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Optimization of Fracturing Parameters with Machine-Learning
and Evolutionary Algorithm Methods
Zhenzhen Dong 1 , Lei Wu 1 , Linjun Wang 1 , Weirong Li 1, *, Zhengbo Wang 2 and Zhaoxia Liu 2

1 Petroleum Engineering Department, Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an 710065, China

2 Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, PetroChina, Beijing 100083, China
* Correspondence: weirong.li@xsyu.edu.cn

Abstract: Oil production from tight oil reservoirs has become economically feasible because of the
combination of horizontal drilling and multistage hydraulic fracturing. Optimal fracture design
plays a critical role in successful economical production from a tight oil reservoir. However, many
complex parameters such as fracture spacing and fracture half-length make fracturing treatments
costly and uncertain. To improve fracture design, it is essential to determine reasonable ranges for
these parameters and to evaluate their effects on well performance and economic feasibility. In
traditional analytical and numerical simulation methods, many simplifications and assumptions
are introduced for artificial fracture characterization and gas percolation mechanisms, and their
implementation process remains complicated and computationally inefficient. Most previous studies
on big data-driven fracturing parameter optimization have been based on only a single output, such
as expected ultimate recovery, and few studies have integrated machine learning with evolutionary al-
gorithms to optimize fracturing parameters based on time-series production prediction and economic
objectives. This study proposed a novel approach, combining a data-driven model with evolutionary
optimization algorithms to optimize fracturing parameters. We established a significant number of
static and dynamic data sets representing the geological and developmental characteristics of tight oil
Citation: Dong, Z.; Wu, L.; Wang, L.;
reservoirs from numerical simulation. Four production-prediction models based on machine-learning
Li, W.; Wang, Z.; Liu, Z. Optimization
of Fracturing Parameters with
methods—support vector machine, gradient-boosted decision tree, random forest, and multilayer
Machine-Learning and Evolutionary perception—were constructed as mapping functions between static properties and dynamic pro-
Algorithm Methods. Energies 2022, 15, duction. Then, to optimize the fracturing parameters, the best machine-learning-based production
6063. https://doi.org/10.3390/ predictive model was coupled with four evolutionary algorithms—genetic algorithm, differential
en15166063 evolution algorithm, simulated annealing algorithm, and particle swarm optimization—to investigate
Academic Editors: Emre Artun,
the highest net present value (NPV). The results show that among the four production-prediction
Sercan Gul and Qian Sun models established, multilayer perception (MLP) has the best prediction performance. Among the
evolutionary algorithms, particle swarm optimization (PSO) not only has the fastest convergence
Received: 27 June 2022
speed but also the highest net present value. The optimal fracturing parameters for the study area
Accepted: 4 August 2022
were identified. The hybrid MLP-PSO model represents a robust and convenient method to forecast
Published: 21 August 2022
the time-series production and to optimize fracturing parameters by reducing manual tuning.
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
with regard to jurisdictional claims in Keywords: machine learning; evolutionary algorithms; production prediction; net present value;
published maps and institutional affil- fracturing parameter optimization

1. Introduction
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Tight oil resources play a significant role in meeting the ever-growing energy demands
This article is an open access article of global markets. These reservoirs are complex in nature and have ultra-tight producing
distributed under the terms and formation, so they depend on effective well completion and stimulation treatments for
conditions of the Creative Commons their economic success. In the past decade, both industry and academic researchers have
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// studied tight oil resources intensively and have made tremendous progress, with one
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ acknowledgment being the critical importance of fracture design optimization. However,
4.0/). the industry still struggles to determine the dominant control over tight oil productivity,

Energies 2022, 15, 6063. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15166063 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies

Energies 2022, 15, 6063 2 of 22

whether geological or technical. Given certain geological properties, what is the best
completion strategy?
To increase production from tight oil reservoirs, optimizing the fracturing parame-
ters is imperative. At present, analytical and numerical simulation methods are applied
to comprehensively calculate and evaluate the impact of different fracture sizes and in-
flow capacities on production. Analytical methods usually do not consider the fracture’s
three-dimensional (3D) expansion and cannot predict postfracture capacity [1]. Numerical
methods introduce many assumptions and simplifications to artificial fracture characteri-
zation and gas percolation mechanisms, and they focus on optimizing fracture geometry
parameters, such as fracture half-length, inflow capacity, etc. Presenting the relationship
between fracturing effect and complex parameters with a single expression is difficult [2].
Moreover, numerical simulation methods have limitations such as long modeling time, in-
accurate description of fracturing parameters, and a single seepage mechanism. Numerical
simulation is complex and demands highly accurate reservoir and fracturing parameters.
In addition to analytical and numerical simulation methods, researchers have also pre-
ferred fracture design software as a basic strategy to optimize fracture design [3]. FracproPT,
E-StimPlan, Terrfrac, GOHFER, Meyer, etc., are common software offerings for single-well
fracture design. Single-well fracture design optimization software is relatively mature in
technology, with the fracture model basically a full 3D model that can perform fracture
morphology simulation, productivity prediction, and fracture analysis. However, the
quality of a fracture design does not rely so much on the maturity of the software but is
directly related to the level of the designer.
Given the rapid development of data science in recent years, big data analysis methods
have been widely applied for oil and gas exploration and development [4–8], and petroleum
engineers have begun applying machine-learning (ML) methods to predict production
and optimize fracturing parameters. Wang et al. [9] analyzed 3610 fractured horizontal
wells in Canada’s Montney reservoir and applied various ML algorithms for predicting
performance, including artificial neural network (ANN), support vector regression (SVR),
random forest (RF), and boosted decision tree. The researchers compared strategies and
concluded RF to have the best predictive performance. For 4000 fractured wells in Eagle
Ford shale, Liang and Zhao [10] applied a multisegment Arps decline curve model to esti-
mate expected ultimate recovery (EUR). They applied RF to build the relationship between
EUR and fracturing/reservoir parameters and identified the 10 most important parameters
from 25 variables affecting EUR. Using big data to assess the main factors affecting annual
oil production, Luo et al. [11] investigated 200 fractured horizontal wells in Bakken tight
oil by three methods—RF, recursive feature elimination, and Lasso regularization. Using
the most important variables (e.g., reservoir thickness, well depth, porosity, and number
of fractured sections), they applied a four-layer-deep ANN to build a prediction model
for annual oil production and then applied the prediction model to analyze parameter
sensitivity to optimize oil production. Ben et al. [12] selected more than 100 hydraulic
fracturing stages from Delware Basin wells and tested several ML methods based on his-
torical data. However, the previous studies only established the relationship between
fracturing parameters and static productivity, such as estimated ultimate recovery (EUR),
initial production, and so on.
Proper fracturing design and execution involves different disciplines, including reser-
voir engineering, production engineering, and completion engineering; requires strong
background in fluid mechanics and rock characterization; and must satisfy some economic
criteria. It is not a trivial practice to obtain optimal fracturing parameters in such a compli-
cated multi-discipline condition. This involves the balancing of incremental future revenue
against the cost of execution. Concretely, no studies evaluate the optimum value of fractur-
ing parameters against an economic criterion, such as net present value (NPV), by using
evolutionary optimization techniques.
This study aims to fill the gap by developing a hybrid data-driven model that can
predict dynamic production and optimize fracturing parameters affecting economic feasi-
Energies 2022, 15, 6063 3 of 22

bility. The presented hybrid model can provide production engineers more confidence in
predicting tight oil production and enable them to improve fracturing design.
The major contribution of this study is presenting a model for both predicting pro-
duction and optimizing fracturing parameters, using a combination of machine learning
technique and evolutionary optimization approaches. To achieve this aim, the study has the
following objectives: (1) predict time series tight oil production by developing and compar-
ing four different machine-learning-based production-prediction models; and (2) present
a novel hybrid evolutionary optimization model to estimate the maximum NPV and the
optimal value of the selected fracturing parameters.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the basic
theory of four ML methods, the four evolutionary algorithms, the sensitivity analysis
method, and the hybrid model developed in this study. Section 3 supplies information
about the study area in the Ordos Basin, describes the geological modeling, and explains
the process of data generation. Section 4 evaluates the performance of different ML-based
production-prediction models and presents the best fracturing parameters with various
evolutionary algorithms. Section 5 discusses the results and future work, and Section 6
concludes the main finding of the study and recommends the utilization of a data-driven
ML workflow for fracture optimization.

