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Section- - A
10 Marks :
1. Define Bhaishajya Kalpana and write its importance in detail.
2. What do you understand by the term Bhaishajya Kalpana. Write its importance in the
field of Ayurveda.
3. Define Bhaishajya Kalpana and write its chronological development with regards to
the history of Ayurveda.
4. Write chronological history of Bhaishajya Kalpana in brief.
05 Marks:
1. Define the term Bhaishajya Kalpana in detail.
2. What is the meaning of Bhaishajya Kalpana vijnana? Write in brief.
3. Write chronological history of Bhaishajya Kalpana.
4. Define Bheshaja and explain its different synonyms.
5. Write difference between Aushadhi and Bheshaja.
6. Define the term Aushadha.
7. Define the term Kalpana and write its importance in Ayurveda.
02 Marks:
1. Give definition of Bhaishajya Kalpana.
2. Explain the term Bhaishajya.
3. Explain the term Bheshaja.
4. Write synonyms of Bheshaja.
5. Difference between Aushadhi and Bheshaja.
6. Write names of any two Bhaishajya Kalpana classical texts along with their authors

10 Marks :
1. Explain fundamental principles of Bhaishajya Kalpana with suitable illustrations.
2. Write fundamental principles of Bhaishajya Kalpana and its importance in Ayurveda.
3. Define the term Paribhaasha and write its importance in Ayurveda.
4. According to fundamental principles of Bhaishajya Kalpana, write in detail how
Anukta dravya sangrahana is done?
5. Define the term Samskara and write its significance in Ayurveda.
05 Marks:
1. Define the term Paribhaasha and write its importance in Ayurveda in brief.
2. Explain the terms Avyakta, Anukta and Leshokta with proper examples.
3. How to do Anukta dravya sangrahana?
4. In Ayurveda how Aushadha naamkarana is done?
5. Write utility of Samskara in Bhaishajya Kalpana.
02 Marks:
1. Enumerate fundamental principles of Bhaishajya Kalpana.
2. Give two examples of Anukta paribhasha.

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3. Give two examples of Avykta paribhasha.
4. Give two examples of Leshokta paribhasha.
5. Write two examples of Samskara used in Bhaishajya Kalpana.
6. Write ingredients of :
(i) Panchatikta
(ii) Panchamrita
(iii) Panchagavya
(iv) Amlapanchaka
(v) Mutraashtaka
(vi) Kshaaraashtaka

10 Marks :
1. Explain ancient and contemporary systems of ‘Maana’ in detail.
2. Define ‘Maana’ and compare Kaalinga and Maagadha Maana.
3. Give definition of ‘Maaná’ and correlate ancient Maana with modern system of
4. Compare Kaalinga Maana and Maagadha Maana. Write its importance in Ayurveda.
5. Write Maagadha Pautava Maana with its modern metric equivalent measurements.
6. Write about Grahya-Agrahyatva of raw drugs and the rules for collection of Nava
Puran dravya grahanam in detail.
7. Discuss about the rules regarding the collection of Shushka -ardra –drava and write
the properties of ideal land (Prashasta desha) for collecting drugs.

05 Marks:
1. Define the term ‘Maana’ and write its importance.
2. Explain Kaalinga Maana in brief.
3. Explain Maagadha Maana in brief.
4. Explain the verse : ……….
5. Give reason :

6. Write in detail about Shushka -ardra –drava- dravya grahan niyam (rules for
collection of dry, fresh and liquid drugs).
7. Write about Grahya-Agrahyatva of raw drugs
8. Write the rules for collection of Nava Puran dravya grahanam.
9. Explain the Graahyaagraahyataa of Aushadha dravyas and write their methods of
collecting with reference to Kaala.
10. Write the rules regarding collection of Shushka -ardra –drava according to the
properties of ideal land (Prashasta desha).

02 Marks:
1. State an important principle for collection of dry drugs.
2. State an important principle for collection of wet drugs.

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3. Which drugs should always be taken in dry form?
4. Which drugs should always be taken in wet form?
5. Which wet drugs should never be doubled during its collection?
6. Mention basic difference between Kaalinga Maana and Maagadha Maana.
7. How many Ratti makes a Pala?
8. How many Pala makes a Prastha?
9. How many Tola makes a Pala?
10. How many Ratti makes a Pala?
11. How many Shaana makes a Kudava?
12. How many Pala makes a Kudava?
13. How many Tulaa makes a Bhaara?
14. How many Pala makes a Tulaa?
Write metric equivalents of the following:
15. 1 Ratti = _______________ mg/g?
16. 1 Masha = _______________ mg/g?
17. 1 Karsha = _______________ mg/g?
18. 1 Tola = _______________ mg/g?
19. 1 Pala = _______________ mg/g?
20. 1 Kudava = _______________ mg/g?
21. 1 Prastha = _______________ mg/g?
22. 1 Drona = _______________ mg/g?
23. 1 Khari = _______________ mg/g?
24. 1 Tula = _______________ mg/g?
25. 1 Angula = _______________ inch?
26. 1 Aratni = _______________ inch?
27. 1 Hasta = _______________ inch?
28. 1 Rajahasta = _______________ inch ?
29. 1 Kala = _______________ time?
30. 1 Muhurta = _______________ time?
31. 1 Ahoratra = _______________ time?
32. 1 Paksha = _______________ time?
33. 1 Maasa = _______________ time?
34. 1 Ritu = _______________ time?
35. 1 Ayan = _______________ time?
36. 1 Yuga = _______________ time?

10 Marks :
1. Write the guidelines regarding collection, storage and preservation of Aushadhi
dravya in detail.
2. Describe Saveeryataa Avadhi of various preparations and their Pareekshana vidhi.
3. Explain concept of Saveeryataavadhi (shelf life) and stability in ancient and
contemporary science.

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05 marks:
1. Write Ayurvedic method of collection, storage and preservation of raw drugs.
2. Write stability period of various Ayurvedic preparations.
3. What is Saveeryatavadhi ? Explain with suitable example.
4. How is the stability period of a product evaluated?

