Distinguish Ʃ Ans S Sound
Distinguish Ʃ Ans S Sound
Distinguish Ʃ Ans S Sound
Fricative + +
Voiceless + +
Alveolar + -
Palato alveolar + -
Based on the table above, we can see clearly the similar and different features between
/s/ & /ʃ/ sound. The similar things that both of them are consonant, voiceless and
fricative sounds.
The only different thing is about organ of articulation. The /s/ sound is alveolar sound
which articulated by the tip or blade of the tongue against or close to the teeth
ridge.The /ʃ/ sound is palato alveolar which have alveolar articulation together with a
simultaneous raising of the main body of the tongue towards the roof of the mouth.
At phrase “Clara’s dad “(2:00), student’s dubbing has a mistake that missing
possessive case. Because we are often influenced by spoken language in daily
conversation. In reality, we often say “Clara dad” but peoples still understand you.