2. Methodology
This study developed a novel hybrid model to optimize fracturing parameters by
integrating the ML method and the evolutionary algorithm. This proposed methodol-
ogy for modeling, predicting, and optimizing fracturing parameters was achieved in the
following three major steps: first, a significant amount of production data with different
geological characteristics and completion parameters was generated randomly by a nu-
merical reservoir model. These data sets were then used to train and obtain single-well
production-prediction models using various ML algorithms, after which the single-well
production-prediction model with the highest prediction accuracy was selected. Finally,
evolutionary algorithms were applied to the production-prediction model to optimize the
fracturing parameters with the economic evaluation function, such as net present value
(NPV), as the objective. As a result, the optimal economic index and corresponding optimal
combination of fracturing parameters were identified. These three main steps are presented
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 24
in Figure 1. The workflow can be applied to a large data set and other unconventional
resources with available data as well.

Figure 1. Fracturing parameter optimization workflow.

Figure 1. Fracturing parameter optimization workflow.

2.1. Production-Prediction Model

According to the literature review on the previous oil and gas production-prediction
modeling techniques, multilayer perception has been found to perform well and thus was
chosen for this study. Multilayer perception is a proper machine learning (ML) technique
to establish complex relationships between NPV and factors that influence it, since these
Energies 2022, 15, 6063 4 of 22

2.1. Production-Prediction Model

According to the literature review on the previous oil and gas production-prediction
modeling techniques, multilayer perception has been found to perform well and thus was
chosen for this study. Multilayer perception is a proper machine learning (ML) technique
to establish complex relationships between NPV and factors that influence it, since these
relationships cannot be easily determined in a precise way. The results from previous
studies indicate that the gradient-boosted decision tree (GBDT) and random forest (RF) is
highly capable of solving non-linear classification problems. Another model that exhibits
good performance for forecasting oil and gas production is support vector regression (SVR),
which was presented and compared with other techniques in this study. The structure and
components of these four widely used ML methods were briefly introduced and developed
in the following section.

2.1.1. Multilayer Perception

Also called ANN, multilayer perception (MLP) simulates the information-processing
activity of neurons in the human brain. It is an abstract mathematical model characterized
by distributed parallel information processing, and an adaptive dynamic system with a
high number of extensively connected simple neurons [13]. In many ways, it matches the
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 24
human approach to information processing—processing occurs as neuron interactions,
knowledge, and information are stored in neuron weights, and learning and recognition
depend on the dynamically evolving coefficients of neuron connection weights.
The left side of Figure 2 shows a classical neural network structure, including input,
hidden, and output layers; each small circle
= represents
− a neuron, each connecting line (2)
represents a different weight that can be obtained by training, and each neuron forms a
network topology by interconnecting with other neurons [14]. The right side of Figure 2
wherea mathematical
shows is the connection
model ofweight
a singleofneuron.
the ith neuron to input
Then, the this neuron; is the
of this neuron inputasof the
is given
i neuron; is the activation function; nand is the threshold value of the neural node in

the hidden layer. ∑ Wi Xi (1)

i =1

Figure Typicalstructure
of of multilayer
multilayer neural
neural network.

2.1.2.The output of this neuron

Gradient-Boosted is expressed
Decision Tree as
Created to ensure classification orn regression, the gradient-boosted decision tree
(GBDT) continuously reduces ythe ∑ of
= frate Wi X i−θ
learning (2)
error resulting from the training
i =1
process. It has been commonly and historically applied in the face of real production data–
type imbalances [15]. GBDT is characterized by high prediction accuracy, the ability to
handle consistent and discrete forms of data, the exploitation of certain robust loss
functions, and extreme robustness to outliers. Each iteration of the GBDT algorithm
includes a base learner called a categorical regression tree (CART), which proves suitable
for high bias, low variance, and sufficient depth. An iterative process occurs in the
regression problem in which each base learner is trained based on the learning error rate of
Energies 2022, 15, 6063 5 of 22

where Wi is the connection weight of the ith neuron to this neuron; Xi is the input of the
ith neuron; f is the activation function; and θ is the threshold value of the neural node in
the hidden layer.

2.1.2. Gradient-Boosted Decision Tree

Created to ensure classification or regression, the gradient-boosted decision tree
(GBDT) continuously reduces the rate of learning error resulting from the training process.
It has been commonly and historically applied in the face of real production data–type
imbalances [15]. GBDT is characterized by high prediction accuracy, the ability to handle
consistent and discrete forms of data, the exploitation of certain robust loss functions,
and extreme robustness to outliers. Each iteration of the GBDT algorithm includes a base
learner called a categorical regression tree (CART), which proves suitable for high bias,
low variance, and sufficient depth. An iterative process occurs in the regression problem
in which each base learner is trained based on the learning error rate of the previous base
learner, and then a negative gradient is fitted to the loss function using a gradient descent
technique to fit the regression tree, continuously improving the decision model. The main
idea of GBDT is that a new learner is trained in the gradient direction to reduce the learning
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 24
error rate of the previous learner, and the new learner is generated iteratively on top of the
previous learner [16,17]. Figure 3 shows a typical GBDT structure.

Figure Basicprinciple

multiple decision
multiple trees;
decision the first
trees; m −m−1
the first 1 decision treetree
decision cancan
be expressed as
be expressed
as m −1
F(m−1) ( x ) = ∑i=0 f i ( x ) (3)
( )=∑   ( ) (3)
The gradient of the loss function is thus obtained as
The gradient of the loss function is thus obtained  as
∂L(y, F ( x ))
gm ( x ) = Ey ( , ( )) |x (4)
( )= ∂F ( x ) ∣ F( x)= Fm−1 ( x) (4)
( ) ( ) ( )
where x is the sample vector and L(y, F ( x )) is the loss function. Then, the function of the
where is the sample vector and ( , ( )) is the loss function. Then, the function of the
mththdecision tree is estimated as
m decision tree is estimated as
f m ( x ) = − ρ m gm ( x ) (5)
( )=− ( ) (5)
where ρm is the learning step.
where is the learning step.
2.1.3. Random Forest
2.1.3. Random Forest
RF is a classifier that comprises multiple decision trees, with its output class identified
by theRF is a classifier
plurality that comprises
of the output multiple decision
classes of individual trees,
trees [18]. Thiswith its output
method applies class
identified by the plurality of the output classes of individual trees [18]. This method
“bagging” technique by integrating the results of multiple decision trees to find the target’s
applies the
regression “bagging”
values technique byresults.
and classification integrating the results
The model ofofmultiple
is a set decision trees
simple regression treesto
find the target’s regression values and classification results. The model is a set of simple
regression trees containing splits of model predictions, with each split indicating whether
the observations should be used on the left or right branch of the regression tree,
depending on the comparison of the threshold with a particular predictor variable. The
Energies 2022, 15, 6063 6 of 22

containing splits of model predictions, with each split indicating whether the observations
should be used on the left or right branch of the regression tree, depending on the compari-
son of the threshold with a particular predictor variable. The regression tree’s final node
holds the regression predictions. By randomly extracting the original training sample data
with the bootstrap method and constructing a new set of subtraining samples, RF can solve
the decision tree problem; the same records are kept among all the subtraining sample
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 24
sets, and duplicate records are allowed among different subtraining sample sets [19,20].
Random sampling selects the best attribute. Figure 4 shows the basic principle of RF.

