Attachment 7 (Geology Survey Form)
Attachment 7 (Geology Survey Form)
Attachment 7 (Geology Survey Form)
ADDRESS: _______________________________________________
a. Diversion Structure (Intake/Diversion Dam):
Geographic Location:
b. Canal Length (main and lateral canals)/(Lined or Unlined) :
c. Width of Service Area (in hectares)
d. Width of Watershed Area (in km2)
1. Environs
a. Source/Location of Diversion Structure
i. Topography
Gently sloping (easily walkable)
Steeply sloping (difficult or impossible to walk in some areas)
b. Canals
i. Topography
Gently sloping (easily walkable)
Steeply sloping (difficult or impossible to walk in some areas)
ii. Number of waterway crossings, special structures (siphons, plumes)
c. Service Area
i. Topography
Flat, gently sloping, steeply sloping
Gently sloping (easily walkable)
Steeply sloping (difficult or impossible to walk in some areas)
2. Investigation Records
a. Type of geologic investigation conducted
Drilling; # of boreholes:
Test pitting; # of testpits:
Visual assessment
c. Field tests: _____________________________________
d. Excavation method
i. Mechanical
ii. Blasting
n some areas)
trial use); coordinates:___________________
n some areas)
ons, plumes)
n some areas)
IRRIGATION SYSTEM: _________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________
a. Diversion Structure (Intake/Diversion Dam):
Geographic Coordinates:
b. Canal Length (main and lateral canals)/(Lined or Unlined) :
c. Width of Service Area (in hectares)
d. Width of Watershed Area (in km2)
1. For locations, describe which project component is affected. If possible, provide georaphical coordinates
b. Intensity of Earthquake
according to PHIVOLCS i. In the diversion structure
Earthquake Intensity Scale (PEIS)
*PEIS scale attached for reference ii. In the service area
(not complete)
*photographs if applicable
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________
a. Diversion Structure (Intake/Diversion Dam):
Geographic Coordinates:
b. Canal Length (main and lateral canals)/(Lined or Unlined) :
c. Width of Service Area (in hectares)
d. Width of Watershed Area (in km2)
1. For locations, describe which project component is affected. If possible, provide georaphical coordinates
c. Flooding