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Engineering Standard Number




This specification establishes a procedure to identify individual parts characterized as Critical or

Proprietary Items of Product which require source control for procurement. The body of the
specification defines responsibilities and procedures. It also provides guidelines for the
identification and source control of Critical Parts.


This revision, dated April 2014, clarifies and standardizes terminology and process and modifies
the definition of Critical Part.

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Engineering Standard Number



Table of Contents

Heading Page Number

Abstract ..............................................................................................................................1
Foreword ............................................................................................................................1
Table of Contents ...............................................................................................................2
1. Scope ..............................................................................................................................3
2. Applicable Documents ...................................................................................................3
3. Definitions ......................................................................................................................3
4. Specifications .................................................................................................................3
4.1. Significance and Use .............................................................................................3
4.2. Source Control Categories .....................................................................................4
4.3. Critical Parts ..........................................................................................................4
4.4. Proprietary Items of Product..................................................................................5
4.5. Release of New Items ............................................................................................5
4.6. Approval of New Sources......................................................................................7
4.7. Changes to Approved Items of Product .................................................................8
4.8. Reevaluation ..........................................................................................................8
4.9. Adding or Removing a Noun Name/ID Type Code to the Source Approval Noun Name
5. Reference Readings ........................................................................................................9

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Engineering Standard Number



1. Scope
This specification establishes a procedure to identify individual parts characterized as Critical or
Proprietary Items of Product used in a critical application, which require source control for
procurement. The body of the specification defines responsibilities and procedures. It also provides
guidelines for the identification and source control of Critical Parts.

2. Applicable Documents
Applicable documents listed below may be obtained from the respective organizations listed in
CES 10054, Standards Organizations Addresses.

a. CES 10054, Standards Organizations Addresses

b. CES 10056, Glossary
c. CES 10500, Methodology, Source Control
d. CES 99043, Configuration Control
e. CES 99079 Source Approval Database Inquiry
f. CES 99087 Cummins Release Approval Form
g. CES 99115, Specification, Barcode
h. PUR 02-01-01 Supplier Selection-New Suppliers

3. Definitions
Terms used in this standard that have a general definition for usage in Cummins Engineering
Standards are defined in CES 10056, Glossary.

3.1. Critical Part

Product item whose failure would result in a mission disabling failure of the engine, system or
subsystem and where the product item cannot be completely defined, for all applications, by
its specifications.

4. Specifications
4.1. Significance and Use

4.1.1. This specification consists of the body of the specification which defines
responsibilities and procedures. It also provides guidelines for the identification and source control
of Critical Parts and Proprietary Items of Product used in critical applications.

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Engineering Standard Number



4.1.2. The responsibilities and procedures involved in listing suppliers (by location) of
Critical Parts on the Cummins Source Approval Database is defined in this document.

4.1.3. For related procedures pertaining to supplier selection refer to PUR-02-01-01. For
methods of approving new sources refer to CES 10500.

4.1.4. When a waiver of source approval is required, it shall be approved by the Product Line
Architect representing the product the item is used in. Product Line Architects may delegate their
authority for waivers. The list of Product Line Architects and any authorized delegates is recorded
in CES 99087, Cummins Engineering Release Approval Form.

4.2. Source Control Categories

4.2.1. There are two categories of parts which require source control: Critical Parts and
Proprietary Items of Product.

4.2.2. The sources of Critical Parts are controlled by the Cummins Source Approval Database.

4.2.3. The sources for Proprietary Items of Product that are also Critical Parts are controlled
within the Cummins Source Approval Database.

4.2.4. Sources for Proprietary Items of Product are controlled by the engineering drawing as
indicated in Section 4.4. Proprietary Items of Product on page 5.

4.3. Critical Parts

4.3.1. Critical Parts are identified and maintained in the Source Approval Noun Name List
and Source Approval Database. When items of product are designated as critical, the Item
Description and ID/Type Code combination(s) is added to the Source Approved Noun Name List
(Reference CES 99079). When items reach L/P Release Phase Code, Approved Source Codes
should be associated to the item number in the Source Approval Database.

