2017 Book TheBusinessOfBanking
2017 Book TheBusinessOfBanking
2017 Book TheBusinessOfBanking
The Business
of Banking
Models, Risk and Regulation
Series editor
Philip Molyneux
University of Sharjah
Sharjah, UAE
The Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions
series is international in orientation and includes studies of banking
systems in particular countries or regions as well as contemporary themes
such as Islamic Banking, Financial Exclusion, Mergers and Acquisitions,
Risk Management, and IT in Banking. The books focus on research and
practice and include up to date and innovative studies that cover issues
which impact banking systems globally.
Andrea Paltrinieri
The Business
of Banking
Models, Risk and Regulation
Giusy Chesini Andrea Paltrinieri
Department of Economics Department of Economic and Statistical
University of Verona Sciences
Verona, Italy University of Udine
Udine, Italy
Elisa Giaretta
Department of Business Administration
University of Verona
Verona, Italy
First and foremost, we would like to thank all our contributors, whose
biographies are provided in this volume, without which the edited book
would not have been possible.
Also, we want to express our gratitude to all participants of the 2016
Wolpertinger Conference—organized by the European Association of
University Teachers of Banking and Finance in September 2016 at the
University of Verona—for their insightful comments about all the papers
included in this volume.
We would also like to show our gratitude to Professor Philip
Molyneux (Professor of Banking and Finance and Dean of the College of
Business, Law, Education and Social Sciences), editor in chief of the
Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institution Series,
for approving our book proposal and for his support during the process.
Also, many thanks to the Palgrave Macmillan team, Aimee Dibbens
and Natasha Denby, for their support during the publishing process.
Special thanks to the institutions which kindly supported the
Wolpertinger Conference in Verona and so contributed to make it a
pleasant and fruitful event: Banco Popolare, Unicredit (Verona), and
S&P Global Market Intelligence.
vi Acknowledgements
1 Introduction 1
Giusy Chesini, Elisa Giaretta and Andrea Paltrinieri
viii Contents
Index 235
Notes on Contributors
x Notes on Contributors
Banca d’Italia from 2007 to 2012, when she was appointed to the Board
of BPER banca. Her recent research topics include regulation and
supervision of financial intermediaries and markets, financial crisis, the
financing of innovative SMEs, and public intervention programs.
Krzysztof Kil is Assistant Professor of Banking and Finance at the
Cracow University of Economics, Faculty of Finance and Law, Poland.
His research concentrates on the issues of bank stability and bank effi-
ciency in Central and Eastern Europe.
Andrea Landi is Full Professor of Banking and Finance in the “Marco
Biagi” Department of Economics of the University of Modena and
Reggio Emilia, and the President of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di
Modena from 2005 to 2015. He served as an auditor of Cassa Depositi e
Prestiti from 2014 to 2016. His recent research topics include bank
strategies, efficiency and performance, financial crisis, financing of
innovative SMEs and public intervention programs, asset management.
Ted Lindblom is Professor of Business Administration at the University
of Gothenburg, Sweden. His current research interests mainly concern
corporate finance and banking. In the corporate finance area, he par-
ticularly focuses on corporate governance, capital budgeting, and finan-
cial structure decisions. In the banking area, his emphasis is on banking
strategies, pricing, profitability, and risk management under different
market condition and regulatory frameworks. He has authored and
co-authored several articles and books regarding these issues.
Joaquín Maudos is Professor of Economics at the University of
Valencia, Research Deputy Director at the Ivie and collaborator at the
CUNEF. He has been visiting researcher at the Florida State University
Finance Department, at the College of Business at Bangor University,
and at the School of Business of the University of Glasgow. He has also
been a consultant to the European Commission, the European
Investment Bank, and the United Nations. He has jointly published
seventeen books and nearly ninety articles in specialized journals
(European Journal of Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal
of Comparative Economics, Journal of Financial Services Research,
Notes on Contributors xiii
This text comprises a selection of papers that offers new insights into
banking business models, risks and regulation proposals in the aftermath
of European financial crises. It investigates the main issues affecting the
business of banking nowadays such as low interest rates and
non-performing loans. The combined effect of low to negative interest
rates and weak economic growth has encouraged banks to shift their
business towards new areas, less related to interest rates, that financial
markets and institutional investors are evaluating. Contributions also
offer new insights into topics not yet fully investigated by the literature
such as banks’ short-selling bans after Brexit, the European Deposit
Guarantee Scheme and banks’ risk appetite framework.
These chapters were originally presented as papers at the annual
conference of the European Association of University Teachers of
Banking and Finance (otherwise known as the Wolpertinger Conference)
which was held at the University of Verona, Italy, at the beginning of
September 2016.
In particular, the second chapter, “Interest Rates and Net Interest
Margins: The Impact of Monetary policy,” by Paula Cruz-García, Juan
Fernández de Guevara, and Joaquín Maudos, examines the determinants
of bank’s net interest margin, focusing on the effect of interest rates, and
thus monetary policy decisions. The analysis is carried with a panel of
banks from 32 OECD countries over the period 2003–2014. The results
show a quadratic relationship between net interest margins and interest
rates, implying that the variation of the latter (and therefore monetary
policy) has a greater effect when interest rates are low. An important
implication of economic policy regarding the results obtained is that
there is a trade-off between economic growth and financial stability
associated with the impact of expansionary monetary policy when the
level of interest rates is very low. As a result, if the current scenario of low
and even negative interest rates persists for much longer in certain
countries (such as in the Eurozone), it will have a negative effect on bank
profitability and consequently on financial stability.
Chapter 3, “The Swedish Mortgage Market—Bank Funding, Margins
and Risk Shifting”, by Viktor Elliot and Ted Lindblom analyzes the
Swedish mortgage market, especially focusing on bank funding, margins,
and risk shifting. It discusses the move from mortgage-backed bonds to
covered bonds regime in Sweden and its implications for bank’s prof-
itability and risk-taking. This chapter concludes by offering a discussion
about the risk of a new financial crisis in Sweden.
In Chap. 4, “Incapability or Bad Luck? Testing the “Bad
Management” Hypothesis in the Italian Banking System” by Fabrizio
Crespi and Mauro Aliano, by using specific evidences from the Italian
banking sector and following a microeconomic approach, the authors test
the “bad management” hypothesis first introduced by Berger and
1 Introduction 3
banking literature. The topic’s relevance is due to the impact of the crisis
on bank profitability and risk levels, leading to new challenges for bank
managers, analysts, and regulators. This chapter deals first of all with the
definition of BM in the management literature; afterward the focus is on
bank business model (BBM) and the business model analysis
(BMA) literature, also considering the nexus with bank diversification.
The point of view of supervisory authorities is critically analyzed with
specific regard to BMA embedded in the Supervisory Review and
Evaluation Process (SREP).
Chapter 8, “On European Deposit Guarantee Schemes” by Milena
Migliavacca, aims to provide a dynamic overview of the Deposit
Protection Schemes (DPSs) across the EU28. Using data gathered by the
World Bank’s Bank Regulation and Supervision Surveys, the analysis
critically systematizes the different features that shape the national DPSs’
design. Finally, this study highlights the area where legislative interven-
tion is most needed in order to reach a full-fledged European Deposit
Insurance Scheme (EDIS).
Finally, Chap. 9, “A Technical Approach to Deposit Guarantee
Schemes” by Francesca Arnaboldi, fits within the debate on deposit
guarantee schemes in the European Union, currently under revision,
investigating the changes proposed by directive 2014/49/EU of the
European Parliament and the Council and regulated by the European
Banking Authority. For Italian banks, new rules introduce risk-based
contributions to be paid ex ante to the national deposit guarantee
scheme. The framework proposed by the European Banking Authority
results in a better classification for Italian banks, which requires lower
payments to the scheme. Concerns are raised about the effectiveness of
the European Banking Authority guidelines.
Interest Rates and Net Interest Margins:
The Impact of Monetary Policy
Paula Cruz-García, Juan Fernández de Guevara
and Joaquín Maudos
2.1 Introduction
Several central banks have adopted an expansionary monetary policy in
recent years so as to combat the impact of the last financial crisis on the
economy. In addition to the low monetary policy interest rates (Fig. 2.1)
resulting from the measures adopted (both conventional and unconven-
tional), there is also a fall in the long-run natural rate of interest1: This
derives from an excess of savings in relation to investment due to
demographic factors (such as the ageing of the population and the
European Central Bank
Bank of Japan (BoJ)
Fig. 2.1 Intervention interest rates by the main Central Banks. Source: Bank of
Section 2.4 shows the results obtained and Sect. 2.5 checks the
robustness of the results. Finally, Sect. 2.6 presents the conclusions and
the economic policy implications.
a2L y a2C , respectively. In addition, both risks are related (with covariance
rLC). For each additional loan or deposit, banks must assume operating
costs Exp(QL) or Exp(QD), respectively. Finally, the loans and deposits
reach banks according to Poisson processes which depend on the spreads
that banks set on the interbank interest rate. These processes include the
parameters that determine the market power (a/b) of banks in their
In an application for the case of German banking, Entrop et al. (2015)
include the cost of the maturity transformation, defining the equation
that describes the determinants of the intermediation margin (s) in the
following way:
1 a 1 ExpðQL Þ ExpðQD Þ 1 rL rD
s¼ þ þ
2 b 2 QL ð 1 þ r Þ Q D ð 1 þ r Þ 2 ð1 þ r Þ
00 ðQ þ Þðr þ þ
1 U ðW Þ C Þ 2ðrLD þ rCD ÞðD0 þ L0 Þ þ rD ð2D0 þ QD Þ
2 2 2
L 2L0 L 2r LC r
4 U ðW Þ
0 ð1 þ rÞ
In this context, our work takes into account all previous contributions in
so far as we analyse the determinants of the net interest margin by
including the various explanatory variables put forward, but with
emphasis on the effect of interest rates and hence the impact of monetary
Our testable hypothesis is the following: controlling for bank char-
acteristics and macroeconomic variables, an increase in interest rates has a
positive effect on net interest margin, the impact being greater when
interest rates are low. In other words, we expect a positive and concave
relationship between net interest income and the level of interest rates.
The data used for the empirical analysis come from the BankScope
database (Bureau Van Dijk), which contains information on the balance
12 P. Cruz-García et al.
In order to carry out the empirical contrast, we used variables put for-
ward by Ho and Saunders (1981) and their subsequent extensions,
adding the level of interest rate and its square, as do Borio et al. (2015).
Therefore, the following variables are needed for econometric specifica-
tion: the level of short-term interest rates, market power, the degree of
bank risk aversion, money market volatility (interest rate risk), credit risk,
the interaction between both types of risk, the volume of credit, liquidity
reserves and average production costs. Each of these variables is
approximated as indicated below:
Market Power
Pi MCi
Lerner indexi ¼
1 2
ln Ci ¼ a0 þ a1 ln TAi þ ak ðln TAi Þ þ bj ln wji
2 j¼1
1X 3 X 3
1X 3
þ bjk ln wji ln wki þ c ln TAi ln wji þ l1 Trend
2 j¼1 k¼1 2 j¼1 j
1 X3
þ l2 Trend2 þ l3 Trend lnTAi þ dj Trend ln wji þ ln ui
2 j¼1
where Ci is the total costs of the bank (financial and operating costs) and
TAi is total assets. The definition of the price of production factors is the
w1: Price of labour = Staff costs/total assets4.
w2: Price of capital = Operating costs (except staff costs)/fixed assets.
w3: Price of deposits = Financial costs/deposits.
The cost function estimate is carried out by using a data panel con-
sisting of all the banks in the analysis. So as to capture the influence of
14 P. Cruz-García et al.
specific variables for each bank, fixed effects are introduced in the cost
function estimate. Finally, a trend variable was also introduced (Trend) to
show the effect of technological change, resulting in displacement of the
cost function over time. As is a common practice, the estimate was made
by imposing the restrictions of symmetry and grade one homogeneity in
input prices.
The second indicator of market power is the Herfindahl index which
approximates the structure or concentration of the market. Although it is
common to use market concentration measures as indicators of com-
petition, such measures have significant limitations for two reasons.
Firstly, the theory shows that when judging competition, it is not always
the number of competitors (or the concentration) that is relevant, but the
rivalry that exists between them. And secondly, indicators of concen-
tration do not show variations between banks in the same country.
Therefore, since the Lerner index is a measure of market power that is
theoretically better grounded than the Herfindahl index, as well as pre-
senting variations at bank level, it will be the preference in the estimate.
However, the sensitivity of the results will be analysed using the
Herfindahl index.
The expected sign of the variables (both the Lerner index and
Herfindahl index) is positive, since banks with greater market power can
set higher margins.
Bank Size
Risk Aversion
The degree of bank risk aversion (Risk aversion) follows the approach
used by McShane and Sharpe (1985) and is approximated by the fol-
lowing ratio:
Total Assets
The expected sign of this variable is positive, since banks with greater
risk aversion will set a higher margin.5
Credit Risk
This is defined as the ratio between total operating costs divided by total
assets. As demonstrated by Maudos and Fernández de Guevara (2004),
the expected sign is positive, since the intermediation margin should
cover at least the operating costs.
GDP Growth
Finally, the dependent variable to account for, i.e. the net interest margin
per unit of assets (NII), is defined as the difference between revenue and
financial costs in relation to total assets.
Table 2.1 shows the weighted average of each of the variables con-
cerned in our study for the countries analysed.
Table 2.1 Descriptive statistics (2003–2014 averages)
Net interest Short-term Implicit Efficiency Lerner Herfindahl Volatility of Credit risk
margin/ total interest interest index index market (prov/loans)
assets (%) rate (%) payments interest rates (%)
(%) (%)
Australia 1.83 4.70 0.87 45.95 0.26 0.08 7.11 0.18
Austria 2.04 2.15 0.99 68.17 0.27 0.06 17.64 1.09
Belgium 1.63 2.01 0.70 69.40 0.27 0.11 17.85 0.09
Canada 1.88 2.52 0.91 73.06 0.28 0.15 8.31 0.22
Chile 3.67 4.33 1.28 58.55 0.36 0.07 20.52 1.01
P. Cruz-García et al.
Loans Total assets Risk Operating costs (% Reserves (% total GDP Number
(log) (log) aversion total assets) assets) growth of obs.
(%) (%)
Canada 14.29 14.91 8.46 2.14 2.37 2.41 490
Chile 13.99 14.56 14.35 3.02 6.53 4.77 79
Colombia 12.71 13.67 18.08 5.45 6.12 4.85 401
Czech 13.76 14.53 10.02 3.21 2.75 2.76 232
Denmark 12.57 13.18 13.27 3.14 3.82 0.52 842
P. Cruz-García et al.
2.3.2 Methodology
2.4 Results
2.4.1 Base Scenario
United States
countries in
1.00% the sample
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Fig. 2.2 Three-month interbank rates evolution. Source OECD and authors’
2.00% Japan
United Kingdom
United States
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Fig. 2.3 Net interest income evolution (% total assets). Source: BankScope and
authors’ calculations
the level but negative for the square, which shows a quadratic rather than
linear relationship. Consequently, a change in interest rates has a greater
impact on the net interest margin the lower the level of interest rates.
Table 2.2 also shows that the maximum in the relationship between
interest rates and the margin is observed at 0.085 (8.5%).
Of the remaining variables, i.e. implicit interest payments, operating
efficiency, bank size, risk aversion and GDP growth, they are significant
and have the expected sign. Thus, higher implicit payments, lower effi-
ciency, larger banks, greater risk aversion, and a positive GDP growth
increase net interest margins.
The third and fourth column analyses the robustness of the results to changes
in the empirical approach to some of the determinants of the net interest
margin. As shown in column 3, the results are maintained when the size is
approximated by the total asset logarithm. Likewise, the results do not vary
when market power is approximated by the Herfindahl index (column 4).
2 Interest Rates and Net Interest Margins: The Impact … 25
Fig. 2.4 Economic impact of the net interest margin determinants (bp). The graph
shows the effect on net interest income of a variation of 25–75 percentile of the
distribution in each of the explanatory variables. The bars that have a more
subdued colour correspond to variables whose effect is not statistically significant.
The variables are sorted from highest to lowest impact on net interest income. The
equation [2] of the Table 2.2 was used for the analysis. Source: Authors’ calculations
Table 2.3 Observed changes in interest rate and yield slope curve and predicted changes in net interest margin (bp)
Change in Predicted Change in Predicted Change in Predicted
three-month change in net three-month change in net three-month change in net
P. Cruz-García et al.
interest rate interest margin interest rate interest margin interest rate interest margin
2003–2007 2003–2007 2008–2014 2008–2014 2003–2014 2003–2014
Eurozone 194 98 −442 −147 −212 −84
USA 412 231 −284 −107 −103 −43
UK 229 117 −495 −158 −313 −115
Japan 66 31 −64 −28 12 5
Other 126 61 −222 −87 −56 −24
in the
Source: Authors’ calculation
2 Interest Rates and Net Interest Margins: The Impact … 29
United Kingdom
United States
-600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500
Fig. 2.5 Observed changes in interest rates and predicted changes in the net
interest margin (bp). Source: Authors’ calculations
measures taken, which led to a fall in the net interest margin of 147 bp in
the Eurozone, 107 bp in the USA, 158 bp in the UK, 28 bp in Japan
and 87 bp in the group “other countries”. For the entire period analysed,
the total effect of the variation in interest rates on the intermediation
margin was a fall of 84 bp in the Eurozone, 43 bp in the USA, 115 bp in
the UK, 24 bp in the group “other countries”, and an increase of 5 bp in
2.6 Conclusions
A cause for concern today is the impact that unconventional monetary
policy measures adopted by several central banks to combat the crisis
could have on bank interest margins and thus on the profitability.
