Common Statistical Densities: Appendix 1
Common Statistical Densities: Appendix 1
Common Statistical Densities: Appendix 1
For convenience, we list here several common statistical densities that are
used in examples and exercises throughout the book. The listings are brief,
giving only the name of the density, the abbreviation that will be used for
the density, the sample space ~, the range of the parameter values, the
density itself, useful moments of the density, important special cases, and
a brief explanation if needed for clarification.
In the listings, det B will stand for the determinant of the matrix B; the
symbol IA(z) is defined by
I A (Z)={1 ifzEA,
o ifzt A,
and is called the indicator function on the set A; and f( a) is the usual
gamma function, defined by
I. Continuous
1. Univariate Normal (Jf( IL, (72)): ~ = R t, -00 < IL < 00, (72) 0, and
f( I
X fl.,
I) - 1
- (2'7T V/2( det I )1/2 e
3. Uniform (OU(a, (3»: f£= (a, (3), -00< a <00, a <f3 <00, and
f(xla, (3) = f3 _ a I(a,/3)(x).
Special Cases:
(a) Exponential ('If(f3)): the C§(1, (3) density.
(b) Chi-square with n degrees offreedom (x 2(n»: the C§(n/2, 2) density.
Ia, f3 ) -- f(a)f(f3)
f(a+f3) a-I
(I-x) l(o,i](x).
7. F distribution with a and f3 degrees offreedom (.9f(a, (3»: f£= (0, 00),
a > 0, f3 > 0, and
f[(a + (3)/2]aa/2f3/3/ 2 X a / 2- 1
f(xla,f3)= f(a/2)f(f3I2) . (f3+ax)(a+/3)/2 I(O,OO)(x).
Mean = f3/(f3 -2) if f3 > 2, Variance = 2f32(a + f3 -2)/ a(f3 -4)(f3 _2)2 if
f3 >4.
1. Continuous 561
I ) --
f( xa k
f(ao) Ok (a.-I)
Xj' .
OJ=1 f(a ) j=1
12. Pareto (f!Pa,(xo, a)): 2l' = (xo, 00), 0 < Xo < 00, a> 0, and
II. Discrete
1. Binomial (OO(n, p»: ~= {O, 1,2, ... , n}, 0:5 P :51, n = 1, 2, ... , and
(;) = (X!)(:!-X)!'
Mean = np, Variance = np( 1 - p).
Here, X is the number of successes in n independent trials when P is the
probability of a success at each individual trial.
2. Poisson (9P(A»: ~={O, 1,2, ... }, A>O, and
Mean = A, Variance = A.
3. Negative Binomial (.KOO(a,p»: ~={O, 1, ... }, 0<p:51, a>O, and
f( I ) =f(x+l)f(a)P
f(a+x) a( )"x
I-p .
Mean (Xi) = npi> Variance (Xi) = npi(1- Pi), Covariance (Xi> Xj) = -npiPj'
If an independent sample of size n is drawn from a population of k types,
where Pi is the probability that a single observation is of the ith type, then
Xi is the number of individuals of the ith type in the sample.
Note: k = 2 gives the [JJ (n, p) distribution, with P = PI = 1 - P2'
Supplement to Chapter 4
if m is odd,
m ){ (m-3)/2 V(i+l/2) }
r 2+ 1 e [2c1>(J2;;)-1]-
i~O f(i+3/2)
where cI> is the standard normal c.d.f. and the summation in the last
expression is defined to be zero when m = 1. Note that
) 2.r;;j;
H 1 (v = {e V [2c1>(J2;;)-I]}
H2(V) =[ e v -1 ]
y(;,v)= [e-tt(m-2)/2dt;
and covariance matrix C. Imbuing BO with the robust prior 7Tk(BO) (with
p replaced by k, f.1 replaced by d, A replaced by C, and ~ replaced by
B~BI), Lemma 3 (with x then replaced by Bx) yields the posterior mean,
f.11T k(Bx), and covariance matrix, V 1Tk(Bx), for BO. Thus the posterior mean
and covariance matrix for PO = HBO are, respectively,
where h is the density of S2 and m(x, S2) is the joint marginal density of
X and S2. Note that
where 7T;(Olx, 0'2) is the posterior distribution of 0 given x and 0'2, while
m(xI0'2) is the marginal density of x given 0'2.
