Question No I: Does The Super Asia Provide Career Development Opportunity ?
Question No I: Does The Super Asia Provide Career Development Opportunity ?
Question No I: Does The Super Asia Provide Career Development Opportunity ?
The Career Development Manager designs, implements and promotes the career development
programs for specific groups of employees. The CD Manager supports HR Business Partners in finding
the best internal talents and incorporates them into different talent pools.
Yes super Asia company provide the career development opportunity according to the experience and
managing the work and skills
Here every individual has the opportunity to learn contribute his or her talent and ideas to outperform
the industry and experience exceptional growth
Question no 2
Strategies for disable employee?
Disabled Employee means an employee who has a severe, permanent impairment that for all
practical purposes precludes the use of public transportation, or an employee who is unable to
operate a car as a result of permanent impairment who is driven to work by another.
In super Asia company they have separate job for disable employee like
Used computer
Question no 3
If there any contact for employees?
An employment contract is an agreement between an employer and employee and is the basis
of further employment relationship. A contract of employment regulates the terms and
conditions of employment between employer and employees. After completion of your
(undergrad or grad) studies, you must be looking for employment. A retirement agreement is a
contract that outlines the terms of an employee’s retirement from service, typically after they
have fulfilled their agreed-upon tenure with the company. Retirement agreements are usually
signed by both parties to confirm that they agree with the terms outlined. super Asia company
has First of fall see the need and experience and then they hired the employee because if the
employee have experience and they need to the job thy will be hire but they first of fall they
see the background of the employee and then according to his or her background they give
them a salary because if the employee has firstly has liability so they must have want money
more then so the company hired the employee according to his or her background .
Question no 4
Line and staff manager of the HRM?
They manage one or more members of staff and oversee and evaluate employee contribution,
performance and development. Line managers are the first point of contact for their direct
reports, and they liaise and relay information between senior leaders, HR and workers.
A staff manager Is a professional who oversees a team of employees, providing them with
information and guidance. They work in a variety of different industries and departments. In
general, they are responsible for keeping their team motivated and performing at its best.
What does a line manager do?
A line manager is the first layer of management above the front line workers. They’re
accountable for their department, or part in the business. They manage one or more members
of staff and oversee and evaluate employee contribution, performance and development.
A good line manager realizes they aren’t responsible for doing the job, but for managing the
people. There are three steps to being a good manager:
Stop doing the front line work – it’s not your job
Let go of all the front line skills and learn how to manage instead
Trust your people and hand over control to team leaders
You’re responsible and accountable for the success and failure of the team, which makes
‘letting go of the job’ very difficult. It’ll keep you up at night.
What does the line manager responsibilities ?
Line managers are responsible for developing systems, handling information and reporting.
They are expected to balance that with people management too. A first-line manager will:
Report on performance
Communicate objectives
Conduct annual reviews
Conduct interviews, hire and fire
Guide staff through disciplinary
Lead meetings and one-on-ones
Identify knowledge gaps and arrange training
Coach and mentor
Recruit, induct and settle new staff in
Maintain and evaluate processes
Communicate changes from senior leaders
Communicate mission, vision and values
These responsibilities will largely mean sitting at a laptop, dissecting spreadsheets, reports,
performance reviews and minutes. It’s your watch, so your critical task is oiling the mechanisms
around people so they can easily meet business objectives without any obstruction or
What does a staff manager do ?
If you want to keep your staff motivated and productive, you may want to consider hiring a staff
manager. This individual is responsible for overseeing employees and ensuring that morale.
Learning about the many benefits a staff member brings to an organization can help you
determine if this is a role you want to fill in your own organization. Staff managers are
responsible for keeping staff engaged, motivated and involved. They often handle many of the
same tasks, regardless of the industry in which they work. Some of their primary responsibilities