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Nathan E. Butts
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering
University of Wyoming
P.O. Box 3295, University Station
Laramie, Wyoming 82071
Tel: (307) 766-5255
Fax: (307) 766-2221
E-mail: buttsn@uwyo.edu
A paper prepared for the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board
June 2002
TRB 2003 Annual Meeting CD-ROM Paper revised from original submittal.
Butts and Ksaibati 1
Many of the State highway agencies (SHAs), in recent years, have adopted quality
pavements. This new specification is meant to improve the quality of the pavements through
frequent testing and monitoring throughout the production and placement of the hot mix asphalt.
With a QC/QA specification, the Contractor is responsible for the quality of the pavement, while
the highway agency is responsible for the acceptance, rejection and/or price adjustment of that
product. The University of Wyoming and the Wyoming Department of Transportation has
combined their efforts to evaluate the effectiveness of QC/QA on the national level. In order to
achieve this goal, a basic understanding of the status quo of the QC/QA programs is essential. A
survey was prepared and distributed to the 50 SHAs to contrast and compare various QC/QA
programs. Results of the survey indicated that 40 of 45 responding SHAs or nearly 90% have
first program emerged as early as in 1968, most of the programs were implemented after 1985,
indicating that QC/QA are still in the stages of development. Different SHAs have different
versions of QC/QA, which may vary significantly in the scope of QC/QA, QC responsibility, QA
and incentive and disincentive policies. Previous evaluations of QC/QA by individual SHAs
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In recent years, many State highway agencies (SHAs) have adopted the use of quality
performing and longer lasting roadways by decreasing asphalt mixture variability throughout
asphalt mixture production and placement. The use of such specifications is rapidly growing and
Transportation Research Board, QC/QA specifications are also known as quality assurance
specifications (2). QC/QA specifications are a combination of end result specifications, and
materials and methods specifications. End result specifications are specifications that require the
Contractor to take the entire responsibility for supplying a product or an item of construction.
The highway agency’s responsibility is to accept or reject the final product or to apply a price
adjustment commensurate with the degree of compliance with the specifications. Materials and
method specifications are specifications that direct the Contractor to use specified materials in
definite proportions and specific types of equipment and methods to place the material (2).
Before the use of QC/QA specifications, the use of strict materials and method
specifications was common practice among the SHAs. With the use of method specifications,
the burden for quality control and inspection, both labor-intensive activities, was in the hands of
the owner agency (3). With a QC/QA specification, the Contractor is responsible for quality
control (process control), and the highway agency is responsible for acceptance of the product.
QC/QA specifications typically are statistically based specifications that use methods such as
random sampling and lot-by-lot testing, which let the Contractor know if the operations are
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producing an acceptable product (2). The quality of hot mix asphalt (HMA) being produced is
measured by its volumetric and material properties. The promise of QC/QA is that better quality
can be achieved by allowing the Contractor more direct control over his or her operation (4).
arose from three present day challenges in the highway construction industry. First, many of the
SHAs are losing manpower at an unprecedented rate, particularly construction personnel such as
plant inspectors, construction inspectors and materials technicians (3). Second, materials and
method specifications required a representative of the highway agency direct each step in the
construction process. Experience has shown that this tend obligates the agency to accept the
completed work regardless of quality (2). And third, there is a growing public demand for
better-quality roads.
Since QC/QA specifications are still relatively new to the asphalt pavement construction
industry, it is important to determine the effects that the use of QC/QA specifications is having
on the quality of pavements being constructed. It is important to determine whether or not the
benefits of a decreased variable asphalt mixture and the related decreases in life-cycle-cost
outweigh or balance the initial increases in construction cost. The University of Wyoming and
the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) has combined their efforts to evaluate
the effectiveness of asphalt pavement QC/QA specifications on the national level. In order to
achieve the goal, a basic understanding of the status quo of the QC/QA programs is essential.
Although all QC/QA specifications are similar, there are many variations that can be found
among the different SHAs. A questionnaire was prepared and distributed to the 50 SHAs. The
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survey is meant to contrast and compare the different QC/QA programs and specifications being
Copies of the asphalt pavement QC/QA specification questionnaire were mailed to all 50 SHAs
4. Determine the involvements of both the State and Contractor in asphalt pavement
QC/QA programs.
6. Determine the range of control demonstrated by the SHAs through pay factors, design
The asphalt pavement QC/QA survey consisted of about forty questions aimed at satisfying the
objectives stated. There were 44 full responses to the questionnaire, and one partial response.
