Loan Terms and Conditions Final
Loan Terms and Conditions Final
Loan Terms and Conditions Final
Age: Birthday:
Sex: Civil Status:
Credit Committee Chairman
Approved by:
FATNHS Chairperson
This is to certify that all information stated herein is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge. I further authorized the FATNHS through its representative/s to obtain such
information as may be required related to this.
Name and Signature of Applicant
Tina, Badiangan, Iloilo
The following are the important information relative to your loan account with the Faculty
Association of Tina National High School (FATNHS).
1. Your monthly payment DUE DATE is every end of the month starting on
_________________ and would last until ______________________.
3. A PENALTY of ONE percent (1%) on the first month and TWO percent (2%) compounded
on the second month will be charged to every unpaid monthly payment.
4. PAYMENTS for the monthly payment will be paid at the recognized collecting officer.
5. FAILURE TO PAY for three successive monthly payments means forfeiture of loan rights in
the next Cycle of Borrowers.
7. RENEWAL of LOAN is strictly based on the Cycle of Borrowers made by the association.
Unless the persons before you, waived their loan rights.
This is to acknowledge receipt of a copy of this TERMS and CONDITIONS, read and fully
understood the contents.
Name and Signature of Applicant