Although the effect has been positive so far, the prolonged low level of
interest rates in some countries (as is the case with those belonging to the
Eurozone) might end up negatively affecting the intermediation margin,
given the existence of a floor in the level of interest rates on bank
deposits. The quadratic, rather than linear, relationship between net
30 P. Cruz-García et al.
interest margin and interest rates mean that a further drop in rates will
damage profitability.
In this context, the results obtained in this study for a large sample of
banks in OECD countries for the period 2003–2014 confirm that the
above-mentioned quadratic relationship does indeed exist. This indicates
that the impact of a variation in interest rates is higher for low levels than
for high values. Consequently, if this current scenario of very low-interest
rates persists over time (and even worse, if there is a further drop),
banking margins could be adversely affected and therefore, profitability.
This result is in line with the evidence obtained recently by Borio et al.
(2015) and Claessens et al. (2016), who also obtained a positive quad-
ratic relationship between net interest margin and the level of short-term
interest rates.
An important implication of economic policy regarding the results
obtained is that there is a trade-off between economic growth and
financial stability associated with the impact of expansionary monetary
policy when the level of interest rates is very low. Thus, while on the one
hand expansionary measures are adopted to combat the crisis (increasing
the rate of inflation and encouraging economic growth), the negative
impact on the net interest margin also negatively affects the profitability
of banks, thus increasing the likelihood of a systemic crisis.
In this context, of particular concern is the case of the banks in the
Eurozone, which currently have a problem with low profitability as a
consequence of the regulatory pressure and the high amount of
non-performing assets. The fact that the inflation rate is well below the
ECB target of 2% justifies the expansionary measures taken (such as the
expanded asset purchase programme (APP) and the penalty of up to
−0.4% of excess of reserve requirements and deposit facility). But taking
into account the results obtained in this paper, these same measures can
have a negative impact on bank profitability. This explains the IMF’s
recent warning (2016) not to further increase the negative interest rates
on marginal deposit facility and excess reserves. Until now the expan-
sionary monetary policy has stimulated the volume and quality of bank
lending and, by this way, profitability. But now that interest rates are so
low (even negative), monetary policy is holding back banks’ profitability.
2 Interest Rates and Net Interest Margins: The Impact … 31
1. See Laubach and Williams (2015).
2. In the same vein, the recent study by Borio and Zabbai (2016) analyses
both the negative and the positive effects of unconventional monetary
policy measures that are being adopted. The authors conclude that
although there is evidence that these measures are successful in improving
financial conditions, over time they could have a negative impact on bank
3. Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel,
Italy, Japan, Rep. Korea, Latvia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South
Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and USA.
4. The price of labour is approximated by the ratio of Staff costs/total assets.
5. The ratio own resources/assets is a capitalisation measurement with lim-
itations, due to the influence of regulation on own resources, as a measure
of risk aversion. Therefore, the results should be interpreted with caution.
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The Swedish Mortgage Market: Bank
Funding, Margins, and Risk Shifting
Viktor Elliot and Ted Lindblom
3.1 Introduction
The Swedish household indebtedness is among the highest in the world
(BCBS 2016), and the vast majority of this debt is mortgages.1 The
Swedish Bankers’ Association (SBA 2015) reports that almost nine out of
ten homeowner households are indebted, and the debt ratio of these
households, measured as loans in relation to disposable income, has on
average increased steadily since the mid-1990s. According to the Swedish
Financial Supervisory Authority (SFSA 2016), in the first half of this
decade, the share of households with a greater debt ratio than 450% has
almost doubled (from *35% in 2011 to *60% in 2015). This is
explained partly by the conversion of rental apartments, primarily in
urban locations, into condominiums and, partly, as a result of rocketing
property prices. Residential construction in urban areas has not been in
pace with the growth of citizens in these areas, while the interest rate
environment has been and still is historically low. In the past 2 years, the
repurchasing rate (repo rate) of the Swedish Central bank has been
continuously cut and is, since February 1, 2015, below zero. In addition,
the average monthly interest rates of treasury bills, 2-year government
bonds, and, lately, 5-year government bonds are negative.
The extremely low interest rate environment has put pressure on
mortgage interest rates offered by Swedish banks. At present, both the
short- and the medium-term mortgage rates are down to the crisis and
post-crisis levels in 2009–2010. The long-term rates are at an all-time
low (in modern time) and substantially lower (150–200 basis points)
than they were 6 years ago. Mortgage-lending accounts for approxi-
mately 30% of total lending provided by the major Swedish banks, and
the banks have readily accommodated the growing demand for debt on
the household market. In order to meet the increasing demand for
household debt, the banks have gradually increased their reliance on
market funding, a strategy that ceteris paribus implies higher funding
costs and potentially lower margins. Considering the great importance of
mortgage lending in the balance sheets of the major Swedish banks, it
may appear as a paradox that these banks on average show high prof-
itability in accounting as well as in market value terms. This suggests that
the banks have been able to secure lower funding costs in some other
way. As will be shown in this chapter, the implementation of the covered
bonds legislation [see “the Covered Bond (Issuance) Act (2003:1223”)], on
the Swedish mortgage market in 2004, seems to be one major expla-
nation for their profitability.
In 2006–2008, Swedish banks gradually replaced residential
mortgage-backed bonds (MBS) with covered bonds (CB). The market
for CBs has thereafter grown large in Sweden, making CBs one of the
most important sources of funding for Swedish banks (Sandström et al.
2013).2 Today, about a quarter of the banks’ average total lending is
financed by CBs. Certain properties (these are discussed in greater detail
below) of the CBs make them “often seen as close substitutes for high-
quality government bonds” (Prokopczuk et al. 2012: 1), suggesting lower
risk for investors and lower risk premiums to be paid by the issuing bank.
Hence, the bank can offer homeowners lower interest rates on granted
mortgage loans and still make a “good” profit. This may seem as a
3 The Swedish Mortgage Market … 37
collateralization House values = 100
25 25 25
(Issued amount)
Cover pool
25 25 25
Denominated in other
1,50,000 currencies
Denominated in
1,00,000 EURO
Denominated in
50,000 domestic currency
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Fig. 3.2 Growth (in mEuro) of outstanding CBs on the Swedish market since 2006.
Source Data from the Association of Swedish Covered Bond issuers
Issuing institution
institution are transferred to the parent bank for financing its mortgage
lending to primarily homeowners.
The remaining large bank and some of the other institutions are
issuing CBs directly by themselves. Their model is illustrated in Fig. 3.4.
Financial institutions that issue CBs on the Swedish market are legally
required to act as market makers on the secondary market for out-
standing CBs. In order to reduce the risk of not being able to refinancing
maturing CBs, it is common that issuing institutions repurchase a large
share of the CBs about 9–12 months before the maturity date. This is
commonly done by offering investors to exchange maturing bonds for
bonds with a longer maturity and (likely) another interest rate
3 The Swedish Mortgage Market … 41
Bank A Bank B
Building society:
Market maker issuer of covered
bonds Market maker
Investor 1 Investor 2
Fig. 3.5 Illustration of the roles of actors involved in CB issues. Source Based on
Sandström et al. (2013: 8)
(Sandström et al. 2013). The roles of the different actors on the sec-
ondary market are illustrated in Fig. 3.5.
As shown in Table 3.1, the Swedish CBs are highly rated by inter-
national rating agencies. Due to the high credit ratings, the CBs are
expected to be traded at prices (interest rates) at par with or close to
government bonds (cf. Prokopczuk et al. 2012). The diagram in Fig. 3.9
(see Appendix) reveals that this has been only partly true since these
bonds were introduced on the Swedish market. From 2004 to mid-2007,
the spreads between 2- and 5-year CBs and government bonds were very
small. At some occasions, the risk premium of the 2-year CBs was even
42 V. Elliot and T. Lindblom
Table 3.2 Key figures (in SEKm) of selected banks as of December 31, 2015
Lending Deposits Outstanding Equity Total
to the from the CBs assets
public public
Nordea 3,132,884 1,776,716 1,024,762 285,169 5,944,393
Handelsbanken 1,866,467 753,855 603,952 128,268 2,522,133
SEB 1,353,386 883,785 310,178 142,798 2,495,964
Swedbank 1,413,955 748,271 531,219 123,342 2,148,855
SBAB 296,981 76,639 187,280 11,848 374,552
Total 8,063,673 4,239,266 2,657,391 691,425 13,485,897
Note that these are group level figures and include the banks’ foreign operations
Source Data from the Swedish Bankers Association and the Annual Reports of
individual banks
44 V. Elliot and T. Lindblom
the financial crisis from 2009 to 2011. Like the other officially offered
mortgage rates, from April 2015 and onward the banks’ highest and
lowest offered 10-year mortgage rates have differed more extensively.
Figure 3.7 displays the average discount given by the banks from May
2015 to May 2016. We have no information of the average discounts on
the banks’ mortgage rates prior to 2015, let alone to the actual interest
rates paid by their customers. It seems reasonable to assume that dis-
counts have been given in a similar range as displayed in Fig. 3.6, but it
is less likely to assume that the largest discounts are given on shorter-term
lending rates. In a less low rate environment, the opposite may very well
be the case.
Assuming that Figs. 3.10 and 3.11 reflect the interest rates charged by
the banks on their mortgage lending accurately in relative terms; com-
petition in banks’ mortgage lending at the beginning and toward the very
end of the period seems rather week. This observation is in accordance
with the SBA (2011) report in which it is concluded that the banks’
mortgage lending increased markedly from 2000 to 2007. Under this
period, the market shares of the five banks have remained intact.
Fig. 3.6 Average discounts on the banks’ officially offered mortgage rates the
past year
46 V. Elliot and T. Lindblom
80% Equity
Other debt
50% Derivatives
20% Intermediate
10% Deposits
Fig. 3.7 Aggregate bank funding 1996–2015. Source Data from the Swedish
Bankers Association
Business Business
lending lending
Intermediate Intermediate
funding funding
Other debt
Mortgage Bonds Mortgage
lending lending Equity
Derivatives bonds
Other debt
Fig. 3.8 Pre- and post-CB claims by different bank funds providers on bank assets
in case of bankruptcy
3 The Swedish Mortgage Market … 47
GB 5-Year CB/MB 5-Year
Fig. 3.9 Average market rates and risk premiums on 2- and 5-year covered bonds
(CB/MB) relative government bonds (GB) for 2000–2016
3 Month 2 Year 5 Year 10 Year
Fig. 3.10 Average official mortgage rates of the five Swedish “mortgage” banks
from 2000 to 2016
Fig. 3.11 Deviations of the banks’ officially offered mortgage rates from 2000 to
suggests that the average bank earned more on loans with a “variable”
interest rate during this period. From early 2001 to the end of 2007, the
average margin on 3-month mortgage loans was equal to or greater than
the corresponding margins on medium- and long-term fixed rate loans.
Irrespective of the interest rate maturities, the average mortgage margins
have increased significantly from the end of 2011. To what extent this is
the case does of course depends on the actual interest rates charged by the
banks. Considering their average discounts, all mortgage rate margins
become lower. At the end of the period, the average interest rate margins
on the banks’ mortgage loans with long-term fixed rates became more
attractive for the banks in relative terms. On average, their greatest
margins were still on the 3-month and 2-year interest rate maturities.
Our comparative analysis hitherto rests on the assumption that the
average bank continuously matches the interest rate maturities on its
borrowing and lending. However, the financial crisis clearly showed that
Swedish banks were in general borrowing short and lending long (cf.
Lindblom et al. 2011). In Fig. 3.13, the average interest rate margins for
mortgage loans are computed as the difference between the offered
mortgage rates on the loans of the average bank and the 3-month
3 The Swedish Mortgage Market … 49
Fig. 3.12 Marginal mortgage lending margins of the average bank from 2000 to
Fig. 3.13 Illustration of average interest rate margins if borrowing short and
lending long
the 3-month rate only in 2009, and thereafter, they seem to have adapted to
the gradually implemented new regulatory regime, which is focused on
both sustainable capital adequacy and liquidity reserve requirements for
banks. Figure 3.12 shows that the lending margins of the average bank have
in general been around 1.5–2% from early 2012 and onward. In pace with
the increasingly lower interest rates on government securities and out-
standing CBs, the banks seem to have been able to increase their average
margins steadily on mortgage loans with different interest rate maturities.
In some countries, like Canada and Australia, the local regulators impose
a cap on CB issuance in order to limit the subordination of depositors to
CB investors. As exemplified by Fig. 3.7, Sweden has followed the
Danish and German tradition without any caps. The figure shows that
starting in 2006, CBs have gradually replaced intermediate funding
among the Swedish banks. The figure clearly shows that this trend started
prior to the financial crisis (2008–2009) and the introduction of new
liquidity regulations (2013) in Sweden.
To illustrate the risk shifting that this change in funding imposes, Fig. 3.8
compares the pre- and post-CB claims by different bank funds providers on
bank assets in case of bankruptcy. As shown in the figure, the non-CB funds
providers are made substantially worse off in a bank insolvency situation and
as will be further discussed in our concluding remarks, and this should be
reflected in the price that banks have to pay for non-CB funds.
1. There exists no systematic data on the composition of household debt but
Statistics Sweden estimates that approximately 80% of total household
indebtedness is mortgages.
2. According to ECBC (2014), the Swedish CB market belongs to the five
largest in the world and in 2013; Sweden was the second largest issuer of
new covered bonds.
3. A mortgage loan in Sweden typically consists of four key components:
CBs (both in SEK and Euro), other bonds, deposits and equity, and the
vast majority of bank funding consist of CBs and deposits.
4. As is described and thoroughly explained by, e.g., Schwarcz (2011), both
the legislative and the structured covered bond regimes are each subject to
pros and cons. The structured covered bond regime may be less certain
regarding legal aspects (which are to be contractually specified) and give
rise to higher transaction costs, but this regime tends to offer greater
flexibility for the parties to, for example, adjust to changing market
5. Private as well as business customers commonly negotiate discounts in the
range of 10–100 basis points.
6. From 2005, the 3-month rates are available, whereas the other maturities
are made available from 2008.
7. After the financial crisis, banks no longer offer mortgage rates on a daily
basis. In our analysis, the 3-month rate is regarded as a variable rate.
BCBS. 2016. BIS Statistical Bulletin, available at https://www.bis.org/statistics/
3 The Swedish Mortgage Market … 53
4.1 Introduction
The pattern of growth of nonperforming loans (NPLs) in the banking
sector of a country has always been considered an important issue in
determining the onset of a banking crisis and the consequent instruments
that should be used by authorities to prevent bank failures.
In this chapter, we add a contribution to the strand of literature
starting with Berger and DeYoung (1997), by testing the “bad man-
agement hypothesis” in the Italian banking sector using a more detailed
dataset about the composition of NPLs: That means that we can dis-
tinguish between substandard/past due loans and restructured exposures,
on the one hand, and bad loans on the other. This possibility allows us to
investigate if and how much the substandard/past due loans and
restructured exposures translate into bad loans over time or, put in a
different way‚ we can prove if credit managers are able to recover, at least
partially, problematic credits. This part of the analysis is a novel in
literature: Preceding studies have not investigated in this specific way the
worsening in credit quality, which may indeed suggest the management
incapability, ceteris paribus, to manage bad loans. In this regard, starting
from our proprietary database, we insert a measure of bank credit health
among the determinants of NPLs which acts as proxy of a worsening in
the quality of credit.
We created a dataset composed of 48 banks of a single country (Italy)
which cover about 82% of the market (measured as total assets in 2013),
and we investigate a critical period for the Italian banking sector lasting
four years (2010–2013): This stretch of time covers in fact the preceding
period and the aftermath of the government debt crisis in Italy (2011–
2012) and corresponds with a strong increase in NPLs for the entire
banking system.
Considering that all banks in our sample operate mainly in Italy and are
subject to the same economic conditions, we exclude macroeconomic
explanatory variables from our analysis. We also prefer to investigate a
group of banks of one single country, avoiding a comparison with other
banking systems in which different economic conditions and accounting
rules could alter the significance of results (see Barisitz‚ 2011). The choice
of Italy as a laboratory for our analysis is due to the better information
about NPLs that we could get from bank balance sheets and to the critical
importance and enormous volume of NPLs in the Italian banking sector:
just to have an idea, the ratio of NPLs on loans was about 18% at the end
of 2015, compared with a 3% in France and a 2% in the USA.
The results of our study confirm the “bad management hypothesis”
first introduced by Berger and DeYoung (1997). Indeed, we find that
more specialized banks and more efficient banks tend to have a better
quality of credit. More interesting, from our point of view, is the general
relationship between substandard/past due loans, restructured exposures,
and bad loans. Our results indicate that problematic loans tend to
transform into bad loans, demonstrating that credit managers were not
able to implement recovery strategies for these critical positions during
the investigated period. We think our results can be considered an
4 Incapability or Bad Luck? Testing … 57
Various papers about NPLs start from the evidence that behind every
financial crisis there are macroeconomic factors (or systematic factors)
which influence the creditworthiness of borrowers. These studies com-
monly compare data from different countries (see Beck et al. 2013; Klein
2013) over a long period of time with the aim to evaluate the impact of
different phases of the economic cycle on the appearing of NPLs.
58 F. Crespi and M. Aliano
hypothesis over the bad luck hypothesis and the skimping hypothesis.
Finally, decreases in bank capital ratios generally precede increases in
NPLs for banks with low capital ratios (moral hazard hypothesis).
Following the methodology of Berger and DeYoung, Williams (2004)
investigates management behavior in European saving banks from six
European countries (Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the
UK), between 1990 and 1998.3 The results of Williams are mixed:
Managers in German banks exhibit strong statistical evidence of bad
management, while there is weaker statistical evidence of bad manage-
ment in Danish and Italian banks.
