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Chapman, 2002

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Marine Pollution Bulletin 44 (2002) 715 www.elsevier.



Integrating toxicology and ecology: putting the eco into ecotoxicology

Peter M. Chapman *
EVS Environment Consultants, 195 Pemberton Avenue, North Vancouver, BC Canada V7P 2R4

Abstract Environmental toxicology has been and continues to be an important discipline (e.g., single-species testing for screening purposes). However, ecological toxicology (ecotoxicology more realism in tests, test species and exposures) is required for predicting real world eects and for site-specic assessments. Ecotoxicology and ecology have shown similar developmental patterns over time; closer cooperation between ecologists and toxicologists would benet both disciplines. Ecology can be incorporated into toxicology either extrinsically (separately, e.g., providing information on pre-selected test species) or intrinsically (e.g., as part of test species selection) the latter is preferable. General guidelines for acute and chronic testing and criteria for species selection dier for ecotoxicology and environmental toxicology, and are outlined. An overall framework is proposed based on ecological risk assessment (ERA), for combining ecology and toxicology (environmental and ecological) for decision-making. Increased emphasis on ecotoxicology represents a shift from reductionist to holistic approaches. 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Keywords: Ecology; Ecotoxicology; Sediments; Risk assessment

1. Introduction Toxicological studies of the environment can be mostly characterized as environmental toxicology. Such studies are conducted independently from ecological considerations, and perhaps subsequently compared to ecological studies in a burden-of-evidence approach (e.g., Ingersoll et al., 1997). Consideration of ecology is generally extrinsic rather than intrinsic. In other words, tests are, in many cases, conducted with organisms that can readily be obtained, cultured, and tested. The ecological signicance of the test organisms is a secondary consideration. Thus, for example, freshwater rainbow trout toxicity tests are used in Canada even for euents discharging into marine waters. Arguably a paradigm shift is occurring, with ecological toxicology (ecotoxicology) assuming increasing importance. The purpose of this paper is to detail the importance of ecotoxicology, for decision-making related to ecosystem protection, and encourage this paradigm shift. This paper begins by discussing the status and progress of ecology relative to aquatic toxicology in

general, then proceeds to discuss the dierences between ecotoxicology and environmental toxicology, key ecotoxicological issues, a specic example (estuarine sediments), and ecological risk assessment (ERA). It nishes by providing specic recommendations for the better integration of ecology and aquatic toxicology.

2. Ecology progress and comparison to aquatic toxicology Ecology focuses on interactions between organisms, distributions and abundances of organisms, the functioning of biological populations and communities, and the processes that aect all these parameters (Andrewartha and Birch, 1954). Ecologists study interactions between organisms and their environment at all levels, from the individual organism through to the ecosystem. This includes factors governing the geographic distributions of species and that inuence abundance and other characteristics of individual populations. The primary purpose of ecological investigations is to understand and explain natural phenomena, ecological processes and, therefore, the resultant patterns of distribution, abundance, diversity and interactions of species (Underwood et al., 2000).

Tel.: +1-604-986-4331; fax: +1-604-662-8548. E-mail address: pchapman@attglobal.net (P.M. Chapman).

0025-326X/02/$ - see front matter 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. PII: S 0 0 2 5 - 3 2 6 X ( 0 1 ) 0 0 2 5 3 - 3

