Lect 05 2020
Lect 05 2020
Lect 05 2020
Lecture No 5: Hydraulic Jump
5.1 Introduction
Figure 5-1 Control volume with uniform inflow and outflow to control surface.
The surface normal to the velocity, velocity is constant over the surface,
Fx 2Vx 2V2 A2 cos 0o 1Vx1V1 A1 cos180o
Fx 2 A2V2Vx 2 1 A1V1Vx1 A1
Fx Q(Vx 2 Vx1 )
Q Q1 Q2
Hydraulic Jump
- A rapidly flowing stream in an open channel suddenly changes to a slowly flowing
- A sudden rise in elevation of liquid surface.
- An example of steady non-uniform flow.
The surface of the jump is very rough and turbulent, losses being greater as the jump
height is greater.
For small heights, the form of the jump changes to a standing wave.
Figure 5-2 Hydraulic jump in a rectangular channel [Streeter and Wylie, 1988]
Stilling Basins
A structure for dissipating available energy of flow below a spillway, outlet works, chute, or
canal structure.
At F1 =1 to 1.7 . Standing wave
At F1 = 1.7 to 2.5: Pre-jump, head loss is low. No baffles required if proper length of pool is
At F1 = 2.5 to 4.5: Transition: a large wave can travel downstream for miles and damage
earth banks and riprap, avoid this range.
At F1 = 4.5 to 9: Range of good jump: Energy absorption ranges from 45 to 70 %. Baffles and
sills may be utilized to reduce length of basin.
At F1 = 9: upward, effective but rough, energy dissipation up to 85%. Other type of stilling
basins may be more economical.
Baffles blocks are frequently used at the entrance to a basin to corrugate the flow. Either
triangular or dentated are employed at the downstream end of the basin to aid in holding the
jump within the paved basin.