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Lecture in GEd 202 - Module 05

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Module 05: Teaching Science This science process skills also involve

observation; however, its purpose is to identify the

in the Elementary Grades similarities and differences of things, processes, or
events. Upon comparing, classifying also includes
Unit One: The Scientific Skills grouping according to similarities or differences.
For example, showing students pictures of animals
Carl Sagan once said that science is a way and asking them to classify mammals, birds,
of thinking much more than just a body of reptiles, and amphibians.
knowledge. This means that science exists not
only to acquire and memorize facts, but science is 3. Measuring
something that we engage with. In school,
students should not only learn science but as well This is a process of comparing things to a
as do science in their class. Science teachers are standard measurement. This involves the use of
challenge to hone the students’ content knowledge measuring tools, devices, or equipment. In
and develop their scientific skills through different measurement, there are three basic parts; these are
meaningful learning activities, task, and magnitude, unit, and uncertainty. Measuring is
experiences. These through different skills are critical to collecting, comparing, and interpreting
science process skills and manipulative skills. data. This process is as well crucial in quantitative
Science process skills are divided into two: basic observation and analysis during a laboratory
science process skills and the integrated science activity. For example, you ask the learners to
process skills. At the same time, the manipulative measure their height in centimeters using a tape
skills are the ones used in handling apparatus and measure.
equipment inside the laboratory. 4. Inferring
This is the process of deducing or
Basic Science Process Skills concluding information from evidence and
reasoning. In other meaning, it is a process of
1. Observing making educated guesses or hypotheses based on
gathered information or data. This is a connection
Is the most fundamental among the science of observation and what is currently known. For
process skills that involve using the learner’s five example, you ask the learners to infer why solid
senses to collect critical information about ices floats in liquid water.
something they observe. Being a keen observer
will lead learners to become profitable in other 5. Predicting
science skills. There are two types of observation,
qualitative and quantitative observation. This is the process of stating future
Qualitative is a type that does not involve occurrences based on experience, knowledge, or
observation. The color, taste, texture, and odor can evidence pattern. Observation is the fundamental
be classified as qualitative since you do not need key before one can predict to identify patters. For
to measure anything. On the other hand, the example, you ask the learners to predict rain based
quantitative type involves the employment of on the formation of clouds.
measurements. An example of a quantitative 6. Communicating
observation is that the learner found out using a
speedometer that his car runs 20 kph faster than The observations, measurements,
his friend’s car. For example, the teacher will ask classification, inference and prediction can be well
the students to describe the texture of an apple and described though oral or written communication is
its color. to share and report these results. For example, you
asked the learners to write a report about their
laboratory experiment results and state
2. Classifying
Integrated Science Process
In an activity or experiment, the data
collected through observations and measurements
1. Formulating Hypothesis are recorded and organized. Analysis of these data
The formulation of hypotheses is vital for is critical and an accurate interpretation of it is
us to foresee the outcome of an experiment. The very significant in an experiment.
formulation of the hypothesis is based on gathered
information and later on be tested through
experiment. For example, you asked your students 6. Constructing Models
to hypothesize that is the gummy candies are
Models are essential to learners in order
soaked in water, it will expand.
for them to visualize the idea, concept, or
processes. If the learners created a model of a
concepts, it would help them to integrate facts and
2. Controlling Variables visualize it as a whole concept though a mental or
This skill involves identifying the physical model. For example, there is no real
variables that may affect experimental outcomes picture of an atom until now, but there are
while manipulating only the independent variable. different models created to represent the atomic
A variable pertains to the measurable theory of such proponent or scientist. Thus there is
characteristic that changes in value. Hence, in an Dalton’s model, Thomson’s model, Rutherford’s
experiment, there are three types of variables, model. Bohrs’ model or Schrodinger’s model.
dependent, independent and controlled variable.
For example, you asked the learners to observe the
effect of light on plants, moreover, asked them to
control how much light the plant receives and
observe the effect of controlling the light on the
plants’ growth.

3. Defining Operationally
This skill is essential in giving a clear and
concise, detailed definition. An operational
definition the learners can find in the dictionary;
rather, this definition describes what object can do
or what can be done to the object. This skill is
vital in gathering data.

4. Conducting Experiments
Experimenting needs the employment of
basic science process skills and integrated science
process skills such as formulating hypotheses and
controlling the variables. Experimenting is
essential in order for the learners to prove or
disprove the hypothesis.

5. Interpreting Data
Unit Two: Approaches, Models and questions that they want to answer. And then
allow them to research the answer, present it to
Practices in Teaching Science in the
class and evaluate their answer and how did they
Elementary come with that answer. This is just like putting the
learners in charge of their learning.

