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Yellow Wax

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Printed on: Wed Aug 04 2021, 06:29:38 PM Official Status: Currently Official on 04-Aug-2021 DocId: 1_GUID-5E0BC5A6-D063-4B3B-88F2-9F57DE56B3D6_1_en-US

Printed by: Le Tran Official Date: Official Prior to 2013 Document Type: NF @2021 USPC

Acceptance criteria 1: The wax separates, leaving the liquid

Yellow Wax clear, turbid, or translucent, but not opaque.
DEFINITION Analysis 2: Filter the cool mixture obtained in Analysis 1, and
Yellow Wax is the purified wax from the honeycomb of the acidify the clear filtrate with hydrochloric acid.
bee [Apis mellifera L. (Fam. Apidae)]. The crude beeswax used Acceptance criteria 2: The liquid remains clear or shows
to prepare Yellow Wax conforms to the Saponification NMT a slight amount of turbidity or precipitate.
Cloud Test. • FATS AND FIXED OILS, Acid Value (Free Fatty Acids) á401ñ
Sample: 3 g
SPECIFIC TESTS Analysis: Warm the Sample in a 200-mL flask with 25 mL of
• SAPONIFICATION CLOUD TEST neutralized dehydrated alcohol until melted, then shake the
Sample: 3.00 g mixture. Add 1 mL of phenolphthalein TS, and titrate the
Alcoholic potassium hydroxide: Dissolve 40 g of potassium warm liquid with 0.5 N alcoholic potassium hydroxide VS
hydroxide in about 900 mL of aldehyde-free alcohol to produce a permanent, faint pink color. Calculate the
maintained at a temperature not exceeding 15°, and then Acid Value as directed in the chapter.
when solution is complete, warm to room temperature, Acceptance criteria: 17–24
and add aldehyde-free alcohol to make 1000 mL. • FATS AND FIXED OILS, Ester Value á401ñ
Analysis: Place the Sample in a 100-mL round-bottom Sample solution: The solution resulting from the
boiling flask fitted with a ground-glass joint. Add 30 mL of determination of Acid Value
Alcoholic potassium hydroxide. Reflux the mixture gently for Analysis: To the Sample solution add 25.0 mL of 0.5 N
2 h. At the end of this period, open the flask, insert a alcoholic potassium hydroxide VS and 50 mL of
thermometer into the solution, and place the flask in a aldehyde-free alcohol, and reflux the mixture for 4 h. Titrate
container of water at a temperature of 80°. Rotate the flask the excess alkali with 0.5 N hydrochloric acid VS. Perform a
blank determination (see Titrimetry á541ñ, Residual

in the bath while both the bath and the solution cool.
Acceptance criteria: The solution shows no cloudiness or Titrations). Calculate the Ester Value as directed in the
globule formation before the temperature reaches 65°. chapter.
• MELTING RANGE OR TEMPERATURE, Class II á741ñ: 62°–65° Acceptance criteria: 72–79
Sample: 1 g
Analysis 1: Boil the Sample for 30 min with 35 mL of 3.5 N • PACKAGING AND STORAGE: Preserve in well-closed
sodium hydroxide contained in a 100-mL beaker, containers.
maintaining the volume of solution by the occasional
addition of water, and allow the mixture to cool at room
temperature for about 2 h.

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