Podpiera and Weill (2008) continue along this line of research and
examine the relationship between efficiency and bad loans in the Czech
banking industry from 1994 to 2005. They extend the Granger-causality
model developed by Berger and DeYoung by applying GMM dynamic
panel estimators. Their findings provide empirical evidence in favor of a
negative relationship between decreased cost efficiency and future NPLs
(i.e., the bad management hypothesis). Interestingly, Podpiera and Weil
use two different measures to assess credit quality: the conventional ratio
of NPLs on total loans and a so-called compensated risk taking measure,
which account for the fact that a certain amount of NPLs is normally
expected and accounted for in the interest required on such more risky
loans. Thus, the actual (uncompensated) risk-taking measure of a par-
ticular bank (associated with unexpected events) might be smaller if the
bank gets sufficiently compensated on interest revenues from the entire
loan portfolio. Therefore, a second measure is introduced and formulated
as the share of NPLs in total loans minus the share of interest revenues in
total loans. Indeed, if bank managers choose consciously to increase the
risk of the loans portfolio, we should expect immediately an increase in
interest revenue, and later an increase in NPLs. In this case, the risk of
NPLs could be considered well priced in the conditions of loans, and the
management behavior riskier but justified.
Other studies in the same stream include Karim et al. (2010) and
Louzis et al. (2012); the former investigates bank efficiency and NPLs in
Malaysia and Singapore and reaches conclusions similar to those of
Berger and DeYoung; the latter is a more complex analysis, in which
62 F. Crespi and M. Aliano
and were then integrated with other data taken from Bankscope (Bureau
Van Dijk) and ABI Banking data (a specific database for Italian banks
created by the category Association). It is important to note that (in the
period investigated) NPLs were accounted in banks’ balance sheet fol-
lowing the accounting rules imposed by Bank of Italy (Rule 272/2008),
which considered four different categories of bad loans/impaired loans,
The selection of banks in our dataset started from the analysis of the
entire banking system that is all the banks surveyed in the ABI Banking
database (558 banks). We then considered independent and holding
banks for which an unconsolidated balance sheet was available, while
banks controlled by foreign companies were discarded. We then selected
the largest 48 banks in terms of total assets (2013) for two reasons:
(i) Our dataset represents numerically about 9% of the banks operating
in 2013, but about 82% of the total assets of the sector, 65% of loans to
domestic clients, and 66% of NPLs of the system; (ii) The detailed data
for the smaller bank unfortunately do not always exist. Table 4.1 reports
a first description of our dataset.
Table 4.1 shows that the majority of banks are located in the north of
Italy (the most industrialized zone of the country) and are commercial
banks operating as limited companies. Only seven banks operate as
cooperative banks (the classification presented in Table 4.1 follows the
classification used in ABI Banking database). To better investigate bad
loans, two other banks were finally excluded because they specifically
engaged in activities (such as private banking and asset management)
which do not produce significant amounts of NPLs.
As indicated above, we choose a specific period of time to investigate
NPLs in the Italian banking sector: Indeed, even if a deterioration of
economic conditions in Italy can be traced back to the outburst of the
financial crisis at the end of 2008, different studies (see Chiorazzo et al.
2016) indicate that a strong increase of NPLs in banks’ balance sheet is
temporarily linked to the government debt crisis (2011–2012). With
respect to the banks in our dataset, Table 4.2 shows how the mean ratio
of impaired loans (i.e., the four categories of bad loans described above)
on credit to clients changed during the investigated period.
The increase of NPLs actually went on also in 2014 and 2015,
reaching an astronomic value of over 300 billion euro for the entire
system. However, we decided to limit our analysis to the period 2010–
2013 because, from 2014, some banks in our dataset started to imple-
ment securitization processes which altered the accounting amounts of
NPLs and, from 2015, the introduction of different accounting rules
makes new data not comparable to the past ones.
Table 4.2 Mean ratio of impaired loans on credit to clients for the banks in our
Year Mean 2010 Mean 2011 Mean 2012 Mean 2013
(%) (%) (%) (%)
Commercial banks 8.37 9.86 11.68 14.88
Center 11.34 13.98 17.62 22.17
Northeast 10.69 12.33 14.50 17.40
Northwest 5.31 6.20 6.88 9.44
South 12.12 13.69 16.47 20.87
Cooperative banks 9.20 10.73 14.67 18.96
Center 14.71 20.29 30.02 37.45
Northeast 8.02 8.82 12.28 15.64
Northwest 6.43 7.34 9.87 15.02
South 12.73 13.72 16.09 18.34
Total 8.49 9.99 12.11 15.46
cqi;t ¼ ð4:1Þ
where cqi,t is a measure of the credit quality for the i-th bank in the year t,
while Badi,t is the amount of bad loans for the i-th bank in the year t, and
ARci,t is the amount of accounts receivable from clients for the i-th bank
in the year t.
It is important to note that our dependent variable does not consist of
the total amount of NPLs, but only of loans to insolvent customers (even
when insolvency is not ascertained by court) that can be considered no
more restorable. The aim of our analysis is indeed to investigate whether
other forms of impaired loans (still restorable) turn into bad loans after a
68 F. Crespi and M. Aliano
lag or, put in a different way, whether credit managers are able to restore
these kinds of impaired loans before they turn into bad loans.
As independent variables, we insert a set of indicators which describe
the economic and financial structure of banks in our sample, the weight
of loans in the balance sheet, the weight of other problematic loans (not
again bad loans), and the operational area. The objective is to catch
bank-specific determinants of bad loans. The specification of our model
is contained in the following formula:
cqt ¼ a þ bj Xj t1 ð4:2Þ
Std. Dev. 0.0480 0.0003 0.0106 0.0060 0.0093 3.5147 1.7523 1.2925
Skewness 1.2851 −0.7712 2.7909 0.9364 −2.4219 0.5115 −1.3287 -10.7091
Kurtosis 5.4342 2.5418 13.5879 3.3610 17.3394 3.2971 24.5107 130.1650
Jarque-Bera 100.2458 20.7131 1146.0720 29.0992 1832.6470 9.0789 3758.1650 133,037.4000
The table shows the descriptive statistics of the variables used in the Panel Regression (OLS) for the period 2010–2013.
Credit quality (cq) is the ratio between bad loans and accounts receivable to clients, Arc is the ratio between accounts
receivable to client (ARC) and total asset, Exp is the ratio between exposure delayed and ARC, Ris represents the coefficient
associated with restructured exposure to ARC, Netinc is the coefficient of the ratio between net interest income and total
assets, Equity is the coefficient associated with the ratio between equity and total assets, Efficiency is the ratio between
operating income and operating expenses, Struct is given by the ratio total noninterest expenses/ (net interest
income + net fees and commissions)
Incapability or Bad Luck? Testing …
70 F. Crespi and M. Aliano
in two different and opposite ways. On the one hand, if bj is negative, the
relative rise in net interest income improves the quality of credit, and this
result could be interpreted as a sort of specialization efficiency; on the
other hand, if bj is positive, the net interest income and the quality of
credit are negatively correlated, and this result could suggest that con-
scious managers impose higher interest rate on more risky clients (as in
Podpiera and Weill 2008, that could be interpreted as a right behavior,
because the risk of bad loans could be considered well priced in the
conditions of loans).
The role of capital is studied by the ratio between equity and total
asset; this indicator highlights the effect of the capitalization on bad loans
ratio. If the coefficient is positive, more capital means more troubles in
loans. If the coefficient is negative, better capitalized banks show a low
bad loans to credit ratio.
The bank’s operative framework is captured by a dummy variable that
displayed 1 if the bank has a regional operating zone, 0 elsewhere.
Through this variable, we testify whether, for the Italian banks, the
environment impacts on credit quality.
Finally, we use two variables to investigate operating
efficiency/inefficiency. The operating efficiency is analyzed trough the
ratio between operating income and operating expenses; a negative
coefficient for this variable indicates the management’s attitude to gen-
erate profit from business activity and can be used as a proxy of good/bad
The impact of the costs structure is captured by the following ratio:
total noninterest expenses/ (net interest income + net fees and com-
missions). This ratio quantifies the impact of the costs structure on gross
revenues and may be interpreted as an inefficiency indicator. A positive
value (what we expect) suggests a positive relation between operative
inefficiency and bad loans, an inefficiency that goes behind (deepening)
bad management.
In a further version of the model, we inserted a dummy variable
associated with the use of advanced IRB at the beginning of period
(2010); our aim was to investigate whether the use of more sophisticated
models to value the credit risk of a loan could reduce the following
appearing of bad loans.
72 F. Crespi and M. Aliano
4.5 Results
In this section, we show the estimations of the model presented above
using OLS panel regression without fixed and random effect. The results
are presented in Table 4.4.
The negative value of the coefficient Arc means that banks with a high
value of ARC on total assets present a better credit quality than the other
banks (i.e., the ratio of bad loans on credit to clients decrease). This result
suggests that a progressive specialization in credit can improve the quality
of credit.
The positive value of Exp (Exposure delayed) indicates a vicious circle
in which past due loans became nonperforming loans or, from a man-
agement perspective, the incapability of credit managers to recover
problematic credit (a different proof of the bad management hypothesis).
A similar interpretation is provided by the variable Ris; also in this case,
the positive coefficient shows that restructured exposures usually translate
in bad loans, demonstrating a failure in credit management.
The negative value for net interest income (Netinc) suggests that the
banks in our panel which are overspecialized in credit are better posi-
tioned in the management of the credit quality, and this result is in line
with that showed for Arc variable. Summarizing, banks with a greater
ratio of credit to total assets and a greater ratio of net interest income to
total assets seem more capable to manage credit risk, imposing higher
interest rates on clients.
The variable equity on total asset is not significant, and similarly the
capitalization level seems not to impact on quality of credit. The dummy
variable, positive and significant, indicates that the regional banks are
more exposed to bad loans. With regard to efficiency, the negative value
indicates a negative relation, as expected, between efficiency and bad
loans; and this indication is partially confirmed by the value showed by
the variable Struct.
Similarly to Chiorazzo et al. (2016), we also find a significant auto-
correlation for the bad loans ratio, suggesting that an increase in bad
loans in one year creates more bad loans in the next year. Finally, the
control variable size (log total assets) has a negative and statistically sig-
nificant impact on credit quality.
To what concern the use of IRB models to asses credit risk, contrary to
other studies, we discovered that the coefficient related to this dummy is
not significant, and also trying with a detailed analysis that considers only
the credit quality and the use of Advanced IRB, give us back a negative
relation, that is Advanced IRB determines falls in credit quality.
Considering that our model could be affected by multicollinearity, we
use variance inflation factor8 (VIF) to check whether there is correlation
between independent variables employed in the models presented.
Logically, we expect a certain degree of correlation, especially among loan
quality variables, but this correlation should result in a lagged relation,
and not in a cross-sectional relation (i.e., intuitively the exposures delayed
at time t are not correlated with exposures restructured at time t, but
eventually with the exposures restructured at time t + 1), and then could
be considered a conversion factor of the progressive credit worsening.
As can be seen in Table 4.5, all the variables employed in the model
are less than 49 showing no problematic with VIF values.
Moreover, to better explain the relations between dependent variable
and independent variables, we run a simple redundant period fixed effects
tests. The F-Statistics, and the relative Prob. values, contained in
Table 4.6, lead us to reject the hypothesis that period fixed effects are
significant (at least at the 95% level).
74 F. Crespi and M. Aliano
4.6 Conclusion
The results of our analysis, as reported in Sect. 4.5, confirm the “bad
management hypothesis” first introduced by Berger and DeYoung
(1997). Indeed, we discovered that more specialized banks (higher ratio
of loans to clients on total assets and higher ratio of net interest income
on total assets) and more efficient banks (higher ratio of operating
income on operating expenses and lower ratio of total noninterest
expenses on net interest income + net fees and commissions) tend to
have a better quality of credit. Nevertheless, is rather surprising that the
use of IRB models is not significant in reducing NPLs during time.
More interesting, from our point of view, is the general relationship
between past due loans, restructured exposures, and bad loans. As our
results indicate, problematic loans (past due and restructured) tend to
transform into bad loans, demonstrating that credit managers were not
able to implement recovery strategies for these critical positions during
the investigated period. And even if part of these results could be
attributed to the stressed macroeconomic conditions of the time, it is licit
to affirm that bad management plays a part.
These last results are useful to better understand the present situation
of the Italian banking system: Indeed, the total amount of impaired loans
in the balance sheets of Italian banks is often much greater than bad loans
alone, also nowadays. Just to have an idea, gross bad loans at the end of
2015 for the whole banking system amounted to about 200 billions (see
Bank of Italy, Statistic Bulletin, I 2016), but the total amount of gross
NPLs (bad loans and other impaired loans) was 338 billions.
If the same process of transformation of impaired loans into bad loans
registered in the period investigated in our analysis should persist also in
the future, it is then easy to forecast that the level of bad loans in the
system will remain very high, preventing banks to increase significantly
the amount of credit notwithstanding the nonconventional impulses of
76 F. Crespi and M. Aliano
monetary policy that we have seen in the last years. Moreover, the
solution to the problem of NPLs in Italy, through securitization and/or
government guarantees, could take much more time than that requested
by ECB to banks in problematic situations (such as Monte Paschi di
Finally, it is not inappropriate to suggest that better models to
investigate the dynamics of credit quality during time (probably, the
current IRB models used by banks are not able to forecast the deterio-
ration of credit quality in a period of stress economic condition), and
more efficient procedures to manage problematic credits (from the first
moments of their appearance in the balance sheet) should be
1. Extra operating costs include, for example, additional monitoring of
borrowers, the expense of analyzing and negotiating possible workouts
arrangements, and the cost of disposing of collateral if default later occurs.
2. It must be stressed that these two assumptions are not mutually exclusive,
as the relationship may be bidirectional.
3. Actually, Williams (2004) estimates two different measures of bank effi-
ciency to test the hypotheses of Berger and Deyoung, namely operating
cost efficiency and profit efficiency. Moreover, problem loans are mea-
sured using the ratio of loan loss provision-to-loans instead of other
typical balance sheet measure such as the ratio NPLs/total loans or
NPLs/total assets.
4. The dataset is created using supervisory data for only nine largest Greek
banks, even if they accounted for 87.68% of the Greek banking system.
5. For example, the quantitative impact of GDP growth on mortgage NPLs
is attenuated compared to the NPLs of other loan types. Moreover, for all
NPLs categories, the estimation results indicate that the coefficients of the
macroeconomic variables are fairly stable across different models with
different bank-specific variables.
6. On the other hand, the ROE indicator for the business NPLs is
insignificant. The authors suggest that this may signify that the effect of
management quality is mainly reflected on the efficiency of households’
4 Incapability or Bad Luck? Testing … 77
VIFi;j ¼
1 R2i;j
Arellano, M., and S.R. Bond. 1991. Some tests of specification for panel data:
Monte Carlo evidence and an application to employment equations. Review
of Economic Studies 58 (2): 277–297. doi:10.2307/2297968.
Bank of Italy (2016), Statistic Bulletin I (2016).
Barisitz S. 2011. Nonperforming loans in western Europe—A selective
comparison of countries and national definitions, Oesterreichische
Nationalbank. Focus on European Economic Integration Q1/13.
Beck R., P. Jakubic, and A. Piloiu. 2013. Non performing loans. What matters
in addition to the economic cycle, European Central Bank, Working paper
series, No 1515.
Berger, A., and R. Deyoung. 1997. Problem loans and cost efficiency in
commercial banks. Journal of Banking & Finance 21: 849–870.
Chiorazzo, V., V. D’Apice, F. Masala, and P. Morelli. 2016. Non-performing
loans in the wake of crises: What matters for large European banks?. ABI, Temi
di economia e finanza: Country vs. Bank Determinants.
78 F. Crespi and M. Aliano
every single stock. Second, the intervention may reduce both volatility
and probability of default of financial companies.
Previous studies showed a rather controversial role of selling bans on
stock price reaction, because it could even result in crashing of stock
market liquidity and increase of bid-ask spreads.
The main research hypothesis, investigated in our paper, relates to the
effect on stock prices in terms of financial returns and risks, caused by
short selling restrictions during the financial crisis in the US banking
sector. To be specific, we deal with two research questions. The first
research hypothesis, which corresponds to the title of the paper, aims to
verify, whether there are different reactions of banks in accordance with
their structural characteristics. In this sense, we operate in two ways: On
the one hand (Sect. 5.4.1), we perform an analysis of the temporal
dynamics of firms’ fundamentals; on the other, we check the action of the
short selling ban on bank value, so as proxied by its stock price (we
discuss it in Sect. 5.4.2). The second research hypothesis is to verify the
effect of short selling ban on the systematic risk component of the
intervention, and whether the structural characteristics of the bank cause
reduction of this component (please, see Sect. 5.4.3).
There are three main findings in this research. The first one shows
how short ban restrictions affected firm fundamentals in the USA. In
reality, it did not cause any big improvements in profitability of firms,
leverage, and liquidity. So, short selling ban did not bring the results that
might have been expected by official bodies, when implementing it in the
short-time period and did not make lots of changes in the long-time
period. Second finding relates to our observation about the stock price.
One year after the ban period for US banks, it happened to be higher,
then when we coupled with size and earnings per share control variable
measures. In terms of price change, it is also sensitive to asset turnover
and liquidity measures. Finally, when we consider results connected to
bank risk profiles, we conclude that there are changes in volatility in
terms of overall and systematic risk. We observe that banks are partic-
ularly effective, in terms of overall volatility reduction, earrings, and short
leverage metrics.