Figure Basicprinciple

UsingRF, if the
RF, set set
if the of regression is {h(is
of regression · · ·}, ⋯
θk ), k, = ),1, 2,=3,1,2,3,
X, {ℎ( then the final
} , then the pre-
prediction is obtained by dividing the sum of the predictions of these trees for thesample
is obtained by dividing the sum of the predictions of these trees for the sample
by Themean
randomerror ( X ))))2 . .When
errorisisEX,Y ,(Y( −−hℎ( Whenthe valueofofk kincreases
thevalue increases
infinitely,it itholds
everywhere that
( av
EX,Y (Y, − − h( X,
ℎ(θ ))
, 2 ))
→ E→X,Y (,Y(− −
Eθ h(ℎ(
X, θ,))2)) (6)
k k

where denotes averaging about k; is the characteristic random variable; and k is

where avk denotes averaging about k; θ is the characteristic random variable; and k is the
the number of CART regression trees. The RF regression function is
number of CART regression trees. The RF regression function is
= ℎ( , ) (7)
Y = Eθ h( X, θ ) (7)

Based on the principle
Based on the principle of structural risk minimization,
of structural support
risk minimization, vector vector
support regression (SVR)
an MLisalgorithm with strong generalization ability that can overcome
an ML algorithm with strong generalization ability that can overcome the the problems
experienced by traditional
problems experienced methods ofmethods
by traditional overfitting and fallingand
of overfitting into local into
falling minima
a [21].
In atraining sample, sample,
limited training SVR canSVR achieve a low error
can achieve a lowrate
andensure that the
can ensure that
independent test set also has a low error rate. Suppose there is a data set X
the independent test set also has a low error rate. Suppose there is a data set X containingcontaining
pointsinina aK-dimensional
X = {( x1=
, y{( y2(), · ,· · ,),( x⋯N,,(y N )}
1 ), ( ,x2 , ), i ∈ R∈ , yi , ∈ {−
, , x)}, ∈ {−1,1}, 2, 3, ·⋯
1, 1}, i ==1,1,2,3, · ·, , N (8)

wherexi is the
where ithith
is the sample
sample of of
thethe input;
input; yi is xisi the output
the output value;
value; N is N is total
the the total number
number of
of training
training samples;
samples; and and
K is K
theis number
the number of dimensions
of dimensions in sample
in the the sample space.
The mainfunction
ofofa aset

f ( x )( =) = ∙ b+
z· x + (9)

where is the hyperplane normal and is the threshold value.

For the general regression problem, the loss of the model is zero only when ( ) and
y are exactly equal, but in the SVR model, a certain degree of tolerance deviation is given
so that a loss is considered when and only when the absolute value of the difference between
( ) and y is greater than the tolerance deviation . This is equivalent to constructing an
Energies 2022, 15, 6063 7 of 22

where z is the hyperplane normal and b is the threshold value.

For the general regression problem, the loss of the model is zero only when f ( x ) and y
are exactly equal, but in the SVR model, a certain degree of tolerance deviation ε is given so
that a loss is considered when and only when the absolute value of the difference between
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 24
f ( x ) and y is greater than the tolerance deviation ε. This is equivalent to constructing an
isolation zone of width 2ε centered on f ( x ) [22,23], as shown in Figure 5.

Figure Basicprinciple

The goalof ofthe
regressionhyperplanehyperplaneisisto tofind
the distancefrom
fromall all sample
sample points pointsto thetohyperplane.
the hyperplane. Therefore,
Therefore, the for
the search search for the
the optimal
optimal regression
regression hyperplane hyperplane
is changed is changed to the solution,
to the optimal optimal solution, and constraints
and constraints are addedare
as as follows: 
minϕ(w) = 12 k z k2
1 (10)
s.t. yi −( [(z) ·=xi +∥ b)]∥ ≤ ε, i = 1, 2, 3, · · · , l
2 (10)
where w is the hyperplane. s.t. − [( ⋅ + )] ≤ , = 1,2,3, ⋯ ,
Because the degree of relaxation on both sides of the barrier can be different, introduc-
where is the hyperplane.
ing relaxation factors ξ i and ξ i∗ , the above equation can be rewritten as
Because the degree of relaxation on both sides of the barrier can be different,
introducing relaxation  factors and ∗ , the above equation can be rewritten as

 minϕ(w) = 21 k z k2 + c ∑iN=1 ξ i + ξ i∗
 1
s.t. yi −( [()z·= xi + ∥b)] ∥≤+ε +∑ξ i ,  ( + ∗ )

⎪ 2 (11)
 [(z· xi −
s.t. +[(b)]⋅− y+ i ≤)]ε+ ≤ ξ i∗+
, ,

 (11)
ξ i , ξ i∗[(≥⋅ 0, i += 1,
 ⎨

)]2,−3, · ·≤· . + ∗ ,

⎩ , ∗ ≥ 0, = 1,2,3, ⋯.
where c is the regularization constant.
where is the regularization constant.
2.2. Fracturing Parameters Optimization
2.2. Fracturing Parameters
The evolutionary Optimization
optimization technique searches for the optimum NPV and the
fracturing parameters that
The evolutionary affect it, using
optimization the bestsearches
technique ML-based forproduction-prediction
the optimum NPV and modelthe
obtained in parameters
fracturing the previousthat
it, usingbythebiological evolution,
best ML-based evolutionary algorithms
production-prediction model
are a “cluster
obtained in ofthealgorithms”, with many
previous section. variations
Inspired having different
by biological gene expressions,
evolution, evolutionary
different crossover
algorithms and mutation
are a “cluster operators, with
of algorithms”, different references
many to special
variations havingoperators, and
different gene
different regeneration
expressions, differentand selection
crossover andmethods.
mutation Compared
operators,to different
traditional optimization
references algo-
to special
rithms such and
operators, as calculus-based methods and
different regeneration andexhaustive methods, Compared
selection methods. evolutionary toalgorithms
represent mature global optimization with high robustness and
optimization algorithms such as calculus-based methods and exhaustive methods,wide applicability; they
are self-organizing,
evolutionary are adaptive,
algorithms representaremature
self-learning, and can effectively
global optimization dealrobustness
with high with complex and
problems that traditional
wide applicability; theyoptimization algorithmsare
are self-organizing, have difficultyare
adaptive, solving, regardless
self-learning, of the
and can
nature of thedeal
effectively problem
with [24]. The present
complex problems work introduced
that and
traditional compared four
optimization widely used
algorithms have
difficulty solving, regardless of the nature of the problem [24]. The present work
introduced and compared four widely used evolutionary algorithms: genetic algorithm
(GA), differential evolution algorithm (DEA), simulated annealing algorithm (SAA), and
particle swarm optimization (PSO).
Energies 2022, 15, 6063 8 of 22

evolutionary algorithms: genetic algorithm (GA), differential evolution algorithm (DEA),

simulated annealing algorithm (SAA), and particle swarm optimization (PSO).

