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Building-Barrier SOC APG

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Anazel P. Gamilla Thelma D. Palaoag, DIT

Department of Information Technology Department of Computer Science
Central Luzon State University University of the Cordilleras
Science City of Munoz Nueva Ecija Baguio City
apgamilla@clsu.edu.ph tdpalaoag@gmail.com

Abstract—The constant implementation of online to all the administrators. This shows that keeping the
processes of transactions driven by aspiration to improve modern information technology (IT) enterprise's
services in higher education, particularly during pandemic, confidentiality, integrity, and availability is a serious
and the continuous growth of technology to institute a responsibility, and as the infrastructure increases, so do
SMART Campus, draw various attacks which makes the security concerns and risks.[5].
higher education's reputation as a target of mass This fills in a vital missing piece to be responsible for
exploitation, attracts a variety of threats. The urge to maintaining and defending the system in the event of a
protect their assets and support their processes provided threat. With this, a greater emphasis should be placed on
an opportunity to construct a foundation of a resilient continuous monitoring and enhancing the security posture
network security infrastructure. The study sought to of the institution while preventing, identifying, evaluating,
develop an improved framework for the Campus Area and responding to cybersecurity incidents which is the
Network that supports the primary functions of Security intention of having an Operations Security
Operations Center(SOC) to aid in establishing, mitigating Center(SOC)[4]. Establishing SOC, gave an intensive
and implementing best practices for potential difficulties focus on identifying and preventing assaults. To
and threats and providing layers of barrier for the effectively determine, discover, and mitigate threats,
protection of the potential users. The systematic analysis ideally before any harm is done, they combine a variety of
of the current SOC framework was examined to help in people, procedures,technologies, governance, and
developing the revised framework in the campus network compliance[29].Additionally, while dealing with threats
setup and evaluated the acceptability by the security and attacks and understanding their patterns, it is
experts through descriptive method Likert scale. The important to check how they began. Reflecting on
acceptability from security expert review is encouraging, occurrences and making sure we are adhering to
and it provided valuable responses that the approach can standards,policy and rules particularly when working with
improve security against anticipated security threats and huge numbers of users, can prevent repeat disasters.
reduce vulnerabilities. This suggests that future studies The study aims to revamp SOC framework design in
can use it to test the effectiveness in monitoring and preparation to mitigate the continuous growth of threats
analyzing network traffic for potential threats in order to and security problems. It added layers of barrier that
improve security risk management. emphasizes the importance of user responsibility when
accessing cyberspace. This gives the administrator
Keywords— security operations center, framework, smart
campus,network operations, threats guidance in implementing SOC integrating methodologies,
tools and best practices towards the execution of reliable
I.INTRODUCTION and secured network infrastructure for higher education
When a pandemic strikes, institutions are pressed to make institutions.
all of their core services available online, which enables
them to improve their infrastructure to support the II.MOTIVATION AND RELATED WORKS
subsequent complex operations and increased number of The conventional approach to network security might
users. Promoting the pace of innovative smart campuses result in a cyber event repeating itself and leave you
to improve educational experiences and outcomes for unprepared to stop upcoming assaults since you don't
students, staff, and teachers also became a target[1]. know what needs to be protected and when, where, and
Despite opening many good opportunities, the current how it originated from. Security can be strengthened by a
difficulties of being a subject of many cyberattacks and a variety of external variables in addition to knowledge of
perfect target for easy mass exploitation by bad actors are cyber threats. According to the information recorded,
exacerbated. Despite laws, the report reveals that 80 most institutions haven't placed a high priority on
percent of educational technology did not provide constructing SOCs and have instead focused on simply
acceptable levels of protection[28]. The average number preserving network functionality, with a 360-degree
of cyberattack per organization per week has been perspective of security being a distant aim. In previous
steadily rising, according to cyber security specialists at research, there's no specific international guidelines that
Check Point Research (CPR), with the education and were used in implementing SOC and there was no clear
research sectors displaying a higher rate of attacks of vision and scope of SOC [6]. Current research only
more than 29% increase per year than other sectors. focuses on the core functions of the SOC, understanding
Moreover, 36% of higher education in other countries are and improving its processes to be more effective in their
hit by a cyberattack every hour, and they face effects such organization[6][11][30]. There is some research that
as loss of reputation and loss of their stakeholders’ highlights the importance and present deep impact on the
trust[3]. Attacking the hardware, Firmware, Operating individual components in establishing SOC[4]. There are
System and application and its policy gave a big headache studies that the need of establishing frameworks or


guidelines for setting up a SOC should be created in the
This study demonstrates the multidisciplinary integration
of feature to reinforce the SOC's core. This demonstrates
the comprehension of the elements required to construct
the SOC goals as well as offering strategies and best
practices that will assist the administrator in establishing
one in the campus network setup. Additionally, it adds a
barrier to comprehend the obligations of the parties
involved in institutional procedures.


