Zaro 2014-Terraces To Trees
Zaro 2014-Terraces To Trees
Zaro 2014-Terraces To Trees
also helps to spawn growth among inland stands of lomas and improve
pastureland for domestic and wild herbivores (Oficina de Información
Agraria 2000). Aquifer recharge in the study area has not been intensively
investigated, but it may relate to fluctuations in highland runoff (Clement
and Moseley 1991), variation in the strength and frequency of El Niño
events (Magilligan et al. 2008), or a combination of the two.
Analyses of ice (Thompson et al. 1994) and lake sediment (Abbott et
al. 1997) cores from the high Andes suggest considerable variation in
highland precipitation over the past 1,500 years, including drier than
average conditions from the tenth through fifteenth centuries, followed
by relatively wetter conditions from the late fifteenth through the sev-
enteenth centuries. Along the coast, the geomorphic record provides
evidence for at least two potentially catastrophic El Niño events in the
fourteenth and seventeenth centuries, respectively (Moseley and Keefer
2008), but historic accounts also suggest recurrences of El Niño over the
past four centuries (Quinn and Neal 1992). Unfortunately, the spatial
extent of coastal rainfall varies considerably, and the local impact, if any,
of specific events is difficult to gauge.
Although there is evidence for farming in the area early in the first mil-
lennium A.D., (Owen 2009), the ephemeral nature of the archaeological
record immediately following this early period suggests that population
levels subsequently declined and remained relatively low or absent for
several centuries (Owen 1993). Beginning around A.D. 900 or slightly
earlier, the region began to support a number of farming and fishing
villages that formed part of the Chiribaya señorío, a culture group of
moderate socioeconomic and political complexity (Lozada and Buikstra
2002; Umire Alvarez and Miranda 2001). Chiribaya farmers constructed
major canals and terraces within the Ilo river valley, whereas villages
closer to the river’s mouth focused predominantly on fishing. Chiribaya
material expression persisted for about 5 centuries, and based on the total
size of habitation areas, the lower river valley appears to have experienced
population growth, possibly substantial, from early to late Chiribaya
periods (Owen 1993, 526).
Along the intervalley coast, the most pronounced archaeological
component dates to the late Chiribaya phase (A.D. 1200–1400) and
consists of habitation, mortuary, and agricultural sectors organized
around localized springs (Zaro et al. 2010). Individual complexes were
noticeably smaller than those of the Ilo valley, but combined, they formed
a significant component of the overall Chiribaya cultural landscape. In-
tervalley villages pursued an explicitly diverse set of economic activities
that included agriculture, fishing, and herding; but the relative strength
of these may have varied from one location to another. The convergence
of a massive late fourteenth century El Niño with prolonged drought
may have catalyzed the disappearance of Chiribaya cultural expression
(Satterlee et al. 2000), but farming in intervalley contexts seems to have
236 ▪ Gr egory Za ro
Figure 11.1 Map of the study region showing locations of Chiribaya agricultural spring complexes.
closely spaced the terrace walls. In some cases, layers of small cobbles
had been placed at the base of terrace fill, possibly to facilitate drainage.
Many constructions also contain some element of grid terracing, though
one site in particular includes an entirely gridded field of roughly 35 x
60 meters. Its general purpose may have been simply to accommodate
underlying geomorphology: As the terrain undulated, grid terraces were
able to maintain relatively small, quadrangular planting surfaces.
In most locations, terrace fill is generally darker than apparently uncul-
tivated lands, and moderate amounts of carbon, marine shell, and other
cultural refuse were also commonly observed. Though not a ubiquitous
practice, indigenous Andean farmers traditionally integrated domestic
refuse into field systems or practiced a form of mixed farming, in which
herd management (camelids and, later, livestock) and manuring were
important components of cultivation practices. Both strategies introduce
high amounts of organic waste into cultivated terrain, contributing to the
general health of soil maintenance (Sandor and Eash 1995).
Under conditions of optimal lighting and good preservation, ancient
furrows are also visible. In most cases, specific patterns cannot be distin-
guished, but several examples on abandoned terraces and pampa surfaces
around Cola de Zorro may reflect box furrows morphologically similar
to waffle gardens (Doolittle and Neely 2004), or sinuous caracoles that
are common elsewhere in the Andes (Denevan 2001). Pollen and mac-
robotanical remains from Wawakiki and Cola de Zorro suggest that
maize, beans, and squash/pumpkin were probably common crops among
Chiribaya field systems (Zaro 2007; Zaro et al. 2013).
