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Exam st14 1

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Technische Universität Berlin

Examination Computer Vision &

Remote Sensing
Digital Image Processing Olaf Hellwich
Ronny Hänsch
Summer term 2014

Name: .................................................. Student ID: ......................

Duration: 90 minutes Auxiliary material: None

Berlin, July 24, 2014
1 Image function and histograms 14P
a) Fig.1i) shows the relative gray-scale histogram of the image shown in Fig.1a). 10P
Fig.1b)-f) show the results of five different image transformations applied to
the image in Fig.1a). State which image transformation was applied and which
of the histograms depicted in Fig.1ii)-vi) corresponds to the given images.
Please assign each histogram of Fig.1.ii)-vi) to exactly one image in Fig.b)-f).
b) Give a detailed explanation of „histogram equalization“ including its purpose. 4P

a) b) i) ii)

c) d) iii) iv)

e) f) v) vi)
Figure 1
2 Image filtering 19P
a) State the filter kernel of the Sobel operator in x- and y-direction. 1P
b) How is the structure tensor of an image defined? 0 0 0 0 0 5P

Use the Sobel operator as defined in 2.a) to 0 0 1 0 0

calculate the structure tensor of the center pixel in 0 1 1 1 0
Fig.2. 0 0 1 0 0
Use a spatial neighborhood of 3x3 pixels and 0 0 0 0 0
provide numerical results of all necessary steps. Figure 2
c) Based on the computed structure tensor calculated in 2.b) calculate the 2P
cornerness as defined by the Plessey/Harris operator.
d) How is the convolution theorem defined and is it reasonable to be applied 2P
during application of the Sobel operator?
e) Explain the idea, purpose, and application of separable filters with the Sobel 3P
operator as an example.
f) Figures 3a)-c) show three different images, while Figures 3i)-vi) depict the 3P
amplitude of six different Fourier spectra. State which of the given spectra
corresponds to which of the images. Note: A spectrum can be assigned
multiple times and not all spectra have to be used.
g) What is the ringing effect in the context of image filtering? 3P
How is it caused and how can it be avoided?

a) b) c)

i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi)

Figure 3

3 Image restoration 12P

a) Explain the inverse filter starting by the underlying signal model including 5P
inherent limitations and possible adaptions to cope with them.
b) The signal model of an image s is known to be s = h⊗(o+n), where ⊗ means 2P
convolution, o is the original image and n a random noise term.
Will the inverse filter improve the image quality? Explain your answer.
c) Under which circumstances is the Wiener filter equivalent to the inverse filter? 3P
Give a mathematical proof of your answer.
d) The Wiener filter depends on the usually unknown signal-to-noise ratio as 2P
well as the point spread function of the degradation. Explain how these two
quantities can be estimated.

A total of 45 points can be attained.

A short and accurate style as well as a clear handwriting should be intended.
Pay attention to a clear and comprehensible preparation of sketches.

Lot's of luck and do your best!

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