The approximation that will be made consists of (i) replacing m(xI0'2)
by m(xI8 2 ), where 8 2 = s2/(m +2), and (ii) replacing 7T;(0Ix,0'2) by a
normal distribution (to be denoted!(O» with mean f.1 *(x, S2) and covariance
matrix (0'2/8 2)V*(x, S2). These approximations will be discussed after the
derivation is complete. Using these approximations in (A2.2) and hence
(A2.1), and defining
k( 2) = m(xI8 2)
x, S
m (x,s
566 Appendix 2. Supplement to Chapter 4
X exp { - 2: 2} u -2 du 2
= k*(x, S2) fOO u-(m+ p+2) exp {_ S22 [1 + 22.(0, x, S2)] }du2.
o 2u m +2
Making the change of variables
22.(0, x, S2)]
z = -S2 [ 1 + .-.:.---:..-..:...--~
2u 2 m +2
results in the expression
A 2 _ * 2 fOO [2(m+ p)/2][z(m+ p-2)/2]e- Z
7Tp (Olx,s )-k (X,s) 0 s(m+ p)[1 +22.(0, x, s2)/(m+2)](m+ p)/2 dz.
Noting that J~ z(m+ p -2)/2 e -z dz = r([m + p]/2), and defining k(x, S2) as
k*(x, S2) multiplied by all new factors not involving 0 above, we finally have
A 2 k(x, s )
7Tp(O x, S ) = [1 + 22.(0, x, s2)/(m + 2)](m+ p)/2'
A)-l(X - fJ.). It can be seen that all terms in m(x\0'2), fJ.1Tp(X), and V1Tp(x)
are of this type, except for a multiple, I, of V1Tp(x). This multiple cannot
be approximated without significantly altering the distribution, so it is left
as is, introducing the factor 0'2 in the approximation to the covariance
matrix. The replacing of 7T;(9\x, 0'2) by a normal distribution with the same
approximate mean and covariance matrix is the same type of approximation
used to good effect previously.
Technical Arguments from Chapter 7
1 {n
2u(27Tn)1/2 exP -2u2(y-8)2 dy
- f K(n) (
n ) 1/2(y - 8)2)
{n 2}
2u2 exp - 2u2 (y - 8) dy.
f K(n)
-00 (y - 8)
{n }
exp - 2u 2 (y - 8)2 dy
{ n
=(y-8)exp --2(y-8)2
}IK(n) fK(n)
exp --2(y-8)2 dy
2u 2u
-00 -00
{ n
=(K(n)-8)exp --2(K(n)-8)2 - } K(n) {n }
exp --2(y-8)2 dy.
2u -00 2u
II. Verification of Formula (7.10) 569
d PeeXn < K(n» = ( - -n2) 1/2 exp { - - n2 (K(n) - 0)2 } K'(n)
n 27T(1" 2(1"
+ f
K(n) 1 {n
2(1"(27Tn)I/2 ex P -2(1"2(y-O)2 dy
+ 2(1" (1
)1/2 [(K(n) - o)exp { - - ; (K(n) -
- f
K(n) {n }]
exp - 2(1"2 (y - 0)2 dy
x[nK'(n)+HK(n)- 0)].
Assuming that differentiation under the integral sign is valid in (7.7), it
follows from the above result that
- J~
r L(O, al)(27Tn(1"2)-1/2 exp {--;
(K(n) - O?}
f oo W(IO - 80 Dexp { _ _
1 [0 - ILn(K(n))f} dO
eo 2Pn
= 0
W(IO - Ool)exp { __1_ [0 - ILn(K (n
))]2} dO.