4.3.2. If source control is not required for a specific item using a Source Approved Noun
Name/ID Type Code, because the item is being applied in a non-critical application, the Source
Code ‘AAA’, associated with Source Name ‘No Source Control’ is added to the item number in
the Source Approval Database. The Remarks field shall be updated to include the reason why
Source Control is not required. This situation is not common and is considered a Waiver of Source
Approval and requires approval of the Product Line Architect or his/her authorized delegate
(Reference CES 99087).

4.3.3. Critical Parts require evaluation in accordance with an appropriate source

approval method.

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Engineering Standard Number



4.3.4. Critical parts require traceability in accordance with the methods established in
CES 99115.

4.3.5. The engineering drawing for a Critical Part shall specify CES 10012.

4.3.6. In addition to finished parts, castings or forgings for some parts may be listed as critical.

4.3.7. Source control of critical finished gaskets is based upon the supplier of the material and
not the cutter of the gasket.

4.4. Proprietary Items of Product

4.4.1. Proprietary Items of Product are defined in CES 99056 Product Definition Glossary,
Appendix P under the term Proprietary Item of Product. Although all engineering information is
not specified, these items shall be controlled in the Source Approval Database if they are deemed
critical. When deemed Critical, Proprietary Items of Product shall be treated in accordance with
4.3. Critical Parts on page 4.

4.4.2. If the Proprietary Item of Product is not critical, the engineering drawing shall contain
a note stating that the part “Must be purchased from (specific supplier).”

4.5. Release of New Items

4.5.1. Items that have been deemed critical and whose item description and ID/Type Code is
listed in the Source Approved Noun Name List shall have approved sources listed against that item.

4.5.2. Items of Product for P (Production) Release

New Items in the P (Production) phase require that CES 10012 be placed on the
Engineering Drawing. All items requiring source approval and being initially released at Production (P)
phase code shall have an approved source stated in the Engineering Release. For items of product originated within an engineering agency, the agency shall
provide the initial approved source for this item. Documentation of the source approval evaluation
or a waiver by the responsible Product Line Architect or his/her delegate shall be included. The
agency shall have the responsibility to get the initial source(s) added to the Source
Approval Database.

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(SOURCE CONTROL) Plants originating items of product shall perform all necessary source approval
documentation. When appropriate, a waiver of the source approval method for the initial source
may be obtained from the responsible Product Line Architect or his/her delegate. If an item of product replaces or obsoletes an existing item of product, the engineering
agency releasing the new item shall insure that its source(s) are approved. Sources shall have
sufficient capacity to meet the requirements for the item which it replaced. Items at Production (P) phase shall have a Cummins Engineering Release Approval
Form completed in one of the following manners:

a. Acknowledgment that all source approval requirements have been completed, listing the
corresponding source approval method(s) and the released Cummins Technical Report(s)
that documents the validation results.
b. If source approval is currently in process, a date shall be included stating when the source
approval process will be completed. The form shall be signed off by the responsible
Product Line Architect or his/her delegate. Upon completion, a Cummins Technical Report
shall be released to document the validation results.
c. If the source approval requirements result in a modified validation plan, a waiver of the
source approval method (including a signature on the Cummins Engineering Release
Approval Form) shall be obtained from the responsible Product Line Architect or his/her
delegate. The corresponding source approval method(s) and the released Cummins
Technical Report that documents the validation results shall be listed on the Cummins
Engineering Release Approval Form.
d. If source approval validation is not intended to be completed for this release, a waiver of
the source approval method shall be obtained from the responsible Product Line Architect
or his/her delegate, including a signature on the Cummins Engineering Release
Approval Form.

4.5.3. Items of Product for Limited (L) Release Items in the Limited (L) phase require that CES 10012 be placed on the
Engineering Drawing. All items requiring source approval and being initially released at L (Limited) phase
code shall have the production intent supplier listed in the release as well as plans for completion
of Source Approval.

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or electronic form, reproduced by any means, or used for any purpose without written consent of Cummins Inc.
Engineering Standard Number


(SOURCE CONTROL) Items at Limited (L) phase shall have a Cummins Engineering Release Approval
Form completed in one of the following manners:

a. Acknowledgment that all source approval requirements have been completed, listing the
corresponding source approval method(s) and the released Cummins Technical Report(s)
that documents the validation results.
b. If source approval is currently in process, a date shall be included stating when the source
approval process will be completed. The form shall be signed off by the responsible
Product Line Architect or his/her delegate.
c. If the source approval requirements result in a modified validation plan, a waiver of the
source approval method (including a signature on the Cummins Engineering Release
Approval Form) shall be obtained from the responsible Product Line Architect or his/her
delegate. The corresponding source approval method(s) and the released Cummins
Technical Report that documents the validation results shall be listed on the Cummins
Engineering Release Approval Form.
d. If source approval validation is not intended to be completed for this release, a waiver of
the source approval method shall be obtained from the responsible Product Line Architect
or his/her delegate, including a signature on the Cummins Engineering Release
Approval Form.

