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Abc of Abt: A Primer On Availability Tariff

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Operation of regional grids in India, as you would be aware, has

undergone a sea-change since 2002, primarily due to introduction of Availability
Tariff, which started on 1st July, 2002 fro Western Region. On the third
anniversary of this momentous development, Power Grid Corporation of India is
happy to distribute a 36-page primer on Availability Tariff, written by Bhanu
Bhushan, presently a Member of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission.

Implementation of Availability Tariff for Central generating stations in India

was recommended by M/s ECC of USA in 1994, under a study sponsored by the
World Bank and ADB. The unique feature of this tariff, to tackle the peculiar
problems of grid operation in India, is the frequency-linked pricing of the
Unscheduled Interchange (UI) based on a novel concept proposed in 1984 and
developed over the years by Bhanu Bhushan. He also specified the special
energy meters (a pre-requisite for implementation of this mechanism) in 1991,
and guided their indigenous development. I can vouch for the fact that we have
this wonderful mechanism on ground because of his foresight, perseverance and
untiring efforts. Shri Bhushan is, therefore, eminently qualified to explain the
underlying principles of Availability Tariff.

It has been my privilege to have had Bhanu Bhushan as a colleague in

NTPC and PGCIL for 27 years, and to have seen him, as Director (Operation),
PGCIL, guide the RLDCs in successful implementation of Availability Tariff
region-by-region. This primer is yet another contribution for which Indian Power
sector shall remain grateful to him for a long time. I recommend wide circulation
of the primer at your end, for perusal by all concerned.

( R.P.Singh )
Power Grid Corporation of India
May be freely copied, printed and distributed,
provided the matter is not altered.


A. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- What is Availability Tariff
- How do the beneficiaries share the payments
- How does the mechanism work
- Why was Availability Tariff necessary
- How does it benefit everyone

B. The Daily Scheduling Process . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

C. Deviations from Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

D. A Simple Trading Opportunity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

E. U.I. Rate vs. System Marginal Cost . . . . . . . . 16

F. Trading of States’ Surplus Generation . . . . . . . 20

G. Expectations from Central Stations . . . . . . . . . 22

H. Guidance for State Load Dispatch Centres . . . 27

I. Optimum Utilization of Intra - State Resources 31

J. Open Access, Wheeling and Energy Banking . 34

What is Availability Tariff
The term Availability Tariff, particularly in the Indian context, stands for a
rational tariff structure for power supply from generating stations, on a
contracted basis. The power plants have fixed and variable costs. The fixed
cost elements are interest on loan, return on equity, depreciation, O&M
expenses, insurance, taxes and interest on working capital. The variable cost
comprises of the fuel cost, i.e., coal and oil in case of thermal plants and
nuclear fuel in case of nuclear plants. In the Availability Tariff mechanism, the
fixed and variable cost components are treated separately. The payment of
fixed cost to the generating company is linked to availability of the plant, that
is, its capability to deliver MWs on a day-by-day basis. The total amount
payable to the generating company over a year towards the fixed cost
depends on the average availability (MW delivering capability) of the plant
over the year. In case the average actually achieved over the year is higher
than the specified norm for plant availability, the generating company gets a
higher payment. In case the average availability achieved is lower, the
payment is also lower. Hence the name ‘Availability Tariff’. This is the first
component of Availability Tariff, and is termed ‘capacity charge’.

The second component of Availability Tariff is the ‘energy charge’, which

comprises of the variable cost (i.e., fuel cost) of the power plant for generating
energy as per the given schedule for the day. It may specifically be noted that
energy charge (at the specified plant-specific rate) is not based on actual
generation and plant output, but on scheduled generation. In case there are
deviations from the schedule (e.g., if a power plant delivers 600 MW while it
was scheduled to supply only 500 MW), the energy charge payment would
still be for the scheduled generation (500 MW), and the excess generation
(100 MW) would get paid for at a rate dependent on the system conditions
prevailing at the time. If the grid has surplus power at the time and frequency
is above 50.0 cycles, the rate would be lower. If the excess generation takes

place at the time of generation shortage in the system (in which condition the
frequency would be below 50.0 cycles), the payment for extra generation
would be at a higher rate.

To recapitulate, the Indian version of Availability Tariff comprises of three

components: (a) capacity charge, towards reimbursement of the fixed cost of
the plant, linked to the plant's declared capacity to supply MWs, (b) energy
charge, to reimburse the fuel cost for scheduled generation, and (c) a
payment for deviations from schedule, at a rate dependent on system
conditions. The last component would be negative (indicating a payment by
the generator for the deviation) in case the power plant is delivering less
power than scheduled.

How do the beneficiaries share the payments

The Central generating stations in different regions of the country have
various States of the Region as their specified beneficiaries or bulk
consumers. The latter have shares in these plants calculated according to
Gadgil formula, and duly notified by the Ministry of Power. The beneficiaries
have to pay the capacity charge for these plants in proportion to their share in
the respective plants. This payment is dependent on the declared output
capability of the plant for the day and the beneficiary's percentage share in
that plant, and not on power / energy intended to be drawn or actually drawn
by the beneficiary from the Central station.

The energy charge to be paid by a beneficiary to a Central station for a

particular day would be the fuel cost for the energy scheduled to be supplied
from the power plant to the beneficiary during the day. In addition, if a
beneficiary draws more power from the regional grid than what is totally
scheduled to be supplied to him from the various Central generating stations
at a particular time, he has to pay for the excess drawal at a rate dependent
on the system conditions, the rate being lower if the frequency is high, and
being higher if the frequency is low.