02 Marks:
1. Write shelf-life period of : Churna.
2. Write shelf-life period of : Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana.
3. Write shelf-life period of : Laksha Kalpana.
4. Write shelf-life period of : Paaniya Kalpana.
5. Write shelf-life period of : Avaleha Kapana.
6. Write shelf-life period of : Arjuna Ksheerapaka Kalpana.
7. Write shelf-life period of : Vati Kalpana.
8. Write shelf-life period of : Kshara Kalpana.
9. Write shelf-life period of : Masi Kalpana.
10. Write shelf-life period of : Shata dhauta Ghrita.
11. Write shelf-life period of : Gandhaka Malahara.
12. Write shelf-life period of : Takra Kalpana.
13. Write shelf-life period of : Triphala Kashayam.
14. Write shelf-life period of : Kumaryaasava.
15. Write shelf-life period of : Rasaanjana.
16. Write shelf-life period of : Lavana Kalpana
17. Write shelf-life period of : Shaarkara Kalpana.
18. Write shelf-life period of : Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana.
19. shelf-life period of : Guduchi Sattva.
20. Write shelf-life period of : Arka Kalpana.
21. Write shelf-life period of : Anu Tailam.

10 marks :
1. Write Write about Bheshajprayogavidhi in terms of Aushadha Matra, Anupana and
Aushadh sevan kaala.
2. How Aushadha Matra is estimated according to Ayurveda and modern system of
3. Define Anupana and write its importance.
4. Explain different Aushadha sevan kaala with proper illustrations.
05 marks :
1. Write about various Bheshajaprayogavidhi in brief.
2. Write the method to evaluate Aushadha Matra according to Sharangdhara Samhita.
3. Explain Anupana with suitable examples.
4. Differentiate between Anupana and Sahapana.
02 marks:
1. Write therapeutic dose of : Putapaka Swarasa

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2. Write therapeutic dose period of : Churna.
3. Write therapeutic dose of : Sudarshana Phaanta.
4. Write therapeutic dose of : Laksha Kalpana.
5. Write therapeutic dose of : Paaniya Kalpana.
6. Write therapeutic dose of : Avaleha Kalpana.
7. Write therapeutic dose of : Arjuna Ksheerapaka Kalpana.
8. Write therapeutic dose of : Vati Kalpana.
9. Write therapeutic dose of : Kshara Kalpana.
10. Write therapeutic dose of : Masi Kalpana.
11. Write therapeutic dose of : Shata dhauta Ghrita.
12. Write therapeutic dose of : Gandhaka Malahara.
13. Write therapeutic dose of : Takra Kalpana.
14. Write therapeutic dose of : Triphala Kashayam.
15. Write therapeutic dose of : Kumaryaasava.
16. Write therapeutic dose of : Rasaanjana.
17. Write therapeutic dose of : Lavana Kalpana
18. Write therapeutic dose of : Shaarkara Kalpana.
19. Write therapeutic dose of : Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana.
20. Write therapeutic dose of : Guduchi Sattva.
21. Write therapeutic dose of : Arka Kalpana.
22. Write therapeutic dose of : Anu Tailam.
23. Write Anupana of : Hingvashtaka Churna.
24. Write Anupana of : Sudarshana Phaanta.
25. Write Anupana of : Laksha Rasa.
26. Write Anupana of : Kharjuradi Mantha.
27. Write Anupana of : Chyavanaprasha Avaleha.
28. Write Anupana of : Arjuna Ksheerapaka Kalpana.
29. Write Anupana of : Vati Kalpana.
30. Write Anupana of : Kshara Kalpana.
31. Write Anupana of : Masi Kalpana.
32. Write Anupana of : Shata dhauta Ghrita.
33. Write Anupana of : Triphala Ghrita.
34. Write Anupana of : Takra Kalpana.
35. Write Anupana of : Triphala Kashayam.
36. Write Anupana of : Kumaryaasava.
37. Write Anupana of : Rasaanjana.
38. Write Anupana of : Lavana Kalpana
39. Write Anupana of : Shaarkara Kalpana.
40. Write Anupana of : Triphala Guggulu.
41. Write Anupana of : Guduchi Sattva.
42. Write Anupana of : Arka Kalpana.

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10 marks :
1. Define the term Kashaya and explain any one Panchvidha Kashaya Kalpana with
suitable example.
2. What is meant by Kwatha? Write its general preparation, dose and therapeutic
use with an example.
3. Write definition of Swarasa? Write its different method of preparation, dose
and therapeutic use with suitable example.
4. What is meant by Phanta? Write its general preparation, dose, Anupana and
therapeutic use with an example.
5. Write method of preparation, ingredients, therapeutic dose, therapeutic uses
anupana, shelf-life, storage and preservation of Hingvastaka Churna.
6. Write method of preparation, ingredients, therapeutic dose, therapeutic uses
anupana ,shelf-life, storage and preservation of Sitopaladi Churna.
7. Write method of preparation, ingredients, therapeutic dose, therapeutic uses
anupana, shelf-life, storage and preservation of Chyavanprasha avaleha.
8. Write method of preparation, ingredients, therapeutic dose, anupana shelf-
life, storage and preservation of Arjunaksheera paka Kalpana.
9. Write method of preparation, ingredients, therapeutic dose, therapeutic uses
anupana, shelf-life, storage and preservation of Sanjivani Vati.
10. Write method of preparation, ingredients, therapeutic dose, therapeutic uses,
anupana, shelf-life, storage and preservation of Varti Kalpana.
11. Write method of preparation, ingredients, therapeutic dose, therapeutic uses,
anupana, shelf-life, storage and preservation of Arka Kalpana.
12. Write method of preparation, ingredients, therapeutic dose, indications
anupana, shelf-life, storage and preservation of Amruta Sattva.
13. Write method of preparation, ingredients, therapeutic dose,indications,
anupana, shelf-life, storage and preservation of Lavana Kalpana.
14. Write method of preparation, ingredients, therapeutic dose, therapeutic uses,
anupana, shelf-life, storage and preservation of Masi Kalpana.
15. Write method of preparation, ingredients, therapeutic dose, therapeutic uses,
anupana, shelf-life, storage and preservation of Triphala Guggulu.
16. Write method of preparation, ingredients, therapeutic dose, therapeutic uses,
anupana, shelf-life, storage and preservation of Kshara Kalpana.
17. Write method of preparation, ingredients, therapeutic uses, shelf-life, storage
and preservation of Kshara sutra.

05 marks :
1. Explain the term Kashaya in brief.
2. What are Panchvidha Kashaya Kalpana, explain any one in brief.
3. What are the Kashaya yoni and why these are five in number?
4. Explain Swarasa Kalpana in brief.
5. Explain Swarasa Kalpana in brief.
6. Explain Kalka Kalpana in brief.
7. Explain Hima Kalpana in brief.
8. Explain Phanta Kalpana in brief.