The main contribution of our paper to previous studies is twofold. For
our best knowledge, we are the first to discriminate the reaction by a large
5 Why Do US Banks React Differently to Short Selling Bans? 81
causing panic selling, high volatility or market crashes. They proved that
short sales increased market quality. By the use of panel regression and
event study, authors conclude that short sales enhance market quality
and affect market returns.
Initially, short selling was implemented in order to reduce the negative
pressure on financial market stocks and supposed to end in a lower
volatility. In fact, according to another research paper (Schwartz and
Norris 2009), the market behaved in an opposite way and brought a
short-term increase in volatility for all observed firms. Moreover, as it
turned out, small firms were affected in the days just after the ban, while
large ones felt its influence before and during the ban implementation.
It is worth of saying that short selling has a direct impact on risk,
which requires further careful studies. Felix et al. (2014) examined how
the European short sale ban affected jump and contagion risk of banned
and non-banned stocks. It resulted in the evidence that short positions in
banned stocks decreased while they increased for non-banned stocks. On
using extreme value theory and implied volatility skews, they found that
jump risk abruptly rose for all stocks and contagion risk decreased for
banned stocks and increased for non-banned stocks after imposition of
the ban. They showed that the increase in jump risk was caused by the
imposition of the ban itself, rather than by information flow, options
trading volumes and stock-specific factors. They show that the increased
risk levels are especially evident for the banned financial stocks. An
increased jump risk may provoke financial contagion and increase sys-
tematic risk. They found that the contagion risk dropped for banned
stocks after the ban. So, their results proved that short sale bans reduced
contagion risk in the financial sector.
Some following studies suggest that short sale bans do not impact
stock prices and can even contribute to their decline and negatively
impact on market quality. For example, Helmes et al. (2010) proved that
imposing constraints on short selling reduce trading activity, increase
bid-ask spreads and price volatility, which was done with the use of
univariate and multivariate fixed effects panel regressions.
Boehmer et al. (2013) studied emergency order (SEC decision in
2008) that temporarily banned about 1000 financial stocks. They found
that the ban affected larger stocks in a greater degree than the small
84 D.A. Previati et al.
was found to be lower for stocks with greater short interest before the
ban. Moreover, they found that price inflation is the strongest for stocks,
where no listed options trade. The estimation is done with the use of the
factor-analytic model, where they compare the actual and predicted
banned stock index returns in two separate timeframes outside of the ban
The effect of short selling ban can be different for financial and
non-financial firms (Hasan et al. 2010). They find that during the crises
period, the short selling of financial firms stock was not much greater
than of non-financial firms when short sellers rationally short sold the
financial company stocks with the greatest subprime and insolvency risk
exposures. Moreover, they investigated whether short selling activity
rationally reflected financial companies’ insolvency risk exposure with the
use of a direct measure of the exposure to the subprime market.
Grullon et al. (2015) found that the increase of short selling brings
price fall, affects asset prices and impacts on financing and investment
decisions. He proved that even “the uptick rule can have a significant
effect on the equity prices of financially constrained firms and appear to
be a binding constraint on the equilibrium level of short selling.”
Moreover, he discovered that when removed, short selling influences
short selling activity and stock prices “even before the actual suspension
of the constraints.”
where the dependent variable in the model is the stock price considered
at the end of selling ban period, for the i-th stocks. We considered also a
dynamic version of the Eq. 5.1, as follows:
Mod2 : DPi;t ¼ a þ bj DXj;i;t þ kj DWj;i;t þ cDExpk;i;t
j j k
þ dDLevk;i;t þ nDSizek;i;t þ ei;t
k k
where DPi;t represents the change of stock price between the start of short
selling restrictions and the same observations one year ahead for the i-th
banks. Same interpretation counts for all the other independent variables.
Xj;i;t is a vector of control variables accounting for the level of Profitability
(Asset_Turnover, EPS_Annualized, Ebit, EPS_Growth, Grossmargin,
Return_On_Asset, Return_On_Cap); Wj;i;t is a vector of variables repre-
senting the level of firm’s Liquidity (CF_CASH_FROM_OPER,
CF_NET_INC); dLevk;i;t includes control variables accounting for
Leverage (CURRATIO, LTBTBT); Expk;i;t is a vector of control variables,
stands for Expectations (BEST_ANALYST, BEST_TARGET_PRICE);
and lastly nSizek;i;t is a vector accounting for Size control variables
(CURR_MAR_CAP, TOT_COM_EQY) of each i-th stock taking into
account (see Table 5.1 for the description of variables).
5 Why Do US Banks React Differently to Short Selling Bans? 87
value, and common equity represent the size of companies. Using the
vector autoregressive (VAR) process on US monthly stock market data
(from 1926 to 2006), Ho et al. (2011) find a highly and negative rela-
tionship between small and large cap stock prices with a cyclical pattern.
Liquidity: Cash flow from operating activities and cash flow from net
income represent a liquidity measure in stricto sensu. Khan et al. (2016)
investigate the relation between funding liquidity and banks’ risk for US
bank holding from 1986 to 2014 and find that banks facing lower
funding liquidity risk take more risk or more instability of stock price
Expectation: The nature of expectation variables is seen through the
following. Based on a sample of 23,632 analyst recommendations of
1106 banks, Premti et al. (2016) find that analyst recommendations are
more informative for riskier banks and subject to a higher degree of
information asymmetry. The impact on stock prices is unpredictable and
depends on analysis period.
To analyze the impact of short selling restrictions from risk side, we
investigated, via pooled regressions, what was going on with overall and
systematic risks in the presence of short selling restrictions. Focus on such
fundamental firms is more effective in limiting the risk for banks.
To be specific, we select all stocks belonging to local market banking
index and we run two models as follows:
Mod3 : DOverallRIski;t ¼ a þ bj DXj;i;t þ kj DWj;i;t þ cDExpk;i;t
j j k
þ dDLevk;i;t þ nDSizek;i;t þ ei;t
k k
Mod4 : DSysti;t ¼ a þ bj DXj;i;t þ kj DWj;i;t þ cDExpk;i;t
j j k
þ dDLevk;i;t þ nDSizek;i;t þ ei;t
k k
90 D.A. Previati et al.
where systi is the systematic risk for i-th security, rmkt the standard
deviation of market return, bi is the Beta regression (OLS method)
calculated as:
ri ¼ ai þ bi rmkt ð5:6Þ
where ri is the return of i-th security and rmkt the return of market. The
unsystematic risk is obtained as:
unsysti ¼ r2i systi ð5:7Þ
n° Best Best cash Cash Curr Current Current Debt Common EPS EPS ROA ROC Daily
stocks analyst target flow flow enterprise market ratio % to equity annual growth % % return
rating net value total %
income asset
Mean 82 3.68 60.36 768.06 381.66 57,366.10 24,711.63 1.60 16.46 19,374.12 1.37 48.93 2.99 6.84 0.06%
Standard 82 0.43 90.10 6615.95 1811.55 161,409.85 39,128.80 1.14 15.52 36,271.12 40.48 473.98 5.69 13.60 0.07%
Skewness 82 −0.15 10.12 11 4 39 38 3.54 33.33 38.18 3.99 2.19 7.54 16.20 0.10
Kurtosis 82 2.63 131.75 82.43 568.13 27.40 15.88 20.65 4.89 15.26 1605.35 143.75 29.34 123.64 3.02
This table provides the panel data descriptive statistics for the sample used in our elaboration for the period of January 2006–December 2013. The analyses and the values
contained in the table are developed starting from daily observations. The variable Best Analyst Rating is calculated as a weighted average of opinions of various analysts
(5 = buy; 4 = high performance; 3 = hold; 2 = low performance; 1 = sell) and indicates the analyst recommendation and their consensus on single stock. The variable Best
Target indicates the projected analyst price level. The variables Cash Flow, Cash Flow Net Income, Current Enterprise Value, Current Market and Common Equity represent the
fundamental balance sheet information. The variable Debt to Total Asset indicates the ratio between Total Asset and Debt. EPS Annual % and EPS Growth represent the
earning per share and the rate of growth of earning per share, respectively. ROA % and ROC% indicate, respectively, the Return On Asset and the Return On Capital. Daily
Return is the daily stock return. Zeta Altman represents the Altman Z-score for predicting bankruptcy
5 Why Do US Banks React Differently to Short Selling Bans? 93
5 Why Do US Banks React Differently to Short Selling Bans?
Table 5.5 (continued)
j j k k k
ban period, for the i-th stocks, Xj;i;t is a vector of control variables accounting for the level of Profitability (ASSET_TURNOVER, EPS_ANNUALIZED, EBIT, EPS_GROWTH,
GROSSMARGIN, RETURN_ON_ASSET, RETURN_ON_CAP), Wj;i;t is a vector of variables representing the level of firm Liquidity (CF_CASH_FROM_OPER, CF_NET_INC), dLevk;i;t
includes control variables accounting for Leverage (CURRATIO, LTBTBT), Expk;i;t is a vector of control variables, stands for Expectations (BEST_ANALYST, BEST_TARGET_PRICE)
and lastly nSizek;i;t is a vector accounting for Size control variables (CURR_MAR_CAP, TOT_COM_EQY) of each i-th stock taking into account. We considered also a dynamic
version of the Eq. 5.1, as follows
Mod2 : DPi;t ¼ a þ bj DXj;i;t þ kj DWj;i;t þ cDExpk;i;t þ dDLevk;i;t þ nDSizek;i;t þ ei;t where DPi;t represents the change of stock price between the start of short selling
j j k k k
restrictions and the same observations 1 year ahead for the i-th banks. Same interpretation counts for all the other independent variables. ***, **, * denote that estimates are
statistically significant at the 1, 5 and 10% levels
5 Why Do US Banks React Differently to Short Selling Bans? 99
When making our analyses about the effect of short selling on stock price
risk attitude, we divided our results into overall and systematic risk
measure (see Table 5.6).
Table 5.6 (continued)
Panel B USA Size Profitability Leverage Liquidity Expectations Full model
Coeff. St. Dev Coeff. St. Dev Coeff. St. Dev Coeff. St. Dev Coeff. St. Dev Coeff. St. Dev
d_curratio −0.0109 0.0090 −0.0050 0.0087
d_lt_db_t 0.0007*** 0.0004 0.0004 0.0004
d_cf_net_in 0 0 0 0
d_cf_cash_in 0 0 0*** 0
d_best_an −0.0052* 0.0029 −0.0005 0.0033
d_best_targ_price 0 0 −0.0002*** 0.0001
In this table, we report the effect of short selling restrictions on total and systematic risk. To this end, we perform pooled regressions to understand what banks reacted better
and worse with respect to fundamental firms
Mod 3 : DOverallRIski;t ¼ a þ bj DXj;i;t þ kj DWj;i;t þ cDExpk;i;t þ dDLevk;i;t þ nDSizek;i;t þ ei;t and Mod 4 : DSysti;t ¼ a þ bj DXj;i;t þ kj DWj;i;t þ cDExpk;i;t
j j k k k
j j k
þ dDLevk;i;t þ nDSizek;i;t þ ei;t where OverallRIski;t represents standard deviations computed in an estimation window of 252 days; Systi;t stands for systematic risk, also
k k
known as “undiversifiable risk,” affecting the overall market, not just a particular stock or industry; Xj;i;t is a vector of control variables accounting for the level of Profitability
(ASSET_TURNOVER, EPS_ANNUALIZED, EBIT, EPS_GROWTH, GROSSMARGIN, RETURN_ON_ASSET, RETURN_ON_CAP); Wj;i;t is a vector of variables representing the level of firm
Liquidity (CF_CASH_FROM_OPER, CF_NET_INC); dLevk;i;t includes control variables accounting for Leverage (CURRATIO, LTBTBT); Expk;i;t is a vector of control variables, stands for
Expectations (BEST_ANALYST, BEST_TARGET_PRICE); and lastly nSizek;i;t is a vector accounting for Size control variables (CURR_MAR_CAP, TOT_COM_EQY) of each i-th stock
taking into account (d_ represents the difference of the variable values at the beginning and 1 year after the short selling ban). ***, **, * denote that estimates are statistically
significant at the 1, 5 and 10% levels
5 Why Do US Banks React Differently to Short Selling Bans?
102 D.A. Previati et al.
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Reputational Risk in Banking: Important
to Whom?
Ewa Miklaszewska and Krzysztof Kil
6.1 Introduction
Protecting a financial institution’s reputation is among the most signif-
icant challenges facing financial firms, and trust in the integrity of the
financial sector is the cornerstone of its stability and growth. The
financial crisis of 2007–2009 and the post-crisis restructuring period
have brought an increased interest in the reputational risk, particularly in
the banking and financial sector. Crisis and post-crisis restructuring
always results in an increased interest in the issues of trust and corporate
culture, as scandals and excesses of the pre-crisis period come to light,
and the amounts spent to rescue banks raise public opposition (Walter
2013). Moreover, as the empirical research has indicated, the reputa-
tional risk increases with the scale and profitability of banks, making the
subject even more relevant in a global system characterized by a highly
revision to its operational risk framework that set out a new approach for
calculating operational risk capital. In addition, the Financial Stability
Board stressed the importance of operational risk in the post-crisis
environment, defining it as a synthetic one, including people risk, out-
sourcing risk, internal and external fraud, money laundering, and tech-
nology risk (FSB 2012).
In 2009, the Basel Committee passed the document addressing the
need to strengthen risk management by banks, in which the reputational
risk was defined as a multidimensional process, based on the perception
of other market participants (BCBS 2009). Reputational risk was
explained as the actual or potential risk related to earnings or capital,
arising from negative perception of financial institutions by the current
and potential stakeholders (customers, counterparties, shareholders,
employees, investors, debt-holders, market analysts, other relevant par-
ties, or regulators) that can adversely affect a bank’s ability to maintain
existing, or establish new, business relationships and its continued access
to sources of funding, including the interbank market or the securitiza-
tion processes. In this document, the Basel Committee stressed the need
to manage reputation risk, identifying its sources and taking it into
account when testing the resilience of a bank business model to external
shocks (BCBS 2009). The Fed’s Commercial Bank Examination Manual
defines reputational risk as “the potential that negative publicity
regarding an institution’s business practices, whether true or not, will
cause a decline in the customer base, costly litigation or revenue
reductions” (Business Insurance 2016).
media, and that they register and report losses due to reputational risk
mainly as a part of an operational risk database, so although banks were
aware of the need to include reputational risk in their overall risk
mapping, in everyday life, they dealt with it in an operational risk
management framework.
one of the three major agencies: Standard & Poor’s Rating Services,
Moody’s Investors Service Inc., or Fitch Ratings Ltd., was available.
The first step was to construct an index of reputational risk; the
following one was to test its impact on bank performance. In the model,
reputation risk was represented by a three-dimensional, synthetic index:
Stakeholder Reputation Score (SRS). The index is based on the per-
spectives of three major bank stakeholders, according to the following
SRS: (a) market participant perspective + (b) client perspective + (c)
investor perspective.
Those three perspectives were approximated by:
SRS: (a) credit agencies’ bank ratings + (b) deposit growth + (c) bank
stock returns.
There is a long debate on the relevance of the rating information and
rating agencies’ credibility, particularly after the global crisis (Grothe
2013; Eckert and Gatzer 2015), but nevertheless credit rating encom-
passes a broach range of information. Credit ratings express credit rating
agencies’ forward-looking opinion about the creditworthiness of an
obligor—the capacity and willingness to meet its financial obligations in
full and on time (S&P 2016) and represent an evaluation of the quali-
tative and quantitative information on the prospective debtor. In the
model, the ratings were employed both at a country level (CR) and at the
bank level, included in the SRS index.
The three dimensions in SRS (a, b, and c) were calculated as follows:
a. ratings: scores from major credit agencies were used and the average
score (arithmetic mean, in points) was established as in Table 6.2, on
a scale of 1–16, adjusted by rating perspective of ±0.5% points; a
stable outlook did not cause adjustments in the assessment;
b. deposits: the annual growth rate of current deposits from the
non-financial sector was used (converted to points); and
c. stock return: the annual rate of return from bank stock was used,
adjust by splits and dividends paid (in points) (Table 6.1).
6 Reputational Risk in Banking: Important to Whom? 123
Point values of the three dimensions (a, b, and c) of the SRS were
calculated by assigning each year a numerical value to each decile for each
indicator and for the whole group, in the following way:
• 0 points for the median for the entire group in a given year;
• from −5 to −1 respectively for deciles from 1 to 5; and
• from 1 to 5 respectively for deciles from 6 to 10.
Consequently, the SRS index ranges from −15 to +15 points for the
three indicators and represents an approximation of the bank’s reputa-
tional risk.
The next step was to run a panel data model, for the period 2009–2014.
The dependent variables were the long-term, comprehensive indicator:
Multi-Level Performance Score (MLPS) and the short-term, simple indi-
cator: Return on Equity (ROE). MLPS was defined as the sum of points
awarded in five key areas for long-term evaluation of bank performance:
three performance indicators (ROE, cost-to-income ratio and loans-to-asset
ratio) and two sustainability indicators (Z-score and NPL) (Miklaszewska
and Kil 2015). Thus, MLPS = ROE + C/I + L/A + Z-score + NPL.
124 E. Miklaszewska and K. Kil
The score was calculated as follows: For each indicator, the whole group was
divided into ten deciles, and the median value is 0 (neutral); each subsequent
deciles above the median for the ROE, L/A, and Z-score ranged from 1 to 5,
and each successive deciles below the median had negative value and ranged
from −1 to −5. For C/I and NPLs, the signs were the opposite. This indi-
cator has a simple interpretation: The higher the value of the MLP score, the
better the assessment of the bank’s results. The panel data model with fixed
effects was used, which measured the impact of reputation risk (approxi-
mated by the SRS score) on bank performance, measured by the compre-
hensive index Multi-Level Performance Score (MLPS) and profitability
indicator (ROE). For robustness, bank stock rate of return (RR) as depen-
dent variable was also tested, but the SRS was insignificant for that model.