2.2.1. Genetic Algorithm

GA simulates an artificial population’s evolution and, through the mechanisms
of selection, crossover, and mutation, iteratively searches for the approximate optimal
solution [25]. First, GA initializes the population, including the determination of popula-
tion size, the iteration number, and the chromosome codification. The genetic algorithm
identifies the encoding and decoding processes for problem solving, which generally takes
real-number encoding or binary encoding, depending on the specific problem-solving
design. The GA population consists of a population of individuals, one of which is charac-
terized by a string of variables, that is, a gene, and generating the initial population occurs
according to the rules. For each iteration, GA calculates the fitness of the individuals, that is,
how well they match the problem. The higher the value of fitness, the higher the quality of
the solution. In each iteration, the population experiences three steps: selection, crossover,
and mutation. Selection means choosing the better adapted individuals to pass into the
next-generation population and eliminating the less adapted individuals. Crossover is the
exchange of gene sequences among pairs of individuals, which effectively improves GA’s
ability to search for solutions. Mutation is the change in gene values in individual gene
sequences. The mutation operation gives GA a local random search capability and enables
it to maintain population diversity, preventing the algorithm from converging prematurely.
The algorithm terminates when the number of iterations or the fitness of the best individual
in the population reaches a certain threshold. The relative optimal solution is the individual
with the best fitness in the population.

2.2.2. Differential Evolution Algorithm

Like GA, the DE optimization algorithm is based on modern intelligence theory;
through group intelligence generated by mutual cooperation and competition among indi-
viduals in the group, it guides the optimization search [26]. Its main working mechanism
is similar to GA, but the sequence of its main steps is mutation, crossover, and selection.
The basic idea of the algorithm is as follows: starting from a randomly generated initial
population, a new individual is generated by summing the vector difference of any two
individuals in the population with a third individual and then comparing the new indi-
vidual with the corresponding individual in the contemporary population. If the fitness
of the new individual is better than the fitness of the current individual, the current is
supplanted by the new in the next generation; otherwise, the current is retained. The good
individuals are kept, and the bad individuals are removed, through continuous evolution,
and the search is guided to approach the optimal solution. Unlike GA, the DE algorithm’s
variance vector is generated from the parent differential vector and is crossed with the
parent individual vector to create a new individual vector, which is selected directly with
its parent individual.

2.2.3. Simulated Annealing Algorithm

The SA algorithm hails from the principle of solid annealing, in which a solid is heated
to a sufficiently high temperature and then is allowed to cool down slowly [27]. When
the temperature rises and internal energy increases, the particles inside the solid become
disordered; when cooled slowly, the particles reorder, reach the equilibrium state at each
temperature, and finally reach the ground state at room temperature when the internal
energy is reduced to a minimum. A stochastic optimization algorithm, the SA algorithm
is based on the Monte-Carlo iterative solution strategy; its starting point is the similarity
between the annealing process of solids in physics and general combinatorial optimization
problems. The SA algorithm starts at a certain high initial temperature, applies a decreasing
temperature parameter, and combines the probabilistic jump property to randomly search
for the global optimal solution of the objective function in the solution space, that is,
Energies 2022, 15, 6063 9 of 22

the local optimal solution can probabilistically jump out and eventually converge to the
global optimal.

2.2.4. Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is an intelligent optimization al-
gorithm based on group collaboration and global search, inspired by the migration and
flocking behavior of the foraging process of birds [28]. In the PSO algorithm, each particle is
first initialized randomly to get its initial position and velocity. In the process of searching
the global optimal position, each particle carries the following two pieces of information:
current position and current velocity. Then, the PSO algorithm changes the adaptation
value of the particles through the objective function. Both the optimal position found by the
particle itself (called individual extreme value, Pbest) and the optimal position found by
the whole population (called global extreme value, Gbest) are obtained through real-time
comparison [29,30]. Assuming that the initial population consists of e particles, and the
position and velocity of the ith particle are denoted as Xid k and V k , the following update
equations for the velocity and position of the particles are obtained:

Vidk+1 = ωVidk + c1 r1 ( Pid

k k
− Xid k
) + c2 r2 ( Pgd k
− Xid ) (12)

k +1 k
Xid = Xid + Vidk+1 (13)
where k is the current number of iterations; ω is the inertia weight; c1 and c2 are the
learning factors; c1 affects the weight of the local optimum; c2 affects the weight of the
global optimum; r1 and r2 are random numbers of [0, 1]; Vidk and Xid k are the velocity and

position of the ith particle’s flight velocity vector; and Pidk and Pk are the current individual
extremes and global extremes of the particle, respectively.
The particle fitness function is given as:
p q
1 1 y p − ŷ p 1 yq − ŷq
2 p p∑
f i ti = + ∑ (14)
=1 yp q q =1 y q

where p is the number of training samples; q is the number of test samples; y p is the true
value of the training samples; ŷ p is the predicted value of the training samples; yq is the
true value of the test samples; and ŷq is the predicted value of the test samples.

3. Data Preparation and Generation

Building a data-driven production-prediction model requires a significant number
of static and dynamic data (logs, fracturing, production, etc.) as input, and then ML
methods establish correlations between static and dynamic data. Ideally, the data set used
to construct the data-driven model is taken from the real domain. However, synthetic data
obtained from numerical or analytical simulations can be used if high-quality real data are
insufficient or unavailable [31]. In this section, we describe how we prepared the geological
and completion parameters for the study area and generated production profiles as inputs
for the data-driven production-prediction model.

3.1. Study Area

Located at the tectonic intersection of the east–west region of China, the Ordos Basin
is part of the Paleozoic Greater North China Basin (Figure 6A). The movement of the Late
Triassic Indochinese West Island led to the collision of the northern margin of the Yangtze
Plate with the North China Plate, and the Ordos formed a large-scale inland lake basin.
The basin is divided into six secondary tectonic units—the western margin thrust belt,
the Tianhuan depression, the Yishaan slope, the Jinxi flexural fold, the upper slope of
the metabolism, and the upper slope of Weibei [32]. The Liuluoyu area of the Xiasiwan
oil field is located in the southern part of the Ordos Basin’s Yishaan slope (Figure 6A).
Energies 2022, 15, 6063 10 of 22

The regional structure is a gentle monocline with a stratigraphic dip less than 1o; a slope
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 24
drop of 6 to 9 m/km; a simple internal structure; and a low-amplitude, nose-like uplift
formed locally by differential compaction. The Liuluoyu area is an important oil-bearing
block in northern Shaanxi. From top to bottom, it is divided into rock groups Chang 1 to
northern Shaanxi. From top to bottom, it is divided into rock groups Chang 1 to Chang 10
Chang 10 (Figure 6B). The Chang 8 reservoir in the study area is a typical rocky reservoir
(Figure 6B). The Chang 8 reservoir in the study area is a typical rocky reservoir not
not controlled
controlled bytectonic
by the the tectonic high point,
high point, with oil–water
with oil–water mixed storage,
mixed storage, no obvious
no obvious edge or edge or
bottom water,and
bottom water, anda alithology
lithology comprising
comprising mainly
mainly sandstone
sandstone of extinction
of sharp sharp extinction
or denseor dense
layer blocking.The
layer blocking. The reservoir
reservoir drive
drive typetype is elastic-dissolved
is elastic-dissolved gas,
gas, the the oil-bearing
oil-bearing height inheight in
this areaisis45
this area 45m,
the depth
depth of burial
of burial at high
at the the high
of theof the reservoir
reservoir is 1460
is 1460 m, m, the central
the central
elevation −220
elevation isis−220 m,m,andandthethe average
average depthdepth of burial
of burial of theof
oilthe oilislayer
layer aboutis1668
aboutm. 1668
The m. The
reservoir properties
reservoir properties significantly varyvary
significantly across the study
across area, with
the study area,permeability ranging ranging
with permeability
from 0.0001
from 0.0001toto11mD
mDand andporosity ranging
porosity between
ranging 5 and515%.
between and 15%.