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9. Explain :

10. Write Putapaka Swarasa method with suitable example.

11. Differentiate : Kalka and Churna
12. Describe Churna Kalpana.
13. Explain :

14. Explain :

15. Differentiate : Hima & Phanta

16. Explain :

17. Describe Pramathya Kalpana.

18. Describe Aushadha siddha paniya.
19. Describe Tandulodaka.
20. Explain :

21. Describe Laksha rasa.

22. Explain :

23. Describe Mantha Kalpana.

24. Describe Panaka Kalpana.
25. Describe Arka Kalpana.
26. Describe Churna Kalpana.
27. Describe Rasakriya.
28. Describe Avaleha.
29. Explain :

30. Describe Ghana.

31. Explain :

32. Describe Sattva.

33. Explain :

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34. Describe Syrup.
35. Describe Shaarkara.
36. Describe Ksheerapaka Kalpana.
37. Describe Guggulu Kalpana.
38. Describe Vati Kalpana
39. Describe Varti Kalpana
40. Describe Kshara Kalpana
41. Describe Masi Kalpana
42. Describe Lavana Kalpana
43. Describe Kshara sutra.
44. Describe method of preparation of Tablets.
45. Describe method of preparation of Pills.
46. Describe method of preparation of Capsule.
47. Describe method of preparation of Suppository.
48. Describe method of preparation of Kshara sutra.
49. Differentiate : Shaarkara & Panaka
50. Differentiate : Avalehapaka & Gudapaka
51. Differentiate : Phanita & Avaleha
52. Differentiate : Prasha & Avaleha
53. Difference between Swarasa and Putapaka swarasa
54. Advantages of Vati Kalpana
55. Advantages of Avaleha Kalpana
56. Advantages of Sattva Kalpana
57. Advantages of Shaarkar Kalpana
58. Advantages of Ksheerpaka Kalpana
59. Disadvantages of Tablet and Capsule
60. Disadvantages of Churna

02 marks:
1. Write ingredients of : Sitopaladi Churna
2. Write ingredients of : Hingvastaka Churna
3. Write ingredients of : Vasa avaleha
4. Write ingredients of : Triphala Guggulu
5. Write ingredients of : Arjuna ksheera paka
6. Write ingredients of : Sanjivani Vati
7. Write ingredients of : Arka Lavana
8. Write ingredients of : Rasanjana
9. Write ingredients of : Kshara sutra
10. Write ingredients of : Tandulodaka
11. Write therapeutic uses of : Sitopaladi Churna
12. Write therapeutic uses of : Hingvastaka Churna
13. Write therapeutic uses of : Vasa avaleha
14. Write therapeutic uses of : Triphala Guggulu
15. Write therapeutic uses of : Arjuna ksheera paka

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16. Write therapeutic uses of : Sanjivani Vati
17. Write therapeutic uses of : Arka Lavana
18. Write therapeutic uses of : Rasanjana
19. Write therapeutic uses of : Kshara sutra
20. Write therapeutic uses of : Tandulodaka
10 marks :
1. Write any 10 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic pharmacies and explain any two instruments in detail along with
2. Mention Machineries, Method of Preparation, Types, Dose, Shelf life, advantages and
disadvantages for the preparation of Tablets.
3. Enumerate the list of Machineries required for the preparation of Avaleha and explain
any two in detail.
4. Enumerate the list of Machineries required for the preparation of Capsules and
explain any two in detail.
5. Enumerate the list of Machineries required for the preparation of Ointment and
explain any two in detail.
6. Enumerate the list of Machineries required for the preparation of Churna and explain
any two in detail.
7. Enumerate the list of Machineries required for the preparation of Suppositories and
explain any two in detail.

05 marks :
1. Write any 5 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies and explain any one in detail.
2. Write any 5 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies for the production of Tablets and explain any one in detail.
3. Write any 5 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies for the production of Capsules and explain any one in detail.
4. Write any 5 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies for the production of Churna and explain any one in detail.
5. Write any 5 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies for the production of Ointments and explain any one in detail.
6. Write any 5 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies for the production of Avaleha and explain any one in detail.
7. Write any 5 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies for the production of medicated Oils and explain any one in
8. Write any 5 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies for the production of Asava-Arishta and explain any one in
9. Write any 5 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies for the production of Guggulu tablets and explain any one in
10. Write any 5 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies for the production of Kwatha and explain any one in detail.

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11. Explain the following with a proper diagram :
(a) Disintegrator
(b) End Runner
(c) Edge Runner
(d) Sieve-Shaker
(e) Granulator
(f) Tableting machine
(g) Pill making machines
(h) coating and polishing pan
(i) capsule filling machine
(j) sieves and mesh
(k) Mixer & Grinder

02 marks :
1. Write any 4 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies.
2. Write any 4 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies for the production of Tablets.
3. Write any 4 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies for the production of Capsules.
4. Write any 4 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies for the preparation of Churna.
5. Write any 4 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies for the preparation of Avaleha.
6. Write any 4 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies for the preparation of Kwatha.
7. Write any 4 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies for the preparation of Asava-Arishta.
8. Write any 4 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies for the preparation of medicated oils.
9. Write any 4 names of modern instruments/equipments that are used now-a-days in
Ayurvedic Pharmacies for the preparation of Ointments.
10 marks
1. Define ‘Sneha Kalpana’ and explain Sneha-murcchana, Sneha-paka vidhi, Sneha-
siddhi Lakshanas in detail.
2. Write definition of Sneha Kalpana and mention types of Sneha, Sneha yoni, Sneha
murcchana, Sneha paka vidhi and Sneha siddhi Lakshana in detail.
3. What are the main components used for preparing Taila? Write about the
taila pakas with their identifying methods and uses.
4. Write preparatory method, ingredients, therapeutic dose, therapeutic uses
anupana, shelf-life, storage and preservation of Triphala Ghrita.
5. Write method of preparation, ingredients, therapeutic dose, therapeutic uses
anupana, shelf-life, storage and preservation of Anutailam.
6. Write method of preparation, ingredients, therapeutic dose, therapeutic uses
anupana, shelf-life, storage and preservation of Brahmi Ghrita.
7. Write Sneha murchhana method, preparatory method, ingredients, therapeutic
dose, therapeutic uses, shelf-life, storage and preservation of Narayan Tailam.

