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Compendio GRAMMAR Primero

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Write the days of the week that are missing. Use the Word Bank.

Wednesday • Sunday • Friday

Monday • Tuesday

Thursday Saturday

Circle the month of the year that answers each question.

1. What month comes after March? April August

2. What is the first month of the year? January November

3. What is the last month of the year? July December

Number the words 1-5 to put them in alphabetical order.

paper crayons book airplane ice cream

Match each number to its number word.

3 eight 1 seven

6 three 9 nine

8 six 7 one
Circle the weather that illustrates each image.

1 2

windy / cloudy rainy / sunny

3 4

windy / cloudy rainy / sunny

Circle the nouns: red - people, yellow - things, green - places, blue - animals.
Circle the pronoun that completes each sentence. Circle the verb in each sentence.

1. He / She / I is my father. 1. The boys talk loudly.

2. He / She / You is my mother. 2. He walks home every day.

3. I / He / It is my puppy. 3. They count fast.

4. We / She / I are in first grade. 4. She likes ice cream.

5. I / He / You am a good student. 5. We read in class.

6. It / He / They run in the playground.

Write the number that corresponds to each family member.

1. mother

2. father

3. grandfather

4. grandmother

5. sister

6. brother

Match the columns accordingly.

1. There are twelve of these in a year. days of the week

2. Specials days of celebration months of the year

3. Sunday, Tuesday, and, Friday holidays

Write the words in their plural form.

1. seed 3. mask

2. kid 4. chair

Write a, an, or the before each word.

1. igloo 3. chairs

2. octopus 4. box

Write the past tense of each verb. Add -d or -ed to the end.

1. taste 4. touch

2. listen 5. walk

3. love 6. chase

Circle the correct form of the verb to be (am, is, are).

1. She am / is / are my teacher.

2. They am / is / are playing.

3. You am / is / are beautiful.

4. I am / is / are happy.

Circle the adjectives.

computer cold boy tall fork

read green swim thin pencil school

Underline the adjective + noun in each sentence.

1.What an ugly spider!

2.What a colorful rainbow!

Complete the sentence using the correct adverbs (here, there). Look at the arrows.

1. You can leave your things over .

2. We will wait for you .

Choose the correct demonstrative adjective in parentheses. Write it in the box to

complete each sentence.

books are new. (those/that)

chair is too small. (this/these)

toys are fun. (these/this)

water tastes awful. (those/that)

Write the number that corresponds to each face and body part.

1. ear 6. foot
2. neck 7. knee
3. finger 8. eye
4. hand 9. nose
5. head 10. teeth

Rewrite each sentence. Add the expression “Let’s” where it corresponds.

1. go to the movies.

2. play outside.

Read the words. Circle the words that should start with a capital letter. Write them in the
boxes below.

tree christmas sunday book boy

teacher february nest giraffe susy legs
picnic december paris fireman mouse
Circle the proper nouns in each sentence.

1. During the summer, we are going to Hawaii to visit my grandma Carolina.

2. We are moving to the United States in July.

3. My dog Blackie, has been lost since Sunday.

Toys are also nouns. Underline them in the sentences below.

1. You need a ball to play soccer.

2. My mother bought me a book, a robot, and a new backpack.

3. She is playing dolls with her sister.

Match the sentence to the possessive adjective that best completes it.

1. I am a student. This is _____________ school. his

2. Kate and Johnny play baseball. This is _____________ bat. my

3. Mike lives here. This is _____________ house. their

Add -ed or -d to write the past tense form of each verb.

1. climb 2. love

3. bake 4. show

Complete the sentences using the adverbs of degree very, really, or too.

1. I didn’t like the food.

2. She needs a different size. This is small.

3. My teacher is pretty.

1. Can he eat tuna? (affirmative)

2. Can they stay at your house? (negative)

3. Can she play with me? (affirmative)

Draw a line to the things you like or dislike.

Draw the shapes in each box.

1. square 2. circle 3. rectangle 4. oval 5. triangle

Draw the correct time for each clock.

12 12 12
11 1 11 1 11 1
10 2 10 2 10 2

9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 5 7 5 7 5
6 6 6

4 o’ clock 6 o’ clock 10 o’ clock

Match the nouns to their irregular form on the right.

1. child a) policemen
2. mouse b) mice
3. woman c) brushes
4. policeman d) peaches
5. brush e) children
6. peach f) women

Write the preposition of place for each image.

under • in front of • between • behind • on • in

Circle the present progressive verbs.

1. enjoyed / enjoying 2. eats / eating 3. teaching /teaches

Write the verb in parentheses in negative progressive form.

1. The students the movie. (watch)

2. She to the teacher. (listen)

Read each sentence. Rewrite each one to ask a question.

1. They are listening carefully to the instructions.

2. It is on top of the tree.

Add the missing capital letters and punctuation marks (.), (?), (!).

1. mario and Luis play soccer in the same team

2. Are you going to cancun in september
3. Surprise

Write have or has to complete each sentence.

1. Mark a cat and a dog.

2. They three cars.

Write the number that corresponds to each clothing item.

1. jacket 5. dress
2. pants 6. shoes
3. shorts 7. socks
4. skirt 8. shirt

Look at the picture. Answer the questions using short answers.

1. Is he surprised?

2. Is she happy?
Write the expressions Me too! and So do I! to agree.

I like to read. 1. 2.

Match the word to its synonym. (3 points)

1. large a. see
2. afraid b. big
3. look c. scared

Circle the antonyms of the following words.

1. day 2. open 3. happy

night / rock white / close sad / tall

Write the plural form of the following nouns.

1. class - 3. bus –

2. six –

Look at the days of the week. Write the adverb of time that best describes them.


Friday Saturday Sunday

Complete the sentence using the conjunction and.

1. I go to karate soccer after school.

2. Kayla likes to eat pasta pizza.

3. My mom bakes delicious cakes cookies.

Write numbers 1, 2, 3 to order the sequence of events. (3 points)

Last, I eat dinner. First, I eat breakfast. Next, I eat lunch.

Write Do or Does to complete each question. (2 points)

1. he want cake? 2. you want milk?

Look at the pronoun in parentheses. Then, write the verbs in present tense, past tense, and
present progressive (-ing). (6 points)

Present Past (-ed, -d) To be + -ing

(she) help

(they) look

Write the contractions for each pair of words. (3 points)

1. you are – 2. it is - 3. I am –

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