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Attachment 7 (Geology Survey Form)

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IRRIGATION SYSTEM: ________________________________________________________

IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT OFFICE: _______________________________________________

ADDRESS: _______________________________________________

a. Diversion Structure (Intake/Diversion Dam):
Geographic Location:
b. Canal Length (main and lateral canals)/(Lined or Unlined) :
c. Width of Service Area (in hectares)
d. Width of Watershed Area (in km2)

1. Environs
a. Source/Location of Diversion Structure
i. Topography
Gently sloping (easily walkable)
Steeply sloping (difficult or impossible to walk in some areas)

ii.Nearby activities and nearest distance to the project components

Mineral extraction/mining area; coordinates: _______________________
Quarry; coordinates:__________________________________________
Groundwater extraction points (domestic, industrial use); coordinates:___

iii. Stream Geomorphologic Classification (Schumm, 1985)

Meandering Straight Braided

iv. Inidcations of lateral channel migration of active channel

v. Indication of headward erosion due to downstream quarrying or other man-made a

b. Canals
i. Topography
Gently sloping (easily walkable)
Steeply sloping (difficult or impossible to walk in some areas)
ii. Number of waterway crossings, special structures (siphons, plumes)

c. Service Area
i. Topography
Flat, gently sloping, steeply sloping
Gently sloping (easily walkable)
Steeply sloping (difficult or impossible to walk in some areas)

ii. Geologic condition of the area

Within a swamp or partly whithin a swamp
Within floodplain or partly within a floodplain

iii. Observed effects of adverse geologic condition


iv. Stream Geomorphologic Classification (Schumm, 1985)

Meandering Straight Braided

v. Indications of lateral channel migration/bifurcation of active channel

2. Investigation Records
a. Type of geologic investigation conducted
Drilling; # of boreholes:
Test pitting; # of testpits:
Visual assessment
c. Field tests: _____________________________________

d. Laboratory tests: _____________________________________

4.Design Parameters and Construction Records

a. Type of foundation materials

Unconsolidated materials/alluvium
Silt and clay

b. Seismic design parameters, (if not computed, state source)

i. Peak Ground Accelaration
ii. Spectral Acceleration

c. Foundation treatment and slope protection

(indicate locations: diversion site, canals, access road, service area)
Sheet piles
Bored piles

c. Slope protection and drainage structures

Retaining walls
Rockbolts/soil nails
Drainage (horizontal/vertical

d. Excavation method
i. Mechanical
ii. Blasting

5. Records of damage and repairs

a. Damages due to wear and tear

b. Damages due to earthquakes (use Form Geo2)
c. Damages due to excessive/prolonged rainfall (use Form Geo3)

6. Details of improvement activites

a. Desilting (date, volumne of sediments removed)

b. Provision of lining along canals (date and station)


n some areas)

trial use); coordinates:___________________

rying or other man-made activities along the river

n some areas)
ons, plumes)

n some areas)
IRRIGATION SYSTEM: _________________________________________________________________

IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT OFFI_________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________

a. Diversion Structure (Intake/Diversion Dam):
Geographic Coordinates:
b. Canal Length (main and lateral canals)/(Lined or Unlined) :
c. Width of Service Area (in hectares)
d. Width of Watershed Area (in km2)

1. For locations, describe which project component is affected. If possible, provide georaphical coordinates

Earthquakes Response Remarks

a. Date and time of occurrence of


b. Intensity of Earthquake
according to PHIVOLCS i. In the diversion structure
Earthquake Intensity Scale (PEIS)
*PEIS scale attached for reference ii. In the service area
(not complete)

i. Location (within the

watershed, along canal
alignment, abutments of
c. Assocated hazards (landslides,
diversion dametc)
liquefaction, settlement, lateral
*attach plot on map, and/or
aerial photographs if
ii. Surface manifestations:
Deformation in the ground
(new cracks: length, width of
opening), sand boils

i. Cracks (in the concrete

tructures and in the gournd,
ii. Length of cracks,
orientation, width of opening
d. Damages observed iii. Extent of slope
failure/collapse of retaining

*photographs if applicable

e. Repairs required (if any) i. Repairs required

ii. Investigation to aid in the

repair (geologic mapping,
subsurface investiation)
IRRIGATION SYSTEM: _________________________________________________________________

IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT OFFICE: _________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________

a. Diversion Structure (Intake/Diversion Dam):
Geographic Coordinates:
b. Canal Length (main and lateral canals)/(Lined or Unlined) :
c. Width of Service Area (in hectares)
d. Width of Watershed Area (in km2)

1. For locations, describe which project component is affected. If possible, provide georaphical coordinates

Meteoroligcal related hazards Response

a. Time and date of occurrence

b. Associated weather disturbance

(e.g.typhoon, monsoon rains) and

c. Flooding

i. Location (within the watershed, along

canal alignment, abutments etc)

ii. Estimated area inundated by flood

*plotted on map
iii. Observed damages (with images)
- Deposition of debris (estimate change
on channel depth, thickness of sediments
deposited during the flood)
- Scouring (river bank, abutment
- Rill erosion of unlined channels/canals

i. Location (within the watershed, along

d. Landslide
canal alignment, abutments etc)
ii. Dimension and volume estimation of
landslide deposit
*attach plot of landslide on map
iii. Observed damages (with images)
- Collapsed slopes
- Deposition of debris
- Tension cracks in concrete structures,
slopes, acces roads
- Subsidence
e. Repairs conducted, if any
i. Major repairs required (slope
restoration, provision of retaining
ii. Investigation to aid in the repair works
(geologic mapping, subsurface

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