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question paper contains 8 printed pages.

Your Roll No......

No. of Question Paper : 1194

Unique Paper Code

Name of the Paper : Digital Image Processing

Name of the Course : B.Sc. (H) Computer Science

Semester :V[Year of Admission of 2019.

2020, 2021]
Duration: 3 Hours Maximum Marks :75

Instructions for Candidates

1 1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt
of this question paper.
2. Section A is compulsory.
3. Do any four questions from Section B.

Section - A

1 we want to resize a 1024 x 768 image to one

that is 600 pixels wide with the same aspect ratio
as the original, what should be the height of the
resized image? (3)

1194 2

(b) What does the weber ratio imply? Draw the plot
of weber ratio as a function of intensity. (3)

Explain Isopreference curve with its application

and suitable example. (3)

(d), Give the three steps typically performed for edge

detection. (3)

What is the significance of sampling? How is the

resolution of an image affected by sampling?

(f) Justify the statement Median filter is an effective

tool to minimize Salt and Pepper noise" for the
following image : (4)

24 22 33 25 22 24

34 255 24 0 26 23
23 21 3231 28 26

What are blurring and ringing effects? A sub

image, f(m, n) =
4 2]
5 8 is passed through the
1194 3

linear filter, h(m, n) = 10 1 . What

0 1. is the

resultant image? (Assume zero padding) (4)

(b Explain the term brightness adaptation with

example.·If an observer is looking at a lamnp-post
which is at a distance of 50 meters and the height
of the lamp-post is 10 meters then, find the size
of the image formed in the retina. (4)

Explain how noise and illumination effect the

performance of the thresholding technique for
image segmentation. (4)

Compare point processing and mask pro cessing

operations for image enhancement. (4)

Section -B

(a) Explain how the low pass Gaussian filter kernel is

used for image smoothening. Compare its
performance with that of a box filter kernel.

1194 4

(b) Find the Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of the

following image : (5)

0 1 2 1

1 2 3 2

2 3 4 3

1 2 3 2

(a) What happens when we equalize the given

histogram twice? (6)

Gray Level 0 1 2 3
Number of pixels 70 20 7 3

(b) Briefly explain the following terms : (4)

0) Adjacency
i) Connectivity
(iii) D4

(iv) D8
1194 5

4. (a)> Explain and write the Probability Density Function

(PDF) for the following noise models (6)

() Gaussian Noise

(ii) Erlang Noise

(b)}Explain how the\ Ideal filter s used for image

smoothening and image sharpening. (4)

5. (a) Given the following 7x7 image, use the hit-or

miss transform to find the top edge of the 5 x 5
square formed with all pixel values equal to 1.

0 0

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 0

1 1 1 1 1 0

1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0

1194 6

Use the twostructuring elemnents as given below :

0 o 1o
B, =
0 O0 B, = o Oo
o10 oo

(b) Write a short note on line detection. (4)

6. (a) Calculate the Huffman code, coding efficiency,

and code redundancy for the following data: (6)

F-[a a abbaaaççcbddeeecçddffeddcdddd].

(b) Given below is a 3x3 image : (4)

6 2 3


What would be the value of the center pixel when

this image is passed through the following filters :

(i) Arithmetic mean

1194 7

(i)) Geometric men


(i) Harmonic mean

(iv) Min

Perform the opening operation on the following

10 × 10 image : (5)

00 0000000

01 1|1|0011|1|0
0 1 0 01
1 1 1 1|1 1|1

1 001|1|10
1|001 1|1|0

Use the structuring element as given below:

1194 8

(b) Describe the types of data redundancies present

in an image. Explain the methods to remove these
redundancies. (5)


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