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T h e S i l e s i a n U n i v e r s i t y o f Te c h n o l o g y N o. 3 / 2 0 2 1

doi: 10.21307/ACEE-2021-025




a MSc; Ekoinwentyka Ltd., Ruda Śląska, Poland
Department of Water and Wastewater Engineering, PhD School, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
*E-mail address: sekretariat@ekoinwentyka.pl
b Prof. DSc Eng.; Department of Water and Wastewater Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland

c PhD Eng.; Ekoinwentyka Ltd., Ruda Śląska, Poland

Received: 2.08.2021; Revised: 30.08.2021; Accepted: 30.08.2021

Biotrickling filters are one of the most effective methods of air bio-purification, this bioremediation process if of high effi-
ciency in pollution reduction. It is an eco-friendly process and economically viable. The technology of biotrickling filters
includes Compact Trickle Bed Bioreactors (CTBB), which are currently used in an increasingly wide range. The aim of this
work will be an objective assessment of the implementation potential of the CTBB technology to various industries, includ-
ing the municipal sector. The paper briefly discusses the characteristics and operating parameters of biotrickling filters, a
review of their applications as an effective method of VOC and odor removal including sources of their emissions, as well
as the characteristics of CTBB and implementation possibilities to various industries. It was concluded that CTBB are
promising solution for the future, as it combines the high degradation efficiency of a wide range of pollutants with cost-effec-
tiveness and ecology. According to the analyzed data and results, this technology can be successfully used to remove VOCs
and odors from various industries.

K e y w o r d s : Biodegradation; Bioreactor; CTBB; Odor, VOC.

1. INTRODUCTION companies), chemical industry (e.g. production of sol-

vents, fertilizers), production of varnishes, glues,
The rapid development of industry in the recent paints, mining industry, petrochemical industry. The
decades, and their consequential effect to the degra- emission of odors are also extremely burdensome,
dation of the environment, has led to the intensifica- including some VOCs, e.g. thiols, sulfides, disulfides,
tion of the progress of innovative technologies to limit but also bioaerosols contain microorganisms present
their negative impact. The quality of the air we in wastewater, inorganic compounds such as ammonia
breathe with is one of the most important aspects in and ammonium compounds, hydrogen sulfide emitted
our everyday life. Air pollution affects not only the by municipal sector (wastewater treatment plants,
health of our respiratory system, but also our nervous waste management plants) food processing plants
system and mental health [1, 2]. Volatile organic com- (sugar factories, breweries) agriculture and animal
pounds (VOCs) such as benzene, toluene, acetone, husbandry farms and slaughterhouses of poultry, cat-
xylene, butyl acetate, vinyl acetate and styrene are tle and pigs [3]. The emission of bioaerosols is dan-
emitted as a result of different production processes in gerous due to the presence of pathogenic microorgan-
many industries: paint industry (including automotive isms present in the mentioned industries. These


A . P a r z e n t n a - G a b o r, K . B a r b u s i ń s k i , D . K a s p e r c z y k