The proposed framework in Figure 1 suggests three(3) The figure 2 shows that logs were collected in different
layers that will consist of different components to pursue, variations of objects, from the network logs, IOT,
plan, implement, and execute creation of Smart Campus endpoints devices and the logs coming from the servers
Security Operations Center (SOC) for a higher education which were managed by the three tiers of analysts. From
institution that holds an additional surety in processing real time monitoring by the tier 1 analyst to investigate
any academic transactions. suspicious logs by the analyst tier 2. When the need for
deep analysis and threat hunting, the analyst tier 3 takes
over but it can also do it by other tiers, depending on their
tasks assigned.

A. Inventory
To understand what is needed to protect and the readiness
of the institution to support technological evolution, an
audit of the logical and physical access control must take
place. When evaluating your physical environment, it's
critical to take a thorough inventory of not only electronic
data, but also physical devices that could potentially store
or access that data via remote technology[15]. The
inventory focuses on the following criteria based on the
security plan.

a. Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Devices

and software-To reduce the ability of attackers to find
and exploit unauthorized and unprotected systems, having
active monitoring and configuration management to
Figure 1: Three Layered Barrier SCSOC Framework maintain an up-to-date inventory of devices connected to
the enterprise network, including servers, workstations,
A. Core Layer laptops, and remote devices as well as the approved
The core layer components established the SOC's primary software that was used must be listed see table 1. Since
objective, which focuses on techniques for fully campus contains different types of users such as
visualizing and examining potential threats and how to employees, students as well as guests, inventory will help
handle them in order to fully comprehend where, when, to properly check and plan limitations of users device
and how they begin and can be used to improve an connection as well as how to design the network.
institution's defense against cyber threats.
1. Analyst Table 1. Security Control Inventory List
Building the right team members is an essential factors to Details High Med Low
properly implement the functionality of the security center
that handles the overall operations, responsible in Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Devices
checking the workflow of the SOC, which divided into
three tiers[25]: 1. All systems connected to the REQ REQ REQ
1.1 Monitoring Team- handles the real time monitoring network and the network devices
processing the increasing events and reduces the number themselves.
of false positives.
1.2 Investigators- Ability to customer queries and 2. Portable Device REQ REQ REQ
construct blast zones analysis and remediates.
3. Information assets that REQ REQ REQ
1.3 Hunters- Hunt for unknown threats with deep identifies their critical information and
analytics and machine learning. maps critical information to the
hardware assets
4.Network inventory monitoring tools. REC OPT OPT
rejections could signal the spread of a password-guessing
worm across a network or bots being active that attacks
the network.
4. Use Network Access Control REC OPT OPT
technology to authenticate and authorize
devices before allowing them on the

Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Software

1.Deployed software such as Operating REQ REQ REQ

systems(servers, computers etc.)