P.M. Chapman / Marine Pollution Bulletin 44 (2002) 715

Ecology began with simple observations (natural history and description), that were then complemented by planned investigations, and later by experimental manipulations; this mirrors the progress of toxicology (i.e., from only simple laboratory exposures to complementary complex in situ experiments Fig. 1). A major focus of ecology is the general principles that structure natural communities (Menge, 2000). Manipulative experiments in ecology data back at least 70 years (e.g., Hatton, 1932). Experimental aquatic ecology, particularly in the marine environment, has blossomed in the past few decades to become a solid scientic discipline (Castilla, 2000; Underwood, 2000). Classic experiments have been conducted to test hypotheses concerning, for example: competition, predation, succession, perturbation, resilience, and species richness. In addition to manipulative experiments, the range of study approaches used by ecologists includes descriptive observations, laboratory experiments, and mathematical models. Major ecological paradigms have been developed including the controversial (Power and Mills, 1995) keystone species concept (Mills et al., 1993); community resilience/ecologically alternative states (Sutherland, 1974); and the inuence of biotic factors (carnivores and herbivores) on patterns of biomass (Polis, 1999). The keystone species concept, if correct, may be particularly germane for aquatic ecotoxicology as discussed later. A keystone species is simply a species whose impact on its community or ecosystem is disproportionately large relative to its abundance (Power et al., 1996), thus its loss from or addition to a system would change community composition, structure or function suciently to arouse concern (Power and Mills, 1995). Keystone species dier from species that are dominant in terms of biomass or abundance, which latter are critical for the maintenance of the structure and dynamics of communities. However, keystone species may not exist in all environments. For instance, in wetland plant communities the relative importance of a species to community structure and function is strongly correlated with the species overall abundance, and there is a great deal of functional redundancy within guilds of wetland plant species. There are also areas where both ecology and aquatic toxicology have similarities in terms of deciencies. For instance, there has been little experimental work on ecology related to detrital webs (Castilla, 2000), which mirrors a similar lack of progress with regards to bacterial bioassays in aquatic toxicology. Similarly, many ecological experiments are designed to minimize (or ignore) rather than measure natural variability (Chapman, 2000a), which again is a similar situation to aquatic toxicology (Baird et al., 1996). Another similarity between ecology and aquatic toxicology relates to the use of quasi-eld and eld experiments. Both have attempted to make laboratory

conditions more realistic. For instance, aquatic toxicologists use microcosms and mecocosms (Solomon, 2002); ecologists similarly transfer animals into the laboratory with patches of natural habitat (e.g., Della Santina and Naylor, 1994), take the laboratory into the eld (e.g., Colombini et al., 1994) or conduct transplantation experiments (Underwood, 2000). Arguments regarding top-down as opposed to bottom-up assessments are as rife in ecology as in aquatic toxicology (Baird et al., 1996; Menge, 2000; Underwood, 2000), but do not necessarily involve a good understanding of each others disciplines. There are also areas where ecology and aquatic toxicology should be more similar but are not. One of these is the issue of functional redundancy. In other words, when and under what circumstances do communities contain functionally analogous species, such that the disappearance of one species from the community entails no measurable loss of functionality (Tilman, 1997)? As noted by Duarte (2000), functional redundancy is a property of the particular species present rather than the number of species. Thus, Trichodesmium species, the main pelagic nitrogen xer in the ocean, plays a key role that cannot be assumed by other species within the same community. In contrast, functional redundancy does occur between closely-related species such as seagrass communities and is best determined related to specic functions rather than, for example, gross morphology (Padilla and Allen, 2000). Any relationship between species richness and functional redundancy is likely indirect (Duarte, 2000). Risk assessments are beginning to consider the issue of functional redundancy, however this is not considered in environmental toxicology as part of single-species tests conducted under laboratory conditions (Solomon, 2002). Calow (1996) has raised this issue of structural redundancy with the recommendation that protecting structure should, in general, protect function this is a kind of ecological precautionary principle. But it has not yet been recognized as a key issue in aquatic toxicology. Similarly, population dynamics is one of the most important branches of ecology and one of the most relevant to ecotoxicology.

3. Environmental toxicology and ecotoxicology The domain of toxicology in general (including both environmental toxicology and ecotoxicology as dened below), includes understanding the types of eects caused by chemicals, the biochemical and physiological processes responsible for those eects, the relative sensitivities of dierent types of organisms to chemical exposures, and the relative toxicities of dierent chemicals and chemical classes. While controlled laboratory experiments using single indicator species have served well in the past and continue to provide a mainstay for

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Fig. 1. The development of ecology, environmental toxicology, and ecotoxicology. Initial approaches have not been supplanted but rather have been complemented by subsequent approaches.