How does the mechanism work
The process starts with the Central generating stations in the region declaring
their expected output capability for the next day to the Regional Load
Dispatch Centre (RLDC). The RLDC breaks up and tabulates these output
capability declarations as per the beneficiaries' plant-wise shares and conveys
their entitlements to State Load Dispatch Centres (SLDCs). The latter then
carry out an exercise to see how best they can meet the load of their
consumers over the day, from their own generating stations, along with their
entitlement in the Central stations. They also take into account the irrigation
release requirements and load curtailment etc. that they propose in their
respective areas. The SLDCs then convey to the RLDC their schedule of
power drawal from the Central stations (limited to their entitlement for the
day). The RLDC aggregates these requisitions and determines the dispatch
schedules for the Central generating stations and the drawal schedules for the
beneficiaries duly incorporating any bilateral agreements and adjusting for
transmission losses. These schedules are then issued by the RLDC to all
concerned and become the operational as well as commercial datum.
However, in case of contingencies, Central stations can prospectively revise
the output capability declaration, beneficiaries can prospectively revise
requisitions, and the schedules are correspondingly revised by RLDC.

While the schedules so finalized become the operational datum, and the
regional constituents are expected to regulate their generation and consumer
load in a way that the actual generation and drawls generally follow these
schedules, deviations are allowed as long as they do not endanger the
system security. The schedules are also used for determination of the
amounts payable as energy charges, as described earlier. Deviations from
schedules are determined in 15-minute time blocks through special metering,
and these deviations are priced depending on frequency. As long as the
actual generation/drawal is equal to the given schedule, payment on account
of the third component of Availability Tariff is zero. In case of under-drawal, a
beneficiary is paid back to that extent according to the frequency dependent
rate specified for deviations from schedule.

Why was Availability Tariff necessary
Prior to the introduction of Availability Tariff, the regional grids had been
operating in a very undisciplined and haphazard manner. There were large
deviations in frequency from the rated frequency of 50.0 cycles per second
(Hz). Low frequency situations result when the total generation available in
the grid is less than the total consumer load. These can be curtailed by
enhancing generation and/or curtailing consumer load. High frequency is a
result of insufficient backing down of generation when the total consumer load
has fallen during off-peak hours. The earlier tariff mechanisms did not provide
any incentive for either backing down generation during off-peak hours or for
reducing consumer load / enhancing generation during peak-load hours. In
fact, it was profitable to go on generating at a high level even when the
consumer demand had come down. In other words, the earlier tariff
mechanisms encouraged grid indiscipline.

The Availability Tariff directly addresses these issues. Firstly, by giving

incentives for enhancing output capability of power plants, it enables more
consumer load to be met during peak load hours. Secondly, backing down
during off-peak hours no longer results in financial loss to generating stations,
and the earlier incentive for not backing down is neutralized. Thirdly, the
shares of beneficiaries in the Central generating stations acquire a meaning,
which was previously missing. The beneficiaries now have well-defined
entitlements, and are able to draw power up to the specified limits at normal
rates of the respective power plants. In case of over-drawal, they have to pay
at a higher rate during peak load hours, which discourages them from over-
drawing further. This payment then goes to beneficiaries who received less
energy than was scheduled, and acts as an incentive/compensation for them.

How does it benefit everyone

The mechanism has dramatically streamlined the operation of regional grids
in India. Firstly, through the system and procedure in place, constituents’
schedules get determined as per their shares in Central stations, and they

clearly know the implications of deviating from these schedules. Any
constituent which helps others by under-drawal from the regional grid in a
deficit situation, gets compensated at a good price for the quantum of energy
under-drawn. Secondly, the grid parameters, i.e., frequency and voltage, have
improved, and equipment damage correspondingly reduced. During peak load
hours, the frequency can be improved only by reducing drawls, and necessary
incentives are provided in the mechanism for the same. High frequency
situation on the other hand, is being checked by encouraging reduction in
generation during off-peak hours. Thirdly, because of clear separation
between fixed and variable charges, generation according to merit-order is
encouraged and pithead stations do not have to back down normally. The
overall generation cost accordingly comes down. Fourthly, a mechanism is
established for harnessing captive and co-generation and for bilateral trading
between the constituents. Lastly, Availability Tariff, by rewarding plant
availability, enables more consumer load to be catered at any point of time.

Suppose a 1000 MW Central coal-fired power station has three beneficiaries
(States – A, B and C) with allocated shares of 30, 30 and 40% respectively.
Suppose the station foresees a capability to deliver 900 MW (ex-bus) on the
next day, and advises the same to the RLDC by 9 AM. The RLDC would
break it up, and advise the three SLDCs by 10 AM that their entitlements in
the Central station are 270, 270 and 360 MW respectively, for the next day.
Entitlements in the other Central stations would also be advised by RLDC to
the SLDCs similarly.

Simultaneously, the SLDCs would receive availability status from their intra -
State stations as well. They would then carry out a detailed exercise as to
how best to meet the expected consumer demand in their respective States
over the 24 hours. For this, they would compare the variable costs of various
intra - State power stations inter-se, and with energy charge rates of the
Central stations, and also consider the irrigation release requirements vs.
energy availability of the hydro-electric stations. After this exercise, the
SLDCs will issue the dispatch schedules for the intra - State stations, and
their requisition from the Central stations (restricted to the States’ respective
entitlements). Suppose States – A and B fully requisition their shares from the
Central station under consideration (270 MW each, throughout the 24-hour
period), while State – C requisitions 360 MW during the day time, but only 200
MW during the night hours.

