application for Uganda Police Force.

 To test the community policing mobile application developed for the Uganda Police Force.

1.6 Scope of the study

This sub-section basically dictates the boundary of the study and is mainly categorized into;

1.6.1 Subject scope

This briefly defines the boundary of the research in terms of the functionality and scope of

This research will be concentrated on the crime management and find out how best can the
community partner with the Police force in keeping an eye on the security and order around them
through submitting anonymous crime reports with the help of the proposed mobile application.

1.6.2 Geographical scope

Geographical scope defines the physical boundary of the research and also outlines why a
particular area was zeroed down.

This study research will be conducted mainly in the central region of Kampala. This is because
of the ease of access and the cheaper transport costs and time compared to longer distances from
our campus and due to the frequent reports about the insecurity within the region.

1.6 Significance of the study

The goals of community policy among others are to help reduce citizen fear of crime, improve
police-community relations, facilitate more effective responses to community and lower the
overall amount of crimes committed. Therefore this project upon completion and implementation
should be in position to solve the challenges in the following ways;

This project should improve the administrative efficiency in crime prevention by creating a
strong alliances between the police and the community against crime with a collective support
from the citizens within the communities they live.

This study should serve as a reference for anyone who might wish to develop or improve a
community policing application

The research study should enable students gain experience in UI and UX design, business logic
development plus database design and management.

To the policy makers for instance the Government of Uganda, should be able to understand the
benefits of involving the community in partnership with the Police forces in crime management.

2.1 Introduction

There are numerous definitions of community policing but they appear to have three common
features; police-community partnerships, a problem-solving approach and organizational
decentrailisation as stated by Oliver (1998) definition seems most comprehensive.

The policy emerging due to the fact that police alone cannot be able to solve all problems within
the communities. Therefore, building partnership between members of community and police
towards crime prevention is inevitable. According to Ferreira (1996) "Community policing is a
philosophy of full service personalized policing, where the same officer patrols and works in the
same area on a permanent basis, from a decentralised place, working in a proactive partnership
with citizens to identify and solve problems."

Crime is an illegal activity which causes physical or moral injuries on others. According to
Ugandan criminology code

We are all used to accessing task-specific mobile apps to accomplish our business on the go.
Law enforcement agencies has caught onto this trend too and now mobile apps are the core of
fieldwork, improving community safety through police-community partnership, investigations
and more.

2.2 Previous studies

Over the years, a number of countries have encountered different criminal activities which
brought about engagement between the residents with their local law enforcement agencies
mainly the Police forces in order to combat such crimes to make their community safe. Below
are some of the crime statistics around the world.

When we consider the crime pattern in most developing and developed countries around the
world. Muhammad et al stated that in Malaysia, a ten year (2004 - 2013) archival analysis
showed that a total number of 314,675 violent crime incidents were recorded. In general, violent
crimes occurred in a fluctuating pattern. The highest number of violent crime incidents were
recorded in the year 2009 (42,365 cases) followed by the year 2008 (35,159 cases).

In the Philippines, The total crime volume for the last four years has been fluctuating. It
registered 80,108 in 2000, 76,991 in 2001, 85,776 in 2002 and 83,704 in 2003. For the period
January to November 2004, the total crime volume registered is 8.5% lower compared with the
same period last year. Out of the total crime volume, 55% are index crimes and the rest are non-
index crimes. The most common crimes in the Philippines are street crimes, illegal drug
trafficking, violent crimes against women and children, terrorism and smuggling and trafficking
in human.

In Japan, during the period from 1960s to early 1990s, the crime rate in Japan remained stable
and at a low level, with the number of recorded penal code crimes being in the proximity of 1.5
million cases per year. In 1991 however, this situation changed, with the number of recorded
penal code crimes rising above 1 .7 million for the first time, and then climbing above 2 million
in 1998. The financial crisis was followed by another increase in crime, with penal code crimes
peaking at approximately 2.85 million in 2002, which was the highest number ever recorded.
Overall, the increase in the crime rate during the 5 year period between 1998 and 2002 was a
startling 40.3 %.

Next we look at South America and the Caribbean Countries. In Caribbean, murder rates are at
30 per 100,000 population annually—are higher than for any other region of the world and have
risen in recent years for many of the region‘s countries. Assault rates, at least based on assaults
reported to police, are also significantly above the world average. Victimization surveys are
needed to even approximate true levels of assault, yet standardized victimization surveys have
rarely been undertaken in the Caribbean. Violence against women affects a significant
percentage of women and girls in the Caribbean. According to Halcon et al (2003), one such
regional victimization survey revealed that 48 percent of adolescent girl‘s sexual initiation was
forced‖ or somewhat forced in nine Caribbean countries. The United Nations Office on Drugs
and Crime’s Trends Survey (CTS) which is based on police statistics, three of the top ten
recorded rape rates in the world occur in the Caribbean.