toxicology (e.g., screening large numbers of substances and environmental media to identify those that may be hazardous), more complex studies and better choice of test species are essential complements for present and future studies if we are to predict toxicity to wild organisms under actual exposure conditions. Ecotoxicology comprises the integration of ecology and toxicology (Chapman, 1995; Baird et al., 1996; Fig. 1). Its objective is to understand and predict eects of chemicals on natural communities under realistic exposure conditions. Theoretical insights and methods drawn from ecology are needed to achieve this objective. Very real dierences exist compared to environmental toxicology as summarized in Table 1. For the latter, laboratory issues are primary (e.g., collection, culturing, holding, testing) rather than ecological issues (e.g., importance in the food chain/community structuring and

function). Environmental toxicologists generally test individual species rather than combined species. Testing mixtures of species can result in reduced toxicity compared to testing individual species (e.g., Table 2). Interestingly and similarly, ecologists have found an enhanced functional performance of mixed communities over that expected from a simple additive contribution of the community members (Duarte, 2000). Environmental toxicologists worry about the cost of testing whereas the ultimate concern should be the cost of an incorrect decision. Their tests are simple whereas the environment is complex. Testing focuses on chemicals even though chemicals are only one issue, and not necessarily the most important one. As noted by Chapman (1995), habitat loss, introduced (exotic) species, and nutrient enrichment are all more signicant global environmental insults than are toxic chemicals. So too is

Table 1 Environmental toxicology compared to ecological toxicology (Ecotoxicology) Environmental toxicology Laboratory issues primary (e.g., collection, culturing, holding, testing) Individual species tests Cost of testing a major issue Simple tests Chemicals of primary concern Toxicologists only Ecological toxicology Ecological issues primary (e.g., importance in: food chain, community structuring) Combined species tests Cost of an incorrect decision the major issue Complex tests Chemicals only one issue, and not necessarily the most important issue Toxicologists and ecologists, and other disciplines as necessary (e.g., microbiologists)

Table 2 Decrease in acute toxicity for mixed species of aquatic oligochaete worms compared to individual species (data from Chapman et al., 1982) Species L. hoeisteri and T. tubifex compared to L. homeisteri alone L. hoeisteri and T. tubifex compared to T. tubifex alone NaPCP (%) 76 53 Cd (%) 241 81 Hg (%) 22 64


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global climate change, including ozone depletion. And nally, environmental toxicology testing is conducted by toxicologists, generally without involving other scientic disciplines such as ecology. Basically, those conducting environmental toxicology have become too concerned that their tests work and provide data. The focus is not on problem solving related to the ecology, but rather problem solving related to the tests themselves. This focus is understandable given regulatory, contractual, and other imperatives that require relatively simple, reproducible, and successful tests. Penalties may accrue to contract laboratories that do not meet set performance criteria for stipulated toxicity tests. But, the costs of an incorrect decision are arguably much larger than the costs of testing, though perhaps not as immediate. The importance of ecotoxicology is readily demonstrated by a few examples. The rst example involves unpublished studies at a marine site whose sediments were very highly contaminated with chlorophenols. Sediment toxicity testing with infaunal amphipods (Rhepoxynius abronius) recorded almost total mortalities in these sediments. Thus, by the measures of sediment chemistry and toxicity the sediments were both highly contaminated and highly toxic. However, surprisingly, benthic infaunal studies indicated that apparently healthy if not overly abundant communities existed in these sediments, including amphipods. Further investigations revealed the reasons for this discrepancy. Basically, the standard sediment grab samples taken for analyses had combined and mixed dierent sediment depths. In the actual environment heavily contaminated sediments were overlain by 12 cm of clean sediment that had been successfully recolonized by a diverse benthic community. Ecological input (i.e., ecotoxicology not solely environmental toxicology) was critical for fully evaluating management options. A second example involves the Southern California Bight and infaunal benthic communities impacted by PCB and DDT around a sewage outfall discharge. Laboratory studies with spiked and eld collected sediments indicated impaired reproduction at environmentally realistic concentrations (Murdoch et al., 1997), however such eects were not distinguishable in standard benthic infaunal surveys, whose results were dominated by organic carbon enrichment eects. It has been proposed that such populations may not be self-sustaining but rather dependent on outside immigration for their persistence (Chapman, 1995). This hypothesis is similar to that proposed by Menzie (1984) of diminished recruitment related to substrate modications and inhibition of larval settlement for planktonic larvae. Ecotoxicology is required to test these hypotheses and to determine if they are correct and, if so, whether or not it matters. Another example of the need for ecological toxicology is the issue of endocrine disruptive substances

