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Copyright ©2022 by Spiritual Growth Scheme

All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means - electronic, mechanical,
photocopy, recording, scanning or otherwise – except for brief quotations in critical
reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Unless otherwise stated, all scriptures quotations are taken from the Authorized King
James Version (KJV) of the Holy Bible.
TABLE OF CONTENTS ____________________________________________________________ 3

INTRODUCTION___________________________________________________________________ 1

TRAINING DAY 1 __________________________________________________________________ 2

Welcome Address By SGS Convener___________________________________________ 2

About SGS _______________________________________________________________________ 3

✓ New Testament Reading (NT) _________________________________________ 5

✓ Old Testament Reading (OT) __________________________________________ 5

✓ Teaching Platform (TP) ________________________________________________ 5

✓ Prayer Drill (PD) _______________________________________________________ 5

Get Updates About SGS _________________________________________________________ 6

SGS Testimonies ________________________________________________________________ 6

155 Seconds With Peter Tan Chi ______________________________________________ 6

The Journey So Far! _____________________________________________________________ 9

Teams & Team Leaders ________________________________________________________ 10

Finally __________________________________________________________________________ 11

TRAINING DAY 2 _________________________________________________________________ 12

Lesson 1: Reading _____________________________________________________________ 12

Lesson 2: Reading Styles ______________________________________________________ 13

Lesson 3: Keep It Interesting _________________________________________________ 14

TRAINING DAY 3 _________________________________________________________________ 17

Lesson 4: Maximizing Time ___________________________________________________ 18

Lesson 5: Discipline ___________________________________________________________ 19

TRAINING DAY 4 _________________________________________________________________ 22

Lesson 6: Importance Of Reading ____________________________________________ 22

Lesson 7. War Against The Word _____________________________________________ 24

TRAINING DAY 5 _________________________________________________________________ 28

Do You Feel Sleepy While Reading? __________________________________________ 28

Lesson 8: Not For Show, Not For Favour _____________________________________ 29

Please, Treat Our Leaders With Respect _____________________________________ 30

TRAINING DAY 6 _________________________________________________________________ 32

Lesson 9: Supernatural & Miraculous Experiences _________________________ 32

Conclusions ____________________________________________________________________ 34

TRAINING DAY 7 _________________________________________________________________ 37

Modalities ______________________________________________________________________ 37

Closing Remark ________________________________________________________________ 42

Contact Us: _____________________________________________________________________ 43

Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material

Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Here is a
compilation of the materials we have developed over series of editions. We
use this in training our participants for the SGS New Testament Bible Reading.
We have decided to compile it here for the benefit of all. You may find some
allusions to few past information which may not be directly related to the
present condition. This is because this was prepared for a particular edition
of SGS Reading.

This training has helped thousands, tens of thousands and have continued to
help several thousands in doing the seemingly unachievable. It has helped
them to read up their New Testament in a month’s period, which many have
been unable to do even in decades. Many altars have been revived, many lives
changed, fire set in the hearts of many, and what do we say of the miracles and
breakthroughs that God has given to thousands as a result of their committing
themselves to the reading of the Word of God in a way they have never done

Each training day is represented by each chapter of this book. Some

adjustments have however been made to suit readers of all time.

As you read and go through the first edition of this compilation, it is our prayer
that God will cause the same fire and transformation this training has caused
in many in you also in Jesus Name. God bless.

O’Tomisin R. Ajileye
Spiritual Growth Scheme (SGS)
(aka: Spiritual Growth Steps Ministry)
August 14, 2022

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Spiritual Growth Scheme New Testament Reading Training Material


Hello! My name is O'Tomisin Ajileye, married to my beautiful wife, Chika

Ajileye. We are by the grace of God and Divine Providence the Convener of
Spiritual Growth Scheme. As time goes on, you will meet other leaders as well.

Participation training starts today Sunday, while Bible reading commences on

Monday. If you joined this group for any other reason apart from reading up
the New Testament in one month, please, FEEL FREE TO EXIT before you
become burdensome to us or we become burdensome to you.



You are not the first to do this and by the grace of God, you will not be the last.
Like we said earlier, over 40,000 persons have done this before you. Trust

As at today, thousands and tens of thousands of participants (from Nigeria,

across Africa and beyond, spread across several WhatsApp groups) have
registered for this edition of the New Testament Bible reading.

These tens of thousands have chosen to take on these 29 days journey to read
up the New Testament in one month. I'm sure that everyone who actively
joined this group, did so for this one purpose. You came because in the midst
of no time, you believe that God can help you to create time to read the Bible
massively daily. You came to encounter God like many others this one month.
As you have come to experience God, I pray that He will encounter you in Jesus

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Let us pray!!!
Our Father in heaven, we thank You because You love us,
thank You because You have a reason why You brought each
person here. We may not know each person individually but
Father You do. You have a purpose for each life. You love them
individually and affectionately.
Like You did in many lives before, in this edition also, Lord we
ask that you set them on fire as Your children read their
Bibles. Revive them, give gifts, restore gifts, heal the sick,
wrought mighty miracles, provide jobs, open doors, break
chains, fix families, change hearts, repair bridges, give
direction, wrought miracles, do what only You can do in their
lives in Jesus’ name.
No one can come to You except You draw him. Never will You
draw anyone for nothing. You brought them to show Your
glory. They have chosen to seek You specially at this point in
time, we ask that You encounter them all. At the end, it all
shall be to the praise and glory of Your Name.
In Jesus name we pray.


The full meaning is: SPIRITUAL GROWTH SCHEME, SGS (Also Known and
Registered As: Spiritual Growth Steps Ministry). SGS is a God given zeal that
began in 2012:

✓ We desire to develop schemes and platforms that will help believers in

coming to a personal relationship with God and the knowledge of Christ.

