Kinder DLL
Kinder DLL
Kinder DLL
b. References, page/s The Progressive Approach to Reading, p. 20 The Progressive Approach to Reading, p. 10
c. Materials Objects that produce sounds (e.g. instruments) laptop, speaker, Blocks, pictures, school supplies/objects inside the classroom,
sound clips laptop
a. Routine Prayer, greetings, checking of attendance, and reminders on Prayer; greetings; checking of attendance; reminders on
discipline discipline
b. Motivation The learners will identify who/what made the sound. Picture Puzzle
c. Instruction/Delivery
c.1. Discussion The teacher will let the learners differentiate soft sound from The learners will pick one object inside the classroom then they
loud sound using different instruments and the sound clips will describe it in front based on its color, shape or size.
downloaded. Same as through with high and low sound. Afterwards, they will find the object that has the same feature as
the one they pick among their classmates.
c.2. Activity/Independent Outdoor activity: Learners will listen to the sound of the Individual activity: “Complete Meal”
environment then they will identify where it came from. Is it The learners will be given a picture of food but something is
inside/outside the school or is it near/far? missing. In order to complete the picture of food, they need to
look for the missing part that will be scattered at the back.
c.3. Enrichment Group Game: The learners will find where the sound came The learners will classify the pictures according to their color,
from. size, and shape.
c.4. Assessment Response cards: The learners will put a thumbs up if the sound Visual Perception Test: The learners will identify which one is
is soft/low and thumbs down if loud/high. different from the group.
INTERVENTION Individual listening activity Individual visual activity
c.2. Activity/Independent The class will be grouped into 2 wherein the first group will be After reading the words, simple phrases will be shown wherein
given pictures while the second group will be given the words. the learners will try to read it with the help of their teacher.
The learners will find their partners and they will tack it on the
c.3. Enrichment The learners will practice reading the words. Board activity: The learners will identify the best phrase that
describes the picture shown.
d. Assessment Spelling time: The learners will answer the activity on their book on page
Words to spell: pet, hen, leg, fed and jet
INTERVENTION The learners will answer the activity on their book on page Learners with difficulties will be given another reading material
to practice at home.