Summation of the three requisitions would thus produce, for the Central
generating station, the total dispatch schedule of 900 MW during the day time
and 740 MW during the night hours, as illustrated in figure - 1. This would be
issued by the RLDC by 5 PM, and would be effective from the following
midnight (unless modified in the intervening hours). States – A, B and C shall
pay capacity charge for the whole day corresponding to plant availability of

270, 270 and 360 MW, and the generating station would get capacity charge
corresponding to 900 MW. Energy charge payments by the three States
would be for 270 x 24 MWh, 270 x 24 MWh, and (200 x 24 + 160 x 16) MWh
of energy respectively, at the specified energy charge rate of the generating

Forecast Ex-Bus Capability







0 6 12 18 24
-- -- -- -- Entitlement
Requisition & Schedule

Figure - 1

As mentioned earlier, the energy charge, at the specified energy charge rate
of a generating station, is payable for the scheduled energy quantum. The
energy actually supplied by the generating station may differ from what
was scheduled. If actual energy supplied were higher than scheduled, the
generating station would be entitled to receive a payment for the excess
energy (the deviation from schedule, technically termed as Unscheduled
Interchange (UI) in Availability Tariff terminology) at a rate dependent on
frequency at that time. If the energy actually supplied is less than what
is scheduled, the generating station shall have to pay back for the energy
shortfall, at the same frequency - linked rate.

The relationship between the above UI rate and grid frequency, for the inter-
State system, is specified by CERC. The present relationship, applicable from
1.10.2004, is shown in figure - 2. When the frequency is 50.5 Hz or higher,
the UI rate is zero, which means that the generating station would not get any
payment for the extra energy supplied. It would burn fuel for producing this
extra energy, but would not get reimbursed for it at all. Conversely, if the
actual energy supplied were less than scheduled energy, the generating
station would still be paid for the scheduled energy (at its energy charge rate)
without having to pay back anything for the energy shortfall. It would thus be
able to save on fuel cost (for the energy not generated) and retain the energy
charge as net saving. There is thus a strong commercial incentive to back
down generation during high frequency situations, and help in containing the
frequency rise.

UI Rate (Paise/kWh)



48.8 49 49.2 49.4 49.6 49.8 50 50.2 50.4 50.6
Frequency (Hz)

Figure – 2

On the other hand, when frequency goes down, the UI rate (for both over-
supply and under-supply) ramps up, reaching a ceiling level of Rs. 5.70 per
kWh at a frequency of 49.0 Hz. At a frequency of 49.5 Hz, the UI rate is Rs.
3.45 per kWh presently. Under this condition, any extra energy sent into the
grid would get the generating station a UI payment at the rate of Rs. 3.45 per
kWh. For any shortfall, the generating station shall have to pay back at the
same rate. It would thus have a strong commercial incentive to maximize its
generation during periods of such low frequency.

A similar scheme operates for the States (beneficiaries) as well. Any State
drawing power in excess of its schedule has to pay for the excess energy at
the same frequency - dependant rate. The high UI rate during low-frequency
conditions would induce all States to reduce their drawal from the grid, by
maximizing their own generation and/or by curtailing their consumer load. If a
State draws less power than scheduled, it pays for scheduled energy
quantum at the normal rate and gets paid back for energy not drawn

at a much higher UI rate. On the other hand, during high-frequency
conditions, a State can draw extra power at a low rate, and is thus
encouraged to back down its own costlier generating stations. An under-
drawal during high-frequency conditions means that the State pays for the
scheduled power quantum unnecessarily. It should either reduce its schedule,
or increase its drawal.

For the above purpose, the energy is metered in 15-minute time blocks, since
frequency keeps changing (and the UI rate with it). The metered energy is
then compared with the scheduled energy for that 15-minute time block, and
the difference (+ or -) becomes the UI energy, as illustrated in figure - 3. The
corresponding UI rate is determined by taking the average frequency for the
same 15-minute time block into account.




0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24

Schedule Actual

Figure - 3

Also, for each Central generating station and State, the actual energy has to
be metered on a net basis, i.e., algebraic sum of energy metered on all its
peripheral interconnection points, for every 15-minute time block. All UI
payments are made into and from a regional UI pool account, operated by the
concerned RLDC.

Let us now return to figure - 1. The two areas marked ‘X’ represent the off-
peak hour capability of the Central generating station, which State - C has not
requisitioned, although within its entitlement. This capability (160 MW) is now
available with the Central station, and it has three options before it, as follows:

i) Back down the station during off-peak hours, i.e., generate power only
according to the schedule given by RLDC by aggregating the
requisition of the three States. In this case, the station gets capacity
charge for the day corresponding to its availability declaration (900
MW), and energy charge to fully recover its fuel cost for generating the
scheduled quantum of energy during the day.

ii) Find a buyer (other than State - C) for the above off-peak surplus, and
generate power adding the MW agreed to be taken by this buyer, to the
aggregate schedule for States - A, B and C. As the station is already
being paid capacity charge for 900 MW, it may not be too particular
about further fixed cost recovery. As long as the energy sale rate
agreed upon is higher than the fuel cost per kWh of the station, it would
be financially beneficial for the station to enter into such a deal. It would
also reduce the technical problems associated with backing down of
the station and improve the station’s efficiency. If time permits, the
Central generating station may look around to find the party, which
would pay the highest rate, and maximize its profit. (There is a
mistaken belief that the generating station has to share the accruing
profit with State - C. There is no such stipulation by CERC. The station
is free to retain the whole profit accruing on this account).

iii) Instead of selling the off-peak surplus power through a bilateral
agreement as described above, the station may accept the schedule
given by the RLDC, but generate power to its full capability of 900 MW
even during off-peak hours. The result would be an over-supply of 160
MW (as a deviation from schedule), for which the station would get
paid from the regional UI pool account at the prevailing UI rate. In
effect, it would be a sale to the regional pool, and would make financial
sense as long as the prevailing UI rate is higher than the fuel cost per
kWh of the station.

