Hge Pre-Board Questionnaire
Hge Pre-Board Questionnaire
Hge Pre-Board Questionnaire
SUBJECT: HYDRAULICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING Situation 4 (10-12). A rectangular footing, 3 m x 4 m in plan, is founded
TIME LIMIT: 4 HOURS PASSING: 70% 1.2 m below the ground surface for which the bulk unit weight of the soil
is 20 kN/m^3, the unconfined compressive strength is 10 kPa, and the
SET A angle of internal friction is 20 deg. Under the condition of general shear
failure (with Nc=17.69, Nq=7.44, Ny=3.64), evaluate the contribution of
Situation 1 (1-3) According to the elastic theory, the vertical stress the following to the ultimate bearing capacity, in kPa.
induced by flexible line load of infinite length that has an intensity of q
units/length on the surface of a semi-infinite soil mass can be estimated 10. Cohesion strength
by the expression: a. 216.70 c. 108.35 kPa
b. 210.42 d. 332.22
P=0.637 (q/N) where
11. soil overburden
N=Z[1 + (r/z)^2]^2 a. 344.7 c. 178.56
b. 419.2 d. 169.8
r=horizontal distance from the line load
z=depth of interest at which stress is induced 12. footing dimension
a. 61.47 c. 36.81
A concrete hollow block wall weighing 6 kN per lineal meter is carried by b. 92.82 d. 97.45
a wall footing 0.6 m wide. Evaluate
13. For the value of the atmospheric pressure at sea level used in
1. Bearing pressure (kPa) exerted by the footing onto the supporting soil engineering practice, evaluate how high (m) is the atmosphere above sea
a. 10 c. 30 level?
b. 20 d. 40 a. 10 000 c. 8500
b. 9500 d. 7500
2. stress (kPa) in the soil caused by the load depth equal to twice its width
a. 4.67 c. 5.31 14. An airplane flying at an altitude of 10 km dropped to a height of 6 km.
b. 2.50 d. 3.45 What is the corresponding change in pressure (kPa)? Unit weight of air is
12 kN/m^3
3. stress at a depth of 2 m and a horizontal distance 3 m from the line load a. 48 c. 480
a. 0.302 c. 0.318 b. 48 000 d. 4800
b. 0.210 d. 0.474
Situation 5 (15-17)A jet of water 75 mm dia and moving to the right
Situation 2 (4-6) A triangular gate with height of 0.9 m and base width of impinges on a flat plate held normal to its axis. If the velocity of the jet is
1.2 m is inclined 60 degrees with the horizontal with the vertex at the top 25 m/s, compute
and the base parallel with the water surface. The vertex is 2 m below the
water surface. Compute 15. the force (kN) that will keep the plate in equilibrium
a. 3.87 c. 4.27
4. Total hydrostatic force (N) acting on one side of the gate b. 2.48 d. 2.76
a. 15.87 c. 12.36
b. 10.21 d. 13.35 16. if the plate was moving to the right with a velocity of 9 m/s, what force
(kN) would the jet exert on the plate?
5. location (m) of the total hydrostatic force from the vertex of the gate. a. 3.33 c. 1.13
a. 0.725 c. 0.684 b. 1.02 d. 2.17
b. 0.615 d. 0.684
17. had the plate been moving to the left at 9 m/s, what force (kN) would
6. If the base is hinged, what normal force (kN) at the vertex is needed to the jet exert on the plates?
open the gate? a. 4.25 c. 4.68
a. 4.22 c. 6.32 b. 5.24 d. 5.11
b. 5.24 d. 3.54
18. A layer of soft clay having an initial void ratio of 2 is 10 m thick. Under
Situation 3 (7-9) A trapezoidal canal has a bottom width of 6 m and a side a compressive load applied above it, the void ratio decreased by one-half.
slope 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. When the depth of the flow is 1.2 m and Evaluate the reduction in the thickness of the clay layer (m).
the rate of flow is 20.4 m^3/s. Solve a. 4.67 c. 3.33
b. 2.50 d. 3.45
7. the specific energy (m)
a. 1.23 m c. 2.32 m Situation 6 (19-21) A sample of saturated clay has a water content of 56%.
