Assignment 8
Assignment 8
Assignment 8
The images shown below (a & b) are quite different, but their histograms are the same. Suppose
that each image is blurred with a 3x3 averaging mask. Which of the following is (are) true?
c) Histograms of the blurred images will change but they will be identical.
Correct Answer: b.
Detailed Solution:
Figure (b) has more edge pixels than figure (a). So after blurring, there are more pixels in figure (b)
whose intensity values will change in comparison to that of figure (a). Therefore, histograms of the
blurred images will be different from each other.
b) Laplacian
c) Prewitt
Correct Answer: c.
Detailed Solution:
1 0 1
Prewitt operator 1 0 1 is first order difference.
1 0 1
1 2 1
a) 0 0 0
1 2 1
1 0 1
b) 2 0 2
1 0 1
c) Both a and b
Correct Answer: a.
Detailed Solution:
1 2 1
0 0 0 is vertical Sobel operator which does a averaging in horizontal direction and
1 2 1
difference operator in vertical direction. Therefore it can be used to detect horizontal edge in an
c) Both a and b
Correct Answer: b.
Detailed Solution:
Histogram is basically the probability distribution of intensity values in an image. It does not
capture any spatial correlation of intensity values but it captures the global appearance of an image.
Also two images may have same histogram even if they look different i.e. having different local
appearance but because of same distribution of intensity values considering the entire image.
If we add a constant intensity (q) image pixel by pixel to an image I, then __________.
Assume that even after addition of two images the intensity at any pixel is less than the maximum
allowable intensity.
Detailed Solution:
We are adding constant intensity at each location of image I, this increases each intensity by an
value of q. Therefore histogram of the image I shifts to right by q.
Hence option a is correct.
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Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
In _______ image we notice that the components of histogram are concentrated on the lower side
on intensity scale:
a) dark
b) light
c) colourful
Correct Answer: a.
Detailed Solution:
In a dark image, the probability of pixel intensities closer to minimum value will be higher and the
components of histogram are concentrated on the lower side on intensity scale.
Which of the following filter can be used for removing salt and pepper noise?
b) High-Pass Filter
c) High-Boost Filter
d) Median Filter
Correct Answer: d.
Detailed Solution:
Median filter is based on ordered statistics and median operator removes the outliers in the image.
a) Contrast Adjustment
b) Edge detection
c) Image Averaging
Correct Answer: b.
Detailed Solution:
Laplacian operator is a second order difference operator and therefore can be used in edge
b) Sensitive to noise.
Correct Answer: d.
Detailed Solution:
Second order derivative will have zero response along ramp of constant slope.
a) 1 4 7
(6 6 4)
7 3 3
b) 4 4 7
(6 6 4)
7 2 2
c) 2 5 7
(6 6 5)
7 3 3
Correct Answer: b.
Detailed Solution:
Let r represents the intensity levels, pr (r ) represents the probability of occurrence of r th intensity
level. s k T (r ) p r (i ) represents the transformation function from r to s .
i 0
s s min
s Int * 7 0.5
s max s min
r pr (r ) sk T (r ) s
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
2 2 2 2
9 9
3 3 5 4
9 9
4 2 7 6
9 9
5 2 1 7
6 0 1 7
7 0 1 7
4 4 7
Using transformation from above table, we get the equalized image as (6 6 4).
7 2 2