TRV Sample Wording Schedule
TRV Sample Wording Schedule
TRV Sample Wording Schedule
1. Policy Number:
2. Insured:
From ,
3. Period of
To both days inclusive
8. Law and Jurisdiction: This Contract of Insurance shall be governed by English Law
and the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any
matter relating to this Contract of Insurance.
9. Premium:
Claims Procedure
If you wish to make a claim, please contact the broker who arranged your Insurance quoting the
Policy Number specified in the Schedule. Complaints Procedure
Our promise to you:
In order to provide our insurance services, we (Travelers Syndicate Management Limited acting
as a Data Controller) will collect certain personal information about you. The type of information
that we collect will depend on our relationship with you. For example, you may be a Travelers
policyholder, prospective policyholder or a third party making a claim under a Travelers insurance
If you provide us with personal information about a third party, you should share this notice with
We will also collect different types of information depending upon the kind of insurance cover we
are being asked to provide or the kind of claim we are being asked to assess or pay.
Some of the information we collect may be classified as 'special category data', which is data that
may contain information about physical or mental health, religious beliefs and criminal and
disciplinary offences (including convictions).
Where relevant, we will share your information with other companies in the Travelers group, third parties such as
claims handlers, loss adjusters, other insurers and reinsurers, fraud prevention agencies, service companies
associated with our products, or as required by law (including providing the information to government or regulatory
authorities). This may involve the transfer of your information to countries inside and outside the European Economic
We may also use your personal information for marketing purposes, but only in accordance with your marketing
For more information about how we process your data and the rights you have, please click:
The Insured having made to Underwriters an Application containing particulars and statements and in consideration
of payment of the premium, Underwriters will provide insurance in accordance with this Contract of Insurance during
the Period of Insurance (or during any subsequent Contract of Insurance agreed between Underwriters and the
Insured for which the Insured may make a further Application and for which Underwriters may accept payment)
subject to the terms contained herein or endorsed hereon.
The Contract of Insurance, Schedule(s) and any endorsements shall be read as one contract and any word or
expression to which a specific meaning has been attached in any part of the Contract of Insurance, its endorsement(s)
(if any) or the Schedule(s) shall bear the same meaning wherever it may appear.
In the event of any inconsistency between the Application and the Contract of Insurance the terms of the Contract of
Insurance will prevail.
In the event of any inconsistency between the Schedule and the Contract of Insurance the terms of the Schedule will
prevail, it being understood that Underwriters' liability under this Contract of Insurance shall not exceed the benefits
as stated in the Schedule and shall apply only to those coverages for which a benefit is shown.
Any general or specific reference to statute(s) or statutory provisions shall be construed as including a reference to
any statutory modification, consolidation or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force and to include any
byelaws, statutory instruments, rules, regulations, orders, notices, directions, consents or permissions made
thereunder and any conditions attaching thereto.
Certain words in this Contract of Insurance are printed in bold. Those words have special meaning and are defined in
the Definitions section of the Contract of Insurance and have the meaning defined in that section.
1. The singular includes the plural, and vice versa and the possessive;
4. Headings and notes are for information purposes only and are not to be construed as part of the
Contract of Insurance.
In consideration of the payment of the premium, Underwriters will pay to the Insured Person the benefits stated in
the Schedule in the event of Loss of Licence(s) / Certificate(s) held by the Insured Person as a result of Bodily Injury or
Illness leading to Long Term Disability or Temporary Total Disability.
Underwriters will pay to the Insured Person the benefit stated in the Schedule in the event of Loss of
Licence(s) / Certificate(s) held by the Insured Person resulting from a Long Term Disability.
In the event the relevant licence issuing authority does not permanently revoke the Licence(s) I Certificate(s) held by
the Insured Person or issue a long term unfitness assessment within 24 (twenty four) months from the Date of Loss,
Underwriters will review all the medical evidence available and may pay the benefit stated in the Schedule if, in the
opinion of the Underwriters' medical adviser, the Insured Person is unlikely to obtain restoration of their Licence(s) /
Certificate(s) within 36 months from the date of settlement of the claim.
