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PC Electronics Quiz

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PC electronics quiz

1) A capacitor blocks- Ans: - a

a) DC signal
b) AC signal
c) None
d) Both of them

2) Which Logic gate acts as “Inequality Checker”?

a) XONR gate Ans: - b
b) XOR gate
c) NAND Gate
d) NOR Gate

3) What is the resistance offered by a dry human skin?

a) 100–300 ohm Ans: - b
b) 100000-300000 ohm
c) None of these
d) 20k ohm

4) A triac is a ……… switch? Ans:-b

a) Unidirectional
b) Bidirectional
c) Mechanical
d) None of these

5) Efficiency of a centre tapped full wave rectifier is…?

Ans: - c

6) Which of these components converts a fixed DC

into a variable DC? Ans: - c
a) Chopper
b) Cycloconverters
c) Inverter
d) None of these

7) Which among the following is a current controlled

device? Ans: - b
b) BJT

8) What is PMW in Arduino? Ans: - c

a) A built -in library to control DC motor.
b) A type of oscilloscope used with microcontrollers
as Arduino.
c) Is a technique for getting analog with digital
d) Is a technique for getting digital results with
analog means.

9) What is the microcontroller used in Arduino Uno?

Ans: - a
a) ATmega328p
b) ATmega2560
c) ATmega32114
d) AT91SAM3x8E

10) In common anode type seven segment display

all the anodes are connected to …?
a) Vcc
b) Ground
c) None of these

Ans: - a

11) Is Thermistor a….?

a) Active element
b) Passive element
c) None of these

Ans: - b

12) The internal RAM memory of the 8051

microcontroller is?
a) 32 bytes
b) 64 bytes
c) 128 bytes
d) 256 bytes

Ans: - c
13) What is the maximum source current that is
required to operate the ESP8266 Wifi Module?
a) 28 A
b) 12 mA
c) 100 mA
d) 1 A

Ans: - b

14) What kind of device is the ESP8266 Wifi

a) Passive sensor
b) Active sensor
c) Networking sensor
d) Switching sensor

Ans: - c

15) What is the type of waves that the ESP8266

Wifi module detects?
a) Infrared signal
b) Radio signal
c) DC signal
d) Hybrid signal

Ans: - b

16) The op-amps internal circuit is?

a) Clipper
b) Clamper
c) Differential Amplifier
d) Diode
Ans: - b

17) The interconnection of IC components can be

done through an aluminium conductor is known as?
a) Sputtering process
b) Metallization process
c) Switching process
d) Etching process

Ans: - b

18) In IC components, why MOSFET is preferred

over BJT?
a) It has less packing density
b) It has medium packing density
c) Its response easily
d) Easily fitted

Ans: - a

19) Identify the function generated by the logic

circuit show
b) F=A+B+C+D
c) F= AB+BC+AD
d) F=AB(C+D)

Ans: - b

20) The minimum number of NAND gates required

to realize AB+AB’C+AB’C’ is
a) 3
b) 2
c) 1
d) 0

Ans: - d

21) The noise margin in CMOS logic family is ?

a) Moderate
b) Low
c) High
d) None of these

Ans: - c
22) The voltage range of advanced low power
Schottky is?
a) 1V
b) 2V
c) 4V
d) 5V

Ans: - d

23) Minimum number of Half adders, Full adders,

AND gates required to implement 2 x 3 multiplier is
given as ...
a) 1,2,6
b) 1,1,6
c) 2,2,6
d) 2,1,6

Ans: - d

24) A bit Digital to Analog converter(DAC) gives an

output voltage of 5V for an input code of 1111.
What is the output voltage for an input code of
a) 1V
b) 2V
c) 3V
d) 4V
Ans: - d
25) The output Y of a 2-bit comparator is logic 1
whenever the 2- input A is greater than the 2-bit
input B. The number of combinations for which the
output is logic 1, is
a) 4
b) 6
c) 8
d) 10

Ans: -b

26) A program that converts computer data into

some code system other than the normal one is
known as
a) Encoder
b) Simulation
c) Emulator
d) Coding

Ans: - a

27) Which of the following is an example of non-

electronic multiplexer circuit?
a) Single pole multi position switch
b) Bi-pole multi position switch
c) Multi-pole position switch
d) All of the above
Ans: - a

28) Which of the following are the components of

Analogue type multiplexer?
a) Relays
b) Transistors
c) Logic gates
d) Both A and B

Ans: - d

29) Which of the following is the Digital Type

a) Frequency Division Multiplexing
b) Asynchronous TDM
c) Synchronous TDM
d) Both B and C

Ans: - d

30) What is the function of an enable input on a

multiplexer chip?
a) To apply Vcc
b) To connect ground
c) To active the entire chip
d) To active one half of the chip

Ans: - c

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