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4980weldingpiping Rev7-140915

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Welding and Inspection of Piping 1 8

Welding and Inspection of Piping

Document no: 4980E

Processes correspondence:
02.03 Well Operations Drilling, 02.04 Capital Projects, 02.05 Asset
Integrity, 02.06 Facility Operations, 02.08 Facility Maintenance, 02.09
Modification Projects, 02.10 Well Operations Intervention


NORSOK Standard Reference:

M-601, Welding & Inspection of Piping (Rev.5, April 2008)

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Welding and Inspection of Piping 2 8

• Agreed cost cutting elements added (sect. 2.6 and 2.7)

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Table of contents
Additional Technical Requirements to NORSOK Standards.................................................. 4
1 General ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Target group and responsibility ................................................................................... 5
1.4 Deviation management ............................................................................................... 5
1.5 Definitions / Abbreviations........................................................................................... 5
1.6 References .................................................................................................................. 6
2 Technical Requirements ..................................................................................................... 7
2.1 NORSOK M-601 4.1 General...................................................................................... 7
2.2 NORSOK M-601 4.3.4 Hardness Tests....................................................................... 7
2.3 NORSOK M-601 5.1 (Welding Requirements) General .............................................. 7
2.4 NORSOK M-601 5.5 Welder and Welding Operator Qualification .............................. 7
2.5 NORSOK M-601 5.7.2 Carbon and carbon manganese steels .................................. 8
2.6 NORSOK M-601 6.3 Extent of Non Destructive Testing ............................................. 8
2.7 NORSOK M-601 6.6 Acceptance Criteria ................................................................... 8
2.8 NORSOK M-601 7 Repair ........................................................................................... 8
2.9 NORSOK M-601 8 Positive Material Identification (PMI) ............................................ 8

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Welding and Inspection of Piping 4 8

Additional Technical Requirements to NORSOK

NORSOK Standard Cross References:

M-601, Welding & Inspection of Piping (Rev.5, April 2008)

“This Technical Control Document (TCD) is developed by ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS
(COPSAS). Although COPSAS has made this TCD for the sole use by its suppliers and it is
exclusively owned by COPSAS, it is made publically available. Please note that whilst every
effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this TCD, COPSAS will not assume any
liability for any loss, cost, expense or claims of any kind whatsoever that may occur to any
party by the use of this TCD.
The TCD attached to the external web page is as an unofficial and uncontrolled version and is
set forth for information purposes only.
Contractors who have contracts with COPSAS are advised that they must comply with the
binding, controlled version of the specifications set forth in their contracts with COPSAS, and
that they are responsible for ensuring proper compliance by their subcontractors with such
controlled version of the specifications.”
For information please contact the following:
S.Gjesdal: stig.gjesdal@cop.com
H. Monsen: henning.monsen@conocophillips.com

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1 General
1.1 Purpose
These additional technical requirements cover requirements additional to NORSOK standard
M-601, rev.5 “Welding & Inspection of Piping”.

1.2 Scope
This specification applies to all welding related activities to be performed onshore and
This specification and M-601 also applies to other than piping fabrication when specified,
such as mechanical packages, etc.

1.3 Target group and responsibility

Target groups are manufacturers of piping and other equipment where this TCD is specified.
Director Material & Inspection is the owner of this document and is responsible for updating or
withdrawal of the document as dictated by organizational or operational changes.

1.4 Deviation management

This document contains both requirements and recommendations. Deviations from
requirements contained in this document shall be addressed to the position responsible for
this document, according to document no. 4920 “Handling nonconformities and gap”.
Reporting according to procedure no. 4920 is not required for deviations from
recommendations, however, significant deviations shall be reported to the position
responsible for this document.

1.5 Definitions / Abbreviations

Production flowline Multiphase production lines from x-mast trees to header

COPSAS ConocoPhillips Norway

GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
PMI Positive Material Identification
PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment
SS Stainless Steel
WPAR Welding Procedure Approval Record
WPS Welding Procedure Specification

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1.6 References
COPSAS reference documents

• Doc. No. 4951 Quality Requirements for Welding

• Doc. No. 4920 Handling nonconformities and gap
• Doc. No. 4583 Piping Design Requirements for Modifications to Existing Facilities.
• Doc. No. 5060 Piping and Valve Specifications - Greater Ekofisk Field

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2 Technical Requirements
2.1 NORSOK M-601 4.1 General
Distance between welds:
Normally the minimum distance between welds shall be 1x diameter of the pipe. If this for
practical reasons is not possible the minimum distance between the welds may be reduced to
2xWT or 50mm (between the weld toes) whichever is greatest.
Fillet welds and welds between support and piping with throat thickness less than 5mm do not
require minimum distance between welds, due to low heat input.

