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Opcrf 2021 2022

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per KRA
1. Gained stakeholders’ support to at
least 5 programs/projects/activities
of the school by communicating the
Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives
and Annual Implementation Plan by
the end of the school year 2021-2022
for school improvement (10%)

a. Presence of Flagship/ Priority
Projects (e.g. tarpaulin, school
website, school FB Page, other

b. Deeds of donation/memorandum
of understanding or agreement or
proof of donations
Education c. Narrative/ accomplishment reports
with pictures
Year Round 30%
d. Project proposal (if school

e. SIP
f. AIP
g. SRC

2. Performance Indicators (10%)

Enrolment Rate (2%)


- SF1
- SF2
- SF4 quarterly report


The MOVs were met as 5 – 5 or more PPAs 5 – PPAs were
follows: were accomplished/ accomplished/ completed
completed on or
5 – All MOVs were met before the timeframe
4 – 4 PPAs were
4 – 6 MOVs were met accomplished/ completed 4-accomplished/
completed 1 week
3 – 5 MOVs were met 3 – 3 PPAs were after the timeframe
accomplished/ completed
2 – 4 MOVs were met 3-accomplished/
2 – 2 PPAs were completed 2 weeks after
1 – 3 MOVs or less were accomplished/ completed the timeframe
1 – 1 PPA was 2-accomplished/
accomplished/ completed 3 weeks after
completed the timeframe

completed 1 month or
more after the timeframe
Name of Employee: NANCY S. SOTTO . PhD Name of Rater: Ma. Criselda G. Ocang, CESE / Diosdado I. Cayabyab, CESO VI
Position: Principal II Position: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Name of School: DALONGUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Review Period: School Year 2021-2022
School District : STA. BARBARA I Date of Review: October 18, 2022


Demonstrated knowledge of the DepEd 1. SIP (BELCP/LRP) with Certificate of Acceptance
VMCs to foster shared understanding and 2. AIP
alignment of school policies, programs, 3. SRC 3.0% 3 5 2 5 0.15
projects and activities 4. School FB Page (Posted VMCs) screenshots

Demonstrated knowledge and 1. Program Implementation Review of the ff:

understanding of the phases of development • Plans on Administration (e.g. Budget and
and implementation of school plans aligned Personnel)
with institutional goals and policies • Plans on Curriculum (e.g. Literacy and Numeracy
Program) 3.0%
5 - Performance based on MOVs represented an extraordinary level of 5 5 5 5 0.15
• Plans on School Operations (e.g. Oplan Balik achievement and commitment in terms of quality and time, technical
Eskwela and Brigada Eskwela) skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and initiative. Employees at
this performance level should have demonstrated exceptional job
mastery in all major areas of responsibility. Employee achievement
Demonstrated knowledge and 1. Presence of priority projects aligned to DepEd’s and contributions to the organization are of marked excellence.
understanding of policy implementation and national issuances
review to ensure that school operations are
consistent with national and local laws, 3.0% 4 - Performance based on MOVs exceeded expectations in terms of 5 5 5 5 0.15
regulations and issuances quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity
and initiative. All goals, objectives and targets were achieved above
Identified relevant research findings from 1. Action/Basic Research Proposal checked by the the established standards.
reliable sources in facilitating data-driven district research TWG or
Leading and evidence-based innovations to improve 2. Innovative Work Plan Approved Proposal 3.0% 3 - Performance based on MOVs met expectations in terms of quality 1 1 1 1 0.03
Strategically school performance Year Round 20% and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and
Displayed understanding of the 1. PPAs analyses and adjustments
initiative, and the most critical annual goals were met.
implementation of programs in the school
that support the development of learners 3.0% 2 - Performance based on MOVs failed to meet expectations in terms 5 5 5 5 0.15
of quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity,
Demonstrated knowledge and 1. Orientation/meeting of Homeroom/SPG/SSG creativity and initiative, and/or one or more of the most critical goals
understanding of utilizing learner voice to officers and other interest clubs/organizations were not met.
inform policy development and decision- 2. Homeroom/SPG/SSG consolidated report on
making towards school improvement learners’ voice
3. Homeroom/SPG/SSG accomplishment report on 1 - Performance based on MOVs was below expectations in terms of
data gathering activity quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity
4. FGD/LAC Session on Learners' Voice findings and 3.0% and initiative, and/or reasonable progress towards critical goals was 5 5 5 5 0.15
5. School's Consolidated Report on Learners' Voice not made. Significant improvement is needed in one or more
with Findings and Recommendations important areas.