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✓ To help believers commit to seeking God through the teaching of the

Word, Godly discipline, and accountability to one another as "Iron
sharpens Iron"
✓ To equip believers all over the world with the required tools to fight the
deception of the end time - No longer tossed to and fro by the wind of
doctrine and able to discern right from wrong.
✓ To raise Spirit-filled, prayerful and Word-based Christians that will have
great impact on their homes, churches, the society at large and
generations yet unborn

This zeal has been our driving force for these 10 years. It has channelled itself
in different ways. As God leads and provides grace, we design programs and
schemes that help people grow spiritually. These are the six means through
which this burden has been channelled over the years:

1. Teaching meetings
2. Social media page teachings
3. Audio recordings
4. Prayer Drills
5. NT & OT readings
6. Online teachings

We are lay men and women like everyone else. We have our jobs and work.
We are not pastors, just young men and women who have received the zeal of
the Lord and wants to spread this zeal to others. Below are the present
channels that you can key into:

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The New Testament (NT) reading scheme that you now see today was
received in October 2018, but did not gain expression until July 2020. God laid
it on our hearts to help as many people as possible to read up the New
Testament in one month. We believe that this will help them continue reading
and studying subsequently; bringing them closer to knowing God personally,
able to challenge false doctrine and knowing right from wrong.


The OT reading is an initiative that is officially imbibed based on continuous

demand by the successful participants of the NT. OT reading is strictly for
those who have passed through the NT reading. The link is usually made
available about six weeks after each NT edition.


The Lord led us to begin some systematic teaching series online to bring
people closer to God and grow in the knowledge of Christ. We use Mixlr and
other media to get the Word of God across at 6:00pm every Friday. If you want
to be a part, please follow us on Mixlr:


To get a reminder of our meetings, ask questions and access past messages in
compressed audio files, join the group on Telegram with this link.



God in His grace and mercy also led us to kick start the online marathon
prayer. Just as you are strengthened by the Word, we want to help believers

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to also get strength and capacity through individual prayers. Hence,

participants will be praying on their own in the Spirit for 24 hours spread
over a period of three weeks. If you are interested, stay connected to our
platforms for the announcement of the next edition. It comes up once in two
months as well.


TELEGRAM: You should follow our information centre on Telegram:


FACEBOOK: Like our page on Facebook to access many of our written teaching series
over the years.: https://www.facebook.com/SpiritualGrowthSchemeSgs/

INSATGRAM: You can also follow us on Instagram:


TWITTER: Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/growthSGS?s=09


Read selected testimonies, miracles and words of encouragement from

several participants of SGS Bible reading to boost your faith.

Subscribe to this channel on Telegram for free and boost your faith. God is still
alive and He is doing wonders: https://t.me/sgsbiblereadingtestimonies


Please take 155 seconds of your time to go through this "scripted video" by
Peter Tan Chi, I tell you it will bless you tremendously.

I noticed there are many men: if they do not want to do God's

will, they don’t want to do their part, they start giving excuses
after excuses

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No 1. Excuse is this: I don’t have time. Have you heard of such

Why are you not attending a small group? I don’t have time.
Why don’t you come and worship on Sunday? I don’t have
time Have you heard of those excuses?
“Kung ayaw gawin, maraming dahilan.” (Filipino meaning: if
you don't want to do it, there are many reasons.)
The people are doing the same, we are the problem. We will
not do it anymore.
I was explaining to a group of leaders this week. I explain to
them the myth of lack of time. It’s a lousy excuse and I will not
allow you from now on to have that excuse
What do I mean?
Exhibit A: I know of a president of a multinational company.
For the longest time, we wanted to invite him to be part of a
small group to study the bible and be accountable.
You know his excuse? You know, which is valid: I'm busy, I
have meetings, I run a big organization.
One day, during his regular physical checkup, the doctor said,
"I see something in your lungs. I think you have cancer". The
moment he heard the word "cancer", suddenly he has time.
Time for what? Go and see the doctor; Physical checkup; Bible
study; Prayer time...
Why? Let me tell you why. Facing death has an amazing
power to alter your priorities.
"The myth of no time" is a lie. If a father will not give enough
time to his children, it's simply because for the father the
children are not that important. If you don’t have time to
worship God on a regular basis, that means you are not

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giving it priority. if you don’t have time for bible study, for
prayer, it tells me one thing: it is not important.
So do not ever deceive yourself to say you don’t have time. You
will make time for what is important and you will not have
time for what is not important.
If you have gone over it, May I ask? Is the Bible important enough to get your
attention for the next one month?

We are all busy. We only made being a blessing to you a great priority. That is
why we are reaching you, following you, teaching you and calling you. Do not
think that these are bunch of lazy people who have no job? We own
businesses, many times on the road, working Sunday to Sunday, morning till
evening, even some late nights and mid nights. Apart from the duties to
church, to ministry and to family.

Among our leaders, we have several full-time business owners, professionals,

professors, architects, medical doctors, lawyers, pastors and many more, from
Nigeria and beyond. We needed to say that before you tag yourself as "the
busiest person in the world." like many of us do to excuse ourselves from the
things we don't consider important. Don't be deceived!

In the coming days, we will be preparing you for this one-month journey.

You will be hearing from one of our "Platoon Leaders" early in the morning of
each day going forward. (Definitely West African Time. Those outside this
time zone should kindly adjust to it)

Do well to read through and follow through the training. It has been
discovered that those who go through the training have more chance at
getting to the finish line than those that don't.

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In our first edition: 53 joined. 38 finished.

Second edition: 216 joined. 157 finished.
Third edition: 505 joined, about 290 finished.
Fourth edition: 605 joined, about 400 finished.
Fifth edition: 608 joined, 428 finished.
Sixth edition: 1004 joined, 613 finished.
Seventh edition: 2180 joined, 1242 finished.
Eighth edition: 4800 joined, 2598 finished.
Ninth edition: 5200 joined, 3031 finished.
Tenth edition: 8789 settled, 5224 finished.
Eleventh edition: 12,300 settled, 6624 finished.
Twelfth edition: 13,500 settled, 7,955 finished.
Thirteenth edition: 16,325 started, 11,620 finished.
40,220 successful participants recorded in total by the end of
the thirteenth edition.