All of the States except Arizona, Iowa, New Mexico, Tennessee, and Rhode Island responded to
the questionnaire. The responses have been reduced and summarized in the sections that follow.
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Of the 45 SHAs responding to the survey, 40 or nearly 90% have implemented an asphalt
Massachusetts, and Montana were the only SHAs to indicate that they do not have an asphalt
pavement QC/QA program. Delaware and Massachusetts, however, are planning to implement
For the 40 SHAs that responded to the survey and indicated to have an asphalt pavement
QC/QA program, the years that these programs were implemented range from 1968 (New
Jersey) to present. Most of the programs, however, were implemented just recently. Twenty-
nine or more than 80% of the 35 SHAs that provided a date of implementation started their
Scope of QC/QA
Within any State, there are many classifications of roadways, and the maintenance or
construction projects needed vary in size. Since QC/QA introduces complexity and cost, it
seems logical that it would not be used for all projects on all classifications of roadways. This
All of the 40 SHAs use QC/QA specification on interstate and primary roadways, and on
projects larger than 5,000 tons of asphalt mixture. However, only 88% of them use a QC/QA
specification for secondary roadways, and only 80% use it for projects smaller than 5,000 tons.
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Of the 39 SHAs responding to the question and claiming to have an asphalt pavement QC/QA
program, Colorado and Nevada were the only two to hold the State responsible for QC testing.
The other 37 hold the Contractor responsible for QC testing. The responsibility for evaluating
the QC test results is more evenly split. Of the 39 responding SHAs, 26 of them hold the
Contractor responsible for the evaluation of QC testing, 9 accept the responsibility themselves,
and 4 share the responsibility with the Contractor. When QC testing has been evaluated and
corrective action needs to be initiated, 3 of the QC/QA programs are set up to have the SHA
initiate corrective actions themselves, 3 of them share the responsibility for initiating corrective
actions, and the remaining 33 hold the Contractor responsible for taking such actions.
Knowing which party is held responsible for all of the QC activities helps to characterize
the asphalt pavement QC/QA programs that are being used by the SHAs, and the degree of the
responsibility shift that has taken place toward the Contractor. When the SHAs were asked if
they were moving to change the involvements with QC in any way, Colorado, Delaware, Ohio,
Wisconsin, and Wyoming stated that they were. Colorado, Delaware, and Wyoming stated that
the change being made involves the acceptance of the Contractor’s QC test results for incentive
and disincentive payment and quality acceptance. Ohio’s new program puts even more
responsibility on the Contractor, while Wisconsin is rewriting its program to conform to federal
verification requirements.
All of the SHAs responding to the question and claiming to have an asphalt pavement QC/QA
program perform QA testing. South Carolina added a note stating, “The Contractor does all QC
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and QA testing with the State doing QA verification testing at a ratio of 1:10 of the QA tests.
The number of QA tests performed for a typical project varies significantly among the
SHAs. The amount of QA testing for most of the SHAs is based on lot size, occurs at a daily
rate, or depends on the number of QC tests performed. Typically, Arkansas does one QA test for
every 750 tons produced; Kentucky does one every 4000 tons; Minnesota does one per day;
North Carolina does a minimum of 10% of the number required by the Contractor; North Dakota
does two per day; Oregon does one for every 10 contractor QC tests performed; Utah does 4 QA
tests per lot per day; and Washington does one per 400 tons for density, and one per 300 tons for
The approximate ratio of the number of QA tests to the number of QC tests (QA:QC) ranges
from 1:1 to as low as 1:10. For some of the SHAs, this ratio varies significantly and an
approximate ratio is difficult to determine. The approximate ratios between the numbers of QA
The QA tests that are performed by different SHAs are for a variety of purposes. Some
of the SHAs use QA testing to verify QC test results. When the Contractor is responsible for QC
testing, QA tests are performed to verify that contractor testing is being done properly and
precisely. Others use QA testing to adjust the final pay. QA testing is considered in this case to
measure the quality of the product being placed. Initial correlation is another area where QA test
results are utilized. At the beginning of the production of (HMA), the SHA often performs QA
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tests mirrored by QC tests to make sure that all testing equipment is calibrated and that testing
procedures are being followed. This will usually save the Contractor time and money throughout
construction. Of the 39 SHAs to respond to this question, 26 use QA tests for QC test result
verification, 16 use QA test results for final pay adjustments, and 6 use QA test results for initial
correlations. Most of the SHAs use QA test results for more than one purpose. QA test results
are also used for determining acceptance by a number of SHAs, and for contractor’s QA test
verification in Michigan.