Displayed knowledge and understanding of 1. Monitoring Plan/Monthly Monitoring Report

monitoring and evaluation processes and 2. Quarterly Report on MPS
tools to promote learner achievement 3. WHLP/ILMP Accomplished Monitoring Tool 2.0% 5 5 5 5 0.1

Demonstrated skills in managing school data 1. LIS generated copy of School Forms
and information using technology, including 2. Copy of School Reports and Data
c. WASH and WINS
e. Project READ Report
f. FLAT Report 4.0% 5 5 5 5 0.2
h. Others (e.g. NSED, BOSY, EOSY)
3. Updated electronic 201 files
4. Citizens Charter/Flowchart on the request for and
issuance of retrieval of vital school records

5 - Performance based on MOVs represented an extraordinary level of

achievement and commitment in terms of quality and time, technical
skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and initiative. Employees at
this performance level should have demonstrated exceptional job
mastery in all major areas of responsibility. Employee achievement
and contributions to the organization are of marked excellence.

4 - Performance based on MOVs exceeded expectations in terms of

quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity
Demonstrated knowledge and 1. SBM folder/s on FinMan (MoR)
understanding of policies, guidelines and 2. WFP/PPMP/APP 5 - Performance based on MOVs represented an extraordinary level of
issuances in managing finances such as 3. BAC Committee List/Inspectorate List achievement and commitment in terms of quality and time, technical
allocation, procurement, disbursement and 4. MOOE Liquidation Reports skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and initiative. Employees at
liquidation aligned with the school plan • Inventory Custodian Slip (ICS)
• Cash Disbursement Registry (CDR) this performance level should have demonstrated exceptional job
5. SBFP Liquidation Reports mastery in all major areas of responsibility. Employee achievement
6. Updated Canteen Reports/Liquidation Reports 4.0% and contributions to the organization are of marked excellence. 5 5 5 5 0.2
(Certification for Non-Operation c/o the SH)
7. Updated Inventories (Consumables)
8. Presence of Updated Transparency Board 4 - Performance based on MOVs exceeded expectations in terms of
quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity
and initiative. All goals, objectives and targets were achieved above
the established standards.
Demonstrated knowledge and 1. Demolition /Waste Disposal / Unserviceable/
School understanding of policies, guidelines and Condemned Report (Certification if none) 3 - Performance based on MOVs met expectations in terms of quality
Operations issuances in acquisition, recording, 2. Consolidated Inventory Custodian Slip Reports Year Round 20% and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and
and utilization, repair and maintenance, storage, 3. Accomplishment Report on Repair & Maintenance
and disposal in managing school facilities 3.0% initiative, and the most critical annual goals were met. 5 5 5 5 0.15
and equipment
2 - Performance based on MOVs failed to meet expectations in terms
of quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity,
Demonstrated knowledge and 1. Updated 201 Files or electronic file creativity and initiative, and/or one or more of the most critical goals
understanding of laws, policies, guidelines 2. Consolidated e-SAT/SAT
and issuances on managing school staff 3. Consolidated Development Plans (DP) 3.0% were not met. 5 5 5 5 0.15

Demonstrated knowledge and 1. Signed School DRRM Plan 1 - Performance based on MOVs was below expectations in terms of
understanding of laws, policies, guidelines 2. Accomplishment Reports (i.e. conducted quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity
and issuances on managing school safety for orientation on school safety and/or DRRM related and initiative, and/or reasonable progress towards critical goals was
disaster preparedness, mitigation and DepEd Orders and Memoranda with personnel and
resiliency in ensuring continuous delivery of learners, and other activities with the objective to not made. Significant improvement is needed in one or more
instruction inform) important areas.
3. Presence of School DRRM Board/Wall or 3.0% 5 5 5 5 0.15
Information Bulletin
4. Omnibus designation of School DRRM Coordinator

Identified emerging opportunities and 1. BELCP/LRP

challenges in addressing the needs of 2. Financial Plans
learners, school personnel and other 3. Communication Plan
stakeholders 4. Contingency Plan (other scenarios)
5. Community Partnership/Resources or List of 3.0% 5 5 5 5 0.15
Parents, Learners, and Teachers Organization with
Terms of Reference/Functions

