EU LP Module. UNIT 1
EU LP Module. UNIT 1
EU LP Module. UNIT 1
Learners and
Learning Principles
Student Learning Module
In this unit, you’ll examine these questions and learn about the major
stages of development and what kind of developmental tasks and transitions
we might expect along the way. We will also deal with the significant roles of
research in child and adolescent development. This unit module will be
completed in 7 hours and 30 minutes.
Paste any photo of you in the box provided. Briefly describe your past
(family background), your present and what and who you think you will
possibly become in the future? In what areas will you need to grow and
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
develop to realize the future you describe? Use the blank spaces/ lines
provided on the next page for your response.
Many people use interchangeably and accept the terms 'growth' and
'development' as synonymous. But the meanings of those two words are
different in fact. Let’s explore and distinguish this two.
Growth Development
Refers to overall changes in the
individual. It involves changes in an
1. Refers to physiological changes
orderly and coherent type onwards the
goal of maturity
Changes in the quantitative Changes in the quality along with
respect quantitative aspect
3. Does not continue throughout life Continues throughout life
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
4. Stops after maturation It is progressive
Occurs due to multiplication of Occurs due to both maturation and
cells interaction with the environment
6. It is cellular It is organizational
One part of the developmental
7. It is a wider and comprehensive term
May be referred to describe the
changes in particular aspects of Describes the changes in the organism as
the body and behavior of the a whole
Changes produced are subjects of Brings qualitative changes which are
measurements. They may be difficult to measure directly. They are
quantified and observable in assessed through keen observation of
nature. behavior in different situations
May or may not bring
10. It is possible without growth.
Traditional Approach:
Life-Span Approach:
Now, let’s study on the other hand the perception of this student on
human development.
4. 5.
7 Principles of Development
Check This!
A. One-Minute Paper
b. Pick one characteristic that you think you can fully relate your path of
development. State its implications to child and adolescent care,
education as well as parenting.
c. Take at least three minutes to think about the characteristic you chose
without writing anything yet.
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
d. Then have one minute to write as much as you can in the lines
provided in the next page.
B. Doodle Mania
Below are passages that talk about human development. Choose one and
create a journalistic cartooning/ doodle out of it in the box provided below.
1. “By virtue of being born to humanity, every individual has the right to
the development and fulfillment of his potentialities as a human
Exceeds Approaches
Expectation Comment
Criterion Expectations Expectations
s s
3 1
All graphics
were related to Some graphics
were related
the chosen were related to
Relevance to the
passage and the chosen
passage and
easy to passage.
easy to
All Graphics
Most of the Graphics were
used on the
graphics used made by the
poster reflect
on the poster student, but
Originality exceptional
reflect most were
degree of
student based on the
creativity ideas of others.
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
The poster is The poster is
The poster is
exceptionally attractive in
Attractivenes attractive in terms of
s terms of design, design,
though it may
layout, and layout and
be a bit messy.
neatness. neatness.
Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer. Encircle the letter of
your choice.
2. No matter how much Teacher Angie tries to teach Xean, 6 years old,
the concept of fraction, he just can’t succeed. What could be the reason
for this?
a. Teacher Angie is female
b. Xean is not yet physically mature
c. Xean may not be fully ready yet for such a task
d. Teacher Angie may not have considered the principle that
individual’s stage of development has certain hazards
5. If you believe that an individual will show extensive change from birth
to adolescence, little or no change in adulthood, and decline in old age,
your approach to development is traditional. Which among the
following concept will then make your view of development under the
life-span approach?
a. there will always a developmental stage that dominates another
b. development only consists of physical dimension
c. individuals are changing beings in a changing world
d. growth ends in adulthood
Do This! Clip It
year old
year old
year old
year old
year old
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
year old
61 year old
and above
Have you ever wondered why you are not the same as when you were still a
baby? We will find out how it all happened by analyzing two different
versions of the stages of development and developmental tasks of the two
famous professor/ educator and authors Havighurst (1948-1953) and Santrock
Read the description of each stage and its developmental tasks below.
Developmental Tasks
Stages Tasks
1. Learning to walk.
2. Learning to take solid foods.
3. Learning to talk.
4. Learning to control the elimination of
body wastes.
5. Learning sex differences and sex
6. Forming concepts and learning
language to describe social and
physical reality.
7. Getting ready to read.
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
1. Learning physical skills necessary for
ordinary games.
2. Building wholesome attitude toward
oneself as a growing organism.
3. Learning to get along with age-mates.
4. Learning an appropriate masculine or
feminine social role.
5. Developing fundamental skills in
reading, writing, and calculating.
6. Developing concepts necessary for
everyday living.