Figure 6.
Figure 6.(A)
Simplifiedstructural units,
structural cross-section,
units, and location
cross-section, map ofmap
and location the Liuluoyu area in thearea in the
of the Liuluoyu
southwest Ordos Basin, China. (B) Stratigraphic column of the study area showing theof
southwest Ordos Basin, China. (B) Stratigraphic column of the study area showing the location location of
the Chang 8 tight oil reservoirs. Ch = Chang; Fm. = formation; and Sed. = sediment (modified from
the Chang 8 tight oil reservoirs. Ch = Chang; Fm. = formation; and Sed. = sediment (modified from
Zhang et al. 2021) [33].
Zhang et al. 2021) [33].
3.2. Data Generation
3.2. Data Generation
Geological, petrophysical, and reservoir properties are important factors affecting
tight Geological, petrophysical,
oil productivity. and reservoir
To select geological properties
parameters for theare
model, wefactors affecting tight
the key impacts on tight oil production: drainage area, porosity, permeability, reservoir the key
productivity. To select geological parameters for the ML model, we investigated
pressure,on andtight oil production:
bubblepoint pressuredrainage
[34,35]. area, porosity,
In addition, permeability,
various studies havereservoir
fracture design to play a key role in the stud area’s well productivity. Fracturingdesign to
bubblepoint pressure [34,35]. In addition, various studies have found fracture
play a key role
parameters suchinas
stud area’s well productivity.
permeability, Fracturing
fracture spacing, and parameters
fracture lengthsuchareas fracture
essential to economic success.
permeability, fracture spacing, and fracture length are essential to economic success.
multistage hydraulic
hydraulic fracture model
fracture of a tight
model oil well
of a tight oilestablished in this study
well established in this study
was a three-phase, 3D, rectangular model. In recent studies, four
was a three-phase, 3D, rectangular model. In recent studies, four major methods major methods have have
been commonly
been commonlyused used to to
model fractures, including
fractures, the analytical
including model [36],
the analytical model local grid
[36], local grid
refinement (LGR) [37], continuum approaches [38], and the embedded discrete fracture
refinement (LGR) [37], continuum approaches [38], and the embedded discrete fracture
model (EDFM) [39]. Because of its fast computing speed and high flexibility, the ECLIPSE
model (EDFM) [39]. Because of its fast computing speed and high flexibility, the ECLIPSE
commercial simulator with LGR was applied in this study to model complex hydraulic
commercial simulator
fracture geometries. The with LGRreservoir
synthetic was applied
this study one tohorizontal
model complex well andhydraulic
fracture geometries.
eight transverse The synthetic
hydraulic reservoir model
fractures perpendicular comprises
to the wellbore.one Thehorizontal well and eight
reservoir model
transverse hydraulic
was discretized into 50 ×fractures
21 × 7 gridperpendicular to the wellbore.
blocks. The horizontal The reservoir
well is designed model was
in the center
of the reservoir 50 × 21
intomodel and×is7assumed
grid blocks. The horizontal
to produce well is designed
under a constant bottomhole inpressure
the center of the
reservoir model
(BHP). In LGR, and
the gridisblocks
assumed to produce
around under
the hydraulic a constant
fracture werebottomhole
logarithmically pressure
refined(BHP). In
LGR, the grid blocks around the hydraulic fracture were logarithmically refined to address
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 24
Energies 2022, 15, 6063 11 of 22

to address the large pressure drop. The production period was set to 10 years, which is
the large pressure
considered drop.tight
as a realistic Theoil
production period
production wasThe
scenario. set numerical
to 10 years, which is
reservoir considered
model is as a
shown intight oil7.production scenario. The numerical reservoir model is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7.7.Numerical
Figure Numericalreservoir model.
reservoir model.

reservoir andand fracturing parameters
fracturing parameterswere selected and considered
were selected in this in this
and considered
study, including the X, Y, and Z directional grid sizes (DI, DJ, and DK); horizontal well
study, including the X, Y, and Z directional grid sizes (DI, DJ, and DK); horizontal well
length; matrix permeability; matrix porosity; initial pressure; bubblepoint pressure;
length; matrix permeability; matrix porosity; initial pressure; bubblepoint pressure; moni-
monitored oil rate; operating BHP; average fracture length/reservoir width; fracture
spacing; oilfracture
rate; operating
effective BHP; averageand
permeability; fracture length/reservoir
average width; fracture
fracture height/reservoir height spacing;
(Table 1).effective
Of these 14 permeability;
parameters, the andfirst
average fracture height/reservoir
three parameters define the size ofheight (Table 1). Of
the model;
these 14 parameters,
they were used as a proxy theforfirst
thethree parameters
drainage define
area in this study. the sizethese
Thus, of thethree
model; they were used
as a proxy
directly affectforthe
drainage area inasthis
oil in place, wellstudy.
as tightThus, these three
oil production. Toparameters directly affect
ensure horizontal
length oilbeingin confined
place, asbywell as tight
reservoir oil production.
length, for instance, the Towell
was set at thewell length
being length times
confined a random
by reservoir number
length, forbetween
instance, 0.6 the
0.8. Matrix
was set at the andreservoir
matrix porosity
length times arepresent
random the numberrock properties
betweenof0.6 tight
MatrixThe initial pressure
permeability and matrix
determines the initial condition of the reservoir, while bubblepoint
porosity represent the rock properties of tight oil reservoirs. The initial pressure deter-pressure is one of the
most important
mines the initialcharacteristics
condition ofthat defines thewhile
the reservoir, fluid bubblepoint
properties. Four characteristics—
pressure is one of the most
average fracture length/reservoir width, fracture spacing, fracture effective permeability,
important characteristics that defines the fluid properties. Four characteristics—average
and average fracture height/reservoir height—define the fracturing parameters of the
fracture length/reservoir width, fracture spacing, fracture effective permeability, and aver-
horizontal well. Instead of (effective) fracture half-length, fracture length/reservoir width
age fracture height/reservoir height—define the fracturing parameters of the horizontal
was used because it helps to visualize the degree of fracture propagating in the drainage
well. Instead
area. The values ofranged
from fracture half-length,
0 to 1, indicating fracturefracture length/reservoir
length being width was used
confined by reservoir
because it helps to visualize the degree of fracture
width. The same applied to the ratio of fracture height/reservoir height. propagating in the drainage area. The
valuesWe collected geological and completion data from Xiasiwan oil field’s database and width.
ranged from 0 to 1, indicating fracture length being confined by reservoir
The same applied
determined the range to and
the ratio of fracture
distribution of theheight/reservoir
14 selected parametersheight.(listed in Table 1)
based on the 10,000 sets of geological and completion parameters generated by the Latin
Table samplingand
1. Parameters (LHS) technique.
associated The probability
distribution distribution
to generate the inputofdata
each parameter is
shown in Figure 8. The output of the production model was monthly oil production for
Parameter 10 years, numerically
Minimum simulated
Value by each combination
Maximum Value of geological and
Distribution Type completionSymbol
sets. Figure 9 shows the cumulative probability distribution of 10,000 cumulative oil
Grid size, X direction, ft 75 125 Uniform DI
productions for the 10-year production period.
Grid size, Y direction, ft 30 80 Uniform DJ
Grid size, Z direction, ftTable 1. Parameters and1associated distribution5 to generate the input data set.
Uniform DK
Matrix permeability, mD Minimum Value 0.0001Maximum Value 1 Distributionlognormal
Type Symbol PERM
Grid size, X direction, ft 75 125 Uniform DI
Porosity 0.05 0.15 Uniform POR
Grid size, Y direction, ft 30 80 Uniform DJ
Horizontal well length, ft 1800 6000 Triangle WellLength
Grid size, Z direction, ft 1 5 Uniform DK
Matrix pressure,
permeability, mD psi 0.0001 400 1 6000 lognormalUniform PERM PB
Initial pressure, psi 0.05 2000 0.15 6000 UniformUniform POR INIT_PRES
Horizontal well length, ft 1800 6000 Triangle WellLength
Monitored oil rate, bbl/day 1.5 2.5 Triangle MONITOR_STO
Bubble-point pressure, psi 400 6000 Uniform PB
Initial BHP,
pressure, psi psi 2000 200 6000 3000 UniformUniform OPERATE_BHP
Average fracture length/reservoir width 0.4 1 Uniform FL/W
Fracture spacing, ft 75 500 Uniform FS
Effective fracture permeability, mD 1 100 Uniform FK
Average fracture height/reservoir height 0.4 1 normal FH/H
Monitored oil rate, bbl/day 1.5 2.5 Triangle MONITOR_STO
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 24
Operating BHP, psi 200 3000 Uniform OPERATE_BHP
Average fracture
Energies 2022, 15, 6063 0.4 1 Uniform 12FL/W
of 22
length/reservoir width
Monitored oil rate, bbl/day 1.5 2.5 Triangle MONITOR_STO
Fracture spacing,
Operating BHP, psi ft 75
200 3000500 Uniform
Effective fracture
Average fracture We collected geological and completion data from Xiasiwan oil field’s database and
0.4 1 100 of the 14 selected
Uniform FK
permeability, mD
length/reservoir width determined the range and distribution parameters (listedFL/W
in Table 1)
spacing, ft based on the7510,000 sets of geological
500 and completion parameters generated byFS
Uniform the Latin
hypercube sampling 1 The probability distribution
(LHS) technique. normal FH/H
of each parameter
height/reservoir height
Effective fracture
is shown in 1Figure 8. The output
100of the productionUniform FK
model was monthly oil production
permeability, mD
for 10 years, numerically simulated by each combination of geological and completion
Average fracture data sets. Figure
0.4 9 shows the cumulative
1 probability distribution
normal of 10,000 cumulative
FH/H oil
height/reservoir height productions for the 10-year production period.