2. List of authorized software REQ REC OPT

3. Security Tools
Defining the right technology to use must be integrated
based on the identified maturity curve of learning. The
team can start with the basic security controls like
antivirus, intrusion detection,firewalls for detection and
protection and can enhance techniques such as honey pots
and endpoint threat detection and response.In security
analytics, you may make sure you're reviewing security
event data first, then add forensic-level information later.
You can start with a simple workflow for service Figure 3. Logging and Checking Intrusion
management and then add response orchestration for
automation as shown in Table 2.[19]. 5. Threat Identification and Hunting
Table 2. Technologies for Protection[19] The intrusion detection from the security tools is only the
first step to understand what is circling in the network but
Types Technologies
knowing and understanding the encountered threat is one
Detection and Protection Next-generation firewalls of the major roles of the SOC. Knowing how it impacts
Email security gateway the entire network and being able to regulate it can help
Web security gateway Intrusion you propose the incident's priority, the best policy to
detection/prevention system
Antivirus (network and endpoint)
follow, and the controls that should be put in place on the
Integrity monitoring and change network.
Advanced threat detection/prevention
The table 3 shows details of attacks and its cause that took
Honeypots and decoys Endpoint threat place on the smart campus, which had multiple
detection and incident response unprotected devices, systems, and apps that transmitted
Security analytics and Security information and event data across insecure media and used weak protocols like
incident response management HTTP, FTP, and telnet[22].
Data analytics
Malware analysis (static and dynamic) Table 3.0 Smart Campus Susceptible Attacks[22]
Host and network forensics
Visualization and analytics tools Attacks Cause
Software Attacks
4. Audit and Logging Virus, Worms, Trojan Horse, Email attachments, Downloading
Spyware and AwareVirus, files
When the security tools is established in the network, one Worms, Trojan Horse, Spyware
of the main sources of evidence when tracking a and Aware
suspicious incident is the auditing of logs that was carried
Encryption Attacks
out in the tools that were used in the network. One of the
simplest ways to ensure that access control systems are Cryptanalysis Attacks Knowing the encryption key and
working properly is to review security audit logs within gaining access to encrypted data.
an IT system. Audit log reviews are largely a detective Side-channel Attacks Exfiltrate cryptographic keys, by
control[26]. measuring coincidental hardware
The figure 3 defines a flow in monitoring the logs and
Data Privacy Attacks
keeping an eye for the additional abnormalities in the
network. One good example is a collective antivirus logs Data breaches Unauthorized user access data
from different components can have a large visualization source
of the current state of malware. Antivirus alarms paired Data loss Data deletion
with a spike in failed authentication alerts from
Account or Service Hijacking Stealed credentials
authentication servers or a spike in outbound firewall
Network Attacks preparation would lessen the problem. This layer stressed
Traffic Analysis Attacks Intercepting and examine network the need for the institution’s internal preparation for any
traffic without authorization network-related cyber incidents. The two (2) parts are
designed to be used for the mitigation plan's correct
Replay Attack Participates in data exchange
between two legal parties. execution and the requirement for effective
communication to carry it out as soon as possible.
Eavesdropping attacker can monitor all data
traffic on smart campus networks 1. Communications
without the knowledge of
authorized users ( Since the SOC team is extremely monitoring the traffic
Denial of service Service was unavailable to the
flows and possible incidents that may occur, a formal
users by sending limitless traffic communication plan in reaching the stakeholders involved
to the servers and devices. must be created. This includes the identification of who
owned and operated the assets involved. One strategy to
deploy and communicate with stakeholders about
When the team evaluates and identifies the threats we can computer security events and incidents is to create a
move forward for a deep evaluation using threat hunting formal communication plan using designated security
which is the active information security that targets to points of contact[31]. This also helps to properly
search iteratively through networks to detect factors that disseminate the needed alerts to avoid further distraction
are evading your security system. It assumes that the bad on the assets involved. The easy understanding of who to
guys are already in and need to be found. It also validates contact and how to properly provide the report is made
security controls and identifies miss configurations in the possible by the organization's structure being clearly
environment. identified[32]. The table 4 discusses the additional
members of the team that caters to the communication
process in the institution.
Table 4. Position and Roles for internal communication
Position Roles
SOC manager Handles the operation of the SOC
team and directly executes the
creation of the cybersecurity
Chief information security officer Responsible for the establishing
(CISO) security strategies and working
closely to the head of the agency
for reporting issues and concerns.
Focal Person The person who is the direct
contact for each unit when the
Figure 4. Proposed threat hunting process incident occurs.
The figure above describes the process when the Analyst
performed this phase. To be able to not be overwhelmed
with lots of gathered logs, it must start with listing your 2. Incident Response Procedure
hypotheses based on the suspicious movement on the The institution must develop its incident response model
network. It must be specific to avoid confusion on what based on the procedures and policies that were
you are looking for. Then, investigation can take place by implemented in the institution when an incident happens.
using the MITRE ATT&CK framework[24]. It contains a Private and professional data are regularly compromised
set of techniques used by adversaries to accomplish a by attacks, thus it's crucial to act promptly and when
specific objective which is to present linearly from the security breaches take place successfully. In the provided
point of reconnaissance to the final goal of ex filtration or handling guide from National Institute of Standards and
"impact". It is used to understand the tactical phase of an Technology(NIST), it offers principles for addressing
attack based on your hypothesis. But since it has a lot of incidents, especially for analyzing incident-related data
permutation, adding a behavioral threat approach by and choosing the best course of action for every
looking in your tools and checking unusual or anomalous occurrence[33]. The process must determine if it qualifies
behavior and starting with them. The analyst can also as an incident or an event and must also include the steps,
retrace old use cases that might exist again. Moving people, and resources required for locating those
towards the analysis, the team can check if the responsible for unfavorable events or incidents[17].The
abnormalities can cause harm in the network by weighing capacity to better prepare for handling incidents by using
the metrics and then properly take an action such as the knowledge gathered during issue handling will be an
checking the patch management and rules adjustment advantage for future problems.
from the network tools and application as well as refining
the best practice of the institution. C. Standard Layer
B. Policy Layer Building a 360 degree of security requires a delicate
participation of the users who actively participating on the
While emphasizing the importance of knowing what we access on different sites, collecting of data and some
are encountering in the cyberspace, adding a layer of random cybersecurity incident due to bad practice.In
addition to the build security it added a wall of standards In figure 6 above the institution can implement different
to understand the be guided on the weight of action to types of compliance based on the transactions that were
fully prioritized the needed security. catered to the institution. External compliant users can use
1. Data Privacy Standards the NIST risk management framework to control
enhancement of the security.The generic standards helps
The data privacy standards seek to protect all the to identify the essential criteria for implementing quality
information, be it private, personal or sensitive to management. The internal standards compose of the
ensuring the free flow of information to promote specific requirement approach to control the risk and
innovation and growth[23].When most of our transactions guard against the liabilities of the institution.
moved online, data privacy became a trend. The worry
about disclosing our personal information has grown
lately. This crafts the importance of being accountable to
what data that was shared and accessed in the REFERENCES
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