All countries in the Caribbean for which comparable data are available (Bahamas, St. Vincent
and the Grenadines, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Dominica, Barbados, and Trinidad and
Tobago) experienced a rate of rape above the unweighted average of the 102 countries in the
CTS. Despite their diversity, one thing all Caribbean countries have in common is that they have
long been caught in the crossfire of international drug trafficking.

Despite these recent shifts, large quantities of drugs continue to transit the Caribbean. In 2005
according to the Central Statistical Office (2006), it is estimated that about 10 tons of cocaine
transited through Jamaica, and 20 tons through Haiti and the Dominican Republic. In addition to
drug trafficking, kidnapping and corruption are other forms of organized crime which affect the
region. Two countries Haiti and Trinidad and Tobago have seen recent and rapid increases in
kidnappings. The kidnapping rate nearly doubled in Trinidad and Tobago between 1999 and
2005 according to the Central Statistics Office of Trinidad and Tobago (2006). Corruption is a
difficult crime to measure. While there are methodological concerns about Transparency
International‘s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), it remains the standard for international
corruption comparisons and boasts one of the few datasets with near global coverage.

In the 2006 CPI, ten Caribbean countries were included in the world rankings [26]. Haiti was
ranked as the most corrupt country in the world, while Barbados was ranked as the 24th least
corrupt country, ahead of many European countries [26].

Latin America has the highest violent crime rates in the world. Of the 520,000 homicides
committed world-wide in 2000, 140,000 were in this region. The homicide rate, 27.5 per one
hundred thousand inhabitants, is triple the world average of that year. Even taking into account
the importance of gender violence in these countries, the death rates are much higher among the
male population, 51 homicides per one hundred thousand inhabitants. Moreover, the
phenomenon is especially prevalent among the young. The homicide rate among the male
population of between 15 and 29 years old is 89.7 per one hundred thousand inhabitants. In view
of these figures, it is not surprising that homicide is the fifth leading cause of death in the region.
Furthermore, interpersonal violence is the third cause of loss of disability-adjusted life years

Moving to Africa, in Nigeria, political and business crime rate is on the increase almost on a
daily basis. According to the Disability, poverty and development report (2014), the Nigerian
crime problem is multidimensional and is capable of undermining its corporate existence as well
as efforts towards sustainable development. Security and crime have been deeply rooted in the
political history of this country, particularly in recent time, which has emerged as a key concept
in Nigeria‘s struggle for good governance, sustainable democracy and development.

In this case, the study specifically looks at Uganda, Kampala specifically and we give a brief
over view of the crime statistics in Uganda as compared to other African countries. The rate of
crime in Uganda is very alarming that needs attention urgently. Today every family and business
has been directly or indirectly affected by robberies, burglaries vandalism, sex related crimes and
others. The significant increase in crime deforms the overall development of the nation,
undermines people’s spiritual and material well-being, and creates an atmosphere of fear,
violence and panic, which compromises human dignity that erodes the quality of life. Therefore,
a sound police-community relation is needed in the battle against crime. Without adequate
involvement by the wider members of the community for instance, police officers are not likely
to receive their endeavors without the involvement of the community. According to the annual
crime report (2017), Homicides, breakings, and others are very rampant in the high, middle and
low density residential areas of Kampala and its surroundings.

2.3 Review of existing system

Today, a number of researchers and engineers have proposed and developed a number of
systems for crime detection and reporting applied in community policing. This section presents
an overview of some of the most powerful computer based crime fighting systems developed
within the past six years. The overview pays attention to functionalities and principles of
operations of these systems.

According to Paul and Luis (2007), the crime stoppers in New Orleans launched a new free
mobile crime-fighting app, for Android and iPhone platforms, called Tip Submit. The app was
created by Tip Soft and Crime Reports and is known to be the first anonymous tip submission

mobile software. By design, Tip Submit allows citizens to submit crime tips to Crime stoppers
securely and anonymously. The system identifies tipsters by their tip number only, which it
assigns to the tip. The Mobile App allows tipsters to upload photos or video and is able to send
the location of the video by a GPS locator. Other key feature of Tip Submit is that, it has no
limits on the amount of text as with sending SMS text messages. Also, it maintains two way
dialogue and real-time chat between the tipster and crime stoppers.

Engineers in the University of Virginia have developed software which helps the police easily
access crime data online. The system, called Webcast allows establish trends on the data,
showing the types of crimes that commonly occur and the places with which they are associated.
By typing in specific dates, types of crimes, locations, and selecting names of weapons used,
web-Cat produces graphs, reports, and maps of high crime areas.