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05 marks
1. Define ‘Sneha Kalpana’.
2. Explain Sneha-murcchana
3. Write importance of Sneha-murcchana
4. Write importance of Sneha-paka kalpana
5. Write importance of Ghee
6. Write importance of Tila taila
7. Explain :

8. Explain Sneha-paka vidhi

9. Explain Sneha-siddhi Lakshanas
10. Explain types of Sneha
11. Explain Taila-murcchana
12. Explain Ghrita-murcchana
13. Explain Sneha-paatra paka
14. Explain Sneha-gandha paka

02 marks
1. Write types of ‘Sneha’.
2. Write basic components required for Sneha-paka Kalpana.
3. Write ingredients required for Taila-murcchana.
4. Write ingredients required for Ghrita-murcchana
5. Write ingredients of Triphala Ghrita
6. Write ingredients of Anu tailam
7. Write ingredients of Narayan tailam
8. Write ingredients of Brahmi Ghrita
9. Write uses of Triphala Ghrita
10. Write uses of Anu tailam
11. Write uses of Narayan tailam
12. Write uses of Brahmi Ghrita
13. Write therapeutic dose of Triphala Ghrita
14. Write therapeutic dose of Anu tailam
15. Write therapeutic dose of Narayan tailam
16. Write therapeutic dose of Brahmi Ghrita
10 marks
1. Define ‘Sandhana Kalpana’ and write main components, preparatory method,
confirmatory tests, general dose, storage and preservation of Asava-Arishta.
2. Write definition of Sandhana Kalpana, its classification, general preparatory method,
siddhi lakshanas, properties and general dose of Asava-Arishta.
3. What is meant by Madya? Explain ingredients, preparatory method, confirmatory
tests, therapeutic uses and dose of Drakshaarishta.
4. Write difference between Asava and Arishta. Mention ingredients, preparatory
method, therapeutic uses, dose and anupana of Ashokarishta.
5. Write difference between Asava and Arishta. Mention ingredients, preparatory
method, therapeutic uses, dose and anupana of Takraarishta.
6. Write difference between Asava and Arishta. Mention ingredients, preparatory
method, therapeutic uses, dose and anupana of Kumaaryaasava.

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7. Write difference between Asava and Arishta. Mention ingredients, preparatory
method, therapeutic uses, dose and anupana of Chandanaasava.
8. Write difference between Asava and Arishta. Mention ingredients, preparatory
method, therapeutic uses, dose and anupana of Dashmulaarishta.
05 marks
1. Write definition of ‘Sandhana Kalpana’.
2. Write classification of Sandhana Kalpana.
3. Write importance of Sandhana Kalpana.
4. What is Madya? Write its properties.
5. Short note on :
(i) Asava
(ii) Arishta
(iii) Sura
(iv) Maireya
(v) Suraasava
(vi) Shukta
(vii) Kanjika
(viii) Sauviraka
(ix) Tushodaka
(x) Sidhu Kalpana
(xi) Siddhi lakshanas of Asava-Arishta
02 marks
1. Write therapeutic dose & uses of ‘Sandhana Kalpana’.
2. Shelf-life and anupana of Asava-Arishta
3. What is Prasanna?
4. What is Kaadambari?
5. What is Medaka?
6. What is Jagala?
7. What is Bakkasa?
8. Write 2 uses of Draakshaarishta.
9. Write 2 uses of Dashmulaarishta.
10. Write 2 uses of Takraarishta.
11. Write 2 uses of Ashokaaarishta.
12. Write 2 uses of Kumaaryasava.
13. Write 2 uses of Chandanaasava.
14. Write 2 uses of Kanjika.

POINT NO. 10 :
10 marks
1. Write definition of ‘Pathya Kalpana’and explain its importance in Ayurveda.
2. What does the terms Pathya and Apathya stands for? Explain these with proper
3. Write the concept of Pathya Ahara in Ayurveda and explain its role in modern
Nutraceutical sciences.
4. Give definition of Kritanna and explain its different types in detail.
5. Explain the concept of Pathya and Apathya in Ayurveda and describe Takra varga in
6. Write difference between Yusha and Yavaagu, explain their types in detail.
7. Explain Aushadhisiddha anna Kalpana and its different varieties in detail.

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8. What are the Aharayogi Kalpanas (accessory food articles)? Explain its different
varieties in detail.
05 marks
1. Write definition of ‘Kritanna Kalpana’ and its uses
2. Short note on : Aushadhisiddha anna Kalpana
3. Concept of Pathya Kalpana
4. Role of Pathya Ahara in Ayurveda
5. Explain : Yusha
6. Explain : Yavaagu
7. Write short note on :
(i) Bhakta Kalpana
(ii) Anna Kalpana
(iii) Odan
(iv) Krishara
(v) Mansa rasa
(vi) Vesavara
8. Difference between : Pathya and Apathya
9. Difference between : Yusha and Yavaagu
10. Difference between : Peya and Vilepi
11. Difference between : Khada and Kaambalika
12. Difference between : Raaga and Shaadava
13. Difference between : Dadhi and Takra

02 marks
1. Write uses of ‘Kritanna Kalpana’ in brief.
2. Write uses of ‘Aushadhisiddha anna Kalpana’
3. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Yavaagu’ in brief.
4. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Yusha’ in brief.
5. Write uses of ‘Kritanna Kalpana’ in brief.
6. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Manda’
7. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Khada-Kaambalika’
8. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Raaga-Shaadava’
9. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Mamsa rasa’
10. Write the uses of ‘Veshvaara’
11. What is Veshvaara?
12. What is Vilepi?
13. What is Peyaa?
14. What is Manda?
15. What is Yavaagu?
16. What is Yusha?
17. What is Mamsa rasa?
18. What is Odana?
19. What is Krishara?
20. What is Khada?
21. What is Kaambalika?
22. What is Raaga?
23. What is Shaadava?
24. What is Takra?
25. What is Udshvit?
26. What is Katvara?

Ug rsbk paper 1 question bank Page 13

27. What is Mathita?
28. What is Chhachika?
29. Write ingredients of Peyaa
30. Write ingredients of Manda?
31. Write ingredients of Yavaagu?
32. Write ingredients of Yusha?
33. Write ingredients of Mamsa rasa?
34. Write ingredients of Odana?
35. Write ingredients of Krishara?
36. Write ingredients of Khada?
37. Write ingredients of Kaambalika?
38. Write ingredients of Raaga?
39. Write ingredients of Shaadava?
40. Write ingredients of Katvara?
41. Write ingredients of Mathita?
42. Write ingredients of Chhachika?

