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Civic Welfare Training Service

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Civic Welfare Training Service 5.

Working closely with a network of organizations within and outside

the higher educational institution.
A program component designed to involve students to actively
6. Creating opportunities where students can render direct service to
participate in activities contributory to the general welfare and betterment
the community.
of life for the members of the community or the enhancement of its
facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, NSTP – CWTS Core Values
environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and moral of the
NSTP - CWTS fosters the following values:
1. Love of God
NSTP – CWTS Vision
 Love of God can mean either love for God or love by God. Love for
 To train students to become innovators of social change with a
God is associated with the concepts of worship, and devotions
culture of excellence and leaders with integrity, competence, and
towards God.
commitment to render service to the community.
 To develop in the youth values of patriotism and national pride, 2. Human dignity
discipline and hard work, integrity and accountability for nation –
building, and volunteerism as valuable and effective members of the  Dignity implies that each person is worthy of honor and respect for
National Service Corps of CWTS. who they are, not just for what they can do. In other words, human
dignity cannot be earned and cannot be taken away.
NSTP – CWTS Mission
3. Discipline, truth, goodness, and social responsibility
NSTP – CWTS aims to promote and integrate values education,
transformational leadership, and sustainable social mobilization for youth  Discipline is action or inaction that is regulated to be in accordance
development, community building, national renewal, and global solidarity (or to achieve accord) with a particular system of governance.
by; Discipline is commonly applied to regulating human and animal
1. Providing relevant activities that will contribute to the physical,  Truth is the property of being in accord with fact or reality.
intellectual, spiritual, and social development of students.  Goodness is the simple word for the general quality recognized in
2. Inculcating in students the values of leadership, patriotism, and character or conduct.
social responsibility.  Social responsibility is an ethical theory in which individuals are
3. Training students to become project planners, designers, and accountable for fulfilling their civic duty, and the actions of an
managers of innovative and sustainable community service – individual must benefit the whole of society. In this way, there must
oriented projects. be a balance between economic growth and the welfare of society
4. Conducting capability enhancements for civic welfare services and the environment.
geared toward preparing the youth to become results – oriented
social entrepreneurs, volunteers, and a socio – economic mobilizing 4. Awareness, innovation, and creativity
force that serves communities as value – driven innovators for  Awareness is the state or condition of being aware; having
progress. knowledge; consciousness:
 Innovation is the creation, development and implementation of a  NSTP – CWTS helps informed and self–reliant communities by
new product, process or service, with the aim of improving encouraging inter–government agency cooperation and providing
efficiency, effectiveness or competitive advantage. complementary assistance and support to facilitate socio – economic
 Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, progress, environmental management, and delivery of basic services,
alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, geared toward uplifting the well-being of people.
communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.  The NSTP – CWTS strategies follow an integrative approach to
community development, which unites the people, local officials, civic
5. Respect, synergy, and professionalism leaders, and non-governmental organizations.
 Respect is a way of treating or thinking about something or  The NSTP – CWTS 1 is a three-unit, non-academic course for students
someone. who opt to take the CWTS component of NSTP.
 Synergy is the interaction or cooperation of two or more  The minimum standard for NSTP is the development of the common
organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined and specific modules set forth in the IRR.
effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.  NSTP – CWTS 1 spans a total of 83 to 90 training hours for one semester
 Professionalism is the conduct, behavior and attitude of someone in and includes topics and a scope of instructions as follows:
a work or business environment.  NSTP – CWTS 1 spans a total of 83 to 90 training hours for one semester
and includes topics and a scope of instructions as follows:
6. Excellence and indigenous learning
1. Self-awareness and values development deal with the nature of self-
 Excellence is a talent or quality which is unusually good and so
personal development, root of Filipino character, nationalism and
surpasses ordinary standards.
patriotism, and good citizenship values with core Filipino values.
 Indigenous Learning is the study of Indigenous history, culture and
values and strives to increase awareness/appreciation of the life 2. Leadership training discusses the concepts of leadership, human
experience of Indigenous Peoples with a view to creating an behaviour, communication, motivation, teamwork, time
environment of understanding and trust amongst all Peoples. management, and decision-making.