In the event of the Licence(s) I Certificate(s) being restored within 18 months from the date of settlement of the
claim, Underwriters may require the Insured to repay to Underwriters a pro-rata proportion of the benefit paid.
Benefit payment is subject to the Excess Period stated in the Schedule.
Temporary Total Disability
Underwriters will pay to the Insured Person the benefit stated in the Schedule in the event of Temporary
Total Disability.
Benefit payment is subject to:
3. Proof of the continuance of disability evidenced by regular attendance and treatment by a Medical
a. When the Insured Person is able to engage in the Insured Person's regular occupation and perform the
normal duties thereof or upon the restoration of the Licence(s) I Certificate(s) by the relevant licence issuing
authority whichever shall occur first, whether or not the Insured Person chooses to return to normal duties;
b. Upon issuance of a long term unfitness assessment or permanent revocation of the Licence(s) / Certificate(s)
by the relevant licence issuing authority; or
The monthly benefit payable shall not exceed 75% (seventy five percent) of the Insured Person's net monthly income
(defined as earnings accruing solely from all Licence(s) / Certificate(s) held by the Insured Person) which are lost in
consequence of the Temporary Total Disability.
The payment of benefits accruing from all Licence(s) / Certificate(s) held by the Insured Person shall be apportioned
pro-rata, as to time, and be payable from 30 (thirty) days subsequent to the benefit due date.
All benefits paid or due to an Insured Person for Temporary Total Disability will be deducted from the
Maximum Sum Insured payable to such Insured Person for Long Term Disability.
Accident A sudden, violent, unforeseen, external and visible event which occurs at an identifiable time and
place during the Period of Insurance. An Accident shall also include exposure of the Insured Person
to the elements resulting from a mishap to a conveyance in which the Insured Person is travelling.
Actively At The Insured Person is in good health and is not only present at the Insured Person's place of work
Work but is mentally and physically capable of carrying out the Insured Person's normal regular duties
associated with the job for which the Insured Person is employed and in the capacity for which the
Licence(s) I Certificate(s) is held.
The signed proposal form plus any attachments. All such proposal forms and attachments are
deemed to be attached to, incorporated into and form part of this Contract of Insurance.
The date from which the Insured Person is added to the Contract of Insurance stated in
Attachment the Schedule of Insured Persons.
An identifiable physical injury which is caused by an Accident and solely and independently of any
other cause, except Illness directly resulting from, or medical or surgical treatment rendered
Bodily Injury necessary by such injury, which occasions the Long Term Disability or Temporary Total Disability of
the Insured Person.
Classified An Illness which is directly or indirectly caused by alcohol or drugs or both.
The Schedule, the Schedule of Insured Persons, Coverage, Definitions, Conditions, Exclusions, any
Contract of endorsements hereto, and the Application.
Bodily Injury
Date of Loss The first day that the Insured Person is prevented from acting in the capacity for which a
Licence(s) / Certificate(s) is held as a direct result of Bodily Injury. Such prevention must be
evidenced by Underwriters' receipt within 30 (thirty) days of the date of loss of a permanent
revocation or temporary unfitness assessment issued by the relevant licence issuing
2. Illness
The first day that the Insured Person is suspended from active duty consequent upon the
issuance of a temporary suspension or issuance of a long term unfitness assessment or
permanent revocation of the Licence(s) I Certificate(s) held by the Insured Person.
Suspension must be evidenced by the receipt by Underwriters within 28 (twenty eight) days
of issuance of a temporary suspension, long term unfitness assessment or permanent
revocation issued by the relevant licence issuing authority, failing which, the date of loss shall
not be deemed to be earlier than the date of receipt by Underwriters of the same.
The period starting from the Date of Loss until the expiry of the number of days stated in the
Excess Period Schedule. No benefit is payable in respect of the Excess Period.