microorganisms can be transported over long dis- odors are carcinogenic and can cause diseases of the
tances with the wind, which makes it particularly nervous, immune, and respiratory systems [6]. Due to
harmful for close neighborhoods. the negative impact of VOCs and odors, it is impor-
Overview of each sector’s contribution to total emis- tant to manage air quality in a sustainable way, which
sions for NMVOCs in the European Union (28 coun- includes, limiting air pollution, effective and ecologi-
tries) for 2018 can be found in Fig. 1. The manufac- cal methods of purification and deodorization as well
turing and extractive industries were the largest con- as effective systems of air quality control and moni-
tributor to NMVOC with the agriculture sector fol- toring. Due to the continuous development of indus-
lowing as the second largest contributor [4]. The try and economy, methods of cleaning polluted air
harmfulness of VOCs and odors are due to their tox- are an extremely important tool, which can be divid-
icities and their high reactivity within the air, which ed into four main groups: combustion, adsorption,
can result in the formation of even more harmful absorption and biological methods [7]. The use of an
products of complex transformations, as is the case appropriate air purification technology is condi-
with ozone, which is formed in the atmosphere by tioned by several factors: the type and concentration
chemical reactions caused by solar radiation with the of pollutants, and the intensity of emissions.
participation of VOC and NOx [5]. The World Health Increasing emphasis on sustainable development will
Organization (WHO) divides VOCs into very volatile further stimulate the use of biological methods of air
organic compounds with a boiling point below purification, due to their high efficiency in biodegra-
50–100°C (e.g., propane, butane), volatile organic dation of pollutants, environmental friendliness and
compounds with a boiling point between 50–100°C economic viability. The development of biotechnolo-
and 240–260°C (e.g. formaldehyde, acetone, ethanol, gy has resulted in significant advances in biological
toluene), and semi-volatile organic compounds with a air purification methods. Initially based mainly on the
boiling point between 240–260°C and 380–400°C (e.g. technology of basic biofilters, it has evolved over time
pesticides, phthalates). The lower the boiling point of to maximize the efficiency to various configurations
such a compound (higher volatility) the more likely it and hybrids of several technologies. One of such
is to be emitted from surfaces into the air. VOCs and hybrids include the Compact Trickle Bed Bioreactors

Figure 1.
Contribution to EU-28 area emissions from the main source sectors in 2018 of non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs)
(Source: Air quality in Europe – 2020 report; EEA Report, No 09/2020 [4])


(CTBB), which belongs to the biotrickling filters of gaseous pollutants into the liquid phase, their

group [8]. In recent years, this technology has been assimilation and degradation by microorganisms.
widely developed and implemented in various indus- However, they differ in the location of the inoculated
tries and is worth taking a closer look at. microorganisms and the type of filling and mobile
Development of a technology capable and suitable phases [10].
for implementation in various industries that are In biotrickling filters, the contaminated gas entering
sources of different groups of pollutants, both organ- the reactor, flows co-currently or counter currently to
ic and inorganic, would be extremely valuable. There the liquid phase, then absorption of the gaseous pol-
are many technologies with high efficiencies in lutants into the liquid phase take place. Therefore, it
removing pollutants from the air, however each has is important to control the process in terms of the
their limitations: the economics of the technology degree of dissolution of the pollutants introduced
(e.g. catalytic combustion), the size of the plant into the apparatus [11]. The constantly recirculated
(e.g. biofiltration), secondary waste utilization liquid flows in a thin film on the surface of the bed
(e.g. adsorption, biofiltration), the degradation effi- with microorganisms, providing them with the nutri-
ciency of the pollutants, and the ability to treat pollu- ents necessary for proper development. The pollu-
tants from different sources and different chemical tants absorbed into the liquid phase diffuse into the
compositions. A solution is being sought that is biofilm formed on the filling, where the metabolic
adaptable to different industries. This work, there- activity of microorganisms eliminate the pollutants
fore, aims to analyze the capability and deployment for example to carbon dioxide and water in the case
potential of Compact Trickle Bed Bioreactors to treat of VOC degradation. Absorption and regeneration
air with pollutants of dissimilar origin, VOCs and of pollutants takes place in one device, which is an
odors (including H2S) from different industries with indisputable advantage [12]. In addition, the entire
different characteristics of plant performance and gas process, running at a moderate temperature of
emissions. 25–30°C and atmospheric pressure, does not gener-
ate additional operating costs (Table 1).
Table 1.
Biotrickling filters in simplification, are a combina- Advantages and disadvantages of biotrickling filters technol-
ogy [2, 10, 13, 14]
tion of biofilter and bioscrubber technologies. These
are apparatuses filled with a solid, inert packing Biotrickling filters
material (e.g. polypropylene rings, ceramic rings, Advantages Disadvantages
activated carbon or glass beads) inoculated with Effective removal of pollu- Risk of bed blockage by
microorganisms capable of metabolizing pollutants. tants excessively growing biomass –
increase in a pressure drop in
The gaseous pollutants introduced into the apparatus
gas phase due to clogging of
are absorbed into the circulating liquid phase, which the bed and the need to
is a solution of mineral salts, necessary for the prop- remove inhibitors formed as
er functioning of microorganisms, that populate the secondary process products
biofilm formed on the bioreactor bed [9]. The Process conditions: 25-30°C, Low efficiency in removing
biotrickling filters technology is characterized by high atmospheric pressure compounds insoluble in
stability of the processes taking place within the reac-
Low operating costs – no Inability to use this technolo-
tor and the ability to control them.
need for bed replacement gy for non-biodegradable
and disposal, low energy con- compounds
2.1. Characteristics and parameters of biotrickling
filters Very good process control
Biological methods of air purification utilize the nat- Ecological purity – no sec-
ural metabolic activities o microorganisms to decom- ondary pollutants
pose pollutants by using them as a carbon source. In No risk of explosion
industrial practice, biological methods of pollutant
degradation are carried out in 3 types of devices:
biofilters, bioscrubbers and biotrickling filters, also
known as Trickle Bed Bioreactors. These technolo-
gies are based on the following processes: absorption


