Bio List Rik
Bio List Rik
Bio List Rik
Traditionally, the concentrations were that its molecule provides. One molecule
expressed in mg/100 ml. It is still used, of NaCl provides two osmotically active
but molecular weight of different entities Na+ and Cl-. Thus, 180 g/L of
substances are different. Therefore, glucose (an unionized compound) is
although concentrations of substance A equal to 1 mole/L and also 1 osmols/L.
and B in blood may be M mg/100 ml But 58.5 g/L of NaCl is equal to 1 mole/
each, the number of molecules of each L, but is= 2 osmoles/L.If instead of
in 100 ml of blood will be different. volume of the solvent, concentration is
Since, substances interact in terms of expressed in terms of mass of
molecules expressing the concentration the solvent, the concentration is called
in terms of mass/volume (e.g. mg /100 molal or osmolal concentration.
ml) is no longer considered to be best
mode of expression. Currently popular Thus, molality of a solution is its
modes of expressing concentrations are: concentration in moles/kg and
1. Moles/L osmolality is concentration in osmols/kg.
2. Equivalents/L Since volume is affected by temperature
3. Osmols/L. but the mass is not, molality and
For small concentrations suitable units osmolality are independent of
are: temperature.
i. millimoles/L
ii. milliequivalents/L Membrane Potential at Rest
iii. milliosmols/L
Abbreviations Most living cells show some difference in
m Mol/L electrical potential across the cell
mEq/L membrane. This difference is called
mOsm/L. membrane potential. Excitable cells, i.e.
1. One mole of substance is = to its muscle and nerve cells - show: (a)
molecular weight in grams, e.g. 1 mole membrane potential while at rest, but
of NaCl = 58.5 g of NaCl. also show (b) a dramatic change in the
2. Equivalent weight of a substance is in potential during activity.
relation to its participation in chemical
reactions, e.g. 1 molecule of HCl will
completely neutralize one molecule of GENESIS OF RESTING MEMBRANE
NaOH but a molecule of H 2SO4 is POTENTIAL (RMP)
enough to neutralize 1 molecule of RMPmay be measured by means of
NaOH. Equivalent weight of HCl will be fine intracellular glass electrode filled
equal to its molecular weight but that of with solution of KCl, with a tip diameter
H2SO4 will be half its molecular weight. less than 1 micron, which can penetrate
In case of acids and alkalis, when the the excitable tissue without causing too
concentration is 1 gram equivalent much injury (Fig. 6.1). As compared to
weight/ 1L it is called a 'Normal' or 1 N the ECF the interior of the cell is
solution. electrically negative.
3. Osmolarity of a substance is in
relation to the osmotically active entities
155 m Eq/L in ICF.
4 m Eq/L in ECF.
Difference in potassium concentration
between the intracellular and
extracellular fluid is due to presence of
impermeable negatively charged protein
ions inside the cell.
Chloride in a mammalian muscle cell,
chloride Fig. 6.1: Measurement of RMP ion
concentration is:
4 m Eq/L in ICF, and
120 m Eq/L in ECF.
Chloride is the only major anion to which
the cell membrane is freely permeable.
Its concentration adjusts itself passively
to the potassium equilibrium potential.
RMP is mainly the result of following Sodium in a mammalian muscle cell, the
factors: sodium ion concentration is:
1. Difference between intracellular and 12 m Eq/L in ICF, and
extracellular potassium concentration. 145 m Eq/L in ECF.
2. Impermeability to protein ions. The concentration gradient as well as
3. Poor permeability of the membrane to electrical gradient favor the diffusion of
sodium ions. sodium ion in the cell. This extremely
4. Sodium pump. strong tendency is neutralized by the
sodium pump, which is present in the
Let Us Explain cell membrane. Na pump is a carrier
In living cells the major intracellular mediated active transport mechanism
negative ions are protein ions at located in the cell membrane.
physiological pH. These protein ions Carrier for the pump is Na K ATPase
cannot diffuse out of the cell, because which means that the carrier protein
the membrane is not permeable to binds with both sodium and potassium
them. Inside the cell the positively ions and also acts as an enzyme for
charged potassium ions will try to hydrolysis of ATP. Hydrolysis of ATP
diffuse outward due to concentration generates energy which drives the
gradient, through the leak channels in pump. The mechanism pumps 3 sodium
the cell membrane. But the negatively ions out of the cell in exchange for 2
charged protein ions cause them to potassium ions which are pumped into
diffuse inwards. A point will be reached the cell. Since the number of positive
when outward movement of potassium ions pumped out exceeds, those
ions will be exactly balanced by their pumped in, the pump generates an
inward movement. From this point electrical potential across the cell
onward there will be no net diffusion of membrane. That is why the pump is also
the potassium ions. The potential referred to as electrogenic sodium
difference at this point will be called pump. This pump neutralizes the
equilibrium potential. At equilibrium passive leakage of sodium ions into the
potential potassium ion concentration in cell through pores in the membrane,
a mammalian muscle cell is: referred to as leak channels, which
occurs due to electrical as well as
concentration gradient. As it is cell
membrane is poorly permeable to
sodium ions.
At RMP the Na influx through leak
channels is exactly equal to sodium
efflux due to sodium pump.