There is no restriction of any kind in this respect, and the Central generating
stations are free to exercise any of these options from time to time, or even a
combination. The only precaution the station needs to take, in the second
option, is to ensure that its agreement with the off-peak surplus buyer has a
provision for termination / reduction of supply at a very short notice. This may
be required in case State - C, on the day of operation, suddenly reverts and
asks for scheduling of its full entitlement, and the surplus capacity available
with the Central station for such sale is no longer available. In other words,
the agreement has to be non-firm or interruptible. Consequently, the price of
this supply would be much lower than that for power supplied on a firm basis.

However, the above options for the generating station arise only in case a
State has not requisitioned its full entitlement in the first place. In fact, the
same three options are available to State - C, before they get passed on to
the Central station, and are as follows:

i) Requisition power from the Central station only as per its own
requirement, and draw power as per the resulting schedule.

ii) Requisition full entitlement of 360 MW from the Central station for the
entire 24 - hour period, find a buyer for the off-peak surplus, and
schedule a bilateral sale. This would make sense as long as the sale
rate per kWh is more than the energy charge rate of the Central

iii) Requisition the full entitlement for the entire 24 - hour period, but
draw power only according to its actual requirement (i.e., as per its
requisition in figure - 1). In effect, this would be a pre-planned deviation
from schedule for which State - C would get UI payment. All that State -
C has to watch for and be vigilant about is that the UI rate during the
off-peak hours remains above the energy charge rate of the Central
station. In case the frequency rises and UI rate falls below the energy
charge rate of the concerned Central station, State - C should reduce
its requisition and thereby stop under-drawing.

Availability of various and similar options, both for the beneficiaries and for the
generating companies, means that the mechanism is sound and equitable.

UI rate is tightly linked to grid frequency. As the frequency is same all over an
A.C. system, and can be readily seen through a simple frequency meter, it is
easily possible to know the prevailing UI rate anywhere in the system, without
the help of any communication system. With this on-line knowledge of the
current UI rate, a State would know what it would have to pay for an extra MW
that it may draw from the regional grid. It can readily compare this with the
fuel cost it would save if generation were reduced by one MW at its own
station, having the highest variable cost. If the UI rate is lower than the latter,
it would be beneficial for the State to reduce its own generation and draw the
replacement energy from the regional grid, till it has backed down all
generation having a variable cost higher than the current UI rate. In the
process, the State’s marginal generation cost would move down, towards the
prevailing UI rate.

Meanwhile, other States too would take a similar action in the same time
frame, and total generation in the system would come down, resulting in a
downward movement of frequency, and an upward movement of UI rate, till
the attainment of a state of equilibrium wherein the marginal generation cost
of every State would equal the UI rate.

On the other hand, if a State finds the UI rate to be higher than the variable
cost of any of its partly loaded generating units at any time, it would be
financially beneficial for the State to maximize the output of all such
generating units and thereby reduce its drawal from the regional grid. The
State would have an under-drawal, for which it would get paid a UI rate higher
than its marginal generation cost.

With similar action being taken by other States as well, the frequency would
tend to rise, and UI rate would decline correspondingly, till equilibrium is
reached wherein the marginal generation cost of every State would equal the

UI rate. In other words, there would be perpetual movement of UI rate and the
system marginal cost towards each other, leading to ultimate optimization in
generation, on a region - wide basis.

There would be another fallout of the above. Depending on its variable cost,
each generating unit would have a threshold frequency, i.e., the frequency at
which the UI rate equals the variable cost of the generating unit. The output of
the generating unit should be maximized as long as the grid frequency is
below the threshold frequency, irrespective of the schedule given out by the
RLDC / SLDC for the unit. And the unit should be backed down when grid
frequency climbs up and exceeds the above threshold frequency, as shown in
figure - 4. For a pit-head generating station having an ex - power plant
variable cost of 90 paise/kWh, the threshold frequency, with the present UI
rate – frequency relationship, shall be 50.2 Hz. For a load-centre thermal plant
with a variable cost (ex - power plant) of 180 paise/kWh, the threshold
frequency would be 49.9 Hz, as illustrated, and so on.


600 80%

LC PH 60%
U.I. RATE (paise/kWh)


Unit Load

400 40%


200 0%


0 -40%
48.9 49.1 49.3 49.5 49.7 49.9 50.1 50.3 50.5

Figure - 4

As a consequence of this, the grid frequency would modulate over the 24-
hour period. It would be 50.0 Hz when the system load can be met by the
available generating units having a variable cost of up to 150 paise/kWh
(generally the case in late night hours). It would be only 49.5 Hz when all
generating units of variable cost up to about 350 paise/kWh have to be
harnessed for meeting the system demand (during peak-load hours). In due
course, a frequency pattern would emerge depending on the daily profile of
total system load, and the generation mix. The corresponding UI rate profile
shall reflect the daily pattern of system marginal cost. Typical patterns that
may emerge (after effective implementation of free - governor mode of
operation) are shown in figure - 5.

50.5 600
Frequency System Marginal Price

System Marginal Price (Paise/kWh)

50.0 450

49.5 300

49.0 150

48.5 0
0 6 12 18 24

Figure – 5

As far as the hydro-electric units are concerned, their actual variable cost is
zero, but their generation may be restricted depending on availability of water.
As such, each hydro station would have an energy value in terms of the cost
of energy (from other sources) it can replace. Hydro stations with a storage
capacity should be run only during the peak-load hours, when their output can
replace or supplement the costlier energy. Again, depending on the frequency
pattern and availability of water, each hydro station can be assigned a

threshold frequency. While the depleted hydro plants may have a threshold
frequency in 49.0 – 49.2 Hz range, the over-flowing hydro stations may be
assigned a threshold frequency of 50.5 Hz.