Florida, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Wyoming are all making a
move to change the Contractor or State’s involvement with QA testing in some way. The agency
in Florida will start verifying contractor QC tests at a reduced rate. Indiana is going to start
using contractor QC tests for acceptance and payment under contractor acceptance specifications
and acceptance by certification. Maryland is looking to use statistical evaluation from AASHTO
R 4-97 and NCHRP 9-7. State inspectors in Michigan will start performing total QA testing.
Ohio’s new 1056 program puts even more responsibility on the Contractor. Wisconsin is
adjusting their specification to meet federal requirements for verification testing. And in
Wyoming, the Contractor will start doing acceptance testing at the frequency and location
designated by the state, and the state will be responsible for pay factor calculations and
acceptance decision.
There are many tests to be run during the production and placement of (HMA). These tests are
used to compare the characteristics of the (HMA) being produced and placed to characteristics
that are known to represent a good product. A high quality pavement can be produced with the
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control of a select few of these characteristics. Density, asphalt content and aggregate gradation
are three of the most commonly controlled characteristics. The specifications for QC testing, QA
testing, or a combination of the two intended to control the production of asphalt mixture and the
proper placement of the mixture vary with SHAs. Table 2 summarizes the mixture and mat
From Table 2, it can be seen that extracted and non-extracted aggregate gradations, clay
content, extracted and non-extracted asphalt contents, air voids (AV), voids in mineral aggregate
(VMA), voidless unit weight, dust-to-asphalt ratio, tensile strength ratio (TSR), mixture
temperature, mat density, and smoothness make up the majority of the mixture and mat
characteristics that are being controlled through QC and QA testing. Other mixture and mat
characteristics that are sometimes required by the State for QC and QA testing include aggregate
moisture content, liquid limit and plastic limit (LL&PI), coarse and fine aggregate angularities
(FAA and CAA), Marshall stability, Marshall flow, bulk and maximum specific gravities,
Precise and accurate testing is an essential part of asphalt pavement QC/QA programs. Test
results are many times used to determine the payment amount that a Contractor will receive for
its work. It usually doesn’t matter whether the results are from QA or QC testing because in
most cases the two are made to compliment one another. Many QC/QA specifications are set up
in such a way that a few QA tests verify a group of QC tests. In these cases, both sets of tests
need to be accurate and precise to avoid any conflict that may occur between the State and the
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All of the responding SHAs having an asphalt pavement QC/QA program require some
level of certification of the persons doing the testing. Of the 38 responding SHAs, all but Alaska
require that all testing technicians doing QC testing be certified. Alaska is the only SHA that
does not require any certification for technicians, supervisors, or engineers for QC testing. Only
10 of the 38 SHAs require the QC testing supervisors be certified. Of the 38 responding SHAs,
all but Nebraska and Vermont require that all technicians doing QA testing be certified.
Nebraska and Vermont are the only SHAs not to require any certification for QA testing. Only 8
Not all projects are treated in the same respect. If a project is large or is deemed important by
the SHA, the way the quality of that project is controlled may differ. Or, if a project is small
enough, quality control of the materials may not be needed at all. These are the reasons why
some SHAs may have different levels of control. These different levels of control are defined by
their differing test requirements. If a project is considered very important, the SHA may require
Eighteen of the 39 responding SHAs use an asphalt pavement QC/QA specification that
utilizes multiple levels of control. Among these SHAs, the number of levels of control ranges
from 2 to 6. Seven of the SHAs utilize 2 different levels of control, four of them utilize 3, three
utilize 4, one is utilizing 5, one is utilizing 6 different levels of control, and the rest did not
provide the number of control levels used. The factors that influence the choice of level of
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control used on a project are summarized in Table 3. None of the 18 SHAs base their choice of
level of control on the type of project funding or available personnel. Most of them, on the other
hand, base their choice of level of control for a project on the quantity of material being
produced. Some other factors that play a role in choosing the level of control are type and
At different levels of control, the requirements of QC/QA vary. Table 4 shows some of
the differences among the different levels of control for each of the 18 SHAs. These differences
include QC testing frequency, QA testing frequency, and the number of properties. Some others
QC/QA is built upon a statistically based specification, which is based on random sampling,
where properties of the desired product or construction are described by appropriate statistical
parameters (2). By knowing the properties that are representative of a quality product, SHAs are
able to test and measure those properties in order to determine the quality of the product
produced. With this ability, SHAs can pay the Contractor for the product that was produced
regardless of the bid price. This use of pay adjustment is a disincentive to the Contractor, and is
intended to encourage the production of a quality product. Incentives are also used in a similar
fashion. All of the SHAs responding to the question use disincentives in their programs, and all
but 4 of them use incentives. The SHAs not using incentives are Maryland, North Dakota,
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The asphalt mixture and mat attributes that are considered by the SHAs for adjusting pay
are summarized in Table 5. Mat density, asphalt content, air voids, aggregate gradation, and
smoothness are commonly used asphalt pavement attributes used in the adjustment of Contractor
pay. VMA, thickness, Gmm, cross-slope, and lab densities are some of the others that are
considered by a few of the SHAs. The pay factor ranges corresponding to these attributes can
also be found in Table 5. These pay factor ranges are representative of the range of product
quality the SHA is willing to accept. Twenty of the 39 SHAs responding to the question use an
equation that combines all of the individual pay factors. The composite pay factor (PFc)
Program Evaluations
Twenty-four of the respondents having an asphalt pavement QC/QA program have evaluated
their programs for effectiveness. Three of them are currently in the process of performing such
an evaluation. The majority of the programs are under constant review, either in a formal or
informal manner.