(EDCs). An EDC can be dened as an exogenous agent that interferes with the synthesis, storage/release, transport, metabolism, binding, action, or elimination of natural hormones responsible for the maintenance of homeostasis and the regulation of developmental processes (Cooper and Kavlock, 1997). The impact of EDCs on ecological systems is a new area of research; the current model of the endocrine system is mammalian and is still not completely dened in terms of its mechanisms and eects. Research on the eects of EDCs on non-mammalian species generally relies on the use of one or two model organisms, exposed to short-term, higher concentration, aqueous exposures, or exposure of isolated cell cultures to establish that endocrine disruption is occurring. Such studies comprise environmental toxicology not ecological toxicology. While additional single-species tests are required to attempt to determine mechanisms responsible for toxicity, this should not be the only type of testing undertaken. For example, very little research involves multiple species for long-term durations at environmentally relevant concentrations; data from standard test species such as Daphnia or rainbow trout are used to represent numerous phyla of aquatic organisms that have very dierent metabolisms and hormonal systems (e.g., Kashian and Dodson, 2000). There have been very few measures of endocrine disruption involving sediment exposures, bioavailability, or dietary uptake by organisms associated with sediment (Depledge and Billinghurst, 1999), though it has been suggested that uptake from sediment organisms can result in endocrine disruption in bottom feeding sh (Hecht et al., 2000). And, in fact, the classication of specic chemicals as estrogenic is still debatable (Soto et al., 1995). Ecological toxicology is also required for substances that have dierent modes of acute and chronic toxicity. For instance, selenium is acutely toxic via water column exposures, however chronic toxicity occurs via dietary exposures and, in the aquatic environment, is primarily restricted to sh and waterfowl (Chapman, 1999). Thus standard environmental toxicology tests, which typically involve aqueous exposures, are not sucient to determine the risks posed by selenium contamination. However, similarly, ecology is not alone capable of determining what is occurring in the environment related to contamination. In particular, ecology alone cannot determine: relationships between organisms and contaminants (or other stressors); how contaminants and other stressors change community structure in terms of both direct (e.g., toxicity) and indirect (e.g., food chain) eects. To adequately assess and protect environmental quality, it is critically important to determine how stressor(s) aect dierent organisms and populations. Such information does not come from either environmental toxicology or ecology alone, but rather from their combination into ecological toxicology.

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4. Key ecotoxicological issues There are two key issues specic to ecotoxicology: acute and chronic responses; and, criteria for species selection. 4.1. Acute and chronic responses Toxicological testing with acute and chronic responses often involves several individual species and endpoints. The results are used in some form of weightof-evidence assessment, but without clear guidance as to how to use/interpret dierential responses and intensities of response. The general assumption (which is not true in all cases as discussed above), is that the primary route of exposure is aqueous. Thus standard toxicity testing is routinely based on concentrations (e.g., LC=EC50 determinations) in the external medium (e.g., water, sediment). However, increasingly it is becoming apparent that the dose, that is, the material associated with biological tissues, is a much better predictor of eects (Chapman and Wang, 2000). Primary emphasis should be on three key testing parameters. First, test taxa should be most similar to resident taxa and of ecological relevance and importance. Second, exposure routes need to be direct and relevant. Third, taxa to be tested need to have proven to be appropriately sensitive to contaminants/stressors of concern. Testing the most sensitive species will not necessarily protect the majority of species (Chapman, 1998, 2000b); in fact, generally sensitive species do not seem to exist (Calow, 1996). Further, arguably the primacy of responses from worst to less bad is: mortality ! reproductive (fecundity) or growth effects ! other sublethal endpoints (e.g., behavior, biomarkers). If you are dead you cannot reproduce or grow; if you cannot reproduce or grow, your populations are not self-sustaining. Biomarkers (e.g., induction of metallothionein, mixed function oxidases, stress proteins) only provide an indication of exposure, and have not yet been linked directly