The remaining were either removed, offended or exited the group before the
one month elapsed. In this edition, we have participants in tens of thousands.
The question is will you be one of those that will finish or those who will quit?

We will split the training into about six days so that you won't be overloaded.
We have about 9 short lessons to equip you with starting from tomorrow. At
the end, we will also inform you of the modalities which has proven to work
by God's grace to deliver maximum result in all our editions.

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One of our modalities involves dividing everyone into smaller groups, headed
by a team leader. You have all been grouped already. Your team leaders will
begin to reach you via calls, chats or SMS as from today.

Do not be alarmed when you hear from them. Their duty is to add you to a
sub-WhatsApp group, to closely monitor your progress and ensure that you
reach the finish line. Please note that your membership in this general group
is still important.

DISCLAIMER: If anyone asks you for money or any assistance of any

form, calls you to send a code or join a meeting, they are not from us.
Our team leaders will never ask you for anything apart from matters
that bother on your finishing strong. TAKE CAUTION: If anyone is
found trying to take advantage of you, they are not from us, report
such persons immediately so that we can blacklist them. PLEASE

Our Batch Leaders are heads of each of our classes. They will send the name
and number of the leaders you will likely hear from soon. Yet you have to
remember that our leaders will not ask you for your WhatsApp code. They
will only text you, message you, call you and add you to a subgroup.

We have several Platoon Leaders. One of them will continue training you
going forward. Kindly channel all questions and concerns to them. The
Platoon Leader for each group will take over the training from tomorrow so
that you will know him or her. They are there to answer all your questions
and concerns. They will introduce themselves shortly and later introduce the
batch leaders who will be heading and managing your group with them.

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Now you know what SGS is. You know what we want to do in the next few days
ahead of the reading and when the reading is commencing. For those outside
West African Time zone, kindly adjust the timing to ours.

Your batch leader will open the group shortly for comments, if they have not.
The group will be closed later tonight, to be opened tomorrow morning again.
Remember to chat responsibly.

If you don't hear from our leaders today or tomorrow, do well to exercise
patience. We have thousands of leaders and tens of thousands of participants.
You will be reached. If you have not been reached by Wednesday, you can
begin to raise alarm so that your batch leaders can investigate why and fix it.

No spamming or forwarding of any religious content or any content

whatsoever to this group. Violators will be removed on sight.

Welcome to your best one month ever! God bless you richly and have a
wonderful training ahead.


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Greetings friends! This is the second instalment of our training.

“God's Word is Important.” Can you echo that?

God's Word is important to me. You all are important to us. As I speak to you,
I have a lot to do like everyone else. I can spend this time doing many other
things that are important to me.

I can give "no time" as an excuse for not doing many things. However, I can't
give that excuse when it comes to reading God's Word. We wish we can deliver
everyone in this edition, but that is not only up to us, it is also up to each one
of you. Not because we're doubters, but because you have your part to play.
The question is what group will you be? Those that will finish or those that
will fall out?

FRIENDS, THE CHOICE IS YOURS!!!! It's our work to help you. However, the
ultimate fortitude lies in your hands.

Today we will take lessons 1, 2 & 3: Short lessons. Are you ready?


It takes an average of about 5 minutes to read each chapter of the New

Testament. It means that the nine chapters you will be required to read daily
only takes about 45 minutes of full concentration and immersion into the text.
Isn't that a small fraction of your daily 24 hours? So easy, isn't it?

Hence, if you have the time, read it all up at once, otherwise; break it into
"morning and night", or "morning, afternoon and night" depending on your
schedule. 15 minutes each session.

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Preferably, get a hard copy Bible. However, that depends on you and your
style. Phones and tabs work perfectly for many people also.

Get a pen and preferably a marker. Be ready to mark any scripture that gets
your attention. It is your Bible, feel free to mark it and write inside it when
and where necessary. It's the way of the ancients. If softcopy Bible works for
you? Why not?

Make sure that whatever bible app you choose has a Bible marker and has a
way to save your activities online for future reference or in case you change
your phone.

Design a reading schedule or pattern that works for you. I know of someone
in SGS that read up the whole NT in one week despite working activities. Not
so tough right?

You must also read with all concentration and focus. It is required. Don't be
tempted to read up so quickly that you don't have a basic grasp of what
you are reading. If you observe that you no longer have a clue of what you've
been reading, stop and start over. Ensure complete concentration while you
read. Do not read watching TV.

Pray before you start. By prayer, you are dependent on the Holy Spirit to teach
you and reveal Jesus to you.

He is the Inspiration behind the writing of the Bible. Don't you read the Bible
without His help, otherwise, you will not be edified. By praying, you are
welcoming Him. Just a sentence of prayer is more than enough.

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"Holy Spirit, speak to me today as I read Your Word"


"Holy Spirit touch my heart today. I depend on You, not on my

understanding as I read Your Word"

He hears and answers. Amen.

If you are reading during the day or at night: you can keep yourself awake and
alert with some snacks or nuts to keep your mouth busy. "That's if it is healthy
for you anyway." You can also share what you read with a partner or on your
sub group. You can even read a chapter, do something fun for five minutes,
share what you read with others, then read the next chapter.

You can take jottings of your questions and share also on your subgroups. We
have a special department for answering your questions. Ensure you get your
answers. Just make sure you concentrate well when you read and be in
communion with God.

You may also visit our Telegram Channel to find some of the frequently asked
questions in past editions of our Bible Reading and find answers to your
questions: https://t.me/sgsbiblequestions


David said "How sweet are thy Words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than
honey to my mouth!" Psalms 119:103 KJV. God's Word is sweet and meant
to be enjoyed.

