I-Reflection About Effective Management of People: II - Maximization of Employee Performances
I-Reflection About Effective Management of People: II - Maximization of Employee Performances
I-Reflection About Effective Management of People: II - Maximization of Employee Performances
Understanding the dynamics of individuals as it relates to behavior has always been an interest
of mine, which is why I decided to take BUAD309. I enjoyed the class because it challenged me to
consider determinants of behavior in workplace environments, which is not something typically
discussed in any of my psychology classes. Taking BUAD309 has provided me with the tools and
concepts needed for effective management, as well as a thorough understanding of why people are
important for an organization’s success, and how I can effectively use my understanding of myself
so that I can lead others.
Effective Management & Leadership Taking BUAD309 has enabled me to become both an
effective manager and leader by introducing me to terms and concepts that I can apply to my life as
I take on these roles. The tools and concepts that were discussed in class will serve as assets to me,
as I lead or manage an organization. I have learned to distinguish between managers and leaders, in
that they are different by their definitions and the tasks that they complete. Both managers and
leaders play important roles in organizations and there is overlap between the roles, however there
are some distinguishing factors between the two titles. I have learned that a manager is responsible
for the day-to-day tasks of an organization, in addition to creating detailed plans, and creating
efficient organizational structures that help the organization.
The success of your organization is largely contingent upon how well your employees
perform. But obviously, every organization is trying to adopt various techniques to optimize
their employee performance management. Maximizing employee’s potential may be a
challenging task as the management needs to keep in mind the employee’s morale and the
company’s profits. There are various factors involved and companies need to come up with
various solutions.
This, in turn, helps managers analyze what strategies work best and what doesn’t. Moreover,
reviewing performance periodically, helps managers formulate the best talent management
strategies for the employees.
Prioritize employee self-development
One of the ways you can improve employee performance is by bringing in more developmental
opportunities for employees. Your employees have career goals that need to be achieved. When
your employees are striving to reach their potential, you ought to help them by addressing their
career goals and develop action plans.
It is also important that you address the gaps in their skills and capabilities because skills are not
just pertinent to their tasks but also to the objectives of the organization. Since employees
are investing their time and efforts in the organization, it is only fair that you invest in their
In order to ensure the success of your business, you need to ensure that the right management
practices are in place. If you are looking forward to improving employee performance, then
make sure that you include employee considerations in place. Do not wait for a year to fulfill all
those gaps in fulfilling goals and plans. Have a continuous feedback mechanism in place to
regularly discuss the areas of concern. Transform your workforce into a solid team.
Reaction paper of Training and DevelopmentTraining and development is the means or way for an organization
to be competent andmeet its needs. The employees will undergo training and development in order tochange and
improve in a way the organization can also improve its service. Trainingcan make the employees learn more new
skills, knowledge and attitudes or modify thecurrent ones. We as teachers will really need training and
development especiallybecause of the changing landscape of the 21
Century teaching and learning. TheDepartment of Education provides training like seminars to those employees
who need
improvement personally or professionally towards the job. To increase the employee’s
knowledge and potential for advancement within an organization, he/she needs thedevelopment. Through such
development, it will have people prepared for promotionwhen new managers are needed. More people want to
improve their performance andexpand their abilities if they know that such enhancement is expected of them and
that itwill be in their self-interest.Supervisors often conduct the training or being invited as a speaker or facilitator
butthere are also some who are not knowledgeable and capable enough to be a source ofinformation in the training
and development. In this case, the Organization is invitingsome private individuals to be the source of the training.
The supervisors are source ofinformation which depends on their field of specialization or expertise.
Opportunities for HRD Professionals and Researchers HRD professionals are being asked to
develop strategies that recruit and retain the most talented employees in ways that encompass
emotional commitment, satisfaction, and enthusiasm for work, creating work environments that
satisfy human needs (Maslow, 1970) and foster positive emotions (Fleming & Asplund, 2007;
Fredrickson, 1998). But how can HRD professionals create these environments? We argue that
they can focus on finding ways to encourage engagement at three levels. The first level of
engagement revolves around job clarity and helping an employee understand what is expected of
him or her at work (Buckingham & Coffman, 1999). When an employee starts a new position,
the first few days on the job seem fascinating, but the honeymoon wears off within a few weeks
and real productivity is rightfully expected. If an employee has been shown how what one does
fits with the company, has a clearly communicated set of fundamental responsibilities, and
understands not only what he or she needs to do but also what tools one has to complete
responsibilities, employee engagement and profit follow. “A good team…is a lot like a great jazz
band in which each player listens to the other instruments as he plays his own” (Wagner &
Harter, 2006, p. 12). The better they understand their place in the band, their own instrument,
what music to play, and how working with others makes a better product, the better the outcome.