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Excessive growth of biomass in biotrickling filters, in

addition to the risk of clogging the bed and an (1)
increase in the flow resistance of the liquid phase
• Mass Loading Rate (MS) [g/(m3 h)] expresses the
through the bed, may cause the accumulation of
ratio of concentration in inlet gas to residence
intermediate decomposition products of pollutants in
time τg [h]
the circulating liquid over a longer period [15]. If this
product is a toxic substance, it may inhibit microor-
ganisms and adversely affect the bio-purification
process, so it will require an additional degree of
solution purification. However, there are several
methods of counteracting this. When the biofilm
growth on the surface of the bed is too high, it is
advisable to increase the flow rate of the liquid phase,
which will separate the excess biomass with a large Vr – bioreactor volume [m3],
liquid stream. A good solution is also the use of tem- Vg – gas phase flow [m3/h],
porary or periodic backwashing. This will increase
CgIN – substance concentration at the inlet to biore-
the specific surface area of the biofilm attached to the
packing material [16]. It’s also possible to temporari- actor [g/m3],
ly limit and reduce the dosage of mineral salts as well τg – residence time [h].
as to introduce protozoa into the system, that feed on • Elimination capacity (EC) [g/(m3h)] expresses
biofilm-forming bacteria [17]. Removal of the excess the ratio of the concentration difference in inlet
accumulated biomass is necessary to obtain long- and outlet gases of the bioreactor to the residence
term and stable operation of higher loaded biotrick- time of the gas phase in the bioreactor - it deter-
ling filters. mines the amount of pollutants that are decom-
The optimal and effective implementation of the posed in a unit of time and the volume of the fil-
biodegradation process in the biotrickling filter ter material.
depends on several factors [10, 13]:
• the appropriate concentration of oxygen supplied (4)
to the microorganisms
• selection of process parameters: the flow rate of • Efficiency of the biotrickling filter – presents the
the liquid and gas phase, maintaining the optimal dependence of removal efficiency (RE) on the
pH for the microorganisms used, temperature and bioreactor load with pollutant load (MS). For low
concentration of mineral salts determining the MS values, RE usually reaches 100%, but as MS
appropriate environment for their development increases, it is often the case that the biotrickling
filter is not able to completely remove the contam-
• controlling the presence of compounds inhibiting
ination. The load value at which the ratio of EC to
the growth of biomass, supplied with polluted air
MS changes linearly is defined by the critical load
or formed as secondary products of the process
(MSe). For MS > MSe, despite the increase in the
• the appropriate degree of gas wetting and the sol-
MS load value, the EC is essentially constant. In
ubility of VOCs and odors in the liquid phase
the case of very high MS loads, the EC reaches its
• selection of the packing material, both in terms of maximum ECmax value.
the microorganisms used and the type of contami-
In order to control the work of biotrickling filters and 2.2. Biotrickling filters in the removal of VOCs
evaluate their effectiveness, 4 main parameters are The review of the current state of knowledge shows
used [8, 18, 19]: that the biotrickling filters technology can be used for
• Removal efficiency (RE) [%] expresses the per- bio-purification of air from various emission sources. It
centage ratio of the difference in pollutant con- is possible with the appropriate selection of parameters
centrations in the bioreactor inlet and outlet gases such as the type and adaptation of microorganisms
to the pollutant concentration in the inlet gases appropriately selected for the degradation of the
selected type of contamination, or the type of packing
materials [20]. The correct selection of microorganisms