10 marks
1. What are Baahyopacharartha Kalpanas (external applications)? Explain it in detail.
2. Write definition of ‘Lepa Kalpana’and explain its importance in Ayurveda.
3. Define Lepa and explain its different types, method of preparation and mode of
application in detail.
4. What is Malahara Kalpana? Explain its preparatory method, essential ingredients,
precautions, mode of application, therapeutic indications, dose, shelf-life, storage and
preservation with an example of Sarjarasa Malahara.
5. What is Malahara Kalpana? Explain its preparatory method, essential ingredients,
precautions, mode of application, therapeutic indications, dose, shelf-life, storage and
preservation with an example of Sarjarasa Malahara.
6. What is Upanaha Kalpana? Explain its preparatory method, essential ingredients,
precautions, mode of application, therapeutic indications, dose, shelf-life, storage and
preservation with an example of Atasi Upanaha.
7. What are Shata dhauta Ghrita and Sahasra dhauta Ghrita? Explain their preparatory
methods, essential ingredients, precautions, mode of application, therapeutic
indications, dose, shelf-life, storage and preservation.
8. Write in detail about semi solid dosage forms- Ointments, Creams, Emulsions, Gels
and Lotions.

05 marks
1. Write short note on ‘Lepa Kalpana’.
2. Write short note on ‘Malahara Kalpana’
3. What is Sikta taila?
4. Write short note on ‘Sarjarasa Malahara’
5. Write short note on ‘Gandaka Malahara’
6. Write short note on ‘Atasi Upanaha’
7. Write short note on ‘Shata dhauta Ghrita’
8. Write short note on ‘Sahasra dhauta Ghrita’
9. Write short note on : Ointment

Ug rsbk paper 1 question bank Page 14

10. Write short note on : Creams
11. Write short note on : Emulsion
12. Write short note on : Gel
13. Write short note on : Lotion
14. Differentiate : Lepa and Malahara
15. Differentiate : Upnaha and Malahara
16. Differentiate : Udvartana and Avachurnan
17. Differentiate : Shata dhauta Ghrita and Sahasra dhauta Ghrita

02 marks
1. Enumerate types of Lepa.
2. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Lepa’
3. Why Lepa should not be applied during nights?
4. Mention precautions to be taken during Lepa application.
5. Mention precautions to be taken during Upnaha application.
6. How Lepa should be used?
7. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Lepa’
8. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Udvartana’
9. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Avachurnan’
10. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Sikta tailam’
11. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Malahara Kalpana’
12. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Sarjarasa Malahara’
13. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Gandhaka Malahara’
14. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Upanaha’
15. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Atasi Upanaha’
16. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Shata dhauta Ghrita’
17. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Sahasra dhauta ghrita’
18. Write ingredients of ‘Sikta tailam’
19. Write essential ingredients of ‘Malahara Kalpana’
20. Write ingredients of ‘Sarjarasa Malahara’
21. Write ingredients of ‘Gandhaka Malahara’
22. Write essential ingredients of ‘Upanaha’
23. Write ingredients of ‘Atasi Upanaha’
24. Write ingredients of ‘Shata dhauta Ghrita’
25. Write ingredients of ‘Sahasra dhauta ghrita’
26. Write storage and preservation method of Sarjarasa Malahara
27. Write storage and preservation method of Gandhaka Malahara
28. Write storage and preservation method of Sikta tailam
29. Write storage and preservation method of Atasi Upanaha
30. Write storage and preservation method of Lepa
31. Write storage and preservation method of Shata dhauta Ghrita
32. Write storage and preservation method of Sahasra dhauta ghrita

POINT NO. 2.1 :

10 marks
1. What are Netraupacharartha Kalpanas (Opthalmic preparations)? Explain it various
types in detail.
2. What is meant by Netrakalpa? Explain preparatory method of its different types and
mention method of preparation of Eye-drops.

Ug rsbk paper 1 question bank Page 15

3. Define Kriyakalpa and explain its different types with their preparatory methods,
mode of administration, dose and therapeutic uses.

05 marks
1. Short note on Seka.
2. Short note on Draava.
3. Short note on Pindi.
4. Short note on Anjana.
5. Short note on Aschyotana.
6. Short note on Tarpana.
7. Short note on Vidalaka.
8. Short note on Putapaaka.

02 marks
1. Types of Seka.
2. Dose of Seka.
3. Types of Draava.
4. Types of Pindi.
5. Types of Anjana.
6. Types of Aschyotana.
7. Types of Tarpana.
8. Types of Vidalaka.
9. Types of Putapaaka.
10. Types of Draava.
11. Dose of Pindi.
12. Dose of Anjana.
13. Dose of Aschyotana.
14. Dose of Tarpana.
15. Dose of Vidalaka.
16. Dose of Putapaaka.
17. Uses of Seka.
18. Uses of Draava.
19. Uses of Pindi.
20. Uses of Anjana.
21. Uses of Aschyotana.
22. Uses of Tarpana.
23. Uses of Vidalaka.
24. Uses of Putapaaka.

POINT NO. 2.2 :

10 marks
1. What are Nasyopacharartha Kalpanas (Nasal preparations)? Explain it various types
in detail.
2. Define Nasya and explain its classification with their preparatory methods, mode of
administration, dose and therapeutic uses.

05 marks
1. Short note on Nasya.
2. Short note on Naavana.
3. Short note on Avapidana nasya

Ug rsbk paper 1 question bank Page 16

4. Short note on Dhmaapana nasya.
5. Short note on Dhuma nasya.
6. Short note on Marsha Nasya.
7. Short note on Pratimarsha Nasya.

02 marks
1. Dose of Naavana.
2. Dose of Avapidana nasya
3. Dose of Dhmaapana nasya.
4. Dose of Dhuma nasya.
5. Dose of Marsha Nasya.
6. Dose of Pratimarsha Nasya.
7. Uses of Naavana.
8. Uses of Avapidana nasya
9. Uses of Dhmaapana nasya.
10. Uses of Dhuma nasya.
11. Uses of Marsha Nasya.
12. Uses of Pratimarsha Nasya.