7. Developing conscience, morality, and
a scale of values.
8. Achieving personal independence.
9. Developing attitudes toward social
groups and institutions.
Stages Tasks
1. Achieving new and more mature
relations with age-mates of both sexes.
2. Achieving masculine/feminine social
3. Accepting one’s physique and using
body effectively.
4. Achieving emotional independence of
parents and other adults.
5. Preparing for marriage and family life.
Preparing for an economic career.
6. Acquiring a set of values and an
ethical system as a guide to behavior,
developing ideology.
Desiring and achieving socially responsible
1. Selecting a mate.
2. Achieving a masculine or feminine
social role.
3. Learning to live with a marriage
4. Starting a family.
5. Rearing children.
6. Managing a home.
7. Getting started in an occupation.
8. Taking on civic responsibility.
Finding a congenial social group.
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
1. Achieving adult civic and social
2. Establishing and maintaining an
economic standard of living.
3. Assisting teenage children to become
responsible and happy adults.
4. Developing adult leisure-time
5. Relating oneself to one’s spouse as a
6. Accepting and adjusting to the
physiologic changes or middle age.
7. Adjusting to aging parents.
1. Adjusting to decreasing physical
strength and health.
2. Adjusting to retirement and reduced
3. Adjusting to death of spouse.
4. Establishing an explicit affiliation with
one’s age group.
5. Meeting social and civic obligations.
6. Establishing satisfactory physical
living arrangement.
5. Adolescence- 13 to 18 years old, traumatic life stage for child and parent, puberty
occurs, extremely concerned with appearance,
trying to establish self-identity, confrontations
with authority.
7. Middle Adulthood- 30-60 years old, physical changes begin to occur like hair begins
thin gray, wrinkles appear, hearing and vision
decrease. Muscles lose tone, your main
concerns are your children, and health, job
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
security, aging parents, and fear of aging, love and acceptance still take
a major role.
1. identify the different themes and issues in development that are still
debatable until now; and
2. take a stand on the four issues discussed.
When patterns are set, what does it take to alter them? In short, is stability or
plasticity characterized by human behavior?
Qualitative or Staged Development
Quantitative Development
Check This!
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
Go back to how you answered the Take a Stand activity. Review the
choices you made, and answer the following questions.
a. After reading through the lesson, are the things you thought to
influence development more are still the same choices you have
now? Why or why not?
Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer. Encircle the letter of
your choice.
6. The learners will be able to make adjustments with their learning styles
and study habit. Children during infancy are said to understand the
words by their physical actions on objects, which develops through a
series of sub-stages particularly the lack and existence of object
permanence. This refers to:
a. Discontinuity
b. Nature
c. Continuity
d. Nurture
This section which you will finish in 1 hour and 30 minutes, discusses various
research methods used to study psychological patterns in infants and kids,
research designs used to investigate age-related changes in developmental
processes and changes over time, and specific problems and special issues
associated with conducting research with infants and kids.
Recall what you believe about research. Write in the blanks five (5)
things you believe research is.
Now let’s examine other common beliefs you might have on research. Please
tick if you agree or not on the statements provided below.
Statement Yes No
1. Research is only for those who plan to take master’s
degree or doctorate degree
2. Research is an easy to do
3. Research is all about giving questionnaires and
tallying responses
4. Research with one or two respondents is not a valid
5. Teachers, because they are busy in their classrooms,
are expected to use existing research rather than
conduct their own research in the classroom
6. There is no need to go into research because a lot of
researches have already been conducted.
7. Learners are mere users of knowledge arrived at by
research. It is not their task to conduct research.
8. Learners do not possess the qualifications to
conduct research.
9. It is not worth conducting research considering the
time and money it requires.
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
Reference: Part 1 Unit 2 Module 4 – Research in Child and Adolescent
Development pp. 49-50 CAL-LP 2018
Teachers are trained in the concepts, values, and approaches that create new
knowledge and new curriculum. It offers valuable information for teachers and
policy-makers to use in decision-making to support the learners and the
Well-informed teachers can use the most informative findings of the research
and integrate them. Work helps teachers to arrive at educated decisions on
what to teach and how to teach.
This includes decisions relating to educational policies, curriculum, successful
teaching-learning method and even those involving study. It can help us,
teachers, to be better informed about how to adapt our teaching to the
developmental levels of our learners.
Research often begins with a problem. Perhaps some learners are not
mastering objectives, or there are disruptive behaviors, these problems can
become the focus of classroom action research using the scientific method of
problem solving.
Complete This!
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
For you to clearly understand our topic, watch also the video entitled “The
Scientific Method: Steps, Examples, Tips, and Exercise” via YouTube link
Basic Definitions
Concept Definition
The extent to which a measurement accurately assesses
what it purports to measure.