The explanatory variables are defined in Table 6.2.
The results of estimations for the reputational effects on bank per-
formance are summarized in Tables 6.3 (for the comprehensive MLPS)
and 6.4 (for the ROE).
6 Reputational Risk in Banking: Important to Whom? 125
The estimation results presented in Tables 6.3 and 6.4 indicate that
analyzing bank performance, both approximated by short-term ROE and
by a comprehensive MLP score, the index of bank reputation SCR
(similarly like the country’s rating CR on a macroeconomic level) not
only has a positive impact, but on the contrary affects bank performance
strongly negatively, similarly as the HHI concentration index. Factors
with a positive impact on bank performance were the size of the bank, its
financing strategy, the asset risks, and the high level of GDP growth.
Thus, the empirical results are contrary to the expectations: For CEE-11
stock-listed banks, large risky banks with low reputational score were best
placed for best results, both in a short-term (ROE) and in a long-term
(MLPS) perspective.
126 E. Miklaszewska and K. Kil
6.7 Conclusion
The reputational risk literature and surveys, analyzed in this chapter,
suggested that banks should treat reputational risk as a separate class of
risk and analyze it beyond the framework of operational risk and cor-
porate governance. It should not be narrowed down to “public relation”
response to crisis events, but treated as a strategic type of risk, with a
strong potential to harm the value of the company.
However, as the reputational literature and many case studies indicate,
it is very difficult to categorize and quantify reputational risk, as it can
arise as a consequence of other risks and many events. The panel data
models for listed banks in CEE-11 countries, analyzed in this chapter,
6 Reputational Risk in Banking: Important to Whom? 127
have also indicated that proper management of reputational risk may not
be important (and even harmful) for an assessment of bank performance,
which may explain why many banks dealt with reputational risk mainly
in the context of minimizing loss after a scandal. Consequently, there
seem to be incentives to disregard reputational risk in an operational and
strategic bank management and deal with it only with crisis events.
ACE. 2013. Reputation at Risk. London. www.acegroup.com/global-assets/
American Banker. 2016. Survey of Bank Reputation. www.americanbanker.com.
BCBS—Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. 2001, January. Consultative
Document: Operational Risk, BIS.
BCBS—Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. 2009, July. Proposed
Enhancements to the Basel II Framework. Consultative Document Bank for
International Settlement.
BCBS—Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. 2011, June. Principles for the
Sound Management of Operational Risk, BIS.
BCBS—Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. 2014, October. Review of
the Principles for the Sound Management of Operational Risk.
Brown, W.J. 2016. Understanding Reputational Risk: Identify, Measure, and
Mitigate the Risk, www.philadelphiafed.org/bank-resources/publications/src-
Business Insurance. 2016, August 1st. Reputation Risk in Focus at Credit Rating
Carretta, A., and M. Sargiacomo, (eds.). 2016. Doing Banking in Italy:
Governance, Risk, Accounting and Auditing Issues. Milano: McGraw Hill.
Dermine, J. 2006. European Banking Integration: Don’t Put the Cart Before
the Horse. Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments 15 (2): 57–106.
Dey, S.K. (2016). Reputational Risk in Banking—The Current Approach and a
Way Ahead, TCS Financial Solutions, www.tcs.com.
Diermeier‚ D. 2008‚ March. Measuring and Managing Reputational Risk. Risk
Management, 12 (3).
128 E. Miklaszewska and K. Kil
7.1 Introduction
The business model (BM) has become a key concept in banking litera-
ture. The topic’s relevance is due to the impact of the crisis on bank
profitability and risk levels, leading to new challenges for bank managers,
analysts and regulators.
From the managerial point of view, the crisis has caused an in-depth
review of banks’ strategies and enhanced their ability to change/adapt
both their business mix and their market positioning in the different
strategic areas where they compete.
In the years since the outbreak of the crisis, three main drivers have
spurred a significant change in banks’ strategic plans.
Firstly, a new adverse economic context, with a combination of slow
economic growth and historically low levels of interest rates. Both phe-
nomena depress the prospects for traditional bank intermediation, since
they lead to less, higher-risk lending while simultaneously squeezing
profit margins on the loans–deposits circuit.
Secondly, the re-regulation introduced in the wake of the crisis is
triggering strategic changes in BMs to adapt balance sheet structures to
new regulatory requirements: liquidity, high-quality capital, more stable
funding resources and bail-inable debt.
A third driver concerns the structural configuration of the main banking
systems, which affects banks’ ability to handle the fast pace of technological
innovation and its impact on products and distribution channels.
This Darwinian economic context opens the question of which banks
are in the best position to succeed and, at the same time, which banks are
going to become the victims of this much more competitive arena.
Business model analysis (BMA) has become the conceptual framework
used by analysts and regulators in the attempt to identify banks’ main
strategic behaviours and their implications in terms of competitiveness
and future performance and stability.
As far as banking regulation and supervision are concerned, BMA is
the basis for a proactive response and aims to reveal the key vulnera-
bilities of the different banking business models (BBM). This conceptual
framework, embedded in the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process
(SREP), has a central role in the 2015 and 2016 Thematic Review by the
Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM). In banking supervision, BMA is
an important tool for revealing a bank’s main vulnerabilities in the short
run and the viability and sustainability of its strategic plans in the short
and medium terms. The supervisory assessment not only regards the risks
each bank has undertaken and therefore its vulnerability (idiosyncratic
7 The Business Model of Banks: A Review of the Theoretical … 133
In the last two decades, the BM has become a focal concept for
researchers in the e-business stream; they consider it as a way of analysing
competitive behaviour and explaining firms’ performance in competitive
environments characterised both by intensive use of ICTs in production
and distribution processes and by a rise in the importance of stakeholder
networks (suppliers, partners, customers, etc.) in value creation.
This literature has developed a BM concept that aims to embrace all the
elements and relationships that enable IT-based or Internet-based firms to
generate value. It follows the idea that the system (a sort of gestalt) creates
more value than the sum of its individual parts and the BM is essential to
enhance it (Amit and Zott 2001; Zott et al. 2011). Therefore, according
to these analyses, a BM is interpreted as a representation of the set of
decisions, activities and relationships between them that explain how an
organisation creates, delivers (to its stakeholders, including customers)
and captures value (Osterwalder and Pigneur 2012), building a sustain-
able competitive advantage in specific markets (Morris et al. 2005).
Often these contributions tend to give greater emphasis to specific
components of this systemic representation. Some stress how firms generate
value, i.e. the value proposition (Baden-Fuller and Haefliger 2013), or how
they optimise the cost/revenue structure (i.e. value capture); others focus on
the way in which relationships with the enterprise’s network (suppliers,
customers, delivery channels, partners, competitors) increase value.
Notwithstanding the different focus on BM components, there is
consensus on the idea that BM has value at the corporate level and offers
a useful holistic perspective for understanding not only what businesses
firms do (e.g. what products and services they produce to serve the needs
of customers in addressable market spaces) but also how they do it (e.g.
how they bridge resources and product markets in serving the needs of
7 The Business Model of Banks: A Review of the Theoretical … 135
At the second level, there is the business strategy, which identifies how
to compete and how to achieve competitive advantage in each SBA. The
business strategy’s specific objective is the sustainable competitive
advantage a company can achieve and the relationship between that
advantage and the industry, by which it is defended. It answers the
question “How are we going to compete?”
The SBA identifies the actual (physical or virtual) situation where the
business strategy is applied. It is a combination of customers, products
and internal resources, where the specific internal relations need a par-
ticular entrepreneurial and strategic approach.
Within the “strategy stream”, two different meanings of BM can be
On the one hand, in a more operational perspective, the BM is a way
of representing and analysing (and, not least, validating, through analysis
of internal consistency) the value generated by the strategies, and on the
other hand, it is a way of maximising value through the best operational
structure and articulation (Shafer et al. 2005). Business strategies focus
on the market and external competition, while the BM concentrates on
the ability to optimise the business internally and/or within the network.
It defines the activities through which the objectives defined by the
business strategies can be pursued to improve or optimise competitive
advantage (Mottura 2011).
An alternative systemic perspective positions the BM closer to strategy.
It can be defined as the concrete choices that derive from the actual
combination of corporate/business strategies and the various activities
and economic levers involved (price variables, control of costs, customer
segments, quality, distribution channels, degree of relationship, tech-
nology, productive processes, etc.).
This second approach provides the rationale for connecting the key
company strategic choices to their main consequences. BM is the rep-
resentation of a subset of key choices implemented and their main
consequences. Choosing a specific BM (policies, assets and governance)
means choosing a specific way of operating and creating and capturing
value for the firm’s stakeholders. Strategic choices establish the BM.
Therefore, the BM is not the strategy, but is the direct result of the
strategy a firm implements (Casadesus-Masanell and Ricart 2010).
138 S. Cosma et al.
According to the strategy stream literature, one way to analyse the firm
within a specific industry is to compare its performance with that of its
main competitors, in order to identify any strategic groups. The literature
tells us that a strategic group is made up of firms which follow the same
or similar behaviour along key strategic dimensions, with regard to
specific criteria such as product range, size, internationalisation, tech-
nology and vertical integration (Porter 1996).
The group of firms builds mobility barriers on these key strategic
dimensions and the investments they require to separate the individual
group from the external competition. These barriers help to explain
firms’ competitive advantage, their performance and the effects of the
external context on their profitability.
Recent empirical literature has led to the identification of the strategic
group with the BM, as in the large number of studies which employ
cluster analysis to group similar strategic behaviours and performance.
The empirical results of these analyses are controversial, and their
methodology is not always considered effective for analysing differences
in firms’ performance within the strategic group (Short et al. 2007; Leask
The employment of cluster analysis has usually focused on economic
variables which only provide a very indirect, sketchy picture of actual
strategies, and therefore, the attempt to classify firms’ strategies on the
basis of very broad differences between firms is able to identify general
but not specific strategies.
At the same time, the finer the classification criteria used, the more
homogeneous but also the narrower the groups become in terms of
profitability and strategic behaviour. Moreover, when the analysis deals
with strategies as context specific, as specific actual choices bounded by
available resources, competitive position, management attitude to risk
and industry structure, the strategic group BM is replaced by the indi-
vidual firm.
In Fig. 7.1, we classify the different approaches in management lit-
erature with respect to BM definitions, in order to assess their usefulness
7 The Business Model of Banks: A Review of the Theoretical … 139
Roengpitya et al. (2014) also use the cluster algorithm, along with the
adoption of some selection criteria and balance sheet ratios, to classify the
BMs of a large sample of listed and non-listed banks from 34 countries,
during 2005–2013. They compare three distinct bank clusters with
respect to outcome variables. When valued in terms of performance, the
retail-funded group (high share of loans on total assets and high reliance
on deposits) displays the highest average level and the lowest variability of
profitability over time. The trading banks (half of the assets in tradable
securities and predominantly funded in the wholesale market) are the
group with the highest volatility of return on equity and cost base. The
wholesale-funded group stands between the other two groups in terms of
return levels and volatility. The study finds significant shifts across dif-
ferent BMs before and after the crisis: two-fifths of the banks classified as
wholesale funded or trading in 2007 ended up with a retail-funded BM
in 2013. The performance statistics show that the change in banks’ BM
induced a prevailing worsening in profitability.
A different result with respect to migration between bank clusters over
time is shown by a study presented in the ECB Financial Stability Review
(2016) in the classification of European banks during 2007–2014.
Comparing the bank clusters based on size, asset/liability and income
composition indicators, they find that most banks remained in the same
group, revealing “sticky” BMs which have difficulty in adapting to a
changing environment or the anticipation of stress.
De Meo et al. (2016) adopt an original fuzzy clustering technique
based on a broad set of asset/liability mix indicators of listed and
non-listed European banks (77 for 15 countries) for 2006–2014. They
identify three main clusters of banks: retail, diversified and investment
banks. Each group was then subdivided on the basis of four EBA clas-
sification criteria (systemic relevance, dimension, organisational com-
plexity and cross-border activity) considered by the authors to be
attributes of strategic choices. Among the eight resultant peer groups,
retail banks show the highest return on assets in the years preceding the
financial crisis but the worst performances at the peak of the sovereign
7 The Business Model of Banks: A Review of the Theoretical … 143
debt crisis, due to the deterioration in credit quality. Among them, small
banks with limited cross-border exposure and a low degree of income
diversification (non-complex retail banks) were hardest hit by the
increasing credit risk. The study analyses the effects of macroeconomic
variables on the performance of the different peer groups: as expected,
economic growth, yield curve and sovereign risk are the most significant
variables affecting retail banks, whereas due to their dependence on
non-interest income, investment and diversified banks displayed a sig-
nificant exposure to financial markets. One methodological aspect of the
analysis must be underlined: probabilistic clustering tends to make the
performances of different BBM more similar, a sign that bank-specific
strategies may be more important than membership of a strategic group
in explaining bank performance.
The specificity of bank strategies is the focus of Mergaert and Vennet’s
(2016) analysis. They define BM in terms of the strategic variables that
reflect the management’s long-term choices (latent strategies) with regard
to asset and liability composition, capitalisation, income structure and
the bank’s risk profile. The common variances of these variables define
two broad BBM: retail and diversified. The authors underline the fact
that these models are graduated and use common factor analysis to
evaluate both how these long-term strategies are implemented and their
impact on performance. The authors conclude that there is a substantial
variation in the effects of the BM between different bank types and show
that retail-oriented banks perform better in terms of both profitability
and stability and that diversification improves profitability, but also
increases the likelihood of distress.
A different approach to the grouping of European banks is employed
by Bonaccorsi et al. (2016). They classify 112 significant European banks
following a step procedure based on threshold values of balance sheet
parameters including size, lending propensity and international credit
exposure. The authors use data published by the European Banking
Authority (EBA) and the European Central Bank (ECB) further to the
comprehensive assessment, which allows them to define portfolio com-
position by counterpart type, showing that large domestic and other
lending banks are more exposed towards SMEs and retail real estate
144 S. Cosma et al.
indicators like loan growth, capital ratio, total assets and a number of
variables that account for major macroeconomic and institutional factors.
Therefore, their definition of BM includes business mix variables along
with some other strategic variables concerning growth, capitalisation and
size. These strategic variables, along with the reliance on short-term
market funding, are statistically significant in explaining bank distress.
The main indication concerns the significant, high impact on banks’ risk
of the aggressive expansion in loan growth in the pre-crisis years, as
evidence of the relaxation of credit standards and a deterioration in asset
quality. In addition, the ratio of loans to total assets is positively related
to bank risk as well as bank size. With regard to funding and income
composition, the study finds evidence that relying on deposit funding
reduces the probability of a bank rescue, whereas non-interest income
reduces the likelihood of distress during the crisis. Conversely, the use of
wholesale funding increases the bank’s risk.
Köhler (2014) follows a similar approach, relating Z-logscore to
business mix and loan growth variables for a large sample of European
banks. The analysis evaluates the relationship to the main institutional
bank categories: commercial, saving and cooperative, and investment
banks, with a focus on listed banks. In Köhler (2015), the same risk
indicator is regressed on two main business mix variables (non-interest
income share and non-deposit funding as a fraction of total assets) and
then integrated with many other control variables. The approach is
similar to that adopted by Demirguc-Kunt and Huizinga (2010) for an
international sample of 1334 banks in 101 countries leading up to the
2008 financial crisis. The econometric study by Köhler confirms some
results found in the bank diversification literature, which point to the risk
of shifting a bank’s operations onto the financial markets (securities and
wholesale fund market). For savings and cooperative banks, a larger share
of their income from non-traditional activities generates more return
stability, but the banks themselves become less stable due to the increase
in their share of non-deposit funding. This contrasts with investment
banks, which become riskier when they increase their non-interest
income and will be significantly more stable if their share of non-deposit
funding rises. This may be because retail and investment banks diversify
146 S. Cosma et al.
systemic risk: bank tail risk and the linkage between a bank’s tail risk and
severe shocks in the financial system. As expected, they find a stronger
dependence between large banks and systemic risk, with a positive
association between size and sensitivity to severe shocks in the financial
system (approximated by severe changes in the financial sector index).
The same positive relationship with severe financial shocks is found for
non-interest income share, confirming that banks’ involvement in these
activities is relevant not only for microprudential but also for macro-
prudential regulation. With regard to asset/liability composition, the
study points out that lending-focused BMs are significantly associated
with higher levels of tail risk, but with lower systemic linkage. For the
deposits-to-assets ratio, they find similar results on the relationship to
financial shocks. Growth strategies are associated with an increase in
sensitivity to large shocks in the financial system, whereas banks with
higher capital ratios show a significantly lower exposure to systemic risk.
As already underlined, the analysis of the interrelations between sys-
temic risk and some main bank characteristics has considerable impli-
cations for regulation: the breakdown of systemic risk clearly indicates
that regulators must choose the right balance between micro- and
macroprudential objectives.
that banks that rely more on non-interest sources of income have sys-
tematically higher market betas and hence higher systematic risk.
These findings may be affected on the one hand by measurement
problems linked to the definition of diversification used and on the other
hand by the lack of consideration of the possible interaction between
diversification and banks’ other characteristics.
In this sense, the degree of information granularity disclosed by banks
in relation to the nature of fee-based revenues allows a more precise
evaluation of the nexus between diversification and performance and can
affect the final results.
Gallo et al. (1996) showed the importance of distinguishing between
the different components of non-interest income. In particular, com-
bining bank and mutual fund activities improved the profitability and
reduced the risk of US bank holding companies during 1987–1994.
