Final Exam RET
Final Exam RET
Final Exam RET
General Instructions
1. Read all instructions carefully before answering the questions.
2. This question paper consists of Five (5) questions. Answer all questions.
3. All questions carry equal marks
4. Answer for each question should commence from a new page.
5. Relevant charts/ codes are provided.
6. This is a Closed Book Test (CBT).
7. Answers should be in clear hand writing.
8. Do not use Red color pen.
“Sri Lanka has achieved several goals set in the National Energy Policy and Strategies (2008) in
complete electrification and renewable energy development. The main objective of the National
Energy Policy and Strategies declared here is to ensure convenient and affordable energy services
are available for equitable development of Sri Lanka using clean, safe, sustainable, reliable and
economically feasible energy supply. This Policy is formulated in alignment with the future goals of
Sri Lanka, current global trends in energy and the Goal 7 of the Sustainable Development Goals of
the United Nations. This policy will impact the vast realm of social, economic and environmental
spheres and pave the way to realize the vision of Sri Lanka in achieving carbon neutrality and
complete transition of all the energy value chains by 2050”
Discuss about your strategies to meet carbon neutral energy system for Sri Lanka by 2050. Indicate
what are the (SWOT) Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Treats of achieving it.
(Limit answer to maximum 200 words)
Special note: SWOT analysis – your points for each section must be presented clearly.
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QUESTION 02 (20 marks)
“Gomala Oya” originates from Peak Wilderness (Siri Pada) sanctuary. A private developer is
planning to develop a run-off the river mini hydro power plant using water resources of “Gomala
Net head of the project is 150 m, design flow of the project has been selected as 1 m3/s and the flow
duration data are as follows (Figure 1 and Table 1). The developer is planning to go for one turbine
Flow (m3/s)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% of time
(a) As per the turbine selection chart (Annexure- 1, Figure 2: Turbine selection chart), both Francis
and Pelton machines can be used for this project.
I. What is the plant capacity if Francis machine is been used? (2.5 marks)
II. What is the plant capacity if Pelton machine is been used? (2.5 marks)
Note: Use efficiency at 100% flow condition from efficiency values tables of both Francis and
Pelton. (Use data from Annexure -01, Table 2: Francis turbine efficiency values and Table 3:
Pelton turbine efficiency values)
(b) You are asked to select one machine type (Francis or Pelton) based on annual energy
production. Justify your selection with annual energy calculation outputs.
(Annexure -01, Table 4: Energy calculation table format)
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Use energy calculation table format for Francis and Pelton machines energy
The Francis machine manufacturer will not allow to operate the machine if the available
flow is less than 30% of rated flow.
(c) Mention FIVE points to be considered when design/optimize a hydro power plant.
(1 mark X 5 = 5 marks)
(a) What are FOUR inverter topologies commonly available in the market?
(1 mark X 4 = 4 marks)
(b) Average monthly electricity consumption of Mr. Silva’s house is about 840 kWh (840 units).
He intends to invest for a roof top solar PV system under Net Metering system. The roof has
been constructed in two angles.
iii. What is mean by MPPT and explain importance of MPPT when selection of an
inverter? (4 marks)
Wood chips are used as the fuel for a hot water production boiler in an industrial application. A sample
of wood chips (wood chips as received) is subjected to ultimate analysis to find its elementary
composition. The composition is given below;
(a) Estimate the Lower Heating Value (LHV) of wood chips used for the boiler MJ/kg? (5 marks)
Supporting data are provided in annexure-02
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(b) The feed rate of wood chips to boiler is 60 kg/hr and the combustion is performed with 40%
excess air.
i. Calculate the rate of energy (in fuel) supplied to the boiler (Kw) (5 marks)
ii. Estimate the mass flow rate of air required for the combustion process (in kg/hr). Use
the “combustion table for solid fuels”; format provided in the Annexure -02.
(5 marks)
Assume, the quantities of Nitrogen and Sulphur prevailed in the fuel are oxidized only to
nitrogen oxide (NO) and Sulphur dioxide (SO2) during the combustion. Ash in the fuel will
not react and remains as residue in the boiler.
(c) What are the percentages of CO2, H2O, O2 and SO2 (V%, volume) in the exhaust stream of the
boiler. ( 5 marks)
The performance curve of a fixed speed, 70-meter (rotor diameter) horizontal axis wind turbine
(HAWT) is shown in figure 3. Wind turbine rotor is rotating at the speed of 20 rpm (revolutions per
Wind Turbine Performance Curve
Power (kW)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Wind velocity (m/s)
Figure 3: Wind turbine performance curve
(1 mark X 4 = 4 marks)
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(b) Determine the power coefficient and tip speed ratio of the turbine at following wind velocities;
(1.5 marks X 4 = 6 marks)
Figure 4, shows wind velocity data recorded during the past year at location where the wind turbine is
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Wind velocity (m/s)
(c) Assuming that the wind turbine was able to generate and deliver power at its maximum
potential according to the availability of the wind. Determine the total amount of electrical
energy (MWh) delivered to the electricity grid during the period of past year
(6 marks)
(d) Calculate the capacity factor of the wind turbine installation (4 marks)
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Flow in % 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Efficiency 77.64 84.00 87.84 90.44 92.70 93.80 92.90 92.14
Flow in % 15 20 25 30 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Efficiency 88.80 89.54 90.02 77.64 90.49 90.65 90.81 90.97 91.04 91.06 90.90 90.60
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Table 4: Energy calculation table format
𝐻𝐻𝑉 = ∑ 𝑋𝑖 𝐻𝐻𝑉𝑖
HHV = Higher Heating Value of the wet fuel (MJ/kg)
Xi = mass of the i th component in 1 kg of the wet fuel (kg)
HHVi = Higher Heating Value of the i th component of the fuel (MJ/kg)
n = number of combustible components in the fuel
Higher Heating Value (HHV) of carbon (C) 36.8 MJ/kg, hydrogen (H2) 142 MJ/kg, nitrogen (fuel N2)
0.0 MJ/kg, Sulphur (S) 9.2 MJ/kg
𝐿𝐻𝑉 = 𝐻𝐻𝑉 − 𝐿 (𝐻. + 𝐹)
HHV = Higher Heating Value of the wet fuel (MJ/kg)
LHV = Lower Heating Value of the fuel (MJ/kg)
L = Heat of vaporization of water = 2.4 MJ/kg
H = mass of hydrogen in 1 kg of wet fuel (kg)
MWH2O = molar mass of water = 18 kg/kmol
MWH2 = molar weight of hydrogen = 2 kg/kmol
MWN2 = molar weight of nitrogen 28 kg/kmol
MWS = molar mass of sulphur 32 kg/kmol
F = mass of moisture in 1 kg of wet fuel (kg)
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