to impacts at the organism level, let alone at the level of populations and communities (Cormier and Daniel, 1994; Decaprio, 1997). Bioindicators involve assessments of whole organisms, involve eld data from multiple levels of biological organization, and have been linked directly to impacts (McCarty and Munkittrick, 1996; Munkittrick and McCarty, 1995; Power and McCarty, 1997; Vigerstad and McCarty, 2000). Pending their further development, biomarkers belong in environmental toxicology, while bioindicators belong in ecotoxicology. The highest credibility in ecotoxicological testing will be derived from tests which measure mortality and reproductive or growth eects (e.g., both acute and energetically-based chronic eects), and use ecologically signicant taxa similar to or related to resident taxa, which are likely to be exposed and which are appropriately sensitive. Calow (1996) suggests that the direct eects of toxicants on survival and reproduction are more important than indirect action due to adjustments in predator and/or prey competitorcompetitor interactions. 4.2. Criteria for species selection Improvements are also needed in the manner in which we select species for testing (Table 3). Typically, we choose an organism that is economically or ecologically important. While the latter criterion is necessary, it does not go far enough if we are doing more than screening. For better predictions and for site-specic assessments, we need to test the equivalent of keystone species, ideally for the area being assessed. Test species should be identied by community-based studies. Presently we test organisms that are widely available as this involves less eort; we should not hesitate to test organisms that are only reasonably available, even if this involves more effort, where these organisms are more appropriate. We focus on organisms that are easily cultured in the laboratory and genetically stable; again, this should not be our only focus. If testing a particular organism will greatly improve our assessment, we should not hesitate

Table 3 Standard compared to recommended criteria for test species selection Standard criteria An important ecological group (based on taxonomy, trophic level or niche) Widely available (less eort) Easily cultivated in laboratory and genetically stable Recommended criteria Dominant or keystone species (ideally for area being assessed); identied by community-based studies Reasonably available (more eort) Can be reasonably collected from laboratory or collected from eld

Physiology, genetics, taxonomy, behavior, etc. well known Not specied Can be tested with other species/taxa Not specied Endpoints ecologically and toxicologically relevant Consistent, measurable response to toxicants Can be tested in laboratory or eld Resistant to disease and physical damage, can be handled in laboratory


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simply because somewhat more eort is required to cultivate that organism, so long as the extra eort required is not excessive compared to the information that will be obtained. As noted by Calow (1996), the state of a few particular species in communities is likely to be more important than eects on a large number of species for community structure and function. Two characteristics that are not commonly considered for toxicity test organisms, but which should be, are their ability to be tested with other species and that the endpoints of such testing be ecologically and toxicologically relevant. Instead of worrying about consistent, measurable responses to toxicants and a linear dose-response, we should instead focus simply on being able to conduct testing in the laboratory or eld, as appropriate. Linear dose-responses may be the exception rather than the rule (Chapman, 1998, 2000b); we should not shrink from this reality. Further, predictive and site-specic testing should more often involve mixtures of species rather than solely individual species, with appropriate selection of both individual and combined species. Such testing is important for several reasons. First, interactions aect toxicity responses. For instance, Chapman et al. (1982) found that testing mixed species of aquatic oligochaete worms, using species that typically coexist, resulted in lower toxicity than when individual species were tested (Table 2). Second, real environment interdependencies are not fully understood. These complex tests do not replace singlespecies tests, but are useful for detailed assessments of specic substances (e.g., pesticides) and eld investigations of contaminated environmental media. However, they have their own problems. For instance, while eld mesocosm studies will be closer to reality than single species tests, they have other disadvantages (e.g., lack of statistical power for detecting eects, strong edge inuence). And, testing should not be restricted to the laboratory (cf. Fig. 1). The laboratory does not and cannot duplicate the eld (laboratory testing can be under- or over-protective: Chapman, 2000b). Further, individual surrogate species responses are not related to all trophic levels, keystone species, populations, or ecosystem functioning responses. As noted above, mixed species tests involving, for instance, microcosms or mesocosms, are more realistic (though more dicult to interpret). Finally, in the eld multiple responses can combine to produce an end result that would never be predictable from simple laboratory tests. For instance, food limitations and toxicant inputs can combine to magnify impacts.

5. Example: estuarine sediments An example of the need for ecotoxicology rather than environmental toxicology is provided by estuarine sediments (Chapman and Wang, 2001). Estuaries are ecologically critical breeding, rearing and feeding areas.