for specific pollutants determines the maintenance of cy to 64.7%. In contrast, 100% degradation efficiency

certain conditions inside the apparatus, i.e. pH, tem- was maintained at a retention time of 83 s and a
perature, composition of the mineral salt solution. trimethylamine concentration in the inlet gas
Zhou et al. 2016 [21] tested the removal efficiency of <0.2 mg/l.
chlorobenzene in biotrickling filters using Ralstonia
picketti strain, the obtained results of chlorobenzene
air biopurification efficiency are in the range of 88- 2.3. Biotrickling filters in the removal of odors
90%. Cheng et al. 2017 [22] conducted a study to eval- In addition to effectively treating VOCs, there are
uate the potential of a consortium of Ralstonia picketti many scientific papers describing the possibilities of
and Trichoderma viride to enhance the biodegradation using biotrickling filters to bio-purify the air from
of monochlorobenzene. The results of this study pollutants emitted by municipal sector, commonly
showed an increased degradation rate for the used known under the general term of odors. Particular
consortia of microorganisms compared to the degrada- troublesome and harmful representatives of this
tion rate of monochlorobenzene for each strain indi- group of compounds include ammonia (NH3) and
vidually, suggesting that the fungal-bacterial consor- hydrogen sulphide (H2S), due to e.g. a very low detec-
tium can be effectively used to completely biodegrade tion threshold (mainly in the case of H2S) but mainly
this pollutant. The study of Lebrero et al. 2012 [23] to their toxic effects and very negative impact on
confirmed the high potential of biotrickling filter to humans. In most wastewater treatment plants, these
treat moderately hydrophobic VOCs and sulfur com- compounds have the highest concentrations of odor
pounds reaching more than 95% removal efficiency for compounds in the emitted gases [27, 28]. There is a
methyl mercaptan, toluene, alpha-pinene, while for lot of work on maximizing biotrickling filters perfor-
hexane the removal efficiency was 70%. High micro- mance by selecting the right packing material. This is
bial diversity was also observed during long-term oper- a key design parameter that can determine the prop-
ation of the biotrickling filter, with the main phyla er performance of the system, and also its cost-effec-
being Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Nitrospira, tiveness. The type, composition, structure and shape
Chloroflexi and Gemmatimonadertes. Tu et al. 2015 [24] of the filling used determine the ability and stability
conducted experiments to apply saponins to enhance of the development of microorganisms and the for-
the removal of hexane in a biotrickling filter. The mation of a biofilm on its surface [29]. The packing
results showed that the addition of saponins to the material used must also meet other requirements,
biotrickling filter increased the hexane removal effi- such as: the appropriate weight properly adapted to
ciency of 91.3% while the sample without saponins the size of the installation, or the material from which
achieved an efficiency of 62.8%. As the concentration it was made - resistant to biofilm (including products
of hexane increased, the efficiency decreased as well as of microbial metabolism), chemical compounds
the gas empty bed contact time. Moreover, it was (organic and inorganic, including: dissolved in the
found that saponins could also decreased the biomass liquid phase contaminants, buffer solutions regulat-
accumulation rate within the packing material. The ing pH), temperature. In addition, the surface of the
recently published results of Rybarczyk et al. 2021 [25] packing material, which is inoculated with microor-
on the removal of cyclohexane and ethanol from air in ganisms, is also important, the larger the mass trans-
biotrickling filters prove that not only bacteria are fer surface, the more effective the bio-cleaning
capable of efficient degradation, but also, Candida process [20]. The research shows the possibility of
albicans and Candida subhashii fungal strains indicated using a wide range of packing material, both organic
their good ability to utilize cyclohexane and ethanol as and inorganic – compost, wood chips, activated car-
a carbon source and achieve 95–99% biodegradation bon, perlite, lava rock, glass balls, polyurethane foam,
efficiency of these compounds. Moreover, it was found ceramic shapes, polypropylene rings.
that the presence of ethanol increases the efficiency of
The following Table 2 shows the results of recent
removing cyclohexane from the air. Wan et al. 2011
biotrickling filter performance studies using different
[26] investigated the removal efficiency of trimethy-
packing material.
lamine from waste gas in a biotrickling filter whose fill
was ceramic particles and inoculated with microorgan-
isms. The study showed 100% removal efficiency for an
empty bed retention time greater than 110 s and an
inlet trimethylamine concentration of 0.3 mg/l but
halving the retention time to 55 s reduced the efficien-


