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Physics Project

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Rahul Bhat Yogesh

12A Roll no.34

The aim of the project is to demonstrate the underlying principles

of electrical conduction under the influence of light.

The objective is to study the effects of intensity of light and

varying distance of source on LDR

An LDR or light dependent resistor is also known as photo

resistor, photocell, photoconductor. It is a one type of resistor
whose resistance varies depending on the amount of light falling
on its surface. When the light falls on the resistor, then the
resistance changes. These resistors are often used in many
circuits where it is required to sense the presence of light. These
resistors have a variety of functions and resistance.

These resistors use pure semiconductors like silicon or

germanium. When the light falls on the LDR, then the electrons
get excited by the incident photons and move from the valence
band to the conduction band and therefore the number of charge
carriers increases. In other
words, the conductivity goes up.

The most frequent classification of LDR is linear and nonlinear.

● Linear LDR: These types of LDRs are called photodiodes

but it is used as photoresistors in some applications due to
the linear performance during operation.
● Nonlinear LDR: the nonlinear LDRs are mostly used but
their behavior does not depend on the polarity through
which it unites.

They work on the principle of photoconductivity, which is

nothing but an optical phenomenon. That is, when the light is
absorbed by the material then the conductivity of the material

When the light falls on the LDR, then the electrons in the valence
band of the material are severe to the conduction band. However,
the photons in the incident light mush have superior energy to
the bandgap of the material to make the electrons jump from one
band to another band (valence to conduction).

When light having is ample energy, more electrons are excited to

the conduction band which grades in a large number of charge
carriers. If the effect of this process and the flow of the current
starts flowing more, the resistance of the device decreases.
1. Light source
2. LDR
3. Digital Multimeter
4. Meter scale
5. Filament lamp.

1. Fix the light source on the stand

2. Connect the LDR to the multimeter

3. Place the set up of LDR on a meter scale

4. Take 5 readings for different distances

5. Note down the observations and plot the graph for resistance
vs 1/d^2

There are some applications of LDR which are given below.

● The LDR is used in the infrared astronomy.

● The LDR is used in light failure alarm circuits and used in
light meter.
● The LDR used in smoke detectors.
● It is used for automatic contrast and brightness control in
television receivers.
● It is used in photosensitive relay
● It is used in optical coding.
● It is used in street light control circuits.
● It is used in camera light meters.
● It is used in the security alarm.
● It is used as a proximity switch.
● It is used in light activated control circuits.
1. The intensity of light is inversely proportional to the square
of distance
2. As the intensity of light decreases, the resistance of LDR

1. The light from outside should not fall on ldr

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