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Part Two Information Technology Infrastructure

Should Businesses Move to the Cloud?


C loud computing has just begun to take off in the

business world. The biggest player in the cloud
computing marketplace is one you might not
than ever, companies are turning to cloud computing
providers like these for their computing resources.
Zynga is a good example of a company using cloud
expect: Amazon. Under its computing to improve its business in a new way. Zynga is
Web Services division (AWS), Amazon has streamlined the developer of wildly popular Facebook applications like
cloud computing and made it an affordable and sensi-ble FarmVille, Mafia Wars, and many others. With over 290
option for companies ranging from tiny Internet-start-ups to million monthly active users, Zynga’s computing demands
established companies like FedEx. are already signifi-cant. When Zynga releases a new game,
AWS provides subscribing companies with flexible however, it has no way of knowing what amount of
computing power and data storage, as well as data computing resources to dedicate to the game. The game
management, messaging, payment, and other services that might be a mild success, or a smash hit that adds millions
can be used together or individually as the business of new users. The ability to design applications that can
requires. Anyone with an Internet connection and a little scale up in the number of users quickly is one of Zynga’s
bit of money can harness the same computing systems that competitive advantages.
Amazon itself uses to run its now $48 billion a year retail
business. To make the process of harnessing the cloud Because of the uncertainty surrounding resource usage
simpler, Amazon added an automated service called for new game launches, Zynga uses Amazon’s cloud
CloudFormation that helps customers get the right amount computing platform to launch new offerings.
of computing resources. Customers provide the amount of That way, it can pay only for the resources it ends up using,
server space, bandwidth, storage, and any other services and once game traffic stabilizes and reaches a steady
they require, and AWS can automatically allocate those number of users, Zynga moves the game onto its private
resources. zCloud, which is structurally similar to Amazon’s cloud,
but operates under Zynga’s control in data centers on the
Since its launch in March 2006, AWS has contin-ued to East and West coasts. Zynga’s own servers handle 80
grow in popularity, with $1 billion in business in 2011 and percent of its games. (Zynga recently started selling extra
hundreds of thousands of customers across the globe. In capacity on zCloud
fact, Amazon believes that AWS will someday become to other game-makers.) To streamline the process of
more valuable than its vaunted retail operation. Amazon’s moving application data from Amazon to the zCloud,
sales pitch is that you don’t pay a monthly or yearly fee to Zynga has automated many computing tasks, selected
use their com-puting resources—instead, you pay for hardware and chip configurations that are very similar to
exactly what you use. For many businesses, this is an Amazon’s, and makes significant use of virtualization.
appealing proposition because it allows Amazon to handle
all of the maintenance and upkeep of IT infrastructures, There are a few reasons why Zynga is well- suited to
leaving businesses to spend more time on higher-value use this combination of public and private clouds. The first
work. is its business model, which involves games that have a
tendency to be boom or bust. Rather than spending on
The difference between cloud computing today and the computing resources of its own before the launch of each
cloud computing of the past is the scale of today’s clouds game, it’s much more cost-effective to use Amazon’s
and the amount of digital data requiring storage. This cloud services until Zynga can more accurately predict the
number has increased exponentially in the past few years. computing power it needs. As a recent start-up, Zynga
Web companies used to build dozens of data centers, often lacks the accumulated legacy systems and infrastruc-ture
up to a half a billion dollars in cost per center. Leading typically found in older companies. The more systems a
cloud companies such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft company has, the tougher it is to integrate its applications
have built software that uses automated methods to spread and data with cloud systems.
data across the globe and control thousands of servers, and
they have refined data center designs with the goal of Although the consequences for server downtime are not
increasing efficiency. Now, more as catastrophic for Zynga as they would be for a financial
services firm, Zynga still needs
Chapter 5 IT Infrastructure and Emerging Technologies 235