You can get a version of your choice. I will recommend you start with either
KJV, NKJV or ESV. But if you find them hard to understand or not interesting,
get NLT, CSB or NASB2020. For starters, these six Bible versions to "the best

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of our knowledge" attempted to maintain the original meaning without trying

to explain from an understanding bias. Word for word translations is the best
for starters! If you know others like these, feel free to use them.

Other versions like God's Word, Easy to read, The Message, Philips version,
The Living Bible etc. are free translation Bibles. This means that they were
explained from the translator's point of view and opinions. The translators
paraphrased the texts and did not attempt to preserve the original meaning.
The goal is to explain the text to a more contemporary audience but as a result
become distant from the historical and original meaning.

You can read these free translation Bibles later, but don't start with any of
them if this is your first time. However, if you do not understand a verse, you
can quickly check them for a wider scope of understanding.

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: If you see any scripture that you wish to study: do not
fall for it immediately. Note it for subsequent study when you are done with
your scheduled reading.

We have come to the end of this instalment of the training. Quite short, isn't
it? If you have questions, do well to ask.

Tomorrow, we will take the next two short lessons. Lesson 4: Maximizing time
and Lesson 5: Discipline. Whatever you do, don't miss these lessons.

Let us pray!!!

Heavenly Father we want to thank You. Thank You because

the entrance of your Word gives light and understanding to
the simple.
We ask that You quicken every heart this season. Cause in
every heart a transformation. You told Elijah to arise and eat;

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because the journey is too great for him. Grant us Father, the
preparation and victuals required for this journey. That in
the end we all may praise You.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

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You are welcome to the third instalment of our training.

We discussed reading yesterday and how easy it is to read. We also discussed

two other topics. If you haven't gone through training day 2, please, do so.

The first six Bible versions we mentioned are those we recommended for
starters. Ultimately, the choice is yours, you can read any version of your
choice. While NIV is meant to be part, we discourage it due to the prevalent
missing verses and missing words in it due to the manuscript used. We don't
recommend it for starters.

In the next few days, a few persons will be offended and quit. Be focused.
Some have been leaving already. We try to reach some of them anyway. Out of
thousands of entries, such cannot be wanting. Do not allow anything to
deprive you of your purpose here. Once again, I say be focused.

Kindly bear with us and with one another as we allow comments during the
training week. Do not allow the multiple messages of fellow participants to
put you off. You know why you are here. We allow that so that we can take

We will lock the groups after the training like we did before only to open on
weekends. While discussions will continue on Team groups.

Also note that we have zero tolerance for forwarding any content to this group
whatsoever. Whether you consider it important, edifying or not, please excuse
this group from such. We have one purpose and we want to stick to it.

Now to the lessons:

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One of the keys to succeeding in this course is to know how to make maximum
use of your time.

The first step to using time effectively is to "IDENTIFY TIME WASTERS AND
DELETE THEM." Time wasters can be a gist partner, a game you love,
activities others can do for you, meetings you can avoid, social media surfing,
aimless window browsing, etc.

Another way to maximize time is to: Project idle time and make use of it.

✓ if your toilet time takes like ten minutes, you can read two chapters
while sitting on the toilet seat.
✓ If you are going to the bank and you know that there will be a queue,
just carry your Bible along.
✓ If you are stuck in a traffic, you can use that time to achieve calm as you
read your Bible, instead of agitations over what you can do little or
nothing about.
✓ If you are in a train or on a plane for an hour or more, that's your idle
time over there. Use it!
✓ If you have an appointment and you know that people might come late.
Go with your Bible.
✓ Others will be complaining that their time is being wasted but there you
are MAXIMIZING and INVESTING your time. It takes the pressure away.
✓ Cut down on TV time
✓ Cut down on 'Chat time' so that you can give yourself to the Lord this
one month.

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✓ If you sleep too much also, cut down on that. If you are a busy person
like me, you are going to need to readjust your sleep clock, so you can
read late at night or early in the morning. You can google search on
practical ways to adjust your sleep clock.

These are easy ways to maximize your time. We hope you find them handy.


Discipline is very essential to achieving success in every area of life. Here also,
you will need all the discipline you can get. You can never make it past the first
week without discipline.

One of the easiest disciplines we recommend is to: Tie your Bible reading
around an inevitable daily task.

You know that you cannot do without WhatsApp daily. Then resolve not to
open WhatsApp until you read five chapters. Or, you know you can't do
without your laptop in a day, then resolve not to open your laptop till you read
your nine chapters.

For you, it may be bathing, or dinner, or breakfast, or lunch, or brushing, or

your exercise, or calling your fiance, or your children, Or anything not as
important as God's Word. Just resolve not to do them until you have read your
Bible and spent time with God. This helps me a lot to achieve my daily
devotion. I turn off my data at night and will not turn it on until I've spent time
with God first.

I know I have to come online. Information is waiting for me. Business is

waiting. Friends are waiting. Earning is waiting. Ministry is waiting. Because

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it is that important, I resolved not to turn on my data access until I do the ONE

Let's learn from Apostle Paul:

Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love?... I am

convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.
Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither
our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow, not even
the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love... Romans
8:35, 38-39 NLT
That decision is yours to make and yours to show this one month

That's all for now. Tomorrow, we will take: Lesson 6. THE IMPORTANCE OF
READING and Lesson 7. WAR AGAINST THE WORD. Whatever you do, don't
miss any of these lessons. If you do, go and read them up. You will need the

TAKE NOTE: If you have not been reached by your Team Leader, please
exercise patience. If by tomorrow you are still not reached, then you can begin
to state it on this group so that your Batch Leader (BL) or Team Leader (TL)
may attend to the unique cases. Secondly, if you are reached by two or more
of our leaders, don't be alarmed. It usually means you are on two or more of
our groups. Decide the team and class that you want to belong to and inform
other leaders that you are in a team already.