Figure 8. Histograms of reservoir and fracturing parameters.

Figure Histogramsofofreservoir

Figure 9. Cumulative probability distribution of 10-year cumulative oil production obtained by the
Figure 9.9.Cumulative
Figure simulation.probability
Cumulative distribution
probability of 10-year
distribution cumulative
of 10-year oil production
cumulative obtainedobtained
oil production by the by the
numerical simulation.
numerical simulation.
Energies 2022, 15, 6063 13 of 22

4. Results Analysis
4.1. Comparison of the Data-Driven Production-Prediction Models
The geological characteristics, hydraulic fracturing parameters, and corresponding
tight oil production from the 10,000 wells generated and presented in Section 3.2 were
used to establish the data-driven production-prediction model. The fixed division of the
training and test set would result in severe overfitting issues. To avoid possible overfitting,
we applied the k-fold cross-validation (k = 8) to characterize the prediction performance
and generalization ability of the ML model. K-fold method can obtain a comprehensive
evaluation metric of the model by changing the training and test set.
To develop the production-prediction model, four ML algorithms—SVR, GBDT, RF,
and MLP—served as mapping functions to establish the relationship between static and
corresponding dynamic data. Table 2 shows the final hyperparameters of the four models
used to achieve optimal results for this study, which were obtained by trial and error.

Table 2. Optimal hyperparameters for the four models.

ML Algorithm Hyperparameters
SVR Kernel = “rbf”, C = 100, gamma = 0.1, epsilon = 0.1
GBDT ccp_alpha = 0.0, criterion = ‘friedman_mse’, loss = ‘deviance’, subsample = 1.0, tol = 0.0001
RF n_estimators = 10, criterion = ‘mse’, max_depth = 2, bootstrap = True, oob_score = False, n_jobs = 1
MLP Activation = ‘relu’, solver = ‘lbfgs’, hidden_layer_sizes = (100), max_iter = 1500, random_state = 5

Figure 10 shows scatterplots of true-versus-predicted cumulative production of all the

training and testing set for the four prediction models. The solid red 45◦ line in each subplot
indicates that the predictions are equal to the actual data. The area enclosed by the two
blue dash lines contains all the samples whose absolute errors of cumulative oil production
are less than 40,000 m3 . The smaller the difference between the predicted and actual values,
the closer the data points approaching the 45◦ line. The values obtained by RF and MLP
models (Figure 10d,e, both the training set and testing set) are mainly distributed along the
45◦ line, which indicates both models achieved high prediction accuracy.
To further quantify the prediction precision of the four data-driven production-
prediction models, we selected the correlation index (R2 ) as a metric [40], which is shown
in Equation (15). The R2 value is between 0 and 1. A high value indicates a good match,
while a low value means a bad match.
∑iK=1 (ŷi − yi )
R2 = 1 − 2
∑iK=1 (yi − yi )
The mean R2 obtained with k-fold cross validation of the four prediction models is
given in Table 3, where the RF and MLP models show higher R2 values. RF, though, is seen
to have an overfitting phenomenon, causing its R2 value in the test set to be 10% lower
than that in the training set, meaning that the RF algorithm has focused on the training set
so much that it has missed the point entirely. In this way, the RF model can produce good
predictions for data points in the training set but performs poorly on new samples. Thus,
MLP was determined to be the optimal algorithm to establish the production-prediction
model for this study.

Table 3. Comparison of prediction performance of various models.

ML Algorithm R2 of Training Set R2 of Test Set

SVR 0.73 0.60
GBDT 0.88 0.84
RF 0.95 0.86
MLP 0.97 0.94
Energies 2022, 15, 6063 14 of 22
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 24

Training set Test set

(a) SVR model.

Training set Test set

(b) GBDT model.

Training set Test set

(c) RF model.

Figure 10. Cont.

Energies 2022, 15, 6063 15 of 22
Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 24

Training set Test set

(d) MLP model.

Figure 10. Performance of the training set (left) and test set (right).
Figure 10. Performance of the training set (left) and test set (right).
Table 3. Comparison of prediction performance of various models.
4.2. Effect of Sample Size on the Predictive Performance of the MLP-Based Model
ML Algorithm
It is reasonable to ask what the required R2 of Training
sample Setis to build
size R2 of Test Set
an MLP-based
SVR 0.73
production-prediction model. To figure out how many data sets are representative enough 0.60
for the tight oil production-prediction model, we conducted 0.88 a systematic analysis 0.84 with nine
different total sample RF sizes, varying from 2000 to 10,000. 0.95 Figure 11 shows the 0.86R2 scores for
both the training andMLP 0.97
test sets of each sample size. Generally, it can be observed 0.94 that test set
accuracy increases with sample size and training set accuracy decreases with sample size.
The Effect
Sample Size on the obvious
is more Predictivewhen
Performance of the
the total MLP-Based
sample size Model
is under 4000, with the
increase rate starting to slow down after that. The MLP model
It is reasonable to ask what the required sample size is to build is seen to beanoverfit when the
total sample size is smallmodel.
production-prediction (underTo4000), andout
figure as the
howtotal sample
many datasize
setsincreases, the overfitting
are representative
enough for
gradually the tight oil
improves. production-prediction
When the total samplemodel, we conducted
size approaches a systematic
6000, analysis
the accuracies of the
with nine
training anddifferent
test setstotal
nearlysample sizes, with
stabilize, varying
onlyfrom 2000 to 10,000.
a negligible amountFigure 11 shows the RThus,
of improvement. 2

Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW trainedfor both the training
MLP-based and test model
data-driven sets of each
a total size.
sampleGenerally, it canwas
size of 6000 be observed
further used 17 of
the test
finalset accuracy increases
single-well with sample size
production-prediction and training
model set accuracy
to optimize decreases
the fracturing with
the next size. The test set increase is more obvious when the total sample size is under 4000,
with the increase rate starting to slow down after that. The MLP model is seen to be overfit
when the total sample size is small (under 4000), and as the total sample size increases,
the overfitting gradually improves. When the total sample size approaches 6000, the
accuracies of the training and test sets nearly stabilize, with only a negligible amount of
improvement. Thus, the trained MLP-based data-driven model with a total sample size of
6000 was further used as the final single-well production-prediction model to optimize
the fracturing parameters in the next step.