POINT NO. 2.3 :

10 marks

1. What are Dhumapanartha Kalpanas (Medicated smoking preparations)? Explain it

various types in detail.
2. Define Dhumapana and explain its classification with their preparatory methods,
mode of administration and therapeutic uses.
3. What are Dhupana Kalpanas (Preparation of fumigation)? Explain it various types in

05 marks
1. Short note on Dhumapaana.
2. Short note on Prayigika Dhumapaana
3. Short note on Snaihika Dhumapaana
4. Short note on Vairechanik Dhumapaana
5. Short note on Kaasaghna Dhumapaana
6. Short note on Vamaniya Dhumapaana
7. Short note on Dhupana
8. Short note on Dashanga Dhupana
9. Short note on Arshoghna Dhupana
10. Short note on Kaumarya Dhupana

02. marks
1. ingredients of Dhumapaana.
2. ingredients of Prayigika Dhumapaana
3. ingredients of Snaihika Dhumapaana
4. ingredients of Vairechanik Dhumapaana
5. ingredients of Kaasaghna Dhumapaana
6. ingredients of Vamaniya Dhumapaana
7. ingredients of Dhupana
8. ingredients of Dashanga Dhupana
9. ingredients of Arshoghna Dhupana
Ug rsbk paper 1 question bank Page 17
10. ingredients of Kaumarya Dhupana
11. Uses of Dhumapaana.
12. Uses of Prayigika Dhumapaana
13. Uses of Snaihika Dhumapaana
14. Uses of Vairechanik Dhumapaana
15. Uses of Kaasaghna Dhumapaana
16. Uses of Vamaniya Dhumapaana
17. Uses of Dhupana
18. Uses of Dashanga Dhupana
19. Uses of Arshoghna Dhupana
20. Uses of Kaumarya Dhupana

POINT NO. 2.4 :

10 marks

1. What are Mukhaprayogartha Kalpanas (Oral liquids and Gargles)? Explain it

various types in detail.
2. Define Mukhaprayogartha Kalpanas and explain its classification with their
preparatory methods, mode of administration and therapeutic uses.

05 marks
1. Short note on Kavala.
2. Short note on Gandusha
3. Short note on Manjana.
4. Short note on Pratisaarana.
5. Differentiate : Kavala – Gandusha
6. Short note on : Toothpaste
7. Short note on : Tooth powder
8. Method to make Ayurvedic Gargles
9. Method to make Ayurvedic Toothpaste
10. Method to make Ayurvedic Tooth powder

1. How much quantity of liquid should be taken in mouth for Kavala?
2. How much quantity of liquid should be taken in mouth for Gandusha?
3. Types of Kavala
4. Types of gandusha
5. Name the drugs taken for Kavala
6. Name the drugs taken for Gandusha
7. Indications of Kavala
8. Indications of Gandusha
9. Examples of Kavala
10. Examples of Gandusha

POINT NO. 2.5 :

10 marks
1. Write definition of Basti, mention its classification and describe Niruha Basti and
Anuvaasana Basti in detail.

Ug rsbk paper 1 question bank Page 18

2. Define Basti and explain its classification with their preparatory methods, mode of
administration and therapeutic uses.

05 marks
1. Short note on importance of Basti.
2. Short note on importance of NiruhaBasti
3. Short note on importance of Anuvaasana Basti
4. Short note on importance of Uttara Basti
5. Short note on method of preparation of Basti drava
6. Short note on : Samyaka-Asamyaka-Atiyoga Basti lakshanas
7. Short note on : Basti Vyaapat
8. Short note on : Piccha Basti
9. Short note on : Yuktaratha Basti
10. Short note on : Madhutailik Basti
11. Short note on : Enema

1. How much quantity of liquid should be administered Niruha Basti?
2. How much quantity of liquid should be administered Anuvaasana Basti?
3. No. of Basti in Karma Basti
4. No. of Basti in Kaala Basti
5. No. of Basti in Yoga Basti
6. How Basti drava mishrana is done?
7. Which purva-karma are required before Basti?
8. Length of Basti-netra in Niruha Basti
9. Length of Basti-netra in Anuvaasana Basti
10. Length of Basti-netra in Uttara Basti

10 marks

1. Define Standardization and explain standardization method of Kaashthaushadhis.

2. Write definition of Standardization and describe standards for Churna Kalpana.
3. Explain standardization of medicated oil/ghee with suitable example.
4. What is Standardization and explain standardization of Avaleha with suitable
5. Explain standardization method of Vati with suitable example.
6. Explain standardization of Asava-Arishta with suitable example.
05 marks
1. Short note on importance of Standardization.
2. Short note on : Standardization of Kaasthaushadhis
3. Short note on : Standardization of Raw drugs
4. Short note on : Standardization of Process
5. Short note on : Standardization of Finished drugs
6. Short note on : Standardization of Avaleha
7. Short note on : Standardization of Churna
8. Short note on : Standardization of Taila
9. Short note on : Standardization of Ghrita
10. Short note on : Standardization of Asava-Arishta
11. Short note on : Standardization of Vati
12. Short note on : Standardization of Guggulu

Ug rsbk paper 1 question bank Page 19

13. Short note on : Standardization of Kshara
14. Short note on : Standardization of Sattva
15. Short note on : Standardization of Arka

1. For standards of Ayurvedic drugs, which books are followed?
2. Need of Standardization?


10 marks

1. Write brief introduction of Drug and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules 1945.
2. What does Drug & Cosmetic Act stands for? Write its role in Ayurvedic drugs.

05 marks
1. Short note on : Drug & Cosmetic Act 1940.
2. Short note on : Drug & Cosmetic Act, Rules 1945
3. Importance of Drug & Cosmetic Act
4. Latest amendments on Drug & Cosmetic Act

1. Does Drug & Cosmetic Act applicable to Vaidya?
2. Who can manufacture the Ayurvedic drugs?
3. Who can sell the Ayurvedic drugs?
4. How one can get the license to manufacture the Ayurvedic drugs?
5. Who issues license to the Ayurvedic pharmacies?
6. Who can become a Drug inspector?
7. What is the role of Drug inspector?


10 marks

1. Write the concept of Aushadhi Nirmaanshaalaa with context to Good Manufacturing

Practices (GMP) in accordance to Schedule T.
2. What is Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in accordance to Schedule T.

05 marks
1. Short note on : GMP.
2. Short note on : Schedule – T

1. According to GMP, what is minimum space required for the production of Vati?
2. According to GMP, what is minimum space required for the production of Avaleha?
3. According to GMP, what is minimum space required for the production of
4. According to GMP, what is minimum space required for the production of Capsules?