Let us pray!!!
Holy Father, we thank You for these friends in tens of
thousands who have chosen to commit themselves to Your
Word. We ask dear Lord that You equip them for the journey

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We pray that none will be lost of all that You have ordained
to bless and transform by this process.
We know that all things are possible with You, help them to
equip themselves, because the journey is great.
Let this exercise not be in vain over anyone. Lord, we
cooperate with You during this one month to perform all that
You want to do in our lives.
This we pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Glory to Jesus.
God bless you richly. Thanks for reading along.


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This is the fourth instalment of our training.

Previously, we discussed how to maximize time in a busy world. Maximizing

time is essential for effective Bible reading. Remember, if you choose to live
your life without God, you will. Secondly, we discussed the place of self-
discipline. If you do not learn how to master yourself, then you will be an utter
failure in leading anyone. Leadership must be by example.

We will take two more lessons now.


I've met a number of persons who complained that they were unable to read
up the Bible because they got fixed to a particular verse or chapter for hours
or days. Others ask why we are making people read the Bible when they
actually want to study. The challenge is that they do not know how to separate
reading, studying and meditation.

Studying, meditating and reading have their different benefits.

✓ Reading gives you broad knowledge.

✓ Studying gives you in depth knowledge.
✓ Meditation gives you rooted and applicable knowledge

You need all the three and Bible students know these.

1. Reading provides an easy platform for effective study and


It will be way easier for you to study better when you have broad knowledge.
You must have seen or heard a minister preach on only one verse for seven

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days. You see, that is possible because of their broad knowledge on several
other scriptures. They will keep making references to other scriptures
consistently throughout the teachings. This is one of the reasons why reading
is beneficial.

2. Reading helps you to have a balanced knowledge.

In Colossians 4:16. Paul commanded that scriptures are to be read. Many

people do not understand the advantage of simply reading the Bible. Just read
through. You say it's like story book; and you are right. Just that it is more than
a story book. Nothing is wrong with a straight up reading of the Bible. It has
immense scriptural benefits.

I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read unto all the
holy brethren. 1 Thessalonians 5:27.
There is a place for studying and meditating. And they are very important too.
But plain reading is biblical, revelational, instructive and beneficial. You will
be able to stand and say "The Bible never said that. That is not written
anywhere in the Bible. That is not scriptural. Jesus did not say that. The
apostles did not teach that." Why? You have broad knowledge.

3. Reading makes it easy to make references and buttress point(s).

You are trying to make a point, through broad knowledge you are able to say,
"Paul also taught that; Moses also said the same thing; Jude made mention of
something similar." These are the benefits of reading. It is like a base.

While Timothy was reading Paul's letters to the church, could someone have
said, "wait a little Timothy, let me study verse 10 before you continue reading."?
So, express reading without studying is scriptural.

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People keep arguing about this. They say "I don't want to read, I want to study",
but the Bible commands us to read not just study.

4. Marathon reading (reading long scriptures at a seating) is also


Ezra began reading the scriptures from early in the morning till mid-day.
Chances are, he started around 6am, but even If he started around 8am, by
12pm, he would have read the scriptures for four straight hours. This caused
a great revival in Israel.

Nehemiah 8:3: He faced the square just inside the Water Gate
from EARLY MORNING UNTIL NOON and read aloud to
everyone who could understand. All the people listened
closely to the Book of the Law.
Now, who says you are wasting your time reading and not studying? Many
people are like, "I don't like this. How will I just be reading 9 chapters in a day,
without studying. It’s like a story book" Really?

Please, get off that, you will read up 9 chapters in about an hour. Here is Ezra
reading for well over four hours and it led to a revival. The Holy Spirit will be
there to make it more than a story book to you. So, practice express reading.
You can in fact read more than 9 chapters in a day.

Don't let the devil cheat you. EXPRESS AND MARATHON READING IS


If we tell you everything and skip this then we have failed to prepare you for
what is ahead.

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Mark 4:17: "And have no root in themselves, and so endure

but for a time: afterward, WHEN affliction or persecution
ariseth for the word's sake, immediately they are offended".
Matthew 13:21 "Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for
a while: for WHEN tribulation or persecution ariseth because
of the word, by and by he is offended".


Read that Bible portion again. Persecution and tribulation arise BECAUSE OF
THE WORD; not because of anything else.

The "how" may be different, but be Vigilant. Resist the devil and he will flee.
Some may even be offended by the admin or the team leader or fellow
member, or too many WhatsApp messages on the group, or early messages or
late messages. They get offended and leave, they are ignorant that Satan is the
one fighting them. (This may not apply to everyone that leaves anyway, some
have tenable reasons). Satan will use everything and anything to make sure
that you can't achieve this goal; he will do his best so that you can lay down
your sword. You will not lay down your sword in Jesus’ name. Amen.

WATCH OUT: He may come as a new friend, or a new job, or a new game, or
an unexplainable weakness and tiredness, or a new contract, or illness, or
boredom, or a lucrative business, a distraction, a sick family member, school
resumption, work resumption, crashed WhatsApp, lost phone, and so on.

When you begin to lift up the Sword of the Spirit, you have drawn the battle
line. Satan will come for you, so stand, be the warrior you are, be the
conqueror that Christ has made you.

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The Battle is won already!!!!! Glory to Jesus!!!!!!

Hence, BE VIGILANT!!! Satan will ensure that you have a very GOOD AND
TENABLE EXCUSE, not to continue or to be offended. BE VIGILANT!!!.