They are also physico-chemically unique with variable salinity gradients as well as strong gradients in pH, DO, Eh and particulates. Salinity gradients uctuate temporally and spatially, particularly in salt wedge estuaries, for both sediment interstitial (i.e., pore) waters and for overlying waters. Salinity eectively controls contaminant partitioning. For instance, at high salinity hydrophobic organic chemicals are removed from the water column to the sediments in a salting out process, sorbing to formed particulate organic material (POM). For inorganic chemicals, two counteractive processes apply: desorption so that inorganics are ushed out of estuaries, or coagulation, occulation and precipitation such that the sediments are a major repository. Because it controls contaminant partitioning, salinity also controls contaminant bioavailability. For instance, partitioning to particles favors sediment feeders. And salinity also controls faunal distributions directly, related to salinity tolerances and preferences. Bioavailability predictions such as equilibrium partitioning (EqP) and acid volatile sulphides/selectively extracted metals (AVS/SEM) are not applicable to estuaries for two reasons. First, sediments are dynamic and there is no quasi-equilibrium state. Second, particle ingestion is an important exposure route. Further, sediment quality values (SQVs) have been derived for either fresh or marine waters; there are no SQVs that have been derived specically for estuaries. Comparisons of existing SQVs to estuaries are questionable at best. In fresh or marine environments, interstitial (pore) water measurements provide useful information, however this is not the case in estuaries. Contaminants can occur in the overlying waters or on particles, and not all dissolved contaminants are bioavailable. Estuarine benthos exhibits the paradox of brackish water (Remane, 1934). Basically, for most ecological factors the largest number of species occurs at intermediate values, however this is not the case for salinity. Rather, the largest number of species occurs in fresh and marine waters, with fewer species at intermediate salinities. Truly estuarine benthic infauna (existing between salinity ranges of about 58 g/l [ppt] and about 1520 g/ l) are generally r-selected. That is, they are small, with rapid/high reproduction/development and a low competitive ability. Because estuarine ecosystems are so dynamic, the benthos tends to be naturally disturbed as salinity uctuations in particular render these communities highly variable. Biological surveys are dicult as there are no true reference sites. Instead, gradient approaches must be used to deal with salinity dierences. And, in salt wedge estuaries, it is not unusual for tens of square kilometers of bottom sediments to show seasonal interstitial salinity dierences related to seasonal dierences in the extent and duration of the salt wedge. Whereas overlying water salinities can uctuate daily or even hourly, interstitial waters in muddy sedi-

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ments are much more conservative. This phenomenon results in seasonal up- and down-stream movements of fresh, estuarine and marine benthos over distances that may exceed ten kilometers related to seasonal changes in river ow and salt intrusion (Chapman and Brinkhurst, 1981). The end result is that habitat use over a year is greater than can be determined using a single sampling period snapshot in time. Estuarine sediment toxicity tests also do not generally consider the salinity that the organisms are actually exposed to nor how this aects contaminant bioavailability. For reasons outlined above and detailed in Chapman and Wang (2001), estuarine sediment toxicity testing should be conducted at in situ interstitial salinities using estuarine organisms. However, most testing is done at manipulated salinities using freshwater or marine organisms. Basically, test salinities are adjusted to suit the test organisms that are available rather than using test organisms appropriate to the salinity conditions. To date a total of 19 taxa have been used in estuarine sediment toxicity tests: 12 crustaceans, of which 8 are amphipods; 1 sh; 1 polychaete; 4 molluscs; 1 bacterium (Microtox ). This is a phylogenetically limited list. In fact, two North American amphipod species are favored for estuarine sediment toxicity testing: Eohaustorius estuarius [free burrowing, west coast species relatively insensitive to copper (McPherson and Chapman, 2000)] and Leptocheirus plumulosus (open tube dweller, east coast species). As noted previously, few of these above 19 taxa are truly estuarine. None can reproduce across the full estuarine salinity gradient. Some obvious candidates for such testing, for instance estuarine aquatic oligochaetes, have been ignored (Chapman, 2001). Clearly the single species toxicity tests conducted in estuaries to date are not ecotoxicological, but rather are representative of simplistic environmental toxicology approaches. Community level toxicity tests that may be considered ecotoxicological have been conducted, but there have been relatively few of these. To date such tests basically comprise three dierent types: eld-collected sediments frozen then thawed, with exposures occurring in the laboratory either with pelagic larvae, or with the addition of meiofauna-rich sediment; eld-collected sediments kept unfrozen and either spiked in the laboratory with contaminants or tested intact in microcosms; and, articial sediments spiked and placed into the eld.

