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Exam 1

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ENGRD 221 Thermodynamics (Prof. N.


Prelim 1


Thursday October 11, 7:30 pm 9:30 pm Closed books and notes. Answer all questions. Make sure your answers are legible. Circle your final answer. The TAs and instructor will not respond to any questions during the exam. If you think that something is wrong with one of the problems below, please state your concern in your exam books. Problem 1 (10 points) Multiple choice questions. Answer all questions explanations are not needed and will not be graded, only provide your answer. (1) (2 points) An ideal gas is throttled to a lower pressure. During this process, (select the correct statement) (a) the temperature of the gas will increase. (b) the temperature of the gas will decrease. (c) the temperature of the gas will remain constant. (d) the entropy of the gas will decrease. (e) the enthalpy of the gas will decrease. (2) (3 points) An ideal gas process for which P vk = constant, where k=cp/cv is an (select the correct answer(s)) (a) incompressible process (d) isentropic process (b) isobaric process (e) isothermal process (c) adiabatic process

(3) (2 points) When a closed system with internal irreversibilities undergoes a process from state 1 to state 2, the entropy change, S2 S1, and entropy production, , can be a) negative and positive, respectively. b) negative and zero, respectively. c) positive and negative, respectively. d) positive and zero, respectively. e) all of the above. (4) (3 points) A refrigeration cycle operating between two reservoirs receives energy QC from a cold reservoir at TC = 250 K and rejects energy QH to a hot reservoir at TH = 300 K. If QC = 1400 kJ and Wcycle = 140 kJ, does this cycle operate reversibly, irreversibly, or is it impossible? a. b. c. Reversibly Irreversibly It is impossible

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ENGRD 221 Thermodynamics (Prof. N. Zabaras)

Prelim 1


Problem 2 (5 points) 1.2 kg of liquid water initially at 15C is to be heated to 95C in a teapot equipped with a 1200 W electric heating element inside. The specific heat of water can be taken to be 4.18 kJ/kg.C, and the heat loss from the water during heating can be neglected. The time it takes to heat the water to the desired temperature is approximately: (PROVIDE ONLY YOUR ANSWER NO PARTIAL CREDIT) (a) 4.6 min (b) 5.6 min (c) 6.7 min (d) 9.0 min (e) 11.4 min

Problem 3 (5 points) Steam expands in an adiabatic turbine from 8 MPa and 450C to a pressure of 50 kPa at a rate of 1.8 kg/s. The maximum possible power output of the turbine is (PROVIDE ONLY YOUR ANSWER NO PARTIAL CREDIT) (a) 1129 kW (b) 995 kW (c) 2136 kW (d) 718 kW (e) 1791 kW

Problem 4 (5 points) Steam is compressed from 1 MPa and 280C to 8.0 MPa isentropically. Determine the final temperature of the steam. Problem 5 (15 points) Air (considered ideal gas) is contained in an insulated rigid volume at 20oC and 200 kPa. A paddle wheel inserted in the volume does 720 kJ of work on the air. If the volume is 2m3 compute the change of entropy of the system S in kJ/oK.

Problem 6 (10 points) Air (ideal gas) enters a compressor operating at steady state at 17 oC, 1 bar and exits at a pressure of 5 bar. KE and PE changes can be ignored. If there are no internal irreversibilities, evaluate the work and heat transfer in kJ/kg for an isothermal compression. Problem 7 (10 points) Two kg of superheated steam at 400oC, 600 kPa is cooled at constant P by transferring heat from a cylinder until the steam is completely condensed. The surroundings are at 25 oC. Determine the net entropy change of the universe.

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ENGRD 221 Thermodynamics (Prof. N. Zabaras) Prelim 1 10/11/2007 Problem 8 (20 points) As shown in the Fig., a steam turbine having an isentropic turbine efficiency of 90% drives an air compressor having an isentropic compressor efficiency of 85%. Steady-state operating data are provided on the figure. Determine the mass flow rate of the steam entering the turbine, in kg of steam per kg of air exiting the compressor.

Problem 9 (20 points) A tank having a volume of 0.85 m3 initially contains water as a two-phase liquid-vapor mixture at 260oC and a quality of 0.7. Saturated water vapor at 260oC is slowly withdrawn through a pressure-regulating valve at the top of the tank as energy is transferred by heat to maintain the pressure constant in the tank. This continues until the tank is filled with saturated vapor at 260oC. Determine the amount of heat transfer in kJ. Neglect all kinetic and potential energy effects. A figure is provided in the next page. Additional information:
u f (260o C ) = 1128.4kJ / Kg , ug (260o C ) = 2599.0kJ / Kg
v f (260o C ) = 1.2755 x10 3 m3 / Kg , vg (260o C ) = 0.04221m3 / Kg

hg (260o C ) = 2796.6kJ / Kg

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ENGRD 221 Thermodynamics (Prof. N. Zabaras)

Prelim 1


--------------------------------------- END OF THE EXAM ---------------------------------------

Potentially useful formulas

P s = s o (T2 ) s o (T1 ) R ln 2 P 1
1 bar = 105 N/m2 R=8.314 kJ / kmol .K (universal gas constant) Molecular weight of air: M=28.97 kg/kmole q=du+Pdv, h=u+Pv, q=dh-vdP For isentropic processes of ideal gases:
dmcv = mi me dt i e

P2 P 1

pr 2 (T2 ) . pr1 (T1 )

dEcv V2 V2 = Q cv W cv + mi (hi + i + gzi ) me (he + e + gze ) 2 2 dt i e

Wcv / m | int = vdP

rev 1

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