A number of persons have exited the group already, I am sure you have
noticed, they all have their good excuses for doing so. If the excuses are
tenable before God, no problem. SGS is just a tool of God to spiritual growth
in this end time. Jesus remains the Way. But if they are not tenable before God,
then stage one of Satan's attack has been launched on those who do not
understand. They do not understand that the battle line was drawn the day
they decided to read their Bibles. In any case, we usually reach those who exit
and try to draw them back, some respond, some don't.

May I make it known to you that the month we started this program. We were
only 54. Nearly every single person was afflicted with sickness during the
course of the reading. About three to four people couldn't finish because they
surrendered to sickness. We had to rebuke the devil over everyone
consistently and stopped the occurrence in subsequent editions.

This is not the first time many are attempting Bible reading. But Satan has
stopped you somehow. You didn't know it was Satan. You thought you lost
interest, you thought you just lost focus. You didn't know it was a spiritual
assault to stop you from reading the Word. The battle is real. I am telling you
so that when it begins to happen you will remember that I have told you.

Friends, we are at war. All that God requires from you is to lift up your shield

Glory to God!!! Fear not!!! Jesus has the victory!!!

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Satan is a toothless dog. Never forget that. He is a defeated foe with no

power against you. If you stand your grounds, he can do you nothing. Be
strong in the Lord and in His power. Be courageous; Jesus is the winner;
victory belongs to Him.

But, be vigilant so that you will know when Satan raises his ugly head and
how he shows it, so that you can stand against him in the name of Jesus, claim
your victory and keep to your commitment. He can only bark, he cannot
bite. If you stand and resist him, he will flee. When you see him, just laugh and
command him to leave in Jesus’ name.

We have more things to share with you, two more lessons before we show you
our winning plans.

Let us pray!!!
Our Father in heaven, we thank You for Your grace and Your
mercy over our lives. Thank You for these beautiful hearts
that have committed themselves to reading Your Word. We
ask that You guide this commitment of theirs to the very end,
help them not to get offended or distracted. Bruise Satan
under their feet, that we may all praise you at the end.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
God bless you richly.

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Welcome friends, this is the fifth instalment of our training.

We want to appreciate everyone who has been praying and leaving a good
word for us. Thank you very much. God bless you richly. And to all who have
been following, God bless you also.


Try these practical steps:

✓ You can rebuke the devil plainly: if it is spiritual.

✓ Read at the time you are alert, not when you are worked up and tired.
✓ Avoid reading while lying down. Practice reading while sitting
✓ If tiny fonts make you sleepy, try bigger and bolder fonts.
✓ Take snacks to keep yourself busy or chew gum if it's healthy for you.
✓ Read where there's a lot of light.
✓ If you are reading in the day, go outside to expose your eyes to
daylight rather than staying inside.
✓ If you are really tired, try to rest a little and wake up bright, if that
works for you.
✓ Scientists believe that if you eat healthy and take lots of water, you
will feel more alert.
✓ You can ask the Holy Spirit to take control before you start
✓ You can read at intervals of 15mins. Do something you like then
return to continue.
✓ You can also read our lesson on "Keep it interesting."

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A number of persons have repeatedly requested that we prepare certificates

of completion for those who finish this course. They even volunteered to help
us prepare it. Just when we were about to agree, we saw in our spirit that this
will compromise our purpose. Our purpose for gathering people is not so that
they can brandish their medals and show off how they read up their Bibles. If
that is why you are here, change your thinking. Some of our participants have
joined the reading over and over and over, because they understood the
benefit of the Word of God.

Perhaps you also joined this Bible Reading because you want to earn God's
favour. You think reading up the New Testament will in some way make God
love you more, this is also a wrong mindset. God's Love for us is not dependent
on what we do. When we were at our worst, He loved us, gave us Himself and
died for us. It is an offence to the cross if you try to earn God's acceptance and
love by something you do. If you are His Child, He loves you not because of
what you do but because of who you are; not because you are loving but
because He is love. John 3:16 says it all. "God so loved the world" not "God so
loved the lovely."

Are you are also here still living in your sins or you have not yet accepted the
life of Christ? Or did you commit a grievous sin and hope that God will forgive
you if you read your Bible like this? You think reading your Bible in some ways
will make God overlook your sins or wrong? Stop that!!! You cannot do
penance for your sins. Receive the free gift of salvation through faith for the
remission of your sins, then come and follow Jesus.

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Reading your Bible and living in sin can deceive your heart. Go to the cross.
Forgiveness and remission of sins is received by repentance and faith in the
Son of God who is Christ Jesus. Don't try to earn it by works.

Read your Bible because you love God and you want to know Him through His
Word. Not for show, not for pride, not for penance nor for favour. We love Him,
because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

That will be all for this instalment. You can go over it again. It is very vital. We
must be wholehearted followers of Christ. He must be our end, not a means
to our selfish ends.


Many people can't understand why someone would call them and care about
them for no selfish reason. But that is what God has called us to do. Many
insult our leaders, call them scammers and all sorts of names. They don't
believe that there are people who will use their airtime to call them and text
them just because they care for their souls. It is well. We don't blame them.


Do not suppose that our team leaders reaching you are doing so because they
are jobless or because they are mean men.

To the glory of God, we have nearly all professionals represented in our

leadership team. e.g. accountants, medical doctors, architects, engineers,
barristers, business men and women, pastors and so on; from Nigeria and
beyond (we speak like men).

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Please, we beseech you by the mercies of God, that you cooperate and make
their work easy. They are all busy people like you, they are making sacrifices
just to help a fellow believer, they are here to labour over you selflessly. Please
encourage them, and may God honour you in return in Jesus name.

Let us pray!!!
Faithful God, we thank You for giving us eyes to see this day.
Precious Lord, we ask that of all that You have given us, we
will lose none. There is nothing oh God that You cannot do. We
believe this with all our hearts.
Thank You Father. Your Word says if we seek You, all other
things will follow us. May that be our testimony this month.
Thank You because You always hear us.
We pray in Jesus name.

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Greetings friends, this is the sixth instalment of our training.