A . P a r z e n t n a - G a b o r, K . B a r b u s i ń s k i , D . K a s p e r c z y k

Table 2.
A review of recent work on the effectiveness of biodegradation in relation to packing material [29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37]

References Pollution Packing material Degradation Effectiveness/ Conclusions

Hernandez et al. 2013 Ethylmercaptan, NH3 Poplar wood chips and Both biotrickling filters achieved complete NH3
[30] and H2S polyurethane foam removal, and more than 90% degradation of H2S, eth-
ylmercaptan reported lower performance in biotrick-
ling filters packed with polyurethane foam.
Polyurethane foam requires a longer time for the
immobilization of microorganisms, poplar wood shows
greater resistance in terms of NH3 elimination, the
durability of poplar wood is 2 years and much more
profitable compared to polyurethane foam.
Sun et al. 2019 [31] H2S from municipal Polypropylene rings The average H2S removal efficiency was 91.8%
wastewater treatment
Chen et al. 2019 [32] H2S from sewage lift Bamboo charcoal The average H2S removal efficiency was 99%
Huan et al. 2020 [33] NH3 and H2S Polyhedral spheres The average H2S removal efficiency was 98.25% and
NH3 was 88.55%
Liu et al. 2020 [34] removal of odors Polyurethane, Odor (mainly H2S and NH3) removal efficiency was
(mainly H2S and NH3), Volcanic rock, 98,5%
from the sludge dewa- modified activated
tering room in waste- carbon fiber
water treatment plant.

Ying et al. 2020 [35] H2S and NH3 Porcelain Raschig rings The average H2S and NH3 removal efficiency was over
and ceramsite 99%
Chen et al. 2016 [36] H2S Activated carbon- The average H2S removal efficiency was greater than
loaded polyurethane 96%
(upper layer) and with In addition, the biotrickling filter was able to withstand
modified organism-sus- periods of contaminated starvation (1.5 days and 7
pended fillers (lower days) with several hours of recovery time

Lebrero et al. 2021 [29] H2S, methylmercaptan Conventional plastic The use of new fillings in the biotrickling filter has
and toluene packing material and increased the efficiency and buffer capacity compared
new clay-based materi- to plastic rings. Similar conclusions apply to biofilters,
als (Saint Gobain) almost complete reduction of H2S and toluene and
80% methylmercaptan removals were investigated.
Clay-based packing materials (Saint Gobain) were
found to have high buffer capacity, high water retention
and good gas-liquid mass transfer
Tu et al. 2019 [37] Mixed sulfur Plastic balls in the Improvement in sulfur removal efficiency and a higher
compounds upper layer bed pH using the new packing combination compared
and with lava rocks to a lava rocks only packing.
in the bottom layer

The cited works confirmed that using combined 3. COMPACT TRICKLE BED BIOREAC-
packing materials effectively improved conditions for TOR – AS AN EXAMPLE OF A
the growth of microorganisms and, as a result, to
improve the efficiency of pollution degradation.
An example of a biotrickling filter is the Compact
Trickle Bed Bioreactors, which have been tested to
remove VOCs and odors (including H2S). CTBB
reactors are derived from biotrckling filters.
However, they are different in full automation of
operation, compactness of their construction,



