A Review of Concrete Structure in Terms of Deterioration and Strengthening With Analysis of Recent Technology
A Review of Concrete Structure in Terms of Deterioration and Strengthening With Analysis of Recent Technology
A Review of Concrete Structure in Terms of Deterioration and Strengthening With Analysis of Recent Technology
1, Dec 2016
Abstract—In this paper the components of concrete Recently, in order to reveal emerge technique,
structure, which are steel and concrete, and corrosion will extensive research projects have been conducted to focus
be discussed. Followed by a description of the old technique on fiber reinforced concrete polymer. Because of these
that was used to strength and repair reinforced concrete research projects which indicated that fiber reinforced
structures. Then this essay presents a state-of-the-art concrete polymer may has superior properties, at present,
technique that is fiber reinforced polymer and reviews of its
there are tremendous research carrying out in this area.
manufacturing methods. Next, the positive and negative
aspects of using fiber reinforced polymer sheets as increase The use of concrete as a construction material is
shear and flexure capacity will be analyzed. Finally, a brief widespread. In general, Portland cement alongside with
summary will be concluded. sand, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water are the
most common contents of concrete. In addition, concrete
sometimes needs some further materials, e.g. additives
Index Terms: concrete structure, strength, fiber reinforced and admixtures, in order to enhance particular
concrete polymer (FRP), repair. characteristics of concrete such as workability, durability
and time of hardening. Particularly in structural
aggressive environments, such as chemical factories [1].
I. INTRODUCTION In fact, there are many other materials used as
This compensation can be carried out by embedding as they are subjected to corrosion damages that cost 600
steel bars in concrete, which is known as ―reinforced million pounds sterling [12].
concrete‖ [5,6].
In terms of loads, reinforced concrete has an adequate
performance in carrying heavy loads, which are subjected II. FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER (FRP)
on concrete structure [1]. While concrete is responsible
for compression, tensile strength is compensated by steel A decade ago, the technology of retrofitting and
bars [1]. The tensile strength of steel is approximately strengthening structure using the bonding of steel plates
equal to 100-140 times the tensile strength of plain to reinforced concrete was a popular method [13].
concrete [2]. Furthermore, in order to increase the bond Nevertheless, due to their heavyweight, and difficulties to
and stem the slippage between steel and concrete, install on irregular surfaces of concrete structures,
projections are rolled on steel bars [7]. extensive research has been conducted to develop
alternative material [13]. Recently, Fiber reinforced
B. The deterioration of reinforced concrete buildings polymer systems (FRP) are demonstrated by many
Nevertheless, according to Mehta and Monteiro [2], researchers as a state- of-the-art technology. Today, one
corrosion is a considerable problem that frequently faces can hardly keep pace with research that is carried out in
civil engineers. Also, Broomfield [8] argues that fiber reinforced polymer [13]. FRP regimes have crucial
industrialized countries encounter the most serious potential for various structure field applications, it could
problem when corrosion of steel in the infrastructure is be used as one of structural concrete components by
appearance. The more reinforced concrete that is in direct adding to concrete during mixing in low volume dosages
contact with chloride ions, oxygen, seawater and water, between 0.5%-2.0% of volume of concrete (ACI
the more corrosion may occur [8]. As steel corrodes, the Committee 544, 2008, p.2), or as a repair and
resulting bar occupies an area far greater than that the strengthening material for reinforced concrete elements
original size. McCormac and Nelson [9] concluded that [5,10].
this expansion generate pressure towards concrete is more The first fiber reinforced polymer emerged in the
likely to cause significant crushing and cracking of 1930s, that was investigated at the Swiss Federal
concrete, and may result in the loss of bonding between Laboratory for materials testing and research [13,14].
plain concrete and bars. Concrete structure plays an Fiber reinforced polymers are formed by embedding
important role as a corrosion protection material for fibers in a resin matrix. While fiber provides strength and
embedded steel [9]. Therefore, in order to design stiffness, polymeric resins are used to protect and transfer
reinforced concrete members, the designers should take loading between fibers as well as are responsible for the
into account the possibility of the highly aggressive bonding adhesive between fiber reinforced polymers and
environments, which may cause corrosion, as guidelines concrete [3]. The common resin matrixes are Polyester,
and specifications provide a specific minimum concrete Epoxy, Vinyl Ester, Urethane [13].