570 Appendix 3. Technical Arguments from Chapter 7
2 W(I(J-(Jol)((J-(Jo)1T n((JIK(n»d(J
n- oo
W(I(J-(Jol)((J-(Jo)1T n((JIK(n»d(J ]
Recalling that
U2 ) ] -1/2
mn(K(n))= [ 21T ( 1'2+-;;-
exp -2(1' 2+u2/n)(K(n)-J.L)2,
r ::2r
and noting from (A3.4) that
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Notation and Abbreviations
The symbols listed here are those used throughout the book. Symbols specific
to a given chapter are, for the most part, not listed. This glossary is for
reference only, in that virtually all symbols are also explained when first
used in the book. A page number after an entry indicates where in the book
a more extensive explanation can be found.
Mathematical Notation
R\ R2, RP: the line, the plane, p-dimensional Euclidean space.
y, A: bold-faced letters are column vectors or matrices. The (i,j)th element
of a matrix A will be denoted A ij•
y', A': the "t" denotes transpose.
A-I, det A, tr A: the inverse, determinant, and trace of a matrix A.
Ip: the (p x p) identity matrix.
1,0: the vectors of all ones and zeros, respectively.
Iyl: the Euclidean norm of yE RP (absolute value if y ERI). Thus
=(L:=I y;)1/2.
(a, b), [a, b], (a, b], [a, b): the open interval from a to b, the closed interval,
and half-open intervals.
{a, b}: the set consisting of the elements a and b.
B C, B:
the complement and closure of the set B.
IB(Y): the indicator function on the set B (equals one if Y E B and zero
g'(y), g"(y): the first and second derivatives of the function g.
600 Notation and Abbreviations
lim IXn -
xol = O.
#: the number of.
f( a ): the gamma function.
Probabilistic Notation
Statistical Notation
f3</>( 0) or f3( 0): the power function of a test; i.e., the probability of rejecting
the null hypothesis when 0 is the parameter value.
ao( <p) or ao, a I (<p) or a I: the probabilities of Type I and Type II errors,
respectively, for testing Ho: 0 = 00 versus HI: 0 = 01 • Thus ao = f3( ( 0 )
and a l = 1- f3( ( 1 ).
i: the sample mean; i.e., i = lin L~=I Xi.
1(0): the likelihood function (i.e., 1(0) =/(xIO» (p. 27).
17"( 0): the prior density for 0 (pp. 3, 4).
m(xl17") or m(x): the marginal density of X (p. 95).
17"(Olx): the posterior distribution of 0 given X (p. 126).
IL"'(X), V"'(x): posterior mean and variance (p. 136).
C or C(x): a confidence or credible set for 0 (pp. 140,414).
J( 0): expected Fisher information (pp. 88, 224).
i(x): observed (or conditional) Fisher information (p. 224).