This would lead to a frequency - based dispatch of generating stations

(typically as shown in figure - 6), which can be given out by the SLDCs as the
dispatch guideline or instructions for their generating stations. The underlying
approach is that the frequency would be allowed to float, and there would be
no attempt to operate the grid at a frequency very close to 50.0 Hz. Also,
while the schedules would serve as the commercial datum, the entities would
be free to deviate from the schedules, to achieve real region - wide merit -
order in generation, in an autonomous, decentralized and very cost - effective
manner, without depending on any communication and EMS / SCADA

Figure - 6

A simple trading opportunity has been described in chapter - D, for the
purpose of explaining the working of the available mechanism. A surplus
availability of Central station entitlement for State - C has been assumed
therein. Most of the large Central stations are, however, pit-head or nuclear
plants, with comparatively low variable costs / energy charge rates. The
instances of such low variable cost power being determined as surplus would
occur only when the off-peak hour consumer demand in the State can be and
is met from other sources having a comparable or still lower variable cost.
State - C would generally have its own load-centre plants, with a variable cost
higher than that of the Central station under consideration. These load-centre
plants would naturally be scheduled to back down during off-peak hours,
before the possibility or requirement of backing down the Central station

In other words, the more common situation would be that the States’ own
generating stations are backed down during off-peak hours. It would therefore
be the energy from off-peak surplus of such stations that would be more
commonly available daily for being offered to another State, either for catering
to consumer demand which the latter cannot meet on its own, or to replace
costlier energy. The State - C (which has such off-peak surplus) should first
try to find out if there are any buyers available for its own surplus generation.
Obviously, such buyers would have to pay a price higher than the variable
cost of load-centre stations concerned. If nobody is ready to pay such a price
for this off-peak energy, the concerned load-centre stations will have to be
backed down. If State - C has a surplus even after the permissible backing
down / shutting down of all such stations, the circumstances described in
chapter - D would arise, and options as explained therein shall have to be

The price at which State - C considers selling its own surplus generation
would have no relationship with the rate(s) at which State - C gets its
entitlement from Central generating stations. Instead, it will have to be higher
than the variable cost of State - C’s own stations, which would have to be
backed down if this power is not purchased by another State. The price that
the latter may agree to pay shall however depend on (i) the price at which off-
peak power may be available to the needy State on comparable terms from
some other source, (ii) the likely UI rate during those hours, and (iii) the
criticality of the need for additional power, and (iv) the price the needy State is
ready to pay. Obviously, these aspects cannot be covered in a formula, and
the price will have to be negotiated between State - C and the purchaser(s).

Now, suppose a situation arises wherein State - C does not require energy
from a certain station of its own, having a variable cost of say 200 paise/kWh,
during certain off-peak hours, and no other State is willing to enter into a
bilateral contract for taking this energy on a scheduled (committed) basis at
200 paise plus. In such a situation, the State load dispatch centre (SLDC)
shall have to schedule this station to back down during such off-peak hours.
However, if the actual frequency during those hours on a particular day is
below 49.8 Hz, this station should not back down. The resulting surplus
energy should go into the regional grid as State’s UI. The State would get paid
for it at the prevailing UI rate, and the amount should be suitably passed on to
the concerned generating station. This would happen automatically when
Availability Tariff is implemented for the intra - State stations as well.

In the day-to-day operation under Availability Tariff framework, a Central
generating station has to declare by 9 AM every morning its foreseen MW
output capability for the next day. This must be done judiciously and faithfully.
Unless it is planned to bring in or take out a generating unit or a major plant
auxiliary, a thermal station should have only one figure of MW availability for
the whole of the next day, i.e., for 24 hours midnight to midnight.

The above availability forecast should be the best assessment by the plant
operators of the average MW output capability. Based on the operational
feedback during the day, the availability forecast can be trimmed by 10 PM.
No margins / cushions need be kept. As long as the actual average availability
during a day is close to the declared availability for that day, there would be
no commercial implications. In case the foreseen plant availability changes
due to a unit / equipment outage during the day, the same should also be
advised by the Central generating station to the RLDC, latest by 10 PM.

In case a unit or auxiliary is required to be taken out of service during the next
day, it would be expected that it is planned to be done after the morning /
evening peak. Similarly, if a unit or auxiliary is to be brought back in operation,
it should be so planned that plant availability increases before the onset of
morning / evening peak. It is expected that these plant availability changes
are declared faithfully, and plant operation is attempted accordingly. There
could however be problems during a unit restart, resulting in deviations from
schedule. As long as these are not deliberate, such deviations should only be
accounted as UI, and should not be viewed as “gaming”.

By 5 PM of the scheduling day, the dispatch schedule for Central stations (for
the next day) would be available from the concerned RLDC. Normally, all
beneficiaries would requisition their respective entitlements fully for all 24

hours, and the Central stations (other than liquid fired) would not have any
residual capability available for trading. However, in case a beneficiary
requisitions less than its full entitlement, the Central station may at its sole
option, trade the resulting residual capacity, as described in chapter - D. If it is
done on a bilateral basis (as per second alternative), it has to be included in
the final schedule for the next day, for which the RLDC has to be advised by
the Central station by 10 PM.

During the day of operation, the Central generating station would be expected
to operate in a safe and efficient manner, keeping in view its dispatch
schedule and grid conditions. As long as the grid frequency is below a
generating unit’s threshold frequency (described in chapter - E and illustrated
in figure - 4), the unit should deliver its full continuous output capability. When
the grid frequency rises above the unit’s threshold frequency and is likely to
remain high, the unit should be backed down in a graded manner, irrespective
of its dispatch schedule.