7. Protection and conservation of the environment 3. Dimensions and development cover global, national, and local
issues on a. health b. education (enhancement of instructional
 Environmental protection is the practice of protecting the natural
support materials and faculties c. entrepreneurship d. recreation,
environment by individuals, organizations and governments. Its
and e. morals of the citizenry and other social welfare concerns such
objectives are to conserve natural resources and the existing natural
as voters’ education and poverty alleviation.
environment and, where possible, to repair damage and reverse trends.
4. Community exposure and agency visits refer to the nature,
8. Quality service delivery development and approaches in community work and community-
 Service quality refers to a customer's comparison between expectations building.
from a service with the perceptions of what is actually delivered by the
service provider. 5. Community needs assessment includes knowing the community and
the community needs assessment process, survey, and actual
NSTP – CWTS Minimum Standards conduct.
6. Community services dwell on drug education, health education 3. Passion – Good leaders are very passionate and intensely obsessed in
(medical and dental), environmental education, entrepreneurship, whatever they are focused on, be it business, sport or hobby.
and culture.
4. Compassion – Good leaders show compassion for their supporters and
7. Program evaluation tackles the fundamentals, development, followers. They possess exemplary coaching and development skills.
implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the program.
5. Charisma – Good leaders are captivating, charming individuals who
tend to draw people toward them. It could be because of the way they
LEADERSHIP TRAINING talk, or carry themselves. They excel in building relationships and
Human Behavior eliciting performance from their groups.

According to business dictionary.com, human behavior is the 6. Communication Skills – Good leaders are usually great orators and
“capacity of mental, physical, emotional, and social activities experienced persuaders.
during the five stages of human being’s life-prenatal, infancy, childhood, 7. Persistence – Good leaders are determined to attain their goals in spite
adolescence and adulthood that includes the behaviors as dictated by of the obstacles and problems.
culture, society, values, morals, ethics and genetics”.
8. Integrity – Good leaders mean what they say. They walk the talk,
Motivation practice what they preach, and keep their promises. They are reliable.
Motivation encompasses the internal and external factors that stimulate 9. Daring – Good leaders are bold, willing to take risk and determined to
desire and energy in people to be continually interested in and committed chase their dream amid the reality of fear and uncertainty.
to a job role or subject and to exert persistent efforts in attaining goal. It
results from the interaction among conscious and unconscious factors such 10. Discipline – Good leaders observed
as the 11. self-control and order.
(a) intensity of desire or need, Traits of the leader
(b) incentive or reward,
(c) expectations of the individual and of his/her significant others. 1. Character is the quality of a person’s behavior as revealed by
his/her habits, thoughts and expressions, attitudes and interests,
Good Leadership: Here are ten essential characteristics of a good leader. Do actions, and personal philosophies in life.
you think you possess them? 2. Charisma is a special spiritual gift bestowed temporarily by the Holy
Spirit on a group or an individual for the general good.
1. Vision – Good leaders know where they want to go and they can 3. Commitment engages one to do something as a continuing
motivate people to believe in their vision for their country, community, obligation. It is a state of intellectual and emotional adherence to
and family. Good leaders view things as what they could be and not some political, social, and religious theory in action.
simply as what they are. 4. Communication is a two-way process of reaching mutual
understanding in which participants do not only exchange (encode-
2. Wit – Good leaders can make sound judgments and decisions even decode) information but also create and share meaning. The
during crucial situations.
meaning of communication is in the response and not in what is said 10. Encourages employees to challenge old assumptions and to think
or how it is said. about problems in new ways
5. Competence indicates a sufficiency of knowledge and skills that 11. Spends time teaching and coaching
enable someone to act in a wide variety of situations. It is the 12. Considers each individual employee’s different needs, abilities, and
capacity of a person to understand a situation and to respond to it inspirations
accordingly and reasonably. 13. Is compassionate, appreciative, and responsive to each employee
6. Courage is the quality of the mind that enables a person to face and recognizes and celebrates each employee’s achievements
difficulty and danger without fear. It begins with an inward battle. It
is making things right, no just smoothing them over. It inspires
commitment from followers. Life expands in proportion to one’s
Four Components of Transformational Leadership
Transformational Leadership
1. Charisma. The leader’s charisma or idealized influence is envisioning
Bass (1990) explains that transformational leadership is a form of and building confidence, and he/she sets high standards to be
leadership that occurs when leaders broaden and elevate the interests of followed.
their employees, when they generate awareness and acceptance of the 2. Inspirational motivation. The leader’s inspirational motivation
purposes and mission of the group and when they stimulate their provides followers with challenges and meanings/ reasons for
employees to look beyond their own self-interest. engaging in shared goals and undertakings.
3. Intellectual stimulation. The leader’s intellectual stimulation moves
This form of leadership goes beyond traditional forms of
followers to question assumptions and generate more creative
transactional leadership that emphasizes corrective action and mutual
solutions to problems.
exchanges and rewards only when performance expectations are met.
4. Individualized consideration. The leader treats each follower as an
Behaviors of a Transformational Leader individual and provides coaching, mentoring, and growth
1. Is articulate in creating compelling vision of the future
2. Use stories and symbols to communicate his/her vision and The transformation of values, processes and institutions appears as
message. follows:
3. Specifies the importance of having a strong sense of purpose and a
• from power as dominion to power as liberation
collective mission.
• from war and conflict to peace
4. Talks optimistically and enthusiastically and expresses confidence
• from efficiency consideration to equity (balance between genders)
that goals will be achieved.
5. Engenders the trust and respect of his/her followers by doing the
Leadership Development
right thing rather than simply doing things right
1. Develop a pool of leaders
6. Instills pride in employees
• find people with basic leadership qualities
7. Talks most about important values and beliefs.
• widen the “catchment area”
8. Considers the moral and ethical consequences of decisions
• assure a democratic process
9. Seeks different perspectives when solving problems
2. Provide knowledge and skills
• build leaders’ personal capacities else’s shoes. By listening to a person’s explanation, only then can
• recognize this as a lifelong process you evaluate probe, give advice, and interpret his/her feelings.
3. Support active leaders 6. Synergize – The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. More
• actively support leaders continuously and not to place them task can be done if all things within the reach are maximized and
in positions and leave them there utilized
7. Sharpen the saw – A sense of humor is vital to relieve tension and
Virtuous Cycle of Leadership Control
boredom as well as to defuse hostility. Effective leaders know how
There has to be awareness of the framework through which to use humor to energize his/her followers.
transformational leadership must operate emphasizing that an active and
informed membership is critical to effective leadership.