Figure 2.
Model of Compact Trickle Bed Bioreactor (own study based on Kasperczyk et al. 2019 [39])

absence of side leachate, which are their undoubted Kasperczyk et al. 2014 [40] examined the use of
advantages. In CTBB reactors, important factors for Compact Trickle Bed Bioreactor to the biodegrada-
the course of the air biopurification process, similar- tion of H2S and VOC mixture present in the air in a
ly as in biotrickling filters, are the selection of care- copper-ore mine at a depth of 1000 m underground.
fully selected group of microorganisms for a specific The efficiency of H2S removal was at the level of
group of pollutants and providing appropriate condi- 80–99% – when the concentration of H2S was below
tions for the growth and development of these organ- 38 ppm, when an increase in concentration to
isms, such as: pH, temperature, composition of the 40–60 ppm was recorded, the efficiency of H2S
solution with nutrients (mineral salts). In addition, it
removal decreased to 60–80%. The VOC removal
is very important to determine the optimum condi-
efficiency was 90–100%. The publication of
tions for the entire process, adjusted to the concen-
Kasperczyk and Urbaniec 2015 [13] presented the
tration of contaminants in the inlet gases and the gas
results of laboratory tests preceding the implementa-
flow rate – liquid phase flow, gas phase flow and type
tion of CTBB in a copper ore mine. The biodegrada-
of packing material [38]. The Compact Trickle Bed
tion of a 4-component VOC mixture consisting of
Bioreactors have been investigated so far by
acetone, benzene, styrene and vinyl acetate and an
Kasperczyk [13, 18, 39, 40, 41, 42] for the removal of
8-component mixture of impurities in which xylene,
VOCs and odors – including styrene, ethanol,
H2S, dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl sulfide were
dimethyl sulfide, vinyl acetate, benzene, acetone,
dimethyl disulfide, xylene, H2S – from a variety of added to the previous 4-component mixture was
investigated. Over 80% of pollutant removal efficien-
sources, studies have been conducted in both labora-
cy was achieved at a specific pollutant load up to
tory and industrial settings. Fig. 2 shows a CTBB
40 g/m3h, except for benzene, which caused biomass
model, illustrating the downward co-current flow of
poisoning at a specific load above 5 g/m3h. Bąk et al.
the gas and liquid phases in a thin film through a bed
2017 [41] also examined the potential of CTBB in the
made of polyurethane rings, inoculated with cocul-
biodegradation of gaseous streams containing
ture of microorganisms, which use VOCs and odors
styrene, dimethyl sulfide and ethanol mixture. The
as the only carbon source.
average process efficiency for the 3-component VOC


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Figure 3.
Efficiency of biopurification of air from H2S (Figure source: Kasperczyk et al. 2019 [39])

mixture was above 95% in the lower concentration efficiency of ventilation air purification contaminated
ranges, 80% in the middle concentration ranges and with H2S and VOC was conducted for 60 days, during
above 55% in the highest concentration ranges of the which fluctuations in the air flow intensity from 2 to
pollutant (the concentration ranges were: ethanol 30 m3/h were recorded. The minimum and maximum
0.045–0.178 g/m3; dimethyl sulfide 0.027–0.061 g/m3, concentrations of H2S were 2 ppm and 660 ppm, but
styrene 0.236–1.993 g/m3). Moreover, almost 100% most of the time they remained in the range of
efficiency of ethanol biodegradation was observed in 50–440 ppm, as shown in Fig. 3.
the whole tested range of mass load. The possibility
For H2S concentration of approximately 200 ppm,
of using CTBB for the treatment of VOCs generated
in the PKN Orlen SA wastewater treatment plant was the removal efficiency was above 97%. A several-
also analyzed, the results of which were described by hour increase in the concentration of H2S to
Kamiński and Koziczyński 2017 [43]. The study 600 ppmv caused poisoning of the bioreactor, the sta-
obtained 85-99% biodegradation of VOCs, whose ble operation of which was achieved within 3 hours
concentrations were in the range of – 0.06–1.75 g/m3 from the moment of restoring the original concentra-
and 65-88% for the range 1.7–2.5 g/m3. The reduction tion of H2S. The efficiency of H2S and VOC removal
of NH3 in the entire concentration range of for pollutant loads up to 20 g/m3h was over 95%.
0.6–5.5 mg/m3 was above 99%, and the reduction of The subject of the latest publication by Kasperczyk et
H2S in the concentration range of 0.1–137 mg/m3 was al. 2021 [42] was the implementation of the CTBB
also above 99%. One of the latest published studies developed from a pilot scale to a full industrial scale,
by Kasperczyk et al. 2019 [39] confirms the use of to the automotive painting industry. Figure 4 shows
CTBB to remove VOC and H2S emitted by a munic- the results of industrial research conducted at CTBB
ipal wastewater treatment plant. The research on the on a pilot scale. At 170-180 ppm VOC concentrations
in the CTBB inlet ventilation air, the outlet concen-



