AOK Mathematics
AOK Mathematics
AOK Mathematics
ATTENDING-”To attain knowledge, add things
Topic : Aok Mathematics
Students will be able to :
- understand what is Mathematics.
- differentiate applied and pure Mathematics.
last lesson).
- understand about how to write TOK essay.
rubric criteria.
Mathematics and the real world
• Mathematicians have long posed the question, “Do
• Does it demand shared or personal
2. Familiarize yourself with terminology
• A thorough understanding of the vast
amount of vocabulary and their definitions
is vital to a high-scoring TOK essay.
• Incorporating TOK-specific jargon improves
your chance of receiving scores in the higher
3. Choose Your Title Carefully
• The topic you choose should contain an AOK that
you are familiar with or one you have a lot of
interest in to say the least.
• But you shouldn’t just grab a topic because it
appears simple or appealing. Instead, you need to
read each title on the list carefully and ask
yourself many questions.
• Share ideas with others that choosing the same
4. Understand the Grading Criteria
• The IB assesses your essay on criteria that
each carries equal weight. It’s recommended
to have a copy of these grading criteria and
stick to them while writing your essay. (on
MB with the TOK essay samples)
• Organization of ideas; You need to have
a well-structured essay, be factually
accurate, explain key concepts, and
where applicable, cite references.
5. Identify the Knowledge Issue in the Essay Title
• This might be a question or even an issue
about how you understand yourself and the
world in relation to the quest for knowledge.
• A knowledge issue in the title of an essay
often relates to one or two of the 5 AOKs
(Mathematics, Sciences, Human Sciences,
History and Arts) and tends to examine the
possible conflicts or problems in these AOKs
or between them.
6. Create Your TOK Essay Outline
• Paragraph 1: This is the introduction. It should contain explanations
and interpretations of the title. Also, this is where you state
your thesis and identify a knowledge issue related to the title.
• Paragraph 2: This should contain the first AOK. For instance, if it is
Mathematics, explain how it answers the question in the title and offer
supporting examples. Also, note any counter-arguments or limitations
of the examples to support your claim.
• Paragraph 3: Here, you should talk about the second AOK. Discuss how
the subject answers the title as well as supporting examples. Similarly,
write down any limitations of the examples and counter-arguments
about the title.
• Paragraph 4: This should be the conclusion paragraph. It summarizes
your main ideas and also restates your thesis.
• To conclude, answer the title completely while taking into account all
the limitations and counter-arguments against the areas of knowledge.
7. Write Your Essay
• Your essay outline will be key to your writing
as you can use it as a guide. Just expand each
part of your outline, while noting that the
word limit will have to be anywhere between
1200-1600 words.
• Refer to your brainstorming notes to find the
supporting examples for the two areas of
knowledge that you chose. Also, your main
arguments and counter-arguments are in
your brainstorming notes.
8. Don’t Use Dictionary Definitions in the Essay
You should demonstrate to the TOK
assessment committee that yours is a
reflective essay, not one filled with textbook
• Avoid relying too much on textbook
definitions to support a counter-argument
or prove your argument. This way, you will
demonstrate to the assessment committee
that you didn’t engage with the topic and
circumvented the topic’s complexities in favor
of dictionary definitions.
9. Cite Your Sources
• When writing a TOK essay, you will
need to cite all your sources using the
MLA style citations.
• This is a no-brainer and therefore
should be as straightforward as you
can possibly imagine.
10. Proofread Your Work
• You don’t want to undo your effort by
handing in work that’s full of silly
grammatical or spelling mistakes. It’s
advisable to take a break before
proofreading. This gives you a fresh
mind and eyes to go over it.
• If possible, get someone to read it for
you to make sure there are no obvious