I would like to appreciate everyone who has been cooperating with their
team leaders. God bless you.

It's amazing that despite our consistent announcements, a few still feel
surprised to hear from their team leaders, please don't be alarmed. There are
of course some wolves in sheep's skin who come here and chat with you
privately to get something off you.

By their fruits, you will know them. Kindly report them and block them as we
fish them all out. We are almost done with the clean sweep. It's usually like
this at the beginning. God will expose them all. Whatever you do, do not reply
anyone calling to get a code from you or invite you to an online meeting.

Now to today’s lesson: This is the last topic before the conclusion and
modalities tomorrow.


We have had several editions of this NT Bible reading by the grace of God.

During the first three editions, we had few testimonies of miracles and
healings. However, in our fourth edition, God began to grant our participants
several supernatural experiences in mass. The healings and miracles
multiplied geometrically. Many saw visions, many received healing, and
others were supernaturally delivered. Some got what they had been praying
for and all kinds of testimonies.

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Brethren, God is in the midst of His people to confirm His Words with signs
and wonders. The testimonies are so many. There are yet some testimonies in
their thousands that we have not been able to read as we speak. But a few
have been selected so that your faith may stand in the power of God and not
in your strength. Kindly note that these are true stories of real people, we
don't need to say that, but we have to, because some testimonies may be hard
to believe.

During a particular edition, people were getting new jobs in nearly every
team. Even after the reading, there were still people who sent in their
testimonies of getting their dream jobs. Another edition, it was restoration of
spiritual gifts that was in massive release. As you also participate in this
edition, do it spiritually, do it by faith.

We believe that God will also visit you. We do nothing, He is the one doing it
all. The experiences may not be the same. But every single one of us can be
touched by God in some way: we strongly believe this. Hence, position
yourself and get ready to be touched by God.


We are here primarily for a spiritual encounter and spiritual growth. We

didn't bargain for supernatural experiences or miracles. They came with "The
Seeking-God" Package.

Ensure that your heart is rightly positioned to seek God's face and not His
hand. Yes, we have said that you should not try to earn His favour, but God is
faithful. As you seek Him first, He promised to make every other thing that
you need to run after you. Matthew 6:33. That's exactly our experience and
that will be yours in Jesus name.

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Do well to check out the Telegram channel, we are sure that your life will not
remain the same after reading those testimonies.


Read them and boost your faith. Many women received their long-awaited
conception, many got healed and had different kinds of miracles. Friends, God
is about to give you an encounter.

Only believe.

That is the end of the lessons. We have covered lessons 1- 9. They are very
powerful and useful lessons. If you missed any, scroll up and go over them.

Now, let's go to the conclusion.


This is a spiritual activity as we have clearly stated. We are going to make it

academic in some ways but let’s not loose focus, this is spiritual. By joining
this group, something in you told you, that you need this. Something in you
told you, that you can do this. However, another voice said, "don't join them,
don't do it, you can't do it". You ignored that "you can't do it" voice, now here
you are.

Therefore, fear not, when you trust God, He is faithful to help you. But you
must trust Him every step of the way. Will you be one of those that will finish
strong? The answer depends on your belief and how much effort you are
ready to put behind it.

We would like to reiterate that we have nothing against those who leave, they
may have their good reasons tenable to God. They may wish to join the next
edition. However, the person leaving does not have to be you.

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We believe that you joined because you believe that God can help you start
this reading and finish it. If your trust is in your might, you may need to
reconsider. Please and please put your trust in God only. The parable of the
Sower comes to mind. (Matthew 13:1-23)

GROUP 1: Some joined but left because they do not understand

what we are doing here. Others saw people joining and just
joined. Some can't remember how they got into the group. Some
of such categories are out already and others like them will be
out in the first week of this reading. These are the seeds that fell
by the way side.
GROUP 2: Some entered eagerly and emotionally, pumped up
and ready, but by the time the real show begins, satan will begin
to tell them, you can't do it. Hence, they pulled out. These are
those that fell upon stony places with little soil.
GROUP 3: Others joined because they have no job and things
seem conducive for the reading. But as soon as they start the job,
the cares of this world and an uncomfortable environment will
come through, and they loose focus. These are those that fall
among thorns.
GROUP 4: These are those who the Bible says: "bear fruits with
patience". They patiently endured to the end. These are seeds
that fell on a good ground.
Glory to God! You will be one of the fourth set who bear fruits with
patience in Jesus name. Friends, the choice is yours. Ultimately, what
God expects from you is to trust Him and He will do it.
By God's grace, next, we will go to the MODALITIES. This is the academic side
of this whole program.

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Let us pray!!!
Abba Father, hallowed be thy name, thank You for bringing
us thus far. Finish what You started in our lives dear Father.
In the end, we will return all the glory to You.
Thank You Father, In Jesus name, we pray.

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Welcome friends! Just like we promised, we will be going to the modalities.


These describe how this group functions: the practical and academic way we
will employ to help you achieve your goal.

We are here for serious work friends. This place is for ready and willing
minds. I believe that you are one of them, that's why you are here.

Permit us to be firm with you, so you can fulfil your goal. Is that okay?

Quickly, we will also like to mention that we are many in this group. We will
maintain discipline. We will try to reduce group messages here, but there
definitely will be lots still from this group in the next one month. If you are
not ready, you may be offended. But you must think about the greater good.
May God help us all in Jesus’ name.

1. We have distributed you all into small teams as you rightly know.
2. The goal of the small group is for you to encourage one another, follow-
up one another; discuss what you learn, ASK QUESTIONS and share
together. It also helps your team leader to follow you up closely.
THE TEAM GROUP. This is very important.
4. Each team has a WhatsApp group and a team leader. A group of teams
is called a class. Each class group (where this training is ongoing) has a
Batch leader with about 9 team leaders.