1. Multidisciplinary Approach
This is also called as interdisciplinary, 5. Constructivism
which is an approach that integrated other This is a learning theory that explains how
disciplines to illustrate a topic in science. For individuals learn through constructing their own
example, the teacher can integrate history to give understanding and knowledge of the world by
context on the development of one theory or experiences and reflecting on those experiences.
invention. Another is the use of musical Students tend have prior knowledge that they have
instruments to study sound waves in physics. gained through experience or formal education,
these existing knowledge can be used by teachers
to reconcile or connect the new knowledge that
2. Contextual Approach the learners will have to gain. Problem-based
learning, inquiry-based learning, contextual
Contextual teaching and learning (CTL) is Approach and collaborative method are
a conception of teaching and learning that helps approaches and methods that uses constructivist
teachers relate subject matter content to the real theory in learning and teaching. These approaches
world situations; and motivate students to make and methods allow students to be generators of
connections between knowledge and its knowledge and not consumers of knowledge,
applications to their lives as family members, making them active learners inside the class and
citizens and workers and engage in the hard work teachers as facilitators of the class.
that learning requires. (Ohio State University,

6. Social Cognition Learning Model

3. Problem-based Learning Lev Vygotsky stressed the critical role that
social interaction plays in the development of
This is considered a student-centered cognition to individuals. Moreover, he also
approach that allows students to solve problems emphasized the role of culture in the development
using what they already know and what they need of higher mental functions. In this model, it can be
to know. This is a way of motivating students to said that individuals learn by observing others
learn new concepts or principles unlike the while interacting and experiencing,
traditional direct discussion of the lesson. There
are lots of science process skills that can be
developed by employing problem-based learning
to your classroom, such as communication skills, 7. Learning Style Theory
critical thinking and analysis, and collaborating This theory suggest that individual learners
with team members. are unique in terms of their learning styles and
modalities, thus they have their peculiar ways on
how they learn. In order to at least cater the
4. Inquiry-based Learning individual needs or the unique learning modalities
of the students, the teachers uses differentiated
This is a way of triggering students to ask instruction. The teachers may differentiate the
questions, instead of them just listening and be content, process, projects and learning
passive learners. Inquiry-based learning, just like environment depending on the varied learning
PBL, makes the students be more active learners styles of the learners. One of the common model
because the teacher allows the students to develop of this theory is VARK, which stands for the four
learning styles of the learners. These are the The model is a five-phase approach to teaching
visual, auditory, reading or writing preference, science concepts.
and kinesthetic.

1. Engagement
In this first phase, the teacher will have to
arouse the student’s interest and enliven their
curiosity about the new lesson. If the teaching
caught them students’ interest and let them be
curious, it will help them be focused and mindful
of what will be the next lesson. The teacher may
check the students’ prior knowledge by giving an
activity connected to their experiences or things
that they already know. Some students may be
curious and asked question, but in the end be
motivated to answer it by focusing on the lesson.

2. Exploration
The next phase is the exploration part,
wherein the teacher allows the students to do an
investigation, experiment or meaningful activities
that will strengthen engagement and boost their
curiosity. In this part, the teacher may begin to
give activities such as laboratory activity, inquiry-
based activity, or problem-based activity that
students can do collaboratively to investigate and
explore the concepts. Collaboration is encouraged
in this part to hone the student’s teamwork skills,
critical thinking skills, and communication skills.
What should the students observe during this
phase? The students should note patterns,
establish causal or correlative relationship,
identify differences, and evaluate their
investigation or experiment results.