More recently, DeYoung and Rice (2004), DeYoung and Torna
(2013) recognise that different fee-generating activities show different
production and risk-return characteristics and hence are likely to have
different impacts on the probability of financial distress and insolvency.
The authors identify three categories of non-interest income, and the
results point out that higher involvement in asset-based non-traditional
activities such as venture capital, investment banking and asset securiti-
sation is associated with higher probability of failure for financially dis-
tressed US banks and that an increase in pure fee-based non-traditional
activities such as securities brokerage and insurance sales reduced the
probability that banks would fail during the crisis.
The recent studies on the diversification of Italian banks benefit from
detailed, public data on bank income composition. Cotugno and
Stefanelli (2012) use a panel data set comprising 4038 observations
relative to Italian banks for 2005–2010 and find a positive relationship
between product diversification and bank performance, also in terms of
risk-adjusted measures. On a sample of 145 Italian banks during 2006–
2008, Vallascas et al. (2012) reveals that institutions that were diversified
within narrow activity classes before the financial crisis experienced large
declines in performance during it. By contrast, diversification across
broad activity classes, such as lending and capital market activities, did
not cause performance losses during the crisis. Brighi and Venturelli
7 The Business Model of Banks: A Review of the Theoretical … 151
2015) and in greater detail in 2016. Under EBA Guidelines (EBA 2014;
ECB Banking Supervision 2016), the elements of BM analysis are:
identification of banks’ main activities; assessment of the business envi-
ronment; analysis of the forward-looking strategy and financial plans;
assessment of the BM’s viability (within one year), sustainability (within
three years) and sustainability over the cycle (more than three years); and
assessment of key vulnerabilities (Lautenschlager 2016; ECB Banking
Supervision 2016). Through this analysis, the supervisors aim to
understand the implications of BM characteristics for banks’ overall
riskiness. The peer analysis follows.
The SSM approach is based on both quantitative and qualitative
analysis and should incorporate a forward-looking perspective, linked to
financial planning, business plan analysis and macroeconomic and
market trends. The scheme of analysis identified by the EBA is quite
exhaustive, and different aspects are considered when focusing on the
BM adopted by each bank, with the aim of revealing its viability, sus-
tainability and key vulnerabilities due to risk assumptions. The specific
levels of granularity of information on different aspects, product/business
lines, breakdown of income and cost streams, impairment provisions and
key ratios required by the SSM are not disclosed; the criteria for the
definition of peer groups, and the banks included, are also not officially
disclosed. The BMA of supervisory authorities is currently being devel-
oped from basic to more sophisticated analysis.
Interesting points for consideration emerge from the scheme of anal-
ysis provided by the EBA guidelines (2014), concerning the theoretical
and methodological framework underlying the work of the supervisory
authorities, also in relation to the main findings of the theoretical and
empirical literature on BMA, set out above.
One initial comment relates to the methodological approach of the
SREP, where BMA precedes and supports the three subsequent analysis
stages, assessment of governance, ICAAP and ILLAP. BMA (EBA 2014)
is intended to pinpoint the determinants of BMs and the adequacy of
their returns over time, while the other three areas analyse risks, risk
management models and risk governance. In fact, the assessment of these
areas should aid in the overall assessment of the viability of the current
BM and the sustainability of the strategies, the main objective of BMA,
7 The Business Model of Banks: A Review of the Theoretical … 155
7.6 Conclusions
Evolving market conditions, technological innovations, regulatory
changes and current monetary policy stances challenge the sustainability
of banks’ BMs. The “business model question” is increasingly grabbing
the attention of bank managers, regulators, investors and financial ana-
lysts. The need to use the BM concept as a tool for analysing a bank’s
performance and assessing its viability requires, first of all, a clear
understanding of what “business model” means, since the existing lit-
erature does not offer a uniform picture.
158 S. Cosma et al.
1. In the literature (for a review see Rossi et al. 2009), diversification is
analysed using two main parameters linked to income sources and geo-
graphical areas. The term functional diversification usually refers to the
profile of the diversification between interest and non-interest bearing
2. See Stiroh (2009) for a review of the literature.
162 S. Cosma et al.
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7 The Business Model of Banks: A Review of the Theoretical … 167
8.1 Introduction
The stability of the banking sector has proven to be a crucial requisite for
the overall stability of a nation’s economy, particularly in recent years
(Wheelock and Wilson 1995; Acharya 2009; Lambert et al. 2015).
Financial safety nets are systems of legislative measures put in place to
guarantee banks’ stability (Demirgüç-Kunt and Huizinga 1999, 2004);
one of the most relevant actors of a national safety net, along with the
prudential regulator, the lender of last resort and the supervisory
authority is the deposit protection scheme (DPS) (Laeven 2002; Schich
2008). DPSs are public authorities designed to reimburse depositors in
place of their financial institution, when the latter is insolvent; within the
European Union, they are in force in all Member States since 1994
(Directive 94/19/EC). This analysis focuses specifically on the DPSs
across the EU28, as they have been recognised among the most effective
M. Migliavacca (&)
Catholic University, Milan, Italy
e-mail: milena.migliavacca@unicatt.it
© The Author(s) 2017 169
G. Chesini et al. (eds.), The Business of Banking, Palgrave Macmillan Studies
in Banking and Financial Institutions, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-54894-4_8
170 M. Migliavacca
rich literature that analyses benefits and costs of explicit deposit insurance
and looks for their optimal design (e.g. Diamond and Dybvig 1983;
Pennacchi 1987; Kane 1995; and Pennacchi 2006) and two main
streams stem from it: one that maintains that the stabilisation effect of
DPSs prevails on moral hazard incentives (e.g. Diamond and Dybvig
1983) and another, which supports the opposite view (e.g. Pennacchi
2006). A handful of contributions (among others, Anginer et al. 2014),
moreover, tries to refine the analysis by disentangling the prevailing effect
in particular circumstances, such as the financial crisis. Anginer et al.
(2014) provide evidence that the overall effect of an explicit deposit
insurance mechanism is detrimental to the bank stability, but highlight a
prevailing stabilising effect during financial turmoil as well.
Finally, among the most recent qualitative contributions, Cariboni
et al. (2010) and Arnaboldi (2014) shed light on the effectiveness of the
European DPSs during the crisis and their legal evolution.
This contribution provides an analytical overview of the DPSs set-up
in the European Union Member States and analyses the main features of
their design; it investigates the level of harmonisation reached by the
DPSs within the EU28. According to the author, the way the features of
the deposit insurance fund are combined may influence its prevailing
effect (stabilising or risk-seeking); for instance, some DPS’s characteris-
tics, such as risk-based premia or ex-ante contribution may indeed mit-
igate the moral hazard that too generous DPS may trigger (Duan et al.
1992; Forssbaeck 2011).
The two main data sources exploited in the chapter are the 94/19/EC
Directive and its development and the World Bank’s Bank Regulation
and Supervision Surveys. This chapter is structured as follows. In the
second section, an overview of the reference Directives is given, along
with a brief excursus on the DIS’s features analysed. The third section
details the status quo of the deposit insurance designs of the EU Member
States and provides some insight into the most common features com-
binations and how they changed after the financial crisis. The final
section draws some final remarks.
172 M. Migliavacca
All the EU28 deposit insurance schemes are explicit, but may differ in
the way the features described above are combined. DPSs’ features have
been designed to protect deposits, enhance depositor confidence and
minimise bank-runs risk; with too generous schemes, though, the sta-
bilising effect may be outweighed by banks’ moral hazard incentives
(Demirgüç-Kunt and Detragiache 2002; Barth et al. 2013; Angkinand
and Wihlborg 2010; IADI 2013a, b, c, 2014).
In order to have a better understanding of the DPSs’ design within the
EU28, the features described by the World Bank’s Bank Regulation and
Supervision Surveys need to be considered within the legal framework in
force. The first attempt to homogenise the deposit insurance regulation
in the EU was the Directive 94/19/EC in 1994. The Directive ensured
that the DPSs of the Member States had at least three main character-
istics in common. All Member States needed to have at least one explicit
DPS. If one bank went bankrupt, the national DGS would reimburse the
account holders, and the minimum protection level was initially set to
ECU 15,000 and then raised at ECU 20,000 on 01/01/2000. The third
common feature among the EU Members’ DPSs was payout time limits:
21 days for the deposit insurance authority to make the determination
that a credit institution is unable to repay the depositors and three
months for the actual reimbursement, with the possibility of extending
this deadline up to nine months. Regarding this last point, however, the
Directive did not specify the period in which depositors could submit the
claim necessary to trigger the reimbursement process. The implementa-
tion of more stringent rules was left to the Member States, which were
free to choose the categories of deposits/depositors to include in the DPS,
how to finance and how to manage the fund/s and whether or not to
resort to coinsurance; even among the Member States that apply coin-
surance, the coinsured percentage of the deposits could significantly vary.
The characteristics of the contributions themselves could vary, as well:
members could choose between ex-ante and ex-post contributions and
even among those countries, which chose the ex-ante method, the
amount of resources periodically set aside could be heterogeneous,
depending on the structure of the national banking industry and the legal
role of the DPS, mainly. The payouts could be risk based or not, but
once again, even among the Member States with risk-based contribution,
8 On European Deposit Protection Scheme(s) 177
DIS power to cancel members X X X X X
DIS legal power on bank X X X X X
DIS administration
Private sector X X X X X X X
Public sector or jointly X X X X X X X X X X X
Feature/pre/post-crisis pre post pre post pre post pre post pre post pre Post pre post pre post pre post Pre post
Coinsurance X X X X X X X X
DIS source of funding
Banks X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Government or both X X
Ex-ante premiums X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Risk-adjusted premiums X X X X X X X X X
DIS power of X X X X
intervention on bank
DIS power to cancel X X X X X X X X X X X X
On European Deposit Protection Scheme(s)
Feature/pre/post-crisis pre post pre post pre post pre post pre post pre post pre post pre post pre Post
Coinsurance X X X X X X X
DIS source of funding
Banks X X X X X X X X X X X X – X X
Government or both X X X –
Ex-ante premiums X X X X X X X X X X
Risk-adjusted premiums X X X X
DIS power of intervention on bank X X X
DIS power to cancel members X X
M. Migliavacca
deposits in full, the other DPSs are obliged to make proportionate con-
tributions in order to cover the shortfall. In case all the DPSs together are
unable to pay out the claimed insured deposits in full, the primarily con-
cerned DPS must issue debt securities in order to meet the remaining
payment obligations. The Federal Minister of Finance may assume liabil-
ities on behalf of the federal government, according to a special govern-
mental authorisation and tops up the difference to the maximum insured
amount. Despite the source of funding is both public and private, the
private sector alone manages the fund. Foreign currency deposits, inter-
bank deposits and deposits of the foreign subsidiaries of domestic banks are
excluded from the coverage. The contributions to the deposit insurance
fund, before the Directive 2014/49/EU was in force, were ex-post and not
based on some assessment of the members’ risk. After the financial crisis,
Austria increased the amount of covered deposits, and during the most
critical part of the crisis, the Austrian Government guaranteed in full the
account holders’ deposits and banks’ debt.
Belgium: The Belgian banks alone contribute to the deposit insurance
fund, which, though, is managed by both private and public officials.
Even before the Directive 2014/49/EU was in force, the contributions to
the insurance fund were periodical, but not risk based. The deposit
insurance agency has both intervention authority and the power to take
legal actions for the violation of its regulations and by-laws against bank
directors and other officials. It cannot, though, cancel or revoke a bank’s
the membership to the DPS. The deposit insurance coverage is per
depositors per institutions, and interbank deposits and deposits of foreign
subsidiaries of domestic banks are excluded by the insurance mechanism.
Bulgaria: The DPS in Bulgaria is funded by banks only, but managed by
both private and public actors. Even prior to Directive 2014/49/EU, the
contributions to the insurance fund were periodical, but not risk based. The
insurance authority has limited powers, and it cannot intervene against
banks’ officials or directors nor impose temporary administration; it is not
allowed to revoke a membership from the respective DPS, either. From
2008 to 2010, the percentage of the total deposits of commercial banks
covered by the DPS rose from 54.31 to 65.39% covering savings per
depositor per institution, but excluding interbank deposits and deposits of
both foreign subsidiaries and branches of national banks. In accordance
8 On European Deposit Protection Scheme(s) 185
with the Directive 2009/14, as a result of the global financial crisis, Bulgaria
raised its coverage limit to €100,000.
Croatia: The claim for payment by the deposit insurance system is
triggered by a court-declared bank’s bankruptcy. The peculiarity of
Croatian DPS is that the insurance fund is entirely funded by banks but
exclusively managed by the public sector. The contributions to the fund
have always been ex-ante, but not risk based until the Directive 2009/14
entered into force. The Croatian insurance authority can take legal action
directly against banks’ directors and officials in case they violate its reg-
ulations or by-laws; it can replace management and impose some form of
temporary administration if necessary, as well.
Cyprus: The Cypriot DPS is funded by banks but jointly managed by
banks and the public sector. Both a bank’s bankruptcy and the banking
supervisor’s decision can trigger the deposits repayment claim. The
Cypriot deposit insurance authority, which is a legally independent
entity, is particularly week, regarding its intervention power: its authority
in effect is limited to banks’ examination. The participation in the
deposit insurance system is not only compulsory for domestic banks, but
for foreign bank subsidiaries and branches, as well; deposits of foreign
subsidiaries of domestic banks, though, are excluded from the DPS.
Banks had to periodically contribute to the deposit insurance fund, even
before the Directive 2009/14 made it compulsory, but before the entry
into force of the Directive, the periodical contributions did not depend
on the members’ riskiness. As a result of the global financial crisis, the
contributions to the Cypriot DPS were increased, as well as the amount
of guaranteed deposits.
Denmark: The Danish DPS guarantees deposits per depositor per
institution up to a maximum of €40,000 increased to €100,000 in com-
pliance to the Directive 2009/14. Only banks fund the DPS, which is,
though, jointly managed with public officials. As in a number of EU28
Member States, the intervention power left to the deposit insurance
authority is rather limited; they do not have intervention power, nor legal
power against the banks’ officials; they cannot exclude banks from the DPS
or have access to information collected by the banking supervision, either.
Domestic and foreign banks subsidiaries are included in the DPS, but
foreign bank branches are not and the deposits of foreign branches of
186 M. Migliavacca
domestic banks are excluded from the Danish DPS, as well. Even before
respectively Directive 2009/14/EC and 2014/49/EU, there was no coin-
surance and the contributions to the fund were periodical (ex-ante regime).
Estonia: The Estonian DPS is jointly administered by banks and the
public sector. The deposit insurance authority is an autonomous entity,
but it only has the power to access to information collected by the
banking supervisor and cannot directly intervene against the banks
belonging to the national DPS. In Estonia, foreign banks’ branches do
not necessarily have to take part in the DPS; the participation is required
to foreign bank subsidiaries, instead. The DPS is designed per deposit per
institution, and before the Directive 2014/49/EU, the contributions to
the fund were collected ex-post and were not risk adjusted.
Finland: The Finnish DPS is both funded and managed by banks. The
intervention powers of the deposit insurance authority, moreover, are
particularly limited; it only controls the reimbursement process. The
possible moral hazard originating from these characteristics of the DPS is
tempered by the lack of coinsurance, the ex-ante funding and the
risk-based contributions that were in place even before Directive 2014/
49/EU. The risk-adjusted premia are calibrated according to the par-
ticipating bank’s capital adequacy. In case the deposit insurance fund is
not large enough to compensate the guaranteed deposits, it has to borrow
money from the market, as no public intervention is due.
France: The insurance agency is a legally independent entity, in
France; it does not have the power to take strong action to bring a bank
back to solvency, nor revoke the DPS membership to a bank, but it can
take legal action against banks’ directors and other officials. This possi-
bility tempers the possible moral hazard incentives arising from the fact
that banks alone fund and administer the national DPS. Other than
domestic banks, both foreign banks subsidiaries and branches are
required to participate in the French DPS. Even before the respective
directives were in force, the French DPS had no formal coinsurance, the
deposit insurance reserve was funded ex-ante and the contributions were
adjusted according to the members’ riskiness, assessed on the partici-
pating banks’ insured deposits level. Over and above the post-crisis
measures put in place by the Directive 2009/14, the French DPS
enlarged the typologies of exposures and depositors covered.
8 On European Deposit Protection Scheme(s) 187
crisis that hit Greece, the amount of covered deposits was increased, the
Government guaranteed both deposits and banks’ debt, the bank’s
contributions were increased and the reimbursement period was short-
ened. As the sovereign crisis was particularly severe in Greece, a drastic
capital control was imposed in order to avoid deposits flight.
Hungary: The Hungarian DPS funding is provided solely by banks,
but the fund is jointly administered by public officers. The contributions
to the deposit insurance funds have always been regularly collected and
risk based, even before the Directive 2009/14 entered into force. The
deposit insurance authority has the legal power to revoke a bank’s
membership to the national DPS, but cannot directly intervene against
banks’ officials and directors, nor replace part of the management or
impose a form of temporary administration. The participation at the
national DPS is compulsory only for domestic banks, but deposits in
foreign currency and deposits of both foreign branches or subsidiaries of
domestic banks are included in the deposit insurance coverage.