The same principle applies to business units. HRD professionals can encourage teamwork, self-
discovery, communities of practice, and positive communication. The second level of
engagement is about employees adding value and meaning to their workplace. Employees have a
need to contribute and to believe their work is meaningful. In direct parallel to Maslow’s (1970)
need for belonging, this need for contribution gives insight to how an employee longs to add
value to the work one is performing. Without meeting the belonging need, feelings of loneliness,
ostracism, rejection, and friendlessness develop at work (Maslow, 1970). Employees become
confused about why they are working and question the validity of their work. It is not enough for
an employee to understand his or her responsibilitiesone must feel that one’s responsibilities
have meaning beyond a job description tucked away in the supervisor’s office. HRD
practitioners can be the catalysts for creating work environments that value individual
contributions while encouraging communication and fostering understanding. Reminding
employees of their contribution to the success of the organization can be done, for example,
through one-on-one communication or through organizational or departmental events focused on
that purpose.
Concluding Thought for HRD Practitioners Fostering employee engagement requires new skills,
strategies, and approaches to the traditional aspects of HRD: organizational performance,
change, and learning. Researchers can work with practitioners to discover ways of encouraging
engagement by building more productive and satisfying workplaces and helping individuals find
meaning and purpose in their lives and work. Employees are increasingly demanding this. HRD
practitioners must begin focusing on how employees experience work rather than on how their
managers deliver work. Each level of engagement discussed in this essay takes an employee-
related point of view through some lens and encourages action based on findings. In sharp
contrast to the traditional view of top down management, an employee’s perspective of work
could help drive training programs, compensation packages, and productivity if taken seriously
by managers and employees.
Can a member of the Sangguniang Bayan who is a lawyer practice his profession during his
incumbency? Our Constitution provides that “No elective or appointive public officer or
employee shall receive additional, double or indirect compensation, unless specifically
authorized by law, nor accept without the consent of Congress, any present emoluments, office
or title of any kind from any foreign government. Pensions and gratuities shall not be considered
as additional, double compensation” (Sec. 8, Art. IX-B). The exception is provided by the Local
Government Code of 1991: “Sanggunian members may practice their professions, engage in any
occupation, or teach in schools except during session hours…” Local executives however are
barred from practicing theirs: “All governors, city and municipal mayors are prohibited from
practicing their profession or engaging in any occupation other than the exercise of their
functions as local chief executives.”
If an elected official who is allowed to practice his profession during his incumbency receives
compensation by reason of his practice, it is not considered as double compensation since it is an
exception to the general rule under our Constitution. The same is not true for regular employees
since they are also barred from receiving compensation from another entity. Such is the case of a
Supreme Court employee who was receiving salary from the Philippine National Police while
under the employ of the Court.
Mr. X was a member of the Philippine National Police before his employment with the Supreme
Court as Chief Judicial Staff Officer. During his employment with the SC, an anonymous letter
reported that Mr. X still receives compensation from the PNP while discharging his functions
and being paid by the SC. The PNP also launched its investigation on the matter. When the SC
conducted its own investigation, Mr. X submitted an explanation saying that when he started his
employment with the SC he also filed his application for retirement from the PNP who only
acted on the same after fourteen months. During said period of 14 months, Mr. X received
compensation from both SC and PNP. He admitted that he received the compensations for
economic reasons and it was “in good faith” since he was of the honest belief that he was still
entitled to receive compensation from the PNP because his retirement has not been approved yet
at that time. He offered his apology and in fact informed the court that he returned the money he
received from the PNP while employed by the SC. The Office of Administrative Service (OAS)
recommended that Mr. X “be held liable for gross dishonesty and conduct prejudicial to the best
interest of the service” and that he be “dismissed from the service with forfeiture of all benefits”.