Irrigation complexes along the intervalley coast are much smaller and
more localized than those of principal river valleys of coastal Peru. The
longest irrigation system among intervalley complexes stretched only
about 2 kilometers, and most operated on an even smaller scale of a few
hundred meters. All terraced fields were irrigated by spring water, either
directly through canals, or by first storing water in impoundment tanks
and subsequently redirecting it to cultivated surfaces. The few surviving
farmsteads today rely solely on impoundment tanks because low spring
discharge precludes its transport for any great distance. Chiribaya farm-
ers also occasionally drew from multiple spring sources to irrigate single
units of land, a strategy that would have been more resilient in the face
of dynamic spring flow (Zaro and Umire Alvarez 2005).
Abandonment, Fifteenth to Sixteenth Centuries
The paucity of Late Horizon artifacts coupled with available radiocarbon
dates are broadly suggestive of widespread abandonment of the interval-
ley coastal region sometime in the middle of the fifteenth century and
From Terraces to Trees ▪ 239
Figure 11.4 Historic era corral constructed around prehispanic agricultural terraces. Stones used in
corral construction were apparently stripped from terrace walls.
242 ▪ Gr egory Za ro
Figure 11.5 Plan of late nineteenth or early twentieth century caracoles at Wawakiki.
244 ▪ Gr egory Za ro
terraced fields, though with a much-reduced supply of labor and more ex-
pedient mentality toward land use. Farming was often diminished in scale
and apparently with little labor applied to existing terrace infrastructure.
The absence of even moderate organic contents in historic fields also sug-
gests that Spanish colonists did not engage in similar fertilizing strategies
as indigenous Andean farmers, which might be explained by the general
difference in settlement between indigenous Andean communities and
Spanish colonizers. Indigenous Andeans were generally more dispersed
about the landscape and engaged in rural lifeways. In contrast, Spanish
colonial populations were much more urban focused and tended to reside
in nucleated centers (Keith 1976). The Chiribaya domestic, fishing, and
herding components that accompanied many intervalley agricultural
complexes meant that there would have been a ready supply of organic
waste and other refuse for field systems. This has not been the case since
before late sixteenth century recolonization of the region, where resident
populations along the intervalley coast have remained sparse, with the
majority centered in principal river valleys. Thus, a change in population
and settlement distribution may partially explain the lack of significant
organic inputs and labor applications to post-1600 fields.
Temporal studies of landscape change at Wawakiki (Zaro 2005) and
Carrizal (Clement and Moseley 1991) suggest that since the seventeenth
century, the extent of land use at these springs has declined incremen-
tally into the twentieth century, and possibly an indication that spring
discharge has been slowing. Furthermore, a comparison of sixteenth
century ethnohistoric records and historic era descriptions with the cur-
rent situation among the inland hills suggest that the lomas also may
have incrementally declined into the present day. Farther north along the
Andean coast, Canziani (1998) argued that deforestation and overgrazing
(European-introduced herbivores) of the Lomas de Atiquipa since the
Spanish colonial period were primary factors in the desertification of that
landscape. It is unclear what role European-introduced herbivores have
played in lomas desiccation along the Tambo-Ilo coast, but historic era
corrals are found at many locations among current and former agricul-
tural complexes and among the inland hills.
Immovable vs. Mobile Capital and the Intervalley Coast
In general, the infrequency of coastal precipitation coupled with the
dynamic nature of low discharge springs has necessarily made farming
along the intervalley coast a particularly risky endeavor. The spatially
fixed nature of landesque capital means that agroecological systems
are either resilient to such risks in their current location or subject to
abandonment. Chiribaya farmers mitigated risks in several ways: They
utilized multiple spring sources to irrigate single units of land, captured
low-discharge spring water in impoundment tanks for its subsequent
distribution, and created an assorted agricultural landscape in various
246 ▪ Gr egory Za ro
This work has been supported, in part, by the National Science Foun-
dation (BCS #0222040), the Heinz Foundation for Latin American
Archaeology, the University of New Mexico, and the University of
Maine. Permits to conduct archaeological research along the Tambo-Ilo
coast were granted by the National Institute of Culture in Lima, Peru. I
wish to thank the editors of this volume, Thomas Håkansson and Mats
Widgren, for their invitation to participate in such a stimulating project,
and for their thoughtful comments and editorial work. I also thank Bill
Doolittle for his observations on an earlier draft of this paper. Although
editorial and reviewer comments have helped to strengthen this paper,
any interpretive errors or oversights are strictly my own.
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