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3is Chapter 1

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Lesson 7

Lesson 6

Lesson 5

Quarter 1
Module 2
Lesson 4

Identifying the Problem and

Asking the Question
Lesson 3

Lesson 2

After completing this module

you are able and expected to formulate
the statement of a research problem.
Lesson 1
Lesson 7
Lesson 6

Lesson 5

Quarter 1
Module 2
Lesson 4

Identifying the Problem and

Asking the Question
Lesson 3

Lesson 2

After completing this module

you are able and expected to formulate
the statement of a research problem.
Lesson 1
Lesson 7

Background of the Study

This will provide context to the information discussed throughout the research
Lesson 6

process. The background information of your study may include both important
and relevant studies. It has three elements:
Lesson 5

Often stated as a claim or a working

Lesson 4

The Problem The Purpose

Lesson 3

Method of
Lesson 2

Problem Solving
Stated clearly and with enough contextual Statement of objectives and scope of

Lesson 1
detail to establish why it is important the document the writer is preparing
Lesson 7
Lesson 6 The Research Problem

Lesson 5

Lesson 4

Lesson 3

Lesson 2


Lesson 1
Lesson 7

Conceptual Framework
It is a bit like a recipe or a blueprint. It provides an outline of how you plan to conduct the
Lesson 6

research of your thesis. It also positions your work within the larger field of research.

Conduct a
Lesson 5

Create a Write a Return and

Literature Review Flow chart Narrative Revise
Lesson 4
Lesson 3

Lesson 2
Know what Create visuals to The narrative Remove or
research has help the audience should describe include elements
already been understand the and explain the or variables
done on your course of the fundamental whenever

Lesson 1
topic of interest research research process. necessary
Lesson 7

Conceptual Framework
Sample Schematic Diagram showing the Perimeter of the Study
Lesson 6

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Lesson 5

Demographic Profile of the

Lesson 4

respondents in terms of:

Age: Academic Achievements of 4Ps
Gender: Pupils - Recipients
Grade Level:
Lesson 3

Occupation of Parents:
Monthly Income of Parents:
Interactive Method

Lesson 2
Lesson 1
Lesson 7
Research Hypothesis
(Quantitative Research)
Lesson 6

It states what the researcher expects to find – it is the tentative answer to the research question that
guides the entire study.
Lesson 5


Make sure the subject is researchable in an interdisciplinary approach and the topic has
enough published material as a reference
Lesson 4

It must state an expected relationship between variables

Lesson 3
Avoid judgmental and critical words

Lesson 2
It should be stated as simply and concisely as possible.

Lesson 1
Your hypothesis may change over time as your research progresses
Lesson 7

Statement of the Problem

Writing a problem statement can help the researcher put the topic in context and have a
Lesson 6

deeper understanding of its significance. A problem statement may be written in several

paragraphs or in several sentences incorporated in the introduction.
Lesson 5

To describe the substantive focus of the research study

To frame it as a larger theoretical policy

Lesson 4
To frame it as a problem and develop its significance

Lesson 3
To pose initial research questions

Lesson 2
To forecast the literature to be discussed

To discuss the limitations of the study

Lesson 1
Lesson 7

Importance of the Study

It provides information to the reader on how the study will contribute. It must be exactly
Lesson 6

stated, however, what the study will contribute and who will benefit from it.

Sample Significance of the Study:

The researcher believed that the result of this study will help the following assess the

Lesson 5
4Ps program and its effect on the performance of the pupils.

The researcher believes that the result of this study will be of great importance to the

Lesson 4
department since they are the ones monitoring the 4Ps program. May this study will
serve as the basis for the modification of the conditions in giving cash grants.

The Administrators

Lesson 3
Here you need to add some brief about the service that your company is providing

The Teachers

Lesson 2
The result of this study may help the teacher in constructing and developing new
teaching strategies to help the students in their performance and be mindful that
even if students are provided and supported by the government, they still need
equal guidance to perform well in school. The factors affecting the performance of

Lesson 1
the students may also help the teacher as their basis in making daily lessons.
Lesson 7

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This sets the borders and limitations of the problem inquiry and narrows down the scope of

Lesson 6
the inquiry. The purpose is to delimit by geographic location, age,
sex, population traits, population size, or other similar aspects.

Lesson 5

This study covers only those families in Barangay San

Lesson 4
Jose, Pasig City, benefited by the government’s Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program.

Lesson 3
This study includes only those English freshman classes

Lesson 2
that use both Blended Learning and standard ways of
Language teaching.

Lesson 1
Lesson 7
Definition of Terms
Glossary of Research Terms- this glossary is intended to assist you in understanding

Lesson 6
commonly used terms and concepts when reading, interpreting, and evaluating scholarly
research in the social sciences.

Types and Functions:

Lesson 5
Conceptual Definition Operational Definition

Lesson 4
This refers to the dictionary The meaning of concept or
meaning. term used in the study
Example: Example:

Lesson 3
Academic Performance Conditional Cash Transfer

It is the product of education- This is a program that transfers

the degree to which a student, cash, largely to deprived

Lesson 2
a teacher, or an organization families, under the circumstance
has attained their educational that those families make
goals. It is dignified by the final prespecified funds in the human

Lesson 1
grade earned in the course. assets of their kids.
Thanks for
Listening and

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