Gross Dishonesty
Mr. X is guilty of gross dishonesty. The Court adopted the recommendation and findings of the
OAS that: “His receipt of salaries from the PNP despite not rendering any service thereto is a
form of deceit. Jurisprudence states that dishonesty implies a disposition to lie, cheat, deceive,
or defraud; untrustworthiness; lack of integrity; lack of honesty, probity or integrity in
principle; lack of fairness and straightforwardness; disposition to defraud, deceive or betray”
(A.M. No. 2011-04-SC, July 5, 2011). The Court went on to say: “All court personnel ought to
live up to the strictest standards of honesty and integrity, considering that their positions
primarily involve service to the public. For knowingly and willfully transgressing the prohibition
on dual employment and double compensation, as well as the Courts rules for its personnel on
conflict of interest, respondent violated the trust and confidence reposed on him by the Court.”
Withholding of wages and kickbacks prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person, directly or
indirectly, to withhold any amount from the wages of a worker or induce him to give up any part
of his wages by force, stealth, intimidation, threat or by any other means whatsoever without the
worker's consent.
SUMMARY AND POLICY ADVICE The belief or speculation that regulating overtime will
boost employment—and reduce unemployment—springs from the notion that a sufficiently
aggressive regulatory approach will reduce or eliminate overtime work and that the overtime
hours freed up can be shared across more workers. Basic economic principles would predict that
increases in the overtime premium would cause some substitution of new employment for
overtime hours, holding total production constant.
For analytical purposes, the empirical calculations of the upper bounds on any potential
employment effect assume that total hours worked remain unchanged. The evidence shows that
even under such a flawed assumption for policy purposes, the maximum employment increase
would be very modest. The prospects for raising employment through work sharing are further
eroded by several empirical findings. Studies document that workers who work overtime tend to
be more skilled than workers who do not. Thus, the hours vacated by the elimination of overtime
could not be readily filled by unemployed workers. Another unintended consequence of overtime
restrictions is the finding of increased moonlighting in more restricted statutory workweek
environments, especially among workers covered by the overtime restrictions. This means that
reducing overtime hours induces workers to take second jobs, thereby competing with those who
are already unemployed. Although the number of jobs held might rise, the number of people
holding the jobs would not change.
Evidence points to a neutralizing of the overtime premium in some cases by a lowering of the
straight-time hourly wage. Therefore, the hoped-for conversion of eliminated overtime hours into
new employment would not take place. In other institutional settings, the empirical evidence
shows that more restrictive statutory workweeks are associated with higher straight-time wages
for covered workers. This favors employment reductions because of the increased labor costs.
The empirical evidence offers no support for expecting that reduced workweeks and higher
overtime premia would lead to increased employment and decreased unemployment. To the
contrary, the preponderance of empirical evidence would lead one to expect that if there is any
effect of overtime regulation, it would be in the direction of lowering employment. In addition,
there is no credible evidence of market failures serious enough to justify aggressive overtime
regulations. In the absence of any credible evidence that points to job creation through overtime
regulation, caution is warranted in attempting to craft policies for creating employment through
increased stringency in overtime regulations. The specter of unintended consequences looms
Sec. 63. Effect of absences without approved leave. - - An official or an employee who is
continuously absent without approved leave for at least thirty (30) working days shall be
considered on absence without official leave (AWOL) and shall be separated from the service or
dropped from the rolls without prior notice. He shall, however, be informed at his address
appearing on his 201 files or at last known written address, of his separation from the service, not
later than five (5) days from its effectivity.
Section 5, Rule XVII of the Omnibus Rules, provides that officers and employees of all
department and agencies except those covered by special laws shall render not less than 8 hours
of work a day for 5 days a week or a total of 40 hours a week exclusive of time for lunch, which
as a general rule shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 and from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on all days
except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays;
A. Merit and fitness vs. Wide description of the hiring authority.
Merit and fitness means demonstrated education, training, experience, performance, knowledge,
skills, ability, licenses, certifications, and fitness to perform the essential functions and meet the
qualifications of a Position.
A Direct-Hire Authority (DHA) is an appointing (hiring) authority that the Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) can give to Federal agencies for filling vacancies when a critical hiring
need or severe shortage of candidates exists.
This Merit Selection Plan is a systematic method of assessing and selecting employees on the
basis of their relative qualifications and competence to perform the duties and responsibilities of
the position. The Plan covers career positions in the first, second and third levels in the DepEd
whether teaching or non-teaching. It may also include non-career positions.