The trustworthiness of a research finding; includes inter-
observer reliability and replicability.
The same behavior seen by one observer is also seen by
second observer.
Replicability Observing the same thing under the same conditions.
Preference for the simplest scientific explanation for a
Independent In experimental studies, the factors that are modified to see
Variables their effect on the dependent or outcome variables.
The ‘outcome’ variable or behavior that is being studied.
The psychological effects associated with being a member
of a group born at a particular time (for example, a
generation) and place; the fact that people who are living in
a culture at the same time are influenced by the same
historical events.
Form Definition
The extent to which the design of one’s experiment
Internal Validity permits one to make cause- effect statements about the
variables under study.
The extent to which the findings of a particular study
External Validity
can be generalized to other people or contexts.
The extent to which a test or measurement ‘looks like’
what it is supposed to measure. For example, does a test
Face Validity
of infant-mother attachment ‘look like’ (on the face of it)
it reflects such attachment?
The extent to which a measure represents all facets of a
given concept. For example, does a test of impulsivity
Content Validity
measure both cognitive and behavioral impulsivity, and
only one?
The extent to which a measure relates to a theorized
psychological construct (such as ‘intelligence or
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
Methods of Collecting Data in Developmental Psychology
All Research
Definition Strengths Weaknesses
Correlational Can often Correlations do
studies examine identify not imply
relations between relations casualty, so it is
two or more between two not possible to
factors (e.g. variables determine what
weight, age, quickly. causes what (for
vocabulary, example, do
socio-economic aggressive
status) children like to
watch violent
video or does
watching video
cause children to
be aggressive?)
Experimental If conducted Some factors
studies involve properly, results cannot be
the manipulation from ethically
of one or more experimental manipulated. For
factors and studies can point instance, one
observation of to casualty (for cannot assign
how these example, one group of
manipulations samples of children to an
change the children who intellectually
behavior under watched violent ‘deprived’
investigation. video were environment and
subsequently another to an
more aggressive ‘enriched’
than children in environment and
a control group see the
who watched consequences on
nonviolent intelligence.
Definition Strengths Weaknesses
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
studies do not
measure change
about changes in
Cross- sectional within
average abilities
studies assess individuals,
over broad age
Cross-sectional different making any
ranges can be
individuals at definitive
obtained quickly
different ages. statement about
the mechanisms
of development
Longitudinal studies can be
studies measure costly to run,
‘true’ take a long time
studies assess
developmental to get
Longitudinal the same people
(change over meaningful
over an extended
time within results, and can
period of time.
single suffer from
individuals) subject loss and
cohort effects.
In cross- This approach Like
sequential combines the longitudinal
studies, groups strengths of the designs, it can
of children at longitudinal and take many years
different ages cross-sectional before all data
are tested, and studies; are collected.
each group of information
children is the about change
followed over time can be
longitudinally. obtained
quickly, and true
change can be
Microgenetic Details of Microgenetic
studies involve change can be studies are not
assessing assessed for useful for
children behaviors and assessing
Microgenetic repeatedly over cognitions that characteristics
relatively short change over of development
intervals, usually brief periods of that change over
days or weeks. time. longer periods
of time.
Explore a research topic about child and adolescent development that you find
most interesting. Then, using the matrix below, come up with a statement of
the problem, research design and data collection method that you think suits
best the topic you have chosen. After accomplishing the template, answer the
guide questions that follow.
1. What NEW knowledge YOU expected to learn from the topic you plan
to research on?
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
2. What benefits can you drive from the research topic?
3. Identify possible future research problems that can be derived from the
4. What do you think are the impact research involvement has on teachers
and future teachers like you?
Check out below the rubrics to be used in grading your output.
Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer. Encircle the letter of
your choice.
8. What method of collecting data most likely will result to bias with self-
a. Case studies
b. Clinical interviews
c. Questionnaires
d. Observational studies
11. A researcher in one of his studies manipulated more than one factors
involved then observed how the manipulation changes the behavior
under investigation. It is correct to note that the researcher is using
what research design?
a. Correlational
b. Experimental
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
c. Microgenetic
d. Longitudinal
14. This research design does not only measure ‘true’ developmental
changes but needed information are obtained quickly as well:
a. Cross- sequential
b. Cross- sectional
c. Microgenetic
d. Longitudinal
Read This!
1. What was the most important thing you learned? Why did you think
2. When were you the most creative? And why do you think that is?
3. When were you at your best in this unit, and why?
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
"Human Growth and Development " Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied
Health. . 10 Jul. 2020 <>.