Ireland: In Ireland, the deposit insurance agency is not a stand-alone
authority, but it is included within the national Central Bank. Another
peculiarity of the Irish DPS is that the funding is entirely provided by
banks, but the deposit insurance fund is administered by the public
sector alone. The deposit insurance authority, moreover, has the power
to heavily intervene in the banks’ management, by imposing a form of
administration, which temporarily overrides the management, by sus-
pending or replacing part of the management team and by taking legal
action against banks’ directors or officials. The DPS authority is also
allowed to revoke the deposit guarantee for any participating bank. The
participation to the national DPS is compulsory for both domestic banks
and foreign banks’ subsidiaries and branches, whereas the deposits of the
foreign branches and subsidiaries of domestic banks are excluded from
the insurance coverage, just like interbank deposits. Before respectively
Amending Directive 2009/14/EC and Directive 2014/49/EU, the
deposits were coinsured and the contributions were ex-ante but not risk
based. In case the deposit insurance fund cannot cover in full the claimed
deposits, the Government would intervene, but the deposit insurance
fund is supposed to refund it in subsequent years.
8 On European Deposit Protection Scheme(s) 189
Italy: In Italy, the national DPS is both funded and managed by the
private sector alone. The agency authority has very limited powers; it is in
charge of managing the payout of the insured portions of the deposits
and has access to information collected by the banking supervisor, but it
does not have direct intervention power. The national DPS, moreover, is
not only used for depositor protection purposes, but can also provide
liquidity to banks. Even before respectively Amending Directive 2009/
14/EC and Directive 2014/49/EU, the deposits were not coinsured and
the contributions were risk based, but the Italian DPS was not prefunded
(premia were collected ex-post, when needed). Only the banking super-
visor can start the depositors’ reimbursement process.
Participation in the Italian DPS is compulsory for Italian banks and
foreign bank subsidiaries and branches, as well; foreign currency deposits
are covered by the Italian DPS, as well as deposits of foreign branches of
domestic banks, but interbank deposits and deposits of foreign sub-
sidiaries of domestic banks are not included in the guarantee scheme.
The DPS guarantees a maximum coverage of €100,000 per depositor per
institution, but before 2014, the coverage limit was the highest in the EU
Latvia: The deposit insurance agency is not a legally separate
authority, but part of the banking supervision agency. The Financial and
Capital Market Commission ensures the collection of funds, the com-
pensations’ payment and indirectly manages the Deposit Guarantee
Fund. By the end of 2010, 79.50% of the total deposit of participating
commercial banks was actually covered by the national DPS, one of the
largest percentages in the EU28. Even before the 2014/49/EU, the
collection of the contributions was ex-ante and risk based; in determining
the applicable rate, the deposit insurance authority takes into account
capital adequacy, liquidity ratio and large exposure ratios of deposit takers
as well as the quality of the loan portfolio.
Lithuania: The Lithuanian DPS is funded by banks, but administered
by the public sector only. The deposit insurance authority does not have
extensive intervention power towards the banks’ management; it only has
the possibility to have access to information collected by the banking
supervision. The Lithuanian DPS includes domestic banks and foreign
banks subsidiaries and branches and any typologies of deposits, but the
190 M. Migliavacca
in which the DPS fund is jointly funded by private and public actors, but
only public officials administer it; in this way, the possibility of moral
hazard by the banking sector’s side is virtually nullified. This may explain
why the deposit insurance authority does not need the power to directly
intervene in the banks’ management, cannot take legal actions against the
banks directors or officials and does not have the authority to revoke a
bank membership to the insurance scheme. Before 2014, the collection
of the banks’ contributions to the DPS was only ex-post and not based on
some assessment of the banks’ riskiness. Foreign banks branches are
excluded from the DPS, as well as deposits of foreign subsidiaries of
domestic banks. Whereas, foreign banks subsidiaries’ deposits, foreign
currency deposits and deposits of foreign branches of domestic banks are
covered by the Dutch DPS.
Poland: The Polish DPS is funded by banks only, but the financial
resources are jointly managed with public officials; this form of public
control is particularly significant, as the Polish DPS also provides liq-
uidity to banks when needed. The deposit insurance agency power is
rather weak, it only has on-site examination authority, it cannot directly
intervene against the banks’ management, nor take legal actions against
banks directors or officials and cannot exclude a bank from the DPS. The
Polish DPS has always had an ex-ante contribution mechanism, but prior
to the Directive 2014/49/EU, the single contributions weren’t calibrated
on the participating banks’ riskiness.
Portugal: The Portuguese DPS is funded by the participating banks;
although there has been an initial endowment by the national central
bank, the fund is managed jointly by the private and public sector. The
deposit insurance authority has access to the information collected by
the banking supervisor and is in charge of managing the payout of the
claimed deposits funds to depositors; only a banking supervisor’s state-
ment, though, triggers the depositors’ refund process. It has no direct
intervention authority. Both Amending Directive 2009/14/EC and
Directive 2014/49/EU did not dramatically change the Portuguese DPS,
as it has never had coinsurance and the banks’ contributions have always
been collected ex-ante and weighted by some assessment of the con-
tributors’ riskiness. Participation to the DPS is compulsory not only for
192 M. Migliavacca
domestic banks, but also for foreign banks’ subsidiaries and branches; the
deposit insurance coverage includes foreign currency deposits, but
interbank deposits and deposits of both foreign branches and subsidiaries
of domestic banks are left uncovered. In order to cope with the global
financial crisis, the Portuguese DPS was promptly adjusted to adapt to
the Amending Directive and the Government guaranteed new issuance
of bank debt upon request.
Romania: Only the private sector contributes to the Romanian DPS,
which, though, is jointly managed by both private and public officials.
The monitoring activity of the deposit insurance authority does not
include strong intervention powers, as it cannot exclude a bank from the
DPS, nor take legal actions against banks’ officials or directors and nei-
ther impose a temporary administration. It can, though, decide which
kind of resolution option best fits a bank’s failure, and it has access to the
information collected by the banking supervisors. Both foreign banks’
subsidiaries and branches are excluded from the Romanian DPS, which
does not cover deposits of the foreign subsidiaries of domestic banks,
either. Even before the Amending 2009/14/EC, Romanian DPS exclu-
ded any form of coinsurance. Directive Directive 2014/49/EU intro-
duced risk-based contributions but did not change the contributions’
collection procedure, which has always been ex-ante. The reimbursement
process, in the end, is triggered by both a court-declared bank bank-
ruptcy and a banking supervisor’s statement.
Slovakia: The source offunding of the DPS in Slovakia is entirely private,
but managed by both private and public officials. The intervention
authority of the deposit insurance agency is rather limited, it can only have
access to the information collected by the banking supervisor and is
responsible for the organisation of the payout mechanism of claimed
deposits, but it cannot actively intervene towards participating banks’
management nor exclude some banks from the DPS. Domestic banks and
foreign banks’ subsidiaries are required to participate to the DPS, which,
though, is not compulsory for foreign banks’ branches. Interbank deposits
and deposits of the foreign subsidiaries of domestic banks are not covered
by the Slovak DPS. There has never been formal coinsurance in Slovakia,
and the participating banks’ premia collection has always been ex-ante, even
before Directive 2014/49/EU, which introduced risk-based contribution.
8 On European Deposit Protection Scheme(s) 193
homogenised with Directive 94/19/EC, and twenty years later, even the
contributions to the DPSs are collected in the same way across Europe
(ex-ante), and they are all currently anchored to the contributors’
There are other characteristics, on the contrary, that are still largely left
to the Member States’ autonomy. There are a number of different activities
that in some jurisdictions the deposit insurance agency can carry out
autonomously, such as the possibility to take major actions to bring a bank
back to solvency (e.g. to impose a form of temporary administration), the
possibility to take legal actions against a bank’s management and the
possibility to revoke a bank’s participation to the DPS; these features have
been grouped in the second cluster. Intervention powers, broadly speak-
ing, are particularly relevant in those Member States where the private
sector plays an active role in the deposit insurance fund management,
because it is an indirect form of supervision on the banks’ possible moral
hazard incentives (Barth et al. 2004). Only the deposit insurance authority
in Ireland, though, has all of the three major intervention powers.
Finally, the funding and management decisions can be grouped
together, as their combination significantly influences the possible moral
hazard incentives of the participating banks. It is reasonable to expect
that the higher the presence of public funds within the deposit insurance
funding, the higher the moral hazard incentives on the banks’ side,
especially if the deposit insurance fund is managed by the banks under a
private sector arrangement. On the contrary, the higher the private
intervention in the management of the deposit insurance fund, the
higher the possible consequent moral hazard incentive for banks’ officials.
The “fund management” feature is the characteristic that may leave more
room to moral hazard, because it defines which actor is in charge to use
the funds devoted to the deposits coverage, especially if the contribution
is ex-ante. In accordance with this interpretation (see Barth et al. 2013),
the different possible combinations of public and private intervention in
the DPS management and funding leave room to different degrees of
moral hazard incentives. Table 8.4 illustrates four simplified combina-
tions of actors that fund and manage the deposit insurance fund, iden-
tified with letters D to A, with increasing moral hazard incentives on the
banks’ side.
196 M. Migliavacca
axis, the four combinations of DPS funding and management are ordered
from A to D, according to the combinations displayed in Table 8.3; the
horizontal axis shows the number of intervention powers delegated to the
deposit insurance agency. The strictest DPS should be on the top right
corner as this quarter presents, on the vertical axis, the combination of
funding and management that leaves least space to the banks’ moral
hazard and, on the horizontal axis, the deposit insurance authorities with
the strongest intervention powers.
The countries are concentrated in the upper left quarter of the graph.
In most Member States, the DPS provides the combination of man-
agement and funding actors that should most reduce possible imprudent
behaviours from the banks’ side (private funding, managed by either
public officials alone or in a joint effort with private officials). In the vast
majority of cases, though, the intervention power left to the deposit
198 M. Migliavacca
harmonise the DPSs around Europe, though, there is still scope for
improvement, even because the urge for a unified European Deposit
Insurance Scheme (EDIS) is becoming increasingly more pressing.
Immediately after the outburst of the global financial crisis, national
DGSs in effect proved to be rather vulnerable to large local shocks.
Moreover, significant differences among national DGSs can contribute to
market fragmentation by affecting the ability and willingness of national
banks to expand their businesses cross border.
A strong heterogeneity emerges from the analysis of the single DPSs
within the EU28. At least three major groups of features shape each
national DPS design: there are characteristics strictly related to the
coverage, such as the amount, the risk weighting of the contributions and
the collection methodology, which have been homogenised across
Europe between 2009 and 2014. A second group of features regards the
typology of actors who fund the DPS and manage its financial assets;
whereas a third group of features controls for the intervention powers left
to the deposit insurance authority. As the first cluster has been legally
homogenised, the analysis focuses on the combination of the other two
and their possible role in leaving space to potential moral hazard on the
banks’ side. From a qualitative analysis, the EU28 Member States seem
to prefer to control these potential moral hazard incentives by leaving
room to public intervention on either the funding or the management of
the deposit insurance funds, whereas the insurance agency does not
usually have major direct intervention powers.
In order to reduce the deep diversities the national DPSs present,
initial incentives towards a unified DPS were included in the Directive
2014/49/EU, as the Legislator opens up the way to the possibility to
“merge the DGSs of different Member States or to create separate
cross-border schemes on a voluntary basis”, as a tangible answer to the de
facto integration of the European banking industry. Even the possibility
for national DPSs to borrow from one another, as an extreme funding
source, encourages the creation of networks that do not require formal
changes in the national legal frameworks, but still contribute to put in
place a unified European DPS. The EDIS would provide a more uniform
degree of insurance coverage for all European depositors, ensuring that
their level of confidence in a bank’s ability to refund their savings would
200 M. Migliavacca
1. Eligible deposits: deposits repayable by the guarantee scheme under
national laws, before the level of coverage are applied.
Covered deposits: deposits obtained from eligible deposits when applying
the level of coverage provided for in your national legislation.
2. Sweden did not participate to the latest World Bank’s Bank Regulation
and Supervision Survey.
3. Sweden did not take part in the latest Bank Regulation and Supervision
survey, so the information provided are taken from the World Bank’s
Bank Regulation and Supervision survey (2007).
4. Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.
5. Estonia and Sweden are excluded from the graph, because they did not
disclose enough information in the World Bank’s Bank Regulation and
Supervision Surveys, 2012.
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202 M. Migliavacca
9.1 Introduction
Progress towards a common European financial framework has been a
constant trend over the past forty years, with ongoing harmonization of
national legislation and practices. The financial sector has played a key
role in the integration of the European countries. Indeed, financial
integration has been enhanced by the introduction of a single currency.
Despite the positive achievements in the integration of European
financial markets and economies, the financial crisis confirms that closer
coordination of prudential policies and safety nets is required. The
European financial system has revealed more fragile than expected. The
crisis meant a serious setback for financial integration and the possibility
of the break-up of the single currency.
F. Arnaboldi (&)
University of Milan, Milan, Italy
e-mail: farnaboldi@unimi.it
© The Author(s) 2017 203
G. Chesini et al. (eds.), The Business of Banking, Palgrave Macmillan Studies
in Banking and Financial Institutions, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-54894-4_9
204 F. Arnaboldi
The Fund has in place a monitoring system to measure and control member
banks’ riskiness. This system works through balance sheet indicators on
four different risk profiles: asset quality, solvency, liquidity and profitability
(FITD 2012). The reporting frequency is semi-annual or quarterly,
depending on the specific source of data of the Bank of Italy.
208 F. Arnaboldi
Five ratios are computed to measure the four risk profiles: A1, P, L,
D1 and D2.
According to FITD (2016), at the end of 2015, member banks were
202. Fourteen banks have been dropped since they do not report data on
Bankscope, a Bureau Van Dijk database, and sixteen do not report
enough data to compute any ratios over the 2012–2015 sample period.
The final sample is, thus, formed by 172 member banks, 85% of the
population of member banks to the FITD.3 The sample period starts in
2012 when it was decided to establish a single supervisory mechanism
(SSM) and ends in 2014, because of the paucity if data in 2015.
As previously mentioned, this analysis shows some caveats: in prin-
ciple, the Fund uses semi-annual or quarterly data, whereas Bankscope
reports annual data. Secondly, for some ratios, it is not possible to match
data from the Bank of Italy to data in Bankscope. To avoid confusion,
the rest of the chapter uses the ratio definitions provided by the Fund
(FITD 2012).
The first ratio (A1) measures the capacity of a bank to absorb potential
losses without risk of insolvency, and it is given by the ratio of bad debts
to supervisory capital (FITD 2012). To compute the asset quality ratio
A1, total impaired loans are used. According to Bankscope, total
impaired loans are the total value of the loans that have a specific
impairment against them. The Fund uses bad loans, that is, loans which
will be never repaid, even if this status has not been proved yet in court
(Bank of Italy 2016). The computed ratio is, therefore, higher, overes-
timating the risk of the bank.
P provides a measure of bank’s capital: according to the Fund, it is the
ratio of supervisory capital (including tier 3) minus total capital
requirements to risk-weighted assets. The solvency ratio P is not com-
puted since the FITD does not provide clear information on
risk-weighted assets, preventing a match to Bankscope data.
The liquidity ratio L measures the structural liquidity of the bank
dividing receivables from clients by an aggregate given by the sum of
payables from clients, circulating bonds and structured payables from
clients and bonds at fair value. The Fund does not specify whether
receivables from clients include impairments or not, so both specifica-
tions have been computed. Furthermore, the denominator is an
9 A Technical Approach to Deposit Guarantee Schemes 209
aggregate, and it does not have a match in Bankscope; the Fund does not
provide a list of the components and of their maturities. Therefore, two
components have been used: (1) total deposits, money market and
short-term funding which includes total customer deposits, deposits from
banks and other deposits and short-term borrowings; (2) trading liabil-
ities, that is, short positions, repos, short-term notes and other liabilities
classified at fair value. The computed ratio could under- or overestimate
the Fund ratio, which however cannot be estimated.
The fourth risk profile has two ratios: D1 is given by operating
expenses to gross income, and it shows whether gross income covers the
cost of core banking activity and/or the ability of the bank to meet
extraordinary expenses. It does not show critical issues.
D2 measures loan losses on profit before tax. It is computed only if
both numerator and denominator are positive; otherwise, it takes the
value of zero or four (only if numerator is positive and denominator is
negative) (FITD 2012). D2 is computed using total impaired loans and
pre-tax profit; once more the estimate is larger than the value provided by
the Fund, thus underestimating the true member bank’s efficiency.
To better appreciate the pros and cons of the present analysis, the balance
sheet ratios measured by the Fund are now compared to the estimated
values for years 2012 and 2013 (FITD 2012). Differences can be explained
by: (1) the use of proxies, since not all data used by the Fund is publicly
available; (2) the frequency of data, semi-annual for the Fund measures,
annual in the present estimation. As a consequence, the Fund ratios are the
median values of three observations (June and December 2012, June
2013), while the present estimation uses year-end data.
Comparing June 2012 with June 2013, there was a slight worsening in
A1 (+18%, from 18.01 to 21.18%), and in D2 (from 37.22 to 50.67%),
similar to the change computed for A1 (+21%, from 93 to 119%) and
for D2 (from −957 to 1002%), reported in Table 9.1.
Over the same period, there was a slight improvement in the median
value of the liquidity ratio (−7.45% points, from 91.73 to 84.18%) and
in the profitability ratio D1 (−1.64% points, from 68.17 to 66.53%)
(FITD 2012). As for the liquidity ratio, Table 9.1 shows similar trends
using both gross and net receivables, but net ratio is preferred since it
provides closer estimates (from 92 to 83%, versus from 97 to 88%).
210 F. Arnaboldi
D1 is the only ratio which is different from the Fund data, and it
increases from 66 to 70% (Table 9.1).
To assess bank’s risk, the Fund sets four thresholds per each ratio, which
correspond to five classes. FITD assigns a coefficient to each class
(Table 9.2).