Virtuous Cycle of Leadership Control

1. A leader should be energetic, sympathetic, friendly, and
understanding to ensure the enthusiastic cooperation of followers. Is the process of working collaboratively with a group of people in
2. He/She should have confidence in knowing and doing his/her job to order to achieve goal. It is often a crucial part of a business as it is often
gain the confidence of followers. necessary for colleagues to work well together and try their best in any
3. He/She should be an example to followers. circumstance. Teamwork means that people will try to cooperate by using
their individual skills and providing constructive feedback, despite any
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
personal conflict between individuals.
1. Be proactive – Proactive means being able to take responsibility for
Time Management
your life. You have the freedom to choose your behavior and
response to stimuli. Use your creativity and have some initiative. Is the art of arranging, organizing, scheduling, and budgeting one’s
You are the one in charge. time for the purpose of generating more effective work and productivity.
2. Put first things first – Practice self-management. Know your There is an abundance of books, classes, workshops, day-planners and
priorities. seminars on time management, which teach individuals and corporation
3. Begin with the end in mind – Know where you want to go. When how to be more organized and productive.
making plans and decisions, see to it that the time and effort that
will be spent conform to what you want to achieve. Envision your
goal and make it happen. Is a process that involves selecting the most logical choice from
4. Think win-win – Look at life as a cooperative arena, not a among two or more options. An example is deciding whether to move to a
competitive one. Enter agreements or make solutions that are new apartment, to live with the in-laws, or stay in the same apartment.
mutually beneficial and satisfying to both parties. Making decision is instrumental in the survival and prosperity of human
5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood – As the saying beings. The right choice is what sets an average individual from the rest.
goes, “The best way to understand is to listen. “The practice of Although the ability of making the correct decision within a short span of
empathy governs this habit. It is about putting yourself in someone time is highly valued trait, we cannot simply follow a set of patterns when
deciding on a course of action at all points in time. There are different types than those who disagree, they are often successful in getting/having
of decision-making that we do depending on the situation at hand. their own way in resolving an immediate issue, but they bring a
spirit of rivalry, rather than cooperation, to the group.
Consider the following in decision-making:
6. The handclasp happens when one person makes a suggestion and
• Identification of alternative solutions another commends it. Without further discussion, the matter is
• Evaluation of possible options to determine which one meets the decided. Resentment, however, surfaces later on.
decision objectives 7. The one-person decision is quickly made, but later when the
• Selection of the best option after an in-depth evaluation decider needs free or voluntary support from others to implement
the decision, he/she might find trouble getting it.
8. The plop ours when a group makes a decision by making it at all.
Someone makes a suggestion.