Another powerful computer based crime fighting tool is Mobile Vic PD. Mobile Vic PD is a
recently releases mobile application, released by the Victoria police in Canada for fighting crime.
The mobile application can be used to report minor crimes, offer anonymous tips to police, stay
updated on crimes in progress, receive missing child reports or check on stolen property. Mobile
Vic can be used for the following activities for instance report crime where the suspect is
unknown to you and the total loss is less than $5000 from the convenience of your device, allows
a user to reconnect with their lost or stolen property through photo catalogue, using crime maps
one can see reports of crime in their geographic location, with photos, a person can view and
search for the latest images of VicPD in action in the Flickr archives. On the other hand one can
watch videos from the VicPD You Tube Channel and listen to audio using the VicPD News
features, media releases and interview, traffic complaint and violations are reported online with
actions ranging from general information for the traffic section, warnings, or issuing a ticket.

Accurint is produced by LexisNexis for the iPhone and iPad. This Mobile app connects
government and law enforcement agencies to more than thirty billion public records and critical
investigative tools needed to verify information in the field, and rapidly follow-up on new leads
as they develop. Accurint is a powerful investigative public-records research tool used by
thousands of government and law enforcement agencies to enforce laws and regulations, fight
fraud, waste and abuse, and provide citizen-centric services. Accurint‘s next generation search
technology enables researchers and investigators to instantly search through billions of public
records and perform their jobs more efficiently and effectively. Some of the features of Accurint
are; advanced Person Search, People at Work Search, Phones Search, Death Records Search,
Business Search, Corporate Filings Search and Fictitious Business Name.

The most widely used tactical lead generation tool for law enforcement in the United States is
Cop Link mobile plus app, created by i2. The app runs on iPhone, iPad and Android platforms.
The application enables police officers to achieve better situational awareness with automated
geospatial searches of recent events, as it allows the searching of state and local criminal records

from multiple jurisdiction’s databases. Other great feature is its ability to organize vast quantities
of seemingly unrelated data to assist in making tactical, strategic and command level decisions.

IPOL-mobile is an iPhone application used for crime fighting by police in Geneva, Switzerland.
It enables the police to have immediate access to various information such as the latest burglary
or violence incident as well as the identities of culprits of such crimes. It enables the police to
have immediate access to various information such as the latest burglary or violence incident as
well as the identities of culprits of such crimes, IPOL-Mobile tracks the statuses and stages of the
crime. Officers can track ownership information of vehicles by simply entering its number plate
into the Smartphone application and officers can also get important real time information about
their duties (patrol hours and location), police directories, lawyers and translators and their
availability hours using the application.

Hatari.co.ke is a web based platform that enables citizens in Kenya to report to report various
crimes by sending a text message containing the location and the type crime they are reporting
to a number, the message will be displayed on the platform including a position on the map
where it was reported from.

2.4 Weaknesses of the existing system

The current system used has a lot of loophole when coming to the currency and keeping
information up to date. The current existing system that is to say manual system refers to the use
of book, pen and ruler’s in recording information which can be crime, business and any other
information. Concerning our project of crime reporting, Uganda police have being using the
manual system over time and this has created a lot of problems in follow up cases. However the
above system has resulted into following weakness as stated
Loss of serious crime information by the police as papers where details of the crime are kept
easily gets loss due negligence of duty by the police. The system is expensive due to the
purchase of scholastic material that are need for recording the information of the crime that is
committed. There is a lot of corruption amongst police officers by using the weakness of the
system to change information that would help to favor a person of their interest through such
creating mistrust of police in public.

3.1 Introduction

This section highlights a detailed description of the road-map for executing the research for
instance the research methods, approach, sample size, sampling technique and requirement
elicitation used by the team to carry out the research.

3.2 Research Design

This research study will adopt mixed method approach incorporating both quantitative and
qualitative techniques in data collection. According to Kothari (2004), research design is the
arrangement of conditions for collection and analysing data in such a way that aims to combine
relevance to the research objectives. The approach will allow for adequate investigation and
triangulation of data from different sources. The approach will permit the team to draw on the
strengths while minimizing the weaknesses of each type of data collection technique within the
central region of Kampala. Its findings, conclusion and recommendation can be transmitted even
to other Districts.

3.3 Sources of data

The team shall use both primary and secondary data sources. A primary data source of data could
take form of a document, speech, or other sort of evidence written, created or otherwise produced
during the time under study. For instance self-administered questionnaire, face-to-face interviews
and direct observation while secondary data will mainly be library research and analysis of
related documents like review of printed media on crime situation in Kampala, internet sources
and newspapers. These will be presented in references at the end of the project report.

3.4 Study sample

Due to the time and cost feasibility factors, the team shall take a population of 50 comprising of
the community members, councilors, OCS and OCD.