Of the SHAs that did a formal or informal evaluation of their QC/QA program, the
majority of them were mostly concerned with a select few asphalt mixture properties. Ninety-
one percent of the respondents used asphalt content (AC) as a variable for evaluation, 83% used
density data, 78% used air void data, and 70% used aggregate gradation data. VMA was also
used as a variable to evaluate programs by 48% of the SHAs that had responded. Dust-to-asphalt
ratio, film thickness, rutting, and smoothness were among some of the other characteristics used
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The lengths of time between asphalt pavement QC/QA program implementation and
evaluation ranged from 6 months to 6 years. These account for the majority of formal
Overall, the results of asphalt pavement QC/QA program evaluations have been very
positive. Of the 24 responding SHAs that evaluated their QC/QA program, Maryland was the
only one claiming to have mixed reviews and to discover that its program was still in need of
Georgia, Indiana, Maine, Pennsylvania, and Texas have all had the results of their evaluative
analyses published.
The use of QC/QA specifications demand that many tests be performed before, during,
and after the construction of asphalt pavement. This large amount of testing may increase the
initial cost of construction. The use of incentives or bonuses may also cause a similar increase.
Of 37 SHAs responding to the question, 10 claim that QC/QA is increasing the cost of
construction, 1 states that it probably is, 18 claim that they are seeing no such increase, and 5
don’t know whether QC/QA is causing increases in construction cost or not. The remaining 3
SHAs claim that there are increases in construction costs for some projects due to QC/QA, but
that they are washed out overall. Of 30 SHAs, 15 estimate that 80% or more of the QC/QA
construction QC/QA specification were summarized. The summary leads to the following
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• Although the first QC/QA program emerged as early as in 1968, most of the
programs (more than 80%) were implemented after 1985. The QC/QA specifications
new venture. Each SHA that uses a QC/QA specification for asphalt pavement
are seeing an increase in initial construction costs, while most of them are not.
This study was funded by the U.S. DOT’s University Transportation Program through the
Mountain-Plains Consortium and the University of Wyoming. The authors would like to express
their appreciation to Vicki Bonds, Wyoming DOT, for providing input for the questionnaire, all
of the State Highway Agencies that responded to the questionnaire, and Dr. Menglan Zeng,
University of Wyoming, for providing support and advice in the writing of this paper.