Please note that the “unit load” shown in figure - 4 is the load to which a
generating unit is to be brought back after primary response to frequency
fluctuation in the grid. All generating units have to be on free - governor mode
of operation (FGMO), and have to participate in primary frequency control. For
example, if frequency rises by 0.1 Hz, the unit load should automatically and
immediately come down by 4 - 5%. Over the next 4 -5 minutes, the unit load
should gradually be brought back to the previous level by supplementary
control, as long as grid frequency remains below the unit’s threshold
frequency. When grid frequency goes above the threshold frequency, the unit
load should be reduced to the level as plotted in figure - 4. The desired FGMO
and supplementary control are illustrated in figure - 7. The recommended rate
of supplementary control is one percent per minute, e.g. 2 MW per minute for
a 200 MW unit.

100 H

75 D



49.5 49.6 49.7 49.8 49.9 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 50.4 50.5

Figure -7

In the event of unforeseen tripping of a generating unit or of a major auxiliary

(forced outage), which brings down the availability of the station suddenly, the
operator should quickly assess the possibility of bringing back the unit /
auxiliary and resuming generation as per the given schedule. In case this is
possible within an hour or two, the operator should inform the RLDC that the
station’s availability declaration (for commercial purpose) and schedule should
not be revised. On the other hand, in case the station availability is foreseen
to remain curtailed for a longer duration, the RLDC should be formally
informed about the change in station availability, along with the curtailment
duration, to the extent determined. The RLDC would give effect to the
availability change, and corresponding revision of schedules, after one hour.
During the intervening period, the deviation from schedule would be recorded
as UI, and the station would have to pay back for the shortfall at the prevailing
UI rate, while getting paid the capacity charge and energy charge respectively

as per pre-revised availability declaration and dispatch schedule. This is
illustrated in figure - 8. The plant operator should therefore not delay his
availability change advice to RLDC.









0 6 12 18 24

Figure - 8

It would be noted from the foregoing that the Central generating stations, at
their discretion, can deviate from the schedule given out by RLDC, and take
advantage of the UI mechanism. The schedule too is based on availability
declaration by the station. The stations thus have the desired autonomy. The
only mandatory requirement is that of operating within the overall framework
of Availability Tariff and Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC). FGMO is
mandatory for all generating units connected to grid. Another requirement
under IEGC is that reactive power (MVAR) generation at the Central stations

shall be as per instructions of the concerned RLDC, but within the generating
units’ reactive capability.

On a long-term basis, the Central generating companies are expected to

operate and maintain their stations diligently, and ensure high plant availability
in a sustained manner. They should also coordinate sincerely with the
concerned Regional Power Committee (RPC) and RLDC in respect of
scheduling of planned unit outages.

One of the primary objectives of Availability Tariff is to encourage

maximisation of generation, particularly during periods of power shortage. It is
evident that the country would continue to suffer from daily peak-hour
shortage for many years to come. No body need grudge the Central
generating companies earning extra money through achievement of a plant
availability level higher than the norms; it only enables more consumer
demand to be met, and load-shedding to be correspondingly reduced. The
only thing to be guarded against is that the plant availability is not deliberately
under-declared, with the objective of earning high amounts as UI. Once the
plant availability, i.e. the MW output capability, has been declared judiciously
and faithfully, the generating station should be freely allowed to deviate from
the given schedule without any restrictions, as long as there is no
transmission constraint. Any deviation which gives extra income to a
generating station through the UI mechanism also ensures extra power for
consumers and/or enhanced optimisation / conservation of resources, and is
therefore acceptable.

The SLDCs shall have to carry out their functions in compliance with
provisions in the respective State Electricity Grid Code. This chapter is
intended only for general guidance of SLDCs from the perspective of
Availability Tariff for Central stations and Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC).

The daily scheduling process for Central stations has been described in
chapter - B. How the States can take advantage of the commercial
mechanism now available, to trade surplus generation in off-peak hours is
described in chapters - D and F. These mainly deal with actions on the
previous day, up to issuance of final schedules by RLDC. As a general rule,
the SLDCs should requisition their entire entitlement in the available Central
generating station capacity (other than liquid fired) for the whole day, unless
their consumer load profile and intra-State generation mix is such that the
total State load during certain hours of the day is expected to be less than the
Central entitlement plus intra-State generation of a variable cost lower than
the highest energy charge rate of Central generation. In such a case, the
requisition from Central stations having high energy charge rates could be
suitably curtailed during the concerned hours, provided the frequency is
expected to rise during those hours to a level that causes the UI rate to fall
below the energy charge rate of the concerned station. In case frequency is
not expected to rise to such a level during those hours, Central station
requisition should not be curtailed, and the surplus should be traded bilaterally
or as UI, as explained in chapter - D.

On the day of operation, the SLDCs have to primarily monitor the intra-State
system. They have to keep a general watch on the actual net drawal of the
State from the regional grid vis-à-vis the State’s net drawal schedule, but it is
not necessary to endeavor to equalize the two. In fact, in the system in place,
it is beneficial as well as desirable to deviate from the net drawal schedule
depending on the circumstances. For example, an overdrawal may result from

increase in consumer load or reduction of intra - State generation. If there is
no transmission constraint and grid frequency is good, it causes no problem
for the larger grid, and the extra energy comes to the State at a low UI rate.
There can be no objection to extra consumer demand being met through such
over-drawal. There can also be no objection to the over-drawn energy
replacing the intra - State generation of a higher variable cost. The SLDC
should in fact try to increase its overdrawal further, as long as frequency is
good, by (i) reducing own generation which has a variable cost higher than
prevailing UI rate, and (ii) restoring consumer load that had been shed.