Any sickness or disease (not falling within the definition of Bodily Injury) which occasions
Illness the Long Term Disability or Temporary Total Disability of the Insured Person.
The entity stated in the Schedule.
Insured Person An employee of the Insured stated in the Schedule of Insured Persons.
Licence(s) I
Certificate(s) All aviation licence(s) / certificate(s) issued by the relevant licence issuing authority and held by the
Insured Person in connection with the Insured Person's occupation.
Long Term
Disability The Insured Person is prevented from acting in the capacity for which the Insured Person holds a
long term unfitness assessment being issued by the relevant licence issuing authority as a result of
Bodily Injury or Illness, within 24 (twenty four) months from the Date of Loss.
Loss of
Licence(s) I
Certificate(s) Absolute prevention by the relevant licence issuing authority, as a direct result of Bodily Injury or
Illness, from acting in the capacity for which a Licence(s) I Certificate(s) is held.
Period The period starting from the expiry of the Excess Period and ending after the Maximum Benefit
Period stated in the Schedule.
Maximum Sum
Insured The amount payable by Underwriters in the event of the Loss of Licence(s) / Certificate(s) stated in
the Schedule of Insured Persons. Payment will be dependent upon earnings accruing solely from all
Licence(s) / Certificate(s) held by the Insured Person.
Practitioner A registered, qualified, practising member of the medical profession who is not connected with the
Insured and who is not acquainted with or related to the Insured Person.
Period of
Insurance The dates and time for which this Contract of Insurance is in force stated in the Schedule.
Condition(s) 1. Pre-existing physical condition(s)
For the purpose of this definition a physical impairment, defect, degenerative process or
infirmity exists before the Attachment Date if it has been diagnosed by a Medical Practitioner
before the said Attachment Date or in the event that it has not been diagnosed then in the
opinion of a Medical Practitioner the Insured Person could reasonably have been expected
to be aware of its existence at the Attachment Date of the relevant Insured Person.
2. Pre-existing Psychological or Psychiatric Disorder(s)
Any Psychological or Psychiatric Disorder(s) known to exist at the Attachment Date stated in
the Schedule of Insured Persons for which the Insured Person has sought advice, treatment
or counselling or that has been diagnosed by a Medical Practitioner or other appropriately
qualified practitioner.
Period Exclusion The period stated in the Schedule immediately before the Attachment Date during which
time any Pre-Existing Condition(s) existed.
No benefit shall be payable under the Contract of Insurance as a result of any Pre-Existing
Condition(s) occurring during this exclusion period.
Psychological or
Disorder(s) Any disorder(s) diagnosed by a medically or other appropriately qualified practitioner and which is
included in the internationally-recognised classification system DSM-IV (the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, 1994). Such a diagnosis shall imply
severe and lasting impairment in personal performance as indicated by at least one of the
4. D eterioration or decomposition in work settings;
Recurrent and
Disability A recurrent disability shall be one where the Insured Person, having exceeded the Excess Period stated in
the Schedule and receiving monthly benefit under this Contract of Insurance, recovers sufficiently
to have their Licence(s) I Certificate(s) reinstated and subsequently suffers a recurrence of
Temporary Total Disability which is directly attributable to the original cause(s) and which occurs
during the Period of Insurance.
The Insured Person is deemed to have made a recovery when the Insured Person is able to engage
in the Insured Person's regular occupation and perform the predominant duties thereof, whether
or not the Insured Person chooses to return to predominant duties.
If the period of recovery shall be continuous for 6 (six) months or more, the recurrent disability
shall be subject to a new Excess Period. If the period of recovery is less than 6 (six) months no
Excess Period will be imposed.
If the Insured Person suffers a subsequent Temporary Total Disability and such subsequent
disability is entirely unrelated to the cause of any prior disability, then this disability will be
considered as a separate loss and subject to a new Excess Period in accordance with the terms and
conditions of this Contract of Insurance.