Background investigations and reference checks are employers' principal means of securing
information about potential hires from sources other than the applicants themselves. A
background investigation generally involves determining whether an applicant may be
unqualified for a position due to a record of criminal conviction, motor vehicle violations, poor
credit history, or misrepresentation regarding education or work history. A reference check
generally involves contacting applicants' former employers, supervisors, co-workers and
educators to verify previous employment and to obtain information about the individual's
knowledge, skills, abilities and character.
Employers conduct background checks for a variety of reasons with the ultimate goal being to
hire the best individual for the job and the organization.
A major reason to conduct background and reference checks is to avoid harm or legal liability of
various types to the employer or to others. This includes harm to:
Defense of legal claims, such as negligent hiring, is a compelling reason to conduct in-depth
criminal records searches of job applicants. A multilevel jurisdictional criminal records search
can be strong evidence that the employer exercised due care in hiring.
What does employee performance mean? Employee performance is defined as how an employee
fulfills their job duties and executes their required tasks. It refers to the effectiveness, quality,
and efficiency of their output. Performance also contributes to our assessment of how valuable
an employee is to the organization.
Every individual employee contributes to the success (or failure) of your business. Of course, the
goal is to continuously improve the quality and efficiency of your workforce. But without a clear
understanding of which factors influence employee performance, it will be difficult to sustain
The Bureau of Philippine Standards (BPS) , under the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI),
is the Philippines' national standards body that develops, promulgates, implements, and promotes
standardization activities in the Philippines.
Compaibility, Management, Measurement, Performance, Quality, Standardization, Standards
, Terminology, Tests
The modern and globalized world cannot exist without standards which are supporting
cooperation, trade, health, safety, and economic growth etc. In fact, standards exist in almost all
aspects of modern life. They range from standards in information and communication technology
which ensure the interoperability of diverse components to standards for the quality of products
or services, and underlie areas ranging from the harmonization of international accounting
systems to the governance of the social and environmental performance of the organizations.
Standards have a huge influence on everyday life. They play a key role in an environment where
an organization is to be at its best for achieving success. They are open access documents with
no charge or license fee for their use, apart from the cost of its purchase.
The five human needs are physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. However,
in an organizational context, these needs are achievable in different ways.
When a newcomer joins an organisation, he is an utter stranger to the people, work place and
work environment. He may feel insecure, shy and nervous. Induction leads to reduction of these
anxieties; dispels the irrational fears of present employees and hold colleagues responsible for
assisting the new comer so that he may feel confident. A systematic induction process achieves
following objectives and benefits:
(1) It promotes a feeling of belongingness and loyalty to the organisation among new comers so
that they may not form false impression regarding the company because the first impression is
the last impression.
(2) It brings an agreement between organisation goals and the personnel goals of the newcomers.
(3) It builds up the new employee's confidence in the organisation and in himself so that he may
become an efficient worker.
(4) It gives the new employee information regarding company viz. its structure, product, policies,
rules and regulations, and facilities provided by the company such as cafeterias, locker room,
time to break off, leave rules etc.
(5) It introduces new worker to the supervisor and fellow-workers with whom he has to work.
(6) It creates a sense of security for the worker in his job by impressing the idea that fairness to
the worker is the interent policy of the organisation.
(7) It lessens or avoids the cost of replacing the worker in the early impressionable period
because of lack of information or incorrect business impression.
B. Employee socialization
Even though conversations in the workplace might be difficult for some employees, socialization
is crucial. There are clear advantages for businesses which socialize today. Employees become
more connected than ever while mingling and mixing in new ways.
Here are just a few of the benefits generated from socializing at the workplace.
Socializing makes for more efficient workforce -When coworkers build a connection between
each other, a business’ workforce becomes stronger. Employees can have occasional post-work
hang-out so that the secure connection outside of work can be brought into work. This helps
people to quickly get on the same page about projects. New employees can learn much faster,
and information is produced in a more efficient and timely manner. Managers might not be able
to see these improvements, but employees who are closer work more as a unit.
Allows for more openness – It does not matter how coworkers relate within the workplace;
communication will always be critical. However, coworkers who socialize at work builds a
relationship that is more open than those who are strictly professional. Open employees are more
capable of solving substantial issues like conflict, while still respecting one another. Therefore,
openness means having more dialogue, which helps in addressing and handling problems before
they get serious.