cover requirement [2]. For instance, the American In terms of fiber reinforced polymer composites
Concrete Institute Building (ACI 318) [5] recommended classification, there are four commonly types based on
a minimum concrete cover of 2.5 cm for slabs and beams the kinds of fiber namely: glass fiber reinforced polymer
and 5 cm for foundations and walls. (GFRP); carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP); basalt
Cracking and corrosion, lead to loss of flexure and fiber reinforced polymer (BFRP) and aramid fiber
shear strength, compressive strength and durability of reinforced polymer (AFRP) [15]. CFRP composites have
concrete structure [2]. Consequently, this damage in superior properties compared to other fibers composites,
building structure is more likely to be retrofitted to meet that characterized as having high modules of elasticity
the specifications. It should be noted that many reinforced (350- 650 Gpa) and high strength (2500- 4000 Mpa) [16].
concrete structures nowadays in many regions are need to However, CFRP is considered as the most expensive type
be renovated or replaced [10]. Dong et al. [11] revealed of fibers and it is more brittle compared with GFRP [16].
that there are many reasons behind this deterioration. As It may be noted that glass fiber reinforced polymer is the
concrete structures approach the end of their life, loads most commonly used as an alternative material of steel
and corrosion Increase [11]. Moreover, construction reinforcement in civil engineering [16]. The important
errors or aggressive environment conditions can be the features of widely used are the low cost as well as high
fundamental reason for structure deterioration such as a chemical resistance and high tensile strength [16].
devastating earthquake in Nepal 2015. In order to produce fibers, there are six manufacturing
However, the deteriorated structure needs a huge methods for fiber reinforced polymer composites,
amount of money for rehabilitation. For good example, namely: hand lay-up, compression modeling, resin
the cost of the renovation of concrete parking structures transfer modeling, injection modeling, filament welding
has been estimated to be in the order of 4 – 6 billion and pultrusion. Pultrusion is more likely to be the most
dollar in the Canadian budget [12]. Additionally, the common method of FRP manufacturing. Regarding to
Highway Agency in the UK (1999) indicated that around Pultrusion process, there are a number of different stages
75% of the bridges and motorways are in need of repair to ensure that fibers are in the correct condition for using
as shown in figure 1. The first stage of the process begins
www.ijeit.misuratau.edu.ly ISSN 2410-4256 Paper ID: EN022
when the continuous strands draws from creels. Having research emphasized that the full depth of a U wrap is a
been drawn they are put through a risen tank so that it is much more effective way to increase shear capacity than
saturated with resin. After this process, the produce the partial depth of a U wrap. Unsurprisingly, the
passes through the heated die. Finally the end produce is experimental results revealed that fiber reinforced
pulled [16]. polymer anchors enhanced the stiffness and shear
capacity [10]. It should be noted that, while a lot of
research focused on shear strengthening, this study is one
of few studies which have used fiber reinforced polymer
anchors as the anchoring mechanism to secure externally
bonded FRP sheets [10].
Unlike many research such as Buggio, et al. and Attari
et al. [10,18], research are conducted on either shear or
flexure strength, Dong et al. [11], addressed reinforced
concrete beams using glass fiber reinforced polymer
Figure 1. Pultrusion Process. (GFRP) and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) as
external sheets to strengthening flexural and flexural–
shear. Dong et al. [11], have examined and applied the
In order to lengthen the structural lifespan and combination between flexure and shear strengthening
retrofitting, extensive research has been conducted to configuration. Additionally, they assumed some
provide an efficient strengthening approach. The criteria arrangements of sheets that bound onto a beam surface,
for engineers to embrace new material are that corrosion such as a U- wrap shape and a L shape [11]. They
resistance, weight, cost, the way of installing, carry loads, concluded the experimental results and emphasize that
resist flexure and shear force [10]. Many researchers using (GFRP) and (CFRP) sheets can significantly
believe that Fiber reinforced polymer externally bonded enhance the flexural and shear capacity of the beams
or sometimes called sheets has many advantages to strengthen. Clearly, and as expected, Dong et al. [11],
strength and repair concrete structure members, such as revealed that using the flexure-shear strengthening
beams, columns and slabs. configuration is much greater asset than the flexure
Fiber reinforced polymer sheets have become an strengthening in enhancing the durability.
accepted modern technique within civil engineering in In an attempt to find an adequate equations to calculate
terms of retrofitting and strengthening because of their the shear strength which depend on externally bonded
lightweight, excellent corrosion resistance, a high tensile fiber reinforced polymer Monti et al. [19], proposed some
strength to weight, ease to remove and install and equations. Theses equations are used to compute the
consider as a good non magnetization [17]. This means shear capacity of a U wrap and complete wrapping [19].
