Ticknor 1958
Ticknor 1958
Ticknor 1958
The assumption that permeation of membranes by liquids is a diffusive process leads t o equations which have the proper
form; Le. the quantity of permeant transferred is directly proportional to the pressure difference and inversely proportional
t o the bulk viscosity of the liquid. It is therefore necessary to consider diffusion as a possible mechanism in liquid permea-
tion of membranes. By comparison of permeation and self-diffusion it is found that the permeability of cellophane to water
and methanol is greater than would be expected from a diffusive flow mechanism; and, therefore, the permeation in these
cases is largely a result of viscous flow. With other alcohols the permeation is about the same as would be calculated for a
diffusive flow mechanism. An approximate calculation shows that the pore radii obtained on the assumption of Poiseuille
flow are small enough to suggest that part of the transport is by a diffusion mechanism. The variation of the permeability
constant with molecular size also suggests that the permeation is not simple viscous flow. These results and other considera-
tions mentioned suggest that, in general, permeation of cellophane membranes by liquids involves both a viscous and a dif-
fusive flow mechanism.
A previous discussion of the thermal transition of helices is extended t o include the effect of fluctuations, mixed organic
solvent systems and pressure. It is found that though fluctuation effects are very large for helices of low stability, the
average thermodynamic properties are altered in a relatively minor way. The fluctuation treatment reveals an asym-
metry in transitions which has been verified experimentally. An essential difference between the transitions of helices
in pure and mixed solvents is demonstrated. The form of the results gives an explanation for the inverted transitions
which have been observed in proteins and polypeptides. The calculated properties of helices should have semiquantitative
application t o proteins.
It is now known that the various hydrogen- explained as the disruption of these weak struc-
bonded polypeptide structures which have been tures by heating, denaturants, pH changes, e t ~ . ~ J
proposed1-a have a sufficiently limited stability in This interpretation of denaturation is not always
aqueous solution that a large number of the clas- valid since cooperative transformations are known
sical denaturation reactions can be qualitatively in which the configuration of the polypeptide back-
* Department of Chemistry, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon.
(1) M . L. Huggins. C h e n . Revs., 3 2 , 195 (1943). (4) W. Kauzman, “Rleohanism of Enzyme Action,” W. McElroy
(2) L. Pauling, R. B. Corey and H. R. Eranson, PTOC.Nall. Acad. and B. Glass, Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Md., 1954.
S c i . ( U . S.), 37,205 (1951). (5) J. Schellman, Compl. rend. trav. Lab. Cadsberg. Ser. chin., 29,
(4) B. Low and H. J. Grenville-Wells. ibid., 99, 785 (1953). No. 15 (1955).