Helps inspire collaboration -People get to know one another more through stronger connections.
Without creating time outside work, employees can take a longer time to become comfortable
around each other to the point of collaborating at work. Therefore, to yield stronger work,
socializing helps in establishing that comfort zone, which later allows collaboration to occur
more naturally.
It’s healthy -Healthy workers are happy workers and more productive. Studies show that
employees who socialize more lead to better morality within the workplace, which, as a result,
lead to better health for those coworkers. A working environment is made enjoyable through
relationships and friendships while still maintaining productivity.
Networking – is essential in the modern working world. You don’t have to look for a job or plan
on having one. Networking alone will foster those relationships that can be helpful if you don’t
have a job. Socializing with your fellow employees can help boost that network.
Let us socialize and improve communication and collaboration within our workplaces.
C. Employee promotion
There are many business benefits to promotions, here are just some of them.
They enhance employee retention: promotions not only inspire employees to work hard
and to achieve their career goals, but also, they encourage employees to grow and
develop with the company, thus increasing employee retention and loyalty.
They’re cost-effective: employee promotion is largely a cost-effective measure when you
consider the price of onboarding a new employee compared to progressing an existing
one into a new role.
They inspire the whole team to do well: promotions also recognise the hard work of
employees and serve as a reward for those who do well. This subsequently inspires other
employees to work hard to achieve similar goals, ultimately increasing the general
productivity of a company.
When you’re preparing to promote a successful employee, it’s important that you discuss this
with them, and identify what their new role and responsibilities will be.
In this discussion, you can acknowledge the reasons why you selected the employee for
advancement and highlight the value the company places on their skill set and contributions.
After the initial announcement of the employee’s progression, you’ll need to present the
employee with a formal promotion letter. This letter should detail the new expectations for the
employee regarding their roles and responsibilities, as well as their skills and achievements
which led to the promotion. Any significant changes, such as the employee’s job title, job
description or remuneration, should be reflected in a variation or new employment agreement.
The agreement must be recorded in writing, signed, and agreed to between you as the employer
and the employee.
There you have it; promotions are a rewarding employment process that can benefit both your
business and your people. Generally, there are four typical ways to promote an employee:
horizontally, vertically, dry or open/closed. Each approach brings a different set of financial
implications, benefits and title changes. For the best outcome, it’s always best to choose the type
of promotion that suits the company’s and your employees’ unique situation.
"Employee development" is a broad phrase that can refer to programs and elements that vary
significantly from company to company. But one common feature of successful programs is they
are purposeful, planned, implemented and integrated into the company culture. Businesses with
successful development programs know that they come at a cost — time spent by employees
working on personal development is not time spent directly benefitting the company's bottom
line. But the benefit, both to employee and company, can far exceed the initial cost of staff
development. Such opportunities lead to improved performance by a happier and more driven
Companies should determine their annual cost of professional development and build it into their
budgets. Employees should be encouraged to take advantage of professional development
programs and even seek opportunities beyond those provided by their employer. Consideration
should be given to reimbursement or other funding for those outside opportunities, assuming the
employee can make a case for how an external program may benefit the employee and employer.
Positive working environments provide several benefits for both employees and employers. This
is because this type of environment can lead to employee success and happiness both personally
and professionally. Here are four reasons why a positive work atmosphere is important in the
Increases productivity
Having a positive working environment is a great way to increase your work output. When
you're happier, you may be more productive and more equipped to complete your tasks
efficiently. This can also help you become a better employee, which leads to raises and
Improves morale
Because your mood and attitude affect your team members, a positive working environment can
be a good influence on those around you. When you view your work in a positive way, it can
influence how others in the workplace see their responsibilities too.
Fosters growth
When you're motivated to succeed in your position, you're more apt to find opportunities to
advance in your career. When your employer provides positive reinforcement, it can make you
feel like a valuable contribution to the company, and it may motivate you to continue or improve
upon this behavior.
Promotes collaboration
When you're motivated on an individual level, you're more likely to support and encourage
others in your company. This can also lead to improved professional relationships with your
colleagues. The greater the bond is between coworkers, the better chance a company has of
achieving its short- and long-term goals. This is because teamwork is often the foundation of
company success.