that it have a potential to use in special structures for Twenty four beams with same properties were used. The
instance hospitals that use magnetic resonance devices. cross section of beams where 250 mm x 450 mm for
Moreover, Fiber reinforced polymer sheets have potential width and depth respectively, and 2.80 mm as span for
to withstand against flexure and shear forces [17]. beams. The main reinforcement was 4 Ø 20mm bottom
In recent years, many studies have been conducted to and 2 Ø 20mm top. The thickness of externally bonded
focus on fiber reinforced concrete that uses to increase carbon fiber reinforced polymer sheet was 30mm.it
shear and flexure capacity. An experimental investigation should be mentioned that the questions developed
was carried out by Attari et al. [18], to study the flexure demonstrated good correlation with other experimental
strength of concrete beams using various fiber reinforced works that available in the literature [19]
polymer sheets. In particular, glass and carbon fiber However, as a matter of fact, fiber reinforced polymer
reinforced polymer are considered with different system is still impeded to be as a prime material for shear
configurations. Seven beams were conducted as and flexural strengthening [17]. Because of insufficient
specimens for Attari et als. [18], experimental work. experimental data, the researchers still carry out
Additionally, the experimental results revealed that experimental works to explore satisfactory and reliable
applying glass fiber reinforced polymer is much more guidelines for the reinforced concrete structure design in
effective than carbon fiber reinforced polymer in terms of terms of the flexure and shear strengthening using fiber
increasing flexural strength [18]. reinforced polymer systems [17]. Dong et al. [11],
In addition, Buggio, et al. [10], investigate the supported Belarbi et als. [17], research by claiming that
effectiveness of using various configurations and types of the acceptance and using of an stat-of-the-art technique as
commercially manufactured fiber reinforced polymer a develop material rely on the availability of
sheets to strengthen shear critical reinforced concrete comprehensive design codes and guidelines with clears
beams. Externally bonded fiber reinforced polymer sheets specifications.
namely carbon, glass fiber reinforced polymer and type of In addition, Belarbi et al. [17], indicated that the
fiber reinforced polymer anchors were used to increase limited use of fiber reinforced polymer sheets for repair
the capacity of shear strength. Buggio, et al. [10], and strengthening as a direct consequence of its high
highlighted that applying external fiber reinforced initial cost. On the other hand, Hollaway and Leeming
concrete increased the shear strengthening. However, this [20]concluded that while the initial cost of externally
www.ijeit.misuratau.edu.ly ISSN 2410-4256 Paper ID: EN022
Khalifa S.Gallouze and Ahmed E. Dihoum / A Review of Concrete Structure in Terms of Deterioration and Strengthening 4
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concrete," United States: John Wiley & Sons.
including labour and maintenance compared with other
[10] D. Baggio, K. Soudki, and M. Noël, "Strengthening of shear
approaches is cheaper. critical RC beams with various FRP systems," Construction and
Building Materials, 6(6), pp. 634–644, 2014.
[11] J. Dong, Q. Wang, and Z. Guan, "Structural behaviour of RC
beams with external flexural and flexural–shear strengthening by
III. CONCLUSION FRP sheets," Composites Part B: Engineering, 44(1), pp. 604–612,
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the function of providing the embedded steel to concrete [14] U. Meier, M. Deuring, H. Meier,and G. Schwegler, "CFRP
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the water action, were addressed. On the other hand, ed, 2004.
corrosion, which may be a crucial problem that faces [17] A. Belarbi, and B. Acun, "FRP Systems in Shear Strengthening of
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structures, was demonstrated. [19] G. Monti, and M. Liotta, "Tests and design equations for FRP-
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could concluded that fiber reinforced polymer system is [20] L. C. HOLLAWAY and M. B. LEEMING, "Review of materials
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process was involved. This paper has tried to provide Concrete Structures, 6(2), pp. 11–45,1999.
some an emerge summary of recent research projects on
fiber reinforced polymer strengthening of concrete BIOGRAPHIES
structures, focused on flexure and shear strengthening. Khalifa Salem Gallouz was born in Susa /Libya, on September 21,
However, this review has some limitations. While there 1984. He received Bsc degree in Civil Engineering from University of
are numerous research projects undertook on fiber Misurata, in 2006. He got Msc degree in Civil Engineering from UKM
/Malaysia in 2010, where he is currently lecturer in Department of Civil
reinforced polymer regime, due the words limitation, a Engineering at Misurata University/Libya.
few studies were concluded. Last but not least, In future,
potential studies should continue to focus on fiber Ahmed Emhed Dihoum was born in Misurata /Libya, on
reinforced concrete to develop it and provide clear October 02, 1985. He received Bsc degree in Civil Engineering
from University of Misurata, in 2008. He got Msc degree in
guidelines. Civil Engineering from University of Misurata in 2015, where
he is currently lecturer in Department of Civil Engineering at
Misurata University/Libya.