b. 1.41 m d. 2.75 m Assume Gs=2.72, solve
8. if the roughness coefficient n = 0.015, obtain the slope of the canal 19. Void ratio
using Manning’s Formula a. 1.63 c. 1.4
a. 0.00094 c. 0.00074 b. 1.52 d. 1.29
b. 0.0011 d. 0.00033
20. saturated unit weight (lb/ft^3)
9. compute the average shearing stress at the boundary over the surface a. 171.34 c. 105.16
of the channel (N/m^2) b. 111.24 d. 134.09
a. 8.2 c. 5.23
b. 10.12 d. 9.57 21. porosity (%)
a. 45.98 c. 60.3
b. 27.77 d. 78.9
Situation 7 (23-25) According to Section 304.2 of NSCP, the designated 33. The effective pressure (kPa) at the midheight of the clay layer before
allowable foundation pressure of 75 kPa (in Table 304-1 of NSCP) is for the lowering of the water table
footing having a minimum footing width of 300 mm and minimum depth a. 207 c. 256
of 300 mm into the natural grade. An increase of 20% is allowed for each b. 324 d. 212
additional 300 mm of width and/or depth to a maximum value of three
times the designated value. Calculate: 34. The effective pressure (kPa) at the midheight of the clay layer after
the lowering of the water table
23. allowable foundation pressure (kPa) of square footing 1.20 m in width a. 261 c. 236
and 300 mm in depth. b. 277 d. 270
a. 135 c. 105
b. 120 d. 150 35. The effective pressure (kPa) at the midheight of the clay layer when
the water table is at the clay surface and assuming that all sand has the
24. allowable foundation pressure (kPa) of square footing 1.20 m in width same degree of saturation
and 900 mm in depth. a. 314.7 c. 347.3
a. 135 c. 105 b. 329 d. 369.8
b. 120 d. 150
Situation 11 (36-38) A vertical triangular gate 0.9 m high have its 2 m base
25. From the previous question, solve the safe load (kN) on top of the flushed with the water surface. Determine
a. 194 c. 288 36. Total force acting on one side of the gate (kN)
b. 324 d. 216 a. 5.3 c. 1.25
b. 1.25 d. 2.65
Situation 8 (26-28) A circular gate 1.5 m in dia is inclined at an angle of 45
deg. Fresh water stands on one side of the gate to a height of 10 m above 37. location of the center of pressure from the top
the center of the gate. Evaluate a. 0.3 m c. 0.2 m
b. 0.45 m d. 0.25 m
26. Total force (kn) on the gate
a. 173.4 c. 183.05 38. eccentricity (m)
b. 134.6 d. 288.36 a. 0.15 c. 0.10
b. 0.63 d. 0.20
27. Locate the point of action (m) of the total force from the bottom on
the plane of the gate Situation 12 (39-41) A cylinder having a diameter of 1.2 m and weighing
a. 0.74 c. 0.45 800 N is held in position in sea water by a wire tied to an anchor block
b. 0.56 d. 0.28 resting at the bottom of the sea such that 0.30 m of the cylinder is below
the surface of the water with its axis vertical. The anchor block has a
28. If the gate is hinged at the top, evaluate the force (kN) normal to the volume of 0.5 m^3 and weighs 24 kN per cu. m in air. Assume sea water
gate at the bottom that will require to open it to have a specific gravity=1.03, neglecting the weight and volume of the
a. 33.22 c. 101.78 cable. Determine
b. 94.47 d. 87.80
39. Buoyant force on the cylinder for the position described, kN
Situation 9 (29-31) In a tri-axial test for normally consolidated soil, the a. 1.33 c. 6.89
normal stress at failure is equal to 450 kPa and the shear stress at failure b. 3.43 d. 2.78
is equal to 300 kPa. Compute
40. tensile force in the wire when the top of the cylinder is 0.60 m above
29. Angle of friction (degrees) the water surface, kN
a. 35.28 c. 33.69 a. 1.23 c. 2.75
b. 17.36 d. 38.98 b. 2.63 d. 5.78
30. angle of the failure plane with the major principal axis (degrees) 41. rise in the tide that will lift the anchor from the bottom of the sea, m
a. 56 c. 62 a. 0.38 c. 0.25
b. 77 d. 77 b. 0.73 d. 0.63
31. maximum principal stress at failure (kPa) Situation 13 (42-44) A 300 mm dia test well penetrates 27 m below the
a. 1567 c. 1013 static water table. After 24 hours of pumping at 69 li/s, the water level in
b. 1333 d. 978 an observation well at a distance of 95 m from the test well is lowered 0.5
m and the other observation well at a distance of 35 m from the test well,
32. What is the unit weight (N/m^3) of dry air at standard temperature the water level dropped by 1.1 m. Determine
and pressure?
a. 12.5 c. 10.6 42. Rate of flow in m^3/day
b. 11.3 d. 15.3 a. 5961.6 c. 5834.3
b. 9546.4 d. 9423.3
46. Section 302.4.5 of the NSCP provides that slope of fill surface shall be
no steeper than is safe for its intended use and shall not be steeper than
a. 1:2 c. 1.5:2
b. 1:1 d. 1:3
50. A flow in which the velocity of the fluid at a particular fixed point does
not change with time.
a. steady c. laminar
b. continuous d. turbulent