Involvement in Decision-making Difficulties in Decision-making

Every group has to make a decision at one time or another and all the 1. Fear of consequences brings division and disagreement.
members have to make a commitment to choose the best option available. 2. Conflicting loyalties of one person as a member of different groups
The following are the different types of involvement in making decisions: frequently leads to divided loyalties about decisions.
1. Consensus or agreement involves comprising various possibilities 3. Interpersonal conflicts and personal differences evoke various
after all opinions have been heard. Disagreements and minority feelings among members, which interfere with sound decision-
viewpoints are discussed fully. Everyone feels free to express making.
himself/herself. This method helps build understanding, unity, 4. Hidden agenda or secret motive can hinder decision-making for
cooperation, and commitment. making a member does not share with the group.
2. Majority voting is considered the most effective way to make a 5. Blundering methods include using rigid procedure that leaves little
decision. However, one may lose the interest or loyalty of the more expressing differing views, substituting personal opinions for
members of the minority who voted against the decision, especially adoption information, and disregarding proper consultation or
if they feel their side was not heard. consensus.
3. The minority is not consciously organized, but a few powerful 6. Inadequate leadership restricts the expression of opinions and
personalities dominate the group, often unconsciously. These discussion issues. Leaders fail to provide assistance in selecting
people later wonder why the others are apathetic. appropriate method for decision-making or are insensitive to the
4. The silent consensus of some groups leads to unanimous decisions. factors that cause difficulty in the group.
This type of involvement in decision-making is rarely applied when 7. Clash of interest occurs when different groups or individuals within
tackling important issues. Unanimous agreement is sometimes organization have opposing interests.
assumed when some members do not want to disagree and have
chosen to stay silent. Basic Life Support
5. The clique is a small group whose members plan beforehand to get (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation [CPR])
their way in decision-making. Because they are better organized
Introduction:  If the person is not breathing but has a definitive pulse, the patient
 Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is a major public health is in respiratory arrest.
challenge, with an average global incidence among adults of 55  To care for a person experiencing respiratory arrest, ventilations
OHCAs per 100,000 person/year. (Yan et. al., 2020) must be given.
 There are more than 356,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA)
annually in the U.S., nearly 90% of them fatal, according to the Cardiac Arrest
report. (Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation)  If the person is not breathing, no pulse and the patient is
 In the Philippines, with heart diseases being the most common unresponsive, the person is in cardiac arrest.
cause of death (accounting for close to 20 percent of all deaths  Cardiac arrest is a life-threatening situation in which the electrical
according to the recent Department of Health statistics) among and/or mechanical system of the heart malfunctions resulting in
adults, it would be no surprise if this condition constituted the complete cessation of the heart’s ability to function and circulate
predominant mode of death of most cardiac diseases. In fact, blood efficiently.
approximately half of all deaths from heart diseases occur as
Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
 It can happen at any time, to anyone, anywhere, and although pre- Chain of Survival
existing heart disease is a common cause, it may strike people with
no history of cardiac disease or symptoms.
 Once the heart ceases to function, a healthy human brain may
survive without oxygen for up to 4 minutes without suffering any
permanent damage.
 Unfortunately, a typical Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
responders 6 – 10 minutes.
 It is during those critical minutes that CPR (Cardio Pulmonary
Resuscitation) can provide oxygenated blood to victim’s brain and
heart, dramatically increasing the chance of survival.
 And, if properly instructed, almost anyone can learn and perform
Rescuer and Victim
What is BLS?  Rescuer – all, regardless of training, should provide chest
 Basic Life Support (BLS) refers to the care healthcare providers and compression (CC).
public safety professionals provide to patients who are experiencing a. Untrained Lone Rescuer – Hands only CPR
respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest or airway obstruction. b. Trained Lone Rescuer – CC ± rescue breath
 BLS includes psychomotor skills for performing high-quality CPR, c. Health Care Provider – CC + rescue breath, coordinate
using an automated external defibrillator (AED) and relieving an teamwork
obstructed airway for patients of all ages.
Components of Basic Life Support
Respiratory Arrest  Ensure safety
 Safety of self  Circulation/Compression – Ventilation
 Safety of the patient Is the victim’s heart beating?
 Movement of a trauma victim – only when absolute Is the victim bleeding severely?
necessary. [Unstable cervical spine – injured spinal cord]  Airway – Does the victim have an open airway?
 Assess Response  Breathing – Is the victim breathing?
 Ask the person “Are you ok?”  Defibrillation
 Tap and shout
 If the person responds  Position the Victim/Rescuer
 Leave the client and call for help.  The position of the victim must be supine on a firm flat
 Return as quick as possible and reassess the surface for CPR to be effective. If the victim is lying facing
condition of the person. down, logroll the victim.
 Head and neck should be in the same plane.
 Rescuer kneeling at victim’s thorax to perform both rescue
breathing and chest compression.
 Activate Emergency Medical Services Circulation
 Call for help.  Check pulse. Take at least 5 seconds but not more than 10
 Describe the emergency to the operator. seconds.
 includes where you are (location)  If pulse is not definitely felt within 10 seconds, proceed with
 condition of the patient chest compressions.
 The way of finding the heart massage
ABC’s of Basic Life Support  Two fingers upper side of the xiphisternum tip (lowest part
 The critical initial elements of BLS are chest compressions and early of the sternum).
defibrillation.  The way of crossing a hand and the way of oppression
 Airway – Does the victim have an open airway?  Heel of one hand on inter-mammary line.
 Breathing – Is the victim breathing?  Heel of other hand on top of the first so that the hands are
 Circulation/Compression – Ventilation overlapped and parallel.
Is the victim’s heart beating?  Lock elbows.
Is the victim bleeding severely?  Chest compression
 Defibrillation  Rhythmic applications of pressure over the lower half of
the sternum.
Change from A-B-C to C-A-B  It increase intrathoracic pressure and directly compresses
 In the A-B-C sequence, chest compressions are often delayed while the heart.
the responder opens the airway to give mouth-to-mouth breaths,  Characteristics of good Chest Compression
retrieves a barrier device, or gathers and assembles ventilation  “Push hard – push fast”. Push at a rate of 100-120/minute.
equipment.  Compression depth – at least 2 inches (5 cm) but not more
 The critical initial elements of BLS are chest compressions and early than 2.5 inches.
defibrillation.  Release completely to allow chest to fully recoil.
 A compression-ventilation ratio of 30:2.  Open the airway
 Do not bounce your hands up and down on the victim’s
• Head Tilt – Chin Lift
 Never use the palm of your hand, use the heel of your  Simple, safe, easily learned and effective.
hand.  Choice unless trauma to neck is suspected.
 Chest Compression Reminder  Place your hand on victim’s forehead.
 Be careful with your hand position.  Gently tilt head back
 For adults/children, keep your fingers off patient’s chest.  With your fingertips under point of victim’s chin, lift
 Do not give compressions over bottom tip of breastbone. chin to open airway.
 When compressing, keep elbows straight and hands in
contact with patient’s chest at all times.  Open the airway
• Jaw Thrust
 For suspected trauma to the neck.
 Place one hand on each side of victim’s head.
Roles of Each Rescuers  Rest elbows on the surface on which the victim is
 Grasps angles of victim’s lower jaw & lift with both
 Look for adequate breathing in adults.
 Look for presence or absence of breathing in children and
 After the first set of chest compressions, the airway is
opened, and the rescuer delivers 2 breathes.

