Grammar - Part of Speech
Grammar - Part of Speech
Grammar - Part of Speech
Parts of Speech
Verbs = show actions, events, or a state of being. Verbs are typically referred to as being regular or
irregular, transitive or intransitive, main or auxiliary or modal. More on these divisions on the verb page.
Nouns = are persons, places, things, or ideas (concepts). Nouns can be used in a variety of ways
including being the subject or object of a sentence. They can also be indirect objects, subject or object
complements or adjectives.
Pronouns = as one of the eight parts of speech are used to replace nouns, noun phrases or even other
Adjectives = modify nouns and pronouns by giving more information by describing, quantifying, or
identifying the words.
Adverbs = modify verbs, adjectives, adverbs, or phrases by answering the 'how' something is done by
indicating manner, time, place, cause, or degree.
Conjunctions = link words, phrases, and clauses. "FANBOYS" (i.e., for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.)
Prepositions = link nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence by showing time, manner,
movement, place or position.
Interjections = are one of the eight parts of speech used to express emotion or illustrate a feeling of
Quick Game: Play in groups or individually.
1) Name any examples of a Noun…
2) Name any examples of a Verb…
Some sentences having all the parts of speech
Example 1
Pronoun - her
Verb - is
Adverb - only
Conjunction — and
Interjection — Great!
Example 2.