With regard to any such recurrent or subsequent disability as insured, Underwriters will pay the
monthly benefit only for the unused portion of the Maximum Sum Insured not previously
exhausted by payment of monthly benefit due to any prior disability or disabilities.
Temporary Total
Disability The Insured Person is temporarily entirely prevented from acting in the capacity for which the
Insured Person holds a Licence(s) I Certificate(s) due to the Licence(s) I Certificate(s) being
temporarily suspended by the relevant licence issuing authority as a result of Bodily Injury or Illness
necessitating treatment by a Medical Practitioner and which completely and continuously prevents
the Insured Person from acting in the capacity for which the Insured Person holds a Licence(s) I
Temporary Total Disability also includes any period of self-suspension if evidenced by
Underwriters' receipt within 30 (thirty) days of the Date of Loss of a temporarily unfit assessment
issued by the relevant licence issuing authority.
If the Insured Person does not satisfy this condition, then cover will not be provided until the
Insured Person has returned to work and completed 2 (two) months continuous and active service.
Additions and The Insured must notify Underwriters of the date from which eligible employees are added to or
deleted from this Contract of Insurance during the Period of Insurance. Attachment of cover is
Deletions automatic for Actively At Work employees added to this Contract of Insurance during the Period of
Cancellation Insurance however the Insured must notify Underwriters of such new employees by the first
applicable date stated in the attached Schedule.
If the Insured fails to notify Underwriters of such new employees by the first applicable date stated
in the attached Schedule, Underwriters will only insure those employees stated in the Schedule of
Insured Persons as agreed by Underwriters.
Any new employee will be subject to the Insured paying an additional premium as agreed by
Underwriters. Underwriters will also adjust the Insured's premium in consideration of those
employees leaving this Contract of Insurance.
The Insured may cancel this Contract of Insurance at any time by writing to Underwriters
or the broker stated in the Schedule. If none of the Insured Persons have made a claim,
Underwriters will return any premium for the remaining Period of Insurance.
2. Sending 30 (thirty) days notice in writing by registered post or recorded delivery to the Insured
Claims and / or the Insured's representative in the event the premium has not been paid by the due
date shown in the Schedule. If the Insured pays the premium by instalments and an
Procedures instalment remains unpaid after 14 (fourteen) days, Underwriters will have the option to
cancel this Contract of Insurance from the date the last instalment was due.
The Insured must tell Underwriters as soon as reasonably practicable of any change in
circumstances during the Period of Insurance which may materially affect this Contract of
Insurance. A material fact or circumstance is one which might affect Underwriters' decision to
provide insurance or the conditions for accepting that insurance. Underwriters may then change
the terms and conditions of this Contract of Insurance.
Notice must be given to Underwriters as soon as reasonably practicable of any Bodily Injury or
Illness which causes or may cause a claim within the meaning of this Contract of Insurance, and the
Insured Person must as early as possible seek the attention of a Medical Practitioner.
Unless Underwriters and the Insured have agreed otherwise, Underwriters will pay the
benefits described in the Contract of Insurance directly to the Insured Person.
If the Insured fails to make any premium payment due to Underwriters, Underwriters' liability to
pay claims will be suspended until payment of all outstanding premium is received in full by
ii. Obtain information from and seek the opinion of the principal medical officer of the Civil
Aviation Authority or any other competent authority or its successors (or other
appropriate medical officer appointed for the purpose) as to whether the Insured
Person is unlikely to obtain a restoration of the Licence(s) / Certificate(s). If the opinion
is that the Insured Person is unlikely to obtain such restoration, Underwriters will
accept that opinion as evidence in the Insured Person's favour.
c. Sign all authorisations required by Underwriters for the purposes described above and on
written demand by Underwriters make a statutory declaration as to any facts relating to
the claim and complete Underwriters' standard claim questionnaire;
d. Notify Underwriters immediately if any action against a third party relating to the
Licence(s) I Certificate(s) is planned or contemplated; and
e. Notify Underwriters immediately upon becoming aware of any investigation, court of
enquiry or similar proceedings likely to affect this Contract of Insurance and give all
possible assistance and information to lawyers appointed by Underwriters as they may
reasonably require.