4.5.4. Items of Product for Experimental or Developmental (E or D) Release

Items for Experimental (E) or Developmental (D) phase shall have CES 10012 referenced on the
drawing. No change to the Source Approval Database is required.
4.5.5. Plants sourcing new items of product have the responsibility to complete their portion
of the source approval (i.e., Supplier Quality Assurance approval) prior to full production. A
waiver of source approval may be obtained from the responsible Product Line Architect or his/
her delegate.

4.6. Approval of New Sources

4.6.1. For existing items of product, engineering agencies have the only authority for the
addition of a new source to the Source Approval Database.

4.6.2. New sources can be added only after all necessary source approval documentation has
been completed. A waiver of the source approval method shall be obtained from the responsible
Product Line Architect or his/her delegate.

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4.7. Changes to Approved Items of Product

If an approved supplier is presently supplying an item of product in one material and/or process,
and wishes to change to another material and/or process; the supplier shall be reapproved by
complying with the appropriate source approval method. If appropriate, a waiver of source
approval may be obtained from the Product Line Architect or his/her delegate for the item
of product.

4.7.1. Administrative Changes

Administrative changes to item data (such as changing item control) will not require validation
testing or a waiver of source approval.

4.7.2. Revisions to Items of Product If an Item of Product is being revised at the Production (P) phase code, source
approval on this revised Item shall be completed or waived by the responsible Product Line
Architect or his/her delegate. If an Item of Product is being revised at the Limited (L) phase code, source approval
shall be documented as described in Section on page 7.

4.8. Reevaluation

4.8.1. Approved sources listed in the Source Approval Database which have not been utilized
for a period of two (2) years by a Cummins facility or alliance shall be reevaluated. Product
Engineering, Purchasing and Supplier Quality Assurance shall do the reevaluation by PPAP before
production quantities are purchased. If changes have been made in the supplier’s personnel,
equipment, processes, etc., it is the responsibility of the evaluating team as to whether the supplier
shall be retested. The reevaluation is to be documented in memo form with a copy sent to the
appropriate Product Line Architect or his/her delegate.

4.8.2. If the supplier to be reevaluated is currently shipping production quantities of similar

parts using identical technology, reevaluation will not be necessary.

4.8.3. Initiation of reevaluation is the responsibility of Product Engineering.

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4.9. Adding or Removing a Noun Name/ID Type Code to the Source Approval Noun
Name List

4.9.1. The authorization for classifying a Noun Name/ID Type Code as Critical is the
responsibility of the Chief Product Engineers (Reference CES 99043).

4.9.2. The request process consists of submitting an EJR requesting the addition of the Noun
Name/ID Type Code to the Source Approved Noun Name List. A source approval method
(reference CES 10500) defining the source approval validation requirements for the proposed
Critical Noun Name shall be included as part of the EJR.

4.9.3. All Chief Product Engineers are required to approve the addition of the Noun Name/ID
Type Code to the Source Approved Noun Name Listing, as well as approve the source approval
method, before information will be added to the Source Approved Noun Name List. CES 10500
updates should occur at the same time.

4.9.4. Similarly, to remove a Noun Name/ID Type Code from the Source Approved Noun
Name List, an EJR is submitted requesting the Noun Name/ID Type Code be removed along with
the reasons for the request. The corresponding source approval method(s) would need to be
reviewed and dispositioned appropriately as part of this request, along with appropriate updates
to CES 10500.

4.9.5. All drawing specifications identified with the Noun Name would need to be updated to
remove the reference to CES 10012 and the Source Approval Database should be updated to break
the linkage between product items and approved sources.

5. Reference Readings
The following references were used in the preparation of this standard.

CES 10006, Codes, Supplier Identification

Current Release Number Std. Revision Level

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