Figure 4.
Efficiency of biopurification of air from VOC in pilot scale CTBB. (Figure source: Kasperczyk et al. 2021 [42])

Figure 5.
Efficiency of biopurification of air from VOC in full scale CTBB. (Figure source: Kasperczyk et al. 2021 [42])

tration did not exceed 20 ppm, which gives a conver- inlet to CTBB occurring in the range of
sion rate of 85–90%. The line indicating the upper 100–1800 ppm, indicating the high flexibility of the
limit of the VOC concentration in the CTBB exhaust CTBB installation. Despite significant increases in
gases, as per the relevant environmental permit, is concentrations (1700–1800 ppm), the VOC biodegra-
also marked in Fig. 4. The limit was set at 50 ppm, dation efficiency remains at the level of 85–90%, while
while the VOC concentration in the clean gases was the average VOC bio-purification efficiency in the
a maximum of 20 ppm – well below the specified period in question is 95–99%. The results showed that
limit. the VOC biodegradation coefficient for concentra-
Fig. 5 shows the VOC concentration results at the inlet tions in CTBB inlet gases 200 ppm is in the range of
and outlet of CTBB tests in full scale. The graph shows 85–99%, while the paint shop ventilation air flow rate
significant variations in the VOC concentration at the is 1–10 m3/h. The VOC biodegradation index of


A . P a r z e n t n a - G a b o r, K . B a r b u s i ń s k i , D . K a s p e r c z y k

Figure 6.
Compact Trickle Bed Bioreactor implemented on a full scale to remove VOC emitted from paint industry (Ekoinwentyka Ltd)

85–99% was also obtained with a gas flow rate of up to • The compactness of the CTBB (Figure 4) enables
6000 m3/h using a full-size CTBB adapted to the auto- its adaptation to various conditions in industrial
motive painting conditions (Fig. 6). factories, which greatly increases the implementa-
The results of the cited publication prove the possi- tion potential of this technology.
bility of efficient upscaling of the CTBB technology
to degrade high concentrations of VOC in a wide 4. NEXT RESEARCH CHALLENGES
range of polluted air flow rates.
According to the research carried out so far and the In the future and further development plans for the
implementation of CTBB in copper ore mines, waste- CTBB technology, it will be important to research
water treatment plants and the varnish industry, it new groups of pollutants emitted by burdensome and
can be concluded that the tested technology has a so far unknown sources of VOC and odors, such as:
very large implementation potential in a wide range animal farms – poultry farms, pigs or fur animal
of various industries, both for the degradation of farms, fish processing, food industry – sugar factories,
VOCs and odors, including inorganic H2S and NH3. distilling, brewing and wood industry – producers of
plywood, furniture boards, laminated boards. This
The main advantages of using the CTBB technology will allow to check the efficiency of the CTBB tech-
are: nology and the implementation potential in order to
• High efficiency of degradation of VOCs and odors enter new implementation directions. Like any inno-
• No secondary contamination vative topic, it is associated with challenges and diffi-
culties that may arise during the research. It will be
• No need to replace the packing material and uti-
necessary to select: a special group of microorgan-
lize hazardous pollutants
isms capable of degrading new types of pollutants,
• Operation of the technology at 25°C and atmospher- nutrient composition, pH, temperature, and the for-
ic pressure, resulting in lower energy consumption mation of secondary products of the pollutant


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