2. Underwriters shall not be obliged to settle a Long Term Disability claim under this
Contract of Insurance until the Excess Period has expired and all enquiries have been
completed by Underwriters. No claim shall be payable if the Insured Person dies within
the Excess Period.
Dangerous If the Insured Person shall engage in any sport, pastime or other activity in which materially greater
risk may be incurred by Underwriters than previously disclosed in connection with this Contract of
Activities Insurance without first notifying Underwriters and obtaining their written agreement to the
inclusion under this Contract of Insurance (subject to the payment of any additional premium as
Underwriters may reasonably require as the consideration for such agreement), then no claim shall
be payable in respect of any Bodily Injury or Illness arising from such activity.
Duty of The information the Insured or Insured Person has given Underwriters is important as Underwriters
use this in setting the terms and premium for the Contract of Insurance. The Insured or Insured
Person must take care when answering any questions Underwriters ask by ensuring that all
information provided is accurate and complete.
If Underwriters establish that the Insured or Insured Person deliberately or recklessly provided
false or misleading information, Underwriters will treat this Contract of Insurance as if it never
existed and decline all claims.
treat this Contract of Insurance as if it had never existed and refuse to pay all claims and return
the premium paid. Underwriters will only do this if Underwriters provided the Insured or
Insured Person with insurance cover which Underwriters would not otherwise have offered;
amend the terms of the Contract of Insurance. Underwriters may apply these amended
terms as if they were already in place if a claim has been adversely impacted by the Insured's or
Insured Person's carelessness; or charge the Insured or Insured Person more for the Contract of
Insurance or reduce the amount Underwriters pay on a claim in the proportion the premium paid
bears to the premium Underwriters would have charged; or cancel the Contract of Insurance in
accordance with the "Cancellation" provision stated in the "Conditions" section.
Underwriters or the broker who arranged this Contract of Insurance will write to the
Insured or Insured Person if Underwriters:
intend to treat this Contract of Insurance as if it never existed; or need to amend the
terms of the Contract of Insurance; or require the Insured or Insured Person to pay more for the
Contract of Insurance; or charge the Insured or Insured Person more for the Contract of Insurance
or reduce the amount Underwriters pay on a claim in the proportion the premium paid bears to the
premium Underwriters would have charged; or
cancel the Contract of Insurance in accordance with the "Cancellation" provision stated in
the "Conditions" section.
Claims This Contract of Insurance is void if the Insured or any of the Insured's representatives commit
fraud or attempts to do so in connection with any claim under this Contract of Insurance.
If the Insured Person commits fraud or attempts to do so in connection with any claim under this
Contract of Insurance, coverage under this Contract of Insurance is void in respect of that Insured
Person only.
Law and
Jurisdiction This Contract of Insurance will be subject to the exclusive law and jurisdiction stated in the
Accumulation The total sum payable under this Contract of Insurance in respect of any one or more claims shall
not exceed in all the largest benefit under any one of the benefits stated in the Schedule for each
Insured Person.
of any
Inaccuracies If the Insured or Insured Person become aware that information the Insured or Insured
has given Underwriters is inaccurate, the Insured or Insured Person must inform Underwriters or
the Broker or other Intermediary who arranged this Contract of Insurance as soon as practicable.
When Underwriters are notified that information the Insured or Insured Person previously provided
is inaccurate Underwriters will tell the Insured or Insured Person if this affects the Contract of
Insurance. For example, Underwriters may amend the terms of the Contract of Insurance or require
the Insured or Insured Person to pay more for the Contract of Insurance or cancel the Contract of
Insurance in accordance with the "Cancellation" provision stated in the "Conditions" section.