99.9 percent uptime. On its own financial reports, Zynga IBM, Cisco, and other traditional data center giants
recognized that a significant majority of its game traffic realize that cloud computing is a threat to their technology
had been hosted by a single ven-dor and any failure or infrastructure business. As a solution to rising computing
significant interruption in its network could negatively costs, they have been steering their customers toward
impact operations. Amazon Web Services had an outage virtualization software, which allows them to run many
for several hours in April 2011 that made it impossible more applications on each individual server that they buy.
for users to log into some of Zynga’s games. There are also many companies that simply have too much
legacy technology to use the cloud effectively. For
However, owning data centers also comes with risks. If example, Credit Suisse has 7,000 software applications
the demand for Zynga’s games were to drop dramatically, running on its systems that have been developed over the
Zynga would have too much IT infrastructure on its hands past 20 years. Ensuring that all of these applications would
and losses could result. The most likely scenario has Zynga work the same way in the cloud would be more trouble
owning part of its data centers and relying on external than it’s worth.
services such as Amazon for the rest.
Many other companies share Zynga’s con-cern about
Not all companies use cloud computing in the same cloud reliability and security, and this remains a major
way that Zynga does, but many do. Outback Steakhouse barrier to widespread cloud adop-tion. Amazon’s cloud
wasn’t sure how popular an upcoming coupon experienced significant out-ages in April and August 2011
promotion would be, so the company used Microsoft’s and again on June 14 and 29, 2012. Normally, cloud
Azure cloud to launch the promotion. Outback ended up networks are very reliable, often more so than private
selling an unexpectedly large 670,000 coupons. Using networks operated by individual companies. But when a
the cloud, it was able to avoid taxing in-house systems cloud of significant size like Amazon’s goes down, it
unnecessarily. sends ripples across the entire Web.
InterContinental Hotels has revamped its
infrastructure to include both private and public cloud According to Amazon, a simple network configuration
usage. To improve response time for custom-ers, error caused a major multiday service outage in Amazon’s
InterContinental moved its core room reserva-tion East Coast region from April 21–24, 2011. Amazingly,
transaction system onto a private cloud within its own the error was most likely a simple error made by a human
data center, but it moved room availability and pricing being during a routine network adjustment. Sites affected
Web site applications onto public cloud data centers on included Reddit, Foursquare, Engine Yard, HootSuite,
the East and West coasts. In fact, InterContinental hopes Quora, Zynga, and many more. On June 14 and June 29,
to put all of its publicly accessible information in these 2012, AWS suffered outages due to power failures in its
public clouds so that customers receive faster results to primary East Coast data center in North Virginia. Many
site queries. Customers receive data faster if the data are popular Web sites, including Netflix, Heroku, Quora, and
located on a server that is physically close to them, and Pinterest, as well as Web sites of smaller companies, were
cloud computing helps InterContinental to take advantage knocked offline for hours.
of this.
The outages were proof that the vision of a cloud with
Start-up companies and smaller companies are finding 100 percent uptime is still far from reality. Experts have
that they no longer need to build a data center. With cloud conflicting opinions of how serious this is. A June 2012
infrastructures like Amazon’s readily available, they have report issued by the Paris-based International Working
access to technical capability that was formerly only Group on Cloud Computing Resiliency estimated that the
available to much larger businesses. For example, online major cloud comput-ing services were down about 10
crafts market-place Etsy uses Amazon computers to hours per year or more, with average availability at 99.9
analyze data from the 1 billion monthly views of its Web percent or less. Even this small amount of downtime can
site. Etsy can then use its findings to create product recom- lead to large revenue losses for firms that need 24/7
mendation systems that allow customers to rank which availability. Nevertheless, some large cloud users such as
products they like best and to generate a list of 100 Netflix believe that overall cloud service availability has
products they might enjoy. Etsy’s engineers and managers steadily improved. Neil Hunt, Netflix’s chief product
are excited about their ability to handle these types of officer, believes the cloud is becoming more reliable, and
issues on someone else’s computer systems. that AWS gives Netflix much larger scale and technical
expertise than it would have otherwise. A
Part Two Information Technology Infrastructure

number of experts recommend that companies for whom February 28, 2011; Ashlee Vance, “The Cloud: Battle of the Tech Titans.”
Bloomberg Businessweek (March 3, 2011); Peter Svensson; Steve Lohr,
an outage would be a major risk consider using another
“Amazon’s Trouble Raises Cloud Computing Doubts,” The New York
computing service as a backup. Times, April 22, 2011; Charles Babcock. “Post Mortem: When Amazon’s
Still, cloud computing has finally gone mainstream, Cloud Turned on Itself,” Information Week, April 29, 2011; Patrick
and the major cloud providers have the sales numbers to Thibodeau, “Amazon Cloud Outage Was Triggered by Configuration Error,
prove it. Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and other cloud “Computerworld, April 29, 2011; and Charles Babcock, “Zynga’s Unusual
Cloud Strategy is Key To Success,” Information Week, July 1, 2011.
providers will have to continue to work to avoid outages,
while other companies must decide whether the cloud is
right for them, and if so, how to most effectively use the CASE STUDY QUESTIONS
cloud to enhance their businesses. What business benefits do cloud computing services
provide? What problems do they solve?
Sources: Charles Babcock, “How Game-Maker Zynga Became a Cloud What are the disadvantages of cloud computing?
Vendor,” Information Week, May 14, 2012; Charles Babcock, “Cloud’s How do the concepts of capacity planning, scalability,
Thorniest Question: Does It Pay Off?” Information Week, June 4, 2012;
and TCO apply to this case? Apply these concepts both
Zack Whittaker, “Amazon Explains Latest Cloud Outage: Blame the
Power,” ZDNet, June 18, 2012; Stuart J. Johnston, “Cloud Outage of 13 to Amazon and to subscribers of its services.
Providers Reveals Downtime Costs,” searchcloud-computing.com, June 22,
2012; Charles Babcock, “4 Companies Getting Real Results from Cloud What kinds of businesses are most likely to benefit from
Computing,” Information Week, January 15, 2011; Charles Babcock, using cloud computing? Why?
“Amazon Launches CloudFormation to Simplify App Development,”
Information Week,

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