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5. A group of classes is called a platoon, headed by a platoon leader. This

training is passed down to you by your platoon leader. A group of
platoons is called a squad and headed by a squad leader.
6. We want to know how many chapters you have read or read per day. We
want to know when you complete the designated 9 chapters for each
day. Because we will be taking statistics daily through your team
7. Thousands of participants have joined our sub-groups already, these
are the participants we recognise. Through our team leaders, WE SEE
8. Anyone who does not meet the expected weekly requirement at the end
of each week will force us to excuse them. We don't want that, neither
do you. That is, we will take statistics weekly. Release weekly cut-off. If
you are behind cut-off at the end of the week, YOU WILL BE REMOVED.
Serious business, isn't it? Please, if you will be doing this with us, you
will need to follow our instruction and guidance. These guidelines have
helped thousands before you.
9. Our goal is to help as many people as possible become disciplined
enough to read their Bibles (Starting with the NT) as long as God gives
us grace. We have no particular interest in numbers. We are more
interested in blessing people, even if that means a few. Hence, we will
show no hesitation in removing anyone if they fail to meet the weekly
requirement. Please take note of this. Tough, isn't it?
10. We are all in this together. We are all busy people. We all have work,
families, church and all kinds of activities; deadlines and meetings all-

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round the week. So, nobody said anything about it being easy. But we
said GRACE will be available to make it easy. Glory to God!!!
11. The hardest part is Matthew to Acts. This will be covered within the first
two weeks. If you can scale through those five books crossing that
bridge, the rest is much easier with shorter chapters. So, BE RESILIENT.
12. Don't forget our strategy: PROVIDE DAILY REPORTS IN THE SUB
GROUP (TEAM GROUP). This general group will be restricted during
work days and opened at weekends. But remain on the main group. It
13. Each team will have about 20 to 30 members, plus or minus headed by
a team leader. Kindly make their work easy. Do as they tell you and
speak to them respectfully. They are volunteers passionate about God's
work. Some of you will join them come next edition.
14. Another core value of this group is caring about one another. Care about
your group members. Carry them along. We must win together. Don't
leave the work to team leaders alone. Check on your group members.
Choose a partner if you have to. There is no competition but we must
challenge one another and finish together.
15. The daily status report is nothing serious. It is as simple as saying any
of these on your teams WhatsApp group daily:
Done with day 1 challenge.
7 chapters done. Will complete the rest by evening.

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Task complete.
It depends on how you choose, just pass the information across, or use
a sticker. The report is nothing serious, except you have a special case,
you don't need to write so much. If you have a special condition, you can
chat your leader privately.
16. You are required to SHARE what you learn from your readings with
your team members. ASK QUESTIONS and answer questions in your
team groups. If the answer to your question is not satisfactory, your
team leader will reach us for better answer. You are also required to
share your supernatural experiences with us. If you don't want to be
known, you can share it personally with your team leader, your batch
leader or with me.
17. Please reduce the stress of your team leaders by providing reports
"daily" and early. If you don't report, they will be forced to check up on
you, chat you or call you. That will take their time. Help them by
reporting without being asked to. It's just for one month.
18. We are together FOR JUST ONE MONTH. We don't plan to hold you here
forever. After one month and our goal of setting you on fire is achieved,
we will release you to go light up your world and keep the fire burning.
Except you want to continue with us by your own choice. We will not
compel you or force you. After one month, we will release you as we
continue to reach the world.

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At the end of these 29 days, don't be in haste to leave. We will pass across vital
information to you. The New Testament has 260 chapters, we will be done on
NAME. God will see you through. We have seen that day few times and we can
tell you it is a joyful season. Testimonies flying in right and left. Rejoicing

He that started this good work in you will bring it to perfection in Jesus name.
Please pay attention to everything said. Read between the lines. If you have
any question, do well to ask.

You will notice that a number of persons have been leaving the group. Usually,
we don't check them up or ask them why. However, as from Sunday, if you
leave, your team leader or batch leader will personally ask you why. We will
take stats by Sunday and know exactly how many people are left in this
edition just before we commence on Monday.

A number of persons get added too. Usually, we prepare a pre-class for them,
where we take them through the training they have missed before adding
them. That will end on Sunday anyway.

As from the beginning of the reading, you all matter to us. If you exit the group,

God has got you. He only needs you to do your part. If you are still afraid to
go on, now is the time to leave. But for as many who believe with us that "I
move on. I believe that you are one of them, that's why you are still here.

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Glory to God!!!


Now, we have come to the end of the training. We have taken you through the
opening charge, the nine-pack training, and the academic side of the course.
We strongly believe that you have been tremendously pumped up. It is our
prayer that, that which God is set to do in your life shall be accomplished as
you commit yourself to His Word in Jesus name.

Let us pray!!!
Father in heaven, we thank You. You have already started a
good work in us, leading us and guiding us these six days.
Lord, we are confident that what You author You are able to
sponsor and much able to finish.
Oh! "Author and Finisher of our faith", do what You do best
and make grace available to us all. Bruise Satan under our
We know that he will come for us, but deliver us from his paw
and show him the victory that You have wrought in us when
You raised Your Son Jesus from the dead.
Let Your Word do what only He can do in our lives. Your Word
will be confirmed in our lives with power and glory. In the
end, we will all lift up our voices in praises and thanksgiving
to Your name.
Thank You Father because You hear us always.
We pray through Your Holy Son Jesus, AMEN.
Settle in your groups when your team leaders reach you, meet your team
members, Introduce yourself. God bless you!!!


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Spiritual Growth Scheme, SGS
(AKA: Spiritual Growth Steps Ministry)
Email us: spiritualgrowthscheme@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpiritualGrowthSchemeSgs/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/spiritualgrowthscheme
Twitter: https://twitter.com/growthSGS?s=09
Get Information on Telegram: https://t.me/sgsinformationcentre

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