According to the Fund, the sum of the coefficients of each ratio defines
an aggregate indicator (AI) ranging from 0 to 24 (Table 9.3). Since this
chapter does not compute P ratio, the aggregate indicator varies from 0 to
20. The aggregate indicator is grouped in clusters, and each cluster
corresponds to a statutory position. If the AI is lower than 3.5, the
corresponding statutory position for the bank is “low risk”, that is the
bank is classified as a low-risk bank according to the Fund rules. To avoid
distortions due to the fact that AI ranges from 0 to 20 and not from 0 to
24 as stated by the Fund, in this chapter the scale of AI has been changed
Figure 9.1 shows the distribution of the sample banks and of the
coefficients for each ratio (A1, L, D1 and D2) over the 2012–2014
period. Looking at A1 and D2, 72 and 89.6% of banks, respectively,
show the highest coefficient (which equals to eight for A1 and to four for
D2) and thus belong to the riskiest class. Conversely, investigating L and
D1, 0.72 and 8.32% of banks, respectively, belong to the riskiest class.
Table 9.3 Statutory position, aggregate indicator and scaled aggregate indicator
Statutory position Aggregate indicator (*) Scaled aggregate indicator(**)
Low risk 0–3.5 0–2.9
Medium-low 3.5–6.5 2.9–5.4
Medium 6.5–8 5.4–6.7
Medium-high 8–10.5 6.7–8.8
High risk 10.5–14.5 8.8–12
Expulsion >14.5 >12
Source FITD (2012)
Note (*) Upper bounds are included
(**) The aggregate indicator has been scaled to take into account that AI ranges
from 0 to 20 rather than from 0 to 24
Banks (%)
100 Liq
20 A1
Fig. 9.1 Banks (%) and coefficients Source Own computation on Bankscope’s
data. Note As far as ratio A1 is concerned, coefficients are 0, 1, 2, 4 and 8
In fact, 47 and 39% of banks score a coefficient equal to zero, and the
lowest risk. Sample banks seem less risky under the liquidity and prof-
itability profiles.
The scaled aggregate indicator is computed summing up the coeffi-
cients for each of the four ratios. Then, according to Table 9.3, the
statutory position is assigned to each bank of the sample in each year.
Table 9.4 investigates the year-to-year statutory position, showing a
migration of banks from the highest to the lowest risk position.
9 A Technical Approach to Deposit Guarantee Schemes 213
After calculating the statutory position, the Fund computes the pro-
portional quota of the contribution base which is given by the individual
contribution base over the total reimbursable funds. Two correction
methods, the regressive mechanism and the weighted average aggregate
indicator (WAAI), that may increase or decrease the proportional quota,
are then applied (FITD 2012).
The regressive correction method modifies the proportional quota
according to the size of the bank: bigger banks get a reduction in the
proportional quota, while the smaller ones get an increase.5
The second correction method is related to the value of the aggregate
indicator, linking contributions to bank riskiness. The WAAI is
214 F. Arnaboldi
AIt weightt
WAAI ¼ P ð9:1Þ
WAAI is computed applying (1) to the sample banks with the goal to
determine any changes in the statutory position of banks due to risk.
Since Bankscope reports annual data, only two observations are used.
The weights are, therefore, equal to one, for the AI of the previous year,
and to four for the most recent AI.
The denominator in (1) is equal to seven, given by the sum of the
weights, whereas in (2) is equal to five, since the weights are now only
two. As a consequence, in this investigation, the WAAI is given by:
9 A Technical Approach to Deposit Guarantee Schemes 215
1 AIt1 þ 4 AIt
WAAI computed in t ¼ ð9:2Þ
Table 9.5 part (a) shows banks with WAAI equal to zero, that would
benefit from a reduction in contribution quota. Over 2012–2014 period,
five banks would benefit from such reduction. One bank shows a WAAI
equal to zero in two years and another one in one single year. Table 9.5
part (b) shows those banks with WAAI greater than zero and less than or
equal to 2.9. Those banks would retain their contribution quota
unchanged. Once more, the same banks recur over years: six banks
belong to the group for 3 years out of three and one bank recurs twice.
When WAAI is greater than 2.9, banks’ contribution quota shall be
increased. Over 2012–2014, the number of sample banks with WAAI
over the threshold remains almost stable (92%); within this group, the
average WAAI decreases from 12 to 11.7, the minimum value of WAAI
For the first risk category (capital), EBA proposes two core indicators:
leverage ratio, defined as tier 1 capital to total asset ratio, and capital
coverage ratio (actual to required CET1 ratio) or common equity tier 1
ratio (common equity tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets). Capital
indicators reflect the level of loss-absorbing capacity of the bank. Higher
amounts of capital show that the bank has a better ability to absorb losses
internally, thus decreasing its likelihood of failure. Therefore, banks with
higher values of capital indicators should contribute less to the DGS
(EBA 2015). In the sample, the leverage ratio is on average 9% and
CET1 19%. Due to available information, the numerator of CET1 is tier
1 capital and not common equity tier 1 capital. Thus, the computed
leverage ratio overestimates the EBA ratio, underestimating the level of
risk.7 Similar considerations can be drawn on the capital coverage ratio,
which average is equal to 3.52%.8
For the liquidity and funding category, the two core indicators sug-
gested by the authority (liquidity coverage ratio—LCR—and net stable
funding ratio—NSFR) cannot be applied until their definition as
determined in Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 is fully operational. As a
transitional indicator, the liquidity ratio (LR) defined as liquid assets to
total assets is computed. It measures the bank’s ability to meet its
short-term debt obligations as they become due. The higher the ratio, the
larger the safety margin to meet obligations and unforeseen liquidity
shortfalls. Indeed, low liquidity levels indicate the risk that the institution
may be unable to meet its current and future, expected or unexpected,
cash-flow obligations and collateral needs. Liquid assets cover 17% of
total assets on average. In 6 banks, LR is close to zero indicating possible
future liquidity tensions (LR below 0.010 for 1 bank in 2012, for 4
banks in 2013 and for 1 bank in 2014).
The asset quality category shows the extent to which the bank is likely
to experience credit losses. Large credit losses may cause financial
problems that increase the likelihood of failure, therefore justifying higher
contributions to the DGSs. This category includes the non-performing
loan (NPL) ratio, given by non-performing loans to total assets. It pro-
vides an indication of the type of lending the bank engages in. A high
degree of credit losses in the loan portfolio indicates lending to high-risk
customers. The NPL ratio is on average 6%. Twenty banks out of 171
9 A Technical Approach to Deposit Guarantee Schemes 219
(12% of the sample) show a ratio higher than 15% in one or more years
(Two banks in 2012, four banks in 2013—of which one already over the
threshold in 2012—and 15 banks in 2014). Among those banks, 1 bank
has a NPL ratio larger than 50% in 2014 and another one larger than
50% in the same year. These two latter banks have a high degree of credit
losses in the loan portfolio, which increases the likelihood of failure.
Business model and management takes into account the risk related to
the bank’s current business model and strategic plans, and reflects the
quality of internal governance and controls. Business model indicators
can, for instance, include indicators related to profitability, balance sheet
development and exposure concentration. The first core indicator pro-
posed by EBA is risk-weighted assets to total assets ratio, which indicates
the kind of risky activities a bank engages in. A higher value indicates
higher risk. The second core indicator is return on asset (ROA).
A business model which is able to generate high and stable returns
indicates lower risk. However, unsustainably high levels of ROA also
indicate higher risk (EBA 2015). In the sample, RWA to total assets ratio
is 55% on average, but it is larger than 100% for three banks in 2012
and in 2013, raising doubts about the sustainability of the business
model. ROA is on average equal to 0.01%.9 Fifty three banks have a
negative value of ROA in 2013 and 54 banks in 2014 (about 32% of the
sample). The maximum value of ROA in the sample is 4.65%, and it
does not seem unsustainably high.
The last risk category is potential losses for the DGS. EBA (2015)
suggests one core indicator (unencumbered assets to covered deposits)
which measures the degree of expected recoveries from the bankruptcy
estate of the bank, which was resolved or put into normal insolvency
proceedings. A bank with a low ratio exposes the DGS to higher expected
loss. However, the proposed definition of unencumbered asset does not
allow to compute the ratio.10
In addition to the core risk indicators, DGSs may include additional
risk indicators that are relevant for determining the risk profile of
member banks. The additional risk indicators should be classified into
the above-listed risk categories. EBA proposes indicators for the asset
quality, business model and management and potential losses for the
DGS categories. In this chapter, three additional indicators belonging to
220 F. Arnaboldi
the business model and management category are applied: (1) excessive
balance sheet growth ratio (TAG) that measures the growth rate of the
bank’s balance sheet. Unsustainably, high growth might indicate higher
risk; (2) return on equity (ROE), which measures the ability to generate
profits to shareholders from the capital these have invested in the bank.
A business model which is able to generate high and stable returns
indicates reduced likelihood of failure. However, unsustainably, high
levels of ROE indicate higher risk; (3) cost to income ratio (CI) which
measures cost efficiency. An unusually high ratio may indicate that the
institution’s costs are out of control, especially if represented by the fixed
costs (i.e. higher risk). A very low ratio may indicate that operating costs
are too low for the institution to have the required risk and control
functions in place, also indicating higher risk (EBA 2015).
The mean of the sample for total asset growth is 8%. However, 99 banks
over 171 (58% of the sample) have a negative asset growth at least in 1 year
(72 banks in 2012 and in 2013—of which 45 banks are common to both
years); four banks have a TAG ratio larger than 100% (two banks in 2013
and in 2014). Among those four banks, one has a ratio larger than 200% in
2014 and one larger than 300% in 2013. These banks show an unsus-
tainable high growth which indicates higher risk.
On average, ROE is equal to 0.04%, and it is negative for 53 and 54
banks in 2012 and 2013, respectively. EBA (2015) states that unsus-
tainably high levels of profitability ratios also indicate higher risk. The
maximum value of ROE in the sample is 49%, and the ratio is larger
than 20% for 18 banks (10 banks in 2013 and 11 in 2014). This
numbers may suggest some problems of the sustainability of the business
model in the long term.
On the efficiency side, the average cost to income ratio is 66%.
Nineteen banks have a ratio larger than 100% at least in one year: in
particular 7 banks in 2012, 9 in 2013 and 8 in 2014; among them, two
banks have a ratio larger than 200%. The unusually high ratio indicates
that the bank’s costs are out of control. A very low ratio may indicate that
operating costs are too low for the bank to have the required risk and
control functions in place, also indicating higher risk, but this is not the
case for the sample under scrutiny since only seven banks have a CI ratio
smaller than 20% (EBA 2015).
9 A Technical Approach to Deposit Guarantee Schemes 221
Overall, this chapter examines seven over nine core indicators and
three over 13 additional indicators, which are enough to perform a sig-
nificant analysis, in the author’s point of view.
For each risk indicator, the IRSs assigned to buckets should range
from 0 to 100, where zero indicates the lowest risk and 100 the highest
Table 9.8 shows an example of bucket-scoring by type of risk indi-
cator, where higher values of the risk indicator mean higher risk (for
example, NPL ratio).
To compute the IRS of the sample banks, buckets and boundaries
provided by EBA have been used for LR, NPL ratio, ROA, ROE and
total asset growth. EBA does not provide specific examples for the
leverage ratio, CET1, RWA/TA and cost to income ratio, thus relative
boundaries, which correspond to the 20, 40 and 60th‰ of the sample
banks distribution year to year, have been used for those indicators. The
percentiles and corresponding IRS have been fixed according to EBA
guidelines. Relative boundaries imply an even distribution of banks
among risk buckets, and Table 9.9 shows an example of buckets, relative
boundaries and individual risk scores.
where: IWj ¼ 100% and IRSj ¼ IRSxj when X in fA; B; . . .; M g,
that is the bucket corresponding to indicator Aj .
Following the guidelines, since NSFR is not computed during the
transition period, the IW explained above is applied to core indicators. In
addition, as previously mentioned, the ratio of unencumbered assets to
covered deposits has not been computed because data on unencumbered
assets for the sample banks were not available. Thus, the weight (17%)
originally assigned by EBA to this ratio is equally allocated among all
other computed indicators.
Consequently, when only core indicators are investigated, the ARS is
computed according to:
224 F. Arnaboldi
Table 9.11. Table 9.11 part (a) lists the number of banks in each risk
class using only core indicators in the year 2013 and year 2014; part
(b) shows the distribution of banks considering both core and additional
Looking at core indicators [Table 9.11 part (a)], from 2013 to 2014,
the number of banks in risk class 1 decreases by 20%, whereas the
number of banks in class 2 (ARW = 100%) increases by 45%. Changes
in the other two risk classes are negligible. Thus, it seems that the sample
banks became more risky in 1-year time, and their contributions to the
Table 9.11 Number of banks, risk classes, ARWcore and ARWcore+additional (2013 and
2013 2014
Risk ARWcore Number Percentage Number Percentage Change
classes (%) of banks of banks 2013–2014
1 75 27 20 16 15.53 −20
2 100 27 20 29 28.16 45
3 125 39 28.89 28 27.18 −3
4 150 42 31.11 30 29.13 −4
Total 135 100 103 100
1 75 18 13.53 13 12.62 −4
2 100 35 26.32 31 30.1 18
3 125 46 34.59 30 29.13 −13
4 150 34 25.56 29 28.16 13
Total 133 100 103 100
Source Own computation on Bankscope’s data
226 F. Arnaboldi
Fund would not be further discounted. Table 9.11 part (b) confirms this
scenario, applying core and additional indicators to sample banks in the
year 2013 and year 2014. The number of banks in class 1 diminishes by
4%, and the number of banks in class 2 increases by 18%. The change in
the number of banks in class 3 (−13%) is perfectly matched by the
change in class 4.
9.6 Conclusion
Deposit guarantee schemes are an essential element in the completion of
the internal market and an indispensable complement to the system of
supervision of banks.
The set-up of a European Deposit Insurance Scheme was mildly wel-
comed by some member states. They were concerned that sharing the
responsibility of backstopping deposits without tackling the remaining
risks in banking systems would increase moral hazard. This concern is based
on the assumption that EDIS would increase the level of contributions
banks of some member states have to pay according to their riskiness.
To test this hypothesis, this chapter analyses monitoring systems of
bank riskiness currently applied by the FITD and proposed by EBA on a
sample of Italian banks members of the FITD. The conclusion is
First, the change of indicators, thresholds, weights and risk classes is
applied to years 2013 and 2014 and shows that EBA proposal would
increase the number of banks in the lower-risk classes, where contribu-
tion quota to the DGS would remain unchanged or would decrease. This
outcome points out that, on average, sample banks would pay less
contributions to the DGS when EBA guidelines are applied. This should
reassure member states concerned about Italian banks’ moral hazard in
the event of the set-up of a common backstop for deposits.
Unfortunately, the results in this chapter are approximate because of
the lack of data and information. Since the issue is relevant, the FITD,
which is the only one that has the full set of data and information, might
consider disclosing the real situation. Uncertainty undermines
bank-client relationship and obstacles a trustfully relationship with other
member states.
Second, on the effectiveness of EBA implementation of Directive
2014/49/EU goals, this chapter suggests some caution. Carefully ana-
lysing the monitoring system proposed by the European regulator, it
emerges that EBA proposes many indicators, which composition is not
always clear, and allows national DGSs great flexibility in line with the
principle of proportionality. The choices of how many and which
230 F. Arnaboldi
1. Further information can be found in “Germany warns on eurozone
bank deposit plan” (Financial Times 2015) and in the Deutsche
Bundesbank’s Monthly Report of December 2015, p. 58–60.
2. D. Lgs. 659/96, art. 2, c. 1, which transposes directive 94/19/CE, states
that all information, news or data related to FITD are privileged
3. Six banks out of 172 (3% of the sample) report data to compute only
one ratio.
4. The year 2015 is not included in the analysis, since the number of
observations is less than 50% compared to the previous years.
5. “This procedure consists of a set of steps made for determining the point
of equilibrium quota” which could be only performed by the Fund
(FITD 2012, p. 23).
6. Data are available upon request.
7. A higher CET1 indicates a better risk mitigation. Tier 1 capital is given
by the sum of common equity tier 1 and of additional tier 1 (BIS 2012).
8. Required tier 1 ratio is 4.5% and 5.5% for the year 2013 and 2014,
respectively (BIS 2012).
9 A Technical Approach to Deposit Guarantee Schemes 231
Table A.1 shows the test for equality of means between top- and
bottom-performing banks in terms of return on equity (ROE) over
2012–2014. As far as asset quality is concerned, most profitable banks
are significantly less risky (A1 equals 50% versus 178%, respectively).
Top-performing banks are also less exposed to liquidity risk (L takes the
value of 65 versus 97%). Top- and bottom-performing banks do not
show any significant difference in means for profitability ratios D1 and
Table A.2 shows the results of the test of the difference in means
among banks belonging to the top and bottom quartile in terms of ROE.
Top quartile banks have a smaller leverage ratio (66% vs. 96%), a higher
liquidity ratio (27% vs. 14%), a higher quality of loan portfolio (NPL
ratio equal to 4 and 8%, respectively), lower RWA to total assets
(43 vs 59%) and lower CI (59 vs. 71%) than bottom quartile banks.
All EBA indicators suggest that top-performing banks in terms of ROE
have a lower risk than the worst-performing ones.
Bank of Italy. 2016. FAQ—La centrale dei rischi. Available at https://www.
BIS. 2012. Basel III. Necessary, but not sufficient, Remarks by W. Byres,
Secretary General of the Basel Committee on Banking Superivision to the
Financial Stability Institute’s 6th Biennial Conference on Risk Management
and Supervision, Basel.
Deutsche Bundesbank. 2015. Monthly Report December 2015.
Directive 2014/49/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16
April 2014 on Deposit Guarantee Schemes. Official Journal of the European
Union L 173/149.
9 A Technical Approach to Deposit Guarantee Schemes 233