Airway  Giving Rescue Breaths

 First thing to check in initial assessment.  Use a barrier device of some type while giving breathes.
 You may need to open airway, maintain its patency, or  Deliver each rescue breaths over 1 second.
clear it when it is compromised.  Give a sufficient tidal volume to produce visible chest rise
 Check airway for patency  Avoid rapid or forceful breaths.
 When an advanced airway is in place during 2-person CPR,
• Open mouth with gloved hand ventilate at a rate of 8 to 10 breaths per minute.
• Listen for sounds indicating liquid in airway
• Look inside for fluids, solids, or objects  Mouth-to-Mouth Rescue Breaths
• Clear using finger sweep or suction. • Most common cause of ventilation difficulty is an
improperly opened airway.
• If NO chest rises with first rescue breath: perform head-tilt
chin lift again and then give 2nd rescue breath.
Social Menace of Drug Addiction
 Mouth-to-Mouth Rescue Breaths
• Pinch nostrils closed Drug is defined as follows according to the Philippine Drug Enforcement
• Make tight seal around victims’ mouth Agency (PDEA)
• Open nostrils after giving rescue breath.
Clinical definition
 If with adequate breathing…  Drug is a therapeutic substance other than food used in the
 Put victim in a recovery position and monitor breathing prevention, diagnosis, alleviation, treatment, or cure of disease in
until help arrives. humans or animals.