If the Insured or Insured Person fails to notify Underwriters that information the Insured or Insured
Person have provided is inaccurate this Contract of Insurance may become invalid and Underwriters
may not pay the Insured's or Insured Person's claim or any payment could be reduced.
Rights of Third
Parties Underwriters, the Insured and the Insured Persons are the only parties to this insurance. Nothing in this
Contract of Insurance is intended to give any person any right to enforce any term of this Contract
of Insurance which that person would not have had but for the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties)
Act 1999 or any other applicable law.
Sanctions Underwriters shall not be deemed to provide cover and Underwriters shall not be liable to pay any
claim or provide any benefit hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of
such claim or provision of such benefit would expose Underwriters to any sanction, prohibition or
restriction under United Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or
regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom or United States of America.
Termination The Insured Person's coverage under this Contract of Insurance will terminate and cease
to have effect upon:
1 . Payment of Long Term Disability benefit;
2. The Insured Person attaining the age of 65 (sixty-five) years; or
3. The Insured Person ceasing to be gainfully employed in the capacity for which the Insured
Person holds the Licence(s) I Certificates(s).
4. The death of the Insured Person.
Underwriters will not make any payment for any claim caused by or contributed to directly or indirectly due to:
2. The Insured Person's suicide or attempted suicide or intentional self-injury or any assault provoked by the
Insured Person;
4. Bodily Injury resulting from the Insured Person being under the influence of any substance including alcohol
or drugs or both;
5. The Insured Person undertaking active duty with the Armed Forces of any country other than part-time
noncombatant duties;
6. Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV), Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), AIDS Related Complex
(ARC) or any virus, complex or syndrome that is related to the foregoing or any sexually transmitted disease
howsoever these may have been acquired or may be named;
8. The Insured Person's deliberate exposure to exceptional danger (except in an attempt to save human life or
in self-defence);
9. Loss of Licence(s) / Certificate(s) which occurs as a result of changes in the medical standards imposed by the
relevant licence issuing authority or any other competent authority including government during the Period
of Insurance;
10. Any Pre-Existing Condition(s) unless declared to and specifically agreed by Underwriters in writing;
1 1 . Pregnancy or childbirth unless the loss of, suspension or revocation of the Licence(s) I Certificate(s) is as a direct
consequence of complications arising therefrom; or
1 2. Explosions of war weapons,
1 3. Utilisation of Nuclear, Chemical or Biological weapons of mass destruction howsoever these may be distributed
or combined,
14. Murder or Assault subsequently proved beyond reasonable doubt to have been the act of agents of a state
foreign to the nationality of the Insured Person whether war be declared with that state or not, 1 5. Terrorist
a. Terrorist activity means an act, or acts, of any person, or group(s) of persons, committed for political, religious,
ideological or similar purposes with the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any
section of the public, in fear. Terrorist activity can include, but not be limited to, the actual use of force or
violence and/or the threat of such use. Furthermore, the perpetrators of terrorist activity can either be acting
alone, or on behalf of, or in connection with any organisation(s) or governments(s).
b. Utilisation of Nuclear weapons of mass destruction means the use of any explosive nuclear weapon or device or
the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of fissile material emitting a level of radioactivity capable
of causing incapacitating disablement or death amongst people or animals.
c. Utilisation of Chemical weapons of mass destruction means the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or
escape of any solid, liquid or gaseous chemical compound which, when suitably distributed, is capable of
causing incapacitating disablement or death amongst people or animals.
d. Utilisation of Biological weapons of mass destruction means the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or
escape of any pathogenic (disease producing) micro-organism(s) and/or biologically produced toxin(s) (including
genetically modified organisms and chemically synthesised toxins) which are capable of causing incapacitating
disablement or death amongst people or animals.
Also excluded hereon is any loss or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly arising out of, contributed to,
caused by, resulting from, or in connection with any action taken in controlling, preventing, or suppressing any, or
all, of (1) to (15) above.
In the event any portion of this exclusion is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder shall remain in full
force and effect.