Demonstrated knowledge and 1. Unpacked MELCS

understanding of school-based review, 2. School Memorandum on the utilization of
contextualization and implementation of contextualized learning resources
learning standards 3. List and Sample of Localized IMs with WHLP 4.0% 5 5 5 5 0.2
4. Quality Assurance Team Composition

Demonstrated knowledge and 1. Schedule of Performance Monitoring and Coaching

understanding of teaching standards and (PMC)
pedagogies within and across learning areas 2. Instructional supervision
to provide technical assistance to teachers 3. COT 1 & 2 and handwritten observation notes 4.0% 5 5 5 5 0.2
to improve their teaching practice. (sample must bear the name of 1 teacher only)

Demonstrated understanding of the use of 1. Teacher Performance Feedback Forms for 5 - Performance based on MOVs represents an extraordinary level of
feedback obtained from learners, parents Parents/Stakeholders achievement and commitment in terms of quality and time, technical
and other stakeholders to help teachers 2. Homeroom PTA Meeting skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and initiative. Employees at
improve their performance • Minutes of the meeting this performance level should have demonstrated exceptional job
Basic • Attendance
4.0% 5 5 5 5 0.2
Education • Photo documentation mastery in all major areas of responsibility. Employee achievement
Services and contributions to the organization are of marked excellence.
Set achievable and challenging learning 1. Budget of Work 4 - Performance based on MOVs exceeded expectations in terms of
outcomes to support learner achievement 2. Table of Specification
and the attainment of other performance 3. Learning targets from any of the ff: AIP, MPS, KPI, quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity
indicators 1st Sem eSRC, etc. and initiative. All goals, objectives and targets were achieved above
4. Report on mastered and least learned the established standards.
competencies 4.0% 5 5 5 5 0.2
Focusing on 5. Comparative Test Results (diagnostic-summative
3 - Performance based on MOVs met expectations in terms of quality
Teaching and test or quarterly assessments) Year Round 30% and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and
Learning initiative, and the most critical annual goals were met.

2 - Performance based on MOVs failed to meet expectations in terms

of quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity,
creativity and initiative, and/or one or more of the most critical goals
were not met.

1 - Performance based on MOVs was below expectations in terms of

quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity
and initiative, and/or reasonable progress towards critical goals was
not made. Significant improvement is needed in one or more
important areas.
quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity
and initiative. All goals, objectives and targets were achieved above
the established standards.
Focusing on 3 - Performance based on MOVs met expectations in terms of quality
Teaching and Year Round 30% and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and
initiative, and the most critical annual goals were met.
Demonstrated knowledge and 1. Budget of Work
understanding of learning assessment tools, 2. Table of Specification 2 - Performance based on MOVs failed to meet expectations in terms
strategies and utlization of results consistent 3. Test Item Analysis of the sample approved test of quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity,
with curriculum requirements papers (unit, summative, etc.) creativity and initiative, and/or one or more of the most critical goals
4. e-Class Record checked and monitored (sample 4.0% were not met. 5 5 5 5 0.2
and narrative)
1 - Performance based on MOVs was below expectations in terms of
quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity
Demonstrated understanding of managing a 1. Report on CPP / Composition of CPP and initiative, and/or reasonable progress towards critical goals was
learner-friendly, inclusive and healthy • Bullying not made. Significant improvement is needed in one or more
learning environment 2. Inclusive practices 4.0% important areas. 5 5 5 5 0.2
3. SSAT Results, if necessary

Demonstrated knowledge and 1. Action/Implementation Plan of the Homeroom

understanding of the integration of career (ELEM)/Career (HS) Guidance Program
awareness and opportunities in the 2. SHS Curriculum Exit Assessment (if available)
provision of learning experiences aligned 3.0% 5 5 5 5 0.15
with the curriculum

Demonstrated knowledge and 1. School Child Protection Policy

understanding of existing national and local 2. Learners’ Manual/Handbook
policies relared to learner discipline 3. WHLP integrating learner discipline (sample) 3.0% 5 5 5 5 0.15

Conducted self-assessment of personal and 1. Professional Development Priorities of School

professional development needs using the Heads
PPSSH 2.5% 5 5 5 5 0.125

Demonstrated understanding of how 1. Certificate of SBM Level 2 of Practice

professional reflection and learning can be
used in improving practice 2.5% 5 5 5 5 0.125

