Civic Welfare Training Service
Civic Welfare Training Service
Civic Welfare Training Service
7. Protection and conservation of the environment 3. Dimensions and development cover global, national, and local
issues on a. health b. education (enhancement of instructional
Environmental protection is the practice of protecting the natural
support materials and faculties c. entrepreneurship d. recreation,
environment by individuals, organizations and governments. Its
and e. morals of the citizenry and other social welfare concerns such
objectives are to conserve natural resources and the existing natural
as voters’ education and poverty alleviation.
environment and, where possible, to repair damage and reverse trends.
4. Community exposure and agency visits refer to the nature,
8. Quality service delivery development and approaches in community work and community-
Service quality refers to a customer's comparison between expectations building.
from a service with the perceptions of what is actually delivered by the
service provider. 5. Community needs assessment includes knowing the community and
the community needs assessment process, survey, and actual
NSTP – CWTS Minimum Standards conduct.
6. Community services dwell on drug education, health education 3. Passion – Good leaders are very passionate and intensely obsessed in
(medical and dental), environmental education, entrepreneurship, whatever they are focused on, be it business, sport or hobby.
and culture.
4. Compassion – Good leaders show compassion for their supporters and
7. Program evaluation tackles the fundamentals, development, followers. They possess exemplary coaching and development skills.
implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the program.
5. Charisma – Good leaders are captivating, charming individuals who
tend to draw people toward them. It could be because of the way they
LEADERSHIP TRAINING talk, or carry themselves. They excel in building relationships and
Human Behavior eliciting performance from their groups.
According to business, human behavior is the 6. Communication Skills – Good leaders are usually great orators and
“capacity of mental, physical, emotional, and social activities experienced persuaders.
during the five stages of human being’s life-prenatal, infancy, childhood, 7. Persistence – Good leaders are determined to attain their goals in spite
adolescence and adulthood that includes the behaviors as dictated by of the obstacles and problems.
culture, society, values, morals, ethics and genetics”.
8. Integrity – Good leaders mean what they say. They walk the talk,
Motivation practice what they preach, and keep their promises. They are reliable.
Motivation encompasses the internal and external factors that stimulate 9. Daring – Good leaders are bold, willing to take risk and determined to
desire and energy in people to be continually interested in and committed chase their dream amid the reality of fear and uncertainty.
to a job role or subject and to exert persistent efforts in attaining goal. It
results from the interaction among conscious and unconscious factors such 10. Discipline – Good leaders observed
as the 11. self-control and order.
(a) intensity of desire or need, Traits of the leader
(b) incentive or reward,
(c) expectations of the individual and of his/her significant others. 1. Character is the quality of a person’s behavior as revealed by
his/her habits, thoughts and expressions, attitudes and interests,
Good Leadership: Here are ten essential characteristics of a good leader. Do actions, and personal philosophies in life.
you think you possess them? 2. Charisma is a special spiritual gift bestowed temporarily by the Holy
Spirit on a group or an individual for the general good.
1. Vision – Good leaders know where they want to go and they can 3. Commitment engages one to do something as a continuing
motivate people to believe in their vision for their country, community, obligation. It is a state of intellectual and emotional adherence to
and family. Good leaders view things as what they could be and not some political, social, and religious theory in action.
simply as what they are. 4. Communication is a two-way process of reaching mutual
understanding in which participants do not only exchange (encode-
2. Wit – Good leaders can make sound judgments and decisions even decode) information but also create and share meaning. The
during crucial situations.
meaning of communication is in the response and not in what is said 10. Encourages employees to challenge old assumptions and to think
or how it is said. about problems in new ways
5. Competence indicates a sufficiency of knowledge and skills that 11. Spends time teaching and coaching
enable someone to act in a wide variety of situations. It is the 12. Considers each individual employee’s different needs, abilities, and
capacity of a person to understand a situation and to respond to it inspirations
accordingly and reasonably. 13. Is compassionate, appreciative, and responsive to each employee
6. Courage is the quality of the mind that enables a person to face and recognizes and celebrates each employee’s achievements
difficulty and danger without fear. It begins with an inward battle. It
is making things right, no just smoothing them over. It inspires
commitment from followers. Life expands in proportion to one’s
Four Components of Transformational Leadership
Transformational Leadership
1. Charisma. The leader’s charisma or idealized influence is envisioning
Bass (1990) explains that transformational leadership is a form of and building confidence, and he/she sets high standards to be
leadership that occurs when leaders broaden and elevate the interests of followed.
their employees, when they generate awareness and acceptance of the 2. Inspirational motivation. The leader’s inspirational motivation
purposes and mission of the group and when they stimulate their provides followers with challenges and meanings/ reasons for
employees to look beyond their own self-interest. engaging in shared goals and undertakings.
3. Intellectual stimulation. The leader’s intellectual stimulation moves
This form of leadership goes beyond traditional forms of
followers to question assumptions and generate more creative
transactional leadership that emphasizes corrective action and mutual
solutions to problems.
exchanges and rewards only when performance expectations are met.
4. Individualized consideration. The leader treats each follower as an
Behaviors of a Transformational Leader individual and provides coaching, mentoring, and growth
1. Is articulate in creating compelling vision of the future
2. Use stories and symbols to communicate his/her vision and The transformation of values, processes and institutions appears as
message. follows:
3. Specifies the importance of having a strong sense of purpose and a
• from power as dominion to power as liberation
collective mission.
• from war and conflict to peace
4. Talks optimistically and enthusiastically and expresses confidence
• from efficiency consideration to equity (balance between genders)
that goals will be achieved.
5. Engenders the trust and respect of his/her followers by doing the
Leadership Development
right thing rather than simply doing things right
1. Develop a pool of leaders
6. Instills pride in employees
• find people with basic leadership qualities
7. Talks most about important values and beliefs.
• widen the “catchment area”
8. Considers the moral and ethical consequences of decisions
• assure a democratic process
9. Seeks different perspectives when solving problems
2. Provide knowledge and skills
• build leaders’ personal capacities else’s shoes. By listening to a person’s explanation, only then can
• recognize this as a lifelong process you evaluate probe, give advice, and interpret his/her feelings.
3. Support active leaders 6. Synergize – The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. More
• actively support leaders continuously and not to place them task can be done if all things within the reach are maximized and
in positions and leave them there utilized
7. Sharpen the saw – A sense of humor is vital to relieve tension and
Virtuous Cycle of Leadership Control
boredom as well as to defuse hostility. Effective leaders know how
There has to be awareness of the framework through which to use humor to energize his/her followers.
transformational leadership must operate emphasizing that an active and
informed membership is critical to effective leadership.
1. Curiosity Conclusion
2. Social influence (peer pressure) There are several reason why persons takes prohibited drugs. The
3. New sensations, for example, the effects of ecstasy which include probability of becoming too much dependent on these illegal
increased energy and confidence substances leads a person to manifest behavior, mental reasoning,
and habits that are negatively affecting the way he/she treats
his/her family, other people around him/her, the society where
he/she lives, and most especially himself/herself.
Drug dependency is extremely hazardous to a person’s health, the
people who care for him/her and his/her future as well.
A drug dependent can still be saved from his/her present situation
as long as there are people who are willing to listen, understand and
help him/her until full recovery is achieved.