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10 marks
9. What are Baahyopacharartha Kalpanas (external applications)? Explain it in detail.
10. Write definition of ‘Lepa Kalpana’and explain its importance in Ayurveda.
11. Define Lepa and explain its different types, method of preparation and mode of
application in detail.
12. What is Malahara Kalpana? Explain its preparatory method, essential ingredients,
precautions, mode of application, therapeutic indications, dose, shelf-life, storage and
preservation with an example of Sarjarasa Malahara.
13. What is Malahara Kalpana? Explain its preparatory method, essential ingredients,
precautions, mode of application, therapeutic indications, dose, shelf-life, storage and
preservation with an example of Sarjarasa Malahara.
14. What is Upanaha Kalpana? Explain its preparatory method, essential ingredients,
precautions, mode of application, therapeutic indications, dose, shelf-life, storage and
preservation with an example of Atasi Upanaha.
15. What are Shata dhauta Ghrita and Sahasra dhauta Ghrita? Explain their preparatory
methods, essential ingredients, precautions, mode of application, therapeutic
indications, dose, shelf-life, storage and preservation.
16. Write in detail about semi solid dosage forms- Ointments, Creams, Emulsions, Gels
and Lotions.

05 marks
18. Write short note on ‘Lepa Kalpana’.
19. Write short note on ‘Malahara Kalpana’
20. What is Sikta taila?
21. Write short note on ‘Sarjarasa Malahara’
22. Write short note on ‘Gandaka Malahara’
23. Write short note on ‘Atasi Upanaha’
24. Write short note on ‘Shata dhauta Ghrita’
25. Write short note on ‘Sahasra dhauta Ghrita’
26. Write short note on : Ointment
27. Write short note on : Creams
28. Write short note on : Emulsion
29. Write short note on : Gel
30. Write short note on : Lotion
31. Differentiate : Lepa and Malahara
32. Differentiate : Upnaha and Malahara
33. Differentiate : Udvartana and Avachurnan
34. Differentiate : Shata dhauta Ghrita and Sahasra dhauta Ghrita

02 marks
33. Enumerate types of Lepa.
34. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Lepa’
35. Why Lepa should not be applied during nights?
36. Mention precautions to be taken during Lepa application.

Ug rsbk paper 1 question bank Page 21

37. Mention precautions to be taken during Upnaha application.
38. How Lepa should be used?
39. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Lepa’
40. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Udvartana’
41. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Avachurnan’
42. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Sikta tailam’
43. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Malahara Kalpana’
44. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Sarjarasa Malahara’
45. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Gandhaka Malahara’
46. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Upanaha’
47. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Atasi Upanaha’
48. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Shata dhauta Ghrita’
49. Write therapeutic uses of ‘Sahasra dhauta ghrita’
50. Write ingredients of ‘Sikta tailam’
51. Write essential ingredients of ‘Malahara Kalpana’
52. Write ingredients of ‘Sarjarasa Malahara’
53. Write ingredients of ‘Gandhaka Malahara’
54. Write essential ingredients of ‘Upanaha’
55. Write ingredients of ‘Atasi Upanaha’
56. Write ingredients of ‘Shata dhauta Ghrita’
57. Write ingredients of ‘Sahasra dhauta ghrita’
58. Write storage and preservation method of Sarjarasa Malahara
59. Write storage and preservation method of Gandhaka Malahara
60. Write storage and preservation method of Sikta tailam
61. Write storage and preservation method of Atasi Upanaha
62. Write storage and preservation method of Lepa
63. Write storage and preservation method of Shata dhauta Ghrita
64. Write storage and preservation method of Sahasra dhauta ghrita

POINT NO. 2.1 :

10 marks
4. What are Netraupacharartha Kalpanas (Opthalmic preparations)? Explain it various
types in detail.
5. What is meant by Netrakalpa? Explain preparatory method of its different types and
mention method of preparation of Eye-drops.
6. Define Kriyakalpa and explain its different types with their preparatory methods,
mode of administration, dose and therapeutic uses.

05 marks
9. Short note on Seka.
10. Short note on Draava.
11. Short note on Pindi.
12. Short note on Anjana.
13. Short note on Aschyotana.
14. Short note on Tarpana.
15. Short note on Vidalaka.
16. Short note on Putapaaka.

02 marks
25. Types of Seka.

Ug rsbk paper 1 question bank Page 22

26. Dose of Seka.
27. Types of Draava.
28. Types of Pindi.
29. Types of Anjana.
30. Types of Aschyotana.
31. Types of Tarpana.
32. Types of Vidalaka.
33. Types of Putapaaka.
34. Types of Draava.
35. Dose of Pindi.
36. Dose of Anjana.
37. Dose of Aschyotana.
38. Dose of Tarpana.
39. Dose of Vidalaka.
40. Dose of Putapaaka.
41. Uses of Seka.
42. Uses of Draava.
43. Uses of Pindi.
44. Uses of Anjana.
45. Uses of Aschyotana.
46. Uses of Tarpana.
47. Uses of Vidalaka.
48. Uses of Putapaaka.

POINT NO. 2.2 :

11 marks
3. What are Nasyopacharartha Kalpanas (Nasal preparations)? Explain it various types
in detail.
4. Define Nasya and explain its classification with their preparatory methods, mode of
administration, dose and therapeutic uses.

05 marks
8. Short note on Nasya.
9. Short note on Naavana.
10. Short note on Avapidana nasya
11. Short note on Dhmaapana nasya.
12. Short note on Dhuma nasya.
13. Short note on Marsha Nasya.
14. Short note on Pratimarsha Nasya.

03 marks
13. Dose of Naavana.
14. Dose of Avapidana nasya
15. Dose of Dhmaapana nasya.
16. Dose of Dhuma nasya.
17. Dose of Marsha Nasya.
18. Dose of Pratimarsha Nasya.
19. Uses of Naavana.
20. Uses of Avapidana nasya
21. Uses of Dhmaapana nasya.