Even if a State overdraws in a low-frequency situation, it would mean meeting

consumer demand which would not have been met otherwise, and is
beneficial from this angle. However, it has following adverse implications:

i) The regional grid may be endangered if frequency falls below 49.0 Hz,
or if some transmission element gets excessively overloaded. RLDC
may then ask the SLDC to curtail its overdrawal, and SLDC must take
necessary action immediately.

ii) Another State (which is under-drawing) may be perceived to be getting

deprived of its rightful share. However, this would be the case only if
that State has resorted to load shedding, AND frequency is below 49.0
Hz. If a State carries out load shedding and thereby causes
inconvenience to its consumers while frequency is above 49.0 Hz, it
would be doing so either because of a misconception or for commercial
reasons, i.e., to get UI payment, and therefore would not have a valid
ground for feeling aggrieved.

iii) The over-drawing State shall have to pay UI charges at a high rate.
The SLDC would have to be sure that it is in the State’s overall interest.

The SLDC should therefore take the following corrective action in the event of
overdrawal during low frequency situation:

i) Increase Central station requisition to full entitlement (in case not fully
requisitioned earlier).

ii) Maximize generation at intra - State stations having variable costs

lower than prevailing UI rate. (This can be in the form of standing
instructions, i.e., frequency - linked dispatch guidelines).

iii) Harness captive and co-generation, to the extent available at a price

lower than the prevailing UI rate.

iv) Explore the possibility of purchasing power through a bilateral


v) Curtail consumer load.

A situation of under-drawal can arise in case consumer load in the State

comes down in an unpredictable manner. If this happens at a time of general
shortage in the regional grid (wherein frequency would be low), the under-
drawal is beneficial for all, and SLDC should let it continue. For enhanced
optimization, the SLDC may even resort to:

i) maximizing generation at all intra-State stations whose variable cost is

below the prevailing UI rate.

ii) increasing Central station requisition to full entitlement (in case not fully
requisitioned earlier).

iii) harnessing captive and co-generation, to the extent available at a price

lower than the prevailing UI rate.

iv) curtailing consumer load, by shedding low - priority consumers

(provided UI earning for the utility justifies such load shedding). This is
totally optional, and helps the regional grid. Overall interest of

consumers in the State is however to be safeguarded by the concerned
State Electricity Regulatory Commission (by specifying limits for such
load shedding).

In case under-drawal takes place when grid frequency is good, the SLDC
should take action to reduce the under-drawal, through one or more of the
following measures:

i) Restore consumer load which may have been shed.

ii) Back down intra-State generation having variable costs higher than
prevailing UI rate, preferably through standing frequency - linked
dispatch guidelines.

iii) Reduce drawal schedules for Central generating stations whose

energy charge rate is higher than the prevailing UI rate, and/or arrange
a bilateral sale.

It would be seen from the above that the action to be taken by the SLDC
depends on the grid frequency, rather than on whether the State is in under-
drawal or over-drawal mode. The need for action on the above lines would
generally arise when there is a change in system status, e.g., tripping of an
intra-State generating unit, a load crash within the State, or a frequency
change due to load-generation imbalance elsewhere. Hence, the SLDC
operators need to be perpetually vigilant to promptly initiate the desired
action, for grid security as well as commercial optimization.

Although Availability Tariff has so far been implemented only for Central
generating stations, and is perceived to be operating at regional (inter-State)
level, it has an immediate, though indirect, impact on intra-State operation, as
explained below. In the mechanism now in place, each State has a specified
allocation in the identified Central stations, in terms of a percentage share in
the generating capacity. This determines the MW entitlement of each State
day-by-day, depending on ex-power plant capability declared for the day by
the respective generating stations on the previous day, as described in
chapter - B. Since the above entitlement can meet only a part (around 30%) of
the total consumer demand in a State, it is necessary for each State to
optimally deploy the other (intra-State) resources, particularly because the
total demand far exceeds the total power availability presently.

In an interconnected power system, the net drawal of a State is always equal

to the total consumer load within the State minus the total of intra-State
generation. In case the actual net drawal exceeds the net drawal schedule
(based on State’s entitlement in Central stations and its requisition), the State
has to pay UI charges. This liability can be reduced by restricting the
overdrawal, particularly when frequency is below normal. This in turn requires
(if load shedding has to be restricted) maximization of output from all intra-
State stations, which means that there is a pressure on each State as well for
perpetually enhancing the availability of all intra-State stations. It is another
matter that in the absence of Availability Tariff for intra-State stations, these
stations have no direct incentive acting on them for maximizing their

On the other hand, during off-peak hours, when total consumer load can be
met from only a part of the generating capacity available, the stations of
higher variable cost should be backed down. The intra-State stations are

mostly located at load-centres and have a higher variable cost as compared
to Central stations, which are mostly pit-head. In the earlier regime (pre-ABT),
in case an SEB reduced its drawal from Central stations, its payment liability
came down at the composite rate (fixed + variable cost) of those stations. The
SEBs, therefore, made an uneven comparison: variable cost of their own
stations versus composite cost of Central stations, and did not back down
their own stations if former was lower, even if it was higher than the variable
cost of Central stations. In effect, the merit order was being distorted and
generation was not being optimized. The position has now radically changed.
The SEBs compare only the variable costs, and ask intra-State stations to
back down during off-peak hours. These stations, however, are reluctant to
back down (due to continuation of single-part tariff for them, which
discourages such backing down) and SLDCs face problems. The remedy lies
in implementation of Availability Tariff for all intra-State stations as well, and
only then would the States be able to achieve maximum optimization in their
own operation.

Further, extension of the UI mechanism to the intra-State stations would get

them to respond to grid conditions on their own in the most desirable way.
The States would be directly benefiting: higher power availability during peak-
load hours, reduced load shedding, and a possibility of earning UI.

