Psychology Chapter 2
Psychology Chapter 2
Psychology Chapter 2
Quantitative data & Qualitative data
Quantitative data- numerical data;
[quantitative method/ research- usually involved data collection under conditions that are strictly task; caffeine
and attention level]
Qualitative data- data in the form of text;
[qualitative method/ research- provide a richer and deeper understanding and description of participants and
their responses. Harder to control. Example, Life experience of illegal immigrants; women's experience in
giving birth]
Descriptive/ Qualitative designs
Aim at an in-depth understanding of individuals' experience
What are their feelings and experiences for having a eating disorder?
Why do people engaged in smoking?
Observe and describe the individuals' experience and behaviour within the context of the environment
The lifestyle and social circle of aboriginal
Types of descriptive research
a. Naturalistic observation
b. Case study
c. Survey
d. Focus group
e. Delphi technique
Naturalistic Observation
In depth observation of behaviour in natural setting.
Their habitats/home? Why?
Behaviour to be observed are defined beforehand
People and animal tend to alter(change) their behaviors while being observed in
laboratory setting
Case Study
A single research participant, or several closely related cases, are examined in great depth
and detail.
What makes some people so successful and rich?
The clinical history of a patients and the family
Data gathered from different sources: interviews, observations, archives, written records,
Survey/ Questionnaire/ Rating scales
Use interviews to ask people about their beliefs, attitudes, opinions and etc.
How do they think of the government?
A way to explore a phenomenon to identify key variables that could be examined more
closely in future research.
Self-report cannot be verifies, poorly worded questions
Can be either quantitative or qualitative
Focus Group
In-depth interviews on a small number of participants (6-12 people)
To find out more people's attitudes and opinions on a particular topic and observe the
interactions occurred within a group
Researcher/ facilitators leads the group discussion, an observer take notes (not in the
discussion group)
Participants work as a group, making comments and listening to the comments of others.
Delphi Technique
A method of gathering data from a small group of experts.
Different from focus group, this group does not need to be together and responses are
made in a written format (example: email) as experts are usually busy people.
Commonly used for complex problem solving where the aim is to obtain consensus of
opinion 意见共识 from the experts in that area.
Psychological services that may be required for people with specific
disability or mental health problem
Type of media advertising campaign that should be devised to help reduce
"binge drinking" among teens.
*Psychological bias is the tendency to make decisions or take action in an unknowingly irrational way.
Researcher manipulate and control the IV
Can investigate the cause and the effect relationship between IV and DV
Data collected usually quantitative data
Experimental, Quasi-Experimental design
Quatitative Obeservational
Researcher observes what happens to the variables(Criterion)
Investigate the relationship between variables
Data collected are usually quantitative data
Correlational, naturalistic observation, survey
Affective (reflect feelings and evaluations toward the attitude object)
Focus on answering general question rather than testing a specific hypothesis
Contents tend to be more in-depth
Results are usually in qualitative
Focus group, Survey interviews, Delphi techniques