The size of the sample should not be too big nor small rather optimum. A good sample must
fulfill the requirements of adequacy, representativeness, independence and homogeneity
(Kothari, 2004). The sample size for the research study will be based on the correctness of the
demanded population size, population heterogeneity and resources available. In order to provide
the needed information on community policing, we shall purposely select 8 members and 92
members shall be randomly selected.

3.5 Systems Development Life cycle approach

During the process of our application design and development, we shall basically adopt the
prototyping method. This is because we need to undertake a faster development while
incorporation the necessary requirements of the application by involving the stakeholders of the
proposed system in joint requirement specification and a bit of user training.

3.6 Requirement Elicitation Techniques

A blend of several data collection methods will be used to elicit the necessary data for setting up
the proposed application. This is aimed at triangulating and authenticating the data collected.
Therefore, the team will be able to overcome the intrinsic biases that emerge as a result of
application of a single method. The following are key data collection methods that will be
employed in the research study;

3.6.1 Questionnaire

According to Kothari (2004), a questionnaire means collection of data using a number of

questions prepared in a paper. This is a data collection technique in which written questions were
presented and answered by respondents in a written form.

Therefore, we shall draft written questions which sought to answer and later present to the
various stakeholders of the proposed system which will help in getting detailed and standardized
information about the difficulties they face with the current community policy application as a
way of reporting and management of crime.

3.6.2 Observation

In the opinion of the team members, observation is another method considered relevant in
obtaining the necessary information. This is because it will give us more accurate assessment of
the actual perceptive of the clients in applying the current system of reporting and dealing with
crime in their community.

At times the other data collection methods for instance questionnaire might not capture all the
information like the attitude of the respondents in the field can only be observed thus giving us a
hint on how to design the system.

3.6.3 Interviews

An interview is the body of techniques used for collection of data (Kothari, 2004). It includes
presentation of oral verbal. The method involves face to face conversation or telephone
conversation. It was used to collect qualitative information that could not be easily obtained
through questionnaire.

We shall interview some of the stakeholders of the proposed system for instance the staff of UPF
and a few people of the community so as to get firsthand information about both the existing
system and a hint about the requirement of the proposed system after informing them about the
objectives of the study. All interviews will be conducted in private so as to increase
confidentially. Some of the advantages of this data collection method is that there is immediate
feedback, opportunity to reassure the respondent and much more.

3.7 Ethical Considerations

Informed consent; every respondent will be explained the purpose of the end project evaluation
and result and later requested to participate in the interview, they will have the right to refuse to
participate or answer specific survey questions. The interviewers shall respect this rights and
verbally administer informed consent before conducting the interview.
Privacy; each respondent’s interview will be conducted in a manner that is comfortable for them
and in which they are able to speak openly and honestly. Interviews will thus be conducted in the
respondent’s home, office and in private area or done at another location of the interviewee’s
3.8 System Requirements specifications (SRS)

3.8.1 User requirements

The user requirements will describe what the users will be able to perform with the application.
The different services, constraints and goals will be established by consulting the stakeholders of
the proposed system.

3.8.2 System requirements

Among the software requirement that will be needed during the development are Android studio
as the Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Mockplus for the material User Interface
(UI) design, for the case of the hardware, the team shall require an android smartphone to
perform Universal Serial Bus (USB) debugging during and after the application development.

3.8.1 Functional requirements

The core operations of the application will be to report criminal activities.

3.8.2 Nonfunctional requirements

This will consist of the constraints that must be adhered to during the process of design and
implementation for instance time, cost feasibility and system standards. In other words, the
system should be available and accessible, be able to use less memory, should have security
measures like user authentication.

3.9 System Design Approach

The team will undertake an Object Oriented Design (OOD) approach when coming up with the
system design. OOD is the process of using an object-oriented methodology to design a

computing system or application. This approach will enable us to implement the software
solution based on the concepts of objects using use cases and others.

3.10 Systems Testing

We shall perform a few tests on the proposed system upon completion to ensure that it is free
from bugs and compatible with the user requirements. Basically, a unit test shall be carried out to
ensure that each UI performs perfectly as intended to. On the other hand, an integration test will
also be performed to find out how well the modules or User experience (UX) operates when
linked together as a single unit.

3.11 Systems Implementation

For the application to be implemented or developed into a fully working system, we shall be able
to use XML and Mockplus for the material design of the UX and UI, JAVA will be introduced in
the business logic whereas SQLite will be used in the data tier of our application and Android
Studio technologies as the IDE.


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Proposed Time framework


1. Proposal writing

2. Data collection

3. Data analysis of

4. System design

System implementation

5. System testing

6. Project report

Table 1: Proposed time framework

Proposed Budget


1. Flash Disk 20,000

2. Stationary 15,000

3. Airtime 20,000

4. Internet 10,000

5. Printing 40,000

6. Transport 25,000

7. Miscellaneous 50,000

Total 180,000

Table 2: Proposed budget


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