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Addisu Guaddie Dagnew - Application Letter

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Addisu Guaddie Dagnew, Plan International Ethiopia, Bahir Dar, P.O.BOX 1182, guaaddisu@gmail.

/Addisu.Guaddie@plan-international.org, +251918307621, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

11 MARCH, 2022

I am Addisu Guaddie Dagnew WASH Officer (Engineer), Plan International Ethiopia Herewith this letter, I am
writing to express my interest on the call for PhD position in Catchment Hydrology within the German research
Foundation (DFG) Research unit “Subsurface Stormflow”. Currently I am working on WASH-Nutrition Nexus
program to access clean water and Multi Use Systems for stunting reduction of children’s, create
environmentally friendly agricultural systems, and reduce infection at Health Canters, school and community
levels. The Programme will directly contribute to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8. I
have been graduated B.Sc. in Water Resources Management and M.Sc. in Water Resources Engineering
(Engineering Hydrology) from Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia. I have also graduated an ERASMUS MUNDUS
(CURRICULUM WATER AND COASTAL MANAGEMENT) from University of Bologna (Italy),
university of Algarve (Portugal) and university of Cadiz (Spain). My graduate thesis was ‘Comparative
analysis of land use land cover change and water budget implications on flood hazard in Emilia-
Romagna-Region, Italy’. Recently we have published a paper entitled as” Evolution of Salinity and Water Table
Level of the Phreatic Coastal Aquifer of the Emilia Romagna Region (Italy)”. Previously I have been worked as
university Lecturer in Aksum University school of Water Technology and I gave courses of : water pollution
and waste water treatment, climatology and meteorology, open channel hydraulics, soil and water conservation
engineering, hydro- Meteorology, surface water hydrology, water supply, flood and drought management, and
integrated river basin management courses for undergraduate students in the department of Water Resources and
Irrigation Engineering, Aksum University, Ethiopia. I have also worked in a World Bank project (Tana Beles
Integrated Water Resources Development Project) in the position of Water Engineer and Hydrologic Modeler. I
have worked on watershed monitoring program, and flood modeling in this organization. Hence, I developed a
particular interest in Soil loss, sediment yield, Flood hazard mapping, extreme event analysis, water balance and
application of GIS and Remote Sensing on Hydrology. Understanding the physical hydrologic process in
catchments and extreme event analysis is really my deep interest where huge amount of sediments, and nutrients
are transported and also causes for flash floods in my country Ethiopia. Considering my experience and
academic backgrounds, I am interested to apply the PhD position in Catchment Hydrology within the German
research Foundation (DFG) Research unit “Subsurface Stormflow”.

I have also attended short-term trainings on Remote Sensing application for water resources and the environment
which make me equipped on different hydrological and water resources models (GIS and RS, WEAP, SWAT,
HBV, ILWIS, R, Python, HEC-SSP, and HEC-RAS). These trainings are ideal for the PhD study on specific focus
of Catchment Hydrology.

I am confident that I can complete the research projects which are proposed in your call, as I already have the
required experience in developing a research project, undertaking fieldwork and scientific research paper writing
independently. In my previous master thesis project of ‘Sediment Budget at Plot and Watershed scale, upper Blue
Nile Basin, Ethiopia’, I designed the experimental watershed and methodology, engaged participants, assisted
with the data analysis, and contributed theoretical knowledge to the write-up and published it on a book chapter.
I believe that these skills and experience will allow me to complete a larger-scale project like a PhD at your
institution effectively. I would enjoy discussing this position with you in the times to come.

I sincerely thank you for your consideration!

With regards,
Addisu Guaddie Dagnew
1. Dr. Beatrice Maria Sole Giambastiani at University of Bologna, Italy, email:
beatrice.giambastiani@unibo.it, Ph: +39 0544 937318
2. Prof. Marco Antonellini at University of Bologna, Italy, email: m.antonellini@unibo.it
3. Endalkachew Bogale Gelaw, PHD student, at University of Genoa (Savona Campus), CIMA Research
Foundation (https://www.cimafoundation.org), Via Armando Magliotto, 2 17100 Savona, Italy, Mobile:
+39 370 379 8299
Addisu Guaddie Dagnew, Plan International Ethiopia, Bahir Dar, P.O.BOX 1182, guaaddisu@gmail.com
/Addisu.Guaddie@plan-international.org, +251918307621, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

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