 When to stop CPR? General Definition

 Spontaneous breathing is present - Return of spontaneous  Drug is a substance aside from food intended to affect the structure
circulation (ROSC). or function of a physiological system like the human body.
 The rescuer is exhausted.
 Orders from the Doctor - Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order is Popular definition
presented.  Drug refers mainly to chemical or plant-derived substances that
 Paramedics or advanced teams arrives. affect the body’s psychological, behavioural, or physical functions
 Patient obviously dead. and leads to varying degrees of independence or addiction.
 Drug addiction pertains to dependency on drug. Unpleasant
 Automated External Defibrillator withdrawal symptoms appear unless the person is taking the
 Ventricular Defibrillation is one of the most common substance. Addictive drugs make a person crave for or make
rhythm found in adults with witnessed non-traumatic him/her feel an overwhelming urge to continue taking the drug,
sudden cardiac death. even after withdrawal symptoms have disappeared.
 Treatment of choice: Defibrillation  Drug change the way the body and the brain function. Sometimes,
 Higher survival rate if immediate bystander CPR plus the result are pleasant as in the case of prescription medications
defibrillation occurs within 3-5 minutes. that are used to treat various conditions and diseases. However,
there are also times when the result are terrible and cause great
Conclusion harm to one’s body and well-being.
 CPR is a responsibility of a team personnel.  Thus, it is wise to know that not all drugs are harmful or are always
 For patients with cardiac arrest, early appropriate safe. It is more important, however, to recognize if you are addicted
resuscitation, involving CPR, early defibrillation, and to drugs. Serious consequences can result from the use of both
appropriate implementation of post-cardiac arrest care, illegal drugs and prescription medication.
leads to improved survival and neurologic outcomes.
Addiction marijuana, whether dried or fresh and flowering, flowering or
 An addition is not having a control over doing, taking, or using fruiting tops, or any part or portion of the plant and seed thereof,
something, until it becomes harmful. Commonly, there are and all its geographic varieties whether as a reefer, resin, extract,
dependencies on alcohol or drugs, but you can also become tincture or any form whatsoever.
addicted to everything from gambling to chocolates. Being addicted  The mind-altering component of marijuana is the delta-9-
to something means having a difficult time without it during the tetrahydrocannibol (THC) which is concentrated in the resin.
day.  Smoked cannabis produces a dreamy state of consciousness in
which ideas seem disconnected, unanticipated, and free flowing.
Classification of Dangerous Drugs Time, color, and perceptions may be altered. In general, a feeling of
According to the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, there are two classes of well-being and relaxation is experienced. Panic reactions usually
dangerous drugs: occur, particularly to new users.