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Butts and Ksaibati 15
for Asphalt Concrete. In Transportation Research Record 1654, TRB, National Research
for Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete in Illinois. In Transportation Research Record 1575,
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TABLE 1 Approximate Ratio of QA to QC Tests
TABLE 2 Mixture and Mat Characteristics Controlled in QC/QA
TABLE 3 Factors Used in Determining the Level of Control
TABLE 4 Variations among Different Levels of Control
TABLE 5 Asphalt Pavement Attributes Used for Payment Adjustments and Their Corresponding
Pay Factor Ranges
TABLE 6 Composite Pay Factor Equations Used by SHAs for Adjusting Payment
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TABLE 2 Mixture and Mat Characteristics Controlled in QC/QA
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TABLE 2 (Continued)
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TABLE 5 Asphalt Pavement Attributes Used for Payment Adjustments and Their Corresponding Pay Factor Ranges
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Pay Factor for Pay Factor for Pay Factor for Pay Factor for Pay Factor for Pay Factor for Other Attributes
SHA Aggregate
Mat Density Air Voids Asphalt Content Smoothness Attributes Pay Factor
New York 0.60 to 1.05 0.85 to 1.05 N/A
North Carolina 0.50 to 1.00 0.50 to 1.00 0.50 to 1.00 0.70 to 1.00
North Dakota N/A N/A
Ohio 0.70 to 1.04 0.70 to 1.00 0.70 to 1.00 Replace to 1.05
Oklahoma 0.50 to 1.00 0.79 to 1.00 0.80 to 1.00 0.76 to 1.00 0.80 to 1.03
Oregon 0.75 to 1.05 0.75 to 1.05 0.75 to 1.05 0.75 to 1.05
bonus: $0 to
Pennsylvania 0.50 to 1.00 0.50 to 1.00 0.50 to 1.00 $300/0.1 lane-
South Carolina 0.85 to 1.05 0.85 to 1.05 0.85 to 1.05 VMA 0.85 to 1.05
South Dakota 0.85 to 1.05 0.85 to 1.05 0.90 to 1.04
Texas 0.700 to 1.050 Lab Density 0.70 to 1.05
Utah $0.91 to -2.27/ton $0.91 to -2.27/ton $0.91 to -2.27/ton N/A
Vermont 0.80 to 1.03 0.93 to 1.03
Virginia N/A N/A N/A N/A
Washington 0.75 to 1.02 0.75 to 1.03 0.75 to 1.03
0.92 to 1.00 0.92 to 1.00
West Virginia 0.88 to 1.00
(Superpave) (Superpave)
Wisconsin 0.50 to 1.00 0.75 to 1.00 0.75 to 1.00 VMA 0.75 to 1.00
Wyoming 0.50 to 1.10 0.75 to 1.05 0.75 to 1.05 N/A
N/A indicates that there is a pay factor range, but the numbers are unavailable.
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TABLE 6 Composite Pay Factor Equations Used by SHAs for Adjusting Payment
SHA Composite Pay Factor Equation
PFC = Sum of (Wi × PFQCi)
where, W = weighting factor,
PFQC = individual quality characteristic pay factor,
i = quality characteristic index number.
PFC = 0.20 × Gradation + 0.30 × AC + 0.50 × Density
Smoothness is a separate element.
Idaho PFC = 0.40 × PFDENSITY + 0.30 × PFASPHALT + 0.30 × PFAGGREGATE
PFC = 0.50 × (PWL) + 0.55, with a final pay cap of 1.03
where PWL = percent within limits.
Indiana PFC = 0.20 × AC + 0.35 × Mat Density + 0.35 × AV + 0.10 × VMA
PFC = 0.10 × AC + 0.25 × AV + 0.25 × VMA + 0.40 × Density (by cores)
for mix accepted by volumetrics, i.e., Superpave mix used on mainline applications.
PFC = 0.60 × Density + 0.20 × Voids + 0.10 × VMA + 0.10 × AC
On pilots, smoothness is a separate pay adjustment.
Smoothness applied separately. Removal required if total pay factor less than 50%.
(Single Air Void) × (Ave. of 4 Air Void) × (Density)
Nebraska All pay adjustments apply to mainline tonnage.
Only density adjustments apply to shoulder tonnage.
Weight factors: gradation, 0.15; AC, 0.15; AV, 0.20; thickness, 0.10; smoothness, 0.30;
New Hampshire
and cross slope, 0.20.
Currently it is the average of the individual pay factors for air voids, thickness, and
New Jersey smoothness, but a new specification is being developed, which is believed to be a
significant improvement.
PFC = [3 × (AC + AV + Density) + Gradation]/10
Smoothness is independent.
Factors depend on type of HMA.
Smoothness is evaluated separately.
Lp = Cp × [(2PD + PM)/400]
where Lp = lot payment,
Pennsylvania Cp = contract unit price per lot,
PD = density,
PM = sum of %AC & % passing #200 sieve payment factors.
South Carolina LPF = 0.20 × PFAC + 0.35 × PFAV + 0.10 × PFVMA + 0.35 × PFDENSITY
South Dakota 50:50 between mat density and AV.
TPA = (A + B)/2
where A = bid price × production lot quantity × pay adjustment factor for production,
B = bid price × placement lot quantity tested for air voids × pay adjustment factor for
placement + bid price × placement lot quantity not tested for air voids × 1.00.
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