3. Explanation
In this part, the students will discuss the
activity’s findings in the exploration stage. Here,
the students can also share the experience while
doing the exercise and cite their analysis. In this
phase, both oral and written communication skills
are developed through graphical or tabular
presentation and their explanation. Moreover,
Unit Three: The 5E Model in Teaching after the learner’s explanation, the teacher will
Science have to give inputs about their explanation and
give them a way to frame their experiences within
this formal explanation. In short, the teacher’s part Here are suggested innovative teaching
is to validate the student’s answer. methods in science that will make your students
be more active learners than just being consumers
of knowledge. These methods will also hone the
4. Elaboration basic and integrated science process skills that
will encourage the students not just to learn
This phase will allow the learners to science but also to do science in a more enjoyable
expand the concepts or ideas they have learned and fun way.
through various activities such as simulation, role-
playing, hands-on activities, and other games.
Here the concepts are put into context as applied 1. Story Telling
to the daily experiences of the students.
Contextualization of the concept learned is One of the best ways to catch the attention
emphasized in this part. Moreover, the teacher can most especially of the young learners, is by telling
also integrate other disciplines to have a broader stories. Stories can convey the description of facts
context on applying the concepts or ideas learned. and even can open up curiosity about the new
concept to be learned in science. Moreover,
listening to stories will entail imaginations from
5. Evaluation students; thus it will hone the critical, analytical,
and creative thinking skills of students. This is far
In this stage, both the teachers and the better than delivering the lesson with the
learners can measure the learned conceptual and traditional, direct lecturing to the, you can use
procedural understanding. A formative evaluation names that familiar to students as the characters or
can be done at any time of this model to check the even names of scientists that they know, so that it
students’ knowledge and give feedback promptly may arouse their interest to listen. For example,
regularly. The summative assessment is provided you want to teach your pupils how to prevent
at the end of the lesson and can be informal getting infected by the Coronavirus, you can
assessments such as quizzes, exams, or create a story of a boy doing all preventive
assignments. However, activities can also serve as measures, and at the end, you may ask your pupils
evaluation activities; these are performance if they can suggest other measure of prevention.
assessment, product development, journal entry,
and portfolio. It is good to note that using a rubric
to assess performance and products is essential. 2. Role Playing
Role-playing in teaching science will
enhance a deeper understanding of the concept to
students and as well as honing their
communication and collaborative skills. This
method allows the students to act out a certain
character. This method can be employed in
playing a scientist that uses the scientific method
to solve a problem. Another activity is you ask
students to act as weather forecaster that discusses
the elements of the weather or the different
weather condition. Role-playing will contextualize
the concepts that are taught and learned by the
students because it will deliver the concepts in the
context that they are used or applied by people
(usually portrayed in the role play) in their daily
Unit Four: Teaching Methods in lives.
Science 3. Visual Clues
This method involves the use of drawings, example, the term Biology came from the words
diagrams, and pictures to aid instructions of a “bios”, which means life, and “logia”, which
certain concept or theory. This will help the means a branch of study.
teachers to visually convey the facts and the
concepts to be learned by students and to
distinctly give examples or applications of these 7. Simulation
concepts. Visual clues aid retention, and according
to Dale’s cone of experience, that learner This refers to activities or instructional
generally remembers 30% of what they see. materials that involves imitation of a situation or a
process. There are also virtual simulations that
will allow students to visualize and interact with
concepts simulations that will allow students to
4. Science Text Cards
visualize and interact with concepts that are
This is a method that will develop the outside the realm of conventional laboratory.
science vocabulary of the pupils. This method Using simulations in class will allow for more
uses cards that have words written on it that has laboratory experiences. Moreover, in simulations,
something to do with science concepts and the students will be encouraged to involve themselves
students will have to put meaning to it. The in the activity and hone their scientific skills.
procedure in using this instructional material can Because simulation is interactive, retention of the
be done collaboratively by classifying, agreeing, concept is high. Furthermore, it can provide
or disagreeing or arranging it according to prompt feedback. There are a lot of mobile
patterns. This is a fun way of developing the applications and computer software or websites
critical thinking skills of students as well as their that feature simulation that is readily available and
communication skills. More than that this is a downloadable.
good strategy to encourage students put meaning
on words or concepts that are presented.
8. Science Fairs
During science fairs, students may expose
5. Advance Organizers
the output of their research or product
This method is often used as a starter in development. This activity can be a culmination of
presenting a new lesson. Moreover, one purpose the exit outcomes of students. During science
of this method is to organizer the prior knowledge fairs, students present their researches and
of students that is necessary to connect to the new products; thus it will develop their communication
knowledge to be taught or learned. In this way, skills. Creativity is also one skill that the students
connecting prior to new knowledge makes the are also master during a science fair because they
lesson more retentive. Examples of advance should present their outputs in a more creative and
organizers are text organizers, graphic organizers, persuasive way. Critical analysis can also be
and narrative organizers. This method is important honed during on the spot question and answer part
to emphasize the essential or key concepts. This is if there are viewers of their station in the fair.
as well critical in establishing relationship among
facts, ideas or concepts.
9. Learning Stations
This is a method that involves physical
6. Word Parts
locations in your classroom where groups of
This method is used to reinforcing the learners work as a team on varied task
structure of scientific terms to pupils. In other simultaneously to learn a concept and practice
words, this is all about the etymology of the skills related to the topic. Given a certain period of
words. This method can help student’s associate time, the groups will transfer to another station
common prefixes, suffixes, and base words and until all groups have hopped all the learning
relate the meaning to the scientific words. For stations. Teachers should consider the following
tips in order to have an effective execution of
learning stations; (1) each station should have a
problem for the students to solve; (2) activities
should be fairly straightforward; and (3) important
concepts should be explicitly stated by students.
The learning stations may provide benefits to both
the teacher and the students. To the teachers, they
can provide differentiated or varied activities that
decrease the amount of material and the time
required for the setup. For the students, this will
help them to become focused and be challenged
because of the time constrain on each task per

10. Mobile Technology

Mobile phones are common devices a
Filipino student has in this modern era. Thus, this
gadget can also be used as a tool for learning.
There is a myriad of mobile applications that
teachers can use to innovate their instructions.
Several studies supported that the use of mobile
applications in teaching helped enhance students’
achievement and learning. An example of mobile
application that can be used in teaching the
constellation is Star Chart that learners will have
an experience of a planetarium in their mobile

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