Ug rsbk paper 1 question bank Page 23

22. Uses of Dhuma nasya.
23. Uses of Marsha Nasya.
24. Uses of Pratimarsha Nasya.

POINT NO. 2.3 :

11 marks

4. What are Dhumapanartha Kalpanas (Medicated smoking preparations)? Explain it

various types in detail.
5. Define Dhumapana and explain its classification with their preparatory methods,
mode of administration and therapeutic uses.
6. What are Dhupana Kalpanas (Preparation of fumigation)? Explain it various types in

05 marks
11. Short note on Dhumapaana.
12. Short note on Prayigika Dhumapaana
13. Short note on Snaihika Dhumapaana
14. Short note on Vairechanik Dhumapaana
15. Short note on Kaasaghna Dhumapaana
16. Short note on Vamaniya Dhumapaana
17. Short note on Dhupana
18. Short note on Dashanga Dhupana
19. Short note on Arshoghna Dhupana
20. Short note on Kaumarya Dhupana

03. marks
21. ingredients of Dhumapaana.
22. ingredients of Prayigika Dhumapaana
23. ingredients of Snaihika Dhumapaana
24. ingredients of Vairechanik Dhumapaana
25. ingredients of Kaasaghna Dhumapaana
26. ingredients of Vamaniya Dhumapaana
27. ingredients of Dhupana
28. ingredients of Dashanga Dhupana
29. ingredients of Arshoghna Dhupana
30. ingredients of Kaumarya Dhupana
31. Uses of Dhumapaana.
32. Uses of Prayigika Dhumapaana
33. Uses of Snaihika Dhumapaana
34. Uses of Vairechanik Dhumapaana
35. Uses of Kaasaghna Dhumapaana
36. Uses of Vamaniya Dhumapaana
37. Uses of Dhupana
38. Uses of Dashanga Dhupana
39. Uses of Arshoghna Dhupana
40. Uses of Kaumarya Dhupana

POINT NO. 2.4 :

Ug rsbk paper 1 question bank Page 24

11 marks

3. What are Mukhaprayogartha Kalpanas (Oral liquids and Gargles)? Explain it

various types in detail.
4. Define Mukhaprayogartha Kalpanas and explain its classification with their
preparatory methods, mode of administration and therapeutic uses.

05 marks
11. Short note on Kavala.
12. Short note on Gandusha
13. Short note on Manjana.
14. Short note on Pratisaarana.
15. Differentiate : Kavala – Gandusha
16. Short note on : Toothpaste
17. Short note on : Tooth powder
18. Method to make Ayurvedic Gargles
19. Method to make Ayurvedic Toothpaste
20. Method to make Ayurvedic Tooth powder

11. How much quantity of liquid should be taken in mouth for Kavala?
12. How much quantity of liquid should be taken in mouth for Gandusha?
13. Types of Kavala
14. Types of gandusha
15. Name the drugs taken for Kavala
16. Name the drugs taken for Gandusha
17. Indications of Kavala
18. Indications of Gandusha
19. Examples of Kavala
20. Examples of Gandusha

POINT NO. 2.5 :

10 marks
3. Write definition of Basti, mention its classification and describe Niruha Basti and
Anuvaasana Basti in detail.
4. Define Basti and explain its classification with their preparatory methods, mode of
administration and therapeutic uses.

05 marks
12. Short note on importance of Basti.
13. Short note on importance of NiruhaBasti
14. Short note on importance of Anuvaasana Basti
15. Short note on importance of Uttara Basti
16. Short note on method of preparation of Basti drava
17. Short note on : Samyaka-Asamyaka-Atiyoga Basti lakshanas
18. Short note on : Basti Vyaapat
19. Short note on : Piccha Basti
20. Short note on : Yuktaratha Basti
21. Short note on : Madhutailik Basti
22. Short note on : Enema

Ug rsbk paper 1 question bank Page 25

11. How much quantity of liquid should be administered Niruha Basti?
12. How much quantity of liquid should be administered Anuvaasana Basti?
13. No. of Basti in Karma Basti
14. No. of Basti in Kaala Basti
15. No. of Basti in Yoga Basti
16. How Basti drava mishrana is done?
17. Which purva-karma are required before Basti?
18. Length of Basti-netra in Niruha Basti
19. Length of Basti-netra in Anuvaasana Basti
20. Length of Basti-netra in Uttara Basti

10 marks

7. Define Standardization and explain standardization method of Kaashthaushadhis.

8. Write definition of Standardization and describe standards for Churna Kalpana.
9. Explain standardization of medicated oil/ghee with suitable example.
10. What is Standardization and explain standardization of Avaleha with suitable
11. Explain standardization method of Vati with suitable example.
12. Explain standardization of Asava-Arishta with suitable example.
05 marks
16. Short note on importance of Standardization.
17. Short note on : Standardization of Kaasthaushadhis
18. Short note on : Standardization of Raw drugs
19. Short note on : Standardization of Process
20. Short note on : Standardization of Finished drugs
21. Short note on : Standardization of Avaleha
22. Short note on : Standardization of Churna
23. Short note on : Standardization of Taila
24. Short note on : Standardization of Ghrita
25. Short note on : Standardization of Asava-Arishta
26. Short note on : Standardization of Vati
27. Short note on : Standardization of Guggulu
28. Short note on : Standardization of Kshara
29. Short note on : Standardization of Sattva
30. Short note on : Standardization of Arka

3. For standards of Ayurvedic drugs, which books are followed?
4. Need of Standardization?


11 marks

3. Write brief introduction of Drug and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules 1945.
4. What does Drug & Cosmetic Act stands for? Write its role in Ayurvedic drugs.

Ug rsbk paper 1 question bank Page 26

05 marks
5. Short note on : Drug & Cosmetic Act 1940.
6. Short note on : Drug & Cosmetic Act, Rules 1945
7. Importance of Drug & Cosmetic Act
8. Latest amendments on Drug & Cosmetic Act

8. Does Drug & Cosmetic Act applicable to Vaidya?
9. Who can manufacture the Ayurvedic drugs?
10. Who can sell the Ayurvedic drugs?
11. How one can get the license to manufacture the Ayurvedic drugs?
12. Who issues license to the Ayurvedic pharmacies?
13. Who can become a Drug inspector?
14. What is the role of Drug inspector?


11 marks

3. Write the concept of Aushadhi Nirmaanshaalaa with context to Good Manufacturing

Practices (GMP) in accordance to Schedule T.
4. What is Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in accordance to Schedule T.

05 marks
3. Short note on : GMP.
4. Short note on : Schedule – T

5. According to GMP, what is minimum space required for the production of Vati?
6. According to GMP, what is minimum space required for the production of Avaleha?
7. According to GMP, what is minimum space required for the production of
8. According to GMP, what is minimum space required for the production of Capsules?


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