Sought opportunities to improve one's 1. Certificate of Membership from various

practice as a school leader through Professional Organization recognized by DepEd
professional networks 2. Certificate of benchmarking 5 - Performance based on MOVs represents an extraordinary level of
3. Letter to School Head for Benchmarking achievement and commitment in terms of quality and time, technical
4. Chairmanship from various community 2.5% 5 5 5 5 0.125
projects/events (certification from the event owner) skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and initiative. Employees at
this performance level should have demonstrated exceptional job
mastery in all major areas of responsibility. Employee achievement
and contributions to the organization are of marked excellence.
Demonstrated knowledge and 1. Certificate of/Documentation of participation to
understanding of the implementation of the the RPMS-PPST, PPSSH, TIP 4 - Performance based on MOVs exceeded expectations in terms of
performance management system in Orientation/Seminar/Workshop OR accomplishment
improving school personnel and office report on the conduct of its Planning Stage 2.5% quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity 5 5 5 5 0.125
performance and initiative. All goals, objectives and targets were achieved above
the established standards.
Developing Demonstrated knowledge and 1. Consolidated Development Plans per position type
understanding of professional developmet in 2. Summary of e-SAT/SAT 3 - Performance based on MOVs met expectations in terms of quality
Self and enhancing strengths in addressing 3. Learning and Development Needs Assessment Year Round 20% and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and
Others performance gaps among personnel (sample for each position) 2.5%
initiative, and the most critical annual goals were met.
5 5 5 5 0.125

2 - Performance based on MOVs failed to meet expectations in terms

Identified strengths, capabilities and 1. Organized School Teams/Clubs/Organizations of quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity,
potentials of individuals and teams in • Faculty
performing leadership roles and • Teachers’ Union/Association creativity and initiative, and/or one or more of the most critical goals
responsibilities 2. Omnibus Designation of SH 2.5% were not met. 5 5 5 5 0.125
3. Special Designation of SH
1 - Performance based on MOVs was below expectations in terms of
quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity
Displayed knowledge of laws, policies, 1. Citizens Charter (personnel benefits) and initiative, and/or reasonable progress towards critical goals was
guidelines and issuances on the ritghs, not made. Significant improvement is needed in one or more
privileges and benefits of school personnel 2.5% 5 5 5 5 0.125
to promote their general welfare important areas.

Rewarded and recognized learners, school 1. Policy Guidelines on Rewards and Recognition
personnel and other stakeholders for (for Learners)
exemplary performance and/or support 2. Policy Guidelines of School PRAISE (school
3. Certified List of Awardees and Awards received 2.5% 5 5 5 5 0.125
4. Documentation of awarding

Demonstrated skills in dealing with 1. Brigada Eskwela Form 4 (integrating Brigada

authorities, colleagues, parents and other Pagbasa)
stakeholders to encourage an enabling and 2. Engagement of Home Learning Facilitators with 2.0% 5 5 5 5 0.1
supportive environment for learners Accomplishment Report

5 - Performance based on MOVs represents an extraordinary level of

achievement and commitment in terms of quality and time, technical skills
and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and initiative. Employees at this
performance level should have demonstrated exceptional job mastery in all
major areas of responsibility. Employee achievement and contributions to
the organization are of marked excellence.

4 - Performance based on MOVs exceeded expectations in terms of quality

and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and initiative.
Demonstrated knowledge and 1. Organizations' Constitution and By-Laws
understanding of policies and guidelines on 2. Complete Transcript of Minutes of the meeting
managing school organizations, such as 3. Compilation of Memoranda 5 - Performance based on MOVs represents an extraordinary level of
learners organizations, faculty clubs and 4. Financial Data and Statement achievement and commitment in terms of quality and time, technical skills
PTA, in support of the attainment of 5. Certified list of active and recognized school 2.0% and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and initiative. Employees at this 5 5 5 5 0.1
institutional goals organizations performance level should have demonstrated exceptional job mastery in all
major areas of responsibility. Employee achievement and contributions to
the organization are of marked excellence.
Demonstrated knowledge and 1. Approved GAD Plans and Budget
understanding of inclusive practices, such as 2. Action Plan for MHPSS, SPED, ALS, IPEd, 4 - Performance based on MOVs exceeded expectations in terms of quality
gender sensitivity, physical and mental MADRASAH and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and initiative.
health awareness and culture 3. Training Proposal/Activity Design with Matrix All goals, objectives and targets were achieved above the established
2.0% 5 5 5 5 0.1
responsiveness, to foster awareness, 4. Accomplishment Report standards.
acceptance and respect
Year Round 10% 3 - Performance based on MOVs met expectations in terms of quality and
Demonstrated competent skills in speaking 1. Samples of the ff: time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and initiative, and
and writing, as well as in utilizing • School memorandum the most critical annual goals were met.
communication platforms, in communicating • Notice of Meeting
with teachers, learners, parents and other • Resolutions 2 - Performance based on MOVs failed to meet expectations in terms of
stakeholders • Minutes of meeting 2.0% 5 5 5 5 0.1
2. Sample messages (e.g. program, SOSA, etc.) quality and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and
initiative, and/or one or more of the most critical goals were not met.