Aitchison, J. 67, 158, 169 168, 169, 178, 183, 195, 197-199,
Aitkin, M. 26 203,205-207,211,215,217, 220,
Akaike, H. 89 221, 226-228, 233, 237, 240, 242-
Alam, K. 369 244,247,258,266,268,361-370,
Albert, J. H. 169, 218 503, 506, 509, 510, 542, 543, 549,
Allais, M. 50 550, 552, 554
Alpert, M. 82 Berger, R. 217,278
Alvo, M. 481 Berk, R. H. 545
Amster, S. J. 457 Berkson, J. 22
Anscombe, F. J. 228, 503 Berliner, L. M. 98, 99, 169, 178, 203,
Antoniak, C. E. 107, 183 205,207,211,213,215,217,221,
Armitage, P. 507 233, 364, 369, 554
Arnold, S. F. 369 Bermudez, J. D. 277
Arrow, K. J. 281, 444 Bernardo, J. M. 66,89,90,94, 110,
Atchison, T. A. 169 231, 277
Berry, D. 107, 183, 435, 481
Bacharach, M. 281 Bhattacharya, P. K. 366
Bahadur, R. R. 489, 506 Bibby, J. 369
Balder, E. J. 523, 537 Bickel, P. J. 217,221,222,353,477,
Baranchik, A. J. 369 479,480
Barlow, R. E. 277, 510 Birnbaum, A. 23,31,32,37,503,539
Barnard, G. A. 26,31,503 Bishop, Y. 169, 183
Barndorff-Nielsen, O. 572 Blackwell, D. 41, 260, 327, 346, 355,
Barnett, V. 26, 76 379,380,384,422,444
Bartholomew, D. J. 503 Blum, J. R. 215
Basu, D. 31,32,33, 503, 507 Blyth, C. R. 547, 548
Bayes, T. 3, 89, 96, 116, 129 Bock, M. E. 369
Bechhofer, R. E. 541 Bondar, J. V. 259,420
Becker, G. M. 53 Bordley, R. F. 277
Berger, J. 15,24,26,27, 29, 31-33, Borel, E. 310
35,37,66,90,98,99,110,113, Box, G. E. P. 35, 89, 110, 119, 124,
120, 124, 126, 148, 151-154, 156, 133, 183, 201, 203, 249
604 Author Index
Bayes m-inner truncated procedure 460 for estimating Poisson means 553
as approximation to Bayes for estimation in the exponential
procedure 461 family 541
Bayes m-truncated procedure 449 for finite parameter space
as approximation to Bayes Bayes rules 337, 523
procedure 454, 455, 459, 461 lower boundary of the risk set
as exact Bayes procedure 454, 455 335, 523
for sequential sample 451 testing simple hypotheses 524
possible nonexistence of 459 for multivariate testing of a point
Bayes risk 11, 159 null hypothesis 539
concavity of 483 for one-sided sequential testing 540
of sequential procedures 445 for one-sided testing 527, 530
with sampling cost 435 generalized Bayes rules 541, 552,
Bayes risk principle 17 553
Bayes's theorem 129 limits of Bayes rules 537, 546, 547
Best invariant decision rule 397, 409 monotone decision rules 547
Binomial probability 562 nonrandomized decision rules 40,
conjugate prior for 287 523, 541
estimators of two-sided tests 538
invariant 394, 401 Compound decision theory 96, 172
minimax 353, 375 Concave function 39, 45
sequential Bayes 454, 457 Conditional Bayes principle 16
likelihood function for 28 Conditional perspective 24, 29, 33, 44,
noninformative prior for 89 124, 160, 214, 502, 506
testing simple hypotheses Confidence level 414
minimax 355 Confidence principle 23, 215
sequential Bayes 451, 456, 462 Confidence rules or sets 414, see also
SPRT 495, 518 Credible sets
Bounded from below 336, 355 invariant 414, 416, 417
lack of final precision 24
loss functions for 65
size of 41, 415, 416
Cauchy distribution 560 Conjugate prior, see Prior distribution
Bayesian inference 141 Convex combination 38
location parameter 83 Convex function 38, 39, 45
Censoring 30 Convex hull 38
Chi-square distribution 560 Convex set 38
confidence intervals 417 Credible sets 140
conjugate prior for 287 coincidence with confidence sets
Classification problems 165, 357 141, 414
Closed from below 336, 355 highest posterior density (HPD)
Coherency 120,259 140, 418
Colonel Blotto problem 15 lack of invariance of HPD 144
Combining evidence 272 loss functions for 167
decision-theoretic 277 multivariate 143, 189
Complete and essentially complete size of 140, 415, 430
classes 521 S-optimal 145, 291
admissible rules 522
Bayes rules 337, 523, 546
decision rules based on a sufficient
statistic 36, 522 Decision rule 9, 12
decision rules with continuous risk Bayes 17, 159
functions 545 Bayes sequential procedure 444
for estimating normal means 552 invariant 395
Subject Index 611