All hydro-electric stations, to the extent possible with storage / pondage

volume available, should be scheduled to generate during hours of peak
system demand and to shut off / back down during off-peak hours. During
actual operation, they should back down any time the grid frequency tends to
rise and remain above a threshold even if it means deviating from the
schedule advised by SLDC. Similarly, when frequency tends to be below the
threshold, the generation should be increased (even if not scheduled during
those hours of the day). Further, bringing in of hydro generation should be
held up/deferred if frequency is rising, and backing down should be held up
deferred if frequency is falling.

Pumped-storage plants should be operated with grid frequency as the primary
signal. They should be pumping during those hours of the day when
frequency is at the highest level, even if it causes the State to over-draw from
the regional grid. They should be generating as per capability during the hours
when the frequency is at the lowest level. Such optimal operation, however,
requires the grid frequency to have a daily pattern, which should emerge
when a majority of the generating units are brought on effective free governor
mode of operation.

The demand - supply gap in the country can be bridged substantially by

harnessing the existing captive and co-generation into the grid. This can be
done fairly quickly by stipulating that any injection from such plants into the
grid (to the extent not covered under a contract with the SEB / local utility)
would be paid for as per the frequency-linked UI rate. The logic for this is
simple: such injection, with other things within the State remaining
unchanged, would either reduce the State’s over-drawal from the regional grid
or increase its under-drawal, MW for MW. For each unit injected by
captive/co-generation, the State would financially gain with respect to regional
grid at the prevailing UI rate. This can be passed on to the supplier of that

UI is a very versatile mechanism. It can even be applied for non-conventional

generation (solar, bio-mass, wind, mini-hydel) to gainfully harness the
capacity, which may not come into the grid otherwise.

Availability Tariff is primarily meant for long-term supply from generating
stations on a contractual basis and is not directly applicable for transactions
under “open access” and “wheeling” provisions in the Electricity Act, 2003.
However, its third component (UI) has a great relevance. “Open access” and
“wheeling” generally involve two parties, one supplying a certain quantum of
power to the other through the regional / State grid. Any such transaction
involves a number of parties, and disputes could arise in scheduling, energy
accounting and commercial settlement, unless an appropriate framework is in

Suppose party - A has contracted to supply 10 MW round the clock to party -

B (in the same State) at a certain price (which need not be disclosed to
others), through the State grid. Suppose the transmission loss apportioned to
this transaction has been determined as 0.5 MW. Party - B would then be
entitled to receive 9.5 MW, provided party - A is actually injecting 10.0 MW
into the State grid at its end. In actual operation, both injection by A and
drawal by B may fluctuate over the day and the differential may vary from 0.5
MW. Who would pick up the commercial liability arising on account of these
deviations? Since A and B are physically apart and operationally independent,
a pragmatic solution for commercial treatment in such a case would be to
meter the actual injection of A and actual drawal of B in 15-minute time
blocks, and separately compute their deviations from their respective
schedules (10.0 MW / 2.5 MWh for A and 9.5 MW / 2.375 MWh for B). The
frequency-dependent UI rate can then be applied for the deviations, A getting
paid from (paying into) the State UI pool account for over (under) - injection,
and B getting paid from (paying into) the State UI pool account for under
(over) - drawal. The above would supplement the contractual payment by
party - B to party - A for 10.0 MW of power supply, and applicable wheeling
charges to the State grid owner, to complete the settlement. Installation of this
mechanism is absolutely a must for dispute - free and judicious

operationalisation of “open access” and “wheeling” provisions. Besides, UI
has another application.

It would have been realized from chapter - D that UI provides an alternative to

bilateral trading of power. An entity with a surplus can sell it either by entering
into a contract with another entity, or can supply (sell) it to the pool (the
regional grid) as UI. Similarly, an entity with a deficit, or an entity wishing to
replace its own costly generation with cheaper energy, can buy its
requirement either by entering into a contract with another entity, or simply
draw (buy) it from the pool (the regional grid) as UI.

A contracted sale or purchase necessarily involves (i) identifying a

counterpart, (ii) agreeing on power quantum, duration, price and other terms &
conditions, (iii) ascertaining the adequacy of transmission system, (iv)
payment of applicable transmission / wheeling charges and absorption of
wheeling losses, (v) day-ahead scheduling through SLDC / RLDC concerned,
(vii) payment security for transaction, etc. An agreement also means a
commitment by both the parties, to sell / buy as per agreed terms. In case the
seller fails to schedule the supply of the agreed quantum of power (due to a
short-fall in its own power availability, etc), or the buyer fails to schedule the
drawal of the agreed quantum of power (due to fall in its requirement, etc), it
would mean a contractual default. The agreement between the two parties
must specify how such defaults are to be handled. Another issue would be as
to how a party (in case it is a regulated utility) selected its counterpart and
agreed on the price, and whether these have been done judiciously. Required
checks and balances may even delay the finalization of agreement, and
trading opportunities may be missed.

All of the above-listed complications get avoided if one goes through the UI
route, but it has the following implications: (i) there is no certainty about price
(ii) RLDC/SLDC may ask the supply/drawal to be curtailed in case of a
transmission constraint. The major advantage, however, is the flexibility: there
is no commitment about the quantum. Also, no question can be raised on the
price from audit angle, since it is the prevailing pool price or system marginal

cost. The point being made here is that UI route provides an alternative to
“open access” and ‘wheeling”, and can be taken when one prefers flexibility
over certainty. Even the “energy banking” arrangements hitherto operated can
all be beneficially replaced by the UI mechanism.


CDs prepared and distributed by:

Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd


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