nizes, considers and reports uncertainties in estimating adverse eects of stressors. An ERA, at least in North America, basically consists of four sequential components. First is the problem formulation/hazard identication phase, where goals and procedures are dened and available information is summarized. It is not inappropriate to use environmental toxicology in this preliminary phase of an ERA; it is inappropriate to use it in any further phases. Predictions, such as those based on the EqP approach also belong here. The exposure assessment identies exposure concentrations (emissions, rates, pathways), bioavailability, sensitive species/populations. This phase requires ecological information and knowledge. In particular, it requires the relative scaling of temporal and spatial processes aecting chemical contaminants (e.g., distribution and persistence), habitat (e.g., heterogeneity, fragmentation, movement of chemicals and organisms), and organisms (e.g., rate of population change) (Jepson and Sherratt, 1996). The eects assessment identies the nature/character of the hazard. This is where ecological toxicology is required for a correct assessment with minimal uncertainty. Here too t other tools, particularly those related to cause-and-eect, such as toxicity identication and evaluation (TIE Ho, 2002), reverse TIE and critical body residues. Good chemistry is required throughout and, in particular, the later stages of an ERA depend heavily on understanding of sediment chemistry and methods that allow for better control of contaminant exposure in laboratory toxicity and bioaccumulation tests. Natural variability must also be factored into the Eects Assessment phase: natural systems generally do not adhere to the equilibrium conditions projected by theory or assumed in study designs (Wiens, 1996). The nal stage of an ERA, risk characterization, brings all the information from the other stages together to estimate risk based on exposure compared to eects and summarize major uncertainties (Munns et al., 2002). What is critically important to recognize is that the type of risk assessment that is appropriate, and the type of data that are needed, depend on the objective of the assessment. Environmental toxicology will often be sucient for risk assessments performed for generic assessments such as evaluations of most new and existing substances; it will rarely be sucient for site-specic assessments or for realistic predictions of environmental eects.

6. Combining ecology and toxicology: ERA An ERA is basically a process that evaluates the potential for adverse ecological eects that may occur as a result of exposure to contaminants or other stressors. It basically provides a framework or systematic means for gathering, organizing and evaluating scientic information to support management decisions. It recog7. Final comments Current relatively simple (environmental toxicology) tests remain useful for screening purposes but not for realistic predictions nor for site-specic assessments. For the latter cases, ecology needs to be combined with


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Ecotoxicology must involve both observation (focused on ecology) as well as experimentation. Observations provide a basis for determination, explanations or hypotheses; they also provide new information for hypothesis testing. As noted by Chapman (2000a): in order to understand how animals respond to habitat, it is necessary to envisage the world from the perspective of the animal in question. This approach has yet to be incorporated broadly into either ecology or toxicology.
Fig. 2. Uncertainity and realism related to environmental toxicology, ecology, ecotoxicology.

Acknowledgements I thank two anonymous referees for their comments, which substantially improved the nal paper.

toxicology both extrinsically (in a weight of evidence approach) and intrinsically (ecotoxicology). For example, in terms of determining the predicted no eect concentration (PNEC) necessary for risk characterization (predicted eect characterization or PEC divided by the PNEC), the latter combination oers the greatest reduction in uncertainty and increase in realism (Fig. 2). However, ecotoxicology needs to be more than largely toxicology with ecology added as a seasoning as opposed to a main ingredient (Kareiva et al., 1996). Ecological understanding must be integrated into toxicology for a better, more coherent whole. For example, ecotoxicologists must be concerned both with smallscale variability and with large-scale variability; presently the focus is more on the former than the latter, and generally either/or. Key ecotoxicological issues involve the ecological relevance of lower-level eects. For instance, if individuals are killed or impaired, what does this mean to populations, and specically what level of individual eect can signicantly aect populations? Kareiva et al. (1996) note that ecotoxicology is required to answer two critical questions: (1) how does an organisms rate of population growth or decline change as a function of chemical concentration; and (2) how rapidly can an organisms population recover from brief exposure to toxic compounds that subsequently degrade? To address these issues and questions, and to adequately protect populations against contaminants and other stressors, the following must be known and require both ecotoxicologists and population ecologists: The individual-level consequences of suborganism effects, including any trade-os between life-history traits. The population-level consequences of individual effects, including any trade-os between organisms. Processes (abiotic, biotic) regulating population size and health. Minimum viable population size, and genetic constraints.

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