 Prohibited drugs which include all the drugs that produce

psychological effects of narcotics or those that relieve pain and
induce sleep (cocaine, LSD, marijuana, opium and its derivatives,
 Regulated drugs which include self-inducing sedatives like Adverse Effects
barbiturates, amphetamines, or other hypnotic drugs or compounds
producing the same physiological effects.  Impairment of memory and short-term cognitive functioning,
particulary mathematical, reading, and verbal comprehension skills
Common Drug Types  Impairment of motor skills which may lead to accidents and
There are different types of drugs. Some are prescribed. Others are known respiratory problems such as bronchitis or lung cancer
as club drugs, illicit or illegal substances, and designer drugs.  Premature babies, low birth weight, abortion, or still birth (neonatal
1. Marijuana  Panic or state of anxiety, sometimes accompanied by paranoria
 Marijuana is the term used to describe all that comes from the  Motivational syndrome as the regular use of marijuana dulls the
cannabis plant (Cannabis sativa) like leaves, tops, stem, flowers, and mind of the smoker, blunts enthusiasm, and takes away drive or
roots. These are dried and prepared for smoking or taken orally as urge
“brownies.”  Burnout as the user can become dull, slow-moving, inattentive, and
 Marijuana has psychoactive effects; it is taken into the body in the unaware of his/her surroundings
form of smoke or vapour and can also be consumed and mixed into  Susceptibility to infections
food or steeped in tea. It is believed to act as the “gateway” to  Decreased sperm production and altered sperm shape and mobility
other more serious substances.  Decreased testosterone level, so that pre-teenagers are at an
 According to PDEA, marijuana or Indian hemp embraces every kind, increased risk of temporary loss of fertility.
class, genus, or species of the plant Cannabis sativa L. including but  Symptom of mental illness
not limited to, cannabis Americana, hashish, bhang, guaza, churrus,
and ganjab. It also includes every kind, class and character of
2. Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (SHABU)  Chronic shabu snorters may suffer from severe irritation of the nasal
 Methamphetamine Hydrochloride HCL is a type of amphetamine passages and, at times, may even develop tissue perforation of the
also known as “poor man’s cocaine.” Its other names are shabu, nasal septum, so that they become prone to frequent nosebleed.
ubas, siopao, sha, and ice. Shabu is a white, odourless crystal or Renal damage, hearth disease, and stroke have likewise been
crystalline powder with a bitter, numbing taste. documented among chronic abusers.
 Abuser are known to take this drug by ingestion: inhalation (chasing  Injecting shabu from contaminated needles may lead to poisoning
the dragon), sniffing (snorting), or injection. Amphetamines are (septicaemia) and AIDS which can lead to death.
regularly absorbed orally and are associated with rapid onset of
action, usually within one hour. If taken intravenously or through 3. Inhalants
injection, they have an almost immediate effect.  Inhalant abuse is the deliberated inhalation of volatile chemical
substance that contains psychoactive (mind/mood-altering) vapors
Adverse Effects causing a state of intoxication. Most inhalants are common
 Anxiety, tension, irritability, irrational behaviour, talkativeness, and household products such as nailpolish remover, glue, gasoline,
loss of self-control household cleaners, and nitrous oxide. Inhalants also include
 Loss of appetite and inability to sleep fluorinated hydrocarbons found in aerosols such as hairspray, spray
 Euphoria, elation paint, and household cleaners.
 Acute psychotic reactions, violent and destructive behaviour, and
recklessness that may result in accident.
Physiological Effects
 These include chest pains; irregularity of hearth beat; elevated or
lowered blood pressure, evidence of weight loss, convulsion, and Immediate Effects
death from cardiac arrest.  Confusion
 Distorted perception of time and distance
Long-Term Effects  Aggressive behaviour/violence
 Psychiatric consequences are the major feature of chronic “Shabu”  Hallucinations
abuse and dependency. Prolonged use and even a single exposure,  Illusions
especially if administered intravenously, can lead to the  Nausea and vomiting
manifestation of a full-blown psychosis which is similar to a  Drowsiness
schizophrenia characterized by the presence of paranoid delusions
and auditory and visual hallucinations. The paranoia may lead to Delayed Effect
violent and aggressive behaviour.  Loss of memory
 Some chronic users have difficulty in concentrating and  Inability to think
remembering things. Diminished ability to cope with problems and  Muscle cramps and weakness
difficulties in facing reality is common. Loss of interest in sex,  Numbness of limbs
ambition, or motivation may also result from using shabu.  Abdominal pains
 Damage to the central nervous system, kidney, liver, and possibly, alkaloid of opium is used as an ingredients; opium poppy; poppy
the bone marrow straw; and leaves or wrappings of opium leaves, whether prepared
for use or not.
4. Ecstasy  Opium poppy refers to any part of the plant of the species Papaver
 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) commonly known as somniferum L., Papever setigerum DC, Papaver orientale, Papaver
“ecstacy,” “X-TC,” “Adam,” and “Eden Tablet,” refers to the drug bracteatum and Papaver rhoeas which include the seeds, straws,
having such chemical composition, including any of its isomers or branches, leaves, or any part thereof, or substances derived
derivatives in any form. therefrom, even for floral, decorative, and culinary purposes.
 Ecstacy is the term used for a group of “designer” drugs closely
related in chemical form to the amphetamine family of illicit drugs. 6. Cocaine