2.2 NORSOK M-601 4.3.4 Hardness Tests

All piping in hydrocarbon service (including produced water) shall be classified as "sour

2.3 NORSOK M-601 5.1 (Welding Requirements) General

The manufacturer shall have established and implemented a welding quality system
according to ISO 3834-2.
NB! Specific requirements to the welding contractor’s welding quality system, weld inspection,
reviews, surveys, etc. are stated in COPSAS doc. 4951 “Quality Requirements for Welding”.
All welding on C-steel production flowlines (see definition of production flowlines in section 1.8
Definitions) shall be post weld heat treated (PWHT) incl. wall thicknesses < 20mm, and butt-
weld caps shall be machined or grinded flush. This applies to the following retained COPSAS
P-specs: P1501L, P3005, P5001L when used for production flowlines.
NB! If the above P-specs are employed for other piping systems (non production flowlines)
the requirement to PWHT is only applicable for wall thicknesses > 20mm.
When welding on QT steel, the max. PWHT temperature shall be 20°C lower than tempering
For welding of highly critical and critical field welds offshore, an oxygen meter shall be used to
ensure the oxygen content for CRA is below 0,5%, and for Titanium below 20 ppm, at the
presence of purge gas. To prevent problems with purge gas due to draft/wind inside the pipe,
a bypass or other solutions should be utilised between the purge gas barriers.

2.4 NORSOK M-601 5.5 Welder and Welding Operator

In addition to the Welder Approval Test Certificates, all welders and welding operators shall
have demonstrated their welding performance by records of welding according to typical
welding procedures prior to fabrication. For welders and welding operators without such
records, familiarization with typical welding procedures shall be carried out followed by
requalification or a suitable welding performance test (site-test).
Whenever internal requalification or welding performance tests are required by the welding
certification code for welding of stainless steel Type 6Mo, 22Cr or 25Cr duplex, the tests shall
be carried out on the actual material.
Welding on 25Cr duplex qualifies 22Cr duplex and lean duplex stainless steel and 22Cr
duplex qualifies lean duplex stainless steel. However, the opposite direction does not qualify.

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Welding and Inspection of Piping 8 8

2.5 NORSOK M-601 5.7.2 Carbon and carbon manganese

• 3.5% Ni steel shall be welded with welding consumables having chemical
composition matching the base material or with Nickel base welding consumables
like Inconel 625.

2.6 NORSOK M-601 6.3 Extent of Non Destructive Testing

Table 3 - Extent of Non Destructive Testing
Ultrasonic testing shall replace radiographic testing for all stainless steel Type 22Cr and 25Cr
duplex for wall thicknesses exceeding 19mm.
When performing spot/percentage NDT control the following shall apply:

• NDT shall represent completed work (not representing future welds). Meaning that
the NDT shall be performed at regular intervals through the complete fabrication
phase and not only up front

2.7 NORSOK M-601 6.6 Acceptance Criteria

When internal examination of weld zones in stainless steels is restricted due to limited
accessibility (i.e. field welds) additional welding inspection shall be performed during root
pass plus for two more passes as follows:

• Highly critical welding (see definition in TCD 4951) - 100% of all welds
• Critical welding - spot check (5-10%)
• Non critical welding - no additional weld inspections

Acceptance criteria for RT inspection of olets: Lack of fusion, cold fusion or other root errors
that can reduce the fatigue life of the joint are not acceptable.

2.8 NORSOK M-601 7 Repair

Arc strikes and undercuts shall be removed with subsequent magnetic particle or penetrant

2.9 NORSOK M-601 8 Positive Material Identification (PMI)

In order to verify that correct material has been supplied and correct welding filler metal has
been used during fabrication PMI shall be carried out.
For each joint subject to PMI testing (see extent below) PMI shall be carried out on the base
materials each side of the weld and on the weld itself. PMI shall be performed for both
onshore and offshore weldments.
Extent of testing:
1. Stainless steel Type 6Mo, 22/25Cr duplex and 3.5% Ni: 100% PMI
2. Welds of stainless steel Type 6Mo, 22/25Cr duplex and 3.5% Ni steel: 100% PMI
3. 316ss base material and welds: 10% PMI

PRINT DATE: 15.09.2015

Doc.No / Rev.No Level No. Owner Rev. date

4980E / 07 3 Director-Materials-and-Inspection 14.09.2015

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