1 - Performance based on MOVs was below expectations in terms of quality

Involved the community, such as parents, 1. Minutes of Meetings with Stakeholders and time, technical skills and knowledge, ingenuity, creativity and initiative,
alumni, authorities, industries and other 2. SHS Partnership/Immersion Programs
stakeholders, in school PPAs to gain support (MOA/MOU) and/or reasonable progress towards critical goals was not made. Significant
for learners development, as well as school 3. Others improvement is needed in one or more important areas.
and community improvement • DOLE TUPAD
• Guardians 2.0% 5 5 5 5 0.1
• Bikers
• Etc.


Legend: In blue are the MOVs that will come from the SDO Personnel in-charge while those in red shall be provided by the School Head.

Rubrics of Performance Indicators (for Year-End Assessment)
5 MOVs presented were very highly appropriate, All MOVs were met.
relevant, and accurate.
4 MOVs presented were highly appropriate, 1 MOV was not met.
relevant, and accurate.
3 MOVs presented were appropriate, relevant, 2 MOVs were not met.
and accurate.
2 MOVs presented were moderately appropriate, 3 MOVs were not met
relevant, and accurate.
1 MOVs presented were fairly appropriate, 4 MOVs or more were not met.
relevant, and accurate.
MOVs were submitted on or before
were submitted 1-2 days
MOVsthe deadline.
were submitted 3-4 days
after the deadline.
MOVs were submitted a week after
were submitted 2 weeks
after the deadline.
Year 1: 12 Year 2: 12 Year 3: 10 34 Strands
DOMAIN 1: Leading Strategically 20%
1.1 Vision, mission, and core values 5
1.2 School planning and implementation 5
1.3 Policy implementation and review 10
1.4 Research and innovation 10
1.5 Program design and implementation 10
1.6 Learner voice 10
1.7 Monitoring and evaluation processes and
tools 10
DOMAIN 2: Managing School Operations and Resources 20%
2.1 Records management 10
2.2 Financial management 10
2.3 School facilities and equipment 10
2.4 Management of staff 10
2.5 School safety for disaster preparedness,
mitigation, and resiliency 10
2.6 Emerging opportunities and challenges 10
DOMAIN 3: Focusing on Teaching and Learning 30%
3.1 School-based review, contextualization,
and implementation of learning standards 10
3.2 Teaching standards and pedagogies 10
3.3 Teacher performance feedback 10
3.4 Learner achievement and other
performance indicators 10
3.5 Learning assessment 10
3.6 Learning environment 10
3.7 Career awareness and opportunities 15
3.8 Learner discipline 15
DOMAIN 4: Developing Self and Others 20%
4.1 Personal and professional development 5
4.2 Professional reflection and learning 10
4.3 Professional networks 5
4.4 Performance management 5
4.5 Professional development of school
personnel 5
4.6 Leadership development in individuals
and teams 10
4.7 General welfare of human resources 10
4.8 Rewards and recognition mechanism 10
DOMAIN 5: Building Connections 10%
5.1 Management of diverse relationships 10
5.2 Management of school organizations 5
5.3 Inclusive practice 5
5.4 Communication 5
5.5 Community engagement 5
• Not outstanding objectives will be carried over in the next year of implementation
CS 1 2021-2022
CS 2 Year 1 2022-2023
CS 2 Year 2 2023-2024
CS 2 Year 3 2024-2025
CS 3 Year 1 2025-2026
CS 3 Year 2 2026-2027
CS 3 Year 3 2027-2028
CS 4 Year 1 2028-2029
CS 4 Year 2 2029-2030
CS 4 Year 3 2030-2031

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