Demands for this drug caused its price to soar up to ₱2,000 today.  Cocaine is a drug from the leaves of the Erythroxylon coca plant, a
 MDMA was first develop as an appetite suppressant in 1914 by the shrub that originated from South America. This drug affects the
German company, Merck. In the 1970s, U.S. therapists, led by central nervous system as a stimulant.
biochemist Alexander Shulgin, used the drug to help patients  Cocaine exaggerates changes caused by at least two brain
explore their feelings. chemicals-noradrenaline and dopamine-increasing alertness and
causing euphoria. Pure cocaine was produced in 1860 and was
Adverse Effects hailed as a cure-all. Doctors used it to treat anxiety and depression
 Fatigue and, perhaps, depression after the drug is stopped until they realized it was addictive. Dentists also used cocaine to
 Restlessness, anxiety, and pronounced visual and auditory numb their patient’s gums, but because it damage living tissues, it
hallucinations at large doses. was replaced by drugs like lignocaine.
 Nausea and vomiting
 Rise in blood pressure and heart rate, or death from heart failure or
stroke 7. Sedatives
 Prolonged regular use can lead to the same long-term effects those  Sedatives-hypnotics such as tranquilizers, sleeping pills and sedative
of synthetic stimulants, including a potential for neurotoxicity and are drugs which depress or slow down body functions. These drugs
brain and liver damage. can be dangerous when taken without a physician’s prescription or
5. Opiates/Narcotics
 Opiates, sometimes called narcotics, are a group of drugs that are 8. Steroids
used medically to relieve pain but have a high potential for abuse.  Anabolic steroids are not the same as the kind used in medicine for
Some opiates that are commonly abused are opium, morphine, the reduction of inflammation. Rather, these substances are used to
codeine, and synthesized or manufactured opiates. build muscle mass and strength. They typically consist of male sex
 Opium refers to the coagulated juice of the opium poppy (Papaver hormones and can be very damaging when used without a medical
somniferum L.) and embraces every kind, class, and character of prescription.
opium, whether crude or prepared; the ashes or refuse of the same;
narcotic preparations thereof or therefrom; morphine or any 9. Tobacco
 Tobacco is often smoked in the form of cigarettes or cigars or 4. Rebellion and willingness to take risks especially when teenagers
chewed. It contains nicotine which is a stimulant and a highly like illegal substances that their parents strongly disapprove
addictive substance that has been known to cause cancer and other 5. Escapism. Alcohol and other drugs are used as a means of avoiding
diseases. problems associated with family life, school or work frustrations,
friendship and relationship difficulties, low self-esteem, and
10. Nicotine depression.
 Tobacco was introduced in America in the late 5 th century. When
tobacco smoke is held, nicotine is absorbed through the lungs and These problems should be addressed as early as possible to prevent any
reaches the brain in about seven seconds. Nicotine works by related drug use from escalating.
mimicking the actions of a naturally occurring brain chemical-
Signs of Drug Dependency
acetylcholine-by docking with its special receptor molecules. Some
of these nicotine receptors in the brain activate part of the  There are no specific physical signs or personality changes that
“pleasure center,” which could be responsible for nicotine’s indicate when a person is using drugs. Although a deviant behavior
euphoric effects. may indicate drug use, some behavior changes may also not be
 Nine out of ten smokers say they like to quit smoking but cannot. drug-related.
Nicotine withdrawal symptoms include irritability, anxiety, loss of
The following manifestation of drugs use require attention and
concentration, and sleeplessness. Cigarette smoke contains a
appropriate action from the parent of the use
handful of other harmful substances, including carbon monoxide
and tar. 1. Mood swings or explosive outbursts
2. Staying out late or not coming home night
3. Frequent absence from work or school, or declining work or school
4. Unexplained need for money or sudden loss of money and valuables
5. Less extracurricular activities, social withdrawal, and minimal
interaction with the family
6. Sudden or noticeable change in friends
REASON BEHIND DRUD ABUSE 7. Tiredness or changes in sleeping patterns
Typically, adolescence is a time of experimentation. Taking drugs is 8. Changes in eating patterns
common as teenagers struggle to establish their independence in a society 9. Impaired memory and poor concentration
where alcohol and other substances are associated with being a mature 10. Blood-shot or glassy eyes
adult. Some reasons behind addiction to substance, alcohol, and prohibited 11. Lethargy and loss of motivation
drugs include: 12. Deterioration of physical appearance and grooming

1. Curiosity Conclusion
2. Social influence (peer pressure)  There are several reason why persons takes prohibited drugs. The
3. New sensations, for example, the effects of ecstasy which include probability of becoming too much dependent on these illegal
increased energy and confidence substances leads a person to manifest behavior, mental reasoning,
and habits that are negatively affecting the way he/she treats
his/her family, other people around him/her, the society where
he/she lives, and most especially himself/herself.
 Drug dependency is extremely hazardous to a person’s health, the
people who care for him/her and his/her future as well.
 A drug dependent can still be saved from his/her present situation
as long as there are people who are willing to listen, understand and
help him/her until full recovery is achieved.

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