Figure 11.
Figure MLPmodel
modelperformance for different
performance numbers
for different of data sets.
numbers of data sets.

4.3. Effect of Fracturing Parameters on Cumulative Oil Production

The key attributes in fracturing parameter optimization were found to be fractu
length/reservoir width, fracture spacing, effective fracture permeability, and fractu
height/reservoir height. A sensitivity analysis was performed to investigate the effect
Energies 2022, 15, 6063 16 of 22

4.3. Effect of Fracturing Parameters on Cumulative Oil Production

The key attributes in fracturing parameter optimization were found to be fracture
length/reservoir width, fracture spacing, effective fracture permeability, and fracture
height/reservoir height. A sensitivity analysis was performed to investigate the effect
of these four fracturing parameters on cumulative oil production. The base case was
established, with Table 4 showing its 14 parameters. The MLP-based production model
obtained with 6000 sets of data was used to calculate oil production.

Table 4. Parameters of the base case.

Parameter Value Parameter Value

Grid size, X direction, ft 90 Initial pressure, psi 3000
Grid size, Y direction, ft 40 Monitored oil rate, bbl/day 2
Grid size, Z direction, ft 3 Operating BHP, psi 500
Matrix permeability, mD 0.05 Average fracture length/reservoir width 0.6
Porosity 0.1 Fracture spacing, ft 300
Horizontal well length, ft 4000 Effective fracture permeability, mD 70
Bubblepoint pressure, psi 1500 Average fracture height/reservoir height 0.7

Figure 12 shows the sensitivity of cumulative oil production to fracturing parameters

for the parameter settings of Case 1. Figure 12a shows the effect of fracture length/reservoir
width on cumulative oil production. The longer the fracture length/reservoir width, the
higher the cumulative oil production. Figure 12b indicates that the tighter the fracture spac-
ing, the higher the cumulative oil production. Figure 12c means that high effective fracture
permeability can greatly increase oil production. Figure 12d shows that the cumulative oil
production increases with fracture height/reservoir height, but its change does not affect
cumulative oil production. It can be concluded from the sensitivity analysis that cumulative
Energies production
2022, is more sensitive to fracture length/reservoir width, fracture spacing,
15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 ofand

fracture effective permeability and less sensitive to fracture height/reservoir height.

(a) Average fracture length/reservoir width (FL/W). (b) Fracture spacing (FS).

(c) Effective fracture permeability (FK). (d) Average fracture height/reservoir height (FH/H).
Figure 12. Sensitivity of cumulative oil production to fracturing parameters.
Figure 12. Sensitivity of cumulative oil production to fracturing parameters.
4.4. Techno-Eco-Analysis Scheme of Tight Oil Projects
We first define the economic objective function that considers fracturing treatment
cost and oil production benefit and integrate the evolutionary algorithms with the MLP-
based production-prediction model to obtain the optimal combination of fracturing
parameters that corresponds to the optimal economic feasibility.
Energies 2022, 15, 6063 17 of 22

4.4. Techno-Eco-Analysis Scheme of Tight Oil Projects

We first define the economic objective function that considers fracturing treatment cost
and oil production benefit and integrate the evolutionary algorithms with the MLP-based
production-prediction model to obtain the optimal combination of fracturing parameters
that corresponds to the optimal economic feasibility.

4.4.1. Definition of Economic Objective Function

The most commonly used index to evaluate the feasibility of a project is NPV. Different
mathematical expressions for NPV exist under different assumptions, but they usually
consist of two components: discounted cash flow and capital expenditure (CAPEX).
Periodic net cash flow (NCF) is defined as

NCFt = Po × Qtoil × (1 − R) − Co × Qtoil (16)

where Qtoil is the oil production rate at time step t; Po and Co are oil price and operation
cost per unit; and R represents tax rate.
The CAPEX of a project includes the investment of drilling and fracturing and
fixed cost:
CAPEX = C f + Cd + C f ixed (17)
where Cd is the drilling cost of the horizontal well; C f ixed is the fixed cost; and C f is the
fracturing cost, calculated as:

C f = C f l + C p + Cbase (18)

where C f l , C p , and Cbase represent fracturing costs associated with fracturing fluid, prop-
pant, and base treatment cost, respectively, which can be estimated by the following
equations provided by the operator:

C f l = (100 × N × FL × FW × FH ) × 163 (19)

C p = [5.223 × (100 × N × FL × FW × FH ) + 1407] × 37 (20)

Cbase = 27, 000 × N + 80, 800 (21)
where N is the fracturing stage number, FL is the fracture length, FW is the fracture width,
and FH is the fracture height. Thus, the objective was to maximize the NPV function
expressed as follows:
NPV = ∑ t
− CAPEX (22)
t =0 (1 + i )

where n is the total number of time steps considered in the cash flow calculation. Table 5
gives the value of main economic parameters.

Table 5. Economic parameters.

Parameters Value Parameter Value

Oil price (Po ), USD/bbl 50 Drilling cost (Cd ), USD/ft 800
Annual operational cost (Co ), USD/bbl 2.8 Fixed cost (Cfixed ), USD 1,350,000
Annual interest rate (R), % 8

4.4.2. Effect of Fracturing Parameters on Net Present Value

To investigate the impact of fracturing parameters on economic evaluation, the sen-
sitivity of NPV to fracturing parameters was analyzed for four different oil prices. The
base case established for NPV sensitivity analysis was the same as that for cumulative
oil production.
4.4.2. Effect of Fracturing Parameters on Net Present Value
To investigate the impact of fracturing parameters on economic evaluation, the
sensitivity of NPV to fracturing parameters was analyzed for four different oil prices. The
base case established for NPV sensitivity analysis was the same as that for cumulative oil
Energies 2022, 15, 6063 18 of 22
Figure 13a shows the effect of fracture length/reservoir width on NPV at different oil
prices. Figure
The black dot in each subplot represents the NPV values obtained from the base
13a shows the effect of fracture length/reservoir width on NPV at different
oil Itprices.
can beTheseen thatdot
black NPV in increases as fracture
each subplot length/reservoir
represents the NPV valueswidth increases.
obtained from the Figure
shows the optimal fracturing spacing between 200 and 300 ft. Figure
case. It can be seen that NPV increases as fracture length/reservoir width increases.13c shows
Figurepermeabilities havingfracturing
13b shows the optimal a positive effectbetween
spacing on NPV. Figure
200 13d
and 300 ft. indicates
Figure 13cthat
shows NPV is
fracture permeabilities having a positive
not sensitive to fracture height/reservoir height.effect on NPV. Figure 13d indicates that NPV is
not sensitive to fracture height/reservoir height.

Energies 2022, 15, x FOR PEER REVIEW 20 of 24

(a) Average fracture length/reservoir width. (b) Fracture spacing.

(c) Effective fracture permeability. (d) Average fracture height/reservoir height.

Figure 13. Sensitivity of NPV to fracturing parameters.
Figure 13. Sensitivity of NPV to fracturing parameters.

4.4.3. Integration of Evolutionary Algorithms and Multilayer Perception

In this study, four
four evolutionary
evolutionary algorithms—GA,
algorithms—GA, DE algorithm, SA algorithm, and
PSO—were integrated
PSO—were integratedwith
productionmodel to to
model optimize thethe
optimize fracturing pa-
rameters of the base model (Table 4); the ideal fracturing parameter optimization
parameters of the base model (Table 4); the ideal fracturing parameter optimization algorithm
was selected
algorithm was byselected
comparing their iteration
by comparing speeds
their and speeds
iteration optimaland
NPVs. TableNPVs.
optimal 6 summarizes
Table 6
the final hyperparameters of the four optimization algorithms.
summarizes the final hyperparameters of the four optimization algorithms.

Table 6. Final
Table 6. Final hyperparameters
hyperparameters of
of the
the four
four evolutionary
evolutionary models.

Evolutionary Algorithm Evolutionary Algorithm Hyperparameters Hyperparameters

GA GA size_pop = 26, max_iter = 50,=prob_mut
size_pop 26, max_iter= =0.001
50, prob_mut = 0.001
DE DE size_pop = 26, max_iter = 50= 26, max_iter = 50
SA SA max_stay_counter = 150
max_stay_counter = 150
size_pop = 26, max_iter = 50, w = 0.8, c1 = 0.5, c2 = 0.5
size_pop = 26, max_iter = 50, w = 0.8, c1 = 0.5, c2 = 0.5

Figure 1414 shows
trendofof NPVs
NPVs with
with thethe number
number of iterations
of iterations forfour
for the the algo-
rithms. It is It is obvious
obvious that that the NPV
the NPV generally
generally increases
increases withwith the number
the number of iterations,
of iterations, and
and then it tends to be stabilized. The final combination of fracturing parameters obtained
by the four optimization algorithms and the performance indexes is shown in Table 7.
Among the four methods, MLP-PSO tends to stabilize at Iteration 8 and achieves the
highest NPV value of USD 37.26 million. Overall, the MLP-PSO method outperformed the
other three algorithms at convergent speed, with an optimal value achieved.
PSO size_pop = 26, max_iter = 50, w = 0.8, c1 = 0.5, c2 = 0.5

Figure 14 shows the trend of NPVs with the number of iteration

Energies 2022, 15, 6063 algorithms. It is obvious that the NPV generally increases with 19the of 22numbe

and then it tends to be stabilized. The final combination of fracturing param

by the four optimization algorithms and the performance indexes is show
then it tends to be stabilized. The final combination of fracturing parameters obtained by
the the fouralgorithms
four optimization methods, and MLP-PSO
the performance tends toisstabilize
indexes at Iteration
shown in Table 7. Among 8 and
the NPV value
four methods, MLP-PSO of USD 37.26
tends to million.
stabilize Overall,
at Iteration the MLP-PSO
8 and achieves the highestmethod
NPV out
value of USD 37.26 million. Overall, the MLP-PSO method outperformed
other three algorithms at convergent speed, with an optimal value achieved the other three
algorithms at convergent speed, with an optimal value achieved.

Figure 14. NPV trends during iterations of different optimization algorithms.

Figure 14. NPV trends during iterations of different optimization algorithms.
Table 7. Optimization results of different optimization algorithms.

Fracture Fracture Fracture No. of Maximum

Hybrid Model Length/Reservoir Permeability, Height/Reservoir Iterations to NPV, Million
Spacing, ft
Width mD Height Stability USD
MLP-GA 0.98 290 88 0.87 11 36.73
MLP-DE 0.98 296 75 0.78 38 37.22
MLP-SA 0.97 281 94 0.89 48 37.20
MLP-PSO 0.99 275 89 0.94 9 37.26

5. Discussion and Future Work

Conventional workflows for well completion and production optimization in tight
oil reservoirs require extensive earth modeling, hydraulic fracture simulation, and pro-
duction simulation. This methodology is data-intensive and time-consuming and often
is not rigorously accomplished because of a lack of skillset and time. In addition, a com-
plete understanding of the impact of each parameter and the correlations among them is
very difficult to obtain. Considering the potential value of this study on fracture design
optimization, overcoming the above-mentioned limitations becomes critical. To do so,
conducting single-well reservoir simulations, analyzing the results using ML algorithms,
and optimizing fracturing parameters with evolutionary algorithms can help to develop a
powerful solution that creates “proxy” models for fast and effective fracture optimization.
Given the flexibility of ML, the production-prediction model used in this study still
has room for improvement. For instance, the structure of the MLP model can continue
to be optimized by setting a more appropriate number of hidden layers and of neurons,
a more appropriate learning rate, etc. The debugging of these hyperparameters can also
provide the model with better prediction accuracy, and even optimization algorithms such
as PSO and GA can be added in this step to optimize the MLP model. In addition, ML
methods are developing rapidly and can use convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to
better mine the features of parameters; LSTM networks to better preserve the temporal
Energies 2022, 15, 6063 20 of 22

features of parameters; or even hybrid networks, such as CNN-LSTM and CNN-GRU.

It is believed that these models not only will provide more flexibility and alternatives,
but they will also make the problem more challenging because with too many options
available, debugging becomes more difficult. The objective function for optimizing the
economic evaluation in this study was NPV, but the NPV calculation ignores taxation,
which was not considered comprehensively enough and can be improved in subsequent
studies. Moreover, the economic evaluation of this study only considered the optimization
of a single objective function, i.e., NPV, and subsequent studies can consider multiobjective
optimization, such as the cumulative water-to-oil ratio and fracturing fluid efficiency using
the Pareto method.

6. Conclusions
In this study, a robust workflow is proposed for optimizing fracturing parameters by
coupling ML methods and optimization algorithms. We optimized fracturing parameters,
including fracture half-length, fracture permeability, fracture spacing, and fracture height.
The workflow provides a new alternative to solve the dimension-varying problem by
considering various fracturing parameters. Specific observations and conclusions follow:
1. Compared with traditional statistical methods and numerical simulation methods,
ML can make the comprehensive use of various factors such as geological, completion,
and production parameters and can effectively deal with field data and nonlinear
problems without the limitations of geological models, thus quickly establishing
reliable production prediction and greatly improving model prediction accuracy
and efficiency.
2. Among the four ML models, the MLP model shows the best production-
prediction performance.
3. The sensitivity analysis of fracturing parameters was conducted on cumulative oil
production. It was found that cumulative oil production is more sensitive to frac-
ture length/reservoir width, fracture permeability, and fracture spacing. It is less
sensitive to fracture height/reservoir height. Cumulative oil production is positively
correlated with fracture length/reservoir width, fracture permeability, and fracture
height/reservoir height and is negatively correlated with fracture spacing.
4. From the sensitivity analysis of the NPV fracturing parameters, a range of optimal
values can be roughly determined for the four fracturing parameters.
5. Comparing the four fracturing parameter optimization models, the MLP-PSO model
shows better performance than the other three models, both in convergence speed
and optimal value.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Z.D.; Data curation, L.W. (Lei Wu) and L.W. (Linjun Wang);
Resources, Z.W. and Z.L.; Writing—original draft, Z.D.; Writing—review and editing, W.L. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: We would like to thank the Project “Shale Gas Production Prediction Base on Machine Learn-
ing Algorithms” funded by RIPED-PetroChina, the Project of National Natural Science Foundation of
China (grant nos. 51974253 and 51934005), the Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shaanxi
(Grant No. 2017JM5109), and the Shaanxi Province Key R&D Program “Small Molecule Recyclable
Self-Cleaning Fracturing Fluid R&D and Industrialization Promotion